The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 14, 1909, Image 7

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Get Rid of Spring Humors
Imjmru or olTcto matters accumulated In tlio blood during tlio winter
eniuo in tlio spring hiicIi dl.llgiirlng mid painful trouble nil bolls, pimples,
mid otlior oruptluiiR, nlso weakness, loin of nppctttc, pint tired feeling.
Tlio bent inoilldno to tnko 1 Hood's Harnnimrllln, which thoroughly
(clonuses tlio blood, mid r (Tec In jioniinnotit cure by kIvIdk "licnlthy ftuic
tluiinl iictlvlty to tlio stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels mUl skin.
Hood's flarsaparllla c (Tec In tin wondorful euro, not simply because it
contains snrsnpnrllln, but bccnimu It combine tlio utmost romcdlnl values
f mora tlmn 150 iliffori'iit Ingredients, rnrli grimily strengthened mid en
lirliod by this pc'oulliir combination. Tlitvo liigiodlunts nro tlio very rem
edlcs Hint successful plijslclitnii proscribn for tlio hiiiiiu dlneimo find nil
inonU. 'J'lmro In no nml luilnliliito for Hood's HnrsiipnrJIIn. If urged to
buy nny prepnrntluti until to bo "just nn good," you mny bo sure it Is In
forior, rot limit to mnko, mid yields tlio donlcr n Inrger profit.
lleglti taking Hood's Knrwipnrllln ludny, in tlio usual liquid form or in
tbo chocolated tablets known nn rkrsnlnbs. 100 Dimes Uuo Dollar.
NnllilnaT Uiirrrlnlii AI11111I Jnt'li.
Nan-Well, Itirre'n one thing shout
ark, anyhow. I to apeak rlsht nut whit
lis think. You alway know where to
nml hi ui.
I l.-.,'lliMt'a kj f tinr1 liMa fln.l
him btr when I rnro.
.Thl U I.AXATIVI: lUlOMO qillNIMIl lk
tor Ih. lHlnt ot II W IIIIOVK. Ul Ihe
uflurr liiCut CUI In On IU, ttc.
Wlirrw Hip 'Irnulilx Wn,
rtlit rlmii wliv ilim'l vim make II n tftlir
wind to nwrry nml iwitl down!"
'You r iiiniiL II Inkm two iiilliil In ill
illnl. nml I haven't iiulir ( I'rnUV
mind mode up yet." Clilimco Tribune.
rtTt" m. viiu im utim iniw
I II.) tie m4 l.r lir. I ilM'a llmt tier !
xrr mjimriiuiH mi irwi.
Vl. 1U 11. HUM. 1J i VI Anh Hi-. I kllMlfkl r.
Anntetir PramatM Well, you've aeen
ijr play. 'IV 1 1 in what )oii think at It.
Dramatic t:rlll I will. I'll give juu
torn etrntfht llk.
Amateur DraHMllit Hlnlcht talkT
flreat Hcoltt Ar you going to draw
lb deadly parallel on mT
f.. i m mt m Aa.1.1 mht , m ... I mill Mil !. .k
fl(t, inlni, Imilw, ctr., iitilhlnit Mill
Ilxxiillokljr lahpnMrmr nil atu mid gtna
i iiBiiiuiia it Kuril jiu
l.liHtlnl Aml.llliiM.
Niru Hjr, Ilorut, If ou eipxt
Iu autlior to I ont uf tli fiirfHxwt
Mortis I ilon I I u x; Mtltflnl to b
Itnfrrljr on o( tli l t"t.
JlkSI ItKillT
rmiuND. it j
1 v nVV
vffxi )
, flrecutonlanjff
patterns, designed
xv rntt nut u .i.
WiVMm I i
!- tMK-alt.
.Vo llHla
m.MIm I'lniiiilr war Ir ll on
"No, lnilftl, lr ynu ln known tn
tli iiHinllii, nml jrou'vt imrr eut wo
plctura potimrit.''
Ona uii Duel lllrnm.
City Nli Woll, llnulo lllrnm. how
illil you injn tlio ti-a wild tlio ilkt-s of
lemon In It T
I'lirln lllrnm Ten? 0li. Bull I
lliotiEtit Hint wnt puru otitaixlout clr
nn louiouailn.
