The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 03, 1909, Image 7

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    The Mission
Of thoao cornuooloe In your blood
thnt hnvo boon cnllocl "uttlo
Soltllors," la to riyht for you
nrjnlnst tho riloonao norms thnt
oonntnntly onclnnnor your honlth.
Thoeo oorpuaolou nro inn do
honlthy nnd atronK by tho uao of
Hood'o Snroninrllln.
Thla mnlloliin In n combination of
morn limn '.hi ililforont rr-niotllnl nitonta
In troiottloii iiml hy n procc known
only U ourin'lviH rintl ll linn lor thirty
yoara boon cniiMantlytmivliiK It worth.
No siiuillliito, nmio "JuiI-iu-uckmI."
Her fltileetloH,
"I wlh my ilrntUt waan'l to rnltnllr."
did Mrt, .If nner I a Omlego, "lie rail
bti Jenlil i-arlor hli drawing room."
rAr.O OINTHKNT U iuaranle-1 In fur. any
ra of Itching, Illlrul, llU-dlne nr 1'rulru.lln
Wle In to II itare or money refkinled, tOe.
Ilnppr I'liMNHrmrnl,
"It'e n rihnI IIiIiik Hint man want
but llttlo lir-rrt Ih-Iow," rrinnrknl th
home-grown ilillonilifr.
"IIocmwo why I" iiurrlnl thn youth.
"llnnliM thnt' nil thrrp U Iff! nfli-r
vniniin Kft what ho wiiuln,'' iinatviretl
the ihlloix)ihy k-viioralor.
CtTC Ml. VIIm laat a4 m iniMM Mm"
IllJa.aUr tar4 l.f lir I .! Ureal Marietta.
r1r.r f-4 fee rH II M lllllllaal IfxIlM.
IH. lb II. Kll, 14 .HI h Ml.. I-MIU.I.U.. I.
'I eriMtiiuliiur.
Offlflou Rahuiim Wouldn't jroti Ilk
lo look it loin o( our ovrrruatlngi or
I)jiplle Iooklt)( Cuilnmer. No, tint
If you will be klml rnaogh to trll nn
where th drug department I I'll Ink a
look at your pilling ninl poroui ltrr
Inia." Chfcapi Tribune.
Mix (or llheumatlim,
Tho followlriK la it nnvrr falllnu, ro
cltw for rhfumallarn. To one-halt' pint
of Kxxl whlakry, add ono otinro aynip
aaraatiarllla ami ono oiinco Toria com
imuihI, which ran Ixt procured of any
druiCKlat. Tako In tBKonfiil iloc
boforo bach tin al ami bofoto rutlrlnj;.
It In Ixvu itlet on llrlllih auiltority
tbit Amerlt-Hii limtilrfiHln IhIo Canul
are taking Afiy mlllloti ilitlbm' worth ol
fopeity Into llMt rtiHtry each )r.
A K' tl. h"til rriiily for lthctmnttn
Neural! ninl Hr I'htwat It Ilaioltn'e
Wlranl Oil Noili ii( will n iiikkl)
ilrlvr out nil nln and Inllnrtinta Inn,
Tie following ign I itliUyrt by a
(Irm of okI and imitor Mantifariurer al
Hormey, l.iuland. To aerouaut: lri
here for neirol."
Tli golden rreitrd wren It III imilleai
f llilllih hint. It U llirrei and a half
Indira lone ami levenljr-lwo of their
weigh ont poind.
Tli fart that no death from hydro
phobia linn l-en recordeO In ICnilirv
Inc Itxrj It ritnt n mi lllinlrntlon o
tli nrnrnllT Irratttiriit of tlltraar.
It li ntlmitnl that 1 13.000 rroiia li
Krw York t'lly mak thrlr IUIn In
their will, wlikb ihmiij thn lark of wit It
Khlitiulldlnc In Jnixn inidojn 10.(V
mrn at NiMkl. K.UO at Kolw and 4,1)0
nt Oinka. All lli JapanfM )ard al
full of order.
Tho Oruioliln ill.lrkl In Trance '
noted In I he riMir I mile of that routil
for two very illiTrrenl product waliiui
nd kid ;hnca.
