WftlB5 ." ' RAILROAD TO COAST State Help Wanted by Oregon Idaho Development League. LINE FSOM EOISE TO COOS BAY Record of the Legislature Tne folViwtng btlU miw.1 hy tvlh nouwa of the . "'"Tr . . . legUlatureW beewne lawa, JUIW,CM, ,hrr I t llj'.l'Vl' S, It. S&J- Anlmala at !r In (HtlUm county. mmntlc luTfortuntii on conaeut r nun I the Jnvc II 11 t le court Judge, -ror puniaiuiient or highway Governor Brady Pledge Support to Movement for Opening Door From Interior to Sea. Boise, Feb. 27. A state-aided rail road from Dotso to Coos bay is tho chief object of tho Oregon-Idaho De velopment congress, which opened to day, attended by 100 representative men from Eastern and Central Oregon and Southeastern Idaho. Tho object of tho congress was heart ily endorsed by Governor Brady, who welcomed tho delegates. He said he would pledge his support for any ac tion which would give Idaho better means of transportation and open its , doors to reach tho seaports of tho Pa cific Hq spoke of the growth of the state, its wonderful development and ts great resources, stating that it would continue to grow and, even If walled in, would continue to develop, as it had all tho resources needed if left to stand alone. "But," he continued, "we want to extend our resources into Idaho. When tho Panama canal is completed it will mean ono of the greatest freight rate reducers for tho West that it could possibly have, for at that time tho great steamers from the bast will un load cargoes at San Francisco, Port land, Seattle and Coos bay." He spoke of the situation of the city of Lewiston and stated that he expect ed to live to see the day wehn it would have an open waterway to the sea and the products of Idaho would float on the bosom of the Snake and Columbia to the Pacific and the commercial ports of the world. The governor stated that he would do all In his power to further the move ment and that some action should be taken at once before the one line which dominated the state had secured all the best valleys and left nothing but those of second class for a new road. He closed by praising the Commercial club and the citizens of Boise and stated they would all understand the real meaning of hospitality before they re turned home. His address was well received and be was given hearty ap plause at the close. wmUl by the governor, tomo h allowed to bem law without hU (mature and other were pawed over hl Veto. A It. 1 Creation nf artealiin wt.11 ...... trlcta. , a IL 4 Trial b' Jury arter default Jn damaco suit. . IL I Appeal from Justice Court wnntn so day. for repairs. H. IL Dlklnc dUtrlet may levy tax tf. R 10 Klxlnir attlarlea of Con-.tnt.ti ami Juniors at -3i.le, Chttaop County. 8. IL U In criminal eases Judgment to b n Urn from date S. ll IS l"or renew! or Judgment every 10 year. S. R ll Voter abaent from the atate may rtKiairr. S. R II Itawk deposit not drawn for ovtn eeeneat to tne atate. 8. IL 16 Hotel Klttl liHlirinhmii.M In have fir eacnpe. R. II. IS Unlet and tndrlnehmiaea tn provide nine-foot bedahevta. m. ii. ii rrovidinit tor two additional H. R II Kor treatment of tuberculo id poor. S. R IS Three additional dairy In epctr appointed bv th Governor, with conaent of Dairy Commlaaloner. 8. R It Minora not to enoiKa In cramea of rhanee In nubile reaorta. Supreme Juatlce. (Kmerceney.) 8. II. 31 PtKlnir tho ealarv of Union voumy Jiecoruer. . It. 32 Additional aalarr for luili nf LM.tith Ttal!... m.... n ...... ..J. ... an,.i, ',b,. w.w uu.tiuui vela) s. R JS Ilevlard military code, 8. R 43 Kor aid of I.lnn County Fair. S. R 17 -13&.000 for Knal.rn rlrvirnn Experimental Farm. rt, R tt Salary School Superintend ent Klamath County. tf. R ; AuthorUIn- school dlatrlct to refund Indebtednee. 