The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 17, 1909, Image 8

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Whtrt 4 WIkb? On March 27 at
Homo et V, L. I'erry,
Or ricasant Rltlcr, I H mllea north of
school house, five miles noiitlirtcst ot Neil
niontl. The Pleasant KJIr Sunday
school will rUc on the evening ot the
above date a lllhlc verse and fish pond
fecial, the proceed of which will ro
toward buying an oigan tor the Sunday
chool. Ijverybodv la verv cordially In
vlted. A cood upper will be served.
Hch lady Is kindly requcstcil to bring
a cake.
AH old bachelors should be present.
A special Invitation is extended to them.
And the ladic. both married and single,
have pledged themselves to e that
these forsaken fellows are properly pro
vided with a partner for supper. Now.
boys, this will certainly be tbe chance ol
our lives. And we may be able to av
goodbye to bachelorhood on and after
this event. So let all come out and
eltc the opportunity, for goodness only
knows when another chance will appear.
A number of our people will be em
ployed on ditch work near Powell Butte
anil IUnd for several week.
Mr. Irwin is quite poorly again, and
now thinks she will possibly have to re
turn to her old home In Ohio. We are
sorry to see her go and hope her health
will improve rapidly.
We were pleased to have Mr. and Mis.
larrett out to our Sunday school last
Sunday, alto Frank Hensley and the
little boy who is stopping with him. We
are glad to report that our Sunday
school is much improved in attendance.
Miss Pearl and Frank Snyder are now
at home, from working for the Black
Butte Company.
Mfoa Clara Woods walked to Redmond
ad back last Monday, a distance of six
W are glsd to see Wo. Johnson with
us again. He has, during tbe past win
ter, been in Prineville assisting the
countr clerk in his duties.
Mr. Floyd Harrader of Cline Falls
has been stopping with Mn Hall the
fM. week.
Rostand Notes.
Will Taylor and Will Dorrell were
visitors to town from their ranches oil
the Deschutes.
Will Fordhatn has been hauling lum
ber from the mill this week to build his
house on his homestead north of Ros
Geo. Bogue was hauling wood a few
days and then took a trip to Bend, Carl
Wtte accompanying him.
Mr. Eva Wise and her son Wesley
took advantage of the fair weather ou
Sunday and drove to town.
Chas. Richie left town this week on a
business trip. He will probably be gone
for several days.
Some of tbe trappers are leaving the
mountains at this time, three having been
in town this week.
Arthur Taylor, from the Klamath
country, made a short call in Rosland
one day this week.
(Continued from page I.)
which wculd make freight rates
prohibitive as well as unremuner
ative. "The building of a water-grade
road would not destroy the possi
bility of developing an unlimited
amount of power, by other method
thaatbatof a dam, would
be possible without a dam to ob
tain as high water power as could
be needed.
"The proposed dam site is inac
cessible, and rock crushers and
such heavy machinery would re
quire a road to haul them there.
"All tbe present routes we have
surveyed are not feasible if the Des
chutes river grade cannot be adopt
ed. On tbe Dalles-Boyd route
heavy tonnage would be impossible
to operate and if there is not large
tonnage the road would be im
possible as an investment.
"I have been instructed to com
mence woricfwituin one weeie alter
the plans are adopted by the Gov
ernment and my energies are now
directed along those lines. Within
two weeks actual construction
would be in operation."
Mr. Boschke seemed to be rather
hopeful that tbe Government would
meet the railroad officials, as he
quite plainly intimated that it was
a questiou of which was more nee
cessary to Central Oregon the
Deschutes river irrigation projector
the Central Oregon Railroad.
iai i -aaatnanwawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawas
Seed Oats for Sale.
We are selling our oats at 2c per
pound. Owing to the backward
season last year, seeding having
been postponed to the middle of
June, our oats are not as good as a
year ago, and will need cleaning.
Parties purchasing seed will be al
lowed to use our cleaning mill free.
Sacks not furnished. Parties may
phone from Ikud, Redmond or
Laidlaw or address
Siuckwood Bros.,
Redmond, Or.
Foley' Honey and Tar cures coughs
qu(ckly, strengthens the lungs and ex
pel colds. -Get the genuine in s yellow
twekage. Betid Drug Co.
Tumalo Items.
Tumalo. March IS.- llrtttht sunny
March days make one think thai spring
is here and everyone is blisy putting in1
tester Olal jwseil through here yes
terday, going to llcnd,
Mrs. Sdoo and two daughter arrived
Saturday from the valley. The balance
of Mr. hpoo's family will lie in In about
one month. In the mean time the two
daughter will do the cooking at the
Mr. Hansen ot Redmond I aiiln haul
ing lumlr to Bend from the II. & S.
mill at G 1st.
