The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 03, 1909, Image 6

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    ,") I
: Aunt Diana :
The Sunshine
of the Family
"OK Mahal, my mr dear!" And AM
son knelt down by bee. She had wot
noticed hnw belple-wly Mm left arm hung
ile-ww. uml how Mosaic would not lt htr
Ih?Ii It.
"It U all braked ami cut." ahc mM,
Iht forehead contracting heavily with
pain. "The doctor muet see It presently,
when he ha (lakhed tti the other room;
not now. Oil, Alton, where are you
gafcigr You skill not disturb them. What
drs It matter If only " Hut here
her fnt whitening lip refused to utter
hr fear.
"Itt me go, darling." returned Allxon,
nnxtott-dy; "I will not disturb them, you
nay tpjlle trust me. Ami without Tlt-
lg for Mabel" anxwer she sIUjmnI away.
As she entered the dreswlng room, the
Mrniijpcr. a tntV, crnre-lxvktiic young
wan. come out of her filherV room. Me
Iktened to Alison's account, nnd promised
to attend to ber slxter ax noon an powI
l. t "We rat finish tbe examination," he
M, dbtmfcwlttg bar. "but I will com
nx mm as I can. t thought there was
samelhlng wnwf. tmt she deceived u hy
Mdlng her arm uwk ber mantle. She
wns brulned. that wad all, she takl nx,
Kefp her quiet, awl I will be with yv
Mlaxle wm baaing back la her rhalr.
with ber v" HomL but a Alkea an
iens! she opened taxtm Ml an bet (f,
ad the blank MtkemM mek la tM cmm
iaced Alleaw that tla'mH dreliMt tb
V not look . Malnd arirnc she
mW. HMlne her rftly. "larfeetl e do
not know ; lhajr have teM 'mm Hetblac.
Dear nana h In (Jod'n hand; we natt
laave him Ifcere. am hope for the bent."
A low groan broke from Mabel'ii Huh.
"Oh, It Ix eauy for you ; even If the
worit eorae. you ran lear It ; you have
notblac with uhkh to reiteoaeh younelf.
If he die. I iall hare killed him. How
am I to pi on llriss. and know .bat?"
And here the burst out into iKMtne tobt.
"Mabel, my poor dear, oh ! bow am I to
comfort you?" exclaimed AIImw, unable
to restrain her own tears at the light of
her "Inter' angulih
"Ton can not comfort rae," returnel
the unhappy gitL "What U the pain of
my broken arm and my bruhiea romiKired
to what I (ball fret If he dies, and I
am not able even to tell blm that I am
norry for my dfcelt and dhtobedleneel anl
I would not ay no. (uraiiM- he wa angry.
Oh, Mui, iapa. and 1 lored you fo!"
And the poor child hid her fare on All
oa' aboulder. It reemed a relief to her
to pour out -her feelbJiK. Mr bad been
no angry, and cite would not own herself
in the wrong, and then the horrible acci
dent had happened, ami ofce thought at
firm hrr fattier was killed. "When they
.ild he wa alive, and they munt bring
blm heme, and nee what eotikl be done, I
thought I would not add to the trouble,
and e I managed to nkle my broken
arm." Hut here iihe brake off, an .Mr.
Cameron entered the room.
"rapaV te wld, faintly, ai he eame
up to her.
"Ill conieiouineMi i retunilng; we
ahall know more to-morrow. It U not
the brad, ai wo feareil." be aald, erai
iely; "but now I mtt look at your
arm, ideaw. Your friend Dr. OreeHwool
will bi here directly, anil we will noon
Jiut It right." Hut. In iplle ef hk cheer
ful wonlii, "I'oor dilldl" came pityingly
from hlx lips a the blaekeneil ibwilder
wan revealed to hU view. Mlimie mt
have MitTered exiullte pain during the
drive home. The arm wan broken, and
the CHOulder dkleatel, and the brtibml
condllloti of the lleh filled AIImhi with
It wai a iKilnful ordeal for Albion,
but he bore it ai bravely u nW omild.
