The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 03, 1909, Image 1

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vol. vi
NO. 47
Coiinly Superintendent Ford
Compliments It HIkIiIv.
Head of the County School Plnd
Good Work Itetnc Done In the
Local Inatlttitlon-Some Inter
esting School Statistic.
Couuly Superintendent l'ord
spent Wednesday nntl Thursday of
last week visiting the Hcml school.
He stwtit considerable time In each
room and ncqunlntcd himself thor
oughly with the clnss of work ttmt
is being done. In nil interview
with The llullctiii. Sucrintcndcnt
l'ord said: "I find the lleud school
highly efficient in every particular
mid doing most excellent work.
The teachers of the various grades
arc Apparently well chosen uud urc
handling the work before them with
much nullity, llcnd is Indeed for
lunate hi having mi nhlc n corps of
teachers, for which the district is to
be congratulated. From the pri
mary grade to the high school .sen
ior class, everything Is moving
along smoothly, good order is main
tained, mid efficient work is being
done. It is a pleasure Tor me to
visit your school with its large,
well ventilated and well lighted
rooms, its model 11 equipment, and,
as I stated before, its very nhlc
corps of Instructors." Thursday
afternoon the superintendent visited
the school maintained by the llcnd
district in the Arnold settlement,
nnd likewise found good work be
lug done there under the direction
of Miss Cora Ferguson.
Superintendent Ford stated that
when he finiihed visiting the Hcud
schools, he would have visited ev
ery school south of Crooked river,
nnd a number north of the river,
since tnking office July 1. He Is
now planning to hold nn education
al rally at Madras on the 19th and
30th of the mouth. Washington's
birthday which is n school holi
daycomes 011 Monday this year,
the sand. The superintendent has
asked the directors of the llcnd,
Laidlaw and Redmond districts to
allow the schools to observe the hol
iday rather on Friday, the 19th,
and he hns invited the teachers and
all the school officers of these dis
tricts to join with the Madras dis
trict in the educational rally nbovc
referred to. Hy observing the hol
iday on Friday, it will not break
into school work in the first of the
week, nnd will better enable the
teachers to attend the Mudras rally.
Superintendent Ford is devoting
his entire time to the work of the
BUpcrlntcndcncy, nud Is proving an
able officer.
Dend District Leads In Increase.
Some interesting facts appear in the
official enrollment figures of the
various school districts. The total
enrollment in the county in I97
was 2089; in 1908, 3160, or n guln
In the entire county of 71. In 1908
llcnd Is credited with 309 scholars
ns against 165 In 1907. That gives
the Dend district an increase of ..
pupils, or considerably more than
half the increase of the entire cotin
r i -----
Tim alwve la the name ol 0 German
chemical, which W one of the many valu
utile Ingredient of Polev's Kidney Rem
eily. Hexumethyleuetetraniluo U recog.
nUed by medical text hooka anil authori
ties at n uric acid solvent and antlbcpllc
for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney
Remedy a toon a you notice any lr
regulnrille, and avoid a tcrlou malady.
Bt'tul Drug Co,
ty. These figures show plainly
where the new comers are settling
who arc moving into Crook county.
The official enrollment shows
I'riiicvlllc to have 367 children of
school age; llcnd, 309; Madras, 139;
Grizzly, 63; ltcdmond, 61; Laid
law, 57; these six districts having
the largest enrollments.
Assessed Valuation of the Districts.
The assessor's roll also shows
some Interesting figures relative to
the assessable property of the var
ious districts. It shows that the
Sisters district Is the wealthiest with
'nn assessed valuation of $795,600;
The Allen district comes second
with $690,306; Dend follows in
third place with 5513.17; nnd
I'rlncvillc comes fourth with &03,
767. The wealth of the first three
districts is due largely to the fine
timber that is within their boun
daries. The complete list is inter
esting and is as follows:
No, 1 I'rlncvillc UV'tl 00
" J Utter RyeGras,,,, 31,601 00
" 3 Johnson Creek 17,00700
' 4 Mill Creek 81,174 en
" 3 Howard 119,468 00
' 6 Upper .McKay I57.IJJ t
" 7 Utter McKay 47.345 00
' ti I'owcll Ilutte 160,63500
0 Sister 795.&
" 10 Culver ,. 34.0J1 u
" 11 Grlisly 9J.3H
" 11 fiend 33I.3J7
" 13-Mountain View 26,130 to
" 14 Killliif-ttcck 3J.31B00
" 16 Mud Spring 17,84a 00
" 17 Falrvlcw... 5.49 00
" 18 Crooked River loH.36 00
" 10 Ashwood 107,00300
" 30 Reams 64,091 00
" zi Ilrecsc 84.83900
" 11 Madia 81,319(0
" J3 Summit Fralrle 362,741 08
' 34 Maury 97,41400
" 5 Post 94,08200
" 36 Red Hock 26,345 00
" 27 Reaver 189,43200
" 38 Milliard Ridge 74,26500
33 Gray Ilutte 30, 1 33 00
" 3J lluck Orcek 190, 4 "9 00
" 34 Allen ,.690,30600
" 35 Nye 31,68700
" 36 CrowKey 53.945
" 37 Hay Creek..... 100,86300
" 38 Hear Creek 100,037 00
" 39 Upper Rye Gum.... 32,08300
40 Warmsprlng 33.739 "
" 41 Alkali Flat 3".74o 00
" 4 Trail Crossing 8,51500
11 43- Rotlaud , . , 403,80000
' 44 Lamonla 48,09900
" 45 Cloverdale 54.843 00
" 48 Oclioco 51,71800
" 49 Dlrney 4,89900
" 50 Cllne I'alli 33,550 00
" si Axe Handle 11,89.100
" 53 Melhodlit Hill 3,739
" 53 Ildlaw 331,10400
" 54 Shejilierd r. 35,94500
" 55 I'aullna Valley 81,93990'
" 36 lluiton 75,76600
" 57 I'aullna 66,33000
" 38 Opal l'ralrle 3.071 00
" 59 Redmond ,.. 93.59' o
" 60 Vibbcrt 9,395 00
" 61 I'lalnvlcw 88,87600
" 63 Lamson 4,96800
" 6.1 Lone l'lne 17,135 00
" 64 llaylev 92,53000
" 63 forked Ilor 46,47400
' 66 Sear 13,88000
" 67 Round nntte 1,143 no
" 68 Youngs 3.954 00
" 69 Willow Cteek 34000
" 70 Tctherow Ilutte 1,48300
" 71 Guerln 33,03500
" 73 Reynold 51,695 00
Inkling Prom Gist.
