The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 24, 1909, Image 8

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Here's a Snap
For Sale
0NK of the finest ranches in
Central Oregon. 160 ncrcs
of land, all level; 60 acres in cul
tivation; 14 acres in clover; all of
this place con be cultivated when
cleared; plenty of water to irri
gate all of the place; 6-rooin
house all painted; barn 2ixiS
with shed on both sides 14 feet
wide good chicken house and
other out building; small or
chard; good school within one
half mile; local and longdistance
telephone in house. A snap if
taken soon. Price, $30 per acre;
half cash, balance on time.
For further particulars address
Tin; BumrriN, Bend, Or.
J DtltMtttfut tlnM fat Paarrfs-r,
Jmparlt rmr aafrncaa, aatjr ana!
dl(rac (A ttrtn. Ithrugh In.
rlUI It U m nrct ltf t n(y,
rHmtnlng A rnvmt sf n, wlntt
anal time. JCIImln fan, nbmm,
fNtHfii allawa anal tmpwrft
tiaa 9f Ma. Cmihih a dainty
cliAffa attar Jt-cfatlrat It .
Panel 80 CT. 0RI.(T MIC AT 0tflT
Mr. and Mrs. L. U. Reynolds
arrived in Bend last night from
Alaska, and may make their future
home here. Mr. Reynolds is a
business man, but has bought land
in the vicinity of the Ten-Bar ranch
and expects to become a tiller of
the soil.
The religious services which have
been conducted at this place during
the past two weeks by Rev. Moore
of Prineville, closed last Sunday
evening. Rev. Moore is a power
ful and convincing speaker, much
interest having been manifested at
hi meetings. While here Rev.
Moore made many lasting friends
whose best wishes will follow him
wherever be eoes, and if in the
, future he should come back here
he will find a warm welcome await
ing him. Silver Lake Leader.
Bishop Paddock will be ia Bead
to hold services betk morniag and
evcaiflg on next Sunday, at n and
7:30 o'clock. Monday evening he
will give an iateresting talk de
scriptive of his travels, after which
mere will be held an informal re
ception and it is desired that all
present . shall meet the bishop.
Tuesday evening services will again
be held, and possibly on Wednes
day evening also. The services
will be held in the Baptist church
and all are cordially invited to at
tend. Were you fortunate enough to
hear the open air concert given by
the Bend band last Sunday after
noon? During the afternoon they
discoursed sweet music from the
porch of the Pilot Butte Inn. By
the way, the band is receiving a
lot of well deserved compliments
these days, and tbey have certainly
made rapid progress during the
past month under the instruction
of F. F. Smith. There is consider
able new blood in the band, and
several of the young lads of the
town are learning to play and wilt
soon take their place in the regular
band. It is reported that among
these young fellows there is some
very good material for a band, and
one or two of them arc showing
marked talent in the musical line.
Pneumonia Follows La Grlppa.
Pneumonia often follow U grippe but
neer follows the use of lJolcv' llonev
and Tar, for lagrlppe couch ami deep
seated colds. Refute any but the ircnu-
ine in the jellow package. -Ilcud Drug
Applications for (lrazlne Permit.
Nutlet It lictvliy Hlttn that all application, for
ltintta to rl callle, ItoriKt, ami thrtiiulth
mthtCAhCADlt NATIONAL lOHIiHT .liitliiu
thetaMiiuflii9,)mit ttUtt In my oMcc ai
full Information In rvgaixl tu lite grailim'trta lu
tw chartnl ami lilatik forma to I uttM (it ttuk
lK application will lie litrttWIitri upon idiunl
flMnio CIA'DK H SKIT utvlor
UiiIIhI Suit Land Office
The tktllra, tmron, Vtb, 1, w
Notice It hmby ttvvn thai Hit Male of Orciou
hat Bird In thttotllce lit application, Hcrtal No.
oijio tu telrct under the urovl.lout of the Act uf
CvncitMuf AUKutt If, iM and the Aitt tupple
menUtjr thmtu, the 8K M NK V and lot i of
ttec I Tu MS.. K to !.. WllUinrttr Mettdlau
Any and all pertont clalinlnir adtetttly the
landtdrKittorf. or ilraltlmr to object tiecauae of
the tnlnttal character of the land, or for why
other reaton, to the ditpotal to applicant thould
file their aoVlavttaof promt In thttottlce. on or
before the Mth day of Mart t, I
C. W
kli, Kealtter
The Same (Mil Story.
A very sad death is reported from
the Alvord country in the south end
of Harney county. It appears that
Henry Miller Nickle, aged 33 years,
a grandson of the millionaire cattle
and land owner, started on horse
back Irotn toe Alvord lancn on
Sunday, February 7, aud was found
on the following Thursday frozen
to death and almost covered with
snow, about 10 miles eastward from
the ranch.
