The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 31, 1909, Image 1

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If ymi waul lc tell
If you want to In)
vol. VII
NO. 3
Farmers on Irrigated Lands Arc
Well Pleased.
Read What They lUve Jo Say In Re
Card to What the Soil Will Pro
duce One Alan Figures Land
Worth StiS per Acre.
The Deschutes Irrigation &
Power Company bus just had print
cd n flue new booklet descriptive of
ilK land' In tliU section. The
booklet contain n numler of testi
monials from fanner living here
almuts. At these testimonials rdiow
whnt will grow in tlili country,
and the -lie and quality of crop,
they will be of intercut to Ilnllctln
reader living in other Mates who
urc watching this country, and also
will interest local twoplc, as the
tc.ititnonl.iln give the crop yields in
detail. We append n few below.
Mr. Walker lives In the old river
bed lection, licsaya:
IlKNrt, Or. tfepl. H, ii8. The lc
chute IrrlgMlou & l'owcr Co., Ilend.
Oregon: Till letter U to accompany
teclnicn of hay raited on my land thia
year, till being the firtt crop produced.
T arrive at the value of new I mil er
acre I have taken hay at a standard il
reckoning at it U very eaiy to compare
price in different tocallilea with thoc
prevailing here. Counting my hay at
llaUiwetl yield In. lead of the highest
yield cr acre and at the market price
today, thU land hat yielded me f.y
per acre, which, with a deduction of fio
er acre for all farming cxntet Icatct
me a net profit of f r acre ar the
Interett on flij r acre. All of thste
figures are purposely made very con
tervatlve. Very truly your,
A. O. Walkkk.
Everybody in Ilend knows Joe
Ilttckholx as he supplies the town
with garden truck. Mr. HitckhoU
makes the following statement:
IlKNO, Or., Dec. 19th, 1908 De
rliutea Irrigation & Power Co., Ilend,
Or. Oeutleinew Camp to this valley
In 17x1, Put In a ciop for my own uie
In 190) and In addition told about $100
worth from a two-acre patch. The sec
ond year I put In aliout 15 acre and
eatily cleared f l.ono profit. The third
year I put in 30 acre and told at leatt
fi.ico worth. The season of 1908 I
cleared up more new Ian I and planted
505 treea, comprising winter applet,
peart, cherrle, prune and plum. Thit
teaton, alter paying all expenses of extra
cultlatiou and improvement of new
land I ttlll have a profit of f Soo,
Potato:, cabbage, carrot, partnlpt,
salsify, aiparagut, tweet corn, ratpber
rie, gootchcrries, rutabagat, turnip,
celery, docxcepllonally'wcll here.
Very truly your,
HltNl), Or, December !. 191A To
wham it tuny concern: Till It to certi
fy that I have cultivated a part of my
land continuously since the spring of
i'3, principally raiting vegetable, and
fruit. During thlt time 1 successfully
ralted com and many ktmWof vegetables,
producing is tout to the acre of tioth
tii;ar beet and ox heart carrot, pot
toe about 150 btitheli to the acre.
In Iruit I have successfully raited
blacktierrle, currant, gooclerrle,
loganberries, raspberries and strawber
riet; three year old plant of Gregg
laspbcrrle pioduciug 7,200 pound to
the acre ami Cumberland raiplerrie
9,000 pounds to the acre (luring 1908,
i n. Wiitsr,
Ukdhoni), Or., Dec. 15, 1908, Dear
Sirs: I brought my family to the Dc
rlitite valley In ilia summer at 1904,
Inking up irrigated laud from The De
chute Irrigation & Power Co. The
land I very frrtllc when irrigated mid
all the grasses grow luxuriantly. I have
grown three ton ami nome nl my neigh
bors a high four ton of clover per
acre at one cutting. Nowhere in the
Northwrtl will alfalfa do Utter than In
till valley.
I told my hay crop till year for fo
per ton Imub-d from the shock, It I
now (December) worth f 11 per ton In
the ttack,
Potatoes are very eatily grown, yield
ing from two to three hundred buthrl
per acre, with no cultivation. Their
quality It unsurpassed, Onion grow
eatily and yield Immeiite crop with lit
tie cultivation. We can grow the tinall
fruit to rf-ctlon, My fruit tree are
only coinliiK Into bearing and are mak
ing a fine growth.
We have grown In our Kinlrii, cu
cumlier 17 Indict long, and pumpkin,
Mjuath, melon, etc., at fine atlctcr
taw anywhere.
Our climate I delightful. We can
plough every month in the year. My
lock i on Mttureyet (DecrmlMtr 13th)
ami looking fine. 1'. T. lUiiiuoNit.-
KnnwoNn, Or., Dee. j, 1 90S. To
whom it may concern: Itefore coming
Into the Detchutea alley I had dune no
far 111 work fur joyear.
