.I !! I 'I ' " V ( ( ( ( ( ( . 'iy5vi9vi?'5vSv?vWr5v c ( ( ( ( ( ( What is a Good Store? Kvcryboily lini their own idea of wlint a "rooiI More" really is. I wnut to tell you wlml I tliluk aUnit it mid kcc how near I can come to your Ideu. A GOOD STOKE In one tlmt buys the right goods mid will tlicin nt u rcnionnblc profit a store that Mauds ready to cheerfully correct uny mlv takes that may happen and will refund the money nt once on nil purchases that nrc not satisfactory and do it without grumbling. A GOOD STORK Is n store that looks out for trifles UcaiiM. "Trifles Make Perfection and Perfection fa no Trifle." A GOOD STORE is a store thnl is kept neat nnd clean the stocks well arranged and in order the goods marked' in plain figures and ONI! I'KICK made to all. A GOOD SToRE is one where the clerks are prompt to attend to your wants arc courteous nnd K)litc at all times and arc ready aud wil ling to show you the goods. This is my idea of what makes a good store and thU is the way I try to run my store. I would like to have you tell me what you would do if you tried to run "A GOOD STOKU." : ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( M ( ( ( ) A. M. The Big Store ) :) S LOCAL BITS. A. M. Drake will go to Portland on business the last of this week. Klwood Roberts of near Sisters was over to attend the dunce Mon day. Ilrostcrhous Hroi. have begun work on W. H. Stouts' fine new bungalow. Joe Huckhol. returned Friday night from u visit at the old home In the Uait. New baritone nnd alto horns have been purchnbed recently by the baud boys. Grover Cnldwell of Rostand was one of the dancers at the big barn dance last Monday. I.. II. McCanu has leased, for a year, the Sherwood farm one mile northeast of Iieud. The D. I. & I'. Co. construction camp has recently Iwen moved to near the old Ileudricksnn place on the Prineville road. Aliout 30 men nre now employed In the crew. WOOD FOR. SALE BLOCK WOOD $4.00 Per Card, Delivered. LIMB WOOD $3.50 Per Cord, Delivered. Phone Me. r. M, CAfcTER.. i 1 l i : 1 5 : 5 : j j J j f) ) ) m m j LARA oi the Corner Mr. and Mrs. O'Kourk of Ros tand were in attendance at the barn warming Monday evening. We handle the geuufuc A. A. Cutter shoe.". Send to us for your size. l'oiorim & Hvnit, Prlnevllle. Mrs. Herring his purchased the Steele property oil Wall street now occupied by her with her bakery. (j. l'. and led Meeker were among the I.aidlaw delegation at the barn warming Monday evening. The Whatsoever!) will meet next Tetisday afternoon with Mrs. H. C. Hills. Work and Important busi ness. Our spring suits have arrived. We will be pleased to scud you one on approval. I'osthk & IIviw, Prineville. .(8-5 1 R. M. Ulder aud family are mov ing on to their ditch laud east of Demi, after speudlng the fall and winter in town. Geo. Hobbti was among the ranchers in Betid on ' business yes tcrdny, and reports that he Is busy with the spring plowing, The family of Win. Reynolds came In lust week from L Grande and have joined Mr. Reynolds on his lnud northeast of Bend. Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes are sold by the one up to date cloth ing house In Crook comity, at Fos ter & Hyd.-'s, Prineville. 48-51 r t-. ittit .Tr-tt.ii;.: l'otey'o Oritm Laxntlvo cure consti pation and lier trouble nnd make the UtweU healthy and reeuUr. Orlno U suiierior to nma ami tnbieta aj tt does not grlrmor imiuente. Why thluij else? Dciul Drue Co. take any A small crop of trout flics were outt along the Deschutes at nnd near Mend during the past few days nnd the trout have been "jumping." A. I). Unlnes left Thursday morning for Kugcne to look over- that hustling city aud sec how he likes it there. The family will re main in fiend. Milt and Klwood Roberts were in town last Saturda) attending to business matters. It Is understood that they will move to Dend soon from their fine ranch in the Gist section, I nta now ngent for the De Laval cream separator, and have one of these machines iir stock. Step in and examine it. They arc a great convenience nnd money saver for the dairyman. Ii.A. Satiikv. 