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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1909)
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( () ( ( ( ( ( C ? ( ( ( ( ( ( (' lam Ready For You. TMV ttNTIIUS UNU of Spring ouil Summer for you. Men's I'ltrnisliltij: hnvc arrived nnd Coodi for nre ready SHIRTS drill A good licnvy shirt for work 50c I'lnc clmtnorcy ithtrtfl, nil color, ut Coc and 75c IMiichI quality mercerized cliiiinbrcy yiey, tan nnd white, at $1.25 Mercerized witci-n, Kahkl color, a nnlcmlid ulilrt for $1.25 Solcsctte, n very fine ilk finish whirl white, tan and liKlit blue $2.00 Fare Milk, tan color, perfect fit, onlv $3.50 ) HOSIERY. Kxtra heavy black or tan, guaranteed to wear nnd give good acrvlec 20c Medium weight full fash Soiled, the very best for the money, black or tan 30c High cIum fancy hose, mcr ccrlrcd silk plait or lisle thread, from 35c to ?5c UNDER WE'R "I'orosknil" the ks mini mcr underwear made. Hot ter sec what this Is before you buy 60c llalbriKK'Ui Hyplian dou blc seated drawer, a good garment 50c Medium weight fancy rib, a good garment at any ime 55c J I II A VI'. A VVU. and complete line of Men's Tics, Hand kerchiefs, Kuspciidcrif, Armbands, Garters in fact any tlilng.yoii tnuy want, and at the RKI11T PRICUS the prices that you find only at THE BIG STORE ON THE CORNER, ( ( ( ( (f A. M. Lara BEND I Reliable Seeds So much hat already been said on the Importance of Imyinu your tecdt from a reliable dealer that to repeat it is only wane of wordt. Wfi Seeds have proved their woith our increas ing butinest it proof indeed that merit alone has made the Chai. II. Lilly Co. fore- most seedsmen on the ific Coast. Send .for catalog, 120 paci illtisv- a,dc crip- Jive fllm: aaaS wrWw-r w finillfA; rii nnm -sssssssssssssssssw 1 IlKALKU k .LOCAL BITS,. IXCORD Picltlc Horse Llnlncnt Is prepared ttprmi lor the wrds (A aor irmtn and rtmbmen. It Is a potwrhd ad Irillftf liniment, a rnntdy lor cwtrtev clrT A loothlni tmrtrwatlofl lor the relict ol pain, and the rt liniment lor sprains veA soreness. n Untquslcd lor curing the wounds and Injuries ol BARBED WIRE and hr braHnf cuts, abrasions, sores and hrulsea PacWc Horse Liniment Is fuMy tuaranteed. No (rtlwr Is so pood or hrlftufln so roy wajs. II It falls to satlily, e authorise all dealers to refund Hie purchase price. ! MM! SOtftlS firtt IS Hoyt Chcmioau Co, anokirr miliar, 0i, IMIli WOOD FOR. SALE BLOCK WOOD $4.00 I'cr Cord, Delivered. LIMB WOOD W.50 IVr Cord, Delivered. Phone Me, r. M. CARTER., Arc yoti wearing the green to day? St. Patrick's day. Hot water always can be had for batbluR at the Pilot lluttc Hotel. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Klmcr Merrill, on Saturday Inst, a daugh ter. The Hem! Drug Company not In ft fine line of paints nnd oils this week. Those baths at the Pilot Unite Hotel are something fine two large tubs. itf Quite a few mountain sheep (?) ate being bagged by Iknd hunters these days. J Ins it got you? Hint nionsjer, Ja Grippe, that seems to be visit lug so many of us these days. Mrs. Grant has ordered a fine line ol ladies' spring and summer bats. Wait for their arrival. Mrs. John Young and family nr rived last Saturday from Fremont, Neb., to make their home in this section. Several Bern! families took ad vantage of the beautiful weather we are having and picnicked on the river lust Sumliiy, W. D, lie a son is having a house built on his ditch laud cast of town, Jim McCoy went out Tuesday morning to do the work. The Notid baud will give a dance in I.urn hall tonight. Tickets, fll.oa; gentlemen spectators, 3c. Remember the dntc toulglit. Fifteen teums and drivers wanted for scrujHjr work. Wages fa 75 per day for man nnd team, Apply at D. I. & P. ditch camps cast of JrCtXt, 8lmplo Remody for Ladrlppe. La urinne coiil-Iih am lUiim-mm ley frequently ilevflop Into nrittlintll. I oley'n Ilnnny and. TT lint 'only stoiw tllP (tlllK I bill liciila lul stirniitheiis the iiUSt M that im scrlotu rvmlt need t enroll. The uciiulue I'nlev's lltmcv ami Tar contains uo lmrmfiil ilrun nml U In yellow package. Refuse substllules. ncim urug co. Kci!ieiiil)cr the shadow social next week Friday night, the 36th. It will be given in the vacant room adjoining the Tripled furniture store. George Hague, C. W. Klchlc, M. F. Hawthorn, Charley Fiudlcy and George Sly ore Kosland jwoplc who transacted business in llcnd during the past week, I,. T. Smith of