The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 17, 1909, Image 6

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    f i
I Aunt Diana :
The Sunshine
of the Family
' GIIAlTBIt XXU. fOontlnntd.1
"Oh, there ii llic river!" exclaimed All
son, In a lone of cc-daay. "Ixnk, Itoger:
you win Just catch a gleam through the
trees oh, the dear place! How t do
love It!' her voice rising Into a perfect
crescendo, of which th lop note was
complete satisfaction.
"It Is Just a jear since .voti have seen
It." observed Orevllle, "Ml Alison,
what made you steal a. march on me In
that f million? I was quite hurt that you
never gave me a hint of your Intention
of going home.'
lie ipoke In a loir tone (hat Hogcr
could not hear.
The quirk, sensitive color nnhed Into
Alison's face: there wa such Implied re
proach In Orevllle' voice. Had lie really
been hurt?
"Oh, you mutt not feel like that about
lt,H ahe returned, with a sweet, candid
look. "We had talked of the possibility.
Aunt Diana and I, but nothing had been
settled. I had put It out of my mind.
I wan ao naughty, I could not bear the
Idea of going home and doing my duty.
1 should never nave gone at all If Aunt
Diana bad not helped me."
".You did not think how I should feel
tohen I came bark and found you gone,"
retorted Orevllle, In a boyish. Injured
voice, that reached Itoger and made him
rnille, only Alison grew a little grave.
"I left a tuesMige with your grand
father." ahe aaid. quietly. "What could
I do? Aunt Diana iid It wa my duty
to go, and that It wa no good putting
one hand to the plow and looking back
ward. What Is the use of loitering over a
difficult tank when It ha to be done!"
"That It true, but- "
"Please don't talk of last lumunr,"
ahe Interrupted him; "it make me sad
only to tli I nk about It." And he could
aee there were tear In brr eye as ahe
spoke. "I made myaelf so miserable over
It; I could not bear leaving Aunt DUna,
and I mined every one so."
".Mlaa Alison, please do not look aad
over It," aald Grerllle. earnestly. "What
clumsy fellow I am! I have silenced
the nrstful of twittering young larks"
referring to Roger' speech. "Come, I
know you will forgive me, and look chirpy
again, wbrn I tell you I have passed
muster end come off with flying color."
"Oh. 1 am so glad !" exclaimed Alison,
her smiles returning again. "Then you
Bmslhave. worked . hard. .How ..pleased
To hear grandfather talk," returned
Orevllle, calmly, "you would think I was
the Admiral Cricbton. at least. The dear
old man makes no end of fuss, bless him I
I tell IiIdi It U alt your doing; you gave
roe such a terrible lecture that Wednes
day." "Oh.'no," replied Alison, blushing; "It
wa your own good sen"
"I shall 'go In for 'Greats' next year,
10 I shall have to grind pretty hard. I
am to have a coach down bere this sum
mer. Cbejne, of ISalllol, I at The Cray
with hi people, and he Is a rare fellow
for that. I have lo work all my morn
ings," be continued, rather dolorously,
"but I shall have my afternoons and
evening free. Miss Alison, you are not
listening to me."
"Oh, ye I am!" ahe cried. Joyously,
"but I can not bear auy more Just now,
though I am very glad to hear It all.
JIoser, do look I There I Jloss-slde
you know you bave forgotten It and
there Is Aunt DI In the pordi."
"Allle, you have eye like a hawk. I
aee nothing but greenery and sunshine,"
Nevertheless, Itoger did perceive, a
moment afterward, a tall figure in myrtle-green
standing under a trelll of rose.
MIm Carrlngton had etldently beard
the heel of the dog cart, and had come
out to look. When they stopped she bad
the little gate open aud wa helping All
son to alight.
"How are you, my dear cbi'd?" she
tald, as Alison put brr arms around her;
"actually not tlrrd, Allle I And you.
Itoger ? Welcome to Mot-sIde, my boy I"
"Areu't you going to welcome me, too.
Miss Carrlngton?" nfcked Orevllle, half
Jokingly, but be looked a little wistfully
at the group.