8. R it Thirty day notice of eatrnye taken up. S. R B Title cuarnnteo companlea to depoalt ISOjOOO aeeurlty. 8. R tJ Government may aequlro land for flovernment bulldlnsa. 8. R s Manner of amandins char tera of charitable Inntltutlona. 8. R tl Defining a lejral feneo In Kaatern Oreiron. 8. IL CI ichedul nf fee for fuetnrv Inapectlon. 8. II. SI Sunrerne Caurt mav Iranafiir wirvuii yuuKra. 8. R (I To abolllh aearrt inrl.llr. In public acboola. t it c? ticAiuui e ..iH.HM. Aa-rlculturat Coliece. 8. R 79 I'reserlblnft- manner of tak ing daooaltlona. 8. R .1 For distribution GIVE RIGHT OF WAY. Secretary of Interior Opens Route for Central Oregon Road. Washington, Feb. 27. Tho Harri man railroad will be built up the Des chutes river to a connection at Kla math Falls with the road now building northward to that point and tho right ot way win be approved by Secretary Garfield before next Thursday. These facts were brought out at a hearing Dei ore mo secretary or tne Interior today. It was stated by a representative of E. H. Harrlman that out of the $82, 000,000 raised by bonds recently float ed by the Harrlman system for new railroad construction, $40,000,000 had been set aside for the construction of a railroad up the Deschutes river into Central Oregon, terminating at Dend and for an extension of the new Shasta division, now nearing Klamath Falls, northward to meet the Deschutes road at Bend, thus completing n new route from San Francisco to the Columbia river. Tho construction of the Deschutes road will be commenced, it was said. as soon as the secretary of the interior approves the right of way application. and Secretary Garfield said he expect ed to ao uiis before he leaves office next Thursday. He is waiting only the adjustment of a few minor details, as outlined yesterday, and knows of nothing that will likely delay his action. All material obstacles that ha vo here tofore delayed the approval of maps of location of the Deschutes road have been removed. Check Traffic In Opium. Shanghai, Feb. 27. -The Interna tional Opium commission has virtually completed its work here by the adop tion of nine resolutions suggesting means or ngnung the opium traffic. ino commission ueciarea that unre stricted morphine traffic constituted a grave danger, and that the morphine habit showed slgnB of spreading, and urged Upon all governments the im portance of drastic measures to control the manufacture, sale and distribution of morphino and other noxious deriva tives of opium. Four Deaths From Blizzard, Denver, Feb. 27. Three men are known to havo perished in the blizzard which swept tho state Monday and a fourth who was badly frozen will prob ably die Several are missing. It is estimated not Jess than 2.000 sheep Af mmmmlan uwi ana journal. . 8. R 71 Appropriating IJO.m far hateberlen aouth of Columbia. 8. R 71 Salary of IJnn County 8u perlntendenL (Over veto.) 8. R 77 Irrlg-atkHi cede. , 8 R 7 Salary of Ileeorder in Wah In&ton County. tOver veto.) 8. R Si ! atinronrtatlan for Hi. perlment Htatlon nt llurti. s. is. 11 Croat aiuivrnl whan ral property na Dn BttMneu. . ik -uaroe cone. 8. R 107 rrovidinit aeota far motor- men. 8. R 109 I-or central hateherv nn Columbia. 8 R IIS rtre-uutlnr ule of Hinn. (rated atoek food. S. IL 1U-!lUtln to thannmr4tLin Afl.M.1 for corpora t porpoM. j. ... .. r.AiiiK MMlin Ol BIVIK HflU deputies of Supreme Court. 8. R lit Coplea of Supreme Court derldon to be filed In office ot elerk of court 8. R US Additional aalary for Cir cuit Judce In Ninth Dlatrlct. 8. 11 110 Salary of School Superin tendent In Marlon County. 8. R US New military code. 8. II. 117 Kor fre ferry asroif Wil lamette at Peoria. 8. R i:S Special lax by dlitrict for roada. 