By Our Formula We produce In Hood'a SnrsapRrllla a modlolno that has an unai" proaohetl rooortl of cure of rJoroliiln, conviiini eruptions, catarrh, rliotimntlsm, niioiiiln, niirvousncss, Hint tlnxl fcnlliiKi loss ol npiit'tllti, cto. Tim combination mill proportions of tlioimiru tliiintumity tlluYri'iit ruiuedlnl annul rontnlnr-rt In llotitl'ii Nnrnnimilllit nro known only to nursolvos, o tlicro can lu no siiliallluto. I'hla mmllrluo itmly liciillliy nnd stronif, tlio "I.ltllo Holtllors" In your blood, llioso corpuscles Hint Unlit tlio dlecnso ucriiii constantly BlUicltlnit. you. IlllllllllUa. "I'rknd," aaVrtl tlio niaariilliie linlf ol the pnrty In Die runabout, "wlml run! Ii IliUr Till. I lovers Un. air," as.J Hi" lis tll "ami It fiiiU iluvvn llirrr In tint nl of llm rlrrr ili cell tti devil's elUm." Chicago Trllninr. '" CASTOR I A Hot Infanta and .Children. Tbo Kind You Have Always Bought Sltfimturo or Cafffdi A l.llrrnl llraiiliiif, "Conrlcl sit-in to rcrjr jwllto nor! f IMNiplc." "Will jnu lell mo what lxl you to thM coik'IiisIoiit" "Biiruj they- noTrr do wrotnr without lirKKlns pardon for It." Ilalllmore Aimirtran PILEB CUKCU IN 0 TO U DAYS I'Ar.O OINT1II1NT U rurM-l to euro any of llthlftr. Wind, IllmllPC ne I'jotruJInf lUealnltol ' - ---- t..I. Wo. 1u . ruiiltvr.lui, Prtiilriil MntmiM I know Mr. (lupplns It not bamlaom. Mxrllf. but b conire of family of lilgh-inlnilrd and honorable snn. Ileinemlwr, "by tbrlr frullt re ball know tli'ui." Mia Mjrtlo That's Juat It, mamma. I don't Ilk lilt grrat, ble Ailam'a apple. Chicago Tribune . . CtTC IH. VIUI Itaera aa B iiimhm rmk 1 1 1 J Mtlr ' l It. t Im tlraat Kan II. Mora. Sa4 lofrillllH lllal ttle aa. Irealla. i. ii. it. an, ut, wi ink si. rsiia4eii. j-e. Tli rmfnaenr. Th prntruor n wrlllnf something la a email notebook. "Making an addition to ray visiting list," be riplalnnl to lb iloclo. "Your vltlllnc Heir flurried the othr. "Yre; tbla ! a record of Ibe cloe ralli I bate ha J In rlvtiln Automobile." Molbr will OncJ Utt. Wlnttaw'a llwthtn afiupibUilriiif.1r lUMlu(ihlr(liU4rea buiiu( me weiuiuf nuu. S'ul Ilr AKulr. lim . The srocrr'e buy waa lumberlns up the llcbeu aleirway wuu bla arma fail ol patkatr. "Ilor," aald the tnlatrrae of the bouae, eomewhat aharply, "ar your fet cleani" "Yra'm." b aniwrred, tllll climbing Ibe Ulra. "ll'a only m eliof tbat'a dirty." Homo Tonic for Old Poopto. Womlarful rcaultn, ovrntually rcitor Inc full phyelcal vlor, aro obtained from tho following: To ono-lialf pint Kood whlakcy ntld on a ounco yrup ar aaparllla and ono ounco Tori com pound, which can bo procured from any druRKlat, Take In tcapapoonful doaea loforo each meal and buloro re tiring. rallrn Trnvrle I'ur. Tho pollen from Iho pine forcala of ten r)rma a yellow routine on lakes or on tho ocoau, na far na 200 tulles from the ahorr, nud haa Ikmmi mlatakrn by penaanta for allow era of aulpbur. The iiollen crulne of tho pine aro pro. tilled with yellow vealelea, which buoy them up In tho air very much ou tbo principle of n box kite. fltllT nwkl DoMn't ntnount lo much, but tnlihtr dluxrb. You'v no U hw qultkly lllll lltinline WUaM Oil will luUkat 0 aonli and mka wi cuiifeiUU ln. Ho Troulilr Aliout ThM, The druggUt'a rlrrk banded him hla aoroua plaatrr. "You want to read Ibe dlrctlona care