, Seeds That I III MjW I s E I I WJ Grow I ( ( that's the only kind you can get at LARA'S -he don'i sell any ) ..Si...- I,l-..i . VJ Ulllll (VlllUt , 5 : BEETS-3 kinds ONIONS-2 kinds TURNIPS-3 kinds fcADISH-2 kinds PEAS--2 kinds BEANS-2 kinds CARROTS-2 kinds And dozena of HHAUTIPUL FLOWfiR SIIIIDS anil prices you know they arc ALWAYS UlUliT af THE BIG STORE ON THE CORNER A. M. LARA BEND, OREQON W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 j 1 1 1 3 5v&&S&S5AS&S I - To lUtabllati a Union Mich School. A petition ii being circulot-d in school districts No. 13, 31 and 73 which asks the district boundaty hoard to establish u union high school district out of these three districts with the location of the high school at Bend. Under this ltlan there will be no additional tax burden on anyone, but all school tuxes collected from these three distticts will go to the union high school to be thus established at liend. Kulrancc to said school will be free to all children residing in cither of these three districts. The districts involved arc the Hend dis trict, the Lava district, and the one cast of town which takes in the Davenport-Stanley ranch neighbor-hood. VtomMumh hW'mMmm-wm lJ44I When You Paint buildings, inside or out side, if you desire tlte very best results at the least expense you should use The Sherwin-Williams Paint Call for color cards - E. A. SATHER A Hull Lino of Groceries, Dry (loads and Hardware always on Hand. LOCAL BITS. Get your spring suits from H. A. Smith. Mrs. Rene West has cone to I'oitland for a visit. County Commissioner Baylcy was a Bend caller yesterday. Hot water always can be had for bathiuir at the Pilot Untie Hotel. Chos. Brock of Portland was in Dcud a few days last week and this, on business. Those baths at the Pilot Butte Hotel are something fine two large tubs. itf Mrs. John Steidl very pleasantly entertained a number of lady friends Tuesday afternoon. Quite a delegation of Laidlaw people were in attendance at the educational meeting, Guy McReynolds has accepted a position in the First Natiatiol Hank and will learn banking. Miss Mnybclle Reed came over from Priucvllle for a visit at home the latter part of tnc week. Dick Vuudcycrt has been spend itig the past few days In Bend from bis ranch at Powell Buttcs. Roberts Bros, recently had the mifortutic to lose a valuable horse through home disease of the lungs. A Portland man has taught the old Ilrock place across the river from fiend. Thcrt ure 80 acres in the tract. Henry Tweet and family have moved out to Gist where Mr. Tweet is working in the Hlghtowcr. Smith sawmill, A. C. Lucas reports that n large number of travelers arc coming in these days, each stage bringing a good delegation, WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tabic, always supplied with the best that lite town affords, Neat and Comfortable Rooms, IlKND, Okkoon For sale One ,vln Mitchell wog on, Inquire at Anne's livery barn, Roscoc Howard has returned from Portland after quite an extended visit to the metropolis looking af ter D, I. & P, Co. matters. The Dcud Drug Store is making some substantial Improvements, having purchased several handsome new show cases and other necessary paraphernalia, A good work is going on over the town these days by many denn ing up the refuse about their yards and alleys. More should follow suit in this good work, M. K. Hawthorn was down from Rostand last Saturday to make proof on his homestead before Com missioner Kills. He was accom panied by Fred Smith of the same vicinity. The Pilot Butte Livery & Peed Darn will be run in connection with the hotel, A new shed with a number of stalls will be furnished to freighter and emigrants. Huy and grain for sale. itf Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Rourk werr in Hend last Thursday on their way to Prinevilc from their home near Rostand. Mr. Rourk has made ap plication to offer commutation proof on his homestead. Dr. C. W. Merrill is spending a few days at Union looking after timber interests there. During his absence, F. O. Minor is assisting in the posloffice. The doctor will lc home the latter part of the week. Among the Masons from Prine- viltc who attended the session of the local lodge last Saturday were T. M. Baldwin, M. H. Drink. Cnrcy Foster, Dave Adam&on, Frank Johnson and Claude Smith. W. P. Vandevcrt came down from his ranch Friday to meet Tom Sharp and, a few of Mr. Sharp's friends from Portland, who were on their way to the Vandevcrt ranch for a hunting trip in that vicinity. Father Hickey writes to his par ishioucrs in Hend that he is plan ning to make a visit here in a few weeks, and there is a possibility that he may he accompanied by Disbop O'Day, who is the bishop of this diocese. