The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 10, 1909, Image 8

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    "iifflMaJEilfa.T'iS "f" .--... w
Rend Men Are Contemplating Pur
chase or $4,000 Percheron Stal
lion Winner of Many Prize
at tllgtfClass Shows.
G. O. Ireland, of the firm of
Fawcett & Ireland of Corvallts, is
in Bend this week showing a hand
some black Percheron stallion which
he has for sale. A company of
local men are contemplating the
purchase of the big fellow, but the
transaction has not progressed far
enough to warrant giving details.
Potachc, 40,064, as he is known
on the books of the American rests
tration, is six years old, weighs
about 2,000, and was imported from
France, where he had been pen
sioned by the French government,
a pension of $300 having
been paid his owners on the con
dition that he be kept in France
for breeding purposes. This pen
sion had to be returned to the gov
ernment by the importers when
they purchased him.
Potachc is certainly a prize win
ner as the following data will prove.
He took first prizes at both the
Government Show and the Royal
Stock show in France; first prize
in class and first ptize and collec
tion at American Royal Livestock
Show at Kansas City in 1904; two
medals and four prizes, including
two first Missouri prizes, at the St.
Louis' World's Fair in 1904; also
first prize and collection at the St.
Louis Fair; first prize and also
sweepstakes at Corvallis Stock
Show ot 1908; grand champion at
Oregon state fair, 1908, also win
ner of first prize at same; first
premium for get of sire showing
four best colts, aud also senior
champion at Oregon state fair, 1908;
prize winner at International Stock
Show at Chicago; first premium
for get of sire showing four best
When You Paint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at the
least expense you
should use
She n win- Williams
Call for
color cards "" " ""
A Full Line of Groceries, Dry
Goods aid Hardware always on
NO. 40,004
colts at Pacific Northwest Show,
Mr. Ireland recently sold Bolivar
n big black Belgian, to II. A.
Myers & Company at Redmond
mention of which appeared in la
week's Bulletin. He desires to
tr.tve Potnche nt Bend, and snv
" - --- m
the fanners hereabouts would never
regret his purchase ns it would re
sult in a great improvement of the
horses in this section. Mr. Ireland
holds Potnche at $1,000, and if he
is not sold here he will take him
south to the horse country around
Silver Lake where he feels confi
dent he can dispose of him. A cut
of Potache is herewith hovn.
Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that
may develop into pneumonia oer night
are quickly curcu oy 1'oiev a none? ami
Tar, anil it soothes inflamed membranes,
heals the lungs, anil expels the colli
from the system. Henti urug 10.
United States Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Feb, t, 1909.
Notice It hereby (Wen that the Bute of Oregon
otjio to elect under tbeproTtiloas 01 the Act of
ronffrufifAunut li. i&iS.and the Acts aunnlr.
mnunr thereto, the 8Kf NK V and lot I of
cc I, Tp. 30 ., x. to n.. wuumtue Mcrmian.
Anr and alt HfKDl clalmtar adecrxlr the
lanila described, or drslrinf tooHect .became of
the mineral character o the Und, ot for anr
other reason, to the disposal to applicant, should
file their atodatitiiof protett In Ibis office, on or
before the Mtn nay ot Marco. 1900.
fio-mi; C w. iloo It K. Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at Lakcvlear, Oregon,
December il, 190I.
Notice U hereby alren that
Joseph V. Tageart
of Roaland, Oregon, who on December ij, loaj,
made Homestead Katry No. 319a (Serial No.
094)) for N Vfil Mellon 1, Township i S, Range
9 B.. Will. Meridian, has filed notice oflnteution
10 mase waai rue Year rrooi, 10 cauDiisn
claim 10 the land abore described, before If C
Kills, U. 8. Commlnioner, at hit office at Dcnd,
Oregon, on ine W oar 01 reoruarr, 1909.
Claimant names aa wltneaaea Ralph K.
Lewis, of Bend, Oregon, Job 8 Dogue, William
If. Iloilingihead, William K. Cogue, all of Koa
la na, uregon.
jo-fio J. N. WATSON, RegUter,
1 HAVE started up for
business in the Dunn
Blacksmith Shop, anil re
spectfully solicit a share
of your patronage. Satis
faction guaranteed in
Horseshoeing and
General Repairing
W.H.HEWES ltd, Ore
The Pioneer Telegraph
and Telephone Company
Telegrams Forwarded to Any Fart
of the World,,
Telepho r.e Cmmunlca tin
with Portland, Frineville and all
Pacific Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
in Dank Dulding at Bend, at Lald
law aud Fowell IJuttci.
