The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 17, 1909, Image 6

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I Aunt Diana 5
The Sunshine
of the Family
Pr. Orcenwood had given Alison strict
InJuncHonii that the was to keep her als
lw as quirt a poatlble. but it seemed
Impossible to clifcek the storm of excited
tnlk. IW only relief wna to accuse
herself, nuil tmt nil her conduct In its
blackest light. A xvi4)rht of Intolerable
misery lay on her mlml: she felt her own
poltis were riehly deaerved, but the
thought that she had risked her father'
life by her disobedience was more than
she could ln-or. Uvery hour hc ques
tioned Alison about Ms slate. Would he
twoxcr? Wa he in any danger? What
did the doctor fear? Alison at called
Hogc r to her aid.
"What shall we do?" she exclaimed,
half cry Inc. "Sllssle will not ret any
'sleep to-night; she In working herself
Into a fever, and Ir. Greenwood doe
not wish to give her an opiate. It break'
ray benrt to hear tier going on about papa
I think If she could only w him she
would lie more contented."
"Sball I go to Iter?" he asked, bwl
tatlng a Hit!, for Mlute bad extresd
no wish to see him.
"Oh. jes, perhaps that will be best,"
the mM. brightening a little. "I am so
tired awl brnrjl that I probably do
cot ray the rhxht tateft."
I TrfH coaae presently; but. Altte, I
am fo setry ynn are so tired. Sll Ilawd
Wick In downstairs, and she saj-s she wnst
see T : b seen' very rotten Hpt. Io
you think yoa could apeak to her for a
Alison Made a gesture of repugnance.
It wtu plain that be did not wash to see
SIlss Hardwh-k, Imt Itoger wns lent on
carrying bl Ibi.
"I have to go to my father now, be
MkL quietly, "but In about a quarter of
an hour I shall lie ready to see Slisaie.
I wll wait for you here. Stls Hard
wick will not detain you many minute;
go, dear Allle." And Alison reluctantly
obeyrl him.
Kva nan pacing up and down the long
drawing room, and came up to AlUou
quUkly. holding out both her hand.
-Oh, Album." ah raid, and the team
were running down her face unchecked.
"1 know jou do not want to see me, but
I begged K hard of Sir. Itoger to send
you. Of course, you hate the sight of me.
You think I am the cause of thl: bnt.
Indeed. Indeed. I never knew Sir. Slerle
would bo o angry !
"You tempted Slabel to deceive and dis
obey her father," returned Alison, severe
ly, for her heart was hard agalnt the
girl. "You knew that he disapproved of
Captain UarjT. ami then you encourag
ed and planned till arlieme. How could
any father fall to be angry when Ida com
mandi are so entirely set aside?"
uYou muil not speak against Antliony.
Alison," returned Kvn, In a subdued voice.
"I am engaged to him: he la only my
half-cousin. Slabel knew thl. and ahe
thought It would not matter coming with
u. Slamma would have told you, only I
dM not wish it to be made public. All
thla baa quite spoiled my bapplneu. I'oor.
dear Mabel: If I could only see her. and
help you to nurse her. Hut Sir. Itoger
laya It l quite impossible." And aUe wiped
away some fnidi tear.
There waa no much feeling In Kra'a
word and manner that Alion" coUInew
relaxed n little.
"Yon raut not ace her," he aald,
gravely: "I believe p:ipa baa forbidden
that for the prevent, but I oan give her
your lore, and tell her that jou anked
after her."
"Tell her I lll come every evening
to Inquire; tell her. too. that I ahall not
have a roowenfa peace, tblBklng that I
nra partly to blflme for tlibu It waa wrong
of u, AIImb; 1 ee that now. I deserve
to have nomething to bear n well aa he,
joor darling! You and Sir. Itoger rauit
not be too hard ou me. for. Indeed, I am
aa unhappy a powdble; Anna will tell
you ao."
"I will try to forgive jou." returned
Albion, with a warm kl. that evidently
urprled and gratified her. "It doea not
make thing better to be hard and bitter
agalnt pop!- We tiel not add to our
own unhapplnea in that way. Now I
rouat go, pleaae. Oite my dear lore to
Anna; I know ah wilt be fretting about
u." And Itb a quick nod AlUwti ran
"Welli" obnerved Roger, interroga
tively, aa ahe came to bli aide.
