EVENTS OF THE DAY Newsy Items (lathered from All Parts of tlio World. PREPARED FOR TllEBDSr READER Lou Important but Not Lett Inter esting nappamng irom I'olnl Oulildo tlia Slate, Roosevelt has nrrived nt I'ort Bnld. F.mmn Goldman will fight any olfort to deport lior. Eleven Juror hnvo boon finally no cepted In the Cnlhoun case. Experiment nro being conducted at Now York with wlreles lolcphono. Fifteen automobile worn doitroycd In n firo which burned n Chicago garngo. Revenue ofllcera engaged In pitch mI batllo with moonshiner In Went Virginia. Preparation nro noirly complete for thn llnrrlmnti mentor null nt Salt Lnko, when thn government wilt try to break tho combine said to exist. Two men wcro burned to death and thrco other seriously Injures) by an explosion of oil tank nt l'olnt Rich mond, Lai. itio damage win reach 1 &0, 000. Tim defense liaa closed It argument In tho cnao to dissolve tho btandard Oil comjmny. After tho government finishes tho court will tnke tho enso under ndvlacmenl nml n decision I not looked for beforo fall. Further earthquake shocks aro being felt at Mculnn. A UrK gray wolf lin been captured In a Chicago auburn. An Erlo, In,, inllllonatro ha been asked to glvo up $5,000 or ulfor death. Report thrt tho relief work nt Mc 4ln I a farco continue to And thollr Tray out. All Vct Indian colonic havo been closed against Caatro and Franco will -expel him from Martinique. A (J-yrnr old South Carolina boy ihot til 3-yrnr old brother and I ald to Imvo ntternpted to bide the body. A Colurnbu, O., official ha received n "lllack Hand" warning ngnlnst Issu ing marriage license to black and white. Somrono put n $10,000 bill In tho collection pinto of a Washington, D. C, church and tho deacon nro looking for tho donor, feeling uro that It wa a iTilittnkc. Immigration authorities havo found that tho huaband of Km ma Goldman -obtained hi naturalization by fraud. ThI make tho noted anarchlat an -alien and the may bo deported. Robber held up nn Ogden, Utah, gambling and secured $l,CO0. Tho Now York legislature ha turned down a direct primary mensuro. Anthraclto minor and operator Imvo split on recognition of tho union. 1'ralrle wolvc killed tho 10-year old tton of n Kingman, Knnaa, farmer Two Ohio nutolita plunged Into tho Miami river with their car rnthcr than run down n llttlo Klrl. Passenger from tho wrecked stcntn cr Indiana havo arrived nt Snn Fran isco on board n warship, M. Iiwolaky, Russian foreign minia te r, linn tendored hi renlgnation, u ho I not In nccord with tho czar. ACTION OF GREAT IMPORTANCE Suit to Dltiolva Standard Oil Will Qo to Supreme Court, I Wnshlngton, April 0. Tlio honrlng In tho cno of tho United tftntos ngnlnst tho Btandnrd Oil company, of Now Jersey, which will bo begun before tho United States Circuit court In HL Ioul tomorrow, I ono of tho moat Important und fnr-renching civil action that hi over come up for trlnl in una country, mo bill or complaint on tho part of tlio United State. chnrglmr n violation of tho Sherman nntl-trust Inw, wn filed In Novomber, 1000. Tho Htnmlard Oil company, of Now Jorsoy, tho parent organisation, together with It varlou ubldlary corporation J John I). Rockefeller, Henry M. Flagler, Henry Jt. Roger, John I). Archbold, Oliver I'. I'ayno and innrio M. rrntt aro charged Willi hav ing entered Into an agreement, com blnntion and conspiracy to restrain trndo and commerce among the several itatec, to monopollro trado and com mere In tho purchaio of petroleum and In tho dlitrlhutton, alo and ship ment of tho product of liotrolcutn. Tho United Rtato seek perpetually to enjoin tho defendsnta from dolnir any net looking to cnrrylpg out the nl- leged combination or conanlrncv and to dissolve tho Htandanl Oil combination. The government concluded IU testl- mony on January 21, 1000. About 400 witnesses wero examined, approxi mately 200 appearing for each aide. Ilia laaua I o Important, that. whntovor may bo tho renult of tho trial by tho Circuit court, tho caae certainly will be appealed to tho United State nupremo court. