The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 10, 1909, Image 1

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pair u f patent tension
shear to every new, intli-ln
advance nhicrilcr,
YV''- tlilolc this It pretty
After looking il over, what
do you think about It?
NO. 52
Edwards Shut Hold Keeper (0
Save Mis Own Lite.
Claims That AlcOalllard Attacked Him
and That Ho Old Not Shoot Until
After Ho Had Uccn llrutally
Ilcatcn and Knocked Down.
The trial of Osborne lid ward,
chafed with murder, lms been
potoiicd to April 5. This was
done became of the failure of a
number of affidavit to reach Port
laud ftotn the Kast which nte re
garded us of vital Importance to the
defense. Hdward is well known
In Ilcnd, having lived lu mid about
the town for the past two yearn.
When nil the facts arc known in
connection with this affair, said At
torncy Logan, counsel for the dc
fcusc, it will appear in an entirely
different light, and the young man
now charged with mtiidcr will be
shown to have acted mctcly lu de
fense of his own life when he shot
McGallinrd at the Richelieu House
the night of January 5.
Ills Reputation (lood.
The Telegram stales that invest!
gallon has made it plain that Kd
wards is nothing but a raw country
youth, who left North Carolina
three years ago for the Northwest,
coming first to Washington, where
he worked in lumber camps. Prom
Washington he came to Oregon
and took up a timber claim in
Crook county. This was about two
years ago. His reputation in his
native state is said to be of the best
and among those reported to speak
the highest of him is the lieutenant
governor of North Carolina. This
reputation Is said to have adhered
to him during his residence in
Washington and Oregon.
After selling the Crook county
timber claim, the young man
bought a relinquishment on a home
stead in the same district. He
proved up on this properly last Oc
tobcr, and on receiving his papers
went to Creswcll, where he 8cnt
some time with mi uncle, deciding
filially to go to Hoqulom, Wash.,
ami again work in a lumber camp.
With his 19 year-old cousin,
Wheeler Caudill, Hdwards came to
Portland Juuuary 5.
Ilcing an honest, hard-working
boy, Udwards in said to have had
no use for any weapon but a revol
ver, which he kept at his home
Mead as a means of protection
against beasts of prey. He is said
to have loaded this weapon and
carried it on coming to Portland,
though he was not accustomed to
do so, because of the account!) he
read in the newspapers of so many
holdups in Portland about that
time. The weapon is reported to
belong to n man in Washington,
having been loaned to Iidwards,
nml his intention was to return It.
He thought lie might 11s well carry
it back loaded, for the reasons giv
en, Persons coming to Portland
from the country districts are in the
habit of carrying arms because of a
ft-ar of bving held up, and Kdwurds'
uctiou in this respect is said to have
been merely that of the average
cotiutry man,
Went to the North Und.
It is another common practice for
youths mid men coming to Portland
from lumber camps nud timber
claims to go into the North Knil,
seeking the society of women. In
this regard the two boys arc ndmit
ted merely to have followed the us
ual custom. The defense asserts
that it expects to prove the boys
were directed to the Richelieu
House by u barkeeper and told they
coutd secure rooms there and also
meet women of the character
Doth Inwards and Caudill have
informed their lawyer that when
McGnlliard was directing them to n
room young Caudill asked if there
were "any girls around," where
upon McGalllard uttered a curse
and knocked IMwards, who was
nearest him, down. While he was
prostrate, according to the version
of the defense, IMwards was kicked
twice by McGalllard and then
young Caudill was also knocked
down. The) assert that, realizing
the character of the house, they
managed to get down the stairway
to the lower floor when McGalllard
again attacked Kdwards, and while
on his knees, with his 35o-pound
adversary leaning over, ready to
strike him again, IMwards fired the
shots that killed McGalllard and
make it necessary for him to dc
feud his own life lu court.
Redmond Items.