Itoger bad remained wltfi bb) father;
SI Ik Lobrh wax mit In n condition to
render any awdtanee; the iuiHi-n eon
fiiNlon bad lirimglit on accaMiIon of ln.
and the couht only lay her throMdng
bead on the pillow, and He there in ut
ter lielpIeuwM'K. There wai no oije Ixa
lierxelf to wait iihii he doctor and re
ceive their ill rift Ion, the very exigency
of rite cae made her helpful. Her oue
thought wan that ibe inimt not himlar
their work! there wan little .for her to do.
At the ,lrt toueh of her wounded arm
Mattel bad fainted again. Album itild
not have borne to wlinew the poor Hilld'n
aufTerlngx. IVrijaiw Dr. flreenwooil knew
till", for he rontrltHl Mime errand that
detained her for a few minutes out of the
room. When he relurneil the wo tut
eeeuied over, but the fHlutn continued,
olid It wax only elowly and by degreoa
that Alleou, with twrb'x help, could u
tt her to uuiIreiM and He down, after
which a wdatlve wax to I ailiuiiiiittered,
u the aiu of the hruUex awl the ubwry
of her mind would cflVetimlly hinder
A soon ax ho could leave her In
u rail's clmrge. Allnon itole Into her fath
er' drcuxlng room. Dr. Greenttood cume
to her at once-
"My ilear," lie xaid. taking her band,
for he had known ber from an irjfant.
"ihl I a ad buxliiexx, but, thank (Jod,
tlilujja are not no bad nx they xeemed at
tint. Your father muxt have received n
blow; he waa (dunned, but conxclouxnrHx
baa returned, and he baa upoken. What we
fear now J nomelMug different. He icoins
unable (o move; hut tliln may be due
to the shock and temporary exhaustion.
There are aymptonui that wake u hope
ful that the full extent of mischief may
tutt b realized. We ahall know mora In
In few diya; out he will rcuulre the
greatest car. To-morrow I shall send
in n nttre from the Infirmary. Do you
think j on niiil your brother run manage
to-night "
"Oh, jw," returned AIIou. with a
painful catch In her breath; It seemed to
her n though she were palng through
eou-c hltlrous nightmare: the wry horror
seemed to numb her sensibilities. She
ittKbripd that nleht how iwinh" roulil
ll tlirotich ti-rrlldo scenw; tln vory ln
titftty of wln (Imiilctmt the anmiloh,
lr. (IrffiiwtHxl tlumieht hr n very
mvr jtlrl, Sh mtMiol qiiMly to bl u
vFtiraw. txit h look hr hantl otm, anil
Wt W imlw, nnd I a en h klHilly ImiV
hr lako fol and wIh Ufr nh
vvMt Into htr fnrbwr'a mom, ami a Ilonvr
wnw out tfeat tiwiittit 1 retitliMl thr
charge to him.
"Come. AIIK" KrtW ltner. taklnit Iter
atw. "Dr. Creoawvoil flll ay with
father until we ixiwe ak." Ami he led
her away.
Alt'nu netleed with miih urprle that
there wax a !ort of men I laid lit the illn
Iiie room; le liad forgotten the enrly
wiMter hail been nlared there n twtple of
hours bko In reKiratk)n for tier father.
Itoger earned mm chkken ami broiiclit
It to Iter.
"You mint try and eat, Allle. and 1
will do the same." he kM. with mw at
tempt at dHrfulne. "We Iwve n lone
nleht lefre hi, mid we nwil uubanil
mir MrenieUk"
AHon felt the fori of ht arRtiment:
nererthal-ew, the foKl remained oh hr
"I.eger, haw bad yo kHk!M the mIiL
ihteiilr; ". I -wt wxmUr at It.
Oh! wbat a dreadful eeenla we have
had; awl I can not lmalM kw It hap-
"Dr. CVawroa wan there, and U tohl
me." returned Iloer. -Aadlttc hH fa
hotc tk Ihrht, ai tbowth It hurt him.
