The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 31, 1909, Image 7

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To Build You Up for Spring
llegln tnklng Ilnoil'it flnninpnrllln tntlay. II' will do you Rood.
'l'liu lienvlor llvlnx nml cltwor coiilliieincnt or llio winter, tlio offcrls of
colder, damp, cliiuiguiililo wrntlicr on tlio jxirow of tliu akin, mid Ilia linrdor
work of (IiIm nonnoii nro. probnlily tolling on you.
Hood' Httrxiipiirilln, Inkoii just now, will glvo J'0'" "yidom Jul wlmt
it need nml must Imve, mid will help you over till Imnl hjioI llio rotiti
Ijroiiinl, mi it wore nml quilo likely unvn you from n nurloux illnoM Inter,
"A Mitch in t f inn snvr nlnu" In it wltui old nwj llierofnro, don't wnlt,
tint ln'i;ln (o Inkn Ilood'n KaiHtipnrllln now, t purl II w mid tinrlchoH tlio
Mood, re I ore tlio nppelito, mid uJvoh health nnd Hlriniglli.
It offi'til itH wonderful cure, not "Imply Im'oiiiihu It rniitnln rfaiiKipa
rllln, but liorniiito It combine tliu utmost remedial vttluon of morn tlinn "0
different Ingredient, onch grimily alroiuillioned mnl oinlelird by HiIh pcoulinr
cottiblimtlon. Tlicao Ingredient nro llio very remtidlo Mtiueonalul phyi
clnn prescribe for tlio snuio dtwwte nnd nllment.
Uojrin diking IIiKid ' rinmnpnrilla lodny. Oct It In tlio tisunl liquid
form or In clioioiilcd Inblel known n Hitrstilnb. ion Dunk Omh Dollar
K V' lion the iiiiiu v, nmnii.ri ro.xuiia!Tini!H nuotiirr. urn
kidney rrnir.lyi oUrrnt niw It a ttllj Pi iiillluttir iliu-n
Cutni the tick and art n n ti ptpIi(Ito fur otlirri.
hold liynlld. , kI tinn I Imrio K' ods liuimt, or tout, rprwi
iitll, hy llio iiiaiiiuartiirir,
SPOMN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Gosficn, Ind.
'A VH I"IAlI V A l'ltvorinif. It make
Hfl O W i " I 111 V y"r l"cr tli.n M.PI.
o Sold by u'roccr.
Blui 47 Mow do )on mll
Old I'aihlwird rrixiftMilfr An way
7011 itrM. All rule of aptlllnf liar
tx-tn BbolUhrd.
for th. tUoalur of K, W 0II0VI1 Um.1 Hit
wM wtf I CAira a (VH In Oiw lUr. V.
MliU I.Ubl on HUliirr.
AmfllA HUwrotr bid Invtnted tb co
(urn lltat hrar brr nam.
"I autJ to link Mmrlhlnc k un
Ilk lb brlb towa ottlUf," b
llilt ilio tipUlm wby It rifrr !
rm oputr nmont our torlrly Iradtr.
CITC Dl, VMM" ! kimm lrin. hw
lllJtMtlr t4 I, ! flrl Nri lu.
Mtl. IWI r IIIIIIH liulllUa4 lmll-.
lr. Ik It. KIlM. L4 , l Attlt hi., 11iU4lfkU, l'.
MulblHM IIuIdk,
rioorwulkrr Can 1 do miyltiliij for
; on. until a to 7
ltr. Klri'lnnipyrr No, tlniiik. 1
don't wUti to tmjr. I'm Jiut out hop
llftlnc Judec
Pelllt' Eye Silve 100 Yuan Old,
relieve tired cye, quickly cured oyo
clirn, IndAinetl. ore, vrntcry or ulcer
nteil even. All drugttlata or Howard
llroa., lIulTnlo, N. Y.
CrrvtHUHf Omlllril,
lli Vine of tb bolwt, ttbo ii on Ida
tnnrrli, had Jiut iur( llio kluc of III
Cannibal Utand),
"Wll," tby aald. a Uifj looked at
tacb olbtr, "I cii w won't kin."
I'pnniatiU anil ConiurnVU"! " lr T'
(otImI bf nwillnrr cVI. Iluntln' Wlurd Oil
rvttl Into ll !( lrwi but ihalKlUinnMllan,
WmVi up lh tU and TtiU tl lo trwbU.
Hun tli TruiiItU trla.
riibllthtr Kurrly ll ought to I po
albl to link cood print paprr out of
Mill Owner Your wlh. ilr, la foddrr
to tb thought.