8. R ill Manner of letting; contract ior or lure uuuuincr. 8. II. IIS I'eraon under II not to run cnevaior. 8. II. 149 Ten hour a day' work for remaiea in teiennona and tHfiranh or. Iicrv. 8. II. ill Ilrcnutlnr manner of fll. Inic town plat. . u. ill rime ior orincmr libel ult one year. a IL I4S I'ravldlntf leather nAttahna ior eiaciHHi iMiisi itaxen. 8. II. 11 -Creatine Cenaervatlen Com. mlaalon. 8. R 117 Warehouie receipt to how rate of atoraire. 8. II US Itallroada need not file Hat of trip puaaea Isaued to regular em ploye". 8. II. let Fixing term of eeurt In Kleventh Dlatrlet. 8. R 187 ItetrulatlnK mutual fire In- aurance companlr. b. ii. ik itennnuianinr mate a claim on two acre In Multnomah County. 8 IL l9 IUI road may be laid for conatructlon work on county roada. n. II. 171 ror organization of en. operntlvn anancUtlnna. n it in Kenuirina rniiroan in con nect with each witcne. 8. II. ITS -To nunlah fraudulent ren- rraenutlon a to membership In aert aocletle for purpoae of obtalnlnc money. a I), lis Relating- to larceny by LHiiivr. , 8 It. 187 11 reed In horae to be rK lat'rxl at Orairsn Arrlcultural Colleice. 8. II 191 Prohibiting- puttlna; tila nnu nan in roaua. m n. II 19S I'rnvldlnir additional Judite for Klflh Judicial Dlatrlct. H. II. 1 Kor Uauarwe. of bond by drainage dlatrlct. n. ji. 19k ror salary of Sheriff of k money for nn f ttltMlllll I IL 19 llniriifAtliitf till.iliiM ... .... umbln Itlver. II It. is l'mhlbltlnir lumt ela of ndertllnir- II II. t lteUllnn to town pint and addition. II. R ! ApprppriatlnK ITI.000 for n Hrlrtite rood at Celllo. II JL JJ Aipriirltlmr nddltlonnl US. 000 for AlnnVn-Yukon Itxposltlon. 11. R SI tucriRli!K ilrv of Juek- Oll Cotlntv ludtfR. llSlMil nittp Him Qovernor' veto. It R IS Authority of real natal nitentn imiat be In writltiR. ii. m ii Manner or tranarerrina- no tlona. II. R :s Kor Incorporation of ixirta. 11. 11. 31 Alltliorllltlir Hiitiremn l-mirl to appoint n cods commlaalun niul uppro prlntlnif tIS.000. , ti. ii. ts lixinit aniary or Tom Coun ty School Superintendent. (l'uod over llovernor'a vetat II. R 15 Mxlnn bond of Umatilla Trcaaurer. II. R IS Klxlnir aalarv nf rl.lmn County School 8uirlntendrnt. (l'aenxt oer uoxemor veto.) II It tl Cotintlra mav lew lar for advertlalnic raourct. II IL si KmPuwrrine- Wallowa Coun. ty to eli certain real property. II. R it Klxlnir aatarv of Mnrnw County School Superlntrndent. llnad or Oovernor'a veto.) II. It. to Providing- for a free ferry at ML John. II. Rtt-PratUlna- far clerical aMlstanc fur an tor of CoIumU county. . li. R tx Prohibiting awlne at Urn In Columbia County. II. R tt Klxlna- the aalary of tho lamnui lountr ricnooi nueriinniiIciiL -aiaed over tho llovernor'a veto. I II. R Tt lixtendlne eminent domain lo tntlnnRe dlatrlct. II R TT Providing for raUIng ehool fund, II. U. TS Creating an liuuranca department. II. R l llegulatlng hauling ot loada on public hlrhwnya. II. R To urovld for luvlnir out county roada. 11 R St Crmtlnr Ilia ltivir.t nf Ull Tax Commlialonrra. II. II. S7 Dvlne declaration admit. alUle In civil caeca. II. R si nx,liiR- lerma ot court of the Ninth Judicial Dlatrlet. II. R ST Creating lmuranee Icpart- inriii. II. R IS Requiring door to awing wuiwaru. II. R 100 ItevUlug riite of Inherl tance tax. II. R IOC Appropriating IJ10.MO for uuiiuinKi ai J. A. I. II. II. 110 Kor Deputy Aaaeaaor In Creok County. II. R 111 Klxlnir nalarv nt ).... County School HuterlntendnL iPuhmI. notwItliatniHlIng the florernor' veto.) II. R lit lMatrlhuliau ntt.l ti.vm.Bi of legaele. ,Jl t'-. n AUlhorlilng a deputy for the Ckttion CbuhIv Aiiuu. iiiUu.i nrr Uoernr' veto.) ii. ii. ill rayment or claim of Cn trat Normal School. II- R 1ST Ker an Interstate