Kkiimomi, March 7. week after
our notei Mere In we received a Hell
written account of the l'.lllott-lte;;tilt
wedding, kliicd "A Guest." We are
very glad to receive such item, hut
would suggest that they always he ac
companied by the writer' name, not
necessarily fur publication, hut to take
them out of the lltt of ammymoui com
munication. Surprises at J. IS. Lamb's ami Carl
Hhrct'a on Tuesday ami Saturday nights
furulOird entertainment for a large num
ber of guests at each place.
Mr. and Mtt. Slurdevant, Sr., are
among the late arrival. They are
quartered with the younger couple dur
ing building operation on their ailjslu
ing properly.
II It rcorted that there will tw a
change of teacher lu the public achool
tomorrow morning. Mr. .Chapman be
ginning clearing and pring work and
Mrs. Chapman taking hi place. Mem
ler of the achool hoard latt night did
not confirm the rumor, but admitted
that Mr. Chapman had atked (or the
change. It I alto definitely Killed that
we are to have the full nine mouth of
Mcl.allln, Young & Company are at
home jutt at prccut from their clearing.
Orval Spencer I a new Modern Wood
man lu the local camp since lat night.
Orval I pretty good on bronchos, so had
no difficulty In tubdulug the goat.
John Trlslcr leave tomorrow morn
ing again for hi oilier home In
Ottumwn, Iowa. Ill many friend wish
him a pIcAMnt and afe journey.
It. M. Smith, Alex Ilrown and J. K.
Lamb have all bccoi clearing or having
clearing done.
Mr. Atkinson I at home at present
front ditch work.
H. C. Park made a builuet trip to
I'riuevllle l'riday.
M. It. I.hiiiIc and II. J. Ileuniuger
went to the C.rl.ily mill l'rlday nud
Saturday, while DeWitt I.auib ami Mr.
l.audeiUick will go to I'riuevllle for
lumler for Mr. Whited Monday und
The Lamb Peed Co. reports that there
will tie a great deal of clover and alfalfa
sowed thi spring, judging from the
amount of iced sold nud the advance or
der on hand.
Mr. Mcduffie Is quite sick again.
She wae out to church latt Sunday for
the first time lu eight week. The trip
and excitement proved rather too much
for her nerve, with the result as above.
Many friends arc hoping for her speedy
and full recovery. K. C. Park,
I'oley'a Kidney Remedy will cure any
caw of kidney or bladder trouble that is
not beyond tfie reach of medicine. Cure
backache ami irregularities that if neg
lected might result in llriglit's disease or
diabetes.-Hcnd Drug Co,
--'- " -- - - .. . -, . -" " '-
l Alfalfa Field, 16 Days After First Cutting, Near Bend-1908 I
I l alHL." .aVflafiHLvA-'-v'-u4jl S
s a-BaBBk .. JiBaaaaVsaaB 'T aTa'sam" i i
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j sasaB lJSL LBaaHaaaaHa'a'aW laaaLw' '"i'laM JK.- flfrJka&
SaJaaVeL-alHHHHHaflBWiBimv fHl (
i alaaaaHMKfe&tftat l??3Tfflnal S
9PXSxlBH!yM3HHK IffiljL'aaaaLnal J
Approves Two New Roads, lluya Fur
nlture for New Court House and
Attends' to Atony Oilier Mat
ters of Importance.
1'ollowitig is a report of the more
imxirtant business transacted by
the county court at its March ses
sion, Including a statement regard
ing the progress of work on the
new court house, and also in regard
to the engaging of teachers for the
county high school for next year.
Report of road viewers on Harold
Baldwin road approved and road
declared a public highway.
Report of road viewers, recom
mending Lvle Gap road, approved.
County clerk requested to de
termine total amount of taxable
properly in each road district, the
total amount of road tax and nlno
the 50 per cent thereof which the
statute prescribes must be spent up
on work within the district in
which it is collected, and it was or
dered that a tabulated statement
thereof be published in the official
county paper for the benefit of the
several road supervisors nud the
tax payers of Crook county.
It was further ordered that Coun
ty Commissioner R. H. Haylcv
take charge, uuder the direction of
the court, of the expenditure of the
50 per cent ol the road tax that is
to be devoted to the general main
tenance of roads all over the county
wherever most needed, ns provided
by statute. Nearly all of the large
bridges In the county are in urgent
need of repairs or rebuilding, and
Mr. Ilayley's excrieuce in lumber
ing, dam and bridge work will mean
a great saving to the tax payers in
the long run.
