The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 24, 1909, Image 4

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"Fr tvery aw a square steal, no
IeM and no mere."
Six tnontht-
Thrtt months-
(TaTtrUblr In idnMt.)
. Jo
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24, 1909.
x Think Tbk Over.
The Bulletin would call the at
tention of its readers to a display
ad. on this page that states some
facts in regard Xp advertising. The
"question is often asked, "Who pays
the expenses necessary for exten
sive advertising?" Some have the
mistaken notion that the cost of
. advertising is ultimately paid by
the buying public.
That is an erroneous idea. In
fact, it is generally the rule that
better and cheaper goods can be
bought at the store that advertises. ,
The chief purpose of advertising is
to make quick sales and to create
new business. Every merchant
desires to "turn" his stock just as
many times as possible. Here's an
example in point: A merchant in
vests a dollar in augur. He sells
that dollar's worth of sugar and
makes a profit, say, of 20 cents.
He invests the same dollar immedi
ately in another dollar's worth of
sugar, and sells it again at another
profit of 20 cents. Thus it is seen
that the oftener he "turns" or sells
that dollar's worth of sugar, the
greater becomes his profit. Bnt if
that sugar remains unsold in bis
store, he is .making no profit what
ever, and the capital invested is ly
ing idle. Well, then, if you were a
merchant, wonldn't you rather sell
the sugar five times at a profit of
20 cents on each sale (or a dollar
profit oa the five sales) than to sell
it OBce at a profit of say 40 cents
on the sale?
Right there is where the value of
advertising comes is. Tbe mer
chant, by up-to-date, judicious ad
vertising, induces xork people to
buy of him, and be thus can sell
his goods cheaper and yet make
more profit on a year's business
than the man who docs not adver
tise. Tbe advertiser makes a little
profit on each of many sales; the
non-advertiser makes his profit on
a few sales by charging more for
each item.
Thus it is that the advertising
merchant invariably sells cheaper
then the non-advertiser. And thus
it is that tbe advertising merchant
makes a bigger profit than the non
advertiser. Isn't there a lesson
here both for Bend merchants and
for the buying oublic?
InkHass From Qsst.
Gist, Feb. . Prd Wetee killed so
hoes one day lut wreck, and hat 13 more
to kill, ot which he will make bacon.
These hogs drtsstd about 150 poumls
Newton Cobb has sold hi fine ranch
in the Clorerdale eountty to a party
whose name we did not learn. We are
informed tbe price received wa f 7,500.
There arrived at tbe borne of Mr.
Chas. Wiley, on the 19th, a baby boy.
Mother ami babe doing nicely. Dr. Coe
in attendance.
Mr. and Mr. C I Citt have been on
tbe tick list tbe hut week with laRtippe.
C L. says it wm a hard dose to take, but
directions said take it.
The meetings bcioc. held at the school
house at Gist are proRrrwlnj nicely.
Frank Zumwalt and wife of Redmond
were visiting in and around Sisters last
Mr. Coyote will hare to look ont now.
ilis scalp is worth f
Alex Smith and Rny Foster passed
tqroQRh here Saturday on their way to
Bend, returning Sunday.
C R. Klnger, the leweler, 1060 Vir
ginia Are., Indianapolis, Ind., writes. "I
was so weak from kidney trouble that I
could hardly walk a hundred feet. Pour
bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared
uiy complexion, cured my backache and
the irreeularities disappeared, and I can
now attend to business every dar. and
recommend Foler' Kidney Remedy to
all sufferers, as it cured me after the doc
tor and other remedies bad failed,
Bend Drug Co.
Pleasant RWr Notes.
TLKASAJiO PiriOK. Feb. 33. A large
amount of clearing Is being done this
spring, much more than that of last
There are a number of hotbed now in
A number of our farmers are sending
to outside places for their clover and al
falfa seed this spring. They seem to be
getting it for 14 and IS cents per pound
laid down here.
Bora, to Prof, and Mrs. Ward Harra
der at Cline Falls, on February Jo, a
girl. Mother and babe doing nicely.
Miss Fern Hall, who hat been teaching
over in tbe Bear Creek country for the
past three months, is now home for a
short vacation, after which she will re
turn for another fonr months' term.
Mr. Eaton, who has been spending the
winter with his daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Chase, has now re
turned to California.
The lUg Barn Warming.
The barn warming at J. H. Wo
nandy's new barn Monday evening
was a most successful affair. While
the crowd could have been larger,
yet there was a fair number of
dancers in attendance, and as b
usual with Bend dances everyone
bad a good time. A number of
vbitors were present from Rosland,
Laidlaw and Sisters, and other sur-
roaadiag points. There was pten
ty of room for the dancers, the
floor was a good one considering
that it wasa t built for a dance ball,
the Bend band discoursed tbe best
of good music, and the Ladies'
Library Club served most sattsly
in refreshments "lickin' good."