brhlge at Ontario. II. R 111 Permitting County Court to dealgnate the kind of culvert lo be built. II. II. Ill Providing for filing of II penden. ii. il ii rixemplion sf earn ns of II M 1ST !olurttig the legal mid o rial UntuH nf Mnry C Wfl'. II II IS Autfinrlaen 'hool lnxtrd to govern ihm of aebmil money 11 It : rUlna artlary of I-un County Srhuol Siiiverlntendent II. . .io-tVunlr lllahtchool funJ. . II It. IH--Ainrndlng cod relallng to etectlon. sst rroiect "Vnnk" flub In ljtko. R 301) Prohllilllnv fnlao mlrnrtla. Ing. II It SOS Amending Irrigation lawa II II Wnilown R 30- II Inr II. R 310 ClnrknmnH County Knlr itnllr MptoprtAilng lluOO for f mir. road to feneo right af tin- wny. II. II. Ill Kor nn net rvlatlmr In local ontlon law. tl R ill Appointing IVpulv Dlatrlct iViinrney ntr me riecothl luairlrl. II II SI I Itentilrlnr railroad in ex terminate Ituaahin Dilation on rUht-of- li. R SIS llevlne achedtllr nf rnt for corporntlona Inereavlng ropltnl Mock It R 321 Intpodng lleenve on ped dler. II. It. SJt Aulhorli Htaln t-nnd Hoard to rcimy money to Albert C ltn II. II. 331 Itelatlng to contracta fur ahlrplng. j it. II. JIJ Deficiency bill. 10.000. II. IL SU-AppivprUtlon fr O. A. C ly U. fl tvernmmt, II. M. 3S Concerning organisation of Irrigation dlatrlet. II. R 3St Charitable aocletle. SIS.. II. II. SSI 8ecurlng lien nn chattel. It II. StA To fir Haljirla nt 1'hh County officer. n il sit Abollhlng Cenlrnl Oregon Normal Mchnol. II. II. 3ts Appropriation bill covering mtacellaneuua olalm. PROCEEDINGS OF OREGON LEGISLATURE running for each other with private Judgment debtor. It. II. 13 Prohibit animals at large Wvt of the Sandy. II. R 111 Appropriating IT0OO aiaie veterinarian. II. R IIS Providing cloied (eason for BliellfUh In Cooa im Cnrrv I'nuuil.. a fnliowa. Craba. July. Auguat and 8l- temper, clam. June. July ml Annul erurflh. November. December. January Kin. rriiii.i, II. R ll tllvlnr Circuit Cmirla now. er nf imrnllng prlvonrr. II. II. 110 Annrnrirlitlnr. lISAaa tnr prrniu iMtuniy. II. R 1SS Itelatlng to Itallroad Com. mlHHin. II. R 1SS Permitting Itallrnad Com mlmloner to rfcle on locotnatlvea. II. II. ISt Providing an additional Judge for Kuurlh Judicial Dlatrlct (Kmergency.) 11. II. Itl-YamhIU Pair auocUlloi. ii ii. in i-rokiuing ior private uperln- Rose Carnival Float, iuanon ino i.coanon liusinrss Men's lcnguo has decided that the city should build a JCO.000 ,K, chool butldinif. About 30 of the leading business men votrxl unanimously to exert their influence toward that end. A meeting of tho voters of tho district will bo held In I ho near future. Mr. Thomas, of Portland, addressed tho league regarding the advisability of Lebanon having a float in the rose car nival at IVrtland. A committee was appointed to tako up the matter. Money Ratted at Monmouth. Monmouth The normal school at Monmouth will go on to the end of tho school year. The citizens have already raised tne necessary lurnls. There is a strong feeling of loyalty here for tho Institution, which extend toother sec tions, and tho subscription fund has been materially augmented from some of the outlying districts. Tho summer normal will also run, and it Is hoped to bo ablo to go right on next year. REDUCES REDATE FINES, propagation fit trout. II fl. ITJ Authortxlng acheol ITS Amending the cud relating umpina uivrr rrleer of stale havo perished. coos County. . 8. II. 1S7 Kor relief of Heed Initl. tute. 8 I). 191 Clothing railroad detective with police power. M H II, 193 Itcgulatlng drainage dis trict B. II. 203 Weekly report on registra tion of voter to Secretary of Stale. , p H SOI Convict may bo worked at fair ground. , 8 II. Sot Blale Fair to have printing to amount nf 11000. 