The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 17, 1909, Image 1

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TIIKIIl'M.ltTIN gives more
good, lUe muling ninttcr
than any other nKt hi Cen
tral Otrndii.
Annunl Report Shows That It Is
Well Patronized.
Ladles' Library Club Taken Hun Down
Institution and I 'lit It on It Pcet.
Number of Hooks Loaned,
I20J Visitor. JJV7.
Tuesday nftcriitMin the Ladies'
Library Club of Jlciul held its nn
mini meeting, ut which reports of
both the librarian and treasurer were
rend. The rcorts show that the
club has done miiic very good work
since its organization last spring,
and also thut the library and read
I n VC mom are being very liberally
The reKrt by the librarian, Mrs.
It. U. Wilson, covering the period
from April 6, 1908, to February 16,
1909, shows that the library opened
with 38 volumus on the shelves. It
now has i..j volumes of its own,
besides having had 100 volumes
ironi the Oregon -Library Coinmls
siou, n total of 344 volumes. Forty
books have been donated by club
members. Including one set of
"Mcsagut and Papers of the Prcsi
dents," 10 volumes; one volume of
Shakespeare, complete works; one
Webster's dictionary; nnd 38 vol
times of fiction. The library has
Iiurchascd one set of "Rldpalh's
Iistory of the Woid," nine vol
umes; one set of "Standard Library
of Natural History," five volumes;
one set of Dickens, 15 volumes;
"Famous Orations," 10 volumes;
"Masterpieces of the World's Best
Literature," eight volumes; nine
books of fiction. On the reading
tables there have been kept 17
monthly magazines njid five weekly
The number of enrolled borrow
crs Li 154; number of books loaned,
1203; number of visitors (cither
borrowers or readers), 3397.
The highest number of books
loaned was during November, when
146 volumes were taken out; that
month claims the highest number
of visitors ulsd, 407. The follow
ing tablcshows the uumlcr of books
borrowed and the number who vis
itcd the library during each mouth.
The library ocned 011 April 6 for
visitors but had practically no books
to loan tiutil April so. The table
Itoaitrtl Visitor
April , ,vj H
May iij J17
in Mr ..,,,.,,..... 103 ,V1
my i 14 tuv
August UJ Jiu
Septeuilwr 74 37s
Octolxr 14,) 4
Noicmlxr I4 407
December , iw 357
January 118 Jt8
The treasurer, Miss Coleman,
submitted a report which showed
the following receipts and expendi
tures: RKCitirrs
I'rotu socials nntt entertainments (108.0s
l'roiil dances,.,,, , 15I.4U
l'loiii flues, candy snlea ami
other sources. , 31,64
Tau f8i.oo
I'or inaeailues..,, f 77.95
l'or book sand express on Mine., 74.81
l'or lamp, window sent, chair
nml other fixtures,. ,,,,,.,, 30,35
1'ur building wood sued 3.00
l'or lllirnrluira salary, lo per
inoutli , 100,00
l'or expenses of dances, soclu-
hies. etc. 108,57
l'or wood, oil, and Incidentals..
Total expenditures f 406,19
Cash on hand. 75.60
The election of officers resulted
ns follow; President, Mrs. F. F.
Smith; vice-president, Mrs. Roscoe
Howard; becrctury and treasurer,
Mini Coleman. Mm, K D. Wilson
will continue' tone! an librarian.
The Indies feel very grutcful lo
the public for tlic support they
have given the library and take
thin meaiiN to express their thanks
unci appreciation of the same.
They plan to make the library a
better mid even more popular insti
tution during the coming year.
Further Step Are Heine; Taken to
Make Metier Road.
II. C. Hooper of Antelope, a
Wasco county commissioner, and
Dell Howell, a road supervisor,
have recently Ixicn visiting the d li
ferent towns of Crook county seeing
what can be done in raising a fund
for the improvement of the Cow
Canyon road. Wasco has levied a
road tax that will give about $500
for this purpose, but that is Insuf
ficient and it is desired that Crook
citiens raise by subscription anoth
er $ 500.
The road to be Improved is really
a Crook county highway, as all the
traffic freight, mail and passenger
travel from this part of Central
Oregon passes through the canyon
to and from the railroad at Shanlko.
