fo ( I " I ) I f GLOVES J The Kind That, Wear The Kind That Fit The Right Kind WORK OLOVF.S-DRIVINO GLOVES-GAUNTLET O LP VES-LIN EDO 1.0 VES-OI.OVBS FOR HOYS AND GLOVES FOR MBN-0L0VB3 OP ALL KINDL TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES -GLOVES AT AM, PIUCKB 35c TO tj so A I'AIR-lHtTTKR COMK IN AND LOOK THKM OVER NKXT TIME YOU WANT A PAIR. Old you notice the special prices on COI'FKB and TEA tlmt I adver tised In last week's Hullctlti? These prices nro only Rood until next Snturdny Night. This is tho Last Week of My First Annual House - Cleaning Sale AND YOUR LAST CHANCE TO PICK UP SOME OF THE BARGAINS I I1AVB 11KKW OFFERING. 30c Men's Hose 15c 50c Mcii'd Underwear "0c 60c Men's Underwear 50c f 1. 15 Men's Underwear - 0c and plenty more at the same reduction. And none of llicj.e goods arc old they are all new und the best that I can buy. A. M. LARA BEND, OREGON. V&Sfi&Ml&&&&3ft&M&M rtlL Tr RECORD Piclllc Hone Liniment It prepared rrtly lor the needs ol honcmen ind ranchmen. It Is a prmerlul aad pene luting liniment. remedy lor emergen cits. A soolhlni embrocation lor the relief ol pain, and the best liniment lor sprains and soreness. Unrqualed lor curing the wounds and Injuries ol IIARDCD WIWJ and lor dealing cuts, abrasions, sores and bruises Pacific Horse Liniment Is fully guaranteed. Np other Is so good or helplul In so many wi) s, II It tails lo satisfy, eaulhor lie all dealers to reluud the purchase price. Tut nitiiomii nrt eet HOVT CHIMICU CO, lotNC, 0l. nookLur aXMfflg mcu POLK'S QAZETTEERi A llualntai Dlr.olory or u( . iiyj Wililnlon, tilvliitT Pctljillv .. . . -.1. .IA I AAttllrtH tftcemn 01 tann visiuvi ivv.iiwi iiiiinniHia ii-miiiiiiai inn hi iiihiik ttil niratnlnrv nf ftaoh llualllUtf ftml troiMin. hculllo. Wuth. LOCAL BITS. Ben Cotter was a caller in Bend Friday last. Whatsoever you do, do not for get the Whatsoever. A. M. Lara was a business visit or at Roslaud Saturday. J. II. Haucr of Priuevillc was a Bend visitor Saturday last. Wanted -Second hand baby car rlnge. Address box 3 1, Bend. 4749 Jim Smith of Princvilie was a visitor In Bend the first of the week. Tickets for the masquerade on sate tit Lara's, Sather'sand Grout's. Born, to Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Downing, this morning, a it pound girl. If your face doesn't suit get one of those in Lara's window -for the masquerade dance. Delicious punch served all the evening FRKB to everybody, at the masquerade dance, We handle the genuine A. A. Cutter shocf. Send to us for your sire. FoHTJtK & Ilvmt, Princvilie. "Six Cups of Chocolate" will be served in Lara's hall Monday even lug. If you like chocolate, better be present. The Whatsoever have ordered new .Mass for two windows In the church, which have been broken for some time. Hart, Schaffncr & Marx clothes are sold by the one up to date cloth Ing house In Crook county, at Fos tcr & IJycVs, Princvilie. 4851 There is business of special im portancc to be transacted by the Knights of Pythias at their meeting tonight, and a large attendance is urged. Judge Bills is spending n few days at The Dalles, where his fath er is taking treatment in n hospital. The judge expects to return about the 1 jtli. Rev. Mitchell will hold services in Bend next Sunday both morn Ing and evening. In the evening the subject of his discourse will be "Abraham Lincoln." Wotd reaches Betid that B. P. Batten is seriously ill at his home at Hood River. The nature of his illness was not stated in the letter that brought the news. Bishop Puddock, Bpisvopal bish op for Bastem Oregon, will be in Bend to bold services the latter part of this month. The exact date is not known at present. I am prepared to do all kinds of family and gentlemen's laundry work. Wagon will call at any part of town every Monduy morn Ing. Please call on me. Mrs. O. II. Brickson. 