i i Disease Genus Gnnrtot hnrm honlthy human hocllos. Wo onnnot hnvo honlthy botlloB unions wo hnvo puro blood, -tho hind of folooii that Hood'o Snrsnpnrllla makes. This urent inodlrlnn 1ms nn tin entmlled, utinitpronched record (or purl lying, nml enriching, tho hlood. It cure acrninln, ccirinn, eruptions, catnrrli, rliciiiiiullHm, nnemm, nimoiu lirnii, Hint tired feeling, dyspepsia, loss 01 appetite, genernl doblllly, nml builds up tlm whole ayatem.i Oil It .to-lay in the uanal HitnM form or In aecvUled ublal turiu eall4 H.itauU. MOWAHII I.. lll'IIIDrt -AMHJr r I l'llltllat, Iailill.('luraiin aiw.iiii.rt lilt Ii.ii.I. lillTar,l,a.l,lliIM.I. eMtai,!.. ii. M, i flu m ( iifr.tlt OaiiMe Iwi. lilllnitiii'ranl fUllprtrIUt afilunei, llrall.Hi. Cuittrnl anil I'm Clfewwfk aoUvllaU. llalalaMiel fatbonal aSa anal llaak. ( jT C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor Thla wimdaful man ha hi ul Ufa alinl jr r lh Iri"ttiM tf Itmia. IkU and Hatha, unit l.aleinif lhaMM Ilia IvntlHuf hl MrTit'. WS() No Manury, Cation ly kf t)fuiUMd. tie I jJitCXtii VtutMlnntor fulling (luarantra In rui (alariti, Aalhma I.unif Nltxnch ml K ulnar irwiti a, ami nil l'rlaal tllMir Mnnl Vtwritii A nunc cancek cuitn Juat nvMn fruu l'kiii, China- Mtfa, ur ail i.ibi. t'ii(lliir lnll wli. If jrwj ratimil rail wilirar.rtnittm Wank ami circular lrtcli4enLln alanine, CONSuilATION flltC The C. Ccc Wo Medicine Co. wa. raj f Mlin rvi a wear... l)U rl.i i . li a !,.. itu.ii.j.j zy n- BBSs BtP1 NfiAir Ljl 'il I jar rnkn wirrrr Qh(!l1 thlnf Tl"' irrit nl t'lii'lhins tl m 1 n n,l v , .Matrrtlt, Ju II 1 Jj lu l- r c r 11 if I m 1 K-mIiiu llnpl lrwitrr I 'n. H iif ! r. lf 11 l 1 rltn n J rulouiin4t r nilim rritltu hn li n In. I. Ail4r D.M.rtBnT&co.,DnioiT.MicH. I fRESCENT mm a fraajaaaawitaaaaaiOTaassaaiwaaaaiMaiaiaMaaannaaa nu tw tu nur 1M injirunn runtHi imu IKJ A.-HI A FULL r, -! Do.t-tmu QualitypH The Power Behind the UC BAKING IV U POWDER 25 Ounces 11 A rcnl power that raises nnd sustains bOVJHCCjj the dough with M No failures. A K C cannot fall We insist upon money If a trial -att . 9tiIlT7. vincc : ?? r" ri-a- T7QP cl i - Jq school HI Your dealer will aumtly ynui II nol. wrho ip ut. Look lor Uio Mayer Trade Markon (lie aolo. rAKK-llyauvrlllaaaJ atika nana! a dafUt wboaloea iml hanjla ipatlal Maill a.liool H.O.J, will lanj juit llaa, pual. r.VJl1l""""gl'c"it,,,,J0'"lailli Wathlntwa, alia llala, 6laia nhldi ukiyia you waal. Wm alaa aa.W I sa.IIh I .,! ILk.. Iloaoialli auuaa, tl.tilia Wa.hlaalo Comlixi tUiita aaol Yaiuia UuaUuA VII. F.Muycrlloot&SlioeCo, ULWAUKCC,WUGON8IN FOR llOYS tmd GIRLS gj naaamaaaBaBWBaaBasaBaak fneredllile. 