"It muwtA eoHMaa: aoMetMac mam
have 1w way the roapllme rfaln. thy
tWak aad they were roIhc down a eleep
luHioe at expreesi apeel. Dr. namerwi
aayn Mm of the carrlaite-i went vw th
emliaitkmeat. and were ompieieiy wrei
'I; one or two were turned entirely over.
Me waa in the name compartment with
rather and .Mabet They felt a Joltlme
netwatloa. and tb t moment they were
tbrvwn from their i-at. the carriage W
wax comidetely imairiie!, ami iney were
all flung In a heap. Dr. Cameron w on
Ibe top. ami wax happily unhurt. wlh the
excejitlon ef a few bruleex; father wa
umlerneatii him; Mabel itrugxled up
lomehew unhurt, and came to father,
and iki one Iww be wax muA hurt."
"Oh, Hoter. bow terrible 1"
"Y, It does not do to talk of It, and
hardly to think of It. Now, Allle. if you
have flftfctbed, we will go upxtaln. Hy
the war. where U MM Ielgh7"
"Oh. I ought to have goHe to ber," ex
claimed AliMtfi. "How dreadful for ber
to He there, ami not to !e aide to help
iix ! Slie hax been wffering from one of
her nick beadaehex, and. of courxe. all
thlx will make It wore. alt tor me a
moment, dear. I will Juxt apeak to ber."
"Ix that you. AUonV akei the gov
erneMi, In a feeble v.lce, ax the girl came
to ber bedxlde. "I know all alit M.
dear. KHaa hax toW me. 1' chlWren.
Kor cfclWmi! ami I can not help you."
"Itoger U good ami tlwughtfHl: we
ehall rnaaage nb-elr to-nhsbt, ami Sarah
will watch Mabet Yoh mut aot trou
ble, dear Mb- llah; to-morrow you will
be better and then we xhall be Mir of
your help."
"You tmm not nay now, innt j'm
for coming, my ibar. It you mat go
to sour father." And Alb-m wax thaak
ful to W dixmWoed.
In another moment xhe wax leaning
over ber father. lie unckel hlx eyw
nx he heard her Heat footMetM, ami a
faint xmlle came t hlx llH.
"How Ix your aWerr he whupreo.
"IMir ihi." eba retiirneil, tenderly,
"bow happy Mabel will lie to know ymi
axkI aflor ber : She b lylns lle abl
ly. the iwdatlv ix mlling ber, lull eb- l
not nl-p."
"I'oor chlbir wax all hlx raply, ami
then he ehl hie eyx again, but ax All
mhi wlthlrw Into the xhadow of the cur
tain trx of tbankfulitexa cam to ber
eyex: there wax mi hlllem In bw fath
er' mmrt aaaiwK ixxH- Mabel. "Ax a
fallier pltleth W children," the wordx
came to her wind, oh! "m might their
Heavenly I'atber have pity on them."
The dreary nlckt watching waa a now
experience In Allxon'x life, for xbe liail
lieeii loo young at the time of her moth
er'x UM lllnexx to xbare In the long and
tedlonx nurxlng; the Wlenee and Inaction
made the lMirx drag heavily. Itoger, fa
iIriimI with bb day'x work, wax sleeping
heavily with Id bead agulnxt the wall.
Albion pitied hlx weary ixwltlon, and
fetched a pillow from the other room and
put It gently behind hlx iirau.
Once or twice she went arrow the pas
sage to kuk at Mlxxle. Khe wax glad to
find her sleeping. Ha rah wax nt her wt,
sitting blot upright and nodding. Now
and then Iter father spoke few wordx;
onre he anaed what the iloctorx Imd said.
Alison wax thankful that they had not
Informed lilm of lb! ! .
"They do not seem to know, ixipa,"
she returned, gently; "they think you
have n great hiK-k. and you are suffer
ing from nervous exhaustion. They will
tell belter by and by."
