The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 24, 1909, Image 1

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7VICH.V stage bring new
men Id llend tin-so liny,
nit liiWlll( (or unil finding
fptxirttiultirit for llivrnttiivitti
YyK have added several new
name lo TMK fluLLK
TWJ iiit thia week. We
ought to liav your.
NO. 3
The Hrst National Opened For
Business Last Saturday.
The New Institution Mil Some of the
Struniteii Men of the Community
Uelilnd It, and Will Prove To
lie 11 (trowing Concern.
The I'lrst Nutlonol Dank ofllend
opened for busiiic.11 last Suttirduy
morning. The capital of the new
institution ii ? paid in full in
cnsli. Under the national banking
law, each stockholder ii Halite for
double the iiniount of lid Mock, xo
the patrons of the bunk lire given
an additional security off 75,000,
or f 50,000 in nil.
The stockholders nod director
arc local nicu, well known, and
whose standing as conservative
binlncii men Is of the best. The
dircclorn arc Dr. U. C. Coe, It. A.
Sathcr, 1'. I'. Smith, C 8. Hudson
nml Judge II. C. Hill. The officers
ore: rrciddetit, U. C. Coe; vice
ptesldcut, K, A. Sathcr; secretary
and rniliicr, C. S. Hiidion. John
Slcldl, who held a controlling inter
est in the old bank, disposed of
part of his stock in that institution
when the new bank was organized
aud nsked to be relieved from serv
ing on the board of directors of the
First National. Mr. Stcidl carried
the C. O. Dank through n most
trying and dilhcult experience, and
I1I1 services were appreciated by
the stockholders of the old institu
tion. Judge Kills takes Mr. Steldi's
place on the boa id of director of
the new bank. The stockholders,
in addition to the above board, nie
John Stcidl, C. 8. Demon and Chas.
I). Kowc.
Dr. Coe, the president of the new
bank, is an old resident of bend,
and is known throughout this en
tire hcclion as n very successful
physician, and as a man of clear
judgment and conservative In busi
ness. H. A Sather, the vice-president,
is likewise an old resident and
a successful merchant, while each
of the other directors arc known to
have made abundant successes in
their chosen lluei of business. C.
8. Hudson, the cashier, is a man ol
much experience in banking, hav
ing been cashier of a national bank
for the past eight years. He conies
highly tcconimeudcd by some ot
the largest banks in the country, as
for instance, the Hanover National
Hank of New York Qity, the third
largest bank tu that metropolis
He brings a ripe experience to the
very important position which he
holds in the I'irnt National of Bend.
, The assets of the new concern
'Were thoroughly examined by Nu
,ijnal Hunk Kxamiucr J. S. Love
land uud his repjrt forwarded to
'Washington before permission wai
granted for the new bank to open
'it is thus assured that these assets
urc O. K. The First National ii
further protected In the assets it
took over from the old bank by n
written guarantee, signed by the old
stockholders, to make good any
loss if nny tdiould urlsc -on the
aforesaid assets. Mr. Loveland also
cut down the valuation on the
building, furniture aud fixtures
from $9,500 to $5,000. Thus it i
seen that the new bank is protected
tiu every particular, and starts nut
on a very sale aim conservative
The policy of the bank will be to
loan Its funds, preferably in mnall
ntnotin tu, aud accommodate as many
people as possible. The business
of the first few days under the new
bank litis been most grutllylng and
dcttoHltN have climbed up to some
thing over 50,000,
A strong, conservative bank docs
more to build up n community than
any other concern, and if is hoped
that ull the residents of this com
munity will patronize the home
bank. The First National Is here
to help lleud aud the people of Bend
and vicinity. It feels it is entitled
to their support.
Tiimalo Items.
TciMAl.0, March ij.A light sprinkle
of uow (ell here Halurday night hut
toon dUapjarcd Sunday morning.
Jet Koot wat viiltlng t Tumalo Sun
day. John Kdwarda w In Tiimalo ycter
Kev. Mitchell of Html preached at the
Ilayley school houie latt night. He will
hold tervicet In the forenoon, April 18,
Mr. Ilantcn of llcdinom! Ii again
hauling lumber from Gift to Rend.
