The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 17, 1909, Image 8

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Settlers Ask for an Extension of
Time on Payments.
No New Work to Be Undertaken Until
Complaint of Settler It Invest!
gated Other Items from Cen
tral and Southern Oregon.
All new work on the Klamath
government project has been or
dered discontinued for the present.
In regard to this the Bonanza Bul
letin says:
A communication was received
Monday evening by the local re
clamation office from the division
headquarters at Portland, ordering
the discontinuance of all work on
the Klamath project, except on
land which was now being covered
by water.
This will mean that there will be
no further progress on the project
except the first unit, for the present
nt least. Nothing will be done on
the Crater Lake system, the Keno
project or the swamp lands. The
worst blow will be to the upper
project, the greater portion of which
was confidently expected to be con
structed this year.
Project Engineer Murphy stated
that he bad received such instruc
tions, but stated that he had no
knowledge of the reasons for same
and bad no information to give on
the matter.
While no explanation of the or
der can be obtained either from the
Reclamation Service or the Water
Users Association, it is believed to
be the result of the recent action
taken by the directors and mem
bers of the association in regard to
the payment of the $30 cost for
water rights. Attorney R. S. Smith
was sent to Washington as a spec
ial representative of the association
and the carrying out of bis instruc
tions has probably resulted in a dis
continuance of work until an in
vestigation is made.
Shorter Hems of Interest.
An automobile line will soon be
established between Vale and Burns.
The machinery for the Spoo-Dayton
sawmill near Tumalo has ar
rived from Sbaniko.
Prineville merchants have en
tered a vigorous objection to the
proposed occupation tax ordinance,
and the matter will probably be
The Coos Bay Harbor claims
that the lumber shipped from Coos
Bay during 1908 exceeded that
shipped from Portland, and that
during December it exceeded the
amount shipped from all other Ore
gon ports combined.
Ex-Mayor Will Wurzweiler has
been appointed receiver by the Mcr-
When You Faint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at the
least expense you
should use
Call for
color cards
chants Protective Association of
Portland to take charge of the gen
eral merchandise stock of L. M.
Miller & Co., at Paulina, which
firm has been declared bauktupt
Mr. Wurzweiler has gone to Pau
linn to take over the business.
Oscar Peterson, a Wyoming sheep
buyer, spent a day or two in our
burg the latter part of last week,
goint; from here to Summer Lake
and Paisley. Mr. Peterson is here
for the purpose of buying 40,000
head of sheep, and no doubt will
get them before he leaves the coun
ty. This purchase will cause quite
a neat sum of money to be put iuto
circulation. Silver Lake Leader.
Drake Claims Riparian Right.
A. M. Drake has filed suit against
the D. I. & P. Co. enjoining the
company from diverting more wat
er above Bend than they are now
taking out. Mr. Drake's object is
to force the company to buttd a
dam below Bend and divert the
water for the "Oregon Irrigation"
segregation at that point.
It is understood that Mr. Drake
will contest the recent decision of
the Oregon supreme court which
practically annuls riparian rights,
and has instituted the suit largely
in order to be able to carry it up to
the U. S. supreme court and test in
the highest court of the land the
recent decision of the Oregon su
preme court. He claims that his
riparian right still exists and de
mands that the water be allowed to
flow through his lands as hereto
fore. As The Bulletin understands it,
there is no contention as to the right
of the company to divert the water,
the place of diversion only beiug in
Hoarse coughs ami stuffy cold that
may develop into pneumonia over night
are quickly cured or roicv a lionet ami
Tar, and it soothes inflamed membranes,
heals the lungs, and expels the cold
from the system. Bend Drug Co.
Application tor (lrailng Permits.
Nollct It hereby alven that stt apttktlaiti far
fxrmllt to irstv cattle, horws, stul sheep wtlh
the season un,Rtul be RIcO In my attice M
ICueene, Ottion. on or before Mirth 13, iv
Full Information lu rrarU to the giniing mlu
be harerl mt blank fount lobe uaeil In niV
iBf p4Kllon will be fumurml upon teuuest
fir-mio CLYlll; K HKITZ xupetvwor
United Stum Lam! nine.
The laaltra. Orison. I'eb, . i?v- !
Nolle U Bvttbjr etvvn that the Male of Onion
baa Bird In this utile lit application Serial No
oijls to velvet umltr the jmrvtalonsof the Ad ol
CongTtMofAuKUtl 14, lit. ml Ih Art, supple
mentary thmto, Ihe UK K NK V and lot 1 of
Sec. I. Tn. M S.. K M K. Willamette MrrtJlan
Any and all jurww claiming adremly the
lands ittKTIbni, er (Initios-10 objetr. brrause of
the mineral h,sraeter of the tanO. or for ny
other reason, to the dii poaal to applicant, should
file Ihclr aSUlavttaaf vrottat tn thlaortwv, on or
before the Mlh day of March, tyco.
fio-mi; C W MOOR1L Rnlttrr.