"There ems something wrong with
my limbs," he muttered uneasily; "you
are sure ou do not know what they
"Quite sure, dear papa," xhfs replied,
M) raruestly that he could not disbelieve
her, "but I liois and trust," her llpx
quivering a little, "that you may noon be
"You are a good girl, Alison; your
mother always said so, and if I am
spared " He sighed heavily, and turn
ed tils face away; and Alison, remember
lur tbe doctor' Inlunctlon. dartd Rot say
any nwre, leat It should Itu-rrnxe Ms b
latlon ; she only took hlx hand and softly
laid her cheek agnitut It, ax though she
would show by thlx action n child's love
and devothm. Iler touch xeenil to quirt
blm, and hy and by he doted a little.
Morning came nt lnt, nnd Hoger
rouxeil hlmxelf with dllUculty.
Allm felt weak aad jaded; the strain
wax Iteglunlng to tell evu on her vigor
ous vitality. .She was glad the night's
Inaction wax over, Imt she felt loo weary
for the iU'x work. Hut Itoger had not
forgotten her; he came bark prently
w-h a refrexbeil bk on his fare, and
told her that breakfast wax nil ready In
the dreeing room.
"A strong cnu of colTee has made ma
a different tiwn," be said, cheerfully;
")wi must try my recipe, Allle." And
Albion found th benellt of hlx prescrip
tion. Her hand were soon full of lmlie,
Dr. Oreenweoil came early, bringing tbe
new nurse with him. and AIIon had to
tnxke arrangement for tbe stranger'
comfort. She xeemed a piaanut. capable
woman, with a neat lutnr, and a bright
face that prepoe'ied Allwiu In her fa
vor: She took Hwwon at once of her
iwtlent, after a feeble pretext on hlx part
that lie objected to niirxe-. Nit after the
first few minute he caed In grumble.
Dr. (Sreenwood soon convinced him that
lloger wax ton -)wmg
for such a rtahtlty ! Ielde,
tbe chief rare of her sbHer mux! devolve
on her,
Mbwle'e sleep bad mil refreshed her a
they hope; the pa In of her bruise was
making Iter fererhth. She rwuhl 'not turn
In her Imt wltbtmt suffering, nnd tier
anxiety for her father added, to ber ills
coiuftsr' Alison tried to console her, nnd
Mis l.elgl.. who wax stlAclently rev
red li lt In her room, xtarne rt cur
ing words 'o bar; bat It wax evl.leat that
Mbwh; cihiIiI lakt no comfort ; only when
Atbmn waa atone, with her. tnlTale,
self-acciM nc won raase to her ll.
"Indeed, thareat. tlr s wo need for
you to speak so," Alisxm said to ber on.-e,
with a xiriHtg j earning to console ber.
"Iear iita ashed aftef jrwt the nrt mo
ment be saw aw. Yon xbooJd he heal
hoe. tenderly he aahl 'I'oor child !' "
"That I leoiisxa my arm I broken,
and be kimwx I am MtfferlNg such xtlu.
tf any one hated me they would pity
m iMr" letnroe.1 Mlsale. in a stilled
"No. no: you nwixt not take It In that
WTiy." cxclamed Albwn. nHH smxke.1.
ax she smoothed MUV fair balr. Slie
hMikeil mi pale ami pretty, ami the blue
eyex bad wieh a pathftW bsk In them.
AHmmi ImiI xrte.l the soft fringe, nnd
the soft curly end lay unite smooth and
showed tbe broad white forehead. A dif
ferent MaM lay there, with the poor
wounded, nrm folded on her breast, and
all Ibe little vanltle Intd axhle. A
Alison stood looking at her, Mbwlc rais
ed her uninjured arm with a sudden
movement Inward Alison, and In another
moment the sisters were ckisplng cash
other cloee.
"Oh, my poor dear, my oor denrl"
whlreil AHmi. In the soflext. most
jdtylng voice. Mltle WsaeJ Iter Iwxtlly.
ami then seemed a tbmtfh xbe wimbl
mnrfi lier away, only AHn held ber
"No. I don't deeerre It: bme dan t
be so gol to me. I have been altogether
horrid ever since yon came home."
"Never mind all that bow. dear."
"Ye, but I must uilnd It." turning rest
bly away and then utlortng a tew
groan. "Ob. this pain. Albwn! Shall I
ever be able to move again wllttout It?
