The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 17, 1909, Image 4

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"Pr every man a square deal, no
leM and k& more."
Oae y tor- -. ........ -... .i.s
Sis month.-,.. .........,- . .(to
Three monthi....... ... 40
(tBTHttr rt lnt.)
We Are Six Years Old.
Last week TitK Bum.ktin cele
brated its sixth birthday, and with
this issue it begins the journev
toward the seventh milestone. It
feels like a healthy younRSter, full
or life aad vigor. It is just young
and 'hopeful enough to be thorough
ly optimistic. It has no forebod
ings of dire happenings, neither
does it fear any sleeping sickness.
For six years it has succeeded in
taking pretty good care of itself,
and it believes it can do so for an
other year and for tuauy years to
come. In ether words, Thk Buz.
LRTW is just vtcorous enouch to
enjoy its work, and has n healthy
desire to continue it indefinitely.
And wc arc pleased with the
friendship that evidently is felt for
The Bulletin by the community
at large. Our reades seem to like
the paper, judging from the numer
ous words of commendation we re
ceive, and each week we arc addiug
new names to Tim BULLETIN fam
ily. Each week The Bulletin
becomes a visitor to households
where previously it has not been
For all these blessings we are
duly thankful. While The Bul
letin has been prospered in a fair
degree with this world's goods, yet
we believe we have been giving the
town and community a much bet
ter paper thaa & due them, meas
ured by the support accorded us.
la ether words, there has wH beea
a fair exchange. New; we are not
conplaiBiag; sor have we a long
tale of woe to recite. Wc are sim
ply stating a fact, which is that
The Bulletin deserves better sup
port than it has received. Do you
appreciate a home newspaper?
What would our town be without
one? And if The Bulletin had
not been circulating all over the
coatiaeat of North America for the
past six years, would Bend and the
Bend country be nearly so well ad
vertised as it, is today? Wc are not
complaining, not a bit of it; but
think these things over, and here
after when the newspaper man
comes around and asks you lor a
little business, give it without a
grouch. For really now, doesn't
The Bulletin give you and the
town more than your money's
Well, that's about all? We're
six years old and we wanted to tell
the people about it. Yes, we're six
years old, full of fight, and looking
for business and trouble. We will
probably find the latter if we don't
the former. But be that as it may,
we expect to orint a better paper
during our seventh year than at
ajy time heretofore. How about
you? Do you believe in helping a
good thing along?
We hope you do,
Leave the Canyon Open.
In a news article eteewbere in
this issue, Chief Engineer Boschke,
of the Harriman Hues of the North
west, states that the only practical
route into Central Oregon from the
north, now known to Harriman
engineers, is the one up the Des
chutes canyon. He remarks that
extension of either the Corvalli &
Eastern or the Shaniko line would
be impractical on account of exces
sive grades. There is room for be
lief that Mr. Hoscbke's statemeuts
in regard to the impracticability of
these other routes are not based
wholly on fact chieflyfor the reas
on that statements heretofore ap
pearingand evidently coming
from official sources have stated
that extension of either the C. & E.
or the Shaniko Hue was practical
and perhaps possible.
Hut taking It for granted that Mr.
ttosehke is correct In hi statement, how
Important It then becomes that the Des
chutes canyon should not be clocd to a
railroad. It is the natural, down-grade
outlet to this vast Central Oregon coun
try: and It there are no other routes that
approach It in feasibility or practicabil
ity, a possible reclamation project to lie
worked out in the dim future ahould
not be allowed to stand in the way of the
buifding of a railroad into this section.
There are many other power sites in Or
egon than this one on the lower Des
chutes. In fact, ever)- Oregon stream of
any site has an abundance of power. If
the reclamation service desire power for
pumping purpoHeslct them generate it
where it will not hold up the develop
ment of an entile empire. The people
of Oregon, and especially of this part of
Oregon, should enter a vigorous protest
against any corking up of the Deschutes
Chief Engineer N. W. Ilethcl, one
of Illlt's engineers, w.t In ' Itend
last Saturday making a reconnaissance,
which indicates that Hill stilt has his
eyes on this sect inn. In fact, it is known
from a very reliable source that Hill will
build into Central Oregon from the
north, and he is in possession of a route
by way of The Dallcs-Dufur road even
though the Deschutes canyon should be
closed to the Oregon Trunk Line. With
Hill and Harriman building from the
north and with Hartiman giving us a
line to San Francisco via Klamath Palls
mid ultimately to the Kast over his Ore
gon Hasten), this section would be very
well taken care of from the railroad
Hut be that as it may, the fact still re
mains that the Deschutes canyon fur
nishes the best route into Central Ore
gon. With it closed, Harriman would
have an excuse still longer to delay
bnilding and development of this section
would again be postponed. There Is an
empire here capable of producing thou
sands of bushels of wheat each season;
there are over 3,000,000 acres of yellow
pine limber tributary to Itend atone
waiting to be marketed; and tons of
wool aad UkxisshiVs dUead of livestock
go to market each year from this section.