8 II 307 Itelatfnff tn lew nml anlA under execution. n. II. 210 Kor county referendum nn county meaaure. . 8 II. HZ To divide Flrt Judicial Dlatrlct. 8 II. 113 Voter of county may refer i;imiir ineaaure. H II. 5-0 .lili law far tlin ("ilnml.ln inver. M. II. ZS1 nelatlnir tn Ration! nlalrlnl No 1. Klamath County. 8. II. 223 Amending code regarding i-wii'viMuuiiB urgainzeu ior irrigation purpoae. 8. II. 2JI Authorlxlng city of Cor v'i,".,,0J),Jrrha" '""'Is near watershed. .," : 236 Certified copy proof of a I'm -ml llouor llcenae. 8. II. -2 Preventing gont from run. "'" at larga In yamhlll County. . Vi " 7 When aevernl perwon may hold real property a tenant In common. In the Tenth Judicial Dlatrlct. H. II. 237 Hxumllng time for acijulr Ing Oregon City lock. tmH. ?'-. 2J3 Additional ludgo n Second DUtrlcL (Kmergency clauae.) 8. Ii. 218 KmnowArlnir tniinliiln1 ttnw. poratlon In other tnte to nrqulro title to land nnd water right In Oregon. n ii. ziii izu.umi rir hiia vtim im. mluros. H II. 2S2 125.000 for ntntd Vnir Im. provement. ii iiii I7U.000 ror tutiorctiioaia H. H. its Amending le rUhlng for Mlmon tn V II. R lit ItMiulrln arr iMMrda and eommlaalon to attend meet II. II. lit Providing far eonatllu- tlonal convention, aubject to referendum. II. II. ISO Stale tux lew. in.r. geney. ) II. IL IK-ICegulatlng water power franehUea II. II. 1S3 Allttmrlflnv eluirllrtl.l. . aoclatlon tn organlio. II. II. 19t 'Iloklnir rtowdar mint Im plainly labeled. II. II. ISO Making Appropriation to relrnbume Oeorge II. Hmall. II. R I8 Appropriating 11900 for the Deeeri Ind llonrfl and tn noi-tii cpriain inno iy ine ime. , II. II. 300 Manner of taking deponl-tlona. II. II. SOI Kmnowerlng exeeutor to execute deed. II. II. 203 Manner of challenging Jurur. II. II. 20 Itelatlng In bureau of la bor atatUllc and Jnapeelor or work-1kip. II. II. SOT Relating to regent of the Male LTnlveralty. II. IL Ill Providing an appropriation me u for the tixpenae ot turai 8ooieiy. II. II. S2I Annrnnrlatlnir me crnier iiko roau. II. Ii. sxs Appropriating vtrnaiiam rair. II. II. 223 Itelatlng to custody Utata llortlcul- 1100.000 for 11000 for of conltol groumln. If. II. SSI Puhlle record to bo free. brunch breeding of anltorla. II II. 2ST Providing for aaylum In Kantern Oregon. , II. II. SS To regulate horac. II IL S31 Heatorallon of corporation In default. II. II. 235 Regulating flahlng In Itogue Itlver. II. II. 136 Plllnir anlnrlAa In VI,lr County. II. II. zrr-HaUitea In Wheeler county. II. II. 23k I'lxlnir Mnlnri ft Tjibn wouniv Aaavxaor. JI. IL S33 Providing that conditional nle of personal property shall b ro corded. n II. II. 211 Fixing enlary .of Curry County A(or. II. IL 3U Feeding of prUoners In Multnomah W.HI. II. II. Sl E Imlnatlnn of itnnllenllnn Of COUrae nf In Ilia alnlia lilulifir cuupaiionai inaiuuiion. II. II. SIS Kor orimnlzntlnn of mlnlnir uiiu uining iniereaia. If. II. 2I Ijn4 board to purchaao land In forct reerve. ii. li. 261 (loycrnlng axpendlturo of miiu iwr mo univeraiiy or urcgon. ! '.'. tu?7 "nniiiif ncniui law. II. II. Z&S-VleWeru In lni ..ill rnaa 01) beat grade. ji. ii. zoo mcrenlmr annual appor llnninent of rmintv tiiinni e.i.i.iM rrnrt ISO to S100 per dlatrlct. 