a.llll, CoWaua Miman nrK mi "lull hilm, I; .!, II I t.oi.1, nllw.T.) 111,1,1, ' r.inaut l.r,, , rayM letta. Milli1.,.v.l6i..ni lull .n,lUt iiiuu ii.lill, ciir..l and Urn" i.liavtuikaull.'liad. lltl.i.u.ai (ailNiaaMHa lulll JlauKa tioii"i'r'fi(i jiw.m iMri MERCHANTS I WILL TRADE '! I t (1. (Ji Si Iur)M'll'mM.Dixrii) Wall IMper, Mouldings, i ,wivn n,m Ullivr nillla dos, for Umber IE Piel liar . ooa, lor lona, rmm land or cash, UWiat wllolaaal. ptlcaa. Wilt ma. E. II. MOOREHOUSE 144 Seventh 3t, Portland, Oregon ntoin-wlmllnj watclie wr (lit laraa lion of Noel In 1MI. tLLLSiLLmHKzI&lfto'nKl For 16cj XlMtltf (MMrttlMUUMi aali.lim.alflo.ar.. 1a.,., . tlliniilnilnuiaiillMi JJ ktrntll Fin Onion Bead. vvw Miuibaiioiha., 2 I. CiWilMI'mlW, W " Julcr ll.n.hr...l !K5 !ulIrLttucS.l. im . lenuar iuininnaa.1. c 'a ft:.,2.,Wtfs!! IM " hiauiiiiiiMiiii , u ti lo.aso inuii ,t.i4 riRf aiwn .Mai., .l aj Oelaailaa'amoaarita'la4la " M If l M4 t0 VI a pva HffllaIIVyllitMWf 1.1 Ur a !, .ll wflk Haaamoar ilaala!.. t.lat.a)all iwalijaui f e Lt,t la. ...ws MI(xiM4tOk-M f..ilill.ii..i, ltiaMllM. 1 PU.I, TmI a.4 lt4 Glial. liMil.laLia4iaiaa.jaia, Writer. . am.. THCJOBNA,IAUnunCO. LaCROME. WIB. II jou !? from rut. rlliiuo,Htmer i Hiiii."j, er ftie4i that on . ly ,w ' nair . I uil.e t m, i i 'l ji ' i MiiUHijinrin H"i, llr. Mn' l'.illlllrltlo C'lirr, II baa tma-l . Mmmn ,i aTaiyibmc ! fallal, Hni fiaa llh riirtl . rrareM FttHl. tlaaiaaLal fcr War Ma-tnal !.'., .1.,,, ni.il. r ll.a haliaatlrno-Ua-l lrnfAiil !ieMti INK (! tat Ma, lini !!. a.4 lull a44reu llll. Y, II, MAT, BIN I'aml Mrnet, Nw lurk CI If. gF rrrrTaialilwiiMrTntrar k. gr iiir(aiuriiiiiiiir tirahir m M llil anl ntup Titi ran ixiriikaf w rVMlF"l"m"'l,u'' tVauia m M llr""l r flf'ltl-n.oln. llnrrflM UlflUli-tH. lnMlriratla vivo n niln Amn, Itltenri1iitraa m Mltilr fun Wa UI for ! nni, M m. wbaia, Uu Km.1 Anuktl fit. aV ta. D. M. riRRV A OO , Dalill, Mian. T TJa.laJlJl( I h' JL JRHU UilfllVl I H Wtti M-l T Hkamj,' ' IJ'WS 'ftgagg., aBE. IOMI -o H00 KILLIWO ON THE FARM. ),. ErMti)5tCqfeftJ r m nil tM II vCci f I Jl'Jii(ryi.lrtoivV Jr I :WE WANT Farms ! LL2AUU.W. Tli nm I t!k and fell Mere Mm CO U SS to BkM Tb Any Olhrr liaufactmar M M.11M (l U MM, ! fcn.ll Hit, Mt mll,H,,vull MUUW4 ,I.I,U,IIU4 awatkMtla tv avaatlf M alaw, W lu iMtaMt raf aaak rail a laa , U.4 ttna HI IU ' ta ...,r arrallBMt U T!V ,rt" f ' aaaaaialtM a It. tfe. , II I ft4 ta Ma tu.laUf W L lati. tkj. aiiaM. M .)( avlml.f4aarlWaaMU.lr aaaa., ulHM iilnu aiiaUii uMlna, Uf Utt4 fj.i,..jrwi MI, .. afWf llllkHo(MHHl Aayaaf. "Ii.. rr f;rr lil.r .ritir I'.mltr, li, llr ."., Illx.taail I lilMira, I 'Ml fcf )wa4alaf.lrlav CAUTION! 2S. Vr?favi;fcrl'.,,l' ruteVartrUeiIIl,la.lnlr C.UItt auOal m. W, U tKJlOHV III fi M DratalM. Mm. The 2 "FLYERS" are (ho O. R. & N. fn.it through trains between PORTLAND and SPOKANE WM.McMURRAY.Ga P. A. Portland ? anl !, wh.at, dalrr ami frull J" farma. Ifatlnr a Ur I a. tun curr. l-wulrtira wa ai In a pwlttnn to maka A quick tab. Drvu ua a taij If you ha T anlMror krw of any farm, fvraata. ATLAS LAND CO., ij 420 Lbmliar Exclianfa : PORTLAND, OREGON t In onlfr to do tinit nml rriilil norli nt liosklllliijc tlmo Ip I tutwunrjr to Imvo n itoial ftoniiHT, atlikliiK Ulilff, it do.; lioolc mid n pliuu Unit U coin i-u lent fur wurkliiK. For noilillnic n Imrri'l la roiiinioiily uunt, nud It la nil tlmt la ikh!c unlrnn the liuga nrt vitjt Inrjf. If irr liirKf liosa am killed, n arnldlnic tul) will anawer tlio