In Drnrrli nf liifnnnnllon,
IVtn ile I'lrliKxift Wot j lookln' at
llmt xi(r fur 7
Wntljr il Wlndfr Hiiilir I wmit to
flixl out whiilW lli'tn ill'nionilt I lltlts)
out )' llmt i.alf iIim front )' nlflit li
wuth $3 or riM. Cliloico Tribune.
Do You Hear Well ?
Th M "li t It clr option A New, StUnllflc
ntl rrotkl oi(lon for 1tto rtho
Am Dmf or I'ortUtly (( Ky
Now ll Iff ftlvilln Your 0n Homo
1! r rtrtilly Aw i-oi1 mar o oiak o
nvttlU Irul vl im Hivli JHrviiMi t hvm
lbtlHU MU1I 11
Ik nm wnrMfir
Hum uo ftntl
VLIUI rvndi
immmtf ubtl
Uullf fltttotj n
fiiwntlr liarwlul
burn. ihUm, r
tirunt. rrt, i
! Ilaf rltrta Ul
thott lit Ai im
llivor n tfhlrki,
th luo, it l (m
tlll. nfttnln lha
(uoil wiinIi turk
Mttitrmmkmmt ttl mvli
owV t&ao 4
Of llll KNOdt.
" rrfMlA lb- fl
ll Biih'AmM lb trtifllflri
torln Mr not", on I alo rwtttll
lo.Ujr ifvl-wthilut ru of lb ur
ihtM. fun, Ik luWittJ. uuU4 bMrUn nU
I'romlnfnl Huln Mn' Opinion.
HTOIX JCUVlll(ll')lllNICli 5m-Ui
IIm.) lo Mr thot Inf HwHruilinii U irr l
nrf n.uflJIjNi miU (J VuKmulf f.V. TO ANY I
MAVr. JHir.P, n4 I ! It 1 !
Ihfiu. 1 pu I4iiuiuinti4 It o )t Mri
Ir Mkllnl
Ihfiu. lrutoiuUittt41t n.UM;rm liOlito
loftwlUf FiMrliitf it W IOV hn.M)Urv
Mir, UicbUaH A oii.l Ithtr HI Cbltf.
WiIIm nr full l nuf f'hlAAxn nlfti for tartlau
Urvof our "fot t Jiotno !! utfr ;1 lli'l
inN'rt wno mil Rinnir intui(ir
a a.
i mmliknl ilorMir wlm lll
I hrtleiutrorJjll tntllo4 lo luttUtto.
irM or rail iou if you eii).
ivi i.u-inuiiiunii VW-. laiw 9WWIII iMi ihmi
llrtnoh OntrMl l'l,llt.lil. IMoololull Ib.II.b.
I si-ollf, riiuliuK, xu Aimvln, Hmill. !
lltilbM. UiUilltii,()l0tiiUlil 'loronln.
ruitlau umrc Una riml HI., 1-ou.lim, Mi,
Hud Cm.
'"I nTr w liokl In rnr II f'.'
Mid Mr. MiMllnt. "l'rsrl'jr Winter
ir-u I trr Intf to frt a illvorrr front lin
hintund, Hhr h til found ou
llil tlir mailr a mUIk wlirn lbr wtn
murrlnl; bo Ult't bfr real Indnlllrr."
Tti octopua' iwtlt clainorrd for pulp
()fr lb rounlr b liumtll trolr.
Up awallownl a furrt or two at a ftilp
And plrknl III tctb wlb tb fork)
of tb mad.
Cblraio Trilling
Tlavra Arc Klrrpllowa,
Horn nrr tblnt, you'll not.
Can ntr U don by ml.
You ran't learn how to milk a coat
At a correntrnr ehool.
I.salnaj Nn 0tinrliinltr,
"Now that wt'rt lo tx undtr civil let
Tlce," Mid Iho croaarond pottllMater,
'and I may bar to lake an examination
tome day, I'd better b plrklnc up all
lb Information I ran."
Tbereufinn be proceeded to read all th
potlal earda. Cblcato Tribune.
Pelllfi Eyo Salvo for 26c
rullcvcn tlrtil or ovcrworcctl eyen.
atoia cyo ncliw. conncatod, Inflamed
or aom yra. All dnii;i;iU or Howard
Ilroa., IlutTnlo, N. Y.
lloielea 'r.