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS IN BRIEF SYSTEMATIZE NOTE DESIGNS. Government to Do Away With Many Now In Uae. Waahlngton, April 0. Aaalatant Secretary of tho Trenaury Coolldgo ha approved a plan for ayatematlzlng do signs for Unlteil Statu note and coin ccrtincatef, thua securing uniformity In portrait nnd general design. At p reton t there aro 10 different de Ign for United State note ond coin certificate of varlou denominations, leading to confuilon and uncertainty, Under tlio now plan Uiore will bo but nine. Tlio $1 atlver certificate will carry tho portrait of Waahlngton, tho $2 sil ver certificate tho jwrtralt of Jrffcr- on. Tho $(i note, whether allver cer tificate or greenback, will carry thn portrait of Lincoln. Tho$10irotd and liver certificate and United Stntca note, that of Cleveland: tho $20 that of Jackson; tho ICO that of Grant; tho $100 that of Franklin; Uio $500 that of Salmon I'. Chaao; tho $1,000 that of Alexander Hamilton. Tho portrait of Hillega. Monroe, Sllaa Wright, Lowla W. Clark, Mine field and other will be eliminated. Tho eagle, the buffalo and tho Indian bead, which havo proved to bo easily coun terfeited, also will dlsapenr. All duplication will bo dona away with. INDIANA ASHORE IN FOQ. Ex-Qucon Lllluokalnnl, of llnwntl, must pay her doctor $11,000, accord ing to tho Supremo court of the Dis trict of Columbia. Confedarata voternns In tho Florida legiilnturo warmly dofondod n resolu tion to mako Lincoln' birthday a holi day when other momber moved to ta ble tho proposition. A Kentucky judgo has decided Sun day treating illegal, A enow storm hns Just swept over Colorado. Eight to ten Inches full. Tlio Bnloon question will probnbly havo to bo takon Into court for settle ment In Michigan. A tidal wnvo swept over tho Now Hebrides Island March 20, destroying prnctlcnlly nil crops. Prosldout Goinor hit warnod Cuban against tho grout tendency toward revolutions in that country, Soveral mombora of tho Japanese dlot will visit tho Pnclfio coaatto study tho nltuntlon nt first hand. A retired captain of tho army com mitted tulcldo at Now York bocnuso he hadn't enough monoy for hllnolf and wlfo. Eathor Mitchell, central flguro In tho "Holy Roller" murdora at Seottlo In 1000, ha been roloaiod from tho asyl um on parolo. Pacific Mall Liner Founders In Mag dalen Day. San Francisco, April 6. According to advices received by tho Pacific Mall Steamahlp company, tho ntenmer Indi ana, bound from Mazatlnn to San Fran cisco, went ashoro during a heavy fog In Magdalenn bny lost night and I still on tho rock. inn nasseneora and their personal bnggngo nnd the mall wero romoved by tho cruiser Albany. of the Pacific fleet, and tho tug For tune nnd Navajo. 'The passongera bnvo been placed aboard the ships of tho llcot nnd will bo picked up by tho City of Sydney, which Icavo Acnpulco for Mngdalona bay tomorrow. Tho statement Issued by tho Pacific Mail company anys that tho Indiana I nahore on Cnpo Tosco, tho Southern ox tromlty of Santa Marguerita bny. She I retting canity on n rocky bottom nnd protected from the aea and westerly winds. Tho Indiana sailed from Matatlan yeatorday nnd carries a vuluablo enrgo for thl port, Tho messngon received by her owner any that tho water I 14 feet deep In hold No. 1, 10 fcot In hold No. 2, 12 foot In hold No. 3 and 14 feot in hold No. 4. Tho company estimates tho vnluo of tho ship and cargo at $000,000. All Nations Present, Snlt Lako City, April 0. Every Western stnto nnd territory. Cnnndn nnd Mexico havo contributed citizens to tho groat crowd attending tho 70th conforonco of tho Mormon church, which oponod hero Sunday. Tho thou sanda in tho tobornaclo nt tho morning Horvlcoa wore of many nationalities. Tlioro wero n scoro of Indian Mormons, who camo from Idaho In n snoc ml cur. Thoro woro Japancso converts, believ ers from Hawaii, nnd tho South acn Islands, nnd n few negroes. St. Paul Operates Trains. Wnllaco, Idaho, April C Tho first train to pass through tho St, Paul pass tunnol nt Taft on tho lino of tho Chi cago, Mliwnukoo & l'ugot Sound rail road, mado tho trip at noon today. Work trains aro now run from tho coast to a point near Missoula, Friday, April O. Wnahlngton, April 0. After three week of conlderntlon tho Pnyno tariff bill wan passed by tho house of repre sentative tonight amid great excite- munt by n vote of 217 to 101, Ono lie publican, Austin, of Tennessee, voted ngninit the mcmiuro, nnd four Demo crat, all from Loulilnna, Iiroussnrd, Kntoplnal, Pujo and Wlckllffo, voted for It. An attempt by Chnmp Clark, minority leader, to recommit the bill with Instructions algnnlly fntled. Tho day wna filled with excitement from the inomont the session began