0rr here," until tlm Arab fttiMt, "we have nnolher mummy. I'rom tlm cooking utensil found iicnr her hu U auppuard In linrii horn a cook. For two tlioumiiid your i 1iu linn remained jmt whom aim wit found." "Iloahl" scoffed the Aiiiurlcnn tonrlit, "that's no cook." "Wliy not?" "Wlio over lii'nnl of n cook roiimlu liif In ono pin to Unit IoiijcT" Hold tMt.n out Into a lent loaj.iRai ol an Inch In thickness Ihm-oiih" lrau.hicnt, and Hi llclit raya nncirHii It (hi II a C'rrnliih hue. only Ono "UROMO QUININC nml U I.AXATIVK llltOMO UUININI'. f (r lh tlnlur of K W (II10VK. i;il Ih. rurVl ovr Ui L'urm (V.l.1 In On Day, tie. Irlrm, Victim (iIIdmmI in (Mimhl) You't rolilil nif b'fort l' Iwni In lown halt 111 hour Koolpad Yri) tlili It a pay a you-ni lir lown. , Tt n.moa I Maka and 8.11 Mora Man's $3 CO u44updii lumunuj vuiar jaaouiaciorcr la Vm I i? U vn l4 Wall lit iMflMMttlMUn ! lfJ4 tfrU a4 ikMIM towkkMi la la aMtlry a4 tvttr itll ( ila la im ritaal, U mm im f i wBrrf ir yn f ! lw4 ilUi lia ihI II I ! ! in luaKUf W L Coital im lt msnUltH I4iua4tr lrV4lkalc lu al ikHitki la l . lMaur , II (attar lllnx lumuu aaiatiataukl fjf UtlkoJtf I4HMI-1 IktStttt Mill lf( ri(Maaiffr Hnufaif liuuitOiri, Mlia fr rrr lwl.r af llif tMmllra l', lla,t'.rH,ll.ara H4 lillalma. Koa al hf tlMi4aArftrTafviaa, PflllTlflH I Xunaal- nUl W, I. IW.fll UHU I IUII I Mina tkl Ki-a MKiNil vn Mini, raatCatalrtlaUraaIliUaln4r CUla taJU4 frat W. L WWUS, HI rwk X, tlmlltaj. Mau. PHU Na 6-09 AY flir.K tvrlltnv lolvffrilir plo invnimn ini ipr. Ecg'Phosphato h I fee ))M I mlV' poYtMiiiv. r I BAKING POWDER POUND 25c Get it from your Grocer Purity Dough! for 25 Cents absolute certainty. cake made with refunding your docs not con you. "SPECIAL MERIT" SEAMLESS SCHOOL SHOES SCHOOL. SMOnS wltliout acanu-lhlnk or ll-jt'iimcji school jhovit Thty aro alronir anil alurdy. Iiava aaamlaaa upnera, louglt aolra and Uoulil feailicr lora, IW lar ifio moat durable an J laailnir alioea obialnable, "SirclalMrrl"iianileaaSclioolShoca'Sivor iron." I day wear Juit I wlco aa loim aa ordinary alioci ltd iniut, Made In all alylca and alira. for every day nnj fiiiniliw w..talni l.u. u...a ..l-- a - I aliaSaaaaaaaaaaa. .AfclV?? aaBaltaaaaBBBBBBBBBW &Q-ipi2ttCfy. H""' ". "' iioiim i ritmi m 1. XLJ&&f "Zri ""'"V 'U""'H '" n ',,Mt "f Mn,,'r- I)l . -r?r.--'rjf li'li'il 11I111I10I or Mliinkr niny ho kIvoii. wwavvwa Ori lit (tin I'lnrlr. Hhci'p iihi little alM'ltiT uxcept to lii'i'p oiT nil ii nml mum', I luivu nl wiiy nllo(il tlii'in In alny out lu tlio olilcat wnillicr, If It wnn not atoriny. llowtMur, I iiovit, undiT nny clrcum ulnlHfH, nllotv tlicin to dike mini nml Mn.ua lu wliitiT, wrllia n iiirripiiidvut of I'arui nml llomo. At tills aiiimin I kIvh K'hmI clorcr Imy, nml In nddltlon n llttlo allnco or urn fixIdiT nlioiit Hint Hiiich n wwlt. I hiil twlco n ilny lu tlio ynnl on tho Kroiilid If It la frozen, hut when tho Kroiind la nut frorcu I fril lu rnrka lu tho ahcop luirn. I feed n llltlo ru tin trrnlii, tuoatly onta to tho Im-iiHni; cwvu. My trousha nro inndii of thrco lionrda, R fcrt Ioiik, tho Ixittniii ouo 10 IikIick vsdi nnd tho Nldt-K II IiicIii-k, na ahowu In akctch. I cn It it tho on In thin In tlnw troiiKha mid tin' alioi'p enmmt cot n InrKO inoutllfill. Tlitin Ix'ltvr innatl csttlon of tho ttrtiln la wriinil tlmn In iwirrow tmiiKlm, I luiu fed tlin-lnil out to my Hliccp for n rotmI ninny jfiirr nnd hnto not na yet exixTU'iiciil nny Imil