"I am glad you told me to go down,"
waa her reply ; "there la good In evtrj one,
and Kva certainly appeared to advantage
thla evening. Kite la really fond of SIMe,
and he cried o about it all, 81ie it not
a bad-hearted girl."
"No; and all thla will do her a great
deal of good. 'Kvll la wrought by want
of Ibougbt. we" n want of heart,'
Allle, Now let u go to poor SIMe."
Sliwile fluahed up very much when ahe
aaw Itoger. but tba next moment her face
grew won and pale.
"Well," be aald, cheerfully, taking hr
hot Utile hand, "thla l a aad affair; but
at lcat wo may b thankful it U not
worne. I nlroont think father looka a lit
tle better to-night ; SIra. Slcyrlck thought
to too. There waa certainly a alight con
cubkIoh of the brain laat night, but this
.miiinr lie aeein more Jiko himself.'
ni. Pii-or!" and Mlaale'a eyea were
filling lu moment, "do you really think
ao?" Hut tho Ittat wonl became a aob.
"Yea, dear, ami Nurae Sleyrick aald the
same: ho apoke more clear and articulato.
ly Now," kbulnj her forehead, 'jou
will b eny nbout Mm, and will try to
"itipre la no aleep In my eyea," ahe rv
turned, with a llttln of her old excitement.
"Oh. Iloger, you don't know what It Ij to
be brolfd and battered all over, and mt
to be able to turn without pal". If It
were not for that I would iw to him."
"IVrhap jou will be able to go to mor
row." he returned, humoring her, for her
fliKhed face mid excited look made him
nnxloua. "You will try to Ho patiently un
til the morning, .Mabel der, will jou not?
Alison i o worn out. Ue tmmt aleep to
night, nnd, lndcet, wo are all overtired
and hnrnwed."
"Ye, and I am the cnune," she return
ed, restlessly. "Oh. Itoger, I will not ask
you to forgive me; Albion has Imt then
ahe Is different. Hut you. of course, you
can never rare for me again !"
"Indeed, you are wrong, my deir llttlo
alrter, he mid, soothingly ; "I ilo care
for you very much, all the more that you
are so unhappy. When you get well again
ou shall see bow proud I shall bo of my
two staler, and what nlra time we shall
"Oh. no," ahe returned, bursting Into
tears, "1 ncer expected any one to Ik
fond of me again. I have made your life
miserable, Itoger: I have tormented you
just for love of teasing. If 1 were not so
wicked I should like to die. and then per
hat jou would be sorry for me. If any
thing hnpiens to pa, I could not live.
Oh. If I could only tee him, and ask him
to forgive me!"
"Sly dear, he has forgiven you over nnd
over again." returned Itoger, In rather a
httsky voice, for he found all this verj
trying; "that la the best of It. One need
nerer 1 afraid of losing a father' love.
K Is not to be lwt. Slabel; the thlni is
against nature. If I sinned acatixt fath
er eer so, 1 know he must forgive me,
jiwt because I am hU son."
" 'I will arise and go to my father.' "
Murmured AlbsHi. half to herself, but
Mbwle heard it.
"Yea, read that to me ; 1 bav- len re
peating fragments of the vrss all day;
that fat. If you are not too tlrad, Allwm."
with renewed tbougfctfulnM.
"Itoger will read It." returned Alison,
feeliug the tank would be gol far lir
Itrotber, and dltnitli hec own voice;
ami though Uoger lxkcd a little shy over
it, he did not refdse.
Slliwle lay with dose,l eye anl listen
I. and he harassed expression j-ed
froB-j her face.
"Thank you: that wn lieautlful," she
said, when he bad finished. "How nicely
you read. Itoger! Now I will try to be
good and not wake Alison. I'erliap
when the light la shaded, I may drop off
to aleep."
Alison waa In sore need of rest by this
time; ber head ached n well a her
lltnl : but she had one more duty to per
form before she lakl down In the little bed
that had been prepared for her lnSIIsie"a
room, and that waa to bid ber father
Mi welcomed her with a smile. "I
fed easier to-night." It said, nnd his
voice waa stronger. "Sly gol nurse has
made rae very comfortable, and 1 dare ay
we shall both be able to sleep a little.