The Central Oregon Banking
& Trust Company
at Bend, la theKtateof Orecoa. at the dose ol
bualacsa, rebruarjr J. 1719.
Loans and discounts-... ..
Overdrafts, srenrcd and usarenrrd.
Bonds and warrants .. .
Baa lnt house and lots
Furniture and futures . .
Due from approved rcMMt banks.,
Checks and other cash Items.. ..
Cash on hand
M 04
MIS 74
J.&4J JI
oi4 4J
Capita! stock paid In fisxm 09
I ndiridual deposits subject to check 9I5 J
Demand crrtlncalrs of depcaiL. 114 30
Time certificates of deposit.. .. . J.S4
I UMIIUes other than those short suted n S
.V-IM 4
State of Oregon, County of Crook, sa.
I. If. K. Allen, Cashier of Ih above-named
bank, do solemnly swesr that the above state
ment Is true to the best of my knowledge snd
belief. It. K. AU.UN. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this I Jin
day of February, 1907. C11AS.H BK.MION,
HAtrj 1-ubllc
iouM RrstDL
' F BailTIi
TaA- aaw aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannrV? 9aanv
1 HAVB aUrted up for
business in .the Dunn
Blacksmith Shop, and re
spectfully solicit a share
of your patronage. Satis
faction guaranteed in
Horseshoeing and
General Repairing
W.H.HEWES fed, Ore.
A Full Line of CJrocrt, Dry
deeds and Hardware always ou
A. F. & A. M.
Meets on Thursday on or
before the full moon of each
month. Visiting brothers
always welcome.
E, A. 0A8T, Bscy. F. O. MINOR, W. M,
seats) Ufa Mtufaa, an ! ltmafa
IXpsitmtotef the Interior.
V ft. Land Otfke si The Dalle. Oregon,
tteeembcr irih, lou.
Notice is hereby given that
Cota Jowei
of rrlnrvllle, 'Oregon, who. on November 14th.
ivjS, mde Tlmtxr and Stone AppllealKtn, VrUI
No. oi;. for ftfe NltV aud WL SH!. h- w.
Tp. I J S.. K 11 K , W M . has ftl.d ttuliee of (if
lentlon to luke liual Timber and Mone ITuuf,
to establish rtslm to the fond above described,
before II C Kill. United Male Commlwloner.
at hi ortkT, at IVeu 1. Oregon, on the jnt day of
March, lyuy.
Clslmsnt names s wltnee! towph N
llunlcrand William II Masts or Hend, Oregon,
Juel A Klllvtt aud Mary . Klliotl of frlaeville,
d-fJ4 f. V MIHIKi;. Heslater.
Department of the lutertur,
V B. Land Office, Lakevlew, Oregon,
January l, ivt.
A lulSdent contnt sfBdarit having been Bled
In this oExt by W L. KoUtlaou. contestant.
assloat homeatesd entry No in ISerUI No,
oroj), made Feb. 17, lo. for 11 (-, Sti V. NW V'
nKi.NK see u.Tp 11 . k 1 if.
brVtsst A Abrwtl. conlestre. In whKh Itisal
leged that said entryman has abandoned sll his
right, title sod interval under akl entry, in
this, that he has not since lune 1916, or any time
since said dale, compiled with Ihe homntesd
tawsol Ihe I'd lied Msles. with reference to
cither residence, cultivation, or Improvement,
but on the contrsry. has as above stated,
abandoned said entry, and wholly
neglected to reside cultivate or Ira
prove Lands covered by said entry That said
entryman died on or sloot the 4th day of June,
IvuA, leavlnr nokuown kelta. aud that aald at
leged abaence Irom said land was net due to his
employment In the Army Navy sr Marine Corp
of the United Mates as a private aolJler, officer.
artniD or marine durlog Ihe war with npaln or
during any other War in whkh the I'nltrd Males
may ueeogageu.
BaM parties arc hereby notified lo appear, re
spond and offer evidence touching said allegation
si is o'clock a. m on March ij. hm, before
W D. Wert, f B Commissioner at Btlvcr Lake.
Oregon, and that Snsl hearing will be hch at
10 o'clock a m on March rr. i. before Ihe
Register and Receiver at the Cuitcd fcUtcs Laud
OSice lu Lakevlew. oregnn.
The said contestant having, lu a proper arTMa.
vll filed January It, iyu9. set forth facta whkh
show that after due diligence personal service of
this notice can not be made. It Is hereby ordered
and directed that such notice be given by du
and proper publication
flints J N. WATSON. Rcghtrr.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Crook County.
The Central Oregon Hanking and Trust Com-
ny, plaintiff,
A. R. lUtebenet, Katie O. Ketcbcnct, and A. C
Lucas, Defendants.