The bid of Glass & Priidhomuie
Company for hardwood office furni
ture nud .sectional .steel vault fix
tures was accepted, their bid being
approximately $4,000 therefor. Ily
the terms of this bid the county is
given until nearly the middle of
1910 before any part of this bill he
comes due, in order that next year's
taxes may be, available lor the pay
ment thereof, Only such fur nil tire
ns seemed necessary was ordered.
The sheriff's office nud county
clerk's office, in which the bulk of
the county's business is transacted,
were provided with necessities, and
only so much of the steel vault fur
niture wns ordeied as to conven
iently accommodate the present
records, documents and files. AJlC TUR RCCT WATPff
small amount of furniture was or
dered for the assessor, county
school superintendent and surveyor.
Aside from two judge's chairs no
furniture was ordered for the court
rooms. Roth the hardwood and
steel office furniture is of the stand
ard type and finish and may be add
ed to at any time as the needs and
finances of the county may war
rant. Contractor Shipp expects the
plastering to be finished ou Satur
day of this week, and already has a
large force of carpenters finishing
the woodwork and expects to have
the building practically completed
and ready to turn over by May i,
1909. He is cleaning and grading
the yard. The heating plant,
which is being used by the plaster
ers, is giving good satisfaction and
is very ccononiical in the consump
tion of fuel. Only necessary dec
trie lights and chandeliers for the
circuit court rooms and halls have
been ordered and these are all ready
for installation, as is ulso the large
tower clock.
At a meeting of the Crook county
high school (ward all of the present
high school teachers were re-employed
at the same salaries. This
seaks well for the efficiency of the
old teachers and with the addition
of a thoroughly rtotniwteut normal
teacher the attendance of the Crook
county high school should be
doubled during the ensuing year.
Inklings From (list.
GIST, March a Hveryhody busy in
this neighborhood these day.
Alex Lev ere 111 went to Dend Saturday
on business.
Grandpa Graham and wife stopped
over night at Gist last Tuesday ou their
way to Hediiioml to visit their dauguter,
Mrs. Znmwall.
Mr and Mrs. Puller of the Cloverdale
country were visitors at Gist Sunday.
W. It. Hurkhard is clearing more
ground to put in crop this spring.
Walter Graham will go to work for
the forest service on the 13th Inst.
C. S. Hudson of Item! made a pleasant
call at Gut Sunday.
Dr. M. V. Turley, who has been awav
for some mouths, returned one day last
week tit attend to buiuew matters here.
He Is doing some improvement work ou
his desert claim.
You can lieur the btux pt the saw up
at the Smith mill these days. Some
thing doing up there.
You will hear of a new postmaster at
C.l.t lu the near future. Mr. GUt will
resign ou account of other business that
will take up his time.
For Sale,
Second-hand, leather-top kiby
buggy; also 5-gnllon barrel chum.
Call on Mks. O. II, .Ukicksok.
New Water Code Thus Described by
Those Who Favor It Two Good
Men Appointed by Governor a
Division Superintendents.
A law that eventually will mean
much to the entire state of Oregon,
and especially to the Rend country,
is the new water code adopted by
the legislature nt its recent session.
The water code is said to staod
head and shoulders in importance
above any other legislation en
acted by the 35th legislature. It
was forced through the senate, af
ter having been abopted by the
house, mainly through the efforts
of Senator Prank Miller of Linn
and To Senator Miller is
due ranch credit for the passage of
the irrigation code, but had he not
had a concerted public senti
ment on his side he would have
failed to get the measure through
the Fcuatc at this .session.
Two strong men have been se
lected by Governor Chamberlain in
T. M. Saxtou of Baker City and H
T. Holgute of Bonanza, for places
on the irrigation commission. They
arc perhaps the two best men in
the state for the position. Holgate
will represent the western water
district, or all that part of the state
west of the Cascade tauge, and
Skxtou the eastern district, or all
that part east of the mouutains.