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hull and children drove in from their ranch at Pleasant Ridge to be present at the cducationul meeting last Satur day. They remained over night and spent part of Sunday visiting with Bend friends. The postofficc building is re splendent in a uew coat of paint, and the building occupied by the Bend Drug Company will soon en joy the same improvement also. Carlylc Tripled and Harney Lewis are doiug the work. The dance given by the Ladies' Library Club Monday evening was a large success, especially from a social standpoint, a large crowd be ing in attendance. The receipts amounted to about 45, and the ladies cleared about $ao. A twtltion has been circulated around town and freely signed ask ing the city council to move one of the hose carts fiom the present hose house and station it nearer the business section, thereby affording belter protection to the business property. About 15 Masons from Prineville came over last Snturday to be. pres ent at the session of the local lodge, which hud woik in the third de gree. Later in the evening a ban quet was served in the hall, and a most delightful evening spent by those present. C N. Mutin has received a let ter from Cecil Waldrou since his arrival at his home in Maine, stat ing that he stood the long trip very well, though was somewhat weak ened by the journey. He expressed much gratitude for the kind treat ment accorded him by Bend people n lid said he hoped to recover nnJ return to Dend to repay the good people who helped him, I "mn now ngctit for the DcLaval cream separator, and have one of these machines in stock, Step in and examine it. They arc a great convenience and money saver for the dairyman. K.A. Satiiuk. 3itf County Superintendent Ford was in Dend Tuesday returning from a visit to the schools in the Holland neighborhood. The superintend ent is keeping In close touch with the various ochools of the county, and is endeavoring to awaken in the general public a keener school spirit, a greater interest in school matters. This he is doing in var ious ways, one of which is the hold ing of educational rallies similar to the otic held in Bend last Saturday Superintendent Ford is doing good work. It will be remembered that some time time ago when M. F. Hodson offered proof on a timber claim, Joe Duck I10I7. entered protest claim ing 11 prior right to the tract, which lies in section j-io-ii. Mr. Hod- son s proof was accepted by tbc officials of The Dalles land office, whereupon Mr. Buckhol'apcaled. Attorney Benson, who represented Mr. Bttckholr, has just received word that the General Land Office has reversed the decision of The Dalles office and holds in favor o( Mr. Duckholz. George Woods, white on his way from Shaniko recently with a load of freight, hud one of his horses killed in a runaway. When a few miles from Antelope, and while working around the load, he un coupled the leaders. Tbey became frightened and ran away. One of them ran into a stay-wire used to brace a telephone nolc, stretched from the top of the pole to a "dead man" in the ground. Both front legs of the horse were broken just below the body and it was neces sary to kill him. The other horse ran into a wire fence but escaped with only a slight cut. M. J. Kcllcy was up the river fishing for dollies one day recently, and had a very singular experience with a large one which he hooked, or rather didn't hook. He had a strike and began to reel In what be declares was the king of thecolony but he only succeeded in getting the fish to the surface when he slipped off, leaving on the hook a 10-inch whitefish, which be had swallowed