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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1909)
Kr. ,'tTw.!! tvmt n'x ww-- JWR& ?Hs!$$$$3r-3ttW M NICARAGUA GIVES IN UltlMatira Fran Knox Fredsces Qilck ResHlt. WILL COMPROMISE QR ARBITRATE Central American Nation Expresses Desire to Settle Emery Claim for Damage at Once. Washington, April 6. Secretary Knox wae given to understand today by Minister Espinosa, of Nicaragua, that the Nicaraguan government would make an early effort to settle either by compromise or by arbitration the claims for damages of the G. D. Emery com pany, whose concession for cutting ma hogany was cancelled. The minister told the secretary that a special commission would leave im mediately for this city, carrying full instruction for the minister, which 'would empower him to reach a settle ment. If a compromite la not reached the minister will sign a protocol sub mitting the case to arbitration. The last communication from Secre tary Knox to the Nicaraguan minister was in the nature of an ultimatum. BRITAIN WANTS AIR FLEET. May Establish "Two-Power" Stand ard for Dirigibles Same as Navy. London, April 6. Great Britain seems to be awakening to the fact that the other nations of the world are leav ing her behind in tho race for command of the air. While the members of the house of commons were drawing the attention of the government to the fact that Ger many has built or is building dirigible airship and ursring the government to take up with energy the construction of a British fleet, there was being held today a meeting in the Mansion House under the chairmanship of the lord mayor of London in support of the sunt subject. Among those present were Admiral Charles Beresford, Prince Louis of Battenburg, Lord Curzon, Sir Hiram Maxim and Admiral Sir Percy Scott, all of who heartily supported energetic action. Admiral Scott advocated a "two power" standard in airships as well aa in dreadnaugbts, and mentioned inci dentally that the navy had designed a bcw gun which at a distance of 6,000 feet could be exceedingly destructive to war airships. WISE ON PLUMS. Wizard Burbank Has 617 Varieties on His Place. Santa Rosa, Cal., April C- That the several varieties of toothsome plums now known to fruit lovers are destined to be relegated to tho list of forgotten delicacies is the belief of Luther Bur bank, the plant wizard of this city. "I am now experimenting with 617 distinct varieties of plums," said Bar bank today, "any one of which I be lieve is superior to any plums now known to the world. For the past few months I have been working and ex perimenting with this fruit and in tak ing an inventory of tho results I havo found that I have on my ranch at least C17 plums of which the layman has never heard." Burbank has recently evolved a fivo leaf clover and states that an addition al leaf will be forthcoming in the near future. Czar Will Go Voyaging. St. Petersburg, April 6. Prelimi nary preparations are being made for a round of state visits by the emperor to the Scandinavian capitals, and pos sibly to London in the early summer. According to the plans his majesty will leave in June aboard the imperial yacht Standart, escorted by a division of the Baltic fleet and torpedo boats, and will go to Stockholm, Christiana and Copenhagen, and perhaps thence to England, to return King Edward's visit during the summer. This is the first extensive imperial trip projected since 1901. Starvation or Massacre. London, April G A special dispatch from Teheran, describing the situation at Tabriz, says there is no doubt that a great tragedy is close at hand. If Ta briz holds out against the Invaders, the dispatch says, thousands must die of starvation. If Tabriz falls, probably tens of thousands will be massacred. The rest of the country, however, looks on with traditional Eastern apathy, Kentucky Counties "Dry." Ashland, Ky., April 6. Boyd county voted "dry" today by a majority of 307. In this city, the center of tho Iron industry, church bells were ring ing hourly during the election. The victory of the "drys" here means that 96 of the 119 counties in the state are wholly "dry" under tho county unit law. DALE CAUSES LOSS. Severe Wind Storm Passes Over At lantic Coast States. Boston, April 9. Moving Eastward with Increasing velocity, tho storm