at noon until adjournment. Tho mom bora wero koyed up to tho highest pitch and practically tho full membership romnined on uuiy throughout. One of tho principal changes was tho placing of petroleum on the free list today. Hldta woro loft on tho froo lint and an Increased duty placed on glovea and Blocking. All attempt to placo lumber on tho freo list failed. A resolution providing that until fur ther order tho houso meet Mondays and Thursdays of each week was adopted and adjournment taken until Monday, Thursday, April O. Washington, April 8. Tho houso to day mado changes In the tariff bill a follow: Tha mica schedule was stricken out nnd n new ono substituted, providing that unmanufactured mica should pay a duty of G cent n pound nnd 20 per cent ad valorem, and that mica cut or trimmed, mica plates nnd all manufacture of mica should pay 10 cent por pound and 20 per cent ad valorem. Steel Ingots, blooms and slabs wore reduced from 1 cent to 8-10 of a cent er pound. Tho ad valorem provision on boiler or plate Iron or steel was stricken out and the duty mado spe cific. Tho committee amendment Increas ing the duty on round Iron or steel wiro smaller than No. 10 waa voted down, ICC to 140, and In It stead there was adopted a substitute present ed by Clark, fixing the rate at ?4 of a cent per pound. On tho final vote tho Clark amendment waa defeated and the original Payne amendment adopted. 1 ho rate In briar root, briar wood and laurel root waa Increased from C to 20 per cent ad valorem. Iho tobacco nchedule waa amended so as to llx a duty or 70 cunt a pound on the unstemmed nnd $1 n pound on stemmed filler tobacco imported from countries which prohibit aimllar Im portation. A tax of 45 per cent nd valorem wns put upon tiro fnbric or fabrics used for pncumntlc tire. Tho clfectof this provision will bo to place tho duty on the Jong staple cotton used In tho fabric. A duty of 20 er cent ad valorem was put upon cotton, bleached and puri fied, whether medicated or not. Tho dividing line between tho high and low ratea of duty on oil cloth and linoleum wns fixed at 11 feet, instead of 0 feet, as originally. It was 12 feet In tho Dlngley Inw. demnnd. Ncnrly tho entire day waa consumed In diacusilnfr tho lumber nnd hides ichedulca. Tho ndvocotca of freo lum ber wont down to dofeat by tho nnrrow margin of six votes after tho striking out tho countervailing duty on lumber. An overwhelming majority wa mus tered ngnlnst nn amendment by Scott, of Kansas, taking hide from the freo list and fixing a duty upon them of 10 per cent advalorem. The barloy schedule came In for a lively discussion and, when tho bill wna laid aside for tho day, there were pend ing two amendments, ono raising tho rate In thn Payne bill from 1C cent to 2G cents n bushel, and tho other fixing tho rate nt 10 por cent nd valorem, Tho aum total of tho days' work, with tho exception of eliminating tho countervailing duty on lumber, wns to leave tho bill In Identically tho same condition In which tho committee re ported it. Thla grants free raw hides and a duty of $1 per thousand on sawed timber. VETERANS AT A.-Y.-P. Monday, April S. Wnshlngton, April C. Thrco o'clock p. m. April 9 wna sut by the houso to day for a vote on the Payne tariff bill. The long resolution of tho committee on rule closing general debate, provid ing for certain committee amendments and a full and free opportunity change tho lumber nnd hides achedulca was reported late In the day and ac cepted with 1C votes to spare, notwith standing the desertion of 20 Itepubli cans. Four of tho 10 votes came from the Louisiana delegation, who likowisa broke away from their party. After a motion by Payne to tnke up the bill, Clark, of Missouri, made a parliamentary Inquiry whether general debate could not be dispensed with and its reading for amendment begun. Ho wanted tho whole bill considered para graph by paragraph. "Wo ro ready for that performance now," ho said. Wednesday, April 7. Washington. Anril 7. This was a bnd day for tho Hopubllan organization of tho house, lly a coalition between some Republican "Insurgents" and the Democrats, tho wnys nnd means com mltteo wna bowled over and tho advo cates of free crudo oil and IU product won a signal victory when nn amend ment by Norrls, of Nebraska, placing tho insignificant duty of 1 per cent ad valorem on those article wns adopted by a