rcaulta from tliclr uaf. I fceil onlx unlit nfti-r Ininliluc tliiio, then 1 WAU. MIUKI' TIIO10II. mid utxiut ono enr of ulu'lliil turn to ono pint of on I a kt ilny. I know frniii my iinn fxirlfiiro that It Niya tu ktvli alii-fti, lirovlilnl tlioy lire kejit ill, Mitd tlioat lio do not do thl nro xcry likely to (nudnmu Ihe hrwtl of Mieeji uhlili they mny hnpiuMi to hum or the breedliit: alock which they hnvo piin'tiiiaetl for tho luipruio lifiit of Ihrlr Hock whn the fault Ih vnlly their own. ((illrU t'liullry I'nllriiliiu. Tlie theory on which crate futteulni; la cueoiirnuiil In thnt.n hen will illceat inoro fooil than alio will wt. Hhreddfd wiient will put I liw fnt on nt na low n coat na -M& centa kt miuihI. Tho v tlona of our crntea nrti two feet wide, two feet IiIkIi. twenty-aureli Incliea lout;, three xi'tloim to n crntv; live ilrda to n Mil lull, hii)h n bulletin of Tlm Connecticut Uxiorlnient Stntlon. Theae linvo to la? ery cnrefully fwl o tlmt tho npjiellie will not bo hurt. Careful ntteiitloii Una to bo Khen not only to uhut they nro fnl. hut when nnd liuw oflmi tho feed la olTored to tlv tu. Iiuiil ipmntltlea of cornmiHil, (.round on I a nnd hlireiliUtl wheitt mixed will aUlin milk coualittcuey of phI wir rldev lu front of them for n few lulu utiw. evory twoiu buura for two ilnyn. Next otcnlui; lei them ent their till. Next dny feeil In tho morning not iiioukIi to MHtlafy them. At ulcht, nil they will out. At the end of the nee ond wtek Khe n noon feed of Juat n little. The third week itlvo nil thoy witut ut noon. Nojt wcok ndd u little tullow, terliHp bnlf n pint of tallow tu lirtetiu blnl. tllvu a little grit from lime tu tluio. ' If KrowliiK brolltfrn kIvo them n tnree penvutitKO of bran alx weeka, then uinke tho hulk of tho feed corntuenl for four wcoka. Milk nnd burkwhent, or milk a lid ontH lend to whiten akin. If iiuythlnic la not contented, It won't put oil Ileali. I'rrdliiK lliiraca. It la Keucnilly 1kIIuoI that linraen must not bo fed cIout buy (or fear of tho home. TblH la n mlatiiko. If the hotbe la Khen the proper iitmntlty of clover nnd not ou'rfu! there la no dutievr of the liiincx. A homo nbouid never bo fed tuoro tluiu ho will eat up i lean, either km!" or buy. Without it doubt outH In tho beat KOUcntl food for ii liuihe, nnd k'ot'a well with tlm- otby huy. A kiknI cIiudko Ih to ouco or twlit' n week kIvo ii feeil of com and clour with brim nmah, Wlini a Iioiho doen not clean up liU feed It In beat to try a clmnno. I'eedlni; and Huterltii; ulumld he done ut ivKiilar lta terviilH. tho wiiteiiiiK nlwujn beforo the cntlui:. Above nil thliifH, do not clvo n borno water linmedhitely after eat Injj, It Dhould never bo clven before nt IciihI mi bout after bu baa tlulahed his meal. Win it folio III llnraea. Tho treatment for wind colic differs rery materially from that of craiup colic, aMmorbcutR aro of koiiio Burvlco, nnd charcoal may bo elveu lu any liiantlty. ItclaxautH nro also henolUiat in thin form of colle. Chloral hydrate 'tot only pis!H'8av8 this ijuallty, but It ulho Ik a p.ilu reliever. It la particu larly well adapted to tho trcntmcut of i " T frrf ri I 1 ft! or iromnllo aplrlla of nnunoiiln In ! oiiikc doaea nt abort Intervnla. A phyrlc ahould nlwnja Im- Khen In Until lent colle n iiirly na porwlhlp, the U-at helntr 1-ounco doaea of llnrndoa ulixi. Injection, er rwli of turpentine. 