Carson, Wash., has been spending n few days , In Bend looking over this section with a view of Investing cither1 in ditch land or town property. The Pilot Butte Livery & Feed Barn will be run in connection with the hotel. A new shed with a number of stalls wilf be furnished to freighters and emigrants. Hay and grain for sale. itf The Whatsoevcrs will meet Fri day afternoon with Mrs. Kcdficld. This organization baa been pros wring, and recently declared a div idend of $15 to each of the three denominations which comprise the association. The fellow who tries to attract business without advertising Is like the fellow who throws his sweet heart a silent kiss in the dark. He knows what he is doing, but no body else docs. Sec 11. A. Smith about your spring suit. Andrew T. Moore has sold out his possessions here and be and Mrs. Moore have gone to Chil howee, Mo,, their old home. Wc arc sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Moore but wish thctn success wherever they may locate. The North Irrigation Company, one of the subsidary companies ol the Arnold Irrigation Company, is asking for bids on the clearing of right-of-way for its lateral, con struction of which will soon be com menced. This lateral will water land that lies south and cast ol Bend, and work on it will be pushed Vigorously.. .. . The petition that has been cir dilated at Bend nnd surroundinj towns and which protests against the reclamation service dam in the lower Deschutes, was mailed to Senator Bourne Monday evening. It carried vcvcral hundred signa tures, and asks the Oregon delega tion U da all that they can to se cure tbc speedy approval of the Harriman right-of-way surveys through the Dochutcscauyou. The Hiudman-Thorbjoruson con test case will not down. This is the case in which Mrs. Marthu Hindman brought contest against the homestead entry of Oliver Thorbjornson. The case was car ried through to the secretary of the inferior, and Mrs. Hludman won in each appeal. She then placed a timber and stone filing on the tract, and when she came to offer proof Mr, Thorbjornson entered a protest on the grounds that he was a bona fide resident on the land, and also alleged perjury on the part of Mrs. Hiudmau. The testimony in the protest was forwarded to the ofli clals at The Dalles laud oilice, and they have handed down a divided opinion, Register Mo6re holding tu favor ol Mr. Tliorbjornion and Re ceiver A meson in favor of Mrs. Hindman. This necessitates an other appeal of the case, and it will undoubtedly agaiu go to the secre tary of the interior, C. S. Benson of Bend is the attorney for Mrs. Hindman and Y. I Mycin of !uld law for Mr. Thorbjornson. For sale One j-ln Mitchell wag ". Inquire at Aunc's livery barn. Mrs, Grant announce that she will Mon have in a fine line of "I'tiiig and summer hats for the ladies. Dr. M. V. Turley, who has been looking after his desert claim in the GUt neighborhood, was in Bend Tuesday. Found Rug about 2x5 feet in size. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. Ray Wilkinson and John Fergu son left this morning for the south to cruise some timber south of the Horse Ranch stage station. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Carter, on Suuday morning, a 7-lb. --vii. juunuii nays ne now nas a young wood chopper to help him. Word reaches Bend that Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Chapman have moved to Echo, Or., where Mr. Chapman is manager of the Northwest Realty company. A Mr R.-ed of Wellsvillc. Mo.. Is in Bend looking over this section and will undoubtedly Invest. Mr. Reed states that a number of people from his town will be In here this spring. A C. Lucas will run a livery and feed barn in connection with the Pilot Butte Inn. Patrons of the hotel who drive in from the coun try and do not care to feed their teams will be given stall room free. I am now agent for the Dcl.aval cream separator, and have one of tbese machines in stock. Step in and examine it. They are a great convenience and money saver for the dairyman. K.A. Svthuk. sitf There was a lively game of ball in Bend last Sunday afternoon when the high school team crossed bats with the "town" aggregation. The game was hotly contested from the sturt, aad closed with a score ot 6'to 7 in the town boys' favor. A pretty stiff game for tbc first of the season. A CASB OF SUSPENSION. When You Need Modern, Ncntnnd Servicablc Furniture... Cull on MILLARD TRIPLETT BEND, OREOON n SEEDS ft,t RalliUt, Pan uarintMAloflMlt I'Util rr "Ultt ml tha umiIoi inttluol Our NotttitinUrowabtfiU. spKctHw arnit 10 CENTS W4 MllMlil nur , .