"Xo, uot to-night," she returned, de
cidedly. "I must bave wy belonging to
myself for this one evening: -you may
come In to breakfast, If you like."
And, knowing of old that Mis Car
rlogtou'a decision allowed of no appeal,
Orevllle lifted bis bat and wished Ibem
good evening, and turned hi mare bead
In the direction of the Fernlelgli stables,
sot without a backward glance at Ibe
slim, dark-eyed girl looking affectionately
In Mis Carrlugton' face.
"Xow, Allle, go to your old room and
get rid of Ibe dust, while I show Itoger
upstairs," observed Aunt Dtaua, In a
trUk vole. "You will find me lu the
studio when you are ready."
Her old room! Alison gave a happy
little slgli a she Irod on the threshold.
What a green little bower it Io6ked, and,
oh, the roses! rose In tbo quaint old
china bowl Uiut Aunt Diana so much
affected; rose In the slender Venetian
glasses on the mantelpiece and toilet ta
ble; rose clambering Into the window
and pressing their pluk face against the
awinging lattice; mid on the wlnilow
all), dropped by some thoughtful hand, a
glorious Glolre de PI Jon, with a back
ground of maidenhair fern, such a All
con loved to wear In ber white gown,
Bb stood for a moment looking out
thoughtfully. The long shady lawn of
Moss-side and Fcmlelgh lay beneath her,
and through the fresh foliage of the wil
low aud acacia wa the silvery gleam
of the locly river. Something In the
Sahbarttllke stillness. In the beauty of
the scene. In the peaceful satisfaction of
her heart, moied Alison to kneel down
among the roe, and breathe a brief
thanksgiving for the duties she had been
stmiitltirned to perform, for the fatherly
guodneo that brought her hack to the
home of her adoption, am) for the human
low that was but a dlln reflection of the
She did not hurry to go down, though
her luggage had not yet arrived, and there
waa no olblllly of changing her travel
ing dress. Hut when she had bru!icd her
brown hair, mid put on her breast knot of
rosea, he looked trim n ever, and her
bright, smiling face, a she opened the
studio door, brought the name "Sunny" to
Miss Carrlngton' mind, for she looked
as all young face should look the very
essence of a sunbeam.
"Oh, Aunt DU the dear, lovely room!
And, oh, that Is the new ptcture." spring
ing to the easel to gate delightedly ou
golden cornfields, with scarlet popple
struggling among the wheat, like gaudy
promise never to rllen Into fruit, and
under the hedge a little brown baby
sleeping, with its dimpled hand full of
weeds, and a sheep dog watching It
"Do you like the picture, Allle! It la
sold already. I-ady Franklin fell In love
with It, but I want It to hang In next
ymr'i Academy. The baby Is painted
from llfo; the original belongs to itarby,
nn old servant."
"Aunt Dl. It I perfectly beautiful!
Itoger, come here and tell me If you do
not think so."
".Nonsense, Allle; Itoger is far too hun
gry for art criticism at present. Come
away, you foolish child, and let me give
you something more satisfying than paint
ed canvav The chicken came from liar
by farm, with the strawberries and this
Jug of delicious cream."
Alison looked round rather bewildered,
for none of these tempting viands were
In sight; but Ml Carrlngton. who knew
ber love for meals al fresco, bad had the
supper table laid In the wide veranda,
and not only chickens and strawberries,
but other delicacies were provided for the
hungry travelers.
"This is better than your tea table un
der the limes at home, Allle," exclaimed
Itoger, as be carved for the ladle. "No
wonder she wa (polled, Aunt Diana, and
did not take kindly to the sooty Ivy and
the music of the crane."
"Itoger, I shall Impose a forfeit If eith
er you or Allle mention the mill," ob
served Mis Carrlngton. as she handed
him a cup of coffee enriched with liar
by" yellow cream. "I want you two
young thing to forget everything but
how yon are to amuse yourselves. Allle,
shall, wehsve pur.brrakfatt hre.ns we
'did last year, whlle"tbe 'blackbirds and
thrushes take theirs? Itoger looks as
If be wanted lo lire In the open air. Do
you know yon liaie got thin, dear boy?"