Messenger service to any part of
Crook County south of Crooked
walker Valley $
fresMtnt Theodore Roosevelt
Vtce-lftsUtent: Chatlea W. Valtlwnka
Secretary ot Mate Klllm Hoot
Secretary of Treasury ..(.cotte II Cotmyou
Setrtarv of Interior -tamra R. CtarAeM
Secttlatyof War.. - UWe It. Wright
Secretary or Naty Ttuman reierry
Herniary of Commerce... Oscar Hltausa
roatruatler lenerl..........('.eorue ,Vou I.. Meyer
Attorney Gencrat - -C. J. Ilonanaite
Secretary of Agriculture -Jamts Wilson
Coretnor tteorge It. Chamberlain
Secretary of Mate V. V Benson
Tteaaurer O. A fleet
Altornrw flnr1 A. M Cranloru
8upl. rutAlc lnilructlon ..J. II. Ackerman
State rrlnler w. is inmniway
Dalty and Food Commissioner.... J W llalley
Commissioner of Labor Statistic . .0 1' Hod
!Thoa, K Campbell
Cljde II. Altcltlsou
Oswald Wet
Came and Forestry Warden R. O. Stevenson
Slate h'oglneer John II Lewis
U.S. Senator. IsNEirM
I W. C Ilawlcjr
I W. R. Kllla
Congressmen ........
)K. s. iwan
U A. Moore
R. liaVIn
Supreme Judges.
Judge...,............ . W. L. liiadshaw
Attorney .... I'rol W, Wilson
Judge . II. C IHIIa
Cltrh .......I.. ,,nwr"" llrown
Sheriff...... ..-.... Frank I Ulna
Treuurer -
Aueuor.. .......... ....
School Sa(erlnlenJcnt...
Surreyor.- .....
,.... -W. I'. King
I. D. Lal'ollctte
M. A, Ford
I'teit A. Rice
I K. II. Ilayley
amea Rice
CIBCCIT Copat First Monday 'in May; third
Monday In October.
raoaaTK Couar First Monday In eath month.
COMMtaaiotKas Cotar Firnt Wednelajr
In January, March, May, July, September
aud November.
Dan School Iiistsict No. i.
( John Sleldl
1. C. Coe
(C. W. Merrill
.... ,L. I. Wlesl
Direct era.
MlwKutht.. ReM
Mim Margaret Ciltllna
Mla Maude Vandevttt
Mlaa Marion Wlett
Ml fana Ulehardion
iMIsaCota I'trguaon
- J. n. Davidson
II. C mils
II. J. Overturf
Anion Aune
1. N. Hunter
C. M. Kedfield
T. V Triplet!
f II Vllv
Is, C. Caldwell
Department of the Interloay
U 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
December lh, tooS.
Notice Is hereby given that
Cora Jones,
offrincville, Oregon, who, on November stlh.
tool, made Timber andhtone Application, Serial
No, 017M, for SH Nltf and WW SKK. hee
Tp. 17 th. K. U li. W SI , haa Clril nolle of in
tention to make Final Timber and Slone ltoof,
to cstabttah claim to the laud above described,
before II C. Kills. United States Coraml loner,
at hUofltce, at Deal, Oregon, ou the jrU day of
March, im.
CtalmJaat namea aa wllneaaea Joseph N
Hunter and William II Slaataof Ilend, Oregon,
joetA. taiiott aud MaryS KUIott of frineville,
dfj C W MOOKK. Reslster.
Department of Ibe Interior,
U 8, Land Office. Lakevlcw, Oregon,
January i, if)
A aufSdenl contest afBdavit bavlnc been Bled
In thla ofbee by W. L Robertson, contestant,
aealnst homestead entrv No. VV fherul Na
07t), made Feb. n, loar.for K M Sl ,NW W
8K!s.W)f NKK.Scc tj,Tp,J S. R ll K.
by Frank A Abbott, contealec, In which It la al.
legea mat aaia enirymau naa aoauuunea an nia
right, Ititle and interest under aakl entry, In
thla, that he haa not aince June 19A or any lime
since aald date, oomplled with the homeatead
lawaol Ibe United Mates, with reference to
either residence, cultivation or Improvement,
but on the contrary, haa aa above staled,
abandoned aald entry, and wholly
neglected to reside, cultivate or im'
nruve lands covered bv aald entry. That aald
entryman died on or about the 4th day of June,
lyuS, leaving no known kelra, and that aald al
leffca auarucc irom aawi lauu was not uuc 10 nia
rmnlovtnrnt lu the Armv. Navv or Marine Corns
or ine tinuea bisics as is pnmt soiuier. omevr,
seaman or marine during the war with Spain or
during any other war in which the United stales
;. . ,: . . . . j -'-,..-.' ...j. i-
may ueenrageu,
bald parties are hereby notified to appear, re-
spoud and oner evidence touching sjij allegation
at 10 o'clock a, nt on March 1 j, iy. before
W D. West, U.S. Commissioner St Sliver Lake.