fully," he ailil, "to aa to know what (a do when you're ready In lake It off." "I never take 'em off," anawered Mr, Wlpedunkt, "I alwnya wear tbo Iblngt till tbey drop off." Clilengo Tribune. Only One "BROMO QUININE" Tb.t U IJVXA1IVK llltOUO QUININli Ik for lb lnlur of K. W. UltOVU. UmJ Iho wofklorrloCurCoVJ lnOnI)r. tic ll "lie awnre that life villi her would to all Bunahlno." "And shortly after tbey were map rtrdr "lie care a correct Imitation or i ninu looklnu for n atorm relUr." H mlnrliifi r ' PJS.Om m Keep It on Hand! Cwida nd toll, pur Mix ni'mUi -4 lli l.iralr Mjr dax. Mor Ud rulj Ui b.q tmlhl tkl KIKO MllMM Ihl lUlmue hf I irfd bf Oi IfcaH Mt i ( I1w Cui. llmolmmUnj ill loUxkiiocouiKiUilieiLU, Inn it na Uuk-ImI a lua ....ii, .1 . i. .ii . i - INMU4 UMI II VJ HOI Wit, ll,. Irunt r.J.1. a. Ilul Iji tdlCuiU. rutlvttlJJnil, At ll OriiitUU', 83 cl. mm rr'JAi.wt. mi n.v.utvyir'i :--?" ;riTJi-;T7 2 w VWMrfV Mr h ".0y I'nrmrr," Tlio farm problem of Aincrlrn I not In bursting burns nor IiIkIi hmt atink, nor mill fi'rllllly, nor even In Hid rurnl arhool, hut In tlio fnrmrr hlnwlf. Ita Milutlon a In tlio Individual known na tlio iipiv fiirnior. Tlio tln-nry ilrudeory of tlio old form cxlatvuco la fnat pnaa Ins mvnjr, nnd In IU iilnco la coining n hnmd, rich, frco HvcIIIiimmI, noviT known Itoforo "tho new muiitry llfi'.'.' Tlio now fiirimT llvra Iho now country llfoj Iho now fnrinrr hullda for hli wlfo nnd clilldicii n modern, annltnry, nttrncllvo Iioiiioj ihti now fiiniKT umkiii hnrd ronda. Ho liialnlla n tclrphouo, recolrw Ida innll hy rco delivery nnd encour hbch lulorurhnn ntvIci-, aupHirtN n HirlrliiK rurnl tlinreli nnd domnnda nn olllcleut ronmilldnted achool with n IiIkIi achool (Hiuroo for Ida Miua nnd riniigli (era at houic. Tlio now farmer rendrf rami Ihlukai ho atudlett liU own environ uieiil, aei-a hla npNirtuully nud lluilln llona; luipron'a (lie one and remove tho other. Tliu new fanner la not only 11 HclcntUt, hut n aoeloloKlat. Ho worka In harmony with hla neighbor for tho Kener n I kimm! nnd uplift of hla Inline illnto commtinlly, and nhovo all olao ho rnillrea tho d'letilty nnd liuportnnro of hla own profeaalon and Imllvldunllly In tho itormanont nnd nntloiial welfare. Currr h Cun; It la profitable to Kroom cowa, cape clnlly In tho aprliie. Till a la dono In tho anme manner tliht n horso la cur ried and hriikhcd, nud tho work na thor oughly dono na If gnwiiiliiR n Rood horae. Tho cowa aro curried with n almrp currying comb until tho looao hair are combed off and tho dandruff on the akin la looaened. They nro then ruhlx-1 down with atraw and nflerwnru with n nib rng until tho cor.t la amixith and cloaay, Thla oH'iia up tho porva In the aklu, aria up a healthy action In tho email blood vessela Juat under the akin and helps n treat deal In a direct wi,y In putting tho cow In eood condi tion. (live tho cowa plenty of outdoor air aa aoon ns tho weather moderate, but do not compel them to stand out In the rain. Keep tiiem In tho yard until the ernaa I well started, for the flrat blade are too watery to furnish nutrition, and It la fatae economy to turn stock on pasture until It la well atartrd. Any nvlnc of fnrnro lusdn In this way will bo paid for Inter by the shortness of tho crass when It Is most needed. llnm-)l-iil