iiirM(o for amldhiK mtich iM-tter tlmn n lmrn-1. I linrc one wlilch la Hindi) of two-liirli plnnka for the aldca mid rnda mid ntiiTt Iron fur tlm Ixiltom. It la alx feet Ioiik mid tlirco mul oiip-lmlf feet wlilu, ulth n dcjitli of two nnd ono-lmlf fcol. Two IhkiIik nro fnatnifil iiciir the ton on mif aide, with n pnlr of trnco chuliia to run under tint hx to failllliile the tiirnlni; nud wllhclriiwliin from the tuli. It la jiliicnl over n fiininn', which la nmdo liy iIIkkIiik n trench lu the ground, nnd when In ue I lilnitt .ilwiit of wixxl ncmaa the Imttoui, In order to lieiji tlio liog from comlnu lu contact lth the Iron tMiltom nnd getting too hot. I find Hint the jro,or tem.H'inture for Rood acnldltiK la from 180 to W) denTcca, nud If n linrrel la to ho uaed the wnter ahould he twlllns when dliKil out of the kettle, na the l.nrrel will cool It aome. If n acnldlm; tub la lined the wnter aliould ho cotMcd hr nddlng n Imcket of cold wnter hefnre w Wtfrf VB m WV ' m "I'lrtiwl NV IrvQtxJ a(W.Ja vsci fVTi. iMttrt IW. Mf fi N u ItVfltMMll IfrA) v V I mVCSt . VaW T ifyouVb NEVER VrORN "O SLICKER VOtAVTl lokmthebodiry romiori u gwn in the vtcCttt Matter MArnron Hamo etwvicvs AMD GUARANTEED XATcapwoor "3Q2 ATAUCOOOlTOtU caiaum me TTT ynvC - aEHZJaA C. Gee Wo Tte Chinese Doctor Thla won.laful man bu maja a Ilia itudjr of lha l'icrttla e( lloola, ll.lla arxl Hark, ami lailalni Ihawoikl th Un.fllvt lila Mnlcaa. NoMrrturr, pol.ana ttlWSi Operallona of Culllnff Ouarantrca to ruia Catarrh, Aalhma, Ijinr. Hinnach atvl Kklnrir troublm, ami all i'rhala I)Imm o( Utn ami S vnvrn. A SUnC CANCER CURE Jtiat rrinl from I'tkln, China afa, aura aivlralUbl. Unfalllnitlnllavivrka. 1 f you cannot rail arrlta I aymplpm Uank anj rlreular. Inrluaa 4 canla In atampa, coNSutTAiioN rntc The C. Ccc Wo Medicine Co. 16111 rinl St., -, Morlieo. rorlUmi, Or. the hoi; U (Hit In. To liwuro n curnvt lu-nt of the wutvr um n Ihiruioiiietcr Hmnll iiunntltlea of l)c, nahea or lime will liuve no effect In reumvliiK the hitlr, hut will cnuae tlio ncurf to coino Iimimi mure mullly. Keep the Iiok In conataut mutton while U'lu acnldcd, nud draw It out to nlr txvnalonnlly When the hnlr nnd acurf clip caoWy from tlm hody the acnldlm; la com' pletetl. In acrnplni; mid clctinliiK the Iior, I clean the feet mid head llrat, then the leca, nud Inat, but tint IcflNt, the txuljr. I hniiK the Iihk' with a roe nnd pulley, na It la more enally huns In thli way thun nny other. Hut It may ho hum; with tlio ordinary gmiihrel. n allele which ta atuirpciicd nt inch end and turwrted under the tendon airing of the hind lega. A ahort aliicli'tree Mill Ik- found to niinucr for n icniiihret atlck. If there la auftlclent help nt hnnd tlio hoc inny be huue on n IhiIo put up for the purport. Aflor the hc la huni: up, rliiM It down with scald lug wnter, remutu the eutntlt hy nimilue n ahnrp knife lightly down, innrk Ine the tx'lly atrnlcht. cutting to the hone betttcen the ihlghM nud lu front of the rllut, which bouea I aillt lth an nx, bclni; cu refill not to cut licynud them. I uaunlly unit dinn on n bench or In n box na noon na It hna cooled etiouch to trim. The nmnimt of anlt I u la ten ounda to every 100 pouuda of limit. In nddltluu to the anlt I nlK uw two mund of crnnulnled miimr nud two outicvH of Nillivlcr mlvnl. Hub the ment once every three ditya with one third of the mixture. While It la cur Ink pack It In n box In u cool room, where It will neither become warm nor freeze. Two