Of course the law will not allow the
county to cxcud its money on a
road outside its borders, and hence
If any money is raised It will have
to ! by privute subscription. How
ever, it is quite certain the desired
amount of moury will be raised as
it li of utmost importance to have a
good road through the canyon. It
is understood a mass meeting will
be held at Princville soon and steps
taken to raise Crook's share of the
One plan proposed is to run a
road through the canyon on wat
er grade by following the small
stream that runs through it. A
little blasting will have to be done
tn-gct rid of n jutting point of rock
known as "The Horn." The new
road will follow the one built by the
company that planned to put on the
big traction engine tor freighting
Will Ue llullt from Tumalo Neighbor
hood Into Uend.
Tumalo, 1'eb. 14, Another meeting
of the farmers' telephone Hues was held
at Laldlaw- yesterday. It was decided to
consolidate the three-different lines and
build a line to He ml In the near future,
as the stock In the new line has about all
been sinned up,
The warm weather of the past two
days has taken most kit the snow off.
Mr. and Mrs. Scogglns went to Fiend
Mr, McKlnney of the Gist neighbor
hood pasted through here one day last
week kuIiir to Ilend
Milt JMwards passed through here
yesterday with a load of hay from the
Sister country for Aunc tiros, at Ilend,
George Srhtimaker of Gist was a vis
itor at Tumalo yesterday.
We understand the wedding bells will
soon be ringing again,
Mr. Hansen ot Redmond Is hauling
lumber from the Ilightowcr-Smith mill
at C.lit to Ilend.
Mr. Gctchcll of Gist ate dinner In
Tumalo today (,'olng to Ilend.
Vcrn Gist ot Gist passed through here
yesterday returning from Ilend,
liounty Hill Passes.
With only nine votes against It, the
coyote scalp bounty bill, Introduced by
the Hasteru Oregon delegation and car
rying an appropriation of 40,000, has
passed the House, As the bill passed
the House, it provide for the following
touiitles, same-to be paid equally by the
state and county In which the animals
are killed' Gray wolf, gray wolf pup,
or black wolf. 5; coyotes, fi.50; black
wolf pup, tlmter wolf or timber wolf
pup, f 1 50; boh cat, wild cat or lynx, 3;
mountain lion, panther or cougar, fio.
Pneumonia Follow La Grippe.
Pneumonia often follows la grippe but
tifi.i fnllnw 111, lit nt 1lnli.v,a IIaiiiiu
oud Tur, for lagrlnpe cough and deep
seated coins, kciusc any out uie genu
ine in the yellow package. Ilend Drug
lHsiiilsiiHsHKklBr & Brfi.. 'HbflKivJiLfc- crit 7
r HHIKk Maw - t afc- 3LWBWBLWF ,i . at .MJsUisaBsBsWsWWsWfaw - ,JVE!JBf r
Oregon Is Now Assured a Modern
Water Law Will Aid (Ireatly to
Develop the State Will Alako
Tltlea to Water Certain.
Statkiiousk, Salem, Or., Feb.
tj. Carrying an emergency clause
which gives the governor power to
appoint two division superintend
ents, the Miller water code was
passed by the senate nt 1 o'clock
this afternoon by 32 votes, 3 voting
no and 5 absent. Assurances have
been given Senator F. J. Miller that
the House will pass the measure
without delay. This is the bill
prepared by the Conservation Com
mission, and is the code so long de
sired by irrigntionists and opposed
by corporations.
From 10 o'clock until after 1, the
Senate considered the code in the
committee of the whole, with Smith
of Umatilla, in the chair. There
were few amendments or changes
until the emergency clause was
reached, and then the argument be
gan. It was opposed but the op
position was overridden when it
was shown that unless an emergency
was attached, the valuable water
rights of the state would be appro
priated within 90 days. KuMern
Oregon members also favored the
emergency, saying that only by its
becoming a law immediately would
Hasteru Oregon be benefitted dur
ing the present irrigation system,
and that there were one or two ir
rigation protects pending the action
of the measure. It was ussertcd
that of all the bills before the legis
lature this most needed an emcr
gency clause, and so it was not
stricken out.