Clui. Npaiigh nil Mr. I. J. Wlmer
will make final five-year proof on their
homritcadt eatl of lute tomorrow, !
foit It C. I'.lll of llend.
J II. Koot and I'. V. fiwLher left
yrtletday for Madras after Kraiu aud
The halanre of the machinery for the
mill near here It epeeted In any day.
J. C. Tullar of l.aldltw Hat In Tumalo
today on butlncat.
Holland Notes.
An addition it lielng tmllt on Geo.
Ilote'a livery and feed ttahle.
Will I'onlhtm hat begun building hit
new home (hit week, I'rank Tolllver
helping htm. He cxpcclt to open tchool
within 4 week or two ami teach the
children of the neighborhood who have
not had tchool within reach?
Mrt, ltd Mourk role up from the
Kouik ranch on her tnddle horte. She
reorli fence building and thake mak
ing at pattlme thctc dayton the raurh.
C. W. Klclilc tut returned home, hav
ing heen abcnt teieral ilay on a butl
11 e trip to I'orltand.
Ler Caldwell ami HI titer Hawthorn
made a trip to llend with hay latl wek
Mr. Stroltt hat been hauting lumber
from the tawmill to repair hit house.
The Kotltnd tawmill It again run
ning. J. C Taylor it hauling bay to Mr.
Mattcn't place.
Jack St. Thomat wat viiltlng hit
hrothtr, Theo. St. Thomat, who livet at
the tawmill.
Index of This Week's News.
Items ol Local Interest.
I'lrtt National Dank of llend opent for
tklltltlfLft. Pfltf t.
0. K. it N- Co. engineers take photo-
graput 01 iJCtcouici canyon 10 am
ccinilrucilon conttaclort to bid Intel-
ilott superintendent enutneratet Im
portant leaturet 01 water law. rage 1
Money raited forimprovlng road through
Correspondence from Redmond, Rot-
lanu auo luuiaio. i -ajto i.
Numerous thorl ittmt ol local happen
ings. Tage 5,
State Newt.
Proceedings of the tpeclal teuton of the
Oregon legitlaturr. Page 3.
UaHern Oregon farmer buy nearly a
million tackt for wheat crop. Tage t
tllttorie Liberty Dell may be pretent at
Portland tote (etttval. Tage a.
Crop protpectt good throughout Kattern
Oregon, Page .
New tailff meature cult tier! and lumber
ratet one half. Page 2.
Ptetldent Talt urget eongrett to tlrvote
entire time to tariff tevUion at the ex
tra teuton. Page 3.
Prouilae of bitter fight on tariff tched-
itle. Page .
Gncrnment will have extentive exhibit
at Alatka Vukon-Paciric fair. Page y
Procceilingt ol cougrcu in brief. Page 3
Penny lunches will !e served to poor
ttoys and gltls of lj Augelet public
tcuoott. Page i.
Prehlttoric city found In California. Pg J
Newty item gathered from all paitt ol
the world. Page 3.
General world newt, Page j.
Udltnrlal and Features,
Railroad Into Central Orecon it of much
greater Importance than power project
Page 4
Calling of referendum on Agricultural
College appropriation would be an tin
wite act Pace 4.
Serial ttory, "Auut Diana," Page 6.
Pnrm and Garden.
Pruning Large l.ltnbt. Oleomargarine
vs. Jlulter. Ilee Culture. Airiuc the
ltggt. The Hen's Health. Trans
planting Tree. Make the Horte Rat
Slowlv. Poultry Picking. Page 6.
Thouiand headed kale valuable for win
ter feed, Page 7,
I Clover Field Near Bend, Over 2 Tons per. Acre First Cutting I
I ' v
' iTB- i. - .. .. ,i- . i i f -.i
II. L. Ilolgate, Stipt of Dlvltlon So. I,
Gives Information IW Tliose Now
Diverting or Who Intend In 1)1
vert Water from Streams.