Young Nickle was somewhat wild
and bis parents sent him up to this
country from San Francisco to keep
him away from city influences. On
the Sunday mentioned he started
from the Alvord ranch on horse
back, having a quantity of liquor
in ins possession. lie wandered
away from the road about five miles
and evidently became lost on the
desert. It is supposed he dismount
ed and his horse got away from
him, when he lay down and was
later partially covered by the drift
ing snow. Sunday night turned
very cold, and be perished by ex
posure. Such is the short, sad
story. Burns News.
Department of the Interior,
V 8. land Olfiva at The Dallra, Oregon,
December l)th, lyo.
Notice It hereby Riven that
Cora Jones,
of tTlneeiltr. Oregon, who. on Norember sth,
l, made Timber and Stone Application, iWttal
No.oiTA.fgr.NKM and vl HU rWe, .
Tp. 17 ft , H it K , W M hat B1..1 notice of In.
tentlon to make Final Tlmler aud Mont lluuf,
to cttnbltth claim to the land above dncrlbnl,
before II C MUt, Uultrd Mulct Cutmnlaalourr.
at hit office, at Belli, urrou, on the jrd day of
March, lyof. '
Claimant name at llneuci Joarph N.
Hunter and William It Wait tor ixud, ttreion.
Joel A. Klllolt ami Mary a litllolt of Ktlutviltr,
djfl r. W MOOKIi.
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Laud Offlce. LakeTiew, Otecon,
January il. 1909.
A tulficlrnt eontril afntlatli ham Wn m-t
In IbU ollkx by W L- Kubrrttun, contr.tmit,
aaafntt bometlead etitrv Nu. ttt flutist Mm
oj). mtde Keb. ;. lyoi, lorlt" Bit . NW Jf
WQ. HW UMHK, i U. Tp MS g. II If.
by 1-iaiik A Abbott, cuntcttrc, in which II Hal
legetl that Mid entryman hat abandoned all hit
rlfht. title and Iniemt under aaM entry. In
tnii. that he bat uot nnc Juue iv. or auy time
- -" wiuimru wiin ine nomeAieau
Uwtol the t'nllrd Malrt, with trltrcuce lu
euncr reuueuce. cuitiralion or Improvement,
but on tlw cvutrary htt at above tlatnl,
alandoned Mhl entry, an it wholly
neglected to retklc cullivale or Im
prove landt cuverrd tiy aaM eulry That takt
enlryman died on or about the th day or June,
?A. leaving no knuwu hrirt, and that tald at
leged abwiice Irum MHl Uml wat nut due to hit
employment In the Army Navy er Marine Curua
of the United SUtct at a private tobllrr. olDrer,
eaman or marine during the war with Mpaln or
during any other war in which the Uulted Matet
may be engaged.
nam parurt arc hereby notified to appear, re-
pond and offer evidence touching uU allrgalion
alio o clock a m on March 11, iy. before
u wen, u R, Commlloncr tl SI ter fke
orerou, and that nutl hearing will be hrlu at
te o'clock a m on March '?. im, before the
Regltter and Receiver at the Culled Male Land
OOice In Lakevlcw Urvgnu.
The aald conltttnt having, lu a proper aftdt.
vlt filed January . iyoj. l forth Ucla which
thow that after due diligence penoual tervlccof
thit notitw can not be made. It it hereby ordered
and directed that tuch notice be given by due
and proper publication
0-mio J N WATSON. Rrgiilrr.
If you will send $1.50 for a year's subscription to THE BEND BULLETIN
cash with order, vc will give you, absolutely free, a full paid-up year'ii
subscription to
The right person will not know
that you want to buy it. or care
whether you want to sell it, unless
you advertise.
Hoarac coughs ami ttufljr cold that
may develop into pneumonia over night
re quickly cured br I'oler't Honey and
Tar, and it soothe Inflamed membranes,
heals the lungs, and expels the cold
from the systen. Bend Dnu; Co.
Several new subscribers for The Bulle
tin this week. We want you next
When You Faint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at the
least expense you
should use
She win- Williams
W L JaaWaPPrMlaBaH
Call for
color cards
-g HAVE started up for
business in the Dunn
Blacksmith Sliop, and re
spectfully solicit a share
of your patronage. Satis
faction guaranteed in
Horseshoeing and
General Repairing
In the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon far
uitck vuuniy.
The Central Orrjoo Iltnklnc and Trua Com.
yujt naimiu,
A. D. Katebenet, KatleC Idlcbentt, and A. C
Lucaa, IMfcndantt.
By virtue of an eiecntlna and ordir of sale
laaucd out ofthe abuve entltlnl Court on the itl
Uay of February, iuo, in favor of the above
named ruintin. and attaint! the above named
Defendants for the aunt of W 4a. wlih Inlerrtt
thereon at the rale ot to jier cent per annum tlnce
July Mth. ly-A. and fis-oo attoruey'a fret and op.m a liulginrnt rendered In aald
Court on the iyih day ot Icceuiber, irt, aud
whereat It tvaalurther ordered and decreed by
theConrt that the followluf drtcribeil morl
rt jed frowty to-wlt Lot hcven ?) of block
Ten (jo) in the Cllyofllend, Crook County. Ore
ton, be auid by Ihc bberllf of Crook County, Oie
ion, at under Kxccutlon
notice la nereuy (iven thai In ohedlenre to
aaia execuilou ana order or aale. I Mill on Thute-
day, the 4th day of March. 107. at the hour ol
one o'clock In the aflrrnoon of tald day, at the
front door of the Court Houte in the Cltr of
fTincvtlle, In Crook County. Orcrn, tell at pub
lic auction to the bl(hcti bidder fur cath, all the
nihl. title, and Interett of aaid Defcndanlt. A. II.