aubstantlul majority. On ull other proposition the com mittee was sustalnod. Tho barloy schedule ran tho gauntlet without change. Tou and cotfeo wero placed on tho freo list The first subject to como up for dis cussion was barloy, upon which thero wns considerable discussion yestcrduy. Thero wero two nincndmonU pending on that schcdulo, ono by Miller, of Knnsas, fixing tho duty at 25 cents a bushol, and tho other by Alexander placing It nt 10 per cent' ad valorem. ns ngnlnst tho rate of 16 cents a bushel provided for In tho bill. As a substitute for both amendments, Humphrey, of Wnshlngton, offered nn amendment placing barley on tho freo list. Chairman Pnyno earnestly opposed nil threo of tho amendments. After 20 minutes' dobnto tho voto was nbout to bo takon on tho Miller provision, when 'lawney oltereu a resolution making tho rnto 20 cents n bushol, This was dofented., ns wns also tho nmondmont of Miller. Tho voto than turned to tho Aloxandcr nnd Humphrey amendments, both of which woro lost. Tuesday, April 0. Wnshlngton, April 0. Wrangling. confusion, captious objections, person alities and lnngungo bordering on vitu peration mnrked tho first days' dis cussion of tho Pnyno tariff bill for nmondmont in tho houso today. With practically n full nttondanco tho mem- bora woro wrought up to a high ten nnd wore prepared to fight to tho last ditch for tho things their constituents Washington, April 6. Senator Cul lom today offered a Joint resolution favoring tho extension of the presiden tial termg to six years. After a brief session the senate adjourned to Thurs day. Saturday, April 3. Washington, April 3. With no rooro than a corpornl'a guard present, debate on tho tariff bill In tho houso proceed ed drearily today. Every member Is looking forward to tho bringing in of a rulo Monday which will provide an opportunity to vote on a limited num ber of schedules, with debate to bo confined to five minutes for and ngnlnst each amendment. The Republicans who spoke today woro practically unanimous for freo hidos. Tho taxes on tho necessaries camo in for thoir usual sharo of criti cism from both sides of tho chamber. The Supreme court of the United States alono shall havo the right to de termine the validity or constitutionality of acta of congress, if tho bill Introduc ed by Representative Do Armond, of Missouri, becomes a law. Concerning tho acta of the state legislatures, the Supreme or other high court of tho state shall have tho right. Various Organizations Planning Big Time This Bummtr. Tho nation's war veterans, and tho son and wives and daughters of them, are carrying out big plan for represen tation at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific ex position. The military order of tho Loyal Legion has preempted a five aero tract on tho exposition grounds and I establishing upon it patriotic head quarters. Tho Grand Army of tho Re public will be represented and o will the Son or Veterans, tho Ladle of the G. A. K. and tho Women' Relief Corp. Early In the year the Loyal Legion entered Into correspondence with the War department at Washington with the result that it has secured a splendid equipment and has already established headquarters tents and a model head quarter encampment generally. Afound the camp the government' out door exhibit will be placed. It consists of big and little ordnance, of today and tho other days, Civil war relics and relics of tho unpleasantness with Spain, so that the visitor to headquarter will bo confronted by big modern 12-Inch rifle on well as cannonades of the Elghtecnlh century, picked up on the beach in Manila bay. JLocal ti. A. it. posts are cxpectlntr a heavy attendance at the exposition from among the nation' old time fight ing men, lor tho reason that tho grand encampment takes place In Salt Lake City early in August and tho railroads have announced lower rates than ever before from Eastern points to tho ex- 'to j position. Under the tickets offered by mu uaiiEcununciun. roaus 11 win uo possible for tho veteran to tako passage through to Seattle and stop off for tho encampment without extra cost, and that thousands will do so is already made evident by letters received by ofllcera of tho Grand Army and ' Loyal Legion In this city. It will bo open house at Grand Army and Loyal Legion headquarters through out the fair ar.d several special days and events have