. C. Tullar ot Laidlaw was in Tumalo
one day last week and purchased n Que
three-year-old colt ot G. V. Wittier &
Rene West ot Bend was a business
caller at Tumalo Saturday.
John Udwarda pawed through here
one day hut week going to Bear Creek
on business.
C. I Gist has sent in his resignation
as postmaster at Gist and it looks very
much like this office would be discon
tinued soon, which will make a great in
convenience for the many who get their
mail there.
Tumalo postotlicc Is to become a money
order office soon. The bonds were fixed
up Saturday by Postmaster 'Winter.
This has been done by a request ot the
poaloffice detriment.
For Sale
Good strong 3J-iuch wapon,
haevy harness. Wm. Arnold.
"My three year old boy was badly con
stipated, had a high fever and was In an
awful condition. I gave him two dose
ot Foley's Oriuo Laxative and the next
morning the fever wa gone and he was
entirely well. Folev'a Oriuo Lavatie
saved his life." A. Volkush, Casimer,
Wis. Bend Drug Co.
New subscribers every week.
Notice U hereby given that by vttlue of an e
edition issued out uf the circuit court ol Cruok
county. Orrgou, withe ijth day of March, tun
a lude
nient inorntl in saw court on tne
mhdiv oflannar
lu9,ln favur of Ihe Central
Oregon tanking k Trutt Co.. Plaintiff, and
asainst Katie (2. Kttebenrt DefendanlMo medl
reeled and delivered, ct-mmanding me to make
thesumoffoii.i judgment, Including I1500 at
torney's fee and lyJ-4J costs and disbursements;
and additional accrued coals, with Interest on
S611.1S, the amount of Judgment, from tbe tjth
day or January, 1909, at the rale of 6 per rent per
annum, out ot the personal property belonging
to said defendant and If sufficient could not be
found, then out of the resl property belonging to
aid defendant on or after the aaid 17th day of
January, 1909. did on the IjU day of March
lyuo levy upon the following described real prop
erty belonging to said defendant, Katie C Kir
benet, bring unable to find any personal prop
erty to satisfy said Judgmenr
Mi nnns-r 14 in uoc& uumoer it, ami im
number 7 in block number II, In Town of Bend,
Crook County, Oregon.
And I will, on tiatarday, the I4lh day of April the hournfeme o'clock 1. M ofsalddav
at the front door of the court house In the City or
rrlnrrille. Crook County, Oregon, aell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand,
all the right. tiUt and Interest which the said
defendant, Katie O. IMebcnct, hsd la and to the
above described real property, on the rrth day of
January 1909 or at any time thereafter, to satisfy
saw judgment and interest and coats, ana allor-
nrva1 fee and acrruin coara.
C S. BRNSON, Crook County, Oregon,
Attorney lor naintia.
First Issue March 17th, last Issue April 14, 1909.
In the Circuit Court In the State of Oregon, for
the County of Crook,
The Deschutes Irrigation ft Power
. It. Keller, and Ihe State Land
Hoard of Oregon.
To W. R. Keller, Defendant.
In the name ol the State or Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and anwer Ihe com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled ault
within aiz weeka from the day of Ihe first publi
cation of this Summons, and If you fail so to ap
pear and answer for want thereof thr Ita'tiff
will apply to the Court for Ihe relief prayed for
In ihe complaint, to-wit For tbe cancellation
and settlor aside of certain contract dated the
isthdayof June, 1906, made between you and
aaid rtalntla relating to Ihe purchase of certain
lands and toe water rights appurtcnaut thereto,
situate In Crook County, Oregon, and for such
other and further relief as may seem to Ihe
Court Just and equitable.
Tbia Summons Is served upon you by public'
tlon by authority of an order of the
on by authority of an order of the llouorable
II- C rails. County Judge of Crook County, Ore-
gou, aud aaid order la dated March ij, 1909, and
uj duly made and entered In said Court and suit
iMieoi nrsc puoucauon iarrn irin, 1909.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
fFhert You Paint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at the
least expense you
should use
Call for
"--" color cards '
A Full Line of Groceries, Dry
doods and Hardware always on
The Dechnte litigation Jt lmrr
Company, Corpoiallon,
W. II. Cooper, and the Stale Und
Hotd of Oregon,
To W It. Cooper, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon: You art
hereby resulted to appear anil answer the cum
plaint filed against yon in the above entlllrd suit
witmn sis weess 110m incnavui inv nrvi puuir
cation or tnia summons, ami 11 yon 1411 so to a
near ami answer lor want tnereor the waim
wmappiy toine wourt lue rne iruri ptnycti nit
In the complaint, tu-wlf For I he cancellation
and setting aside of a certain contract dated the
llth day or December. lv6 made twtween you
ami said rlsllUlttteUtlnglo tht purchase of cer
tain lauds and the wafer rights appurtenant
thereto, situate In Crook County, Oregon, and
for such other and lutlhcr relief as way seem to
the Court Just and equitable.