Unit n llenaoH.
IMItor (of iMlly 'ltiiiadeeloll) Yoi
r, j on have fnllen iIdmii on Iimi nr thrrc
ulcnnifiil Intel). You ul to li.ire
the tHitt now for ne them wbi lu the
ItriKirler I think I had hut It lieen
pullrd onee or twlc Ulely. and I'm srt
(log raullnil" nhoiit Htliii; It.
Mnliln- II rienannl for lllm, TT TT .
"Oentlnnen'tahl the loaiiiuiifar at (hi G J TTlT f fTCir? f '-'Ff'oin flft
mmiilet, "we have llilenrd In koinn eme. fl HJi yjXlfJlSsaBc
nit orntori tlil eveiiliig and I am nr IJ li f'J ' ' lRiJUjpL 1
wi hnve rnjoyed Ihelr elTurli very iiniili,
I havit puriKnely kept on of our hit
ipenker fur the lai, and after you luvi
hmril lilm I know on will In rim I to to
Inline, (lenileiiirii, I lmv th honor to
(ireneiit Mr. (Crlchiiin A ('iiniiiiltii who
will now nddrri you." -('hlmgo Tribune,
AIhhii llluhl.
A boy wna nnUi'il to oxplnln the dlN
feri'iiro lichvn'ii nnliiuil limtlnct ninl
biiimin liili'lllk'ciiiT. "If wa lind In
atlnrt," tin anld, "ivn ahouhl know
ovi'rytlilni: wo nciMiil to know with.
fruit anlnil.
IVol nmt M'tniriito Into lolxi" four
orniiKrn, cutlliiK I'ncli low Into tlirwi
out IrnrnliiR It ( hut wo'vo Kiit rcnaon, pliivaj IiIiiIicIi, dry nix! hrtsik Inlo hlta
MnUlntr a n re,
Country Coiialn Arc you aure I am
la tho rlxht truliiT
Town IttOnllvo who hna hail alnt
cnoiuh of It) WVII, I hnvo nikiil acv
cnti't'ii iiurlcra nml thirty-two imiwii
Bira, nml Ihi'jr nil any, "Yra," ao I
think you'd bettor rlak It. Ioiidon Tub
Tli lone fralhera of n blrd'a wing are
faitrned to the hour. It li thli which
glvr the whig the atrengtb ami aurfact
wherewith to bent the air.
II CI n I in In limnorlnlllr.
"I don't aee anything reuuirkabl lo
your poem," ald thn tdilor. handing ll
"You don't V howled lh wouln-he con.
trlhutor, pointing with a qulverlm flngrr
at th word "limlhra" nt Hi nd of the
fourth itnnin, "Did you ever a poem
before thnt had a tierfrct rhyme for
clothmT Chicago Tribune.
nml ao wu hnvo to atudy ouraolrcii
'inoat blind, or bo n fool." Uolveriub
lit (.wirier.
Man with th Hutting (trow Awful
loppy, Im't ll?
Man With the llutboui Note It ain't
half floppy for you a It li for mi.
My overcoat' In eoak.
cnoiiuli CiikIInIi wiilnut iiicnla to iiinkn
ii ti'iiciipfiil j ari'il nml Imlyo n cup of
Mn In Kit Krnpifi. Mix lhiiti ItiKriMllcnta
tngvther nml 't In tho ki; until cold.
I.lno n ImiwI nllli crlvii li'lttico Icnvra,
(111 with tho fruit, cprliiklr llxlilly with
anlt nml (Hiiir ovt-r nil n kooiI innyon
tinlao ilrrmlliff.
Ilellrluu llnbril Apple Hfff
I'nro, qtinrtrr nml corn n (inn of cKik
ItiK npplc. I'ut in n Mono Jar with
iMlrnillirlnkT Her lluiilnn,
"Johnny," inld Mr, ltpullng, putting
on her wrapi, "I've brrn In lb liniin all two or throo cup of watiT, cover nml
dny and I need the freh air. If you'll , bnkn loiiu In n inodi'rnto ovi-ti, Aa tho
mind hahy a little while I'll go and uki
a preambl arniilxl the block."