How la I'usaie?" the old uame escaping
from his unawares.
"I do not think she I any worse," she
replied, cautiously; "but she still suffers
a great deal, and she Is making herself
so unhappy about you."
"Tell her not to do that," he retdle.1,
with a little effort; "he need not take
the blame of the accident en herself: ahe
baa enough to bear without that."
"Slay I give Iter your love. pa?"
"Oh, ye," he aald, aa though surpris
ed by tfce question, for he knew nothing
of the child' misery. "Tell her I hope
site will have a good night." And llien,
aa he seemed weary, she left hltn.
Sllssie received the mage In silence,
and, a the light was dim, Alison could
not see her face. She fancied that just
a she waa droping off to sleep there
waa a sound aa though some one waa
crying: but her sense were too droway
to take In tit faet that It might be Slbmla
fobbing la the darkmw. Her last recol
lected thought waa about Aunt Plana,
linger bad promlwsl to write a few line
from the oilier, and she bad wondered if
be had done It.
"How sbodcul Aunt Dl will be." ahe
thought, "and how sorry for u nil !" The
half-nnlsbed sentencv waa completed In
her dream, for sh dreamed that (Jrovllle
was rowing them both among the water
lillea, and Aunt 1)1 waa gathering roues
and throwing them Into hr lap.
"Do not cry, child, it will nil come
right In time," Alison heard her say :
"there la a silver lining boh I ml evlry
clouil, you may be sure of that." And
then abe woke with a start. Something,
he did not know what, bad disturbed
her; she sat up and looked round in be
wilderment. The moon waa shining full
In! the room, and SIbule'a bed waa
Nurse Sleyrick waa sleeping on a couch
In the dreaalns room. It had Iteen placet)
so near the dor of communication that
she bad a full view of her patient. He
had Just sunk Into n tranquil doze, and
ho had followed his example, when a
faint sound, like an opening door, roused
her, and a moment after she caught a
glimpse of a white-robed figure with long,
fair hair. A young girl lu a looe dress
ing gown was standing by Sir. .Merle's
bed. Nurse Sleyrick' quick eye discern
ed that one arm was bandaged nnd .In
splints. It mutt Iw the joung lady, she
thought, who bad been Injured In the ac
cident; perhaps she waa light headed.
The next minute ahe touched her softly.
"Come, my dear, come," she said coax
Ingly ; "you ought not to be out of your
bed at thla time of night; let me help-you
batk, there's a dear young lady " for SIU
ale'a wide, feverish eye alarmed her.
"No, no," returned Sllsale, recoiling
from die nurae'a gentlt touch. "I could
not stay tn bel, I could not sleep nnttl I
had en papa. Let me stay and look at
htmt 1 'vv til be good and not wake, him."
Hut the nutw shook her head nt thla.
"You must not stay," she whispered,
not daring to ralso her voice t "your feet
ara tare, mid jou look as bad n ssslble.
Come, tuj- dear, let mo carry Jim buck to
your room; It will senro jour father to
seo you srnndlng there."
"No, no," relumed Sllsale, nltrltiklng
still more: "I must stay with papa. Why
does lie hk so ile, and lie so still? I he
dead? No two told hie be was dead.
IMpa !" slie cried mil, for she was In
wlldcred by the dim light and ber own
feverbsh fancies. "Speak to nic only owe
word. Just to tell me jou are olive."
"Oh, hush!" exclaimed the nuro: but
she was too late. Mr. Merto woke up;
but In his ivtstk condition hi dauiihter'
presence did not seem tn startle him.
"My dear," he mid. feebly i "they ought
not to have allowed this. You will maka
yourself III leaving jtmr warm btsl.
"Hut I could not sleep," she sobbed ; "I
could not rest. I thought they were hid
ing things from roe, If you Itflt) diet!, and
t had never told you 1 wa sorry, I should
have died, too. Oh, papa, It must have
killed me!"
He smiled faintly, and gathered the hot
little hand In his.
"You were sorry all the time, my pot,
were you not?'
"Yes. I nm sorry now," creeping still
closer. "I couhl not ask (Jod to forgive I
me until you had forgiven me. Oh. 1
why do jou look so kindly nt me. when I
you know It Is all through my wlckedticits
that jou nre lying here? Of course, no one
can lovfl mo any more."