This Summons Is screed upon you by public'
Hon by authority of an order ul I he Honorable
It. C imis. County Judge orCtook County, Ore
gon, and said Older Is dated. March I), IV", and
is duty made and entered in said Coutt and suit
Uateoriltst publication March llth, twM.
Attorneys for llsluUtf.
In the Circuit Court ol the State of Orrgou, for
the County of Crook.
The Deschutes Irrigation ft Uuwcr
Company, a Corporation,
Wm. It. Cummlng, and the Slate
Laud Hoard of Oregon,
To Wm. II, Cummlng, Defendant,
In the name of Ihe htate or Oregon: You are
hereby reuuirot to appear and answer tbe com.
plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit
within sis weeks from the day of the Alsl pul.ll
cation ol this Summons, and if yon fall so to ap
pear and answer lor want thereof the rislntlff
will apply tu the Court Tor the teller prayed fur
In the complaint, to-wit I'or the cancellation
and selling aside of a certain contract dated the
ijthdayor November, 1005, made between you
and said ItalntirT relating to the purchase ofcer
lain lands and the water lights appurtenant
thereto, situate In Crook County, Oregon, and
fur such alher and further reliefs may seem to
the Court just and equitable.
This Summons is served upon you by publica
tion br authority of an order of the llouorable
II c. Kill, lounly Judge
of Crook Countr. Ore-
eon. and aaid order la dal
led March I), lyju.uud
is duly msde and entered In said court aud suit.
Date ol first Publication March mil. luoo.
Attorneys for I'talntiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Hate of Oregou, for
the County of Crouk,
The Ueschulea Irrigation ft riwcr
Company, a Corporation.
W P Sloan, ami the Stale Und
board uf Oregon.
ToW r Sloan. Defendant
In the name ol the Mate of Oregon You are
hereby reuulml 10 appear ami answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled sun
wlihlnsii weeks from the dsrofthr first publl
cation ol this Huumous. and II you rail so to ap
pear ami answer for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief tiravedfur
In lhr complaint, to-wit for the cancellation and
selling aside of certain contract dated the loth
dayofitepteinper, l5, made between you and
said plalniin relating to the purchase of certain
lands and the watrr rights appurtenant thereto
situate In Crook County, Oreguu, and for inch
other and farther relief as may seem to the
court just and equitable
This summons la served upon you by publics
Hon by authority of au order of the Honorable
II C Kills. County Judge of Crook County, Ore-
ftoo, and said order la dated March I J. 1909. and
s duly made and entered In aaid court and suit.
Date of first publication Starch 17th. 1909.
Attorneys for rtaluttrT
In the Circuit Court of Ihe Slate of Oregon, br
Ihe County of Crook.
The Deschutes Irrigation ft power
Company, corporation.
Annie M. Ingell, and the Stale Laud
Hoard of Oregon,
To Annie M. Ingell. Defendant.
In the name of the Slat of Oregon: You are
hereby required lo appear and answer Ihe com
plaint filed against you In Ihe above entitled ault
within six weeka from the dsvof the Brat nuhli.
cation of this summons, and Ifvuu fall ma to an
.u. ..! . s. - ! ... .. .- .f
ymi m, .D,wn iwr wtm inrreoi rne piainiin
wm appiy tome court lor me relict praven tor
In tbe complaint, to-wll For the cancellation
and setting atde of certain contract dated the
sothrlayoriuly, 1905. made between you and
aaid plaintiff retailor lo the nurehaae of retrain
land and Ihe water rights appurtenant thereto,
aituate In Crook Coubly, Oregon, and lor such
other and further relief as may seem 10 Ihr
Court Just and equitable
1 Bisoummonais served upon yon or publica
tion by authority of an order of the IIouoraMr
II. C kills. County Judge of Crook County, Ore
f:on. and said order is dated March ij, 1909, and
s duly msde and entered In said Court and suit
Date of first publication March 17th, 1909.
Attorneys for plaintiff
United States Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon. Feb, 2, 1909.