Imrrtila mny be uaed, chmiKlui; tlio meat from one to the other each time It la rubbed. After the Inat rubbing let the limit Ho In n box for n neck or ten dnya, (hen tnkn It out to ainoke. When taken out of the box dip eneh piece III n kettle of IkiIIIiij: vtitier nnd let It remain half n mtnute. after wlilih aprlukle with it little ouloreit borax on the in cat aide nud Irnns. Nmoke It four or five dnya with hickory chlpa of com culm, then dip mid rprlnklo It with lirax iikiiIu nnd put It down In clean liny. Meat treated In thla manner mny In left linn.'lns nil Miiumer and will remain In the Ix-ut con dition. W. llnnann. PN U No. 10-09 'tlfllKK wrltlnc In mWrrtlaera ilvs(e II iitanlloii tlila a,r. kJH t WkM Vlaill"" A Mavorinif, It main mil en y mm m ma h ,yruP better than MaPi. WWBjmHB HMBaMiaialB VMH j Pure i Sold Ly Crocejj. Wholesome 1-lllliiH- Ihv (tlio. How did J mi lilt oiir alio Inat fall) The Koveriiuieut kii)1o declnro thnt while the blower, na ahowu In the pic ture, require more ower to opvrnto than d(HH the tint currier, very fow Those who believe in quality use IV V POWDER m JOUNCES fa InT"" TaVH UWMAfll'J V."'"v.l"J --v, aw"l 2Q Ounces for 2S Cents Mtide from pure, cnrefully tested materials. Get n can on trial. You never saw such calces and biscuit. They'll open your eyes. metmou or rim mi tiis bilo. blower rtsjulro more than n twelve-liorao-power engine. H ctwta less wr ton to elevate allngo with tlio blower nud the work la douu more futtlafnc torlly lu oery wity. The ercnateat trouble in tho uho of thu blower la cauaett by having the blower plpo atand too far away from tho silo nt tho bot tom. It aliould atnnd na nearly per pendicular ua possible. KxchaiiKO. (limit (or Sinn mill llrnat, A cheap pure for colic In horses la the following; Keep a small bottle of turpentine nlwnja on liniul. Feel for tlio Jugular vein Uick' of tho Jaw on the right aldo mid rub It gently five or tuu luelit'i with a tlouuel ran wet with turpentine. If tho nnlmnl tint colic It will cure him lu ten minute. If n cow or horae geta choked with nn npple or Ktnto hold up Ita head and break mi egg In Ha mouth. To doae a pig halter him nml tie tho rope to a atnke. When he haa ccaaed hla uproar approach him nud between the Iwick jmrt of Ida Jaws In aert nn old ahoo from which you imvo cut the toe leather. Thla ho will nt once begin to amk and chew. Through It pour your medicine and lie will nwallow nny i.unntlty you plane . To euro n Imiiio felon, na soon na II la felt put directly over the apot a tly bllater alwut tho alxe of jour thumb nail mid let It remain for alx boura, nt the expiration of which tlmi ftrtvtiy under the aurfnee of the WiCer u,ny bo aeen tho felon, which can then be taken out with the point of n needle or lancet. I lMuralr tlm llua nml fJIrla, I Farmers aliould uaaUt and encoi nge tho atudy of nature In our coun-' try achoola. It will encounige thelioya nnd glrla to lovo their homo nud farm life, and the city will Imvo leas attrac tion for them. They will bo educated to n prosperous mid higher piano nnd bo better nhlo to keep In Men with ' tho progress nnd change lu civilization nnd bo bettor prepared to undertake their business nmoug tho professions. Tho tlmo Is past when tho term "clod- nopper' or "uayaeett" should bo piled to tho suiycnsful farmer. Blulva Menu Moni-r, Somo people hnvo thu Idea that a mtilo will not resjioiul to kind treat mont. This Is n sad mistake. A good mule la Just about as good