"Not love jou. rustle! Come, come my
chlM. father are not like that. 1 forgive
jvti freoty; evwjthlne Is right between'
u. Hut, my poor darling, you nre III nnd
suffering, ami If you care to pleaa wo I
let nurse carry you bank to Iwd."
"Will you let ne klst you Srst?"
I Its onlv answer ws to rch out hi
arm to her: but he wondered to see how
slowly she cHtae to him. How could be
gtte each movement wa agtmy to the child? How she bad ever managed
to crawl from ber tietl ami across me pas
sage only she herelf kew.
"I have only owe arm to pot around
your neck." ahe whleperetl. a her bmg hair
fell over hi face. "Dear, dear rts, If I
could only bear It all!" Awl aa be felt
her tear upon his cheek be iintterslood
how her young heart was wrung with re
morse awl sorrow, and holding her a
moment tried to comfort her, and lio
sought Ood to Ides hi pet.
Atison was Just sitting up In affright,
looking around the empty room, when
Nurse Sleyrick attpeaml, carrying Sll
sle In her arms.
"Oh, Slabel. where bate you been?
Yott have frightened me sol"
"Oo to sleep, Allsou." returned Sllle,
In a happy oice. "I have only been to
see pnpn, and he has forgiven me. and
now 1 can rest."
"She will be quiet now," whispered the
nurse. "I hnve coernl Iter up warm, and
she will ret until morning." And she
wa right. Though Sllssle lay awake,
feverish and full of pnln, she gave no
more trouble, and jioor Alison was allow
ed to sleep iindlsturlieil until morning.
Pot the next few daj Sllsale waa very
III. Her agitation of mind brought on a
slight feverish attaric, anil when this had
yielded to the doctor' remedies her weak
ness was rxeewdve. Her nerve had been
Jarred and unstrung by the noridrtit: and
the least noise, the slamming of a door,
or even a louder voice than unual. made
her change color and burst Into tror. It
was Impossible for her in her shattered
stale always to repress Irritability.
Again the obi sharp tone and wonts re
calM SliiHile' faulty temper. Hut there
wa till Improvement the struggled
bravely against her besetting sin, and
would ask pardon quite humbly of Alison.
"I have been so cross totlay," she would
say, with tear In her eje; "I wish jou
would not be to sweet and patient with
"I will promise to scold when you nre
well enough," Alison would say, In her
most cheerful manner, for she knew Slbc
le mint nol lie encouraged to be morbid.
Must now, darling, I can only remember
jou nre III, and that your pour arm I
giving you trouble. 1 know I should be
cross if I bail so much to bear."
Hut In spite of Alison's assumed cheer
fulness ebe was growing le and thin.
Her close confinement In Sllssle'a room
tried her; no one but Alison suited the
alck glrl'a fancy no one elso seemed to
understand her little way. SIU U-lgh'
gentle mournfulnes irritated her; she
had never cared muoli for Anna, and she
bad lost all dealre for tit a' cominnlotl
shlp, and though her father had generous
ly withdrawn hi prohibition, Kvn had
only once been admitted to her room. The
interview had been a little embarrassing.
Kti bad cried and lieggnl Sllsale to for--I.
liar unit M Inula had lieen kind and
i,v ,- , - --- - i
magnanimous In ber nnwerj but after
the first few agitating minutes their talk j
had drifted into alienee; Sliulo waa Ian-
guiil anil out oi spinis, ntiu im kui mi
posse the art of soothing tho bond of
symiKithy between them seemed broken,
I lot It of them had rt to lenru that simi
larity of tnste and the boisterous spirit
of youth do not lay the foundation of a
l. tin.- frlonilshln. While Alison anil
Anna seemed to cement their Intimacy '
more every day, a tho good qualltlea of
each became more npimrcnt, there were
symptom that SIMo ami Kva woulj
drift atill further ajart.
(To bo continued.)
"' V ' gas
A llutl llluittler,
Blic Cook lin given notice.
lie Why?
Hlio Kliu nuyH you Njtoko In a brutnl
maimer to lier on tho telcnliono y eater
day He Yesterday? I thought I wan
speaking to you 1 Loudon Opinion. I
issMusMaf s'iij'i"i-;i.i''"ii,"' 'iy
mn -jwjf.
ynk J) . .