"Xever mind that, Aunt Dlnna; there
Is no fear of rusting, that I one bless
ing work never hurt man or woman
"Xo." she said, thoughtfully, "bnt 'rood
era t Ion in all things' wa an apostle'
maxim; but you are right In prluciple,
Itoger. Xow for the home new. What
I really your father' condition? let
ter are so unsatisfactory, and tbey never
ay half enough."
"Dr. Greenwood I delighted with the
progress be ha made. Aunt Diana; he
gel across the room quite nicely on
crutches, though be I not to do more at
present. 01 course, the long confinement
ba made him look pale and delicate, but
hi spirits are first rate. Dr. Greenwood
told me the other day that In another year
'or so be might hope to be as well aa
ever. He says he Is an excellent pa
tient." "And how does the book go on?"
"Very well, I believe; be manages to
write without difficulty with the help of
a sloping board."
"That wa Itoger' clever contrlrance,"
Interrupted Alison. .'
"Aunt Diana doe not want to know
that; you have broken the thread of my
discourse. Father does seem happier ly
ing there with all hi book round blin
than he did at the mill."
"And a very good Idea, too," observed
Mis Carrlngton, looking at her nephew
with decided approbation. "How dor
Murdoch fulfill bis duties?"
"Admirably; he I a rj steady fel
low." Then AWe's plan will answer," she re
turned In her practical way. "There I
uo reason. Itoger, why you should not car
ry on the business, and leave your father
tree tor his literary pursuits. He wa
never fitted for a bualnrs man ; be is too
dreamy and unpractical, lielleve me, he
will be far happier and less Irritable If
circumstance allow him to follow his
own particular bent."
"I am quite sure of It, Aunt Diana,"
returned Itoger, quietly; "and now I have
worked alone all these months, I feel
more competent to carry on the business
single handed. It ha been a hard pull
Frrgusou had done so mucii mischief, but
thing are righting themselves now, and
with M unlock' help we shall get on
"Tliat I well," replied Miss Currlng
ton, heartily, "and now, how doe Mlsxlu
go on?"
This time Alison answered.
"lltr arm is quite right, but she still
look rather thin and delicate. Mr.
Hardwlck Mr. Forbe, I mean want
to take her to Torquay, In October, for
two month; she nay she will be such
a nice companion for Anna. Pupa Insist
that she I to go."
"And how does my little friend Anna
get on with her stepfather?"
"He I very kind to her, Aunt Dl.
Itoger I rather pleased with blm on the
"Dr. Forbes Is one of those men whee
hark Is worse than their blto," observed
Itoger: "he rather prides himself on be
ing a I war, but I think Miss Anna has
prowl there I a soft spot In his heart "
"I am glad to hour this. Then the
poor little girl Is happy nn the whole''
"I doirt mink Anna Is to he pitied,
Aunt Dl," returned Alison, In rather a
peculiar tour; "she looks extremely hap
py." Aud something ln Alison' manner
made Miss Carrlngton clmnge the sub
ject; It certainly did not appear lo In
terest Itoger, for he seemed nlworbed la
his strawberries all at once, and his erll
lelsm on Dr. Forbes was given in rather
a constrained voice.
"Ml I-elgh tells me that Ml) It
wonderfully improved since hw Illness,"
observed Aunt Diana, after a pause,
which no one seemed anxious to break.
"Indeed she Is," returned Alison, with
quick enthusiasm. "I have never seen
any one so changed; she I so much
quieter In dress and manners, and so
much more tolerant of Hudel. l'opplt
like to be with ber now, and Mis I,elgh
can not say enough In her praise. It ji
easy to see how she tries to break her
self of her faults, and It Is so much hard
rr for her than for us, n she has not
naturally a good temper.
".Neither had 1, Allle. Many a girl has
a tore fight to go through life a well as
Mlssle; It I so easy to contract baJ
habits, and so difficult to subdue them, t
believe nothing but grace can enable on
to overcome a really had temper."