which has done so much damage In the Central and Lako states today swept over New England, and a tale of woe has poured Into this city from shipping interests as a result. Tho gale has varied in velocity from 60 to over 92 milt an hour, and shipping up and down tho coast haa sought shelter. From off tho Rhodo Island coast It Is reported that threo barges with their crews have been blown out to sea, and staunch ocean-going tugs havo started to their relief. On tho treacherous sands off Cape Cod a sloop is reported ashore, and from Vineyard Haven it is reported that many vessels havo put In there in a disabled condition. In tho path swept by tho storm wires aro just being restored to work ing order, and tales of loss of life and suffering aro rapidly coming In. Throughout Eastern Canada the gale was particularly severe, and from On tario it is reported that many houses were unroofed. A schoolhouso at Guelph was demolished and many per sons injured. In Rochester, N. 1., the gale ac quired n velocity of 68 miles an hour, and ono man was killed. At Wheel ing, W. Va., ono man was killed and threo seriously injured. The oil country near Pittburg suf fered great damago In tho gale, and over 2,000 derricks over the weils were blown down. The loss to oil men will total at least $100,000. Houses, bams and fences throughout tho country were wrecked. MODJESKA PASSES AWAY. Famous Actress Loses In Her Battle Against Death. Los Axgleles, Cal., April 9. Mad ame Helena Modjeska, the famous Polish tragedienne and one of the most noted actresses of the American stage, died at 10 o'clock yesterday at her island home at Bay City, in Orange county, at the ago of 05, after an ill ness of about two months, tor seve ral days sbo bad been unconscious and her death was almost hourly expected. Bright'a disease, complicated with heart trouble, was the immediate cause of death. Gathered around the bedside of the noted actress when she died were Count Bozenta, husband of Madame Modjeska,; Ralph Modjeska and his wife, sop and daughter-in-law. of Chi cago, and Dr. J. C. Boyd, tho family physician. Tho fatal illness of Mad ame Modjeska has been a bard strain on the count and the other members of the family, who have watched almost incessantly at her side for a month past. The body of the actress will be em balmed and taken to Los Angeles, where It will lie in a vault for aomo time. Later Count Bozenta will take the body to Cracow, Poland, the early home of Modjeska, and there it will be interred. UNITED STATES AROUSED. Nicaraguan President Must Account for Mutilating Papers. Washington, April 9. Niesraguan mutilation of official dispatches to this government and continued grave con ditions in Central America, are under earnest consideration of the Washing ton government, investigation havo convinced the officials here that cipher dispatches passing between John H. Gregory, the American chargo at Man agua, Nicaragua, and the State depart went at Washington were purposely mutilated. It would not bo surprising, in view of the unsatisfactory conditions, if tho American government should tako ac tive steps to end the existing state of affairs In Central America and notify Nicaragua that henceforth peace must prevail at all hazards. Moral suasion with Nicaragua has failed to accomplish tho object sought that of impressing bor with the de sire both of the United States and Mexico that there he a cessation of the contentions which keep other Central American republics constantly guess ing. Intervention In Central American ffairs has been talked of unofficially. Autolsts Sacrifice Car. Dayton, O., April 9. Rather than run down a little girl who was In their path, James L. Dinsmore and F. O. Probaseo turned their automobile down a 30-foot embankment and plunged into the waters of the Miami river today. The men were driving the car along the top of the levee, only clcht feet wide, when the child was seen a few feet ahead. Probaseo, who was driving said: "Is it the child or tho river, Jim?" He received the reply, "The river for ours." Although the river was high both men escaped. Balloon Italia Tumbles. Schlo, Italy, April 9. Tho trial of the dirigible balloon Italia today ended disastrously. After maneuvering for some time at a height of 1,200 feet, tho engine broke down and tho balloon descended