21K A. Ilarrym.in has given a con tract to Henry Hedges for the building of a house on Mr. Harry man's land two miles cast of Iteiid on the Prineville road. The build ing will be a five room house, 38x32. Work on J. II. Wcnandy's new barn is progressing with due dili gence, and Mr. Wenandy cxcts to be able to move in during the coining week. As the plans showed, as given in The Bulletin a few weeks ago, the barn will be one of the largest and best in Ccntial Oregon. L. II. Charles nnd C. W. Rice were in Bend last Thursday on their way to Newberg from their homes in the Port Rock country. They report that a large number of set tlers arc moving into thut section nnd taking up homesteads, and state that practically all the land about the Rock will be taken up this spring. A Mr. Long of Tacoma has been in the Bend country during the past week looking over thin section. He has traveled over a larpe part of Washington and Idaho looking (or a country in which to locate, and says that the lkud country suits him better than anything he has seen. He plans to move here aud make his home. J. N. Hunter has suggested that clltions be circulated through the various towns of this section and many nignatuics secured thereto, said petition being addressed to the Oregon delegation in congress and asking them to use their influence to secure the approval of Harri- man's right of way maps on the Deschutes. If Harrimau is bluff ing, this action might show his hand; and if he intends to make good, the Oregon delegation might be able to hurry up the approval of the maps. The petition idea is a good one. Prauk Orcutt and his mother re turned Thursday evening from spending the fall and winter at Payette, Idaho. That is a great fruit section and Mr. Orcutt says large sums of money are being made from orchards thereabouts. He picked fruit for one man who sold 7,300 boxes of apples from a nine acre orchard, nnd the proprietor claimed tbnt he cleared $3.00 a box ou the crop, or a profu of $14,600 from nine acres. Mnny believe tbnt the Bend country will produce as fine whiter apples as ate grown anywhere when our orchards come Into bearing, mid the above gives hugs TfltS one a fair idea what Bend country land will be worth when that time comes. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Heyburu are moving onto their up-river home stead this week. T. W. Trlplctt was sick in bed eight days with la grippe but is up anr1 about again. Judrfc and Mrs. Kills were at J.aidlaw Tuesday taking depositions In the case of Gerkinu vs. Laid law. I,. B Warner, a cousin of Klracr Niswongcr, arrived last Friday from the Hast for nn extended stuy in these parts. J II. Kellcy reports that II. H. Davies is laid up with rheumatism at I,o Angeles, where be went several weeks ago ou u mid-winter outing. Henry Hedges recently sold n loo-loot lot in Lytic o J. M. Dob bins for $550. It is understood that Mr. Dobbins plans to put up a houitc on the lot soon Mr Hedges ulo sold an adjoining 50-foot lot to J nines Brecu, consideration $250. Miss Katie Duusmorc has accept ed a position ij stenographer with the D. I. & P. Co. in Bend. The Prineville Review ays: "She will be greatly missed by her larpc cir cle of you iik friends here, with whom she was deservedly popular." The Bend Drug Corntany, com posed of two or three local business men, took over the Merrill drug store Monday, and the business is now in charge of J. D. Davidson nnd T. W. Trlplctt. The Bulletin wishes the new firm success, and there is no d mbt that it will be given a liberal patronage. Mrs. Henry Hedges has been called to Plaiufkld. III., by the serious illness of her only brother, Geo. W. Plagg, who is not expect ed to live. A Plaiuview paper re cviitly printed a cut of Mr. Plagg and. told about his giving to his two sons, the first of the year, a valu able Gio-acrc stock farm worth close to f 100,000. He has