And so saying, Sllta Carrlngton rose
from the table, and proponed that Itoger
should go down to the river white ah
and Alison disposed of the unpacking.
There was a merry breakfast on tht
veranda next morning, and Alison, In her
white dress, with some dewy roses a a
breast knot, looked the picture of hap
piness as she poured out the coffee.
Directly It was over, Orevllle tookher
and Itoger to see his grandfather,
Mr. Moore was eagerly expecting them;
even before Alison's foot had passed over
the threshold his sightless eyes were turn
ed to the window, ami his "Welcome,
Sunny," reached her ears. .
In another moment Alison was occu
pylng her old footstool at his feet, and
his fine wrinkled hand, a little more trem
bling than of old, was placed on her balr,
with a halt audible blessing.
"Dear Mr. Moore, I am so glad to see
you again"
"Have you missed us. little one? Not
half as much as we have missed Sunny."
And as she pressed her lip to hi hand
In mute contradiction of this, he said, half
sadly r "Child, I never thought to have
heard your sweet voice again, but the
good Ood would have It otherwise. He
fore the message reached me It wa re
called; the gate were almost closed In
my face."
"Thank God for that." ahewhlspere.!
"but they never told me that you vnr
HI until you were well again
"PAtFHHBx.Fnif 1
sp-j- . -,,. sr J.jUEj ) m-r -
igaI ii . M "' ' ii f n ,, M .,:,. , r M
HtBTwra . ! . i j 0
tty Sir Oliver Lodge.
Tim iiltlnmto object of rvllgltm (mining
must lw to nicuiirncv imrh Men and Imlills
na Hlmll rvsult In a happy childhood nlut
sound nml usoful llfo.
The llrat ronl god of n child nro hi pn
renta, lumovrr ungtxlllk they may I. And
hence nrlso that feeling of security nml near
urea of protection mid lnw which la one of
tho luxuries of childhood, nml. I may add.
out) of tho rtsiwimllillltlca of parenthood, Ttint nntlou
or colony which could Insure that It chlhlrcn houhl
siK-nd their nhort nml vltnl early year nniong healthy,
happy HiirrouiidliiK suited to their Hum of llfo ami
tate of development, mid leading to n good, robust,
crlccihlc iiiiiiiIukhI an. I womanhood that nation would
to n few generation stmid out from nmoiigat the rest
of the world us something nlmoat mipcrhuniMti,
From my experience of the Iminto goodness, of un
spoiled hutuniilty I have nn Iden that If children could
be planted amidst fiirornblo mimnindlnga thcr would
nearly nil flourish nml grov beautiful a plant do
uuder right conditions.
No fraction of the world or of the Individual enn be
thoroughly healthy nml Imppy while any member of II
is degraded and wretched.
iilhlo war Reenu merely n iierpetunl nnnrehy. llevoliitlon
erontc go eminent, but utmrchy only creates more un
tty (1. K. Chesterton.
On moat political platform. In nnwt ne
meni nml mngiutnea, I observe that there
nro nt preneut only two Iden, either to nvold
control ersy or to conduct It by mere bluff
nml noise. Uvaslon nml violence are tho only
exKi)leiitK. A limn must be deaf to hi i
IwueuU nrgtinieiit: ho may Ik deaf nml si
lent, ami this la colled dignity; or he may
be denf nml noisy, nml thl I culled "alashlng
Journalism" Hut both these thing nro ritially remote
from the lighting spirit, which Involve nn Interest In
the enemy' movement lu order to arry or to pierce
It I lut of Hint titichlvnlrou and oven unmllltary
Idea of bullying, of using bombastic terror In order to
void n (.vtilllct which I nt thl moment the highest tur
ret of the tall hypocrisies! of Kurope. lhiroH I full
of tho Iden of bluff, tho Iden of cowing the human spir
it with n painted panorama of physical force. Wo aee ii
In thu huge armament which wo dare to accumulate,
but should hardly dare to use.