precipitately, It was budly fmftrmt rittf fli onvAnania vi'Siva xa uHitmbUf wmu maw Kvivimum nvio nub J hurt. iiiiii H I .... II . ! IHIIIU' OREGON STATE ITEMS. OF INTEREST NEW PROJECTS FOR OREQON Reclamation Service Makes Three Fil ings In Eattern'Oregon, Salem More Irrigation projects are in view for Eastern Oregon. The United States reclamation service has made three important filings on Eastern Oregon streams within tho past few days. Tho filings were mado on the Umatilla, Owyhee and Malheur rivers and are on record In the office of the stato engineer. At Uils time tho tilings aro not defl nlto enough to admit of any enlarge ment upon tho proposed projects that the United States government expects to make. The tilings must bo approved and several months will bo consumed before any tiling of a doflnito nature can result from them. The topographical surveys that have been made in Eastern Oregon are the most valuable means whereby feasible reclamation projects are discovered. At tho last session of tho legislature an attempt was mado to Increase tho ap propriation from $6,000 to 120,000 an nually for making these surveys. Tho bill passed the houso but failed to pass the senate. The bill failed mainly becauso the Eastern Oregon senators opposed it. those representing tho section to be most benefited by tho appropriation. Consequently, tho Irrigation projects must come more slowly. tor every dollar tho stato appropriates for the toitographlcal surveys the United btates appropriates another dollar. Hod tho bill that was piloted through the houso by Representative Rusk passed tho sen ate $40,000 a year would havo been available. The stato engineer has gono to Wy oming to study the workings of tho water code of that state, which was the model from which was formed Oregon s new code. Mr. Lewis expects to bo absent about 10 days or two weeks. NORMAL GETS LITTLE AID. Eastern Oregon Indifferent a to Fate of Institution. Weston J. O. Russel, physical di rector and teacher of mathematics at the Weston normal, has returned from an Eastern Oregon trip In the Interests of the school. Among the places vis ited were Hermiston, Arlington, Cove, La Grando and Elgin. Mr. Russoll reports that ho met with much popular misconception as to the nature and sphere of normal school work, and the financial encouragement offered was rather slim. For instance, the La Grande subscription toward running the school until tho end of the present year, which cloecs with com mencement May 25, was only $SC. In Mr. Russell's view there Is no hope for any general assistance throughout Eastern Oregon toward continuing the school until such time ai it would be possible to obtain state aid by means of tho Initiative measure, which it Is proposed to subpmlt at the November election in 1910. Smuggled Oats, Says O. R. & N. Salem -Complaint Is mado against tho Frank L. Smith Meat company by tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation company before tho railroad commis sion for fatso billing, by which, It is claimed, the meat company smuggled 60 sacks of oats Into Portland with a consignment of baled hay from Hutch inson spur. It is the contention of the attorneys for tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation company that persons and corporations other than railroad com panics may bo found guilty of a misde meanor under the railroad commission act of 1907, snd that when the corpora tion by false billing obtains transpor tation for less than the published tariff it may be prosecuted, and if found guilty, be subject to a flno of not less than $60 or more than $1,000. Improve Drewsey-Burns Road. Drowsy A new road Is being made this week over the Drowsoy mountain, which is crossed by passengers en route to Burns. When completed tho road will bo greatly improved. Here tofore It has been so steep as to moke it difficult for horses to pull oven an empty wagon, and the drlvo down has been very dangerous. Tho new road Is being cut around tho mountain. State Gets 8hlp's Guns. Salom Governor Benson hos re ceived a letter from Secretary of the Navy George L. von Meyer, stating that tho 13-Inch guns of tho Oregon have not yet been condemned and con sequently cannot bo given to tho ntato or to other applicants. It Is under stood tho government will send two of tho 0-inch guns