I began clearing my laud in April and
the JJlh day of May, I' 15, towed a crop
oloatt burdld not Irrigate the land Ite
fore towing, doing my firtl irrigating
the IJth of June. At the land thnubl
have been Irrigated Itefore seeding, the
firtl crop wa ttuall.
The tame tummcr I cleared up .ami
Irrigated nine acre more, plowed, har
rowed and thoroughly prearetl it far
crop, Next spring I again towed to
it I. On thit crop my net return were
f-M.Sli per acre.
My potatoes the tame) ear yielded two
huudreil bushels r acre (Co pounds to
the buthel), and I told till crop at
price ranging from two cent to three
cenlt er pound.
Till teaton I towed my laud to al
falfa, with bcaidlcM barley ai a nurte
crop. The hay iay for all exM-nea of
clearing, cultivating and tecdlug, while
in adilition I had good (vitturage from
the alfalfa during the Me tummcr and
I could have told mr land for fy per
acre two )eit ago and would not tell it
for flew er acre todiy.
John Johnson.
Hkouonii, Or., Dec. io, 1908. Dei
chute Irrigation & Power Co., Ilend.
Oregon. Gentlemen. In the teaton ol
1907 I hod 14 acre in cultivation and
the oat thrcthed thereon went & bush
elt to the acre.
My tatoe have always yielded well
and ol excellent ipiallly. I ilened to
uutoei the pait two year.
The help In building a home in thlt
section are pure and abundant water,
plenty of good wood for tile) and fence
(mitt; laud ratlly cleared up and broken,
good tchoolt and road ami 110 malaria
or high wind.
I believe It i the belt clinute I ever
taw a my family of little children are
never tick. 1!. II. Lockykak.
IlKND, Or.. Dec 10, 1908. Deschutes
Irrigation Ac Power Co., (tend, Oregon,
(entlemeu. Twenty-five acres of alfalfa
seeded in June and July made a growth
of from eight inches to two feet, cut in
Auguit six weeks alter seeding. The
second growth was paitured off with
(larden Is a good as I ever saw in
Vakima or the South. One-quarter acre
of Kttov yielded 50 tack? Partulp
do equally well. Onions seeded In
March grew at large a saucers and were
perfectly cured and Mil Id in Septeinlicr.
Raspberries Inirc the tame year at
planted, Htrawlwrry ptantt healthy.
Yours very truly,
Allkn Wiuuxson.
A Religious Author's Statement.
Kev. Joteph II. l'eipcrman, SalUbury,
N. C, who 1 the author of tcveral book,
write: "I'nr tcveral year I wa afflict
ed with kidney trouble and last winter 1
wa suddenly Mtickcn with a severe uiiu
in my kidney and wa confined to lied
ciidit day unable to get up without a
tlitniuc My urine contained a thick
while sediment and I patted same fre
quently day and night. 1 commenced
taking i'olev's Kldnev Remedy, and the
pain gradually abated and finally ceatetl
unit my urine lcame normal, I cheer
fully recommend I'oley'a Kidney Rem
edy." Ilend Drun Co.
For Sale.
Team, weighing 1200 or better,
6 niul 7 years old; also wagon uttd
hurnus. K. G. SruiuniON,
3-5 IauilaV Or.
Government Engineer Is Exam
ining Documents at Portland.
Problematical aa to What Ills Reconr
mendatlon Will fie, Hut O'Brien
Ilcllevcs Survey of Deschutes
Road Will He Approved.
The bit of news in which Central
Oregon is most vitally interested
just nt present is the notion the gov
ernment will take in regard to op
proving iirvc)s of the railroad tip
the Deschutes canyon. I). C
Hcnncy, stipcr vising engineer of
the United States reclamation serv
ice, reached Portland last week,
and now is wtcstling with the Des
chutes canyon dam site and the
Harrimati surveys for the railroad
extension into this section. lie ia
devoting his entire time to this
knotty and extremely imjiortntit
problem. Uon the results of his
investigations and his recommenda
tions to the governmeut at Wash
ington will depend the consumma
tion or abandonment of the Harri
tuan plan to scud the road up the
Deschutes river.
Speaking of Mr. Hcnny'ri work,
the Telegram said: In cum: Mr
Hciiny advises the government that
the dam site at Shearer's bridge, 30
miles up the canyon, is essential to
the conservation of the general wat
er rights for irrigation purpose,
Harrimun will without the shade of
u doubt give up the propgsitfou-and
seek new rights of way for tapping
the interior. This would be inevi
table for the reason that to save the
dam site at that poiut the railroad
would have to be driven too feet
above the river, and for a consider
ublc part of the distance it would
mean the hewing of a roadbed out
of solid basaltic cliffs. This would
entail an expenditure three or four
times the estimated cost of
f j. 750.000.