Oregon, aud that final heating will be held al
to o'clock a m on March ri. tv. before the
Register and Receiver al the Lulled States Land
Otfcce in Lakevlcw, Oregon,
The said contestant having, lu a proper affida
vit riled lanuarv iq. iwi. act forth bets which
ahow that after due diligence personal service of
this notice can not be made, ll la hereby ordered
and dlrrcted that auch notice be givcu by due
and proper publication
fj-mis J N WATSON, Register.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for
uook uuuty.
The Central Oregon Banking and Trust Com
pany, t-iaintiu,
A D. ICatebenrt. Katie Q. Ksttbcntt, and A. C.
Micas, ueicnaania,
Ilv virtue of an execution and order of aale
laaued out of the above entitled Court on the 1st
day of February, 1909, In favor of the above
namea I'lainuus ana against trie above naineu
ueicnaania, lor tne sum 01 1111 40. witn interest
thereon at the rate ot 10 per cent per annum alure
July 14II1, lyo, and fijxw altoruey'a fees and
liM J costs, upon a judgment rendered In aald
Court on the 17I h day 01 December. 1908. and
whereaa It waa iurther ordered and decreed bv
the Court that the following described moil
gaged properly, to-wll Lot hevcu (7) of Illock
(Ten (10) in the Cllyoriiend, crook County, ore
I gon, be sold by the Sheriff of Crook County. Ore
gon, aa under Itxecutlon,
Notice la hereby given that In obedience to
aald execution and order of sate, I will on Thurs
day, the 4th day of March, lyoo, at the hour of
our o'clock In Ine afternoon of aald day, at the
front door of the Court House lu the City of
Wlnrvllle. in Crook County. Orreon. sell at nub.
lie auction to the highest bidder fbr cash, all the
right, title, and lutercst of said Defcndanta, A. II.
Jistebenet and Katie O listrbenct, In and lo aald
mortgaged premises above described, to aatlsfy
aald Judgment and Interest and Alteruey's fees
aud coal and cost of aale,
Dated thla lit day of February, root.
fihcriffof Crook County Oregon,
Attorney fur llalntlflr.
First Issue ftu , ); Last lime March ;, 1909.
If you will send $1.50 for
cash with order, we will
subscription to--
THE BULLETIN Is offering these pictures as an inducement to secure
new subscribers. They are fine reproductions of noted paintings, and are
printed in the original colors.
Oneof these ia a picture, 9x13 i2 inches, of the martyred Lincoln; one is a supcib picture of
Washington that has never before been published; one U a new picture of Christ an Hastcr picture
entitled "Follow Me." This picture Is a wonderful one. None other of Christ b so appealing. You
certainly will want one of these pictures If you ever see it.
With all cashinadvance subscriptions received from uowto Jan. 15, 1'OUK handsome pictures.
With all subscriptions received between Jan. 15 and I'cb, 15, TIIR1JH pictures.
With all subscriptions received between Feb. 15 to March 15, TWO pictures.
With all subscriptions received between March 15 and April 15, ON 12 picture that of Christ.
And with the four pictures, you get a ycar'a subscription to THIJ BUND UULlrliTIN aud
. Farm and Fireside.
What Is Farm and Fireside?
It is not enouKli that J'artn and Pircilile lias stood lu the front rank o( (arm papers (or the last thirty years; It la
not enough that it has barred all questionable advertisements (rom Its columns and guarantee every advertisement It
accepts; farm and I'lresitle lias got to do more than that, anil it is goInK to do a lot more than that; ll is uolnir to eive
to the farmer and his family the very best of practical and helpful material that money can buy. K ll Is about notliW
more Importaurtbnti post driver, It'i ko1iii lobe told by a man who can make a post driver belter than he can do
any one other thltiK. We are RoinK to carry this utility idea through the whole (arm ami Into the kitchen door, where
the fanuer'a wife needs labor-saving helps and practical suggestions just as much as the men (oiks.
Around this practical worklnir proposition, carried out on a totally new plane, we shall (orgc material of Interest
and entertainment, which (arm paper heretofore have put into the "can't afford" class.
I'arm and fireside lias twelve to fifteen department covering every phase of farm and home life. Among them
are Live Stock and Dairy, Gardening, Poultry, I'rult Crowing, Cookng,l,'ihlon, Young People, tc. It print jo lo
pages each Issue. We can afford the best, simply because wc believe the farmer will pay for the best, now that we
have demonstrated our ability to give it to him.
You will find I'arm ami I'lresitle better than it has ever been thought possible to make a (arm and family paper.
Hire k a pointer for you- Two wteks ago Thtf Bulletin
Save its readers
37 Columns
of reading matter; tka week before, 35 columns. What
other paper in the county gives even half m much?
- -
Isjiiiiiwiiimiiii mmmmmmtmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmm
a year's subscription to THE BEND BULLETIN
give you, absolutely free, a full paid-up yer'
li'f'aJflL tsiv3BLwarSkB
iraffL 1 sjyeBHWMMBMBj
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Send AH Orders To-
BULLETIN, Bend, Oregon