to Salem for tho stuto houso lawn. Land to Be Thrown Open. Salem Tho desert land board, at its meeting In tho statehouso decided to grant tho application of the Deschutes irrigation & rower company and tnrow open the company's segregation of about 8,000 acres. Tho land opened is known as list No. 0. Tho protest or A. Mr Drake, of Portland, was thus overruled. LOADS MUST OE HEAVY. Some Absurd Blunders In New Ore ,gon Road Law. Snlem- Among tho quaint and curi ous blunders of the recent session of tho Oregon legislature was the passage of a bill making It unlawful to drlvo a wagon on any Improved road west of the Cascado rang?, weighing with Its burden less than 2,600 pound. Tho bill Is house bill No. 81, and is design ed to protect tho ronda from the result of overloading narrow-tiro wagons. The bill was reforred to tho houso commltteo on roads and highways and by them amended and jumbled up. Section 2 gives county courts authority to regulate tho weight of all loads of various commodities, between tho first day of October and tho first day of May of each year. Section 3 was amended to rend, In referring to tho sulght of loads that may bo hauled : "And tho maximum weight thereof shall not bo mado less than 2,600 pound nor mora than 3,000 pounds for any vehicle having tires of any width less than four Inches, nor less that 3, 600 pound nor mora than 4,600 pounds for any chlclo having tires of mora than four Inches and less than alx inch es In width, nor less than 4,600 pounds for any vehicle having tires of six inches or more in width," etc. The bill la Intended to apply to coun ties wholly or In part west of tho Cas cado range. Any violation may be punished by county courts for contempt of court. Gilliam Land Leased. Mitchell What Is considered as tho largest tease of land over transacted In this county was completed recently when G. L. Friszoll, of Gird's creek, rented all his grazing and forming land to Perry Reames, of Mitchell. The property la considered one of tho best stock ranches ill this section. It con sists of 2,160 acres, situated at tho head of Gird creek. Mr. Reames haa taken Immediate charge, while Mr. Frizzell will drive about 300 head of cattle to Toppenish, Wash., whore he has been feeding 660 head tho past winter. Tho whole herd, 960 head, will be fattened for tho northern mar kets. Land Brings 31,000 an Acre. Milwaukle Mrs. M. D. Rold has completed, the sale of 22 acres of her homo placo to II. Ico Paget and others of Portland for an average of $1,000 an aero. Tho land sold is under a high stato of cultivation and contains one of the most productive grape vineyards In Clackamas county. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Blucatcm milling, $1.26; blueatem shipping, $1.171.18; club, $1.12iil. 16; Turkey red, $1.16; red Russian, $1.08; valley, $1.10K. Oats No. 1 white, $396X40 per ton. Barley Feed, $316(32 per ton. Hay Timothy, Willamette valley. $130Cl6per ton; Eastorn Oregon, $10 (iI8; clover, $I2(I3: alfalfa, $14.60 GtlG; grain (lay, $134(14; vetch, $13,606(14.60; cheat, $13.606114.60. Apples 0&cn$2.60 per box. Potatoes $l.2GMl. 35 per hundred; sweet potatoes, 2 ,46 3c per pound. Vegetables Turnips, $1 per sack; carrots, 90c; parsnips, $1.60; beets, $1,76; horseradish, 10c per pound; or tlchokcs, C56t86c per dozen; cabbage, 36r,4c pur pound; cauliflower, $2.60; celery, $4.60 per crate; lettuce, head, 86c per dozen; onions, 40(i(60cper doz en; parsley, 36c per dozen; peas, 16c per pound; radishes, 36c per dozen; rhubarb, 628c per pound; spinach, Cc por pound. Onions Oregon, $1.76041.85 per hundred. Butter City creamery, extras, 29c; fancy outsldo creamery, 27i6?29c per pound; California, 27jifc; store, 18C?C 20c. Buttorfat prices average We per pound under regular butter prices. Eggs Oregon ranch, 21ft22c per dozen. Poultry Hons, lOtlOJfcpor pound; broilers, 24K26c; fryers, 18j$20a; roosters, old, 10$$llc; young, 146116c; ducks, 2022)c; geese, 10c; turkeys, 18610e; squabs, $2.606f3 per dozen. Veal Extras, 10?