I dbl not want you to come home; I
Ibnnght jwi wotlbt be In my way. ami
that made me mew. I wax alux of
you, and I did iw want tlie other to
care for yH. Hoax-r wax never fond of
me. ax he wax af ymi, am) I wanted him
to In fond of me. Awl ib! bow Imrrld
ami small It all em ww I" HnUhel
mir MUsle. reading her inst iiiinliirt
imiler n new llghi. In the dark Itotirxi
wl4tt oa atrekaih i Uw. conscience
sametlmex lllngx a vivid torch into the
r tern ex of one's being, iH-tnglng hidden
fault to light.
"Dear Mabel, we will forget all that
now." returned Alison, gently; "we will
try and bve sach other more."
"Ob. It U eaxy for you to love people."
retorted Mbwle. almost jtetllihlyj "every
one Is so fond of you. and you are never
croon mid dlwigreeHhle ax I am. linger
ntnkex you his couianlon, and Itudel I
bxex rough when ou arc In the room, and
now mpu will love yim best."
"Hush, dear; what nonsense!"
"It Is not nonsense." she returned, In
a desixilrlng tone. "I have forfeited lit
hive. He will liever forgive mo now. He
told me that he hated deceit; that hi
should never be able to think the winni
of me. He Mid I should never see Hva
again If he could help It. Oh, he wax
so angry, so unlike hiiinolf! I suppose
my obstinacy vexed hlin, for I would not
sny I wnx sorry. He took hold of my
arm and almost shook m to make me
xxxik, but I think I was like that man
who had n dumb spirit."
(To he continued.)
'Mm .Viiluriil Inference.
"Mil. ilhln't llii Iiciitliunx Iwvo u gfxl
for itvurytliliiK?"
"Vox, my chllil."
"Well, who wiim llio sod Hint ruled
over kltclii'im'f"
"I don't rcineinbor. but I llilnk It
wiw llio gTitiit k1 run." Suit Fruif
cUco Htilh'lln.
'Mm ,c Question,
"Tlio liiipiidi'tit tJilii); wan led mo to
marry lilm."
"When In the wedding Rolng to bo?"
NiihIivIIIo Americnn,
IlrliclH TlioiiKlit,
JuiIko Wliy did you tho bookiT
Hliifty HUnuk I wuntc-d tor uturt a
ejiTitTtiaii . i. in u ' j.sMaaMussaAi'jwxej.'.1 "ar'.UsyatL'ijn,-1ir
"A Mother" fan nt no unit rwitll any other than Vnttr .Mnlhcr, !
lovo, If slio la still sfMrvil In ju, I gn-ater lliiin any yiui iiutlil ttml smmtil
you seek tln wide world over; win-so lovo. If llio Almighty In Ilia wlnlmu
Ima onllcd Iter from jmii. you Mill itctcr Hint In Hinithcr or know mmmiIii. No
mutter how you lmo farti! tvllli ttuvwiirM; whetlicr ynit Imihi aiMrvotletl or
fnlleil ntiil Imi-ii iuisIiiiI ushlo In tlio gnnit strlfo; wlicthor. llirtHigli mistake
of yoiira, follow men have turned tignliuit yim tlicro la nlwnyx mother. Ana
If alio ho goiio, tlicto Is no longer iiiiMIiit.
No matter wlmro her Ixiy or girl Imvo Imtii, tliougli mi is'onti lay lie
tween, lion Una been n vigil In ttiouglit nnd pruycr by day nnd by
night, ending only nt tho miiiiiiI of the footstep coming nlong tlio walk, when
roxtlcsxiioiHi Ix hers, like tlw walclimnii fii-lx nx lm iIiium'x lilx buitcni nl llio
broaklng of tlio day. I lor iilglitx nnd her ihiyx nro mensiirnl nx her Uiya nnd
girl tiuiio liomo.