11 11. Z57 llalfnhnrylfiir Xfnrlhn u Ijine. II. II. 20C-Conla nf aoimlnn Inw. in be printed, II II. ZSS Itelnllnir n alonllnn n... clnct. " " r,v II II. 2S Fixing fee of Blot" Printer .." I'- '" Free ferry acro Wlllam fctto at Independence. II 11, SM -To provtnt unjust discrim ination by railroads. Judge Anderson Makes Pottlbta Max imum $720,000. Chicago, Feb. 26. A reduction from Judge Land!' fine of $29,240,000 to a posilblo mnxlmuin fine of $720,000 Is admitted to be tho meaning of a ruling mado today by Judge Anderson in the retrial of the Standard Oil company of Indiana (or rebating. Tho ruling was Informal, but it almost certainly will stand. The Court of Appeals In rulinir out Judge Landis' great flno eliminated tho view that each carload of oil on which a rebate was accepted constituted a soparato olTvnse. There were 1,402 of these carloads, the freight charges for which were paid in 30 dlllVrnent set tlements. Judge Anderson interpreted tho de cision, which, he said, served us his guide, to Imply that the rebates ac cepted after each of the 30 settlements constituted the units of ofTense, Judgo Anderson's ruling was a se vere blow to District Attorney Sims. no ana his assistant, Janus II. Wll kerson, had argued that each of tho COO shipment, making poaaiblo n max imum of $10,000,000. constituted an offense. This view Judge Anderson declared ho could not understand. Ho saw no reason why, if a trnlnlond or n carlot wero regarded as n scparnto offense, th? matter might not be fur ther divided, making a hundredweight or a gallon, a unit, greatly increasing tho number of ofTenscs nnd magnify ing tho punishment. Mr. Wilkcrson argued that tho flno possiblo under tho court's ruling would serve merely as a licenso to a (treat corporation. On this Judgo Andorson said in effect: "That is a consideration which has no weight with me whatever. I am not concerned with the effectiveness of tho statutes, hut with their interpreta tion and application. If tho view that I have taken hat tho effect you stated, that Is a matter for the lawmakers to consider. If tho laws nro Inadequate. gut them to supply a remedy," 8EES WAR AHKAD. Saturday, February 90, Snlcm, Feb, 20.- llotli houses uf tho legislature cleared dway nil nccutnu Intcd business before adjourning, but It was nearly 11 o'clock buiore all wero finished. Appropriation bills amounted to $1,100,01'0 morn than the session uf two years ago. A number of laws needed by tho state wero pasted and several of the now measures will In create the revenues. The house bill appropriating $210, 000 for now buildings nnd improve ments nt tho Agricultural college paus ed tho senate by n unanimous voto this morning. Tho Weston, Ashlnml nml Monmouth normal schools we're nil left In exist ence, but both house refused to pass appropriations for their maintenance. The house passed tho game codo practically as It came from tho senate. Iloth houses passed n tuberculosis sanntorln bill enrry ing an appropriation ot 4u,vUU, The dairy Inspector bill, which had been killed Wednesday, wan rvcuntld ered by the house nml passed. Unly 12 members of the house voted for tho bill creating a state highway commission. Whether or not Oregon shall have n comtltutlonal convention will be de cided by tho voters of the state nt tho election of 1010. Hy n vote of 10 to 0 tho senate re futed to sanction the bill providing fur an additional bank examiner. Itrpcal of tho grant to railroads of valuable tide lands In Lincoln county was voted by the sennto this afternoon. Only four members opposed tho tueas ure. WATER USERS" KEEP FAITH. Will Comply With Government Con tract) Concerning; Payments. Klnmath Falls At n meeting of tho directors of tho Klamath Water Users' association n resolution was adopted notifying tho secretory of the Interior that, so far ns Is in their power, they will comply with the contract made with tho reclamation service ns to the payment of tho cost of the first unit of the Klamath project as announced by the secretary. It is thought that letters lately ro. eclved by the department from thu directors havn led to tho belief that tho water titers monnt to repudiate their contract as to this payment, hence work was suspended on thopro.ect out side of