"Why, fcirhley, I am aatonlnhed to aer
you out I Tb last thing I beard about
you waa that the doctor bad clrrn you
"Well, he baa. lie er told me the
other day h bail charged up rny account
to front and lo,"
Moltiera will fln.l lira. Wlmlnw'a nonlhlna
riui lb txat remnlr ItitiMlbi llilrdU4rj
nuiing in it mmf ponuu,
III C'UIni In llUtluetlott.
Tb rlatng alaleaman on bla wedding
tour waa rtrlaltlu: tb cciiea of bla
childhood, '
"Thla, my dear b aald to bla brble.
"la tb old bonieatVad wber 1 waa born
Do J on e that ancient log cabin)"
"You bar no Idea what atrange emo
tion fill me whfii I look at that Hub
cabin, Mynllla. I I w ain't born In It.
you know,"
PA7.0 UINTMI1NT la niirnl.l to rur anr
taw of lUhlnir. HHml, lllonllnar ot I'ralrulln
llle In ( la II day or inonay rWumlnl. (Oe.
lla Uaunt llcolirre,
Tb Muntoburna, who hail been Invited
to tho faahlouabl wedding, wcr lat In
"I am torry," said th uiher at the
door, "but every seat In tb church La
"That mean, of court," Irritably an
wered Mr. Muntoburn, "that "I've got
to liuitle out and buy flv ticket from
iom acalper I" Chicago Tribune,
Tor Infant and Children,
The Kind You llavo Always Bought
lloaxu tho
Nothluir llcftntU,
Tb dttecllv waa trying to gat a clew,
"When your buibaud left you," b
told, "did ha drop any Intimation at to
whtr he might bo colugV
"No, air," aniwered th tharp chlnneit,
thin lipped woman. "All he aald una
that h wonted to get nway, that he waa
going to get away, ond he didn't for a
durn whero h went," Chicago Trlhun.
A flavorlna vied the unit at lemon or TinllU,
lljr dlMohlnir granulated lugar in water and
adding Miplclnr, a utlicluui lymp li made and
a ijrrup bcllcr thin maple, lUplrlno It told b
ttvttiu It not itnd J5c for 2 ot. bollle anil
teelp book, CrKl M(a, Co., SaattU, Wo.
Hlxty lunmiiKin nro nikiiumi In Hurt
alii. Tlio NorwcKliui iirniy Include) n
con m on akulcN,
Kiiulnnd'M fHl luiMirliilloiia nvcr
ago iilxmt fill for imiIi liiliiililtiint.
Willi nil It m iHifHi-wtUiiiH (oimlilori,l,
llicru ii n nix mlontl pnrMinM lo t'lery
wliltn In tlio MrlilHli iniilri'.
Tlio llrat uliirin of lln by mi I'liwtrlr
toli'Krnili hh(i'iii wiim hIvcii nt H.'M)
p. m. April 'Jli, 1H.VJ, In liiwimi.
Htnt hwih'imth of CIiIiiiko nml Hoi
ton miry n liny olirtrlc lnnii on tlmlr
onp to l((i'i from IioIiik ru'ii out.
KtiM'kholm, Clirlxtliiim, llcrllu unit
fjoudnu In tlio oriltr iihiiihI Ihmo tho
otiNt lUmtli rntM of nil tho el I It of
Of tli riinii of Uio world, IVj0,WXJ.(KXI
lint whlin. 700.rnju.ono ollow, 2IC
(XWXX) lilnck, ,V..00O.tJW brown or Mn
Inyuii, nml 15,ooo,Hxi n-d, or Amerl
rnu IiiiIIhiiu.
Tho llmt rtijillmtlm of elwlrl" hi'tit
lilt; hoiiKvliolll umr wna tint oiiTtrlc
llntlmii. Now tlioro nro liuudnil of
tlioiiMiinU of cliMlrlc llntlroiiN In uw
In prlvnlo Iidiiich mid Imuiilrlcn.
r.jK'rliiiiMi(H innilo In dnruimiy provo
Unit Ihn Ki'rum of rlinlcrn or lyphold
limy I'lnliiiiciT not only Ihoto who llto
Ndow klrinm, hut uIni thoo nlxno tho
jhillulnl iMilut, ii a flah mrry tho Rcrni
Tho llmt rolnry contcrtoil In Atnorl
en, nn wi-ll nn tho Inrgi-iit, wan built
by tho (Irncrnl HK'trlc Comimny.