considerable other procrty and is rated as a very wealthy man. Last Monday night the residence of Prank Kulp was burned at Mad ras with everything that the house coutained. Their loss includes an expensive piano and everything that they had, leaving them only the clothes that they were wearing at the time. Mr. Kulp was in Bend aud Mrs. Kulp was at a dance when the fire occurred. Mr. Kulp is a brother of Mrs. J, II. Wcuandy, and he and his wife were in Bend for some time last summer. The Bend band have the work cut out for them uow of raising the .salary for their new instructor, K. C. Thorne, formerly of Myrtle Point. They plan to give n dance in Lara hall on the evening of March 17, und of course nre verv desirous that there be a liberal at tendance. In view of the fact that the town is assured one of the best bauds in Central Oregon, it is only fair tha.t the people turn out and patronize the boys liberally, A common remark at the barn warmlm: Monday night was that Mr. Wenandy would be culled up on frequently for the tine of his loft in which to hold a dance. He said it could undoubtedly be arranged a;t certain times of the year to use the loft for a dunce or two by al lowing the supply of buy on hand to run low suy, just letore harvest and then clean out the center of the Imn, which would leave a fine large hall in which to dunce. t'otey'a Honey and Tar clean the air ruuuies, to the irritation hi the thtoat.'toothctthe Inflamed membranes, and the most obstinate conli ilUaptKarJ Sore and Inflamed lung are healed and sttciiKtheiied, and the cold la expelled from the aVktem, Refute any but the kitenulne in the yellow package. Ueml Drug Co It Shines Here. We knew d man once who said he remembers his father saying he knew n man who remembers when the bun shone. It is hard to believe all you hear. Coos Bay Harbor. Better come over to the Bend, couutry. When You Need Modern, Neat and Servlcable Furniture. Call Seeds That Grow! THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT AND THAT'S WHAT I'VK GOT. THKRKPORK. BUY OP Ml!. A LAKGK SUPPLY ON HAND OP GOOD CLKAN Alfalfa, Clover and Timothy Seal. ALSO A PULL LINK OP GARDEN SKKDS. Something to Make the liens Lay. That would mean money in your pocket. Mr l'oultrymati, nt the prevailing price ol egK In thla acction. I'KHSI! G HOUND OR I'. KM IIONH AND bltHI.I. will increate the number of egK yon "harvest" dally. I hate the ground bone and tliell for aale. S. C. CALDWELL. BendShaniko Livery S Stage Company J. II. WENANDY, Prop. M. Olvln, Agent, Shaniko New Covered Stages between Bend and Shaniko ALSO Livery and Feed Stables at Shaniko, Madras ami Bern). Wc run our rigs to please the public. Stages leave each way every day. Rigs to all parts of Central Oregon. Careful drivers- furnished Special Attention Given to Express and B?t3gage. The Central Oregon Banking (8b Trust Company Itend, CAPITAL $25,000 FULLY PAID. 3 and 4 per cent. Interest paid on Six Months and One Year Time Deposits. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS JViassachusetts JVlutual Life Insurance Company ANNUAL DIVIDENDS Nearly 300 SATISFIGD Policyholders in Crook County. I 3-45 h " M'NOk. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tabla alwaya aupplied with the beat that the town afford. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bund, OruGON HENRY L. WHITSETT Horse Shoeing and General Bfacksmtthing WAO.ON AND PLOW WORK First Class Work Guaranteed. I.orxlfil in tin nM Shelitnn shoo. Registered Stock H Poland H 0 Chinas 0 Q Duroc 0 S Jerseys S Black LaiiKslian Chickens. E. C. PAIK, RedmonU.Or. on MILLARD TRIPLETT DEND, ORfKJON Oregttn. Kcsident Auent JOHN LEQAT DKAtRK IN Harness and SaUcUery Trunks and Valises Repaired Dcsckutes Lodge No. 113 Knights of Pythias Renular meeting lhj occotul and ftmrtU Wednesdays of each month. Vli'ltnj; knights alwaya welcome. Ciias. I Hkqwn, C, C. Cius. I). Rowit K. R, & s. SJaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaflaHflaf W& WSHRMX