the first unit. Il is believed that this decisive action on tho part of tho directors will lead to Out prompt resumption of work on the plant out lined for this year a work. McArlhur to Oe Secretary. Salem Secretary of State Frank Ilenson has confirmed the appointment of C. N. McArthur as his private sec retary to serve during the time Mr. Ilenson will act as governor. McAr thur, who was sinker of tho hnu.c during tho recent legislative setslon, hns been at the canitol for the natt few days utaltting tho house clerks In ar ranging tho houte journal. Others who are working en the legislative records nro Chief Clerk Fred Drnirur. of tho home, Calendar Clerk John I.atourctte, nnd Journal Clerk Oeorge Ncuner. It will take another two weeks to straight en out tho tangles. Tho law allows 20 days for tho work. Russia Expects Austria Will Invade Sorvla In Fortnight. St. Petersburg, Fob. 20. Tho pes simism wiin regard to tna uniKnn cri sis Is steadily increasing In diplomatic circles, where it is believed .that Aus tria's action against Sorvla may bo expected within a fortnight unless a solution to thu present grave problem Is soon arranged. Foreign ofllco officials stato that Ituosla is not disposed to consider an invasion of Sorvla alono us n casus belli, but thuro is fear that tho gov efVment'n hand may bo forced by pop ular fouling. The beginning of hostil ities will throw thousunds of Russian volunteers Into tho Servian ranks, Elgin Excllad Over Ootd. Klgln Elgin Is excited over tho ill. covory of gold nbout four miles from town. Somo sand taken from thu well of W. W. Slon wos assayed at llakor City nnd It showed $ir a ton In gold. This well wos dug 10 or 12 yearn ago, nml tho presenco of gold was not known. Thirty years ago gold was found In the vicinity of, Mlstourl hol low, but did not provo n paying assay, It is now throught that tho entiro strata of sand covering that valley runs ncn wiin goid, Error Appears In Port Dill, Salom The Ileon port bill, provid ing for tho establishment of ports sim ilar to the Tort of Portland, has n anrt of doublo shuflle provision relative to thd operation of tugboat service by such ports when they nro organized. As tho bill was introduced it provided that tho ports woultl havo tho ower to "establish, maintain nnd operate" tug. boats. As tho bill was enrolled It pro vided that tho ports had the right to "abolish, maintain nnd oporato" such a service. To Reduce Insurance Rales. Uokor City To readjust and lnwnr liro insurance rotes Frank Sinker, S. 0. Jewett and Volney Seebeck, repre senting tho coaHt board of flro under, writers, were hero last week. They Inspected tho city wuter plant and flro dopartment nnd pronounced thorn satis factory. Rainfall Qladdens Fsrmors. Pendleton With tho normnl nmnunt. of rainfall for this season of tho year rucuivuu ami wiin oincr conditions fa- EXTRA SESSION NECESSARY. Dlundor Killt Dill Appropriating, Money for Stale Intlltullorit Salem- A sH'clnl session of the Ore gon legislature will bo necessary, or sutihto hill No. 2fil, n bill appropriat ing $.1(i0,000 for Improvement nt nUt, Institutions will fall to become n law. Owing to Irregularities tho bill was not legally passed, nml Is Invalid. T, sH'olnl session, If called, will merely pass the hill In the form In which it was Intended to be passed by the .. slon Just closed. No special session has been cnlln.1 nnd none will bo tiiilrss 20 members of tho senate ami 40 members of thehouto signify their willingness to come to Bnlnn for n special session without ex ieiite tn the stnte. This decision was reached at n conference between (iov rrnor Chamberlain, President llowrr mnn, Senkur McArthur and Senator Kny, Scnntor Kay has umlertaksn ti