1 to 2 ouncenj llnwil oil, 8 outieca, mny l' chen freiuently to allinulnlc tho Krlalnltlc motion of thn Niwela nml favor tho ranie of wind. Illnnkota wrunr' out of hot water do much to nf ford relief; they ahould bo renews) ovury tiro or ten luluutea nml covered with n dry, woolen hlnnket This form of colle la iniri more fnlnl tlmn crump i-o'le, nml reipilrca proniid nnd jwralat ent trentmetit. It la entirely unanfn to pnillct tho n-ault, aoino n(nretilly mild uttneka going on to ajtcedy ilmtli, while other Hint npiK-nr nt the onaet to h- very aetero yleldlnc rnphlly to trentment. Do not ccaim jour cnort until you know the nnluml la pant help. Krrnlnir Null In f.o.,,1 amti.. When there la plenty of molaturo In aprlng. folNnu-d by dry nnd hot wenther during Juno nnd July, tho con dition I Jnat rlcht for aiadllng the noil, iwpeclnlly If uutlinoly plowing has left tho Held In n badly Imken condi tion. If tho rentilt of audi iimdltlom Inated hut ono N-nain the matter would not be o N-rloua. hut It hn frequently: l-eeii olmervisj that land Imdly puddlitl nnd aubHijuently hard baked i-nn wit bo retrleveil In ninny jenra. It la harder to reduce audi mill tlmn tlm toimheat Imnlimii. In fart, It will require aer ernl atnona of careful work to bring IheM? aolla into good condition ngnln. It la n laid practice to Mir groiiml when It la wet, yet It I done every aprlug. Cnijm are puddled In every J enr, nnd It la n wonder that we get any crow nt all fmiu tbie Held, Such flelda nro the llrat to dry up when aiiminer droughta atrlke ua, for cnplllnrlty bna Ihii .ho completely do atroyeil Hint the rropa can mit dra uhiii the water ronorvea. nml the cle ment; neediil for growth of the crop nre no aa-tiirely liM'kisI up lu the cloda that theynre mt nvallahle. It la Ihe'liiitunil tendency of nil anil lo laeeome llrmer. It la tunied dowu by even the genlleat ralua. and Uniting ruin will render It nlmost lintorvlous to wuler. (loud fnrmlug inuat undo ilila work by breaking up tliee c,mtia nnd keeping the will In good condition. AH prartlcnl fiirinom knovy thntJwdla nre let ij- Mug plouol nnd riiltlvalcJl nt Juat the right time, hut iintQnnuy Imve the iHitlence to atntut by,wben the aenaou la petting late, or, put off cultivation nnd allow wceda to get the upl-er hniuL Itrown any there la more to tie gained by properly working our noil than In fertilizing them. Wntt-rliii Xyalnit fur .llrtlilr. Ill the accnmiainylng plan two gm viniljti-d Iron tnuka, 1! ft. x 5 ft. nre c-iinuH'tctl by n pIlH) (e) iwi that tank lb) la supplied with water from tank (a), which lu turn la mipplied from the hydrant a ahown Tank (b) la connected with a sewer by a waate pljvo (d). the plug (o) coiiaiatH