!urualt- llrnllrleil.
Tormer t?oilomer (afler a long ab
nice) What ha becntn of th ptrtty
blond thnt turd lo feed th hungry at
thl lunch counter?
Dark Kklitned Waller fllrl I'm her.
What you goln' lo order, ilr?
YuulMul I'Ullu.opl.rr,
A (Ivo-yoorold Iniy on lioorlnc grnco
aaknl for tho first tlmo nt brrakfnit
grnvrly rruinikeil! "I only nay my
int)pra nt night. That la the danger,
oua tlmo." I.lfo.
Ilefur lllpe Wlailum I'limri,
Thoro la a ilangcroua iliige In every,
one'a career when hi friend nra
afraid to tell hint n oiinpllinent for
feor It will mnko blui more coiicvlted.
Iloiton Olobe.
HIiHiitlea Itetulnllitn,
ItejHirter Hut, Heeiator, In a govern
mnt like oorv, don't )ou bellev lu tbt
ptlnHpht n( rotation In oPJee?
Itnilnent HtnteaoMli I certainly do,
young man. That' why I have a revolv
ing etmlr In my office.
fruit ahrlnka In tho Jur, acrniw from
tho aide nml ndil auitiir to your tnale.
Ilnko a Iiiiik iin you would bonna nml
you will have n aoiico rlili, nil nnd ile
llnbril llrmisra,
Tnko amnll iiningi, cut out core with
n thin, narrow knife; put orniiKfti In
pan with llttlo wnter, four IhMii'Ihkjii
fill of aiiKor, julro of lemon nml a
llttlo wine-;, lmnle often, bnka until ten.
iler enoiiBh for n ntrnw lo pierce. Thla
In rihnI na n relluli ullli koiiio or inenla,
or cnn Ih ii mnI iin n ileiowrt with wlil
m crenni.
I'JeUlril llrrl Henri.
I'lrkleil lnvf h,Mrt makea a ilellclou
nml luetjiemilvo chniiKO In tho ordinary
menu. Ita prepnnttloii U extmiicty
elinplp, tiNi. After the heart tin lieen
thoroughly iNilled In wnter, jniur aplcvil
ImiIIIhk vlnecnr mer It, nml not nwny
to rool. (jiler allce thlu, nml eervo on
n dlih cnnilihcd with miiiiiiier anvury
or pnnley.
(ilntirrnl ,pira.
Tour potniil mrt npple. four pound
l.l,lf(t .. H,...l hl...l . . S-t
NmI Wurlli Wlillc "'fv' -"' him in iiiur leiiion. l.lli)p
IWb'i .on ihiv. llr. Kidr" uM lb K'oger, Rrnteii ruin or four lemon. Chop
how. "jou might a well take olt your , "'w opplia very line nml cook the auirnr
kit?" nml water until n thick alruii li foriuiiL
"What'i (be tuer' akl the new man, (Then ndd the chopped npple, prated
wnn wn n
the clerical
to held thl Job
r me liner- him in new man, -iiirn nun Hie chopped niple, Bratitl
nillng a temporary vacancy In lemon rlml nml the Klnser i-hopped
'SlajXVwowki" C0,B,wy ". Co..k alowly for two lioura.
Slum llnniHiir,
Thejr trll me, Mr. Hiullber," Imierd
I'marn Clilrkrn fllncc.
Soak iino-foiirili box of s-elutlu In one
(he ItufTy young thing, "lhafjou ar quit C"I f cold ihleken Ihpjor; when aoft
i lady killer." '"nl add three, ctipa of hot chicken
They do me an Injuitlce, upon my .atock arnaoneil with herb, unit and vi'g
word, MIm (Ilgglej," r)inll th ga..nble; i-ool nml ndd two eupa of
ant old beau. Inylng hi. hand oo hi. heart W,,,,IH.(, enam. ,urn uto f
ml making a profound bow i "1 catch 'em ' .... , n. fP lr( ...
uve." i - .;..,..."-..:;....."""
"im iii uiiiiiuii cup iui iiiiiiuea.
I'nr Apart.
"MIm KaMon," tald th hmtiu, "thli
I Mr. Weilon."