Yuti left tlio old homo for llio idly In make your fortune mid tin me. nnd
wlillo joii fool tlmt there weren't the iswelhllltle Iwrk In tho ciiiintry. yMi
would gho nil Jim over ilrea'ii'i! of mseslng In tlio wuy of money or imim
If you ciiiihl Just have 1 1 tilt old oihiI lire III your n)ln In llio city.
Hut It Isn't llio cunt tiro mi much nx tho fuel Hint II Ix Mother's con I fire.
How you inn ch! when yrnt am In your old daro nt the tnblo ami imtlher la
there. tii, In her idil tdaco. And sli-ep. lurked In tho some old bod alio re
liiemlMirx tho one you ttseil to lep In, ami you are utAnv to lie tutxieil In. ti.
Just ns yim iim In x iioiwlllistniullng ulint tlio Niya In the oily or the girt
nt school would think of It.
All luiiior to tho limn ami wiuimmi who uihlerclHiid ami who will never
coaso to iiinlenilHiiil tho motliT lovo. in cherish It hihI lo llto In rwint of It.
If alio 1 1 vi nut In tho country, do you inuko It n Hlut to get homo ixvaslon
ully, or nt least wrltoT
While you live mid she live anil tlio old home stntidx nml there la money
In the purse, yuinro never without n homo; never without money. hihI never
without. Ix-st of nil, n motlier'a lovo. Hud bios every one of them.- Detroit
Ulfei. Science
Ireliiinl devoted uenrly otie-fourtli
Iohm Inuil to Ihix ntlslug tlila yonr tliuti
In 1!H)7.
Tlio InrKoxt wooden building In tlio
world In the I'ltrllnmciit building nt
Wellngtiiii, Now Zeiilaliil.
Homo of Norwuy'M Kinder nro no
rnpld In their uiovument Hint they ml
vntim twelvi) inelera n year.
A Itiisxlnn vvomnii litis Invented n
mdderlesa dirigible nlrshlp which ex
perlM ilixliiro la jinictlc-ublo.
IJxcept fur n small nrca In MlHsourl
nml ICuiikiih there nro no Imnhvoixl
treca went of tho MlHxIxxIppl.
('oliimblit unlverHlty, Now Y'ork, hero
nfler will give ilcgrceH for nUidoiitH
who ctuupluto it coiirsu In noroiiiuiticM,
(lermiiii stixd wnrkx lire beginning to
UHo electric furiim-i-a on nn oxleiixlvo
Hi'iilo for linnilling lurgn ijuiiutltlix of
I'l'ttcll ilriiwlngn nmy bo rouderoil
pertuiiiu'iit by linmlilliK them with n
mixture of equnl purtx of nklmnied
milk nml wnttr.
Clnsu olmo'rvutloiiH by HcleutltitM for n
number of yeura liuvu proven Hint mimu
of tho Alpine glnolerH nro rcccdliig lit
Ntitiil of iidvniicliig.
Tho Jotirmil of tlio New York Zoolo
(,'lcnl Hocloly kIvcm n rotiHiia of tho
American IiImoii, iic-cordlug to which, In
pluco of nil tho InimlroilH of tlHiuxamlx
of thoHo aiilmiilti which formorly roved
tlio plaltiH, only ",017 woro known to
bo In exlHteiK'o on Jan. 1, 100. Of
these, 009 wcro la cnuttivlty la the
fulled Htittox nml forty-nun In Ofltiniln
Hlnco (Imt ilalo the I'ahlo herd Iihi
Iiccii soli! lo ('iiiiiiiIh.
The liixIriltiiHiit til by Mon. Tl
Ki-rone do Hurt for i-idlocllng sjieclimim
"f Mir nt high HllltiideM with (he Hlc
or Hounding UiIIimmi eouxlxts of n very
K-rfect VHeiiumiiilKi wlili a duel)
ilruwn-oiit end. Cither llm rlso of tin
nierciiry In n Imrnmeter eorrexiMiiidlnj
with n previously determined nltllmle
or tho clockwork of tho nietixiroKriipli
fornix, nn electric eonlnet, cmixlng n m
tlo Imiiiiner to full nml break tliu em)
of tho tulio. Air then rusliea In, where.
upon electric cniitm-t. hrotighl
nlKitit by tho hjuuo momiH, nllnwx tin
current of n mimll iimimiilnior to hen!
tlio pliitlnum wlro wotiml round tin
oiplllnry mho to a rend hent. Tlili
fuse the glasH mid ngulu close tin
em) of On, viauumtiihe, Hum outrun
dug tho ii I r.