Molhtr wilt nnd tin. Wlntlow'a IWthloa
yruitbUiHiiirlr luiiMluiltilrctiUlr4
Auiluf lb tMtiilot' ulod.
"Of eotiri. you got lb copyright,"
Tliry Mid, "on your famoui rone."
"I did not," mid tb lurkttM ulg)it
"Hity prlntrd my copy wrong V
l'r i:nlrlalnnirul.
Mrs. Mooner I nlwaya ninko tt a
point to co atiojipliiE enrly tu tlio morn-
Mr. Rpooner To nvold tin ruh)
Mr a. Mooner No I llko to lUten to
the alui ciria ti'lllnu each other Uiclr
Homo Mado Olood Purlflor.
The beat blood bulldlnir preacrlptlon
known ll na followa: To ono-half pint
of kckxI whlikoy add ono ounco ayrup
enraannrllla nnd ono ounce Torla coin
pound, which can bo procured from any
drUKRlot, Tuke In tenipoonful donee
boforo each meal and beforo retiring.
A llrnnlllnn.
Cobb Wlmt'a tho dlffcreneo Utweea
tInIoii nnd alglit?
Uobb Keu tlioio two glrla acroaa the
0)bb Yea.
Dobb Well, tho pretty ono I would
rn! n vlalon, but tho other ono ahe'o
"You Mr a man to wateb your prrm
lira for a dollar n nlgbt, do you'"
MYo, and be' a prrlly C'khI dollar
walrb, too, If anybody abould aik you."
FriHlutHtt t.Mrk tit I.iiiiIo.
Tell n ulfo that men nro acltluli, ah
will rendlly nnpileace. Hut It'll Hint
niiin wouuin Hint by ciioIIIiik her liya
whether In the nurm-ry or nt erhool,
or iinlrcmlly- he la nowlug tho acrda
of esotlaui, aba will glio nil emplmtle
Jml th flppatll.
Tho tnotorlat mine out of th pirnci
all tHHU'ekiM In hcoraUIn and cocgl-
"l'm out for fat apln," he re
markod oh ho pullnl on Ida ctorea.
'They any a ajMtsl of 70 tnllcn an hour
la a tonic for the nrrrre when tboy ar
run down."
"I hATeu't liotlcrd It," aald th
atrnncer who waa pmlni.
"rjiat'a queer. And you owu a carr
"No, I'm a pcdrKtrlan."
1li c;r Urll.
Tho corn crib ahould t narrow and
Inttitl on tho ldc nnd eud o that
n freo elreulntlon of air la poaalhlo In
all dlriitloiiM. Koine fnnnrra plafohol.
low crnlm In tho crlba na tlicy nro
tlllcl. o there will t no IkmIIiic or
M)lllnK In tho ct-ntiT of tho tnuaa.
Ileatlue dratrora lln mrn Rcrm.
lloru uuuUiri
fluntM'r Ilo ued to l n nmmIuiIi
and ny the world wn n bubble. I un
derotand lie lina rhnnirol hla opinion,
Ouyer Yea; you aee, ho fell out ol
an nlrahlp not long nso,
Ilr llrliiK I'lrrtl.
"Itnggltt, bow did you catch thai
"Well, I'll Irll yo, Itamagp. I lt
my job tb olbr day. It wa th flrat
time aurh a tblnc Im "cr btppened te
Mir, and t got kind o' rrcklraa. )OU know,
and cipoied myaelf, and and "
"I w. You caught It on th firt
Klrrl Judurarnt.
"I aomrllmr think," rtmarkrd tb rer
ular patron, "that th mar drummrl
bould In) th beat muilclan In tb thra
tr orlbflrn.,,
"Ilo utually l." aald tb drumnirr.
PAZO OIKTMENT U avaranla! to rut an
rw at Itrlilnc, llllnd. Iltfwllna or I'rotruJIni
I1U In I to II day or monrr rfuiull. (oc
Bhlnlnar Trl.
Btranger You Utile boya teem to
Ilka Hint old grntleinnii?
I.ltllo Hoy Yo, ho furuUbee ue with
to much nmutement.
Htrnngcr Hut ho aeemt In auch a
croaa humor.
I.lttlo Hoy Yee, hut he la the only
old gentleman In thla imrt of town
Hint wenra a tall alike hat during the
luowboll acoaon.
Unaullrllrd TrallmonUI,
Illrtra had taken 11 rook i out to lunch
"Kver rateu at thla plae txfor!"
atkrd Ilrook. aawlng away on hla atrak
"O, yea: A fow tliuo,' nmwrrrd Ur
rra, trying to And a piece of cblckrn tba)
waa tender.