Hut should Mr. Henny decide
that the ptescut location can be re
linquished and new Tilings made at
some iKitnt nearer the headwaters
of the Deschutes, it will be possible
for the llarrlman line into Central
Oregon to be gotten tinder way
within a comparatively short time.
It is stated that Reclamation En
gineer llciiny -will make no rccom
mcudatiotis as to the feasibility or
practicability of the railroad proj
ect, but wilt confine himself solely
to determining how the govern
ment's water rights may lie con
served, whether the reclamation
wotk can be prosecuted alung es
tablished lines with or without the
Shearer's bridge dam site.
Official announcement of what
Mr. Ilcnuy's recommendations will
be will probably not be available
here until he has made his rcorl to
the department at Washington. It
will take him a week at least to go
over the surveys, prints, charts and
other documentary evidence. His
decision may be expected any time
Should Do All lit Its lower to Secure
Railroad Up the Deschutes.
UiMin returning from n confer
ence with Harrimun and his lieu
tenants at I.os Angeles, J. I'
O'Uricn said in regard to the Des
chutes road:
"Portland should ba vitally in
terested, for when the Central Ore
uou line gocH through I believe 90
per cent of the freight will come
hero. The toad, na we have at
j (jh.hv.-iii nuiyirjtu n, win turn pU-
tft..i ,AaAahalA.S If .111 JtfS ffa
000 a nine, ana it is an expensive
road that costs over f 25.000 a mile.
If this figure is forced up any more
freight rates will be so high as to
be out of the question. That is the
situation nt present with the pro
posed Corvallis & Eastern and Col
umbia Southern roads. I am con
fident that no matter if we build
through the easiest and cheapest
way, we will not get a cent of divi
dends for over five years, and that
we shall do well to clear expenses
at the end of that time.
"When Mr. Henny comes, I
shull give him nil the assiMsiucc in
my power, and will let him have
an engineer if he wants one. He
probably will, for Mr. Henny
knows something of what the coun
try is life "
The Orcgonian said that while
Mr O'lliien did not definitely so
state, It apf-eared as if he believed
the final commencement of con
struction of the Deschutes river
rond would not be much further
delayed. It Has entirely over this
question that the conference bad
been culled, and Mr. Harriman had
some definite plan in mind when he
chose to assemble his lieutenants
around him at I.01 Angeles. It is
generally believed that the govern
ment has recognized the immense
iniortnncc the Central Oregon rail
road would be to the country and
that the dam project might be
minimized or removed entirely.
The original idea of the govern
ment, it is said, was that the line
should enter the canyon at a oint
too feet over the river and that this
height should be maintained.
With various private water rights
taken up on the river, the Harri
man line would be rendered im
Krsible of operation, as no line
could possibly be maintained at that
height above the river.
t!aster Monday Dance.
On April 12, at Lara's hall. The
best ol music because we are going
to have the Ilend band.
A special floor committee will be
appointed, which wilt ensuie u good
time for everybody.
The tickets will xf 1.00 a couple.
Ice cream and cake will be served
in the hall at 25c a couple.
Dancing will begin promptly at
8 o'clock.
This is to lie civen by the Ladies'
Library Club which extend a cor
dial invitation (o everyone far and
near, young and old.
April 12, Lara's hall.
Thought Microbes
In a Drop of Ink.
When applied to the newspaper pas
they make peoplo think twice.
First, peoplo think them's a, man who
keeps up with tho procession.
Second, thoy think he must keep
food goods on hand,
Airnln, If the homo paper has enough
drops of ndvertlslng Ink on Its surface
to innko a proper showing the outsider
thinks this must bo a pretty lively
Thus a drop of NEWSPAPER AD
VERTISING INK Is a good thing for
tho town.
Estcbcnct Liquors To Be SoW
at Private Sale.
Court's Order Conflicts with the State
Local Option Law, aa Crook la a
"Dry" County Other Items
From Central Oregon.
The bankrupt liquor stock of A.
U. Kstcbenct, which has for the
past eight months been the source
of more annoyance and loss of sleep
to ShcriiT Frank Hlkins than all
his other duties combined, besides
involving the county in a big bill
of as yet unpsid expense, was on
Monday ordered sold by the bank
ruptcy court at Portland, in such
manner and at such time and place
as the attorney in the case, C. C.
Ilrix, may see fit, specifying, how
ever, that the sale be a private one.
This order shifts the responsibil
ity of disposing of the stock in dry
territory from the sheriff's office to
the shoulders of the attorney, and
so long as the sheriff is guaranteed
his costs be u unduly willing to let
go. But it is rather tough on the
attorney, who has strong leanings
toward prohibition, to be compelled
to open up a blind pig by govern
ment orders. Review.