LaVaHMaa&iHb aLf MfHki'' i arV afij3 flffa ELaiTri MrrTliXJ yxJH f -JJ
Admiral Itnjmtvetisky, who illeil nt St Petersburg recently, would have
been more forttiimte If lie had gone ibwn wild tils flagship tin Hint fntcfitl
"7th of May when the ItiiMlan nrinadn met Hie tlmim of the Spanish three
cmturie before. Tbnt I Iho feeling nf men of Hie soHfnrlng raeca. utlli
their trnilltlon Hint M-niimh nnd ship nre one. 1'pihatdy Itojcstvctisky dhl
not feel so, for lie cndcnMinit to ewTipe. He was not of n rniv (Mini to tlw
mastery uf Hie sen. And In some tuciisiire Hint explnlns hi failure nnd hi
country', for It wn III country' mure than til.
Slnovl I'etruvltcli Itojtittvrnsky wn i'lnit ! ytntra old, and f'r year
Uire tho reputation of Mug Hie misst cool-liefldril nnd sHenllflc nflliTr In Hits
Itusslan navy. In Hie summer of tlxM lie stnrtixl with the smnnl lltisxltin
Atlnntlc s.iinilnni from Hie llnltle for Vladivostok. Arriving in Hie I'nr Hast,
Ailinlntl Kttjeatveiuiky wan Joltlrtl by other lllliwlnli vessel, nnd then Inul
llfty-stx ship under lit coiiiiihiiuI. SIny S7-2M. 111S, occurred the battle of
the Ken of Japan, lu Kblclt the Itusslan Meet wna 'prnrtlcnlly nmillilliili-tl ntiil
Itn column inter taken prlwuier. A nnvnl court of lintilry ludlctetl Admiral
llojestteiisky for aurrriiderlnx tn Hie Jnpanese, but lie wit nomltti-d on Hit
plen Hint nt the time the surremler wna made lie wn tmcoticou from In
Jurle recclvtsl tn Hie right.
It I not given to the men of nil rnco to my, with Ilnwke, when wnrnetl
of llio lee shore nnd Hie rising tempest : "Mir, you have done jtmr duly
Now lay me ntongalde of the Trench Atlmlrnl." It I not given to all to say,
with Knrrflgnt: "1 n the luriieilnmt! Full atenm nhenil!" Nor I It
given to nil to any, with Crrtven : "After you, pilot," nnd ninhe of III sinking
ship n tomb of Immortnt glorj'. Yet. mj the CtileHgo Inter Oconii, lltoiigli
Itojestveitsky lackett Hint marrow of tradition or Hint final touch of grniii
or fortune nttd so did not lu the tenmier of tils ileotli give dignity to hi
sltare of n colotanl fitllun. It must be rememherrtt llwt to dim wn tlutiht
lew due Hie Niklm of an outerprlin uhleli. Iind It sucreisletl, might hare
changed the course of hlstorj". A strtmg Itiiwlnn llwt lu the I'mdlle, with
nn almost ImpnKtutble linrNir In which in refit, nmt energetlcMlly orHtl,
would hnve llftetl Hie weight of the JnNiiitsn nrmy lu Slnneboorln for n time.
Ono brum-li of the Itiisslnn service the nillwny hail lenrnetl by oxiMirleueo
tn ilo It work well. Clveti n little more time nnd the IIiiksIhii nnule might
linro bttm reorjrnnlrci! for victory.
We know now Hint JniKin isinactitctl to ix-nco not merely hocnuso nil that
wn Immettlntely fought for Iind boon won. There won nlo n niiiiicliMisnras
HiHt .Inimii istiild tin but little morn, nnd n poeslblllly Hint Itnsslii, If flveii
broMlliliig spdce. might tin n grout iluol innre. To give lliissln time In make
n new military mitrlilm to take power from Hie trsiiisportHlliui iimrlilno whs
the mission of ItoJestvenskj' iilul Hie nrmndn. It wn it hold design, ntHl Ail
mlrnl Togo knew what Itn mice wlmt lelllnc the lliisslnn nrmiuhi eieil
Met by mniiil fur Jiiwu. 'dure wna n full roullMtltiu of It meNiiliig hi
Togo' IkiIHc xlgmtl : "The f.ite of the Hmplre iletK'iitl on till effort. 1-t
every man do bin utmost!"