been arranged in their honor. Tho state encampment of the G. A. It. take place In Tacoma in June and June 24 has been set as State G. A. R. day. August 16 haa been named as National G. A. R. day and It will be mado tho occasion of one of tho biggest and moat brilliant of the special cele brations at tho exposition. LOSSESTREMENDOUS Windstorm Sweeps Mississippi and Olilo Valleys. LAKE STATES ALSO FEEL BLQtf Carries. Roofs.From.Houset, Uproots Cropa and Kills and Malms Mny Peopl. FIRE AT FT. WORTH. Fulton Out of Race. Washington, April 9. Ex-Senator Charles W. Fulton has withdrawn his application for the Federal Judgship In Eastern Oregon created under the act passed at tho last session of congress. Indications now point to the appoint ment of Judgo Robert S. Scan, of the Oregon Supremo court, to this posi tion. It is possible, however, that President Toft will appoint some per son outside tho state. Situation Nears Crisis, Washington, April C. Indications aro that diplomatic relations between this country nnd Nicaragua nro nenrlng a crisis, resulting from tho failure of President Zolayn to ndjust tho Emery claim. Tho retlconco of tho Stnto de partment in regard to tho enso Indi cates that tho situation Is grave and that thero Is little probability of any settlement on tho basis proposed by Secretary Knox. Taft Nominates Young. Washington, April 9. President Taft sent to tho senate Thursday the nominations of Judgo Richard E. Sloan, of ProHcott, ns governor of Arizona, vico Kibbcy, whoso term expired, and George U. Young, of Prcscott, ns ter ritorial secretary of Arizona. Calls on States for Money. Washington, April C Representa tive Victor Murdock, of Knnsas hns in troduced a bill calling upon tho states to rofund money that Androw Jackson distributed among thorn in 1836, when tho surplus from tho salo of public Innds reached $38,000,000. Hitchcock Is Very Sick. Wnshlngton, April 6. Ethan Alton Hitchcock, ox-aocrotary of tho interior, is critically ill at the homo of his son-in-law, Commander Sims, U. S. N., and gravo fears for his rocovory are enter tained. Large Section af 1 exat City Burned and Thousands Homeless. Fort Worth, Tex., April 5. Start ing In a barn, presumably from a care lessly thrown cigarette, firo Saturday afternoon destroyed property in the southern portion of Fort Worth conser vatively valued at $2, COO, 000, caused the death of one person, J. J. Newton. of Krum, Tex., and rendered several thousand persons homeless. The firo originated at Jennings oven uo and reter Smith street, tn tho cen ter of a fashionable residence district, nnd, fanned by a stiff wind, was be yond control In 16 minutes. Spreading to tna south, it burned its way through 32 blocks and continued until it had swept through the yards of tho Texas & Pacific railroad, burning the railroad buildings nnd a largo amount of rolling stock, where tho firo practically burned Itself cut. Threo church buildings, the Broad way Baptist and Presbyterian and tho Swedish chape), wero among the build ings burned, as was the Presbyterian sanitarium. The patients of the latter Institution were all removed In safety. The Texas & Pacific railroad suffered tho largest individual loss. Fourteen locomotives wero reduced to twisted masses of stcol and iron and several hundred boxcars, besides tho round house nnd other buildings of tho road were destroyed. The Texns & Pacific estimates the loss to the road at $160,000, while the dnniSe to the church property is esti mated at $200,000. Tho fire swept area was patrolled by armed guards to prevent looting, while tho ownors pf the burned buildings gathered what they could of their household effects and sought shelter for tho night wherover It could be found. The livestock building nnd au ditorium at tho fair grounds provided a temporary nbodo for many, while others slept tn vacant houses or accept ed tho hospitality of Dallas and nearby cities. Harrlman Blocks Traffic. San Francisco, April 5. An invest! gntion of tho high handed notion of the Pacific Mail Steamship company In re fusing ohlpmcnts for New York when its Pannmu 'steamships wero sailing with vncnnt cargo space has bcon mndo by government officials nnd signatures have been obtained from big San Fran cisco shippers which may result in drustlc action by tho secretary of war in breaking olt thu hold which IS. II. Harrlman has sought