Fat Cattle Average $65 liach.
Fred Smith and son Joe have re
turned from Trouldale, where they
unloided 148 head of beef cattle
that cost the Union Meat Company
nearly 10,000 American dollars to
be exact, $9,721 00 and which
make Crook county that much
richer. The price paid at Shaniko
was $5. 10. The Smiths are not
displeased with their roll of Port
land greenbacks and while they
are, in common with so many other
Crook county stockmen, on Easy
Street, yet $9,721 in a lump sum
would not be sneered at by Rocke
feller himself, and they feel that
their efforts at ranching have not
been altogether unsuccessful. Re
"Stuck the Toe Back On."
Mrs. George Rodman arrived in
town last night from Culver with
her to-yenr-old son, who had the
misfortune to cut off the middle toe
of his right foot with an ax yester
day. The bone was completely
severed. Dr. Belknap attended the
foot and stuck the toe back on. He
says there is no doubt in his mind
that the member will again take up
connection with the rest of the body
and that the toe will soon grow
back almost as good as new. Jour
nal. Fainted and PeH across Stove.
Last Saturday Willard Martin
faiuted and fell across the stove in
the office of his livery stable, where
he was found b) a gentleman who
came in to look after his team.
Fortunately there was little fire in
the stove and he was but slightly
burned. He was immediately
placed oti a bed and Dr. Thorn
summunedi who speedily restored
'My three year old boy was badly con
stipated, bad a high fever and wa In an
awful condition. I gave him two dotes
of I'oley's Orino Laxative and the next
morning the fever was gone and he was
entirely well. I'oley's Orino Lavatlvc
saved his life." A. Wolkuth, Casnuer,
Wis, Bend Drug Co.
him to consciousness. The cause
was a weak heart. He is now rap
idly recovering.- Sliver Lake
Death at Creek CeuMy ffeeer.
Ed Kulcher, one of the best
known residents of the county, and
a pioneer settler, died In Prineville
Wednesday, March 34, 1909, of
heart disease. Mr. Kutcher was
brought to the city frosa fcts booic
at Haycreek on Monday to receive
medical care, and grew rapidly
worse, bis 'death occurring at the
Hotel Prineville.
Deceased was abot 65 years old.
He was an Englishman by birth
and had served in both, the English
and American navies, having been
around the world four tltacs.
Mr. Kutcher bad lived is this
county for the past 30 years or
more, making his home on Willow
Creek and at Haycreek. He was
ever known as a good citizen aBd
an upright man. Kutcher precinct
(Madras) was named in bis honor.
Shorter Hems of hrteret.
The spring races will be held at
Prineville on May 36 to 29 in
clusive. A baseball club has been organ
ized at Prineville with Pete Hinkle
captain and Bob Zevely, manager.
Opals have been discovered in
the southern part of Harney coun
ty. Los Angeles experts who ex
amined samples pronounced them
opals of the finest quality.
The Oregon Valley Land Com
pany, the concern that is coleaizittg
a large tract of land near Lakeview,
has purchased all the lands of the
Heryford Land & Cattle Company.
This deal covers the lands of the
708 and XL's, about 40,000 acres
and situated in Lake, Klamath and
Modoc counties.
The Burns Times-Herald gives
timely information to farmers: John
Sevedge has done a good turn for
the farmers of this section in dis
covering a cheap manner in which
to get rid of the sagebrush. He
simply removes the mold board
from bis Gilpin plow and finds it
does the work, to perfection. Karl
Hartsman says this information is
worth $100 to every farmer in Har
ney county.
The Rottand postofEce becomes a
money order office the first of April.
The Cornett freight team brought a
load ol graiu to Rosland this week.
Some of the ranchers in the neighbor
hood are preparing to sow grain this
week if weather continues fsir.
Mr. Holllngshead is hauling lumber
from the mill for the erection of tou.e
new houses between here and Bend.
Mrs. Shulty from the Matten sawmill
was in Rotland this week on her way to
Bend, filing on a homestead while there.
Mrs. Caldwell has left for Walla Walla
for an indefinite stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Boirne spent a
few days in Bend last week.
A. S. Ireland of Prineville, supervisor
of the Deschutes National l'orot, -was iu
Rostand this week.
Quite a few people have of late been
In Koilaud on their way to and from
the Port Rock country, where they
have been fillug on homesteads.
Tom McCord returned to the moun
tains this week iu the vicinity of Odell
and Crescent lakes.
Some of our townsmen have been suf
fering from la grippe these bright, sun
ny days.
Mrs. Alice Nolsn from Klamath conn
ty is spending a few weeks with Mr,
relit during tlie absence of her husband,
P. P, Petit, the forest rainier.
Hugh Piudler of Bend was a-visitor iu
town on Sunday.
We need your subscription.
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