Thifo umchliif! nro iiimsI lo ehaujro nl
(erimtlnif nirrrnt Into direct current
for nlnrt rnllwnjr lerrlep,
IthiMlrn, tile city of tho Coloaaua, ttlll
aunlu-n, n iniillfvnl city In nil It do
fetinlrn wnr Kiir of tower mid cur
tain nml kiip. It I tho city which
Ihn KnlghtM of Kt. John encted In tho
mldat of tho Hyznntlmti, nfter belnif
drlreu out of JiTiiantem In tho enrly
fourtivntli crntury.
Jonlnli Qutnry, the prominent Iloatori
polltlclnn, wna wnlklmt nenr thn city
hnll, when ho henrd n IntMirer nrcont
nnolher thita: 'Hlinfa Joalnh Qulney."
"An' who'll Jmlnh Qulneyj" tho other
nuknl. "I never eo auch Iguornnce,"
rejolneil tho other. "Ilu'n tho jcrnnd
aon of tho atntute jou k-o In tho
A anllor entern n livery atnblo to
hint n liorwi for tho tiny, to tnko aomo
frlemla Into tho country. Tlio proprie
tor lion ono brought out for Intpcctlon,
nml beglua: "Thero'a n henuty for
you I Hmnll hend, clenn Ick. abort
lck M "hort lek l blowiill
Wo want ono with a torn; back. It's to
enrry nine."
Kdwnrd Hutwer I.)iloii Dickon, thn
yuiigvt non of ono grent uorellat mid
giNlaon of nnother, linn loat hi aent In
tho l'nrlliiiiirnt of New South Wnlcn.
Aimtrnlln, thrnuKh tho dlaootery of
rich alher mtuen nt llroLen Hills, n
thotmmid mill's northweHt of Xyilney.
Tho new-Comoro, miners, elected a In-
lor eniidldnlo.
Two t'reiich-C'nnnillniia wero tnlklng.
"Ah, Autoidu," one of them oxeJatmeU,
"tf you nu h'only tx-en nt ileen wed
ding nf l'lerro Coulerttn nn' Ilmtllo Im
Itocho you shnll nernlro forgot lieciu.
Ho geiitlll Bo mooch luxury 1 H'ciery
onp no 'nppy nu' so grnud nu' flno
ThwiiU of eet, Antolne! H'every ono
wenr do I'rlmv h'AllK'rt mnts nn
drccuk do rent gtiiKer nlol"
I rpT thmi Nlngnrn Is tho cntnrnct
of tbo Igunzu fill I , nlmost nt tho In
tcrscctlon of tho threo frontlern of
1'arnguny, nml tho Awntlno
Itepubllc. Tho river taken Its iinmo
from n Hpnnlnli word memilug great
wnters, l'ew Kishinev er cntih n
gltmpKO of Iguiixu fulls Ihhiuiso It
takes six dnys to umko tho plcturcnqiio
Journey of nbout 1,U30 miles from Ilue-
iioh Aires.
Gouts, inoro thnn nny other thing,
hnvo nnnlHtisl the ruriil Inhabitants of
Asln Minor to destroy tlio mngnltlcent
foreits whlrli oneo extendwl from
Kmyruii throuKh to Kouln, tho ntielcnt
capita! ot Knmnmnln, Not only tinvo
tho pensunts mid nomnds destroyed tho
Umber for tlio Biiko of llrcwviod, but
they dentroyM It ulno lii order that
their goutH uilglit obtain sultnblo pns
turo. And tho gouts In their turn pro
vented tho'uew shoots ever nftor from
replnc'ng tho trees which had been
cut down,
Ono of tho lending comedians of the
rruukfurt Theater, In Uormnuy, tho
other evening went to tho director mid
nBked for mi ndvunco on his week'n
salary, Tho books showed that tho
whole amount had already been drawn
mid tho director aald "No," "Very
good," said tho actor, "then I shall ro-
fuso to go on to-ulglit." Tho director
saw that It was dangerously nenr cur
tain tlmo and reluctantly gnvo tho net
or tho nrnoimt nuked for, but said:
"Itcmcmlier. sir, Oils la nothing short
of extortion ,iind n cowanlly ono at
that." "Not n nil, Horr Director," snld
Uio actor, shilling tho lnouoy In his )
pockot, "my namo Is not on tho bill
for to-night, anyway." '
Par C'roiiiD In tlm Nlomneh of 8li Yeri'
'l was troubled with cramps In th
stomach for six years. I tried many
kinds of mcdlclno, alio was treatnd
by threo doctors,
"Tboy said that I had nervous dys
pepsia. I took tho mcdlclno for two
years, thon I col sick again nd gave
up all hopes of eotllng cured.