President Bowerman offered an
amendment, which 'carried. He
was afraid that the bill might build
tip a nest of arrogant officials, who
would override the farmers. The
bill provides for the appointment of
two division superintendents and a
state engineer. Bowerman moved
that the superintendents be elected
by the people for four-year terms,
beginning with the next general
election. His contention was that
when the superintendents receive
their power from the people they
will be more careful.
Senator Miller protested that in
competent men might be elected,
whereas by the appointive methods
experts could be engaged,
Opposition to the code was un
dermined by Senator Miller yester
day when lie succeeded in lining
up si votes for the bill- When the
opponents discovered they had lost
the Senate, they threw up their
hands. The- House has adopted a
water code somewhat similar which
is now in the hands of a committee
and the committee is slow in act
ing. It was only after Miller had
forcul the issue that the Senate
code bill was reported out.
A feature of the Senate bill
which was not contained in the
House irrigation bill is ihe section
protecting vested rights. That sec
tion of the Senate bill was agreed
to by the Conservation Commission
and the representatives of the
power companies and its language
is so broad as to protect any and
every right that now exists, with
out in any way creatine new rights
or recognizing any that may be in
The Senate bill also makes the
water masters subject to some con
trol by the county courts as to the
the amount of time they shall work,
so that if a water master tries to
graft he can be discharged. The
plan is to have the water masters
work only during the portion oi
the year when they are needed.
Pleasant Rid go Notes.
I'UtASANT KlPOK, l'eb. 17. A number
of our farmers are now commencing
sprint; work. Some are plowing, and
some will soon commence harrowing fall
llowint;, which wilt ureatly aid iu re
taining moisture and will make an ideal
seed bed.
We are having some fine warm showers
We are glad to note that Mrs. Irvin is
again able to be up and about her daily
Gail Hall, whi lat week was suffering
from inflammation of one of her eyes, is
now much Itetter. The eye now seems
to be restored to normal condition.
Grandfather and Grandmother Giles
and grand-oii are now occupants of the
Birdsell farm!
Clint Wood has Ix-en selling some of
his dairy stock to turtles In Mend.
Prof. Henry Hewin took the regular
teacher' examination at Princville last
week nnd we are proud to note that most
of his grades reached the 100 mark.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A Vosberg ore mov
ing on their Cliue I'alls ranch today.
We are sorry to see them leave, but wish
them well.
Itend a Veritable Coney Island.
The past seavou in Ilend has teen un
usual in more respects than that of
weather. The enterprise of the club
that is supporting the library, and the
diligence ot Ilend's young baud have
livened up things appreciably and
drowned the snores of those who had
nothing to do but wait for n railroad.
The ingenuity and originality shown by
the club and chui.cli organizations of
u.-nd In giving entertainments of various
sorts have made an otherwise dull and
tedious season pass off pleasantly and
quickly, and given nend the name of a
second Newport. liven a skating rink
has been established by outMdc parties.
And now, last but not least, comes the
barn warming given by the Anarchists,
which Indeed promises to be a unique
affair. On Washington's birthday, We
usndy's new barn, having a loft with
6363 square feet of floor space, will be
dedicated with a grand ball, to which
the whole country has been Invited,
The baud will furuish the music and
everything will be up to date. Prom all
indications the crowd will be a record
Dill fntroduced In Legislature to Vote
on Amendment Authorlztag State
to tiulld, Own and Operate
Transportation Lines.
A bill has been introduced into
the legislature that provides for the
submission to the jKrople of a pro
posed constitutional amendment.
which, if adopted, will allow the
state to build and operate railroads
in those parts of the state that are
unsupplicd with necessary transpor
tation facilities. The main object
of the bill is to put the state in a
position where it can build a rail
road into Central and Eastern Ore
gon ami open up this vast and
wealthy inland empire should Har-
rimsn refuse longer to do so. The
measure has the unanimous sup
port of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce which bent a large num
ber of influential men to Salem to
lobby for its passage. Both A. M
Drake and F. S. Stanley appeared
before the committee in behalf of
the bill.