Ilojestvensky fnlleil. inul wllli him Itnssln fulled iin n sen ikihit. Ami
with fnllurn In sen nver la risuriliil Jmlgmttnt tignlimt Hie Itiimliiu sjsleui
at it producer of niil nntlonnl clllclency. There limy be nnnlher Itinwlan
navy, but nut until HiimIii la u rule ier nml run hreetl men wlin more llinii
know men who lutvn the Inatlnet for sen mnatory nnd live nml die In no
cordnnee with It enn KiishIii renlly count In the ilmuliitun of the sens.
lft Hunt II rl iiks t'onlrnlinml IomI
from Orlrnlnl I'nrls to Islnml
HmuBKlliig In the I'lillli)lne Island
la niuutiiltiK pmHtrtloim Hint nmko It n
uietinm to liwitltr revenucH, anyn tho
Sfnnlln 'I line. It Will kurprlao tlio or
derly nnd linv-nbldliiR to know Hint
3iily a few ilnyn nit" cnro or Kiuikt,
amiiL'i.'lii! Into the country by wny of
tho wiat timat of I.iuou, wiih llouted
down iJik'uim do Hay nml the I'nls
for distribution In Sliiulhi, yet auili In
Hie fuel.
Tim cloth wits dropped on tho tsiat
const nomowheni near linker, liisceil
ntrriMiH tlio moiiiitnltiH to a Hccludcd In
let on tlio liiUe And boldly bnmght Into
Mniilln. Hleiitlm of tho icovernment kh
tnick of It lKforo It wn liinded, but
tliero wna no wny to atop It,
There l MiiiigKlliih'i lw. I tho north
country, but Ita unittcHt litmio la In tho
Hulit nrchliieliiKO, with Horneo as Itn
bnae. Tliero In that bnek nlleywny of
the en It hit roiio on for HRea without
lot or lilndrnncu. Huiidreda of nwlft
Kolug vinlna nro engaged In tho Illicit
trudo ,(tnd heretofore tney novo carried
on the tralllc In the llicht of day,
It aa never been anyuooya tnumoM
to wnteh them. 'J'lu. inido wna r.hhI
for Horneo mxl Kpiinlsli hoterelgnty ant
IlKhtly lu the sen of Dynka. A month
ngo when n legislative commlllee went
from Sliinllu u Imeailgnio the miostlmi
It found n hundred Ixmta londlm; con
trnlmutl on tho Horneo ronat mid It
wluinbled tiioii n pnrty of ninety Ch.
Iieao who Mere ciiiiIhk to tlio liji,
llnea by tlio underground.
Hiipiirtioilim of Hie use of opium In
the I'lilllpidnea lina nm.lo tho driiR tlm
Krutt prl.o of MtiitiKKlliiK. It Iiiih gonu
to n fiibitlouH price In Sliiulln, Hollo,
Helm nml other iltlea, nml there are
rlehi'M for tho fellow who run run It
ncroaa tho Hutu Ken. And there la moil
oy In other artlcleH, aa wlliiesa llio In
nocent blink I doth Hint circled Umm
ami ciimo In by wny of tho Lugmm t.x.
euraloii route. Tho Kovernmeiit In plan
ning to meet tho Hulu altiintloti by
Imlldlmr n fimt cutler, but two could
do mom work Hunt one, nnd thorn inunt
later bo another for tho north coast,
nml later another for tho cunt const.
.Manila Time.
What lina booomo of tho old-fnalr
loned woman who naed to aay tliat to
open an umbrella In tho houao wtuj a
ur tlffn of death?
j8 : vr . j.'
Parts Ksrlled lir HeitsHtlnn Miiunl tu
Itrerfii "nil lltiiiiliert AITnlrs,
I'arla luia it real sensation, iiilto the
tilKiieNt uliiw the Drojfua ease, allll .i
fresh In mind na tn netsl no hsvln
mention, and the Humbert affair, u libit
lnolviil the obtnlnliig of million,
loaned In a ahrewtl mhwitureM IihWh
a trunk fall of allegetl Kllteilgeil mv
curltbn that were afterward found lu
lie only Morlhlee wmr. '11m ttu-lto-luellt
irodiH'nl lu those InstatM'ea Kile
lu liislKiiltleniint by tmHirlatui wllli
(he prerteut Incident, which, with lit
revelation ilntlng In the ksII. ex.