"Delighted lo know you. Ml, liuton,"
villi the joong man. "Nominally, how
ver. we teem lo lm anlliode."
"Aetiially, loo, perknpi, Mr. Wenton."
he amwrred. o i!llnnlly thnt he limtant.
r frit hlmaelf to be I2.r,(0 mllri away.
AlienlVllnitril Atitermnn,
A I'iin (Miikh.) nlderiiiuii nt a rc
-cut nldermniilc iini'tliiR Inquired wlmt
old biHsiiiio of nil order he lind Intro
ilutvd aomo time before oullliii: for nn
are light on Willow treet. The city
clerk, nfter dlx.lni; Into hi II I en, In
formed him that thn order lind couio
iM'fnre the Ixmnl iiinirly n uiuiitti prt
vliuia nml that he lind voted iik'ulnm It.
Mual II llnril Work.
In IIiimIii theru la n cluiip ronplns
imiehliio which hna n nvl, but no nil
tomallc rnko. A man alta on tho plat
form mid rnkea off tho crnln with n
pitchfork. The mime of thl. innclitiie
1. "Inlioj;rolkn," nml alni "lobo" meniia
"brow." ami "urelkn"" la "n heater,"
tho wholo cnn bo triiiialnted "brow
awenler." llnllmrly Inlerruptloa,
Orlando hpoonnmore bent over the fair
hand and rcmieotfully kleil It.
"Young man," creeheil the parrot In
the rage overhead. "In thoro an) thing tin
matter with my Up?"
A ClriMTit Up Until-.
"You'd like to he In South America
during a resolution, would )ou? What
"(), I'd like to ace the wlucli go
Ixt In th Aiittrallan hutb, nrar I'ort
Darwin, for (lie day. eugltiMr commandti
10. B, Hllk wni (ouud alive and will hy a
black tracker.
Itvnr notlliiprU I'uimiiea.
Cold boiled potndH-, nllcisl nml w'n.
aotirti. In nlternnto layera with thinly
allccd. Imnl-tMiilitl vgg. Cover with a
boiled niiiiiv, made of ono tntilcpooiifut
butter, one tiibliponful of llour nnd
milk enough to cover the (Hitntooa. At
dinner tlmo put thla In tho oven and
bnko for thirty minutes.
I'luiu riiililliiir Mauee.
An laeellint miuco for plum pudding
rati bo made from tho followlni; reclNi:
Stir to n cream n cup of butter threo
ci'pa of iHtvtdortM aupir. When t.nlto
light, ndd the Juice of ouo lemon, two
tinHMHiiifiila of utitmei' nnd the whiter
of two r-RK Ixsiten very atlff.
Ornnue I'lr.
drnto tho peol of ouo frenh orhiiKO,
Inke tho Juli-u nml pulp of two Inrxo
otnugea; add to them ono cupful of
Biigtir nml tho beaten yolk a of threo
cia-n; mix one cupful of milk with tho
whltea of the ckim lieuteu to n utltT
'roth. Ilnko In puff paato.
More, the conttint hiding leiri llm delicite membrine ol throit end
lungi, eipoiing them to tho nvg ol ikidly ditcne. Piw Cute
goti airtight lo the Kit oi the tiouhle, atopa the cough, itrenglhrnt
llie lungi, and quickly reliavei unhcillhy conduioni. Uscium of ill
pleiiint lute ind decJom (torn dihgeioui ingrojientt it ll tlie Idoil
wmeily (o children. At lh fort lyinptonu ol a cough or cold la
Uio little one you will live totrow ind luOning ii you
CiiIiIihkv Stem.
Tnko lVj pouuda of nniiul steak
ground, two pounda pork atenk Rround,
ono cup of twin knl tirwid crumb, two
CKK, mlt, pepper to tnate. Mix well
itii.t aliiipo Into bulla, (toll Into u
boiled eiihbnKo Unif mid fry In hot but
ter. i
Uvrnl)- llrimnril Toual,
111 uuikluc timat or brolllni; month
over it Krlddle bolo In tin ordinary
rnii(:e. rover with it tin cover, Inalead
of Hotline tho Krlddlo on tho toiiator
to keep lu tho lieut. Thla will not
"aip-ii-oiio" tho toimt nor bluckeu It.