to obtain on tho IsthmuB route to the exclusion of com petition. Chicago, April 8. Wind that often retched a velocity of more than 60 miles an hour, accompanied by thunder and lightning, drenching rains, and. In some sections, heavy snow, swept through the Mississippi and Ohio val leys and over the Lake states last night and today, doing tremendous property damage and maiming and killing people. In many places the atorm approached the violence of a tor nado, and ruined a wide area of farm ing land, killing all standing crop. Wires east of Chicago as far as Pitts burg went down rapidly in the gale. according to tho telegraph companies. Wheeling, W. V., reported every wire down east of that point. Of the nu merous leased wires running cast out of Chicago, but one was working thla afternoon, and conditions were said to be growing worse. In thla city several persons received minor injuries from toppling fence and loosened sign boards. Scores of plate glass windows were broken. At Aberdeen. MUs.. W. C. McMil lan, cashier of tho bank, and bis son, T. T. McMillan, wore instantly killed in the wreckage of the Illinois Central station. Two negroes also met death. At West Point, Miss., much damsgo was done on the Terrell plantation. cast of there, and two negroes wen killed. At Rich., Miss., a terrific rain, hall and wind storm prevailed At Cotton riant, Arlc. a church waa demolished. Reports from Western Tennessee any tho storm wrecked many small build ings. At Buntyan a school houso waa shak en, causing a panic among: 300 stu dents. At Starkville, Miss., fournecroe were killed. At least eight persons lost their lives In the storm that visited Detroit nnd Michigan. Three men attempted to cross the Detroit river In a rowboat and were drowned. At Jennings three men were killed by being caught under a wall blows down by the wind. Tho wind's velocity reached 65 miles nn hour. CASTRO'S JOURNEY CEASES. Reyes Faces Revolution. Wlllemstad, April 5. Rumors havo reached horo of a revolutionary out break against tho administration of President Reyes, of Columbia. In the vicinity of Rio Hacha, a seaport on tho irritHan. i Venezuelan "Dictator" Lands nt Fort de France Instead of Trinidad. Fort de France, Martinique, April 8. CIprlano Castro, ex-dictator of Vene zuela, landed here from the steamer Guadaloupo today and at once went Into a towering rage against the State de partments of Great Britain and the United States, both of which have for bidden him to land on any of their pos sessions upon the American continent. Hardly had Castro recovered his breath from a vicious tirade against these two countries, when ho wan Informed that a message from Paris had just been re ceived at Saint Pierre, forbidding him to land anywhere on tho Island of Mar tinique. This set the fiery Venezuelan going again, and bystanders were treat ed to a vivid description of the placo where ho would seand all Frenchmen, wero he the arbiter of fate. Just what will be the next move in the "return" of Castro to tho Western hemisphere is not known. Venezuelan authorities have received permission from France to arrest him on a French vessel, should he attempt to land from one; and the message from Paris today Beoms to make it evident hat he cannot long remain on tho island of Martinique. With American ports closed to him, the ex-dlctator Is in a lair way to find him self a man without a country, and to become a wanderer upon the high sea. Cattle tioosted by Forest System. San Francisco, April 8. The policy of the government in segregating land of the forest reserve suitable for sheep nnd cattlo raising Is, according to As sistant Forester A. P. Potter, tho rea son for tho 10 per cent increaso in tha value of tho cnttloon tho forest grazing lands during the past year. Potter, who is making his Bemt-annual tour of tho forest bureaus of tho western divi sion, Is hero today. To the assistance of the government in regulating tho forest grazing lands he attributes tho notable increase in livestock product. Huge Strike on Lakes, Chicago, April 8. Ten thousand marine engineers, firemen, oilers, water tenders and deck hands went on strike tonight, and tho opening of navigation on the Great Lakes is threatened with a complete tieup. The strike waa caused by the refusal of shipowners to recognise the Marine Eagiaeers' union. run , im.MiimtvmtoBM mmmmmmmmmmmmmz