4V49 From the manner in which Jim McCoy and bis corps of carpenters arc rushing up that Wcnandy barn it will be finished in amulc time for the Anarchists to dedicate it with their dance on the 33ud. Miss Cora Ferguson went to Princvilie Saturday where she acted as one of the board of the county and state examiners, the duty of this board being to officiate at the county teachers' examination. F. Milu Lobdell remits to The Bulletin for another year and writes that be wishes to keep in touch with Bend as he expects to be back here when the railroad comes. Milo is now at Fish Haven, Idaho. I am now agent for the DcLaval cream separator, and have one of these machines in stock. Step in and examine it. They are a great convenience and money saver for the dairyman. B.A. Satiiuk. 3itf C. W. and J. W. Hoeck aud R. M. Blder have been hauling lum ber during the past week for the erection of houses ou their ditch lauds cast of town. Bach of them is building a one story house 24x26 feet. TheSettlcts Co-operative Tele phone Co. has connected its line with the local exchange, and now you can talk to eight or to families living on "The Burn" east of town, among them I. J. Wilkinson, B A. Richardson, Dr. Deucer, aud others. Prank West has sold his ranch ou the river and n timber claim to J. B. Ryan, the consideration be lug $5,000. Mr. West and wife will leave soon for a visit with tela tlvesin Indiana and Michigan, of ter which they will return to the Bend country. There is a large uum!er of set tiers moving into the vicinity of the Cort Allen und W, P. Vandevert ranches. Where 13 months ago there were only these two families Ters 1 living, in that neighborhood now there arc 14 claims settled upon and seven houses arc being built. Our spring suits have arrived. We will be pleased to send you one on approval. Fosthk & Ilvnit, Princvilie. 48-51 There will be h meeting of the Ladies' Library Club ou next Titcs day, the iGtli, at which there will be the annua! election of officers. It is rstxrciirily desired that all mem bcrs Ik- present at this meeting. Hcrenller the library meetings will be held ou Tuesday afternoons, in stead of Thursday. A telegram brought the sad in tclligcncc to Mrs. A. D. Morrill yesterday that her father had died Monday at ins -home ut Boston, Wash. The cause of his death was not conveyed in the telegram, but it is supposed to have been heart trouble, as he Lad suffered from that affliction for some time. Little Frank aud Ralph Haucr are the proud aud happy owners of a riding horse recently given them by Mrs. J. B. Ryan of this city. It is sometimes difficult to know which one of the boys is entitled to the next rule; but the pony realizes that he is pretty much employed most of the time. Puitievilic Jour nal. The state fish and game warden has acknowledged receipt of the petition sent in from Bend asking that fish ladders be built around obstructions in the Deschutes so that salmon can come up the stream. He asks for an estimate os to what it would cost to blast out a fish way over the fulls that cause the trouble. Mrs. Jack Ferguson left Satur day Tor Bellingham, where she will enjoy a visit with brothers and sis ters. She was accompanied by W. J. McGillvray's little daughter. whom Mrs. Ferguson has been car ing for since the death of Mrs, McGillvray. They went by way of Princvilie, Mr. Ferguson driv ing to the county seat with them. P. B. Poindcxtcr announces that hereafter his skating rink will be open on Mondiys and Tuesdays in the room formerly occupied by the City Meat Market, ndioiuiug the Millard Triplett furuitutc store. Mr. Lara concluded