If the bill passes the legislature
the people will vote on the amend
ment at the November election of
The bill would empower the state
to issue bonds lor the building and
operation of railroads in the state
when considered expedient. This
may be done by the state or by cer
tain districts through which the
propose! road would be built
As stated before, the purpose of
the bill is to put the stat in o posi
tion where it can throw off the
shackles of Harriman, if he refuses
longer to build, and the state itself
will go into the business of railroad
building in order to otien tin the
vast, rich, undeveloped sections ot
the state. Undoubtedly the first
line built would be one through
Husteru and Central Oregon.
In discussing the proposed
amendment before the Portland
Chamber of Commerce, W. W. Cot
ton, Harrimaii's attorney for the
Northwest, said that they fullv in
tended to build a line up the Des
chutes river as announced, but they
were being delayed by opposition
from the Oregon Trunk Line, by
litigation, and through failure to
have their right of way maps ap
proved by the government officials
He stoutly maintained, however,
that the road will be built as soon
as arrangements can be perfected.
TI10 above is the name of a German
chemical, which is one of the many valu
able ingredients of Polev's Kidnev Rem
edy. Hexamethyleuetetramine Is recog
nlied by medical text books aud authori
ties as a uric acid solvent ami antiseptic
for the urine. Take Foley's Kidnev
Remedy as soon as you notice any ir-
regularities, and avoid a serious malady,
Dead DrugCo.
fill? Henri country present
the best opportunities for
the Homeseeker, of any tec
tlon of the Northwest.
NO. 49
Move Started to Advertise Crook
County at Seattle Fair.
The Plan Is to Secure Appropriation
from County Court If Possible,
Rale Mote by Donation, and
Place Able Aim In Charge.
Do you believe in endeavoring to
bring new settlers into Crook
county? Do you believe in show
ing to the world, by judicious ad
vertising, what opportunities lor
the homeseeker we have here? If
you do, you sboubJfall in line with
a movement that Is now under way
to send a complete exhibit of the
county's products to the Alaska
Yukon Pacific Exposition. Tins'
exhibit would be housed in the Ore
gon bcilding and a competent man
placed in charge.
The idea 13 us follows. The men
who are behind this movement ask
that the different localities of the
county appoint a committee of one
or more men whose duty will be to
appear before the county court when
it convenes March 3 and petition it
to appropriate $500 for the purpose
of procuring this exhibit and pay
ing the expenses of putting a good
man in charge of it at the exposi
tion. If the appropriation is se
cured, an attempt will then be
made to raise an additional $500 by
donation among the merchants and
others of the county. It is believed
$1,000 will be ample to provide for
A 1 exhibit during the life of the
The exhibit could be made a
most interesting and valuable one.
It could include samples of the
grains, grasses, vegetables, fruits,
etc., grown both by irrigation and
dry farming; samples of the timber
and of finished lumber mnlA nKr,
be shown; exhibits of some of the
mineral resources could be on dis-
olav. as well as samnles nf unnl
one of the county's chief industries.
wnnc tue exhibit would aim to
COVer all the varied nrnrturlvi th
the agricultural and lumber sam
ples would naturally predominate
as they are the county's in t im
portant resources. Thr mnrir in.
dustry could be partially shown by
numerous uigu class photographs
of some of the county's best stock
ranches, and water power possibili
ties could also be pictured in the
same manner. Many ideas could
be worked out that wmil.l mitrr.
the exhibit a most valuable one as
an advertisement for the entire
If you consider the plan a good
one, get in and push. The people
who will visit the exposition will
be those with money just the ones
wist may oecome interested ond in
vest in a new country.
Burglar Loot Itoe's Store.
ElTOPIA. Wash . Feb. e Th-
general merchandise store of Geo.
tl Koe ot tins place was entered by
burglars some time WednesiUv
night, and from ten to twelve dol
lars in nickels aud dimes and a few
hats are uiissiiiir. Though mir
articles of value may have been
taken nothing else has been missed.
There is no clue as to the guilty
panics, i uis store was burglarized
about a month ago to the tune of
$150. Pasco News.
Mr. Roe is the father of Mrn.
Allen Wilcoxson. who, livei i it,
old river bed section, and visited
here last summer.
A Correction.
I wish to correct a report that has
been circulated in rtpn.1 in ,!., o......
that John White had killed one of
our steers. There is nothing to it
mm t. muse ho sucn aecusatiou
against Mr. White,
Clint Vandvrt,