I do not like hovering nml lingering threat of arma
ment nor do I like hovering and lingering threat of
rlnt. If pccplo want to have n. revolution let thorn have
Ily II, J, II. Montgomery.
Mi.ny peuotoglRla snort Hint tho profession
ilonnl criminal la n man whom It I lioiiele
to reform. They say Hint ho find lu crime
not only n livelihood, hut exhilaration, xrt,
fascination. Ho I n benst of prey, who must
be not only mumled but caged lu the Inter
est of society, I linvo no liesllntlmi to stilt
ing n the result of my oxierlriieo Hint the
n'siiimitlon wlileli underlies the nVgiiinciit of
tho iM'tiolcgltd I not only not correct, but I nbnoliitely
fulliieloiia, Tho criminal an ho llmls n fnsclimtloii lu
erlniu ha no existence save In tlin Imagination of thu
penologist. Tho professional criminal lints been mnito
audi by aoclety. lie I n prison pruluct In the llrat In
stance, nml when ho I rclcnscd f mini prison mnlety give
him clenrly to timlerstnnd Hint hi plnco for tho future
U with hi own class Hid criminal class.
Out of tho light of my otwi exHrleneo I declare that
men, even criminals, nro not o hoprlc, so callous, o
Incorrigible, so detold of liuinnii feeling a tho penolo
gist would have us upioc. In every human Mug
there nn principle of good nml evil, and possibilities
of either I wing evolved. The easiest way, I auggest, to
nhollsh the professional criminal I lo coaso manufactur
ing htm.
It ami let ll havu IIhi ndvnntaee of a revolution. nt
"Ah. Miss Carrlngton Is a wise sroa-1 being drastic nnd decisive. Hut n niero Pantile of m.
. 1 .l.l..l. I m.m... ... Inml.n Matn I
an; sue iuiiikm ii niviis " "!" jv-"i
spirit with sorrow that do not Uloeg
to them.. My boy there nearly bro kit
heart about the old man ; can you Ulhre
It, Huuny?" , ,
"You are like his own father," re
turned, softly. "He Is outside ea tie
veranda with Itoger. Are you wdl
enough to speak lo Itoger?" A ,
"Ay, ready and willing; he has rrown
a flue lad. I hear." And as Allsonltecx
oneil to them the two young men citM In
through the window, and Itoger sst ilovn
by the old man' side.
(To be continued.)
Ily Rev, A. II. Stephen.
The church must ever lt tho handmaid of
law enforcement nml stand nggresslvely for
Ibe suppression of vice nml public Immorality.
Tbo highest function of tho church I to servn
tho community In which It I locuted, lu It
civic, social nml religion life. It should feel
Its ressiuslblllty to present n higher tyie of
life than I found elsewhere, less Influenced
by human prejudice and human imimIiiii, freer
from compromising etitntiglemrnt ami questionable alli
ances, exhibiting tho purest form of social clrcuuispec
Hon nml olltlcal nml commercial probity.
The community has u right to exHct something bet
ter from the church than it Hud In Itself higher Ideal
lsl Inore unselfish rodent or at their realisation, In
the rcKils the church owe It to the community that
It shall not beidlsnppolutcd, hut that It shall experleuco
the thrill. If not tho lurprlso, of entire fulfillment. The
church must week the co-oKrntlon nml allegiance of tho
contiguous populations, not for It own good, but for the
good of thoeo sought, ever teaching the lesson by exam
ple Hint It I more noblo lo servo than to be scrusl.
A Iswrert omernlt.
Bpenklng of Homerhaults, tho toec
dote which Iml Hldoii relnteil of the
eminent DigllMi lawyer, John Dun
ning, iiftenvunl Inl Ashburton, wilt
bear reRiitlng. "I had," miy Jtl
nidon, "very early lifter I was called
to the bar n brief n Junior to Mr.