that skating injured the floor of his hall, and re fused to rent it for that purpose. Hence there was no skating in fiend this week, but hereafter the rink will be conducted as above an tiouuced. l'oley'o Orino Laxative cures const! pulton niul liver trouble mid make the UovMiU healthy mid reuulnr Orlno is superior to pills and tablets m it does not grlnc or nauseate. Why take any thing clMtflleml Drug Co. Foley's Honey and Tar clears the air passages, stops (he irritation in the throat, boothei the Inflamed membranes, ami the most obstinate couch disappear. Sore and inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and the cold is expelled from the system. He fuse any but the Kcnuluo In the yellow package, -Demi Drug Co, MflBB8in SBW aSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSBW SEEDS Ft lib, Rilllbl", Pun SusrtnlMd to Plmt ritnOttixMlil truth ittMhfir m.rtttot Our NoimirnOiooJ..d. special, arrest TOR 10 CENTS wi will Mud poitiwltl our FAMOUS COLLECTION llHht t..u .... to. I rrl.MM tu4ta , . , . I. I .If. (UMlrol.i riUrr . I . lul.ltro'Un.M.t. , . IU I . r.llutM ..k.l UlLo .,.! iU.WTuUtU.(.l.IU.wl4l. . . t 0 IIH WtlU todty' S.e.4 IS cU to blp fr MU. tat McalKf M Itoftfc. r.BM. dUcttta, to. I.U.r will mi. N.w t4 ltnwl. o,r tlll. nHHAT NOMTMKMN RKK11 I'O. -. . -- ' -- . - z;.. - tiocKiuru. iiunoii ITS Kmi HU WOOD FOR. SALE BLOCK WOOD $4.00 Per Cord, Delivered. LIMB WOOD $3.50 Per Cord, Delivered. Phone Me. F. M. CAR.TER.. C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OVl'ICK IN 1UNK Ul'lUUNG, DUND, OKUOON When You Need Modern, Neat and Servlcable Furniture... Call on MILLARD TRIPLETT UEND. ORUQON Seeds That Grow! THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT AND THAT'S WHAT I'VB GOT. THERBFORE, BUY OF MB. A LARGE SUPPLY ON HAND OF GOOD CLEAN Alfalfa, Clover and Timothy Seed. ALSO A FULL LINE OF GARDBN SEEDS. Something to Make the Mens Lay. That would mean money In your pocket, lit. rmillrynun, ut Hie nrevHiliriK price of eKK i" this veclion. I'KJ'.SI! GROUND GRHHN IIONK AND SIIHI.I. will increase the number of eggs you "Jiarvett" daily. I have the ground bone and atiell for sale. S. C. CALDWELL. BendShaniko Livery & Stage Company J. II. WBNANDY, Prop. M. Olvin, Agent, Shaniko New Covered Stages between Bend and Slnnlko ALSO Livery and Peed Stables at Shaniko, Alatlras ami Iknd. Wc run our rigs to please the public. Stages leave each way every day. Rigs to all parts of Central Oregon. Careful drivers furnished Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage. The Central Oregon Banking (8b Trust Company Henil, Oregon. CAPITAL $25,000 FULLY PAID. 3 and 4 per cent. Interest paid on Six Months and One Year Time Deposits. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS JViassachusetts JViutual Life Insurance Company ANNUAL DIVIDENDS NcarlyJOO SATISFIED Policyholders In Crook County. 30-45 F. O. MINOR, Resident Agent WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with th bast that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bhnd, Ojckgon HENRY L. WHITSETT Horse Shoeing and General DIacksni idling WAC10N AND PLOW WORK First Class Work Guaranteed. Located in th old Shrttton (.linn. Registered Stock H Poland H 0 Chinas 0 G Duroc G S Jerseys S Black Lnngslian Chickens, E. C PARK, Redmond, Or. MBSjhfiMK7l!lte rfaaSSJSSrSraMSMar tflwWft fJiSMBSAjfltlsfesSBHaHB lBaBBBBBBBEBHEH fey '!? JvBaaBsKslHBV SiSfciHSHsVRsSBSi. ' aVKxa !05SS3FSa37aiWw JOHN LEQAT DIULERIN Harness and Saddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired Deschutes Lodge No. 113 Knights of Pythias Regular meetings the accoml ami fourth Wednesday of each uiouth. Vis'ting knights always welcome. ClUS. D Hkown, C. C. CUAS. I). UoWU K, K. & S.