Notice Is hereby given thsl Ihe Slate of Oregon
has filed In Ibis office Its application, Serist Ho
orjlo to aelect under thr provisions of lh Act ol
Congress of August 14. lit, and thr Acta supple
mcuury thereto, the ttK U NK V and lot 1 ol
Sec l,1p.tiK to K-, Willamette Meridian
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihr
lands described, or desiring to object because of
Ihe mineral character of the laud, or fur anr
other reason, to ihe disposal to applicant, should
file- their amdavlcs of protest In Ihlsolbcc.on or
belore the nib day of March, 1909.
fio-miy c. W MOOKU, Register.
Department of Ibc Interior.
V. & La 0.1 Office at The tallra, Oregon.
February 19, 1909.
Notice Is hereby given that
Klsle K. Darnall
of I'or Hand, Oregon, who, on December 10, loriS,
made timber and atone aworn statement No,
r1' Z".M.No- "s0' for N JiHKK nee. 1, Tp. ll 8,
10 K, lot 6 and Nl'.HftWW, Sec. 6, Tp. ll ,
K 1 1 V... Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of
inirnuou 10 nisse nnsi proor, to tsiabilsh claim
10 tbe land described. lrfora V.riri.t-r aiM IT.
celver.aiTnc Dalles, Oregon, on the elhday of
Claimant nameaaa wftneaaeat Arthur p ivm.
ohue, of Laidlaw, Oregon, John A. Tracy of
tuniMuu, wirjcun; ir. Anna Lanats or (.lacka
maa. Orrron: lohu Iilrua or ki.ii. nnn
Charles Uoyd of Send, Oregon, '
rota;! c. W. MOOHIJ. Register.
Department of Ihe Interior
V. B, Laud Office at Lakevlcv, Oregon,
February i, 1909.
Notice is hereby given that
Mlllaid F. ilawlhorn
ofkosland, Oregon, who, on May , 1991, made
bomesteaa entry No. 6ii (serial No, 01041) for
WHNIstf . SI'.MKWJf, NliUHWtf, Sec. , Tp. II
6. K 10 ll, Willamette Meridian. Iia, Ap notice
of Intention to make final proof, lo establish
claim to Ibc laud above described, before If, C.
I'.IIls, U. H, Commissioner, at his office al Iletid,
Oregon, ou the loth day of April, 1909.
Claimant names aa wilneasra U'llil.n, n
Fordhlm, of Kosbiiid, Oregon, David Hill, Oirlii
Miller, Marlon Carter, all uflieui), Oregon,
nir'-n ;. N. WATSON, Register.
These Patent Tension Shears
This latest and most useful Household Invention will be sent FROG,
postage prepaid, to'every new, cash-ln-advancc year's subscription to The
Bulletin. If you are already a subscriber, send us SI.50 on your own sub
scription and $1.50 for a year's subscription for your neighbor or someone
who Is not now getting The Bulletin, and get n pair of these shears free.
If your subscription Is about to expire you cannot alTonl to miss tbirt opportunity to secure a
pair of Shears whose cutting edge will never wear dull, and which wilt cut anythiug fromWct tissue
paper to a heavy horse blanket. A pair of these shears arc given free to cvety new cash-iii-advancc
The Tension Spring attachment docs away with resharpening entirely and enables the user to
set the tension on the rivet so that any kind of material may be cut with perfect ease without tiring the
hand. The Tension Spting takes up all wear on the rivet, making the shears practically Indestrurtiblc.
A simple turn of the little thumb-screw, shown in the engraving, tightens up the blades ns closely as
may be desired. Auy woman who has had the exasperating experience of trying to use n dull pair of
shears cau readily appreciate the value of )hc new invention WHICH KHKPS THIS PAIR 01'
SHEARS ALWAYS SHARP and in perfect cutting condition. No matter how many pairs of shears
or scissors you may have around the house, you need this pair with the Tension Spring, and when you
get and use it once, you will use It in preference to any other you may have. These shears are per
fectly finished and heavily nickel-plated.
the quality of the material and workmanship ill this pair of shears to be first class, that the Tension
Spring device doubles the usefulness of the shears and docs away with the need of rcsharpcuing.
Furthermore, a Guarantee Certificate, by the manufacturers, accompanies every pair, agreeing "that If
this pair of shears BREAKS or in any way becomes delectlvc within 1'IVB YIJARS from date of pur
chase it will be replaced with a NKW pair without cost,"
To BULLETIN Subscribers.
gnflgW .aidgegeaW
I a S m lm nH r & H
A 7S gaata rgtawaggtKC Ji
? Hi UmlealHgca aatS
Vjftl H IgaBgffr annV
taEf BaataBr. B n
gBmllVll e n
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