The Anarchists are to be congratu
lated on furnishing tbe people of
Bend and vicinity a most enjoyable
"Billy" Sunday's Hot Shot.
runusuKD nv kkqukst of
tsarsalMS' Is Ptsst
Tmj OsrOstr 4
FUllUf tkMld l U
.an m.rtu.f tint
SfsrUMta 0 rt .
specibl arris
wa wiii - Mtnmll oar
I lIlMklTaM
t ri- rn ! .
1 n.irn..i.f.T
I rM- blf Im - Si
I km. tmKHrtmm tMM bNM a
Ik. IS IvWka C
Write U,l Sm4 I Utp fl J, '
wtbif 4 mm IU - "fin 1 tJ4li. -
iniJtoMkH. Sitkfoni. Illinois
The following prices on Lumber will
be la effect after this date at our mill
Common Rough
Surfaced, Sized, and Shiplap
No. 2 Dressed -
No. 1 Dressed
Shingles, Best Quality
$ 12.00 per M
15.00 per M
22.50 per M
30.00 per M
3.50 per M
Terms Strictly Cash.
flie Iosland Lumber Company
Somebody says: What's the
difference between a game of check
ers and a game of cants?'
Just tfs much difference as be
tween heaven and bell. And from
the day a pack of cards were in
vented to satisfy the whims of an
idiotic king, down until now, they
haven't been used for much but
gambling, and that is about all they
are doing for this old world. Many
a boy has been inveigled into some
gambliug room; he breathe. the air
and listens to the click of the chips
and the rattle of the dice and of the
roulette wheel and the caller at faro
bank, and he is reminded of bb
home. My God, what n heritage
to bequeath to n boy, that he has to
go to n joint like that to remind
him of bb home, to stand out up
permost in hb mind! but too often
that is the way he is doing. Men
that have spent and are spendiug
their lives at these things tell us
that nine-tenths of all the gamblers
of today were taught to play cauls
in their homes and eight out often
were taught to play cards in the
homes of professing Christian peo
tilts Card IMaylng.
"I'll tell you what I have I have
more respect get it plain, get it
clear, now I have more respect for
an old hag who will bet her last
'sou' at Monte Carlo than I have
for those church members that pa
rade under the garb of respectabil
ity of church membership and sit
around in tleir homes and play
cards for prires just to lug them
home. I have more respect for the
gambler who will sit in a gambling
joint and buck a jackpot at 3 o'
clock in the morning, for be b a
gambler and professes to be noth
ing else, while you are just as much
a gambler as he b and you profess
to be a Christian. It doesn't make
any difference whether you play for
a twenty dollar gold piece, a cream
pitcher, a picture frame, or a cut
glass dish worth $20. It doesn't
make a whit's difference. You are
a gambler just the same, and you
ought to sleep in a calaboose with
the rest of the blacklegs, for you
are no better than they are.
Aa Insult to Church.
"I tell you, any man or woman
in the church or out of it, that
stands tip and defends cards, in the
face of a denunciation by a man
like that, by the eternal God, if I
was in a church I would get out of
it. I wouldn't disgrace the church
or insult God. You have more
than ordinary brass to stand up and
defend that cussed, damnable, dirty,
stinking thing when men who have
been pushed to the brink of hell
stand up and denounce it.
"The dance b the hotbed of im
morality. I unflinchingly, without
fear or favor, denounce the dance.
It isn't even an innocent amuse
ment. It is one of the greatest evils
on the face of this earth. The
dance b the cause of the downfall
of more girls than any other thing
thb side of the pit of hell today.
Men Dance for Hug.
"Most men dance for the bug.
They don't care auything about the
dance, it's tbe hug that goes with
it. And there isn't a man here to
night that has ever danced, that is
an honest man, that won't say that
is true. Any man is willing to ad
mit that it will do bb daughter no
harm to keep his daughter away
from a ballroom, while it may ruin
her to let her go. Are you a fath
er? Are you a brother? Do you
accompany your daughter or your
sister, and do you stand there and
watch her dance? When young fel-
fellows come up ask for her name
to be written on their lists, and you
stand there and see ber become a
partner of young bucks whom you
know are as rotten ns hell in their
life, and their names nte as com
mon on the lips of the girls in the
red light district as they are of the
society belles, ami they will spend two or
three iiIkIiIs a week In the arms of in
famy and then accompany your daughter
oil the ballroom floor to dance with
them? I)o you stand there ami tell tue
you don't see any harm in it? Then I'll
pass you up, You arc too low dowu for
Crusade for Everybody,
"tUncing Is limply a hugging match
set to music. Dancing is a sexual love
feast, and this crusade agaiutt It Is (or
everybody, not for the preacher, if I
thought 1 was the only man in Spokane
against thcte thine t would pack tii)
truuk and let the town go to hell, if I
had to think 1 was the nly one Inter
ested In the moral welfare of the com
munity; but I know thousands of people
in this town who are Intcrotrd in lis
moral welfare and who art working and
prajiug; ami 1 know another gang that
is doing all it can to damn the commun
ity. All citlicns In Spokane who are
interested in Iter moral welfare are III
favor of these meetings.