()10c per pound; ordinary, 7f$8c; heavy, 6c. Pork Fancy, 9ffl9Hc per pound; large, 838)fc. Hops 1909 contracts, 9 10c per pound; 1008 crop, 7637 Xc; 1007 crop, Udtic; 1906 crop, l2c. Wool Eastern Oregon, contracts, 10(?18c per pound; valley, 18c; mo hair, cholco, 23(7(23 jifc. Cattle Top steers, $6,2566.60; fair to good, $4,76ft6; common to medium, $3,26631.60; cows, top, $4.26; fair to good, $3.606J4; common to medium, $2.603,60; calves, top, $6(ft5.60; heavy, $3.6004; bulls and stags, fat, $36X3.60; common, $26(2.76. Hogs Best, $7.26617.60; fulr to good, $0,766(7; stockors, $6.6060; China fats, $0.76. Sheep Top wethers, $66(6.76; fair to good, $4.6004.76; owes, Ha loss on all grados; yearlings, top, $0,266) 0,60; fair to good, $06J0.2o; spring lambs, $910, EXTEND "DRY" TERRITORY. Anti-Saloon League Makes Marked Oalo In Eastern States, Denver, April 7. The anti-saloon forces were generally victorious throughout tho state at tho municipal elections yesterday. Of the 26 towns from which return had been received at midnight 18 voted to becomo dry, while seven towns voted to license sa loons. In most cases the contending parties were designated by local name and In but few Instances were thu Issues fought out on Republican and Demo cratic lines. 000 Saloon Must Close Up. Detroit, April 7. More than 000 sa loons and 10 breweries will be forced out of business In tho 10 counties of tho state which voted ' dry" at yester day's election. Returns Inst night gavo the ,,drya" 20 of the 27 counties In which tho liquor question was votrd Uon, but later figure swung Owotuo county, which has 19 saloon Into thd "wet" column by 172 majority, Nebraska Breaks About Even. Lincoln, Neb., April 7. - Tho quos tion of saloon license wa the dominat ing Influence In election In Nebraska yestedoy, and Uto returns, whllu show Ing n few surprising changes, do not Imllcnto n landslide to either side. Thu gain, epclally In the smaller town, are on the sidu of tho "drys." Local Option Wave Breaks. Indianapolis April 7. The local op tlon wavn which ha been aweeplng In diana suffered a setback In Blackford and Cass counties yesterday, thu breaking the string of victories for the anti-saloon cauae. Dothcountlr voted for tho regularly licensed saloon and go on record with Wayne county for the "wets." Alabama Liquor Law Valid. Montgomery, Ala., April 7. The Alabama stato prohibition law wa do ctored valid yesterday by tho Stato Su premo court, all the judges concurring In tho opinion. This Is thu second time the court has upheld the state wide act of the last legislature. It was attacked on soveral constitutions! ground. Wisconsin Prefers Wetness. Milwaukee, Wis., April 7. April elections were held In a large number of cities throughout Wisconsin yester day, the Issue of "license" or "no II cenne" being at stake. License car ried In a majority of tho places heard from. About 20 town voted "wet," while about 14 voted "dry." Kansas City Is Republican. Kansas City, Kan., April 7. Incom plete returns at midnight Indicated the election of W. S. Guger, Republican, aa mayor of Kansas City by about a majority of about 600. In Kama City, Mo the proposition to extend tho city limits carried. Little Rock Stays Wei. Little Rock, Ark., April 7. Prohi bition was overwhelmingly defeated yesterday In tho municipal election, in which Mayor Duley was re-elected by a majority of 1,041 votes. TRINIDAD BARS CASTRO. British Government Will Not Allow Ex-Dictator to Land. Port, of Spsin. Trinidad, April 7. At tho urgent request of the State do partmint at Washington, communicul u'l to the foreign ofllco at London, the British government has decided not to allow Clprlano Castro, former presi dent of Venezuela, to land ut Trinidad, London, April 7. Groat Britain's change from a policy of non-lntorfor-ence in tho situation that threatens to day In the Carrlbcon to n docUlon not to allow iJIprlano Lastro to land at Port of Spain, Trinidad, Is a friendly act to America and other powers more directly interested In Venezuela, A soon as the Stato department pointed out that tho dethroned dictator of Ven ezuela probably would causa troublo In Venozuola, tho foreign ofllco doclded to tako action and Instruct tho official at Port o( Spain to prevent Castro from landing. Slow to Accept Carnegie Gift, Honolulu, April 7. Although An drew Carneglo promised to give Ha waii a library costing $160,000 If tho legislature would gunrantco to main tain It In n sultablo manner, tho law makers of tho Islands ore not yet unan imous and it la doubtful If tho offer will bo accepted. Tho donation has been enthusiastically hailed by thu Honolulu