Dy virtue of sn esteutlfto and order of sale
latued out ofthc shove entitled Court on the 1st
day of February, Wh la favor of the above
named Ilalnlilfa ami agslnat Ihe above named
Defendants, for the sum of (4914s, "lib Interest
thereon at the rate ol 10 per cent per annum since
iuly 14th, 1A, and Ijjoo allorney's frcsaud
til jteoata. ution a lodemcnt rendered In said
Court 00 the ijln day 01 Decemtxrr. l)", aud
wheresa II was lurtber ordered and decreed by
the Court that the following described mort
gaged property, to-wlt' IXbevcnm 01 litock
Ten tiolin theCllyof Bend. Crook County Ore
gon, be r4d by the sheriff of Irook County. Ore-
son, as under Hiecutlon
Notice Is hereby given Ihsl In obedience to
aaid execution and order of sale, f will on Thurs
day, the 4th day of March 1900, a I the hour of
one- o'clock In the afternoon of said day, al the
front door of the Court Itouac In Ihe City of
Frincrillc, In Crook County, Oregon, sell at puu
licauctlou to the highest bidder foe csah, all Ihe
right, title, and interval of sard Defendants, A. B.
Katcbenct and Katie O liaubenct, In and to aald
mortgaged premises above described, to astiafy
aald Judgment and Interest and Allcrney's fees
and cost and coat of sale.
Dstcd this IM day of February', iyt
BhctUT of Crook County. Ore(,-on.
C ft. BKN&ON.
Attorney for Flaintld.
First Isaue Feb . IV) Lsat Issue Msrch J, 1909.
The Pioneer Telegraph
and Telephone Company
Telegrams I'orwardctl to Any Part
of the World.
Tcfrr hrne Cmmu nl catln
with Portland, Prineville and all
Pacific Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
In Bank IlultllnK at lieml, at Laid
law and Powell Hut tea.
Mesenxer aervlce to any part of
Crook County south of Crooked
Suras atoMai Pravanta PrtawiHoaUi
If you will send $1.50 for n year's subscription to THE BEND BULLETIN
cash with order, wc will Rive you, absolutely free, n full paid-up year's
subscription to--
JBHtW bK j! J,n23NialL& t alaaaB
vSByw oHUPgSrWaaB agkaH
BBBBgWaeHraaTl ll .an BlalaEaaCalaaa. ifV a?aaMaHWaaal 1
THE BULLETIN is offering these pictures as an Inducement to secure
new subscribers. They are fine reproductions of noted paintings, and are
printed in the original colors. ,
One of these i a picture, 9x13 10 inclic.i, of the martyred Lincoln; one i.i a supeib picture of
Washington that ha never before been published; one is a new picture of Christ an Kastcr picture
entitled "Follow Me." This picture is a wonderful one. None other of Christ is to appealing. You
certainly will want one of these pictures if you ever sec it.
With all cash-in-advance subscriptions received from now to Jan. 15, FOUR handsome pictures.
With all subscriptions received between Jan. 15 and Feb. 15, THK I'. I', pictures.
With al aubscrlptions received between l'cb. 15 to March 15, TWO pictures. '
With all subscriptions received between March 15 and April 15, ONIJ picture that of Christ.
And with the four pictures, you get a year's subscription to THK UKND BULleKTIN and
Farm and Fireside.
What Is Farm and Fireside?
It it not enough that l'arm and Fireside lias stood in the front rank of farm paper for the latt thirty years; it i
not enough that it ha barred all qu-stlonable ailvertlsciiienta from its column! anil guarantee every advertisement II
accepts: l'arm and Plretitte ha gut to ilo more than that, and it I going to ilo lot more than that; It I golnir tn give
tn the farmer anil hi family the very best of practical and helpful material that money can buy. If It I about nothing
more important than a post driver, it'a going tn 1 told by a man who can nuke a post driver belter than he ran do
any one other thing. We are going to carry till utility idea through the whole farm anil Into the kitchen door, where
the fanner' wife need labor-saving helix and pructlcal suggestions Just a much a the men folk.
Around till practical working proposition, carried out on a totally new plane, we shall forge material of lutrrrit
and entertainment, which farm paper heretofore have put Into the "can't afford" das.
Harm and I'lreside has twelve to Glteen dejiattments covering every phase of farm and home life. Among them
are Live Stock and Dairy, Gardening, Poultry, Priill Growing,'ashiont, Young People, etc. It print so to
tj pages each Uue. We can afford the best, simply because we believe the farmer will pay for the besl, now that we
have demonstrated our ability to give It to him. '
You will find l'arm and l'iieslde better than it ha ever been thought KMlb!e to mike a farm and family paper.
Hre Is a pointer for you- Two weeks ago The Bulletin
gave its readers '
of reading matter; tha week before. 35 columns. What
other paper in the county gives even half as much?
I --Send All Orders To-