Only Fools Dance.
"You say: 'Mr. Sunday, I send my
daughter to a dancing school to learn tu
te graceful.' You are a big fool, I'ool.
You send her there to be disgraceful.
Alt right, scud her to a brothel to he
taught uritr. Send your boy to a sa
loon to be taught sobriety.
"You are a fool, girl, if you ever go on
a ballroom floor, and if any young buck
intuits your womanhood bv asking you
to go to a dance, knock him ilown. And
any man, in view of the tacts I flaih up
before him, who would ask a girl to go
to a dance, if it were my daughter, I'd
knock him down, I don't see how any
man that lias a streak of manhood iu
him, or has the good of girlhood at
heart, could ever ask a girl to compro
mise herself by requesting her to o to a
dance, even if she should escape with
her virtue. He won't do it if he is a
man. He is a brute if he would."
"Many a boy and girl trained in their
home by tbelr mother to abhor rants
have been ruined by going to board in
some good for nothing, no account, beer
drluklng, can! playing, dancing I'rcsby.
terisn family."
"Take the leg shows off the stage and
., ..Ill u1i.m ,!... ill t.. .t
leg show that attracts, not the drama."
"If some lobster would come around
and ask my daughter to go put buggy
riiling In a buggy at midnight I would
kick the scoundrel off the porch so quick
it would make his head swim. If the
buggies In these livery stables could talk
there would be something doing."
"If I had a boy who would loin a club
I woulil as soon put him in his coffin.
Nine out of every ten are nothing but
whisky drinking and card playing joints.
That's about all Uiey are "
"Don't Insult Jesus Christ or the hiith
and noble name of charity bv dravglng
11 into mat uiny nariot producing insti
tution called the dance."
"You net out on the floor and dance
and you have on an ahl-revUted costume
enough to make the squaw or the red
man of the plains have pneumonia. It's
enough to give a man a cold to look, but
ne (locsn'i catcti cold."
"If you dance because you like to
dance you can get just as much eierclse
with your arms around some old lobster
as you can witu tlicui around a girl."
"I want to see the color of the buck's
hair that can put bis arms around my
wife. I'm going to nioiiopolite that
hugging proposition myself."
Pacific Harse LMsjmi I prsfarta
txprtniyhr itunwUtftHamHtu
rssebflwa. It l a powerful as4 pas.
Irstlof Mmtat, a rm4y for SBwrje
cle. A MetMM tmhrectlkn fee Nte
retW of paJa, uA the twtt Mm for
UkTAaasat sulJ araraaisU ITafcsxaLait
apialllt ainw nffCTtnVa UfWIflMfTW W&T
carta Me wwmtfo and Injuries of
BARBED WIKE M fv ktt cuts,
Arasfoaj, mtm H4 freltM. PWC
rforse Lfofowrt k WW twtrt4.
ways. l'fHfmt0Hlify,weajeriM
8 AttUtt fo tttmi Hm purchsu pr kt,
lira imu wmi 11m unto
HOVr CMC M4Ct CO.. PsaniftS, SMC
to busy to write an adv.
CO end 2) rug Co.
J. D. Davidson, - - Manager
f. .
Can Buy
Tilings More
Cheaply at a
Store That
If you were a merchant, wouldn't you rather sell a
thousand yards of silk In a day, at a profit of 10c a yard,
than to sell (without advertising) fifty yards, at a profit of
ajcts a yard.
Isn't it pluin that in all such Instances the buyer gets
the benefit of the "volume of business" which advertising
enables the merchant to do?
The money cost of a journey long or shortby
stage coach (not to count time, or comfort) was greater
than that of a present day journey by railway, The "old
ways" of doing things were not even CHEAPER.
Tbe cost of things in an old-fashioned store nowa
days is greater than in the progressive stores the adver
tised stores. It's not even CHEAPER to patronize the
non-progressive merchant not to count the unwisdom of
helping make It possible for rcaclionary and nou-progres-sive
merchants to still "do business."
U. C. COE, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
nil Wlflbt (Telephone Connection
Dknd, : Okkgon
IluilnftBa ntrMtnrv nf ali fliv
.:z -J. ....""A -" -"!
ui, ,bu vfitaiiv in ursgun ana
nuuinciun, (lT,nr utacripuv
Hktcli of . sah ulaes. Uftlon,
HbtUDln Vftclllllu sod a (!!.!.
fUd Directory o( stcti ttuilntu
'and rrofuslon.
K, L..rOI.K CO., Inc.
luutii. watti.
First National Bank
of Princvllle.
Kstabllaheil iRH-,
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
rroius, 51UU,UOO,00
- -, ...President
..Vk IfcsliUut
. ...m....... M., Cashier
.AuUtsot Csshltr
B. V. All.n
Wilt Vnr...ll.,
T. M. H.ldwln..
II. luiilwln