of a piece of pi pln threuilcd Into the end of the waate plo and therefore inl aw era the purpose of plug aud overturn-. I'ulula In llwlry llra-rillnir. You mny train a man to be a good dairyman uud Improve til method and practices, but to make u real, auccean ful hrcetler of dairy cattle he must liase u natural lovo for Ida cattle ami lie able to ice ninny ol the change that nre not visible lo the average per aon. The natural Block brecdera are the ones to whom wo must look for the fuller development of our herds. It la to these men that we look when wo want tu buy a herd-header of pro nounced excellence of breeding. Suit for H!ieri, nxpcrlmcuta recently made for the purpose of ascertaining tho nutritive value of mtlt for aiiccp show that those which hnvo boon fed wilt gained In weight four and one-half pounds more than tboso which received no salt. Moreou'r, the sheep which received nalt produced ono ami one-third iwuiuls tuoro wool aud of a better quality thau tboso which received no Bait, riifkimr i.trira, Farmers anil others who knowingly pack bad egga with good ones, are go-' Ing to bo prosecuted by tho Nebraska mid Michigan I'uro I'ood commissions. Dealers claim that their leases amount ed to several million dollars last yeur. 1 a ffnanlrlriti. "A ail"-l(l ma ,ii.i-tlon." add I).? lancey Mroll. Ihe eiulin nt New York lawyer, dluaali g a celebrated ena. "In fact, one of tlHwi nirplclnna qiirn Hon wlilrli carry tlwlr own wivlctbm with them. It I Juat awcll a quentlou a n clldiil youth naked Hi" bend waller In n Ilroadu-Hy nataurnnt the other morning. "'Wa Ilhink here laat nlghtr he be gan. "'Yea, lr.' thf waiter mwwerrd. "'And. nhl Ihe yoiitli. tiorroinlr, waa I wlfh til-' " )fnthni will And lira. VflmWa Roolhln "7rHlhl itriiflilr tnttaa lor their cbUditj SuiIuk lb Itatlilu J-iloU, III laaa!ta.a "Are you working to-dnyT' ankfxl a vlaltofof the tet. "That la, nre you rolng to work?" tor It waa quite cvh dent tbnt he wn not working at that moment. The poet ran bis fingers distractedly through his hair. "I have o msny ideat." he ilghcri. "So many, raony Idrna; but the are all ao confused that I really haven't worked for a year or two." CITr Ml. Vltat laar ana 'nova lit pmta I 1 1 J aaatly rarM hi Dr. la'a Orl Kan 1. eotr. Kal (or run It M tiiallnttUanJ Ira-all-. Dr. It. II. Ellea. IA., HI Artb hi., l'hUa4alfhl. l"a. 'Itau tiff at Kind, Lit tie Johnnie, who la coinldcrcd the Image of Ida father, waa one day In bis mother's way, when she told him: "Youare nlnaya In the wny." He replied: "I am Juat Ilk papa." Delineator. PILES CURED IN O TO 14 DAYS TAZO OINTMK.ST la ruaranlJ to eur any era of Il'hlnr. Iltlnd. I!lavlnr or Prstnallna; IHVm In to II daya or money rafunded. tec 'lptr4 la lb Had. Uprplon (m-tlnj; blm) Old chap, what will you take? Atom A further ride on tb water wajon. So long! Arl Crlllclain. "I don't like- marbla- Matuea," aald tha fluff 7 young thing. "They ahvays look aa If they had a cataract or Mtm-thlng of that kind Hi matt-- with lhlr ejree." kGWE&'o iAmt-l dKSbi BlU The cleanest. iiyiucai. tuiu y most comfortable . SLICKERjh ot the same time cheapest In the end because it wears longest 3QP Dcrywhcre tvtry rjormaril quor. Oftlfed wotefprool Colotoq frt 400 . lA i rt a7 .aa ra Prumplluir Hint. "If my memory ," ilowly answered the reluctant ritnrea, "aenrea roe rlfhtly " "One moment," Interrupted the croa riamlnlng lawjer' "pleaae remember, Mr. Slick, that your memory is under oath." ALrOHUI. 