"herrea you right, thent"
a heart-breaking cough
ll dreaJlul lo lulfcc and dcp'u!oj to btr. Why tWitcn the health ol
your lungi and lli P of your family when you tan obtain Immediata
iclicl l(omlWCuio Rcmartall teiulti follow tho Cnt doic Taken
rraulaily It aoothti and healt tho lacerated tuiuei, looKm tho doming
phlegm and tlopi tho cough. Heaiani to tho tail and Irea Irom
oplalei. Children enjoy taking It. For Ihrort and lung diMtiei, bo
Batter how lr adranced.
An Aiuerlrnn eoiiipnny la micecaaftill
ticrnlliiK " uilcri mint) iicnr Kolnniiu,
ludl'i, on tho dial linlln rnllwny, iibout
i!?iO mllea from Cnlriillii. Kereu hund
red lunula nro oiuployeil under n pntc
tlnil Amcrlniii uilcri tun ti.
C'onlrnrla hnvo Ikii let fur Wlnnl
pi-n'a now miiuk'IpHl idwtrle power
plmit, lo c'lht iippnialiiiiilol)' $1,01 l,7W.
Tho Wliiiilpcx llli-ctrlc Itnllwuy Com
ainy tiriN thron tlincn offon-l lo Hell
Km Uic dii Honiiet plant to tho elty.
I'rHliulimry work for llio enimtnio
Hon of Indlu'D liirxu ih'w hIcoI plnnt
lien r Knlliimll atiitlon la limiting K'mnI
hiHidwny. 'i'lie plnnt on the Itninnum
nuinmncftif property lina pnived to bo
of the lilitlii-at tHluc A forlj-tlvo mllo
rnllwny la n I runty tiudir eonatruetlon.
'llio output of the HrlllHli alilpbulld
ln ynrda iimountcd In IHiS to only
nliout (una of incrrliiilit utoilin
reitfola, or little iiKiri1 tlinn linlf of tho
pro-dilute tHcho iiMuitliN. 'llio number
of MrllWl alilfM imiv In Id up nt liouie
nud forvlKii jMirta la cullimitcd nt !,
(KM),(mi ton.
John llrown wnn exreutod nt llnn
em IVrry on !, 1!, 1BM. It wna ahort
ly nflcr 11 o'elmk fit the uiorultiff. Two
thoiiMitid Vlrcltitrt uddlom wero ruugiHl
nruuiid tho to-urridd when ho wna
hrouxlit from IiIm prlmni Iioiiho and
plnct'd In n wiikoii which wna to cmrey
him to tho mrm of tho oxeeulloii,
'llio eurnlor of (hi iuuk-iiiii nt llrua
fcta lmn Juat Mfii punuilm: nil Interne
Ink' clnlm In tho llrlelnn eourta. In
Mny Inat Mine. Itourlnnt, the widow of
nu IteyptologUt, otTcntl to tho imiwiini
two anirnhx with lna-rldloni, whleli
tho Indy clnlmed ndatotl to n voyaco on
tho eonat of Afrlcn referred lo by Hero
elnliiM. The euro lor purehnMil the wn
mix for '-.'", nud, na mny bo Ining
Imil, they erentnl n Brent deal of Inter
eat In tho tenrtuM world, the final Judg
ment of which wna Hint the ao-cnllcd
anthpillli-a Mere forcrrlen. M. Gipnrt,
tho ciirntor. lina aueil tho widow for
tho rt-tiirn of the purehnao prlco nud
llio court hiiro dcclihil In hla favor.
From tho War IK'iwrtnient cornea no
tl(r of nil lutereatlug relic formerly the
property of 1'rmMcnt l.lucolu. I'pon
the occnidou of hi memornhlo vlalt to
(lettjalnirc the Prcaldeut nit with tilt
ou ii lintxln n enne, which ho nftenvnrd
prtiH'Uteil to Ida Wnr Hecretnry, Kdwln
M. Hlanton, by whom It wna unturnlly
highly piircil. Thla en no la now In tho
IMMiMiudou of Mr. Jnhncko, pniddcnt of
tho Jnhncko NnvlgAtlon Company of
New Orlcnim. who married a gnind
dntighler of Keeretnry Htnntnn. It line
n gold top with nn engraved lnerl
Hon, which wna prolmbly plnced on
tho treuaiirnl miuveulr by sfvretnry
Ktantou. National Mngnxlue.