whole some time pre viously, and in which the hook had caught when he swallowed it. Anyhow, this is what Kcllcy is telling. He says wheu the un fortunate white fish parted from the hungry maw of the finny, mon ster it made a noise like a cow pulling her foot out of the mud down in Tillamook, and when he lashed the water with his tail in his downward plunge after escap ing from the hook, it caused a tidal wave that rushed upon the shore and all but overcame poor Kcllcy. Land lor Sale or Runt. Forty acres ditch laud old in river bed section. Inquire of 3-5 HitNKV LiNSYUR, nend, Or. Par Sato, Team, weighing 1300 or better, 6 and 7 year old; a Wo wagon and harness. K. U. hTUKGKON, 3 5 Laidlaw, (Jr. l:or Sale. Pigs and shoats. Four miles north of Turnnlo P. 0. Call or write. F. W. Lkvkrbnz, 7 140-19-30111 tumuio. (Seeds The Uullatln. SKATTMt. Wash.. March j6. iooo. The Hend Bulletin, Bend, Or. Gentle men: l'itnl Inclosed money order (or three month subscription In your paper. Ail own Mine ditch land down there and expect In the near future to corre down and Impiove same, can hardly do without It a your paper contains lot of iuterrstlui! new to me. Wishlnc you all success In your endeavors to adver tise Central Uregon, I am, yours truly, W. MUIRHKAI), New subscribers every week. The First National Bank of Bend Boris Oregon. Da. U. C. COB, President H.A. SATHBR, Vice President C. 8. Hl'DSON, Cashier Capital fulls pa(5 StocHbolOere' liability 525,000 $25,000 Why a National Bank? The Government of the United States, is in a sense, a silent partner in every National Dank. It inquires into the character and financial standing of all applicants belore granting a charter for a new Bank. Sends a special Examiner twice a year to make a thorough examination of all assets, and to advhe with the officers and di rectors. Requires five sworn statements, showing the exact con dition of the Bank at different times each year, which must be published in your home paper. In fact we arc required to live up to the high standard ex acted by tbc Government in all its departments. MONEY DEPOSITED WITH 1'your home Bank does double service. We loan it to your friends, neighbors and custom ers and they spend it with your business men. Seeds That Grow! THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT AND THAT'S WHAT I'VE GOT. THEREFORE, BUY OF ME. A LARGE SUPPLY ON HAND OF GOOD CLEAN Alfalfa, Clover and Timothy Seed. ALSO A PULL LINE OF GARDEN SEEDS. Something to Make the Hens Lay. I have the ground bone and shell for ale. S. C. CALDWELL. Tint would mean money in your pocket. Mr. Poultrymnn, at the prevailing price of ec in this section. I'RKSH GROUND GRKBN HONK AND SIM'. LI. will increase the number of clli tou "hirrni" uauy. The ONLY DIRECT STAGE LINE to Bend, Oregon. 4-HORSE COVERED STAGES. Stages pass through Madras, Culver. Redmond, Laidlaw, to Bend and thence to any point In Central Oregon. Stages connect at Redmond with Sisters line. For further information call on or address H. H. COE, local agent, Shaniko, Oregon, or BEND-SHANIKO LIVERV & STAGE CO., BEND, OREQON SFECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE When You Need Modern, Neat and Serviceable Furniture... Call on AULLARD TRIPLETT HEND, ORt-UON Seed Oats for Sale. We are selling our oats at 75c a bushel, Owing to the backward season last year, seeding having been postponed to the middle of June, our oats are not as good as a year ago, and will need, cleaning. Parties purchasing seed will be at lowed to use our cleaning mill free. Sacks uot furnished. Parties may phone from Bend, Redmond or Laidlaw or address Siti'.KWOon Bros., Redmond, Or. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tfuiw: Mfm DCSIQNB CopvRKiwaAc AitToa MBdlng a stelea and description ni? quirt I r mwum cur opinion f? b,l.r o In? wirton la probafclr M'wiJbUTCtoniiimnU'v tnt !'. olassl aaanor lor aaeuifc ilms. tit UUo ihroo.h Mu? A Co. rstT HWti MtH, all bout chart, la to sctemif tc nmKM. A hnVinl- Itlnttrstfrl wMsif, cuUtlon it anr antniiaa Joarnaj. wi four months. U 8oUbf.ll mists: Ijirctel fir 1 trui. M 4 tisulejaeri. NiwYofk U Was Ka too. U. & LI ran wfiaiMivaniTtiiri-irif rrr siriifasisWiirttii