-- FAMOUS COLLECTION J Hli feH-OmlM fetor , , . lw i lit. r.lkrl.a Ml, k.l I. ii... ,11 itlHlHM'ftMM ri"tr IteH, IU. lie WHl. tot.rl B.n4 I r.t I Uf Ml M ' pxlUl ,n4 ik.1,1 Ik. W "Ian (VJUnaa.' to ,Mmv wilt, .., Nw .4 tnttrwm lMn U.I4. . lfMPrti.bU jWkrm.l. llllimt" MaawiaaaHnMaMaB.i.B Heme Talent May WW Be Presented by YetMz Fotfcs on March Jt. The young people of Lend will give a home talent play In Lara ball on the evening of the 31st. It is entitled "A Case of Suspension," and is a very pleasing little comedy. Miss Noun Richardson and Miss Maude Vandevert have the prcsen talion of this play in charge, and state that they and the young peo ple who will take part are putting on the play him ply to provide a means of entertainment for Bend people. It has no connection with ttje school, whatever, and is not a school affair. A small admission will be charged, although the ob ject Is not to muke money, A borne talent play is Invariably a pleasing one, and Bend people will await this one with interest. The cast of characters is as follows: Young ladle at scmlnarv: J?, JL'wl-H'tf.lovier Cm 1 " '1 !. ve Vandevert Mlrlrea.,,.., Pauline Vtet UuUergradu of neiby collie: . "fWI l.yle Richantson ,r" .OcorKC Yandeiert ..J"" Steven Steitll Mcubera of forutiv MIm Ophelio Juilkin... .Bessie DouVel Pruf, Jimilius Kdgcrton Max Richardson Kathleen , , , . . Dorothy Schoolcraft Jonas, scmluary nun. .Claude Vandevert Seeds That Grow! THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT AND THAT'S WHAT I'VE GOT. THEREFORE, BUY OP ME. A LARGE SUPPLY ON HAND OF GOOD CLEAN Alfelfa, Clovw uA Timothy S4. ALSO A FULL LINE OF GARDEN SEEDS. Something to Make the Hens Lay. revailing price of ecus in thfi ANU SIIHI.L will inc I have the ground bone and ahell for aale. S. C. CALDWELL. That would mean money In vour pocket. Mr, roultrvman. at the Pfeyat'ing price of eRtfi in this section. PRKSU GROUND OR RUN bujii A.iu nuisi.i. will inrrp.u- flic mimlrl oo nn l.. .... ,l.n 1 1 .t.""'.i .""". .... ." "" J"- "-"7 Bend-Shaniko Livery & Stage Company J. IJ. WENANDY, Prep. M, Olvln, Agent, Shanlko New Covered Stages between Bend and Shaniko ALSO Livery and Feed Stables at Shaniko, Madras and Bend. Wc run our rigs to please the public. Stages' leave each way every day. Rigs to all parts of Central Oregon. Careful drivers furnished Sfdal Attention Given to Express an4 Baggage. The Central Oregon Banking 2b Trust Company Beml, Oregon. CAPITAL $25,000 FULLY PAUJ. 3 and 4 per cent. Interest paid on Six Months and One Year Time Deposits. A GENERAL BANKftVG BUSINItSS- Massachusetts jutual Life Insurance Company ANNUAL DIVIDENDS Nearly JOO SATISFIED PelkyheMers In Crok County. 30-5 F. O. ftllNOR, RcskkHt Atwt f 11 Noikc. I rcsjicctftilly request nil slock anil poultry owners not to allow same to run at large, according t ordinance covering same. The or dinance will be strictly inforced. J. I). Davidson, Mayor. A Religious Author's Statement. Rev. Jo!i1t II. I'eiperuiHii, SalUbury, N. C.', w1q is llie author of 6exrl looks, wtlle: "I'or several vears 1 was afflict cl with klilnej trouble ami last winter I was smiueuiv stricken wuu a severe pain in my kidnevsam! was confined to betl eii'lit days unable to get up without as sistance Mv urine contained a thick white sediment and I passed same fre quently tay and night. I commenced taking Jfo!ey's Kidney Remedy, and the pain gradually abated and finally ceased and my urine lcame normal. I cheer fully recommend Foley's Kidney Rem WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with the bett that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bund, Okiigon HENRY L. WHITSETT Horse Sharing aid General BlacksmKhing wacjun and plow Work' First Class Work Guaranteed. Located In the old Sheldon shop. Registered Stock H 0 Q S Poland Chinas Duroc Jerseys Black Latigsrian Chickens, E. C. PARK, Redmond.Or. H 0 Q S aaaaaaaaVN-laPaHB LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaQraaaaft aW .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!bbWi JOHN LEO AT UtULKHlN Hsmess and Saddlery TruHks aHd Valises Repaired Deschules Lodge N. 113 Knights of Pytltlas ReKtilar meetings the ecQiid aud fourth Wednesdays of each mouth. Visitiiu; knights ahuiys welcome, Ciias. I). Ukown, C. C. Chas. D. Rowk K. R. & S, J edy." Bend Drug Co,