MMiire of a national ncmisIhI, promimn
to nttrart worldwide attention, it i
the recvnl arrest of Mine, Hteinbell,
following her eonfeestlmi Hint Un
liMiiith nIiico the slajlmt of her nrllsl
liiislmud ami Slme. Japy, now kmmii
to lme Ihs-ii her ate(Miioitr, wha
were found slrumth-d In the home nt
the nrtlt on the miming of May .11,
her attempt to Iind the nsauMdu and
the Innumerable fnulnstle oliie fur
nlshcd the hiIii and the newstMsri
were only a detcmlo farco In eomval
the real author of the crime, herself
The crime lu iiiestlou wna laM-tiltar.
Kfelnlictl w a K'rtralt imluler and a
grand nephew of the famous Mei
tiler Tlio nsaisslmilloii of Hie W"Iimm,
Pi i ma i i i i I,,
.Mine. Japy, I riipishksI tu hac U-u
luchletital tn the killing of Htcliibcll.
Ilo waa tho man tt.ivn deal nil to get
out of the way. rltelnhcll, hi wife and
.Mine. Japy Ihcd totiethrr. The wife
wa found Isiund nml gnggrtl In l'l.
nnd nt first she ibs'lanil that she had
been thus tristteil by tlin-e men awl a
woman, nil unknown to her. ,.
It I now learned that Slme. Htelnhell
wn ns-elvlng the vlslla of seirral
nisilthy men, nmottit litem n Maurice
Itortlerel. nml Hint she had
rstcli of llieui that she would marry
him In event of her iNsitmlmr whtownt
or tllvonitl. ,
Testimony frsim every qimrler scetat
to Upset rolUdclely the chargsti of lh
ntyallst press that the late I'resbletit
Teilx I'm l re wna the victim of criminal
dealing, but even SI. Dupity, hi mt
inter, ilisw not iltmy that Slum. Hlrhe
hell wn with til in shortly More hit
mj-slerbrii death lu rx
During bur tsinfeenloii Mine. Ktelnbell
wh In xtreiit illslrees of mlml a ml
iiblcil out : "I Ihh to Justify myself
before n man wlutitit be I have now
loot forever." Thl uwti I Mild to 1st
n 1'reiieli nobleuian nml lu bis Idenitty
la Niileisl to He tho key to this n
mantle trngedj'.
A Mueer Teal,
The grtK-er HNhl to ibv nidlcfint t
"Your reference nre gotnl, Hlm
me your style of weighing out lUu
)ind of' augur. There' tho aenlea."
Tho applicant wrenlbetl hi face In
Hie auilablo smile all aolomiieii weir
ami welgbisl out the Hintttr with U
Ihiteli inul acciiracj'. Ilo put on loo
llttlo ugar at llrt; lie mbletl Reiitly a
full half Hiiiml liefore tho snilo lnl-
"You'll do," aald tho grocer. "Voit
iimlerMlnml lln; m-ulo trluk. It la plain
that J'imi learned your Irado In Ilia
I borough old heliool wny."
"Yea, dlr," tho tilhiir nnawentl. "I
learmil lu the country, ami alnumt my
llrat leann wna Hint In wcIk1iIii. Yott
miiHt ndd, ndd, add, till Iho ht-um HP'S
Ihh'iiiinu nil Hint aitdliut pleaaeH Hie cut
Uiner aeema tn lilm iilmost like n K'ft
Iiut If, on Iho contrary you sulitnict
from the ittimillty on the aenle the rim
tomer la alfectisl In Iho opposite way
you atom to be robbliiK hint. He got
nwny convlund that you nro a hIIiikj
client." Now Orlcana Tlmea-Democrnt,
"Thn I m by Iiiih Homollilng tho tnat
lor with hi Htomneh."
"How do you know)"
"HecaiiKo wo had It taken out and
cxnmliiPd." Life.
Tho fountain of youth comdatM tn
worklnic every dny, oatlnR regularly
mil modcratuly and alcepliiR nine bourn
it nlsht.
If cnroleHHiieaa a a bin, wo nro n
tn the bluuer clas