Vew KwUn m-liolnm hnvo hnd n moro
lirllllnut rnnvr tlinn the new principal
of tho t'nlrondty of I.nununo. Dr. II.
Chnrlea Loul Illniie wna Ixirti In Lnti
luinue, fifty yennt ngn nnd Itognn hla
attidlea nt one of the prlumry aehoola
In tho elty. At nineteen ho took hla do
gre In aelenei. nftenvnnl going, aa ao
mnny Hwliw m-holnra hao done, to Oer-
UMiiy, tlrxt to Ktuttgnrt. then to the
Dulvendty of FrllMiurgen-llrlKgnu.
where he won hla d(K-tnrnte In philoso
phy with honor. Sinn- then he lina
nmdo hla mnrk na a r.oologlt, nnd now
enjoy n Kuropeou nT-utntlon. lie hnt
hnd n hntMl In reccnrtli work and In
uiierlntcndlng r.(Niloglcnl iiiuwunu In
Hltterlnud nud In Cermiiny.
There la nt prtwnt nu Inlereatlng ex
hibit In No. tl tank nt the llrlghton
Aipinrlunt, My Hk Iuidon CIoIh1. It la
aotuuthliig like n dogttidi. only much
larger, while In the matter of nheor
uglliiei'M It Mnuda unrivaled. Its tech
nical nnino In the toper ahnrk. It la
alx foot lonj; nud weigh from eighty to
ninety miii(!h. while Its mouth look
Inrgn enough to take au olephnnt hlnglo
Im nihil. The nlnirk emtio Into tho on
anodon(of the aiptarlun In rather n
ciirlmm mnuiier. A mitn nnmed Itno
of llrlghton wan llxlilng nouio two tulles
off the Pit I nro pier with a long line,
when ho felt u virion tug at hi book.
Ilo quickly "untiled In hla alack," nnd
then tho toper enme to light. Mr. Ijiiio
nt oueo hurried nahore nud placed tho
tojH-r In IiIm new homo.
There wan rcevntly Inlnxlucetl In tho
Ilouno of Itepmioiitiitlvra n bill for the
purrhnao of the lituiao In Tenth ntrect,
WnHhlitgton. In which Abrnhmn Mn
coin (llct on April in, 1SC Tlio bill
propnrTH tho iieipilHltlou of tho two ad
joining houses- and tho entire collection
of the Oldroyd rellen of I.lneoln, of
which theio aro wituo ii.OOO piece lu
tho building. There I alo Inrlinled n
library a thouxaud voluiuea all nat
lug to Lincoln nnd the civil, war. In
ono of tho room- U it "Idaek loouat"
rail Hpllt by I.IiumIii lu lSHO, nud taken
from n fence around IiIh old home, nud
the walnut i-radlo In whleli IiIr 'children
were rooked. Tlio hill contemplates tho
pitrchttKo iiIho of the two adjoining
bulldlngH on each nldo, with tho uuder
Htaudlng that Imth nro to lie torn down
and (ho ground beautllled by luwus nud
Bhrubbery. Tho Otdroyd collection of
Lincoln rellca la tho Inrgcat lu tho
Don't Poison Baby.
ETORTY YEABS AGO almost ovory motlior thought hor ohilcl nrnst, Hvo
PAEEGORIO or laudanum to mako it sloop. Thcso drugs will produce
oloop, and A PEW DR0P8 TOO MANY will produco tho SLEEP PROM WHIOE
THERE IS NO WAKTrTQ. Many aro tho childron who havo heon killed or
whoso hoalth has boon ruined for lifo hy paregoric, laudanum and morphine, oach
of whioh is a narcotic product of opium Druggists aro prohibited from selling
oithor of tho narcotics named to children at aft, or to anybody without labelling
thorn " poison." Tho definition of " narcotio " is : "A medicine which relieves pam
and produces sleep, hut which in, poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convul
sions and death. " Tho tasto and smoll of medicines containing opium aro disguised,
and sold tmdor tho names of "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrup3," etc. You.
should not permit any medicino to bo given to your children without you or
your physician know of what it is composed. OASTORIA DOES NOT CON
TAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears tho signaturo of Ohas. H. Eetcher.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. IS. Fletcher.
Dr. J. VT. Dlnadalo, of Chicago, III., says: "I uo your Castorla and
advlto IU uo la all fatallics wlicro there cro chi;Jrcn."
Dr. Alexander D. Jllntlo, of Cloreland, Ohio, ra-a: "I havo frequently
prescribed your Caatorla and hnvo found It a rcllablo and pleasant rem
ody for children."
