,,,, Ijv- ."- 1-STiJ.. HMTJWgC. j.-k, -aw m-oWm MAY THREATEN BOYCOTT. (Continual from first ,K.) adequate for the the immediate needs of that country, pending the building of the authorized Mo miles of road into Central and Kastcrn Oregon. CottJtl Divert Enormous Traffic. In this connection, the Chamber of Commerce members expect to be able to show the Harriman traffic heads that Portland will be In a po sition to divert t6 other lines enough traffic in a single month to pay for this line. This could be done by simply specifying in their orders for goods in the East that they be nhipped via other lines in compet ing territory. This plan may be carried out a great deal more easily than it ever could have been done before. The North Bank road will soon be into Spokane, and with the close traffic arrangements among the Hill Northern lines, the Bur lington route would provide the connecting link from the East to Billings, in direct competition with the Union Pacific. The unanimous approval of this plan for hastening the construction of the badly-needed transportation facilities by practically all the heavy shippers in this city will be brought to the attention of the proper authorities in the Harriman system who are supposed to be in different to the needs of Central Oregon on the ground that the road conld not be made to pay for several years. The shippers are working on the theory that Harri man has approved the Deschutes route, authorized the expenditure, and that the construction and main tenance and operation departments are all in favor of going ahead, but that the traffic department, from Director Stubbs down, is reluctant in sanctioning the project through fear of insufficient reenues. Ought te Have Weight. "It would be foolish for us to make any threats to Mr. Hurriman or his traffic Managers," said a prominent shipper, when discussing the plan, "and it would be equally unwise to attempt to force action by inaugurating a boycott. Harri man doesn't care enough about Portland to make such retaliatory anion advisable, but if we can sub mit a straightforward business prop osition in a friendly way to the railroad company, we believe it will carry much weight. No traffic manager likes to see business rout ed against his road when he can re tain it, and it is his business to see that the lines in his jurisdiction show a reasonable amount of rev enue upon the capital invested. "For this reason we expect to demonstrate to the Harriman offi cials that we can route enough traffic in their favor, the loss of which would more than balance the temporary deficit in net revenues that might result through the oper ation of the new line into Central Oregon until that vast empire has been developed. Crook county alone is an empire of such vast nat ural resources and productive possi bilities that in 10 years, with prop er transportation facilities, it would support 200,000 or 300,000 people. There is a laud of milk and honey over there 200 miles long and So miles wide that will produce under proper development more than three Willamette valleys would, yet the traffic men of the Harriman sys tem hesitate to lend their sanction to the new line until it has devel oped itself without the aid of rail roads. "If the Columbia Southern were pushed forward about 35 miles through that desolate territory im mediately south of Shaniko, it would afford a good temporary out let from a rich productive country east of the Cascades. It could be built in four or five months at a cost not to exceed $250,000, and could be used as a feeder even after the Deschutes river road has been completed. The farmers could haul their grain and other produce to the terminus of this extensiou on practically a downgrade haul all the way." The blow has been struck at a particularly strategic time, for dur ing the next few months there will be an enormous westward move ment of freight to the Northwest, and every traffic man in the coun try is in the scramble for this busi ness, and unless Harriman can show the Portland shippers that he is willing to call off his traffic chiefs who are doing all they can to ob struct the Central Oregon project, the loss to his lines will be simply stupendous if the diversion is con tinued over a protracted period, as now seems likely. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Here's a Snap Irrigated Ranch For Sale ()NK f the finest ranches in Central Oregon. 160 acres of land, all level-, 60 acres in cul tivation; 14 acres in clover; all of this place can be cultivated when cleared; plenty of water to irri gate all of the place; 6-rootn bouse all painted; barn 21x18 with shed on both sides 14 feet wide; good chicken bouse and other out buildings; small or chard; good school within one half mile; local and longdistance telephone in house. A snap if taken soon. Price, $30 per acre; half cash, balance on time. For further particulars address Thk Bin.U5Ti.v, Bead, Or. Mrs. Jack Styles of Laidlaw is dangerously ill. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. E. Reed, on Feb. 27, at Corvallis, a bouncing baby boy. Why pay 40 or 50c per roll for the 1907 and 1908 styles of wall paper, when you can get the 1000 styles for 25c to 35c per roll. Wait for my new iooo styles, cheaper and better than ever. N. P. WRtDBR, Bend, Or. The Whatsoevers will give a Shadow Social in Lara hall on March 26. The ladies are asked to prepare baskets containing lunch for two and the men are requested to prepare to buy the shadows. Of course a basket goes with each shadow. More complete announce ments later. A. C. Lucas is making quite ex tensive improvements about the Pilot Butte Inn. He is papering seveial rooms in the hotel and will move the building formerly occu pied by J. H. Wenandy as a stage office, up to the hotel and use it as an annex. He also has lumber bought and will build a number of feed sheds to be run in connection with the barn. Bishop Paddock, Episcopal bish op of the diocese of Eastern Oregon, spent Sunday, Monday and Tues day in Bend. The bishop held several services and preached to full house on each occasion. Mon day and Tuesday evenings he lec tured on bis travels and gave most interesting discourses descriptive of life and conditions in Europe, cer tain parts of Asia, and in the Holy Land. The bishop is a most enter taining and instructive speaker and has a winning personality that aptly fits him for the duties of his high calling. He made many friends while in Bend, and it is assured that Bishop Paddock will always receive a cordial welcome whenever be may favor us with return visits. "My three jrwr old toy iru badly con stipated, bad high fever and wu In an awful condition. I cave him two dote of I'oley'a Orino Laxative and the next morning tue lever was none ana lie was entirely well. I'oley'a Orino Lavailve taved his life." A. Wolleiuu, Caiiraer, Wit. Bend Drug Co. Baled Hay for Sate. At $10 a ton 25 tons rye, five tons wheat. Ed. Wiiitu, 50-51 Two miles from Gist. Applications fur flrazlnc Permits. Notkt It heteby given that all application Tor petmlla lo grate cattle horact, and eheep with (ulheCAKVAIlK NATION At VORKST dining the eaott of ft, miit be hied In inr olhee al Kugrne, On-con. ot helm March ik. wj, rlill Information lu regard to the arming Irea lo bechargrd ami Wank formetoht wrt in maV Ing nppiKnltona will t lmilh-l upon teqneat flMmo CLl)K K MUT oupriviMr NOTICE FOR I'UUl.lCATION. Cnltrd flair Land Office. The Datlee, Oregon Fen. I, !. Notice la hereby tiven that the Slate of Oregon haa filed In thleiunct IU application. Serial No. oijiotoaelrvt under thr previilune of the Act ( Cvitgrvaeof Augu.t It. iM. and the Atte eupple roeniary thereto, the SK V NK V ami lot of c. I.TU.MH.. K i K Willamette Meridian Any ana all pertone claiming adreteely Ihr landadrtcriUM or dealrlng lu object bcratiM- uf the mineral character of tht land, or for nv other reaon. to Ihr di.poaal la e jpttraul, ahouM Alt their artdaviltef urotcrt In thUomrr, ooor trior Ihr lh day of March, two fia-mt; C W MO.iHK. ttegtatcr. If CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, t! 8. Laud Olnor. Lakcvicw. Oregon, January n, 1909. A anlSrlent contral affidavit haying hern filed In thta omoc by W. I. Kubeitaon. cuutcatant. agaluat borooteed entry No tMa (serial No. onj). ma.tr t-eb. tt, iua. ( Hh Sll V.HVf W SK S'. sV Vj Mi (. rec . Tp at it. K. it rt . ty frank A Abbott, ronteatee. til which It la at leged that aattlcnlrymaM haa abandoned alt hia right, title ami Interest under aaut entry, in thta, that he haa not eiuc lane iouA. or uny time loi-e MKl dale. cumtHinl with the homcatcad laoaol Ihe Vmtrd Malea. with rcfetriKT to either reatdrtice. cultivation or improvement but oil Ihe contrary, haa aa ahurc alaled, abandoned aald entry, and wholly neglected to rtj cultivate or Ira !ro?elnde covered by aakl entry That aald entrynun died on or ihnl the 4th day of tune. lyuA. learteg nokiMwu hetra. and that aald al legrd abaencr Iroaa ufcl laud naa not due to hta employment tn the Army Xaey ae Marine Cur pa of Uw United Matra aa a prtratr aiddler. officer, araman or marine dtmog the war with iialn or during any other war m .) the Called Matra nay be engaged. mm parim are orrey aotneti 10 appear, re- axnl and cfler erntenee WuehMg mkI aHegatlun at o clock m m March ij. ly-a, before w u wit I n Cwawiimaml twlear Utl Oregon, and that tnal aeamag will ta, Ke4 at la owock a aa on Mareh rl. iv"). Mwr thr Kegiatrr an.1 Hmmi at the I aHail Hum Land OKkt In Lakrte Oregon The aald eoatntaat taavtag. u a atrT aBVda ril hied January . ins, narth. aaah ahow that aRee Joe dalnjenoa neraaial Mime ol thla nutter ma na4 be naaate, M la heteny arderrd and directed that awe nelttu be green by due and proper puMhalM fj-m j N WATSON. Krgtater SIIKKII'H'S SAI.K ON KXHCl'TION IN I'OKKCI.OSl'Klt. In the Circwi Cuwt f the Mate of Oregon for Crook County ThcCeulnl Oregon thanking and Truit Com pany, naiotlff, ea. A tt. IWebrnet. Katie O Ktttt-rrut. and A. C Locns IMfenuanta. Byrirtueofan eaernttnn and order of aale taaued out of the