Dunning. Ho legnii the nrgtumnt ami
ninn-nnil to me to bo reasoning very
ixnverfiilly ngnlnst our client. Walt
lug till I wiih ipilte convinced Hut bo
had mlidnkcn for what party he wa
retained, I then touched hi urm, iml
niton hi, turning Ii!h Iniul townrd me I
vt'lilH-rul to him that ho must bavo
iiilmiiuleriiliMKl by whom he was em
ployed, n he was rwiKonlng against
our client.
"Ho gnvo me n very rough nml rmlo for not having nooiirr set
him right nml then procu-ded to Uto
Hint what ho Imd nildresseil to tlo
court wan nil Hint could be stated
nniliidt hi client, nnd that he had put
the raw- a imfuvorubly a It were
lo?8"jlo lu order Hint the court might
mo how very witlsfnctorlly the rnso
ngnlnrit him could bo nnswercil, ami nc
(iinllna'y very jiowerfully
wlmt he hud Ix-foro stilted."
"You WH'in orerhentiil, my lad,'" siild
tho gentleman Ik-IiIikI the iK-eue In (bo
melodrama theater.
"Yi-h, iKi-oi," reNiiuleil the yonngster,
ns ho moppetl tho ierplnitlon from
hi brow, "1 Imvo de hottest part lu do
"Indeed! And vrluit I tho part?"
"Why, I Imvo to get 'way up n ,)o
llle nn' tear up jmiMir for do wiow
htorm in tlo blizzard M-env."
Jeiilou ut Jnvli.
Dick Did you enjoy yourself down
at tho uinwjuo hall Inst night?
Hdnn Inih-ed, I did. And coming
homo through tho chilly night juek
Frost klKCil my cheeks.
Dick Lucky Juckl Tho next Hum
I mil going dlHguhied a Jack Frost
It seem so far to the happy day
Wbrn Ibe clouds will leave the sky,
Hut 'tis sweet to hear, when the world
H gray,
The song of the llyand-llyi
The hill and rills they are ahlnlng
And our care tike phantoms fly;
An echo sneet In the lonesome night
I the song of the Hy-and-Uy!
It seems so far to the happy day.
Hut Us rest they'll not deny;
We bear what the angels sing and ssy
In the song of the Hy-and-Ity!
Frank U Wanton.
-f -j- i-'75' "lfT"
Glarencn and ftis Coda
' lW J W-SsiS
Clnrcnco had lo'iketl forward to tho
two week of holiday (lino through nil
tho school month. Hut when Christ
ina Imil conn-, hi brother, who wnx
tho tiUMseiiger for the firm of Wnlwlck
k Wnldoii. Hiiildeiily heenmo III. "He'll
Ik on hi feet lu n week," the doctor
Knld, hut In the meantime tho poor lad
wiih worrying nlxiut hi place In tho
"Can't I tnko your place?" nsked
Thu It rn arranged nml for tho
two day Iteforo Xow Year' Clnreneo
ran errand nix! did everything that
wns naked of him. Just lis tho ofllco
was being closed tho night heforo Xow
Year's, Mr. Wnlwlck called him am!
said that ho expected to como down
town tho next morning nlthntigh tho
olllce would bo closed, nnd ho wished
Clnreneo tp bo Hiiro and get tho mall J
nnd placo It on hi desk and WAlt for
It wiih qulto early when Clnrcnco
found hi way Imddo tho silent build
ing. Ho had brought tils Mkntcn with
hint, a there wa to bo a hockey gaum
later, urn! there wa to ho tho family
dinner and tho umml good tlmo on
Now Year' afternoon, Ho carefully
put tho mall on Mr, Walwlck' ilefrtc am!
at clown to wnit. tho januor caino
and awepr, but Mr. Wnlwlck, did not
como. Ttiero wa aim plenty or umo
before Hip gomo, but tho clock hand
wero slowly turning. Finally ho
picked up u magattne and turned oyer
tho page. The huur when lie should be
playing came.
Tho game wa on now, bo knew.
The oilier wii getting chilly nisi he
walked around from room to room. Ho
looked nt tho clock. The gamo iriust
hnro been over for omo time nnd they
would bo execHiig him for dinner.
He wa getting cold am! hungry.