Currant Ten Cakca,
Uao flvo cupfula of Hour, ono of lmt
tor, two ocsa, ono heitpliiK tenpoonful
of bnklni; powder, one-half etijiful awiot
milk, ouo cupful dried ciirriiiita, ltoll
thin mid buko In n uulck oven.
To l'rcaerva Cliccac,
Cbeeao mny bo kept from roIiir
moldy by wrnppliiK It In n cloth dipped
In vlncKnr nml wrung nearly dry. Covur
tho cloth Willi n wrnpper of paper nml
keep lu a cool plnco.
Drpaalntt (or Himat Iluck,
Instead of tho ordlnnry ilrenaliiR fot
duck or other Kiinio auhrttltiito npplea
aenaoncd with suit mid pepper nml tho
atroug tusto of tho incut dlanppoura.
tw.. ". r-vo. "
tgi 1 1 -J rn
r-'r ''Ai
Rural Telephones
Do you realize that rural telephones, more than
anything else, tend to increase the earnitig power
of every farm and farmer? Do you realize that
ALL of the material needed to build the very best
rural telephone line exactly the same as the Bell
Company puts up will cost you and your neigh
bors less than half a bale of cotton or twenty bushels
of wheat each?
Over 4,000,000 Western Electric Telephones
arc in use in the United States to-day. We made the first telephones and we have made
the most in fact, we have made more than all other manufacturers combined.
We hove brought the rural telephone within the reach of every farmer, and with our Free
Bulletins before him a boy can install and operate the system. Our telephones arc guaranteed.
Cut out tills advertisement, write your name anil address on tlic margin and mail it fo-day to that the
Free Bulletins, which describe the entire plan in detail, may be sent you immediately.
sotmirjut omas
I (all.
liaiai JyMila
Mi Sorption
i and Lqolp
all ADvaraiua and fcrelr
aaaai ut4 la Ihc Conttnae
Ilea, Optallaa aa4 Malala.
M laMyoaaa null.
1 Aaat
N. Yxk
Salai faal
bail U Orf
Si flMOtMM
For Hiamplc.
"To make a long itory ibort," ald Un
cle Chlnnrr, "we collected th mi pie up,
emptied It Into a hug Iron kettle, ind
put It over a big wood Qr lo boll It
"To make your long tory abort, uncle,"
Interrupted one of the llitcntri, "iuppoie
jou boll that down, too."
for lh Umatur of K. W OltOVI- Ual the
wcrM oter to Cur G4.I In On Par. Be
Tboie wtio btve wintered In Aluka iay
that It li not the cold, but the moaijulto,
tbil li th hardvit thing to endure In the
Mother will find Mr. WlmloVi Boothlof
TrupthaUit remrdr to uao lor tblr cbU4r a
luring lb U-atUlug joilwl.
A Flavorinif. It tnke 8.
eyrup better than Maple.
j jt Sold by iroccn.
,v on
WU I'aoer, Moutdlnes,
Picuiea and other sim
ilar Rocds. for Umbir
land, farm :and or caan.
Lowest wholenU
prices. Write me.
144 Seventh St, Portland, Oregon
1 1
9NI0N SEED 'i'.?."
BR Par Saber! eitalog pz I). bbbbbTI
Laraeit arowerl of onion anil vrecllbl
Mcdi la lit world. I)l- cataloa- fieai of.
IKikl IOolmum.1 and litem calaior and
ion acrnala e-cb ol oiilona, carrola. calerr,
rulttteli l$oo acb letloc. rutlblfl. tar
oipt. i paralcr. loo lumatoc. loo malenf,
lloo charming flnwvr In ill lono
krrnrli. aui.lf i r-lt tl.OO ol anr raaa'l
inoorr. Or, lend 20O ind w will add on
pk. of EifUrat I'icp UDar TawMt Coin.