The development of this vast empire
awaits the coming of a railroad, and the
logical route for said railroad Is through
the Deschutes canyon. Is it right then
mat the canyon should be plugged up
by the reclamation service in order to
generate power with which to pump
water for the Umatilla project? Nature
gave the Deschutes river and its canyon
to Central Oregon. And Central Oregon
people should protest'vigorously against
any action that would prevent building
a railroad through it.
A Bend youngster was running the
street last Saturday barefooted and hap
py. With the tun shining so warmly
that it is almost uncomfortably hot, with
the grass sprouting and the lawns rapid
ly taking on their summer's green, and
with the boys running barefooted, birds
singing and farmers plowing, it is evi
dent that spring is upon us with all its
joys. With what commiseration do we
read of the bliuards, snow storms and
tornadoes with which the people of the
Eastern states are afflicted. Toor people.
How can any person risk taking some
unknown cough remedy when I'oley'a
Honey and Tar costs tbem no more? It
is a safe remedy, contains no harmful
drum, ami cures the most obstinate
coughs and colds. Why experiment with
your health? Insist upon having the
genuine Foley' Honey and Tar. Bend
Drug Co.
Gophers, Sage Rat and Prairie Dog
annually devastate our fields of growing
grain. Their number may be greatly
diminished by a systematic warfare upon
them. Every female killed before the
young are born, reduces the ausaberof
pests at least ten later on.
' Woodlark" Squirrel Poison b the most
reliable and destructive agent yet devised
for their extermination. It is absolutely
certain in its actios and evtry kernel is
warranted to kill. Climatic changes or
moisture of the earth do not destroy it
strength. It requires no mixing or prepa
ration, aim is amayg ready lor use. No
other is o good. Dealers will refund the
purchase price, if not as claimed.
Uovt CiiKMiCAl, Co., Portland, Oregon I
The Proper Preparation of The Seed Bed.
From Wallace's Faumur, De Moines, Iowa.
The crop t,o be grown this year
ou the farms of the United States
will depend largely on the tempera
ture, rainfall, available fertility of
the land, and the physical condition
maintained during the growing
season, wc nave no control over
the temperature nor over the tain
fall, nor can we do much in nuv
single season to increase the avail,
able fertility of (he soil of the'furm.
We may help one field, perhaps
two; but the increase of available
fertility is a slow process, and nec
essarily so.
The immediate problem which
the farmer ban to consider is the
cultivation of the soil in such a way
that it can utilize the measure of
heat which the season affords, can
utilize also the rainfall, and can
make the possible available fertility
the actunt available fertility. In
other words, the most important
thing for the farmer to consider
just now is how lie shall prepare
the seed bed so that the plants can
use this available fertility, this
moisture and this heat to the best
All growing plants requite a well
pulverized surface soil, of say two
or three inches, resting upon a rath
er compact undersurface or the low
er half of what the plow has turned
over, and this rc-ting on the sub
soil or that part which the plow has
not turned over, with nothing to
interfere with the upward move
ment of the water from the subsoil
to the lower part of the cultivated
The upper soil must be pulver
ized so that the young plant roots
can push out and develop freely,
thus developing a large root system.
This can not be done if the surface
is cloddy. The delicate plant root
can not push its way through a
clod; and the clods that remain are
simply dead for this season. No
matter bow much fertility may be
contained therein the plant can not
use it.
The lower portion of the soil
turued over with the plow must te
compacted, in order that there may
be a constant upward movement of
the water to meet the requirement),
of the plant. If it is cloddy it per
mits too free movement of air,
which dries out the soil. If be
tween the turned furrow and the
subsoil proper thcte is undecayed
vegetable matter, whatever may
happen in a season of abundant
rainfall, there is always danger cf
the drying out of the soil and the
shortening of the crop through lack
of sufficient moisture.
Remember that plants take all
their nutriment in liquid form; that
the measure of the crop depends
upon the amount of water that the
lower furrow and the subsoil can
deliver to the plaut. It renuires
just so mucu water (.dilieriug, how
Farm For
Sale Cheap
A FINE lao-acre farm, 5 miles
r from fiend;. 25 acres under
cultivation, sagebrush on balance
burned and killed; place con
tains quite a lot of good yellow
pine timber; entire tract fenced;
good house 14x16 with upslairs,
and with a 10x21 ell; also good
barn. Has water right for 80
acres under the Arnold Irriga
tion Company's system. Close
to good school having eight
months' term. Price, including
water right, $7,100.