The llest Code Extant.
Under the provisions of the law,
which is regnrded as absolutely the
best now existent, this commission
it authorized to make preliminary
adjudications of water rights on
any stream in the state upon the
application of one or more water
users from the stream. Such
adjudication is subject to review by
the courts and also to appeal.
An administrative system is pro
vided, thV: sticriutcndents being
the administrative officers, and the
waters of 11 stream are to be dis
tributed by water masters, under
the direction of the superintendent,
to the various water users, in ac
cordance with the rights as ndjudi
The state engineer's office Is
made an office of record for all
rights initiated or ndjudicated after
the passaue of the bill and no rights
can be initiated without compliance
with this law, which requires a
tiling lu the state engineer s office.
Revenue From Water Powers,
Other meritorious legislation per
tniulng to laud and water rights
was enacted, including Representa
tive Baton's measure providing for
Continual ou last page,)
Secretary Garfiekl Orders Engl
nccrs (0 Investigate.
Wants- to Learn If RaHroad Through I
the Deschutes Canyejt Would In
terfere with a Contemplated
Irrigation Project.
Secretary Garfield failed to ap-j
prove the right-of-way maps of the
Deschutes railroad, as it was an
nounced he would do before retir
ing from office on March 4; and
Central Oregon fs again subjected
to a disappointing delay of several
weeks. A. A. Hoehling, a Harri
man attorney at Washington, tele
graphed the following to Portland:
"The secretary sars that after full
conference with Director Newell, he hit
decided to refer the Deschutes river rail-
road situation to special agents of the
reclamation service lor examination in
the field as to the matter of conservation
of water resources at that nUcc. and ask
lor a spceny report, mm passing tuc
miner over 10 me next administration.
JJews dispatches from Washing
ton state that it has been decided to
withhold action oa these maps un
til Engineer Schlect of the reclama
tion service, recently detailed to the
Klamath project, can investigate
conditions on the Dcschues river
and determine the level at which a
railroad can be built so that it will
not interfere with power develop
ment along the Deschutes, either
by the gorernaKBt or private inter
ests. Mr. Sefekct is now on the-!
way to the Deschutes.
The department has hopes that the
railroad wilt seek some other route Into
the interior and abandon its intention of
building op the Deschutes, for it Is said
there are more attractive power site on
this river than anywhere else on the Pa
cific coast, and Mr. Gsrfield inclines to
the opinion that power development is
more desirable and In the end more ben
eficial to the state than running a rail
road throcgb this particuiAT-caoyon if
another route can be found. It will lie
several weeks before the engineer's re
port can be submitted. It if true that
there are several other routes available
for a railroad Into this section, but the
Deschutes route gives much better
grades than any other and is the logical
one over-which to build.
J. N. Hunter and W. It. SUatsof Bend
have started out a petition addressed to
the Oregon delegation in congress and
asking that they do all In their power to
secure the early approval of these right-of-way
maps. The petitions are being
liberally signed, and read as follows,
"To the Honorable Members of the
Oreaon Delegation in Congress:
"We, the undersigned, cltliensof Ctn
trtl Oregon, resrctfully urge that you
use your best efforts with the secretary
of the interior to expedite approval of
the railway right-of-way surveys up the.
Deschutes canyon to enable early con
struction of a railroad to the interior ol
the at ate.
"We urge this believing your effort
will facilitate action if you can show to
the honorable secretary that technical
objections aud doubtful irrigation proj
ects ought not to be allowed to, obstruct
and deiay approval of surveys In a mat
ter of such vital intereol and importance
to the entire state of Oregon,'
Portland commercial organizations also
are going to get behind the Deschutes
railroad and do all they can lo remove
the obstacles before the project. Influ
ence will be brousht to bear with the
department at Washington to secure fav
orable action on the matter. It is hoped
this may facilitate matters) and leave the
way clear for the construction of the
Good work horse, weight about
5o; good heavy harness aud good
strong 3-luch wagou. Also new
steel harrow, plow, and some small
tools aud implements,
U Andkkw T. Moork,