abote entitled Court on the tat day of February, 1909, tn feor of the abort named Kainiilf, and agaiuat Ihe a bore named Uefendanta, fur Ihe turn of tea 1 ta, th tnlcrrat thereoa at the ratt ot m per nt r annum ainre July 14th. loaf, and fu attorney a f era and SyMJcuata, upon a judgment rendered In aald Court on the irib day ot December, lyA and arhereua It waa further oederrd and decreed by thr Court that the foltontug deacrlbed raott gaged properly, to-aril Lot o-etcu (;) of Block Ten (10) in the Ctly of Bend, Crook County, Ore gon, be auld by the hhertn of Crook County, Ore gon, aa under Kaccutloo. Notice ta hereby given that In obedient to aaid execution and order of aale. I will on Thura day. the 4lh day of March lyw, at the hour ol on o'clock In the afternoon of aaid day, al thr front door of the Court llouac In Ihe City of rrlacYtUe, In Crook County, Orrgra, aell at pub Hcaurtion to the highest bidder for oh. aU Ihe right, title, and Intereal of aatd Defeodauta, A II Katcbenetand Katie t lUtebenet. In and to aald mortgaged premiaea abuTe deacrirml. la aatUfy aaid judgment and intcrnl and Attetney a fete and coat and coat of aale Dated lata tat day of February, low FRANK I1LKINH. Sheriff of Crook County. Oregon. C 8. DKNS0N. Attorney lor ItalatU. Firat laaue Fes. J. ry. Latt laaue March j, I009. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior V. S. Land Offkc at The Dallra, Oregon, February 1;, 1499, Notice la hereby glrrn that iaalel Darnalt ofrortland, Oregon, who, on December 10, twA, made timber and atone aworn atatrment No, JAM, herUt No HW. tor NHI! b. i, Tp It H, ktoK,lot6and NKMhWU, hec. 6, Tp. tt H. K II 1'... Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to make final proof, to eaubtiah claim to the land drertlbed, before Kegitter and Mr ceirer. at The Dallea, Oregon, on the ath day of My. lo. Claimant nameaaa wllnrnta Arthur P Don ohur, of Lldlaar, Ortgou, iohn A. Tracy of I'ortUnd, Orrgon. Mre Anna randra of Clacka maa, uregon, jonn iiioaa c Charlea Ooyd of llend, Orrgon, mi-a;J C W. MOORH, Kegiatrr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of Ihe Interior U S. Land Offlceal Lakeiieir, Oregon, February 14, ignj. Notice It htrelty given that MillardF Hawthorn of Holland, Oregon, who. on Mar Jo. ton, made homeateao entry No till (eril No 01041) for WJaNHW, Rl'.UNW!,.NHWhWlf,Hee ao, Tp. II . K 10 iZ. Willamelie Meridian, haa filed notice O, K .. nilMWIIIK A.VIIMI4U. ! HICU HUIKT of Inlrntlon to make fiual proof, to eatabliah claim 10 the land above dracribed. before II- C Kllta, V K. Commiaaloner at hit orTtre at llend, rregoa, oa the loth day of April, iv Claimant namea aa wltn-aaee William O l'ordham ofKoalaml Oregon David Hill Orrln Miller Marlon Carter all of Iteud, Oregon mrj J J N WATBON, Kegbter. These Patent Tension Shears FREE! To BULLETIN Subscribers. launnnpiE ' ,1 F Q " P IM feu .IKV Hr 4MH This latest and most useful Household Invention will be sent PREI3, postage prepaid, to every new, cash-in-advancc year's subscription to The Bulletin. If you are already a subscriber, send us $1.50 on your own sub scription and $1.50 for a year's subscription for your neighbor or someone who is not now getting The Bulletin, and get a pair of these shears free. If your subscription is about to expire you cannot afTord to tniss this opportunity to secure n pair of Shears whose cutting edge will never wear dull, And which will cut anything from wet tissue paper to a heavy horse blanket, A pair of these shears arc given free to every new cash-in-advancc subscriber. The Tension Spring attachment does away with rcsharpenlng entirely and enables the user to set the tension on the rivet so that any kind of material may be cut with perfect case without tiring the hand. The Tension Spting takes up all wear on the rivet, making the shears practically indcstrtirtiblc, A simple turn of the littlethumbscrew, shown in the engraving, tightens up the blades as closely as may be desired. Any woman who has had the exasperating experience of trying to use a dull pair of shears can readily appreciate the value of the new invention WHICH KHIJI'S THIS PAIR OF SHEARS ALWAYS SHARP and iu perfect cutting condition. No matter how many pairs of shears or scissors you may have around the house, you need this pair with the Tension Spring, and when you get and use it once, you will use it in preference to any other you may have. These shears are per fectly finished and heavily nickel-plated. WE GUARANTEE the quality of the material and workmanship in this pair of shears to be first class, that the Tension Spring device doubles the usefulness of the shears and docs away with the need of resharpening. Furthermore, a Guarantee Certificate, by the manufacturers, accompanies every pair, agrcciug "that if this pair of shears BREAKS or in any way becomes detective within FIVU YEARS from date of pur chase it will be replaced with a NEW pair without cost." SEND ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND MONEY TO THE BEND BULLETIN BEND, OREGON