Hrttodrr. A. UpHT sinoko plK to carry off tho fume nf the lamp. It. Cotton-cov ered frnme or roof of brooder. (J. Ileat-tvfli'ctor. I). Heating chamber. coMsrsucnoM or nnoontn. V.. Two-ply thimiel to form tho wnrm hover for tho chirk. V. Fresh nlr elmmlKT. (1, Ixiwer rtinoko pliK. II. OnlrituUed Iron rim ou which tho heat er rout. I, Warm fresh nlr entering tho hover. now u sum cow. Cows nro nlwnys milked from tho off, or right, shlo because they have beeii taught tlmt way. A cow cun bo milked from either sldo If alio Is brought up right, but tho lessons uuUt begin nt tho enrllst bundling of tlio heifer. Milk first from ono sldo ami then tho other, nnd In n short time tho heifer wilt not mind. It often conies hnndy to milk from tho left sldo mid cows should bo trained to stand for It. Tho man who will mnko n pet of his cow will liavo no trouble and will get greater benellt nt milking tlmo than tho ono who trents her ns n stranger, Ituiot nn ene my. Field and Farm. Winter Mnnnuciiiciit at Slock. (Ilvo utt farm iinlumls good wnrm shelter nud plonty of food during tho winter. Tho better tho sholter tho less feed required, nnd feed Is moro ex pensive thnu shelter. Keep tho young stock growing. Do not stunt nn nnlmnl simply becnuso It is winter nnd feed Is senrec, for n stunted young animal will never after mnko th nulmal that It uri ' N J jjp fM Mttw-i ould Imro mndo hnd It been Lent growing rlidit nlom;. it I better bimb nea luniirtRement lo buy nomo feed rather tlimi to cut short rnllon of young Mock, for In the young growing nnlmnl feed bring tho largest ro tiiriis. f.uui, Trpati anil (Hlirrtrlae, Iiiformiilloii comes from Hecrelnry of Agrlculturo Wilson Hint henceforlb eggs styled "fresh" or "strictly fresh" must llro up to their profession. Htor nno egg must ho InMed ns such. If Ihls rulo Is rigidly enforced nnd the rltntea of Nehrnskn, Slliuiesoln and rennsylvnnln nro lending tho rnn In punishing lolnlor of tho law there will bo some queer cxMricnce. It Is n well known fnct Hint many iersmi liavo h-n enlliig eggs two yenr old tin ler the caption of "strictly fresh." While nny jterson of senso resllres that "slrlclly fresh" eggs ore nlmost unoU tnlunbto In midwinter nmt tlmt tho de vtlopment of cold storngo fnellltles ha been n Ikxiii to the consumer, It goes without snylng that free born man has n right to know what ho Is gottlng for hi money. Then If he prfcr oggl under tho ban, let htm hare them. I'or llr-rllnir I'mll, rnrmem nnd oilier orns with fnilt orchard will llm! much to com mend In the Invention of nn Indlnim limn, which mnkrs .-Mho gathering of njv pies, pears nnd jK-nches n fur cosier and quicker propn vltlou than it lias Isvn Ii n r o t o f ore. This Invention la simple enough, but. like innny other simple expedients. It renin I nnd tin thoticliL of until re- Avrtx 1'icKra. IVntly. Tim rtfilrlvti,tA I. .. inuliil .m.Im on the principle of n pair of clwrs, exmit that where the ioliit of tho sol- SOIH Would coino them I nil nun hMii n disc and on the other a circular open lug into n long Imc. which Is attached to It. The handle of tho ImrveMlcr nro hollow. SO Hint tllrV will Hi nrrr tlio IniIiiIiiI ends of jHik's, which may bo of nny length required. Hy mentis of till Uflvlcu a IiOrkOll alululliiir mi II. n