"I saw testimonial of n man whote
caio was similar to mine, belnr; cured
by Porunn, so tliouclit I would give II
a (rial, I procured n bottlo at once,
nd commenced taking lt
I have taken nineteen bottles, and
m entirely cured. I bollovo Poruns
Is all that Is claimed for It." Mrs. J
C. Jamlaon.OI Merchant St., Watson
vlllo, Cal.
Cruahlnar HmrrmHn
Mr. Ilewllgua fourteen dollar, ma
dam, la an outrageoua price to pay for a
Mr. Hewllgualf I ahoutd Puy the
planet K.iturn for a bat youd think I
mishm't to pay more than 20 cents for It
oxvWc )ovvcs; dcaxvses
o system GJJccXuoJiXy ;
abixci cou5XaXou
To 0es Viewc5ic.o
ejjecs.avas)tt vg
Fig Syrup Co.
For Farms In tho Northwest
from peoplo who nro on tho way
from tho Knut and Middle West
nnd enn place you In touch with
buyers with money,
I ct us hear what you have for sale
420 lumber Cadiange BuiMing
It Will
Cost You
In writ o for Mmple of IM rt all wrwt
(10 Bulls rr prnloeer) Mad la ton
tornt lo rwr ! mtzxirre.
W aervl ytm famplen, mrajirj rement hanka,
and ahooluul rrtiaraiU alle, nt and work
maiuhlp or your moner Il
Salem Woolen Mills
7th & Stark Sis. PORTLAND, ORE
for rwcricm artzr Pink fy Wiooue,
Shipping Ttxtr
and Catarrhal Tcver
Soraearaandpoilllraprerentlvx. no matter how BorM at Jir a
aramfadolor "po1 " L, airen on th Ummoi seta on th
l!omlrvl(jirwli.Ki Ml thatxit-onouairtrma from thiiotf. CurI)l
Umprln DoraandHherpand Coomin ruullrr. lamreat aalllnrllT
aloek remnljr, CorIOrlppam..-r human ttnr ami la a flno KM
titttmmlf, CnaaiuHlakmlla: tSndf 10a dorm. Cat lht not. Keep
IU Blww Urnurlrur(tat.'whwlllirtlt fvr yon. Frr IlookWt, ''DU
temper, CauwiandCurW Bpetlalaaenlii wanted.
Get it from
your Grocer
JlaMKlSfflJSljL rboiiir
W X . y'J'w t t!
fll P'lWTTiffT L7ir55!?Cl I l..ll.ailH
r w aWlgaaW
sl--at I
No. 1S-09
IIKK wrltlnc talertlarpla
luaniittn inia papr.
Canton Plows, Harrow
Planters, Listers, Cultivators
Stalk Cutters, Potato Diggers
Beet Implements. Carts
Garden Tools, &c
67 Yean el "Knowing How" HaamwreJ
IalobKTTOoeol ihoa.
tYrrr 1A641 DlBertBt Stile and Sbea. Ut
meet all condition alaalUindaolaoU. Noe4
tir feirenrtb.fclmbltdlr and Ean ol Opentlou.
So are Um orijlnalora ol many ol the beat
nown Imctemeata nude, anal hl cacnolT teal-
ores are protected by patent. When yoa pay pot
yoormooeytattMkat. KapertaenU sro eipeative.
Intlit on Rttlar P. A . ImplemenlJ from yeardealar.
I lleantilnllr lUnitnletl Pamohlal. and a P. & O. CaUloe;,
wffl bo mailed fro on rnqseat. Retwiober I'. & O. Canloo ImpVmeola bar been In th lead j
orcr two-thlnls ol a ccotory and an backed by an cmjEaiifiod gwaatce. JokUtCtUii4IU, 191
Parlln ft Orendorff Co., Canton, 11!.