Library association, which has guaranteed to turn over Its entire property and endowment to ttio project, but tlilc has In no way moved many of tho legislator from tliolr upathy, Act Is Unconstitutional, Now Haven, Conn., April 7. In sus taining u demurrer unto rod by counsel for tho Now York, Now Haven & Hart ford Railroad company, Judgo Whoolor. of tho Superior court, hold today that tho employers' liability act passod by congress in Juno, 1908, was unconsti tutional. WILLDEPORTCASTRO France Tells United Slates He Will Ho Driven Away. PUT HIM AHOARH FIRST STEAMER Will Be Returned to Europe, Wliern Me Will Be Out or Touch With Venaiuela. Washington, April lO.-rThe French government hns Informed the State de partment of Its determination to put Into effect Immediately Its decision to xpel ex.Prritldent Castro, of Vene zuela, from Fort do Franco and compel him to return to Europe. Tho program Is to put him aboard the vessel first touching atiFortdn France. If this Is carried out, Caslro will be on his way to Kuropo In n day or two, unless hi physical codndltlmi Is such that the ocean trip would put his life In Jeopardy. The State department officials ant much gratified at the manner In which the French government ha acted, ami feel relieved that Castro I to be sent back to Kuroiie, where he will have m Inlluenfo In the affaire of Venezuela, where his personal follow ing I btllovcd to be conilderobte, HITCHCOCK PA88EB AWAY. Former Cabinet Ofllcer Die After Weeks of Illness, Washington, April 10. -P.than Allen Hitchcock, secretary of tho interior under Presidents McKlnley and Route volt, died here yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, aged 74. He had been critically III for several day. Mr. Hitchcock had been III for some week. He contracted a severe cokl while In the West, and hi condition became so scrlou that he hurried to Washington to place hlmlf In tho hands of a specialist who had attended him during his office career here. Ho suffered from a complication of kidney, heart and pulmonary disease. At the bedside when the end earn were Mr. Hitchcock, the three daugh ters, Lieutenant Commander Sims, and a nephew, George C. Hitchcock, of St. Ioul. His condition had become steadily worse during the last two days. Tho body will be taken to SL Uuls today, arriving there Sunday night. The funeral will bo held Monday, the Interment being at the Hellefontalna cemetery In that city. NO COAL STRIKE LIKELY. Operators Say Danger of Interrup tion of Uuslness Remote. Philadelphia, April lO.-Although a disagreement was reached at the con cluding conference of the onlhraclto operator and miners today concerning tho question of a wage agreement In the hard coal field of Pennsylvania, there will bo no strike and no danger of suiKnalon of mining, according to minoworkers' officials, Tho operators rejected tho modified demands presented yesterday by the miners. I no answer of the miner uaa given to the mlncwurkers today In a conference which lasted more than an hour. Tho official of tho United Mine workers of three districts will hold an other meeting to decide upon ft, course of action. Tho oiierotora having headnuarter In Now York City left on tho noon train. and announced thoy would give out a statement soon after tholr arrival. Signs Point to Bean. Washington, April 10. Indications strongly point to tho selection of Judgo Bean for thu new Federal judgeship In Oregon. Tho attorney general, at the request of tho president, has been mak ing Inquiries on to Judgo Bean's quail flcotlons, and, bo for as known, all re ports era favorable. Senator Fulton rnado no recommendations, reollxlng that it was tho president'-, purposo to mako his own selection Irrespective of politics and political Indorsements. Judge Bean hod Indorsed Mr, Fulton for tho MMltlon. Ice dam In Niagara River, Lowlatoii, N. Y,, April 10. Owing to a Jam of Ice In tho gorge Just above hero, ttio docks of tho Nagnra River Navigation company at Qucon.ton and Lowlston ore covered with about .'10 feet of Ice. Tho stay wlros of Lowls ton suspension bridge wore carried nway. Unearth Pot of Gold. Loxlngton. Ky.. Anrll lO.Whllo digging n jiostholo In un abandoned lot today, workmen discovered n brass kottlo ccontulnlng $8,600 In gold and silver thut apparently had boon burled for a half century,