vmutt.t c reach fruit otherwlso In Iniicccssl bio plniv nnd hy compressing tho ban dies enn snip the fruit from the limbs' Into tbo bag. In this wny fruit can be plucked ln-foro It falls to tho ground and become bruised. Inrnlmlor Clilck. Chicks must bo kept clenn cither with liens or lu n broixter. Tu clean them ccry Hay Is not too often. Tho bent from tho brooder makes dropping produce foul nlr, nr do hens when brooding chicks, vo no feed until tho elulch Is nt lenst thlrty-slx hours old. They do not need it for the yolk absorbed Just boforo hatching provide them until Hint ngv. lyonve them lu tho Incubntor or under bens until ready to glvo tho first fetHl, which should k lino gravel or sand on tho bottom of Iho coop or brooder. They will eat qulto n lot of It, nud It prmldcs tbo glunrd with grit to grind food. C'aro i f tho Yunnir Itora, Work with young horses Intended fo. mat season's work while you Imro time Ihls winter. Ilnlter nud stall them, groom them dally nud barncsa them frequently, so that they become necu turned to your working with them. It require time for the young horso to Mud out mnny things required of It In rcgulnr work. If It Is tlmt taught tho feel of the halter nud harness there will bo IctM for It to think nbout when It Is hitched up for work. A well brok en horse Is worth much more thnn one poorly broken. In selling tho horso Hint Is tho tlmt Inquiry of tho buyer. Mulches of Mm nil re. During Jnnunry nud February heavy mulches of stable mnnuro may be placed nboiit perennial fruits and vege tables. The manure will act as a pro tection to tho plants, somo of Its rich ness will soak Into tlio soil nud weath ering will cnuso tho manure to become mild, so that It mny bo wifely uwsl for nny of. Uio garden crops next spring. Thero Is little dnnger of scattering too much uiAnuru In our gardens nud or chards. Govcrumeut Kxperlmeitt, Tho farmers of tho country sur rounding Shreveport will this jear plant "50 acres In peanuts, nt tho In stigation of government olllclnls, who hnvo recently coluo south for tho pur poso of testing tho value of tho pea nut ns u producer of lino oils. Tho cot-ton-Bced oil mills, which nro usually lillo during tho spring nnd summer months, will bo equipped for tho cx-l pcrlmout-Ucaumont JouniaU 7MJ I UQ-rVTOUUILDRURAL 11- This Book Sent Free tire cost. If you have some hay down all ready to ro in, it is worth ton-cllilng; to have a telephone with which to call on Neighbor Smith "for a lift" before the storm breaks. The Rural Telephone pays for Itself each year and wc have brought the initial cost within the reach of every farmer. Present prices arc especially favorable and thousand of Farmers' Mutual Com panies arc now organizing so as to build their lines this Spring. Write us to-day. S-tkri ORIu AtUU Kuui Cllf QiideuU Poruiw-jlh D.lUl S-lnl Loalt lodUupell EiTuuk MAPLEINE Tb number of marrlsges In tb Gtr mux Kmplre In 1003 waa -ISSfiOO. The llalile aea Is not utty tnough to rciuln tbe Ufa of Ibe oyster. To Enjoy the full confidence of tbo Well-informed of tbo World and tho Commendation of the moat eminent phyaicians It was eaten tkl that tbo component parts of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be known to and approved by them; there fore, tbe California Fig Syrup