3 pro a-i-K-n' AVcsclaKcIYrtanilonuV aiimuiurjintiooaamiQ ItigUicSlaicdBcadBoa Rrtuti Oatikcf Viwxirtiimrrm Promflles Dfaestionflvferfd ncss and PvesiContalns nctor Ophmt.Morphlnc iwrrkatraL itU i- nAltt-UIIl'. aaaaaaaaaaajfjaarai aaajaaiaaaaaa... jutytAfoun-nmmsm JlwflaSaJ' tSJt Aperfect Remedy for Ctosflja- llnti Cniii-Cfnmirh tlltlrtlVJ IIUII,UVU WIVIUA..!,.. "- Worms .Coiw-uUlonsjouisa- ncss andLossOFSUiXP. racSimik Signature oT NEy YORK. fionranteed under the 1 ood aa tWjil Exact Copy of Wrapper, ' LAV OAlV- , vvjr 4 AJi3 a v-n f jj jagg -MJ i: fATflDii MM Afll FlilVl,P AHavona,;. It make, a Iwfl alaM W I r M 11 kaP yruP oetter than Maple. lWI.ni bllHlllttftlM SoUbyitrocen. 'PM-NATCTFOR mrl COLDS, CATARRH. J03EPH HALLCHASe. 1 1'crunn Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio. J Gentlemen: I have used Peruna I nnrl llnrl th-il If Mnnnt Itaa amtlfltnat na X j a tonic, as well aa a cure lor coughs, I colds ami catarrh. You are authorized to use my I photo with testimonial in any pub- ' Ileal on. I 804 !... Joseph II. Chase. 804 Tenth St., Washington. D. Co'd ai d La Grippe. Mr. C. Happy, Hardin, Ray Co., Mo., write: "I can safely recom mend Peruna as a remedy that will cure all catarrhal troubles. "It wus of great benefit to me, as it cured me of catarrh of the throat, and I took a very bad cold and had la jrrippc last February. It settled in my throat and lung. I took three bottles of Peruna and it cured me. "I highly recommend it to all who are sick, and I am e'od to add my en dorsement to that of others." Pc-euna for Cold, Mr. L. Clltlbrd Fijffr, Jr., 2929 East Marshall St., Richmond, Va., writes that when he gets a cold he takes Pe runa, and it soon drives it out of his system. Fcr several years he was not entirely well, but Peruna completely cured him. People who object to liquid medicines can now recurc Peruna tablets. For a free illustrated booklet en titled "The Truth About Peruna," ad dress The Peruna Co., Columbus, Ohio. Mailed postpaid. SEED OATS 12? I Per Saliar'i cauloc tui in. I Larieil vrowert of leed oata.ahai. harU apcltx. corn, oocaloan. rrataa and elvan aa.1 la.aaxdlalba aaorld. lllicalalocfiaator. enj Oo In tiatapa araj reciira uapla ol uiuien uwiirbi? Xt yiaiuuic lotonaof bar per acre, oala. tpellf , barltr. ale . aatilj worth IIO.OOoflnrmiB"aBUUiaalAa,la.i.rtaitk aod caialoc fi Or lerJIinand. ..t unri iuqi acett dot ty nevtr aca ptfore byca. $UERSEEDCO..MrtUerma.l. CASTORIA For Infants nnrl Oliildron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMt eiarau caaaraNT, hiw toaa orrr. jF Jmb M $ tU1 yy hAIX r B an i m VI flff