H. I,. Holgalc, of Honanr.1, Or.,
superintendent of water division
No. i, furnishes the following arti
cle for publication, touching on the
important feat urea of the new water
All jwrsons using waters of the
streams and lakes of Oregon,
whether for domestic purposes, lor
irrigation, mining or power, are
affected by the new law enacted by
the legislature at the last regular
session. To them, a brief summary
of the provisions of the act will be
of interest.
Section 9 of the law provides:
"The State Hngineeraud the super
intendents of the two water divi
sions shall constitute a Hoard of
Control, which shall, under such
regulations as may bejuescrilwd by
law, have the supervision of the
waters of the state, and of their ap
propriation, distribution and diver
sion, and of the various officers con
nected therewith. The decisions of
said board shall be subject to ap
peal to the circuit and supreme
courts, which appeal shall be gov
erned by the practice in suits in
equity, unless otherwise provided
The stale is divided into two wat
er divisions. Water division No. i
includes all of the counties west of
the Cascade mountains and Klam
ath and I.akc counties, ami all the
other counties are in Division No 3.
All former, existing- rights are
recoguiml by the law to the extent
of actual, beneficial use. No right
is recognized if the beneficial use of
water has tccn abandoned for a
continuous period of two years.
Sectiou 45 provides: "Any per
son, association or corporation here
after intending to acquire the right
to the beneficial use of any waters
shall, before commencing the con
struction, enlargement or extension
of any ditch, canal or other dis
tributing or controlling words, or
performing any work iu connection
with said construction or proposed
enlargement, nuke an application
to the State Engineer for a permit
to make such appropriation." It is
nvulc a misdemeanor to violate this
provision of the law,
It is unnecessary for those already
having a water right whether of
record or tint, to make application
for n permit', but for all new ap
propriations of water applications
should be made to the State Httgi
nccr, Salem. Oregon. A form for
making such applications is pre
scribed nutl blanks cnu lc had from
the State Hngiuccr, without charge.
Maps and drawings must accom
pany the application and the State
Kngincer will give instructions as
to the nature of these. A fee of
f 3 is charged for each application,
and a graduated scale of fees for
filing and recording, based upon
the nature and amount of appro
priation. For irrigation the charge
is 15 cents an acre for each acre to
be irrigated up to loo acres, and 5
cents per acre for each additional
acre up to 1,000 acres, and over
t, 000 acres, 1 cent per acre. For
power purines the rate is based
upon the theoretical horsepower to
be developed.
Any water user may petition the
Board of Control for n determina
tion of nil water-rights on the
stream. Blank forms for such pe
titions will le supplied by the sec
retary of the board. The board
will, if facts and conditions war
rant, adjudicate nil rights and de
termine the various amounts and
priorities. All claiming rights will
Ik heard and the engineer will have
necessary surveys made. The scale
of cost for this determination, for
each water user, is the same as that
given above for new appropriations.
There ts the privilege of contest
and appeal. Upon final decree all
rights on the stream and thcit
priorities arc settled and later ap
propriations can in no wise inter
fere with these determined rights.
The Board of Control has jiower
to enforce its findings and the de
crees of the courts nml nlay op
point water masters to regulate the
distribution of water The water
master may, if necessary, have
headgates constructed. Requests
for the appointment of water mas
ters should be directed to the Uoatd
of Control, Salem, Oregon. The
board has power to regulate the
distribution of water from partner
ship ditches and reservoirs upon re
quest of one or more of the owners.
Upon receipt of n two-cent stamp,
to pay postage, the Board ol Con
trol will mail copies of the water
code in full to any person in the
Foley' Kidney Remedy will cure any
case ol kidney or bladder tiouble that is
not beyond the re,ach of medicine. Cure
backache and irregularities that if neg
lected might result in llrighrs disease or
diabetes, "end Drug Co. ''
Redmond Items.
ItbPUONO, Marti? 11. -Doctor Dixon
Kerns to have become a permanent im
provement already, alto to have made
tome, aa he bought a lot ind ha built a
(urn. We understand be will have
charge ol the drug store.
t'red Sherwood wat down to church
today from Pleatant Kidge.
Jones' horte ttrayrd away last even
ing like tome other hortet when they
get a chance and be thinks they have
gone luck to Washington.