For further particulars address
or call on
ever, in different sections, depend
ing ou the aridity of the ntmotphcrc
nml the lorcc of the winds) to pass
through the plant in order to pro
duce a pound of dry matter of any
kind of crop; and If this is deficient
the crop must necessarily be defi
cient. Hence the preparation of
the seed bed is one of the most im
portant things that requires the
farmer's attention during the spring
of I he year.
Having the ideal seed bed clearly
fixed in the mind, the next import
ant thing is to know how to prepare
it. The methods used in preparing
a Geld for corn must necessarily be
didertnt from those used in prepar
ing qne for small graiu, although
the object to be attained is the same
in both comss. If the proposed
coin field, for example, has been in
sod,, It must always be plowei. For
various reasons fall plowing is pref
erable; but whether plowed In the
fall or the spring, It must be
worked down sufficiently to settle
thoroughly the bottom of the fur
row, restoring capillary connection
with the subsoil, in which there is
nearly always sufficient moisture, if
the farmer knows how to use it.
If the field has been in corn or in
stubble it must ordinarily be plowed,
although there ure some seasous
and some conditions under which
plowing is unnecessary.
In sowing spring grain surh as
oats, wheat, and barley, which are
usually sown in corn stubble, it is
not ordinarily necessary nor even
best to plow the ground in the
spring. Where there arc open
winters with heavy winter rains
and the ground is not frozen up,
plowing will usually be found to be
necessary for spring grain but not
ordinarily. where the land has been
frozen up for a foot or two. These
grains must be sown early in the
spring, and there is not ordinarily
time to plow and fit the land. The
The following prices on Lumber will
be in effect after this date at our mill
Common Rough
Surfaced, Sized, and Shiplap
No. 2 Dressed -No.
1 Dressed -Shingles,
Best Quality
Terms Strictly Cash.
TPhe Josland Ijimber Company
II. A. MYERS & CO., three-quarters of a
mile norlh-east of Redmond, and will be on
exhibition at the -J. II, Wcuaudy bant
Everyone interested in the breeding of good
horses, should not mis seeing this horse, ns
he has taken five first state premiums and
sweepstakes, and has" a wide reputation fo,r
being the best horse of his kind in the
Northwest. Come and see him,
H. A. Myers & Company.
Only a Few More
Remnants of Clothing Left,.
Come and m If you can un some of tbem
at YOUR OWN PRICE while they last.
We have a new line of Paint,
nice fresh Candies, and a few
Dishes left.
Bend Drug Co.
going out of the frost has done the
work of the plow, and the one thing
necessary to prepare n proper seed
bed is first to dispose of the stalks,
then drill lu the spring grains as
early as you can get the ground in
proper physical condition, These
grains germinate at n low teiiicra
turc, and hence if sown early have
the advantage of a lonpcr glowing
season, which is too short for them
in most of our territory at Iwst.
In sowing grains that germinate
at a high temperature, such, for
example, as sorghum, cowpens and
like plants, the ground should In
plowed and worked down as for
corn. The rains during the spring
have to a large extent undone the
work which the frost has accom
plished for the farmer; and hence it
is necessary to plow the land in
.order to secure the proper physical
Think over this matter. We as
sure you that the size of the crop
this year will be measured by the
Ideal of a seed bed which the farm
er has fixed in his mind and the
success he has attained in approx
imating this ideal.
New subscribers every week.
$ 12.00 per Al
15.00 per Al
22.50 per Al
30.00 per Al
3.50 per Al
I UAVlt stattrd up for
Imsliirn iii the liunii
Blacksmith .Simp, anil ir
sprctfiitly solicit a share
of your patlnnsge. Halls
faction guaranteed ill
Horseshoeing ami
(iencra! Repairing
W.H.HEWES B4,irc.
The Pioneer Telegraph
and Telephone Company
Telegrams forwarded to Any Tart
of the World.
Telephone Cmmunl catln
with Portland. I'rlnrville and all
Pacific Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
In Itauk Duldlug at Bend, at Laid
lawrand iWcll Butte.
Messenger service to any part of
Crook County south of Crooked
U. C. COE, M. D.
Physician unci Surgeon
nil Wlgbt CclcpbeHC CenRfctln
DAY'MOHlt NO. 31
BltNtl, ... OKKOON
"srir rr-aar rf m ssmgmawawawB
Physician and Surgeon
Bund, Orkoon.
Bend, . Ore gon.
A F. & A. M.
Meets ou Thursday on or
before the full moon of each.
month. vwltiuR brothers
always welcome,
B. A. OAST, 8cy. f. O. MINOR, W, M,'
First National Bank
of Prineville.
Kstah shed i88.
Capital, Surplus mid Undlvldd
Profits, $100,000.00
B. m,, ...Preldtnl
TV, u uli -...(.; ..ntltv , f.PIM.W,
,JH Hildw lu ..,., , . , ,Ctijr
h BWtla... ..-....,.,....Ai(.Uul CIM
'' y tf
' ' Jh