PARLIN It 0REND0RFFN0RTHWEST PLOW CO., Portland,0r..Spoksne, Wask.
PACIFIC IMPLEMENT CO., General Agents, San Francisco.
B. HAYMAN, Agent. Los Angelas.
Color more rooda brighter and faster coton Uian any other dye. Ona 10c package colore Bilk, wool and cotton equally wJt
nd la guaranteed to alve perfect results. Ask dealer, or wo will send post paid at 10c a packare. Write Jor.veo booklet
mjw to dye, blcachtand mix colera. MONROE DRUG COUFANY, Qulacy, intasla.
5? O
SW'.aBBBattCaaHBa ' aul
sasagjSBKaVKaiBBBaaiaBKV. -u
aWBBBBBBaaBBBaaaaBBnnria9kwiHiaaBaBBBiBaair 'aaBBBBBBBBVSHBaaaanBBBVy iafll
iiiatfifW1aaMIaar aLaaaaaaaaaaaaaWiaallaVWIatJa
tlBBBKRylT' T 'irP?'"il,SaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaC "'K'a
President Taff and His Family in Their White Steamer
When the announcement was made
sevoral months ago that Mr. Taf t would
use an automobile during his term as
president, much rivalry developed
among the leading manufacturers for
tho honor of selling him a car and thn
public watched with interest to see
what Mr. Taft's choice would bo. Tho
knowing ones predicted that the White
Steamer would bo selected and they
pointed out that President Roosevelt
had used White Steamers for two years
nt his summer homo at Oyster Hay and
had recommended this mako to Mr.
Taf t as tho most desirable
This prediction proved correct, al
thbuch Mr. Taft did not rely solely on
Mr. Roosevelt's recommendation but,
with his usual thoroughness, determin
ed to hnvo un investigation made of nil
the principal makes. Accordingly, ho
asked several ofllcers of tho War de
partment to look into tho mattor for
him and they tested many makes of
cars, visited a number of factories so
that they might soo what materials
were used und, finally, they investigat
ed the records of tho different types of
cars In public contests and in private
When thoir labors wero completed,
tho officials reported unanimously to
Mr. Taft In favor of the White, and,
accordingly, a car of this mako waa im
mediately ordered from the manufac
turers, Tho White Company of Cleve
land The now car was delivered to Mr.
Taft in Washington a few days before
his inauguration and since that time it
has been in almost constant use. There
has not been a day when tho president
' nnf rtAiin atitrt aIr1Inrt a vsrMlttft tn rata Inn.
ul capital In tho now car. It is hinted
that Mr. Taft likes fast traveling and
that whon bo rides out into tho open
country, he does not always insist that
tho speed of tho car bo kept within tho
legal limits.
C. A. Hawkins, manager of tho Pa
cific coast branch of Tho White Com
pany, 1470 Market street, San Fran
cisco, said rocently to a correspondent
of this paper: "Wo nro recolvlng
many inquiries encn uay asKingior iuii
details regarding tho construction of
Mr. Taft's car and in reply wo aro
Bonding copies of our catalog. Mr.
Taft's car is exactly Uko any other
I Model 'M' 40 horsepower White Steam-
er except that his car has the UnlW
. States coat of arms painted on elthe
I door. In other words, when wo make
a car for the president of tho United
States there Is no way in which we can
make it any hotter than the car which
you, or anybody else, can purchase
from us.
"Some of those writing to mo about
Mr. Taft's car say that although they
are very desrious of having a car like
Mr. Taft's, they are afraid that such a
car is somewhat larger and more ex
pensive than they desire. In reply to
theso letter I point out that our Model
'O' 20 horsepower car is exactly like
our 40 horsepowor model, except as re
gards tho slzo ot tho different parts.
Tho principle of construction is exactly
the samo and tho smaller car possesses
all tho desirabla qualities of our larger
model. In other woid.-t, I point out
that they can secure an exact duplicate
of Mr. Taft's car for 14,000, or a car
of the same qualities but of smaller di
mensions for only $2,000. Judging by
tho demand for Whlto cars, a good pro
portion of those desiring to purchase
automobiles are qulto content to trust
President Taf t's judgment as to the
best and most desirable make."
ggra-satjat im'igiMvu.KK
&m, mizzsmmsmfc"
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