TIioko who nro curious In aiu-h mnt
tera nmy ho Jnterexled In ltttlr) tin
correeinesH of tho coucliixlon of l)r
Hchueckcr of Munich, concerning tin
distance nt which pcoplo enn bo recog
llUed by their fiicea uml llgiircx. If you
liuve good eyi-x, ho hiijm. y0t ninuol
rw-ognlo it person whom you huvt
aeon but mien before nt n greater ill
Iiiiko limn 2.1 tern (Hi1 feet). If tin'
IKirnoii la well known to you, you nrnj
recognize lilm at from W) to 100 motor,
anil If It la it nieinlier of your fitfully!
oven nt IW) iiii-ler. Tlio wlillo of the
oyi-H limy ho neon at from 27 to S.8 mo
terH, and Hie eye themsolveH at 12 to
711 tneteiB. The different part, of Hu'renreMwita. Tho ciiKtmu t-alla for a tic
body mid tho Nllghti-at iiiovoiiiciiIh are'tilgn approprlalo to tho hohler'H atatlon.
illMtlnKulKluihlo at 01 incterH. Tho llinbiTlnia, In Mmo. (1ikIh1'n oiiko tho prlmn
Hhow tit 182 muter. At WO meters n iIoiiiuVh head Ih framed In n Iwrder Of
nmvliig man appear only an In Imlcrtl-1 Inurvl, wlillo n lyro fornm tho htiMi of
nlto form, nnd at 720 moterH-a,n)l.fl tho doaliftL Tho card la not only
feet tlio nioveinonta of tlio body aw
no longer vUlblo,
Iiive uiiildng mi iwMiil etinlx ,
(IkIiiUuii of llio Hitii rogiilHllmm of i
New York nty m more Hiilomdli-
tun at the iiitblli) iwtomm ilinn Nliy
idlur two cllli'H In llio world.
M 1'iirin, n .voiiimc w-leniui of tiw
I'li-'iiir liiMllliilu, have dU
iviiiott llio w-crtit Ihiw to iiiiiko sup.
I-' if.
I 'i mi rngllsli village hii oillHtil no
il Mid a fohm'; "itm politic ar
W llietl ll gill list lifting Hie wn fur d,.
t i -ih' purpose tiiilosa iro immiy
J l'b rNiiii Morgan Mourn to thirty
live i !id , ami lilw inomhorahlp din- 1-ir-
out l".fl ntiMimlly. Aiiuiwi Itet
H ml I a moiiilier of thirty four and
I i iiliury M. Dpw In-long to thirty
two, iimipany lm lsen organuicd In
iv i.i with h capital of iLMMsiunn,
H-r llio purisw! of ileveloplng Huaan
i co I nil In furniall elect I'M ly for the
rati. u of electric rallroml to he
i it strutted In Hmithani (toorglit and
I I iridn
'I ie bb-Hl meal ounslsts of broad. Imt
ir niiil iln-e, ammlliig lo Dr. J 11
-pilr--. who ilellvoreil a loeturo tu tho
Hrl'lsll NilthHial Health H.let. 'Ttie
-id," lie aald, "ciMllalll all llio ote-
t-i-iii iHiroaar' for lb pitsja-r work
dig of the Ixnly, anil thu form a chii-p:--lo
Wlillo llwr U an abtimUm- of o-iit-nhV
Ituihor Ih Hrtill. It la iltnVuii in
Uml iiwny ilkalrlcta wlioro the iret-x
siiiintiic for lumber are closv rimiigh
tngptiii-r for imifllaldei work. 'Irin
Hirlatloii rate milHi illlttnitty, rt, u
making It lmMsrtdo la traiiiiri lnj
to a mill or lumber to a market.