Co. pub Uibes a full statement with every package Tbe perfect purity and uniformity of pro duct, which tbey demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character, arc assured jy tbo Company's original method of man- I ufacture known to tho Company only. Tlio figs of California aro used in tbe production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna to promoto tbo pleasant taate, but tho medicinal principles are obtained from plants known to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects always buy the ccnuine manufactured by tbo Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all leading druggists. SfgWr3 W lssssasviE ,., . i. JF " ! 'WRBfYrAV TTlAtjat llsiMtt I arm moM comfortable POMMEL SLICKER Allhemetlme encapest in the end because It wears onneit ItSJl F-..,4. t MiCf LWjniiuci tvery garment. ))wniUllitru - waternroof Cxiika I i29w",eO- HI'MUIl I r WS'isjss'JS ' as ess ssf The 2 "FLYERS" are the O.R.& fast through trains between PORTLAND and SPOKANE WM.McMURRAY,G.P. Portland PUTNAM Color more KoodabritrhUr and faster colo ISxSloSSStSSiSr All1 AifliAf. rrviViY .. ri I I ix ftnsn V?rVaisaT r Jt7&nf& rM 'f.' i am mm 'ro J 1 JM I Want a Telephone? If you do you can get It. If you arc anxious to get Into closer touch with your friends, with the family doctor, with the store, with tho pott office, or with the cotton buyer, you can do it with a telephone at hand. If you want to make the. farm a more livable p!ace, if yon want to protect your home, you can do it by installing a telephone. If you will cut out this advertisement, write your nsme and address on the margin and mall It to-day to our nearest house, we will end you at once a copy of our Free Bulletin fto.112 on "How lo Build Rural Telephone lines Tills Bulletin explains clearly how a rural telephone system is built and operated, and it alto contains full information as to costs. In a Farmer's Mutual Company a few day's labor and a cash Investment of about $25. per subscriber, will purchase all matertel and build an absolutely standard system. A Rurnl Telephone Is nn Investment, not nn expense. The telephone which enables you to sell ten bales of cotton at lA cent per pound more than the traveling buyer offers you, has paid for its en WE-SfTERlN. eUEOTaRiG - J rVl ZfcasSiiB tt Th c-DfU' oldfit f! Urrrtt itlc pboM rrjifiafactiir-- Thrrt IP ovtr lAMaWnum Kltrtrte TtlcpboM ( m la Um Ueiud buu umU- Eril ItUflnttt a ifnltUj A Flavoring. It males l syrup better than Maple. jt jt Sold hy grocers. A man's hair usually turns gray fire years sooner tKon a woman's. Air that nan iwen iabaled baa a higher rn iriml fnnrtuctivltr than normal air. seed oats ".;:: OBSSsS Fer Saber's eataloc rs BHSJ Lirritt firmer e( sd ot.iht. bulrr, Mill, corn, potto, irum nd clorerl od riimuifdilatb woilJ. ills ettloirior, ud loo la aunpe sod rcl tmpl ol UOIioa IXAlu Crtu. tUMIos 10 Ion clbtr prCT.oa,tplit.bwlf,eaiJlreria SI0.O0ofuirmui'imonrioctlttartiih. ad eaulot ft. Or, nd ISO and w add a ample lana d ooraltr ortr tto txlor brroo. SALZERSEE0C8..wftUCmit.rt. - : ,r. : WC LL.anaMMr : rdiiuM tWANT tT ait aikalr aakaar A1 kw4 font T farm. Mvtrur a Urr hUtTn crrs 2 T Qokk vlajt, Prvp ca a cani If you bar T anvltitnae e Irutw nt aitiv fm ns stsilai ATLAS LAND CO., J 