Htrnugo a It was, when he began to
give up hope tho I line womed to go
faster. Finally he curled up on a couch
nml went to sleep.
Dream nfter dream tumbled over
each other, and In the midst of n won
derful hockey game, where everybody
skated about eating hot gooso nml cran
berries, he heard n Ml. He wondered
what It could I and beforo ho could
ask he nwoke with n slnrt. Almost nt
hi ear the telephone bell wa ringing.
' Ho Juniieil unit took down tho re
ceiver. "Helm!" ho shouted.
"I thl Wnlwlck A Woldon?"
"Ye, thl I Wnlwlck A Wnldon'
"Well, J hardly hoped to cnlch aiy
iieixoI" us BiiouTrai.
one. Tnko down this cablegram aud
rush It through to Mr. Wnlwlck.
"'Calcutta, India, Jan. 2,
"'Hplko tigar Hnrdly now candle.
"Hplegel, I locker A Hon.'
"There, have you got Hint? All right.
Hopcot It. All right. Oood-by."
Clnrcnco rubbed IiIh eye. Thero was
tho iiicttHngo written out, but what n
meesngol It did not nvcaii anything and
It was dated a tiny ahead. Ho romem
borod hearing that Mr. Wnlwlck lived
In somo hotel, lis lmd seen tho iiamo
oms placo, Oh, yea, It was u tho
iug.txlm, Thero" it was, Tho Altro.
I.lko n flash ha ran dowiistiilr ami
Jiinitm nn a street car.
lu nUiiit twenty minute ho reached
the hotel, nml n he tepe In the door
he saw Mr. Wnlwlck Just entering tho
dining room. He rushed up to lilmmid
Mr. Wnlwlck looked nt htm In mirprlno
nnd then remembered his facts
"Ye, what I It?"
"IF n mtwigo telephoned In, sir,
nnd he gave over the slip of paper.
Mr. Wnlwlck looked It over and
quickly took n book out of hi pocket,
went to tho hotel olllco nml wrote n
half n doxen telegram.
"That wns n close hnve." ho said
half nloml, am! then noticed Clnreneo
nt lit skin.
"How itmter I ho un did you hap
pen to lie nt the office?"
"You told mo to wait, sir, until you
Then he told tho wliolo story, and
when ho had finished the head of tho
great firm of Walwlck Wnldon took
tho messenger boy by the ham! Just a
If he had Ix-en n grown man nnd said;
"My lad, you've saved u n great
deal of money, and now I think Hint
1 would lietter tnko you homo In my
nutonioblle Just n fast ns I can. Your
mother will bo worrying about yon."
When they wero sented In tho big
mnrhlne nml wen wrapped In by tho
henvy rids, Mr. Wnlwlck suddenly
nsked what tho boy had thought by
the pcctillnr message.
"I thought It wn very funny, but
how could It bo dntetl Jnnunry 2, when
this Is Xow Year?"
"Yon will hnvo to nsk .your school
tencher to explain why, hut yoiivswi,..
tho enrth turn round tho sun jjmll
I tho day nfter Xow Year' lirjuja-Jf
now. Kneli of tho queer word lTWV
message means n wholo sontemiifwiiolijv.
you look thm up In n llltlo iKVj'k'rr'
enrry. Wo call It n code." JlO$
When they .enmo to Clntcf?tiJ'
house, Mr. Wnlwlck went liiWstut n M
warm parlor and told tho story Wld
mother. Then ho took n pleco ofirwTsWv
nnd wroto something on It. VWIftit '
do you think that means?' ho satdfj
Wnw henrt wlro Clnronco Sfji1iV-i
desk npplo. "XS5?
"I might tell you, sir, If I hi$j61 .
code," said Olorcnco. 'jitj J
"Well, horo Is tho codo Iwok.iRrcru
and vnnr motliur can lnnlr If iml.
And this wns what thoy roifd b
lonklnir un I tin u-nnlai -. '
"Walwlclc & Wnhlen herohy primliw
i St'" " iuuim iiiv lll-IH eiKt
Hon posalhlo at tholr oipcuiovi-Tti