We pot turprited ourtetve on Mon
day night to wr know how it goe. The
event wa in honor ol Mr. Park' birth
day anniversary and in addition to a
general good time several pleating re
membrances of the eveut were left.
Talk I renewed of having one or sev
eral rural telephone line centering at
Redmond. It'a good thing, puth it
ahng and count u In.
R. C Imraele hs gone to Prlnevllle.
Kirk Whited' painted roof make our
town look quite swell. U. C. Park.
Simple Remedy for LaGrlppe.
La grippe conch are dangerou a
they frequently develop Into pneumonia.
Foley' Honey and Tar not only stop
the couch but heat and ttrengtbent the
lungt to that po tenout retult need be
fered. The genuine Foley Hooey and
Tar contain no harmful drug and it in
a yellow package. Refute tubstitute.
Bend Drug Co.
Pouring Prosperity
Through a Puncture.
P.vor sen a drunken man trying to
fill a bottle with the bottom broken
out! ICs a great waste, and It looks
mighty allly.
nut It's no more foolish and no mora
wasteful than for a sober man to ex
pect his town to All up with people
and bttbblo ovpr with prosperity when
ho is continually pouring hi dollars
Into the wide world outside THROUGH
tom ofhta home town.
MORAL: TatronUe homo Industrie.
k-ff, OOP aV
0. R. & N. Men Tke Views
Along Proposed Rail Line.
Presence of These Men t A Barker
iHritcatfon That KaMra4 Conetrw
lien WM Seen Start Ottter
Ittmt of General Interest.
Two engineers in the employ of
the O. R. & N. Coapany were ia
Madras the first of last week, hav
ing walked over the route of the
proposed Deschutes railroad, from
the mouth of the river to Madras.
According to the Pioneer thev were
taking photographs aud gathering
information which it is understood
will be necessary when the con
tracts for the construction of the
road are let, if the reclamation serv-
vicc ever permits the undertaking
to reach that point.
The information, it is said, cives
the contractors bidding on the work
some idea of the country in which
the work is to be done, as well as
showing the character of the work,
and enables them to bid tatelligent-
ly on the construction without go
ing over the ground personally.
Pictures were takea all the way up
the river and several were taken on
Agency Plains where the road
crosses the south end of the plains.
Tuesday morning the engiaeeni
started down Willow creek. taJciB
pictures as they west, awl stated
they would walk back as far as the
mouth of Trout creek. They were
members of the Roberts party, who
were camped at Madras last fall.
Shorter Items ef htret.
The Mount Hood railroad will be
extended six miles to tap the up
per Hood river valley.
The Journal savs that the county
fair will open on Monday, Oct. 4,
this year and i.-ontinue for a week.
A Methodist church has been
organized ut Fort Rock with 35
members. A church building will
soon be erected.
A spring race steeling wiil be
held at Prineville. Purses aatouat
ing to $3,000 will be offered. Th
date has not yet been set.
Over here in Central Oregon the
oeople are spelling "dam sites"
with an "n" at the end of the first
word. The interior department is
offered a fine opportunity to engage
in spelling reform, by prompt and
lavorable action on the application
for right of way now pending ia
that department Madras Pioneer.
The com pan v which owns the
gas well at Ontario is very enthusi
astic over its prospects and the re
sults so far obtained. Iu a circular
to stockholders it is stated that rs
to the amount of 800.000 cubic feet
has been found atid that the. How
can be greatly increased by farther
boring. The conviction is alo ex
piessed that beneath the gas stra
tum will be found oil sands and then
a heavy deposit of petroleum will
be the next find. Burns News.
The big clock iu the new court
house tower was started this worn
ing and was set by standard time
from Shanlko. Some of the panes
of glnss forming the dials were
broken in shipment. New ones
have been ordered. The weight
which operates the clock weighs
190 poanils. It hangs by a wire
cabte and has a fall of 13 rtt.
The weight pa-ssiae through thk
distance keepa the clock rttNnfog'
7 Vt days, It will have to be
oace a week Journal.
,.. -. .. ,, -.4-