get the members to agree to come and believes he can do so. Few Chsnget In Election Laws. Salem The election nnd rrgtra tlon laws were little tnmxTrd with by tho legislature, Many change wero proMMifd, but practically the only ones enacted Into law wero those nulhorU Ing tho reglttrntlon of voters while they nro outside the state and an amendment to tho registration law providing that the ostol!1ce address of the voter shall Ins noted. Under tho Nottingham bill It will be olble for Oregon's senators and congressmen to forward their registration cards ft Washington nnd have thnlr namm entered without traveling across tho continent, ami all of those tompotanly absent from the state can register by absent treatment, provided they are well enough known where they must se cure tho nrcetsary nllldavlts, CoIIsrs for Pentilston, Pendleton This city is to Do tho homo of n Junior college, If the pretrnt plans of tho lioard of trustees of the Pendleton Academy materialize. In nddltlon to extending the course of study so that students can be carried tho first twu years of a regu lar college course It Is planned to In crease the endowment fund to $100, 000. Pendleton academy Is a Prctby terlan school nml Is the only one which the denomination Is attempting to, maintain in this part of the state. Drechca Fills Low Lands. Marshfleld Tho dredger Oregon, which Is being operated In Coos bay, Is doing good work. The dredging nro beg used to fill the low places In the city. A jortlon of Front street, which was before slmnly a planked bridge, has been filled In ami a largo tract of land along the street In tho north part of tho city, which wn formerly cover rd by the tldo wntcr, has been brought to grade, 35 Hortat Doughl, North Powder-Twenty-elght horsriB nt$I00 each, tho second lot bouuht hero by Cato K. Prescott nml II. Iti.l. well; nnd seven more, purchased by C. Todd of Pendleton, at $100 to $212.60, nil up to tho requirement for United States cnvalry service, wero accepted and by the Inspectors nnd ihltitMil a riv days ago. PORTLAND MARKETS. Whcat-Illuettem, $1.10; club, $1.03 Ml. 01: rod Iluaslnn, HoCl.Ol; valley, $l.0l. Ilnrloy Fcttl, $28ii28.fi0 per ton. Oats-No. 1 whlt, $3CetaC.C0 Inn. Hny Timothy, Willamette valley, fl3GPlf5 Has tern Oregon, $ICfttl8: clover, $ 1 2 13; alfalfa, $HjClG; grain hny, JIHfifU; cheat, $13.B0ji 14.C0; vetch, $13.C0GC14.60. Potatoes -?1.2C per hundred: sweet potatoes, 2kc pound. Onions --Oregon, $2 tier hundred. vegetables Turnips, $1.26 sack; carrots, $1; parsnips, $1.05; beets, 4)1.60; horseradish, 10c pound; nrtl chokes, $lfy(1.26 dozen; nspnrngus, 16c pound; cabbage 3(ii3 J, c pound; beans, 25c; cnullllowor, $2 per crate; celery, $I.C0 crate; parsley, 30c tloren; pcos, ICclb.; radishes, 30c doren ; splnnch, 2o lb. ; sprouts, 10c lb.; smiatb, 2J,c. Applos-7GcC($2.75 box. Iluttor City creiiniory, extras, ilflc; fancy outside cronmory, 32r(t34u; store, J820c. (Ilutter fat prices nverogo 1 H cents per pound under rmmlnr hut. i i - tur prices, j Kggo-Orogon ranch, 21f(22Jtfcdor. Poultry Hoiih, IGfifilOo; broilers, ", iryors, lomzuc; roostcro, old, 110CI2q; young, H&filGo; ducks, 20(( ..;, ki-vbu, me; uirKoyH, 18(i20c. Venl Lxtro, 0G(U0o pound; t inn, minis; uenvy, oc. Pork-Fancy, Oc lb; largo, 8QlSkc Citttlo Uest steers, $6.25(it6.60; metllum, $4.6001:5! common. r,nir,i i cows, best, $4Ctl.25j medium, $2.26i0 3.75; calves, $1010. 0Q0 ordl- rrr'n" nHt wethers, $0; medium, SBfifB.GO; mixed ahoop, $3.60ftfG,25; vornblo the farmer,, of Umatilla county iwV$5M6 60, lain! M 76 nro contented. Tho prospects for houvt UaZ 1 tuV .AT0''0', iiiUDUULiit inr iwiiiirts iimsu . nn,.t .., yields wero never bntlor' " en r ,"""' Ulf.80J medium, $0.2G(tf0,G0. t