420 Lumber Exchasg e I PORTLAND, OREGON t $ 39IISifSB3f ) 1 MERCHANTS 1 I WILL TRADE g m WaU Paper, Mouldings, $ Pictures and other aim- Si ia ilu roods, for Umber W A Undfarm land or ca-ih. m a Lowest vtioleaale ft m prices, wnto ma. m I E. H. MOOREHOUSE S 144 yenh SU Portland, Oregon There ll ctreclr anv limit to th noaalhlr ImnrovrmrBt In ae,1a. but It take time and monrr. Wehara been ImrroTlnit Dower and vrgrlable aredf rororrr pw vran. aloretbanscca people ere woiklnj lo make Ferry'a bctJi anlt you. L'uy the beat Verry'. For ealc everywhere. , rtitnvs is9 site annum. FRCC an RIBVZ&T. B, M. FERRY a, CO, BtrH, MMu SEEDS i ha toartj tii forme of SPOHN MEDICAL CO, Chesalits and ERRVk Kimlrint limit to th PJea7 nv ssssssSBSssspSgseBeBeseBki s trnv INHIMJ KQinQiTSTM blaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 at I O lAan. of ll IV ?! aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkaaaVtaaa I aSJaBBBaaT rBsvmofevctvrara. (S L-bnktnt aili-ai avF-t at p bor riuJ la Ui fRESCENT nuxDOAU mix AM wwrucsn ronosnu Cwan) DO'.rMTTK A FULL FADELESS DYES than oay ethsrdyt). CMoiCsjpkw colore sJUc.wool and cotton MvuaBy wail ''DhSS rtonWra ! Wtrttr Oflai IbMtoa Pillnl.lpfiU O.laio hiut-K lltavcr ftni l'il Im Am -U Kill IjH Oli Otuba new you C.. fc..-...A SUl . .!... ,KtaM C.aia "al. t Okw. "; 5. K. er-r I r.ll- ". " " T" ' It k. tM ii niie w fa!i..S-irrlii"ll- Tirr. rrsvC BIS rarl Strret. VMliaff. "Ha! Ma! It didn't hart a WU Now for my. Alveolar Teeth." In cat Rl the ab.rj duntiat ttoow aa Ihelr hand and r llwrc hi no ! are a elate or fata t of Inlb. hut Iha AKeolar art lent aalvrd the probltm aod mw slate aro oat MCtatary uiWeat all lb l:h ar sia. W do dental work In all Ita branche. from taM almple pleee oT AUlna to the complicated and aei rnUSe Ahrrolarwork. Lt no fool jroq tnt parlna fancy prieM Conaultu. Thprkaba low ar for th hUbeat claaa of dental work. PrToh AKeolarTctlh 1 X39 a Rerular Cold Crown. 22k iJJM Regular Porcelain Croa J J.38 Regular Cold or tnamel rW tl.M Rctular Inlay riUIiiga. Palalea and P er ica $2JS Regular EapeH Plat Work. per Mt ...S3 Jena Palnleai Catractlng (frc with work) 30 W mala a carvfal examination of th moata) frea. If yeo would know mar of I hla Alraolae work, aand for our bnuk. "AWaolar Dantbtry. a trertia on th teeth In Kcnara) anj tha new method In particular. Th book I free. Out-of-town patient traalad In the ahorttet plbl Dentfats of 5 to 28 years' cine protlkc In the cky. Tk ALVEOLAR Paiiiiess .Drals Feurth and WaaMncten Streets PORTLAND, OREGON. ENTRANCE 11054 rOUItTH STREET lady Attendant OFFICE IIOURS-8a,m; to Sp-nu Sunday t a. m. to 12m. 1'HONK Aim. PNU No,ll-0 W HKK writing- toadvertlaerapleaaa inenunn tin papar. COLT DISTEMPER OSS mL i i stisl.M fsssa'H ' sJaBsK Bst v 5V 'KSIiIbsIv Can t- lBa4ll tvry rwllr. Tha wick ar rartJ. a4 all eOitn m ths.ast) lo mullpf lVtt3sjtl, ff4 ftna havlBf Ik alt uIdi VUUIVU UQU1I) DhTfiirui anic WacJi or la tv$. iru on lb bloctd nnd rxrala ft not of tttttourr IWi rtsi 1 rmJ rc innia icr auraanBai t-eiaaa fsCe avnd II I iiorvraonti id hervjMaltlaiaalftleHt Pltit hmhow 10 ltk tnte, 0r Tf4 Bar. Lakl SUtMflta HaVlltaKL IjkTKOmk I SMnl aca ifMv fre BacterloIogUta, GOSHEN, IND, U. S, A. Egg-Phospliata BAKING PUWULK Get it from your Grooer POUND 25c.