Dr. J. S. Alexander, of Omaha, Neb., eays: "A zncdtclno so valuable and
beneficial for children aa your Castorla Is, deserves the highest praise. I
find It In uso OTcrrwhcro."
Dr. J. A- McClcllan, of Duffalo, N. Y eaya: "I havo frequently prescribed
your Castorla for children and always got cood results. In fact I uae
Castorla for my own children."
Dr. J. W. Allen, of EL Louis, Mo., says: "I heartily endorso your Caa
torla. I bavo frequently prescribed it in rny medical practice, and havo
always found it to do all that is claimed for ILM
Dr. C. IL Clldden, of S'.. Paul, Minn., says; "My experience as a prac
titioner vrlth your Castorla has been highly satisfactory, and I consider it
aa excellent remedy for tho young."
Dr. IL D. Benncr, of Philadelphia, Pa, says: "I bavo used your Cas
torla as a purgative in the cases of children for years past with tho most
happy effect, and fully endorso it as a safe remedy."
Dr. J. A. Boarman, of Kansas City, Mo, says: "Your Castorla is a splen
did remedy for children, known tho world over. I nso it In my practice
and havo no hesitancy In recommending it for the couplalnts of Infants
and children."
Dr. J. J. Mackey, of Brooklyn, N. 7, eays: "I consider roar Castorla an
excellent preparation for children, being composed of rcllablo medicines
and pleasant to the taste. A cood remedy for all disturbances of the
dlgcstlvo organs."
Bears tho Signaturo of
J W , i
ALCOHOL 3 pfm nrNT
Promotes DigeslIonOrnfti-ncssandPstContilmndasr
Ojiium .Morphine norMacrsL
ilU 1 ilAIILU a IL.
llon . Sour StnDxh.Dlarrtea
ncss and LOSS OFSLEEP.
racSsidt Sifnarart of
B7 Guaraaieed under the I Wlar
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Tie Kind You Hare Always Bought
in Use For Over 30 Years.
A man can live In excellent etyle 1;! Every ' He cbol children of Sire- Th annual mineral yltld ot the nritt
Japan for f20 a month. dn P'ant about 000.000 Irtt. empire eiwtd In ralue.
C Jl Uilliwr; uivc
Want a Telephone ?
at.Cvr-r Ki JU
life , Ul
If you do you can set it. If you arc anxious to get into closer
toucii with your friends, with the family doctor, with the store, with the
post office, or witli the cotton buyer, you can do it with a telephone
at hand. If you want to make the farm a more livable place, if yoa
want to protect your home, you can do it by installing a telephone.
If you will cut out this advertisement, write your Hme and
address oa the margin and mall It to-day to eur nearest house,
wo will scad yon at once a copy ef eur Free Bulletin No.112 en
now to Build Rural Telephone Lines'
k f)5 dpfti V'l.S' s u"ctm explains clearly how a rural telephone system is built
3JKf'v A l and operated, and it also contains full information as to costs.
in ct i-aiirci s 4iiwiisi wumjian la icvt iajr b lauur inu a dun
Investment of about S2S. per subscriber, will purchase all material
and build aa absolutely standard system.
A Rural Telephone ts an investment, not an expense.' The
telephone which enables you to sell ten bales of cotton at 4 cent per
pound more than the traveling buyer offers you, has paid for its en
tire cost. If you have some hay down all ready to go in, it is worth
something to have a telephone with which to call on Neighbor Smith "for a lift" before the storm breaks.
Tlio Rural Telephone pays for Itself each year and we have brought the initial cost within the
reach of ever' farmer. Present prices are especially favorable and thousands of Farmers' Mutual Com
panics are now organizing so as to build their lines this Spring. Write us to-day.
This Book Sent Free
Salkra Oftlcta
AlUata Kiaui dlf
ClocioMli FerumMih
XJtllu Satal Louli
laJUupvitt Sanaaati
Ttia voiU'a tiUeit and Urfttt ttla
pboaa vaauiictum Thtrt art ovtr
f.voojo wttni KUtn Tcltfhoaa
la m la tht Ualud Suut to-dir-Carat
TUf imu a (atclalty
(iaoijra aaa Wnltr Otftc
Ia Aaxtua
Sa trmacuto
Got to Hnvo 'Em to Poll.
"Don't you aupioe, aenator, that even
tually oil kinds of macliluery will be run
by a wlreleis ytera"
"No, my boy; we utr could run a
political machine without wire."
No. 13-09
TyilKN wrltlnc to advortlatra pleat
T I l
lixnllun till v!!.
Get it from
your Grocer
2"-!-a 'wr-liUe,fraX;i