Katebenet and Katie O lUtclienel. In and to aald
mortgaged preiuitc above dcacriWd. lo aalitfy
id Judgment and Interett and Atterncv'a fret
and coat and coat of tale
Dated thla latdayof I'ebruanr, igno.
Hberiffof Crook County. Oregon.
C S. Di'.NgOM.
Attorney for IltlnlllT
Flrtt Ittue Feb , I'm. Latt Ittue March J, 1909.
fHlmrnr vawaralF BHaWBaaf MMaEaaaaa
HreaKjavy MaaaaarttaaaalasBB 9& aetfittM
iraiiK JBw 1. "4 1. aatflat 1 Bl'
'-afrnr W M eSaaSBBnw Sa HaWraTaiaaTTM
SBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaL aawSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
THE BULLETIN Is offering these pictures as an Inducement to secure
new subscribers. They are fine reproductions of noted paintings, and arc
printed in the original colors.
One of these ha picture, ox n ua inches, of the martyred Lincoln! one is a suneib nfelure of
W TrtatilrtrTaa itint t rl't'ftP ItJa) f C ft !. nil 111 fsflaaa, 1 awaft, I ataaaaai nLl.ta- a. C l..f- - 1 -!. .
ihuijiii(,iuu uw .w-v. wviv wv.1 i'uuimmvu, wiiw i.i u lien 1'iwtuic ui im an j;aaicr picture
W.H.HEWES Ui,9te.
A Full Um t Qrecerhe, Dry
Qfoda and Hardware always h
A. F. & A. M.
Meets on Thursday on or
before the full moon of each
month, Visitine brothers.
always welcome.
e. A. 0A8T, Bacy. F. O. MINOR, W. M,
The Pioneer Telegraph
and Telephone Company
Telegrams Porwarded to Any Part
of the World.
Tef There Ctnmunl catln
with Portland, Prineville and all
Pacific Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
In Panic UuldinK at Bend, at Laid,
law and Powell Duties,
Messenger service to auy part of
Crook County south of Crooked
entitled "Follow Me." This picture is n wonderful one. None other of Christ is so nppealinj:.
certainly will waut one of these pictures if you ever sec it.
With all cash'in'ndvance subscriptions received from now to Jan. 15, FOUR handsome pictures.
With all subscriptions received between Jan. 15 and Feb. 15, THRUIJ pictures.
With all Mibscriptions received between Feb. 15 to March 15, TWO pictures.
With all subscriptions received between March 15 nud April 15, ONU picturcthnt of Christ,
And with the four pictures, you get a year's subscriptfou to TIIU BUND BUIXKTIN and
Farm and Fireside.
What Is Farrn and Fireside?
It is not enough that I'arm and l'lreslde lias stood in the front rank of farm papers for the latt thirty yean: it Is
not enough that It has barred all questionable advertisements from Its columns anlVurnlcc every advertisement it
accepts; farm and fireside lias got to do more than tbat, and It is going 1 do lot more than tluti It is goiim to give
to the farmer and Ilia family the very best of practical and helpful material that money can buy. U It is about iiollilim
more Important than a jxwt driver, It's going to 1 be told by a man v,ho can make a post driver letter than hi ran do
any one other thing. We re go tig Jo carry this utility Idea through the whole farm and Into the kitchen door, where
the farmer's wife needs labor-saving helps aud practical suggestions just as much as the men folks.
...,!!'.!! P'rV"rlr'ki"K.r.?.PLl0"' ,""'!.??"' ?!!? " Pfe". ,''' " -tl.l of Interest
ui, n.m,iiiuiw..., Kiu, ri iiwiin iivo mi niiu mo cuii i auoru' ciast.
I'arm and FimMe lias twelve o fllteen departments covering e,ery pliate of farm and home life. Among them
re Live Slock and Dairy, Gardening. Poultry, l'rtiil Growing, CooUliig,1l'a.hlons. Young t'enple, etc. It prints 30 to
3 vatttt each issue. We can afford the best, simnlv Ucaute wo lielieie ilia linn 1111 . r,.- ,1.. 1 ... .' ... 1. ..."
lave demonstrated our ability to give It to him. ' " "w "" WB
you will una i'arm ami I'liesiae better than it Hat ever been thought possible to make a farm and family paper.
Hr k a xInUr for you- Two WMks ago Th Bulletin
gave its rsaJfs
BlIaTaf aBftliillt " Pn II 1 1 IT" '
of ratMsfag aattr; tha week before, 35 columns. What
other HP" n tlw county gives even kdf a much? '
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