SKUtK SEED CO.. Beirt UCram. Wl.
w iMMtmeu ol hmin are unnble to
read and write a a rule, and It li a com
man ylng that who treat th poitman
beat get the moit letter.
mms q
oc )ovcs; deceases
o s5em GJJccXuoiWy ;
xssss cnicovcccovE(ui
abvvoX cosXoXo
To cte Ws 3eucjvei0
ejfec5.awas,bi e
0 MANLiracTviororrrTHt
Fig Syrup Co.
Lt Farms I
Jj W' want itoclt. vheat, da'ry and fruit T
:v farma. llavinir a lam Kaatem corra-
Iwndenr w ar In a poalttan to mak
quick aale. I)rp ua . rani If you hay
T anythimiurVnow of any farnu for Ml. T
J 420 Lumber Exchange J
thlcr. TotromTTnt
rUllfU In rrtaJurtnffUwt Lvt now? r
and vrfftrffttiU feed. la I jfr w
h tn,m rtpertx. bow lnri
tWtli r4 rmp lb imtltt ( our nn.
Kor ul rerTleft. lU-ul our IX
cmtlntaD(l trrfil t mr rxprtcoCTb
bnirrf-niTqucwt. Ad4ru
B. M. FERRY & CO., DniMT. UKH.
, St1W's
The cleanest.
llnhtoct nnrt
most comfortable
at the same time
cheapest in the
end Because It
wears longest
309 Everywhere
Every garment quar.
anteed waterproof
CalcJoq free
y7J7lMi-.,"'V t..
i vVfcCv
ffl fV
The 2
are the
O. R. & N.
fast through trains
"Ha! Ma! It didn't hurt a bki
Now for my Alveolar Teeth."
ill ifc
K ir ---- "'"T
afraaaaaaaL' A '. 'VT, -taaa,
KmmA' ;, - A':.fc.
,'laBWiTaVf 1 am
No. 9-09
711 Klf wrlttni; toailvertliarspleaia
luoniinn aiiia air.
I gfjtlf
.ttt. ',7,!,
.V p'tr
. ' lw ' v
.y ?Mea"i 1
ItVtl 'I'-A ) .
f- i a r 1
j, a u
r av. Z.. li
k. if ' .. J5
Wrta e-iV-.V
In cam lil Ihc abate, all lrlali throw na
I heir handa and r there t no hop lav a
plate orfaltc tel of Icaih but lh AKcolar Irs
lem iold Ihc problem and now pUtci are not
nece itary un'eta all Ihc lec'h a a gone.
W'c do JrnUl work In all it tranche, from th
Unp'opieroof Alllnr tothe rompllcalol and ad
entlAe Alvcu!arwork. Lat no on foul you Into
rartnz fancy price Gvuult ua. Th price ha
lo r for th hUheat ciaaa of dental work.
Per Tooth
Alvrola- Teeth $JJ0
Rrtular Cold Cron. 21k J3.S0
Rccul.r I'orcelaln Cron I3J0
Regular Cald or Enamel rill $1.00
Recular Inlay flll.rm Palnlcu and Per
fect $2.30
Regular Eipert Plate Work, per el $3.30 ua
Palnlctl EatraUInc Ifrcc with work) 30c
We mak a careful examination of lhamoalh
free. If i wvuld know mora of thl Alroalar
work, aend fcr our tuok. "A Woa'ar IntUtnr. a
trrrtlae on tho teeth In rencral and th new
method In particular. IhaUnk U frea, Out-of.
town patlenta treated In th ihortrat paaaible
Den:la or S lo 20 years'
active practice In the city.
The ALYEOLAR Painless DeR&ts
Tourth and Washington Streets
lady Attendant
OFFICE ItOUKS-S a. res to 8 p. m.: Sondayi I
a. m. to 12 m. 1'HONK AI171.
For rvlOTTCl J ralCr flak Eye. tpboetlc.
Shipping rcver
and Cotarrhat rev-
Sura cur and posltlr p retentive, no matter bow bone at any am
aralnfctotlor"ipoied." Lqu.d. siren on tho tonsu: act on th
n:ocfci ana uiano:i, eipeta ma potaonou germi xromih body. iair uuv.
temper In Dw and Hheen and Cholera In Poultry. Utri-t Mlllna-llT
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tock remedy. Cure La Grippe amona human brine and U aCneKU
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