Mnciiltr ancoatry ha licrti trgcH to
MaiMUol IJliniln, who lived nt Norwich,
ICngtaml. Kwlgratlug lo Auh-rl-u h
srttleil at Hun-ham, Ma.. In liat.
ixome of III iteex-onilMlitx. who wefo
Quaker. N-ltleil In ItooklHglmm n-un-ly,
Vn. Tho pr-bletil'x grainlfatber
removed to Kefitiieky. 'lliomxx Mim-mIu.
Hie president x futher, wax u rarpen
I er.
A .lirlcti newKior published the
following nilvertlMHueiit In Ktigllsh;
"Itesldlng IsMird lionst atiHUig n thu rul
ing set of iniiiiiitulnx. Very Ix-oci-ih-lug
for fiiinlllex or singular Imllvldii.tix.
Hlmdowcil gluili-x nml niulatdo dac
for resting for gliosis of th iiiro. All
farllltlca for mmiitialiiou exilltl'iii.
Itxtvltciit kitchen, with lager U-cr run
lilng from the tap."
Tlie Iter. Dr. John II. Dol'oreat. a ,
u-temti Ongrewatlonal lulaxbuiar.v. nt
Hetnlny. Jnwn. lm been. diirtnl by
the Imperial governimil with tlio Or
der of llto itlelwg Huu, tho iIIsIIihIIihi
Iwvlllg betHI MHlferred III renxgliltloll lif
hlx sxirvb-rx In dispelling anil JaiiHw
Hllnoi-plbus Mlmmg Aim-rbitu. Dr
Dol'urest lis been doing mielHi work
In Julian for Ihlrty-lHe yonr.
Vctibwui wax soiling not long ago In
Vermont for 8 icntx I'lieMjs-r tliau g-ss!
iHtif. for tho ataiiglitcr of ilcer wn mi
irecciliHiteil till )iar. The usual bag
for !ln state Ix iibutit aoven liumlroil
nml llfly. but mroful cell mute Imll
Ciile that llpwurd of two tliililiHtlil deer
hnvo Ikiii kllleil. An tho imttt rauiiot
bo taken out of the (dale oxcept by n
liutitor from nut of tlio Ntnlo who ba
pub! ii fA llfciMx" feo. iHot of It nv
111111111-11 to afford c!iohi living while It
Pari I nt presiHit liitereotcil In Ibe
nmhiiinjitli of lHiurtlinlii, who D
thorn with hi wife, whom lie tlrst im-t
In Madrid a it ibiuclng girl. Anita
Delgndo wiin grncefiil nml boniitlful.
nml tho miiliiirujnli Inxt no time In "In
ning her regard. Ho took lir to I'urlx
to be trained fur the position alio wnx
to occttpy mid slin iiovoloK'd Into a
hatiilxoiiio woman of dignity ami pre
ence. Uitor ho carried licr to III linnni
In India nml Inxt winter married ln-r
wild Orlejital ceremiiuy.
In n letter to tho Hostoii Transcript
favoring liumann cducnlloii In tint pub
lie mcIuhiIn, ii eorri-Hximlcnt nnya: "Hi
one public hi-IiixiI In lindim, Kngliind,
where, In thu i-oumo of twenty yisirs,
7,KK) children worn given u thorough
humane education (during thl ih-iIihI,
which would imiko many of llieso loya
men of twontydlui ami thirty live), not
ono of them wiih over arretitcil for a
irlniliuil nrfeiise, ilemoiiNtratliiK tlio
value of liumaiio iiliicntlon to prevent
crime, iih well aa eruelty."
Mmo. Johanna (Indxkl lm brnuglit
to till country a fad that lum hecomo
iiilli tho rngo In (lermiiny, where It
wiih Introduced by mi Ii-hh ii pcrHoimnn
than tho crowti prluccHx lierNilf. It H
n now form nf vlaltlnu card, iiintiilnlnrt
not only mi olalxirutoly eiigriived lmr
dor, but a slllinuctti) of tho persmi It
unique, but xccedlmjly protty uud of