as ensh In tho bank any season lu tho year, A tiiomiiKiiurvu jiich. generally proves a better Investment thnn n stallion. Klrut clnaa Jacks nre very scarce and that Is one rcntou why uiulo breedlug U alow. ap. CASTOR ALCOHOL 3 PEH CENT ANrgelaUePrrpaxallonfirAi slrallalfithcroodMsirSrttia llngtlie Stonafiu oaJUtfrtlicf CUSTOP. Tor Infant t and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho plmmiiJMa iSignniT0 3 52 iP, 3D ProroolcsDigwlIonfltnfil j ncss ana iKJUoniaini oemtt Oplimtlorplane nMaeraL n U 1' I Alt l. U TIC 4BaaHBSaaBBaaaBlta-as-iBBa.am.. AckJtil- IttmWJ-Wniaiaiarnw Apwftct Rctaf dy TotCmlf uoii,soursuiBat.Liiiiwn WonttsjCtTOTuteMfmrislr ncss anJLOSSOrSLKCT FicSaaV SljeMvtjt NEW YORK. A lf 01 tW t AIT ji a ii f I AT ah a.. M unranteed uiukrihc i Exaa Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years CAST0R1A YMg aaara- aw.T. acia voaa arrr v ifji,i y. Egg-Phosphate fRESCENT BAKING POWDER nsipoiu TIllI AST inuirixiD roDvim CWA do .7 una A FULL POUND 25c Get it from your Grocer jimy J 0r S ' ' w s .Ll yjvji. v i .'. H0N0RBIL.T SHOES FOR MEN These splendid men's shoes represent the bjt there Is In shoe leather. Every piece of material U of tho 'choicest tannage. Tho workmanship Is perfect: the styles ore up-to-date. When It comes to service, there Is nothing that equals them In lasting qualities. "HONORBILT" SHOES ore evcrythlnir tho name Implies. They are "buttt on honor. " No matter where you look, or wliat you pay, you wUl cover ntvi anytning tnat will outclass Uicru In wear, stylo or comfort. If your dealer wilt not supply you, write to us. Look for tho Atttycr Trade Mart on the sole. . WIEC Send u tho nam of a deafer who ilotj not han.llo Mayer I lonorbilt Shoes, and wu .vrill acoj you frA HA.ln.L1 alu..iitl..lKlM..Mniru.M.H'.Li.-. Illn.lallaM vSIHL I taal S25-il lVrl I'll 1 " l?W. ,.. ito roko I.ttdlnirLaJ Shoe. Martha JA WaahinittonCkm.oi1 Shoe. Verm Cuahlon a Bt, Shoes ami Special Merit School Shoe. A " F. Mayer Boot tf Shoe Co. MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Sm. Txt&mr&ffi&mlfr mOAWmWi EMM EBJ ? KX3 Vffl v t. A eUARAfYTEEO CrfCg -ron- -. , jp ; WljMaf,, Innoeaur., 16" K,,.l . . S W' 1 KKt.?.ajHiStf .SJW1 0IrW7a! .Orttteitefaltn ..-? a2iiSFS tfCaSM!. . .Ooahk. .. M-1 inourt. 'titU .;t5-i "SPOHil,S,, A thlt verr remarkable preparation la now called. U lb rroteat Conntltutional lUmeJr er known for IlrooJ Marea. Colli. S -allien a&JaU other horaea; also Uutemper amonir Uotra anil Sheep. 7 hU compound tml of tbapurtatln. crelientsi.nJnotanatomot iwUonouaortnlurk oua rvatura enter Into It composition. Mine pr!ori",now laklngSl'OHN 3 for LaOrlppa, Cokl. CtHich. Kidney Trouble, ete.. and Itlaak. vrtnu. lteipeb Ibe l)Ue..-Oerm from tha Mf.:,W,'.,Jlru'.P,l ,ho Dloal aw Glnd. SrpIINSUnowaoU br nearly erery d rural t and harneo dealer In the land, and any ran sat It foryuu. oraend with remtttanra of price to tha manufrturera.whowillhln to your order, ex rrM PU. Fifty cent and tt.CO a botUe, and i.tt and 110 the down. Record of Annual Sates. ''Year l.pss Bottle Soil &JYr 4SC1 u " JrdVear s.jstj h Jlhir 1.IM " fthYear., 40.K4 M CthYear ,., li.iiO - 7ihYer., ..,,. 10O.IM SthYear... 124.1C0 ,Sfw" " - " ?!,i'r B1.7C0 " " "hYear rai.fM 12th Year,, 378.1K! MthYear 10",TI!0 " " lllhYear 648,260 " - Send for our Booklet of twelve tood reclpea fe family and arock rocdlcinea, FltEU, SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Ckmsls ui BackmlvgisU, GOSHEN, IND, U. S. A.