Gist, I'cb. i. New Is very icarce
here this week,
It ha been reported here that Winter
& Son have told their fine ranch at
A. II. Htelcuet of Shauiko paucd
through here Saturday on hi way to
Prank Arnold and wife were at Gist
Rev. Mitchell preached a very Inter
esting sermon at the school house Sun
day. The drama that Is to he Riven hy the
Cloverdale and Gist school come off
next Friday evening, l'eb. 5. Come one.
Come all. It i free,
Foley' Orlno Laxative cure consti
pation unil liver trouble and make the
bowels healthy nnd regular. Orlno t
superior to pills and tablet a it doe
not gripe or nauwate. Why take niiy
thing elwT lleud Drug Co.
2 l "-- II" iillloC? JMmtS
1 " MB t II) .'WMfcM 'I Hf mBF
i hi 1 1 mi 1 11 . ilni -
Prlzo-Wlnnlng Belgian Stallion Pur
chased by II. A. Myers & Com
pany of Redmond -Won Plrt
Premium at Many Fairs.
Rkumomp, Or., Jan. 31. After falling
last week to send In any correspondence
we had to look tip an item or two of
more than usual Interest, to we took oc
casion to inspect the big Mark lit Igian
stallion recently purchased hy II. A.
Myer & Co, of till place. He I cer
tainly a masterpiece of the horse-makers
art tlx year old, ttaudt 17H hands
high, weighs 2300, and is supple and
active for a borne of that site. We wilt
give the horse' pedigree, name and
number later, but for the present
will call him by his stable name Roll
var. He was bred in the royal tUhlea ol
Ilelglum and ha a gold medal which he
took as a yearling. He took first prem
ium at Iowa State Pair 1905, first prem
ium and sweepstake Nebraska State
Pair same year, first at Nebraska Slate
Pair 1906 and first at the Corvalli Stock
Show 1907. llought from Pausett and
Ireland of Corvallis. Rolivar will make
the season of 1909 at II. A. Myers' place,
but will be shown in Rend, Laidlaw and
I'rlnevltle on date to be announced
W. I. Ducklev went to Shauiko this
week taking out ifrt. Stewart, who goe
to Rcho, Mrs. Rurllugliam to Kalitpcll,
Montana, and Hmest Spcucer and fam
ily to Sokanc. To show that the travel
was not all in one direction, we note the
arrival of a brother of R. C Immele,
also a friend of Mrs. Wright of Porked
Horn, from Kalispcll, Montana,
The meetings being held by Mr. Low-
thcr closed last week.
Mrs. Hansen will leave toon for Van
couver with the children tor a three or
four weeks stay. J. O. says when the
twines back he It going to take a va
cation himself.
Thl week we report the formation and
Incorporation of the Crook County
Water, Light anil Power Company, with
30,000 capital, with J. II. Jackson prcst
dent, II. P. Jones secretary-treasurer. 11.
A. Kendall, j. G. Mctiullic, c. N. Hliret
and I. I.. Harader, with the president,
form the bosrd of director. The pur
pose of the company are to install, own
and operate electric light and power
lines, also pipe Hue, as well as an elec
tric railroad from Redmond tol'riuevlltc,
also from Redmond to a connection with
a steam railroad, whether in Crook or
tome other county. Who says the little
town on the desert 1 not developing?
C. W, Muma got in today from anoth
er Shauiko trip,
Messrs. Roath, Henniger, Ogden and
Park were visitor at the county capital
the early part of the week.
We understand that there will be
roller skating once a week In Redmond,
leglnuiug on Wednesday of this week.
Messr. Hansen, Myers, Clint Woods,
Park were business tripper to the High-
tower-Smith mill at Gist the latter turt
of the week. Mr. Myers U hauling lum
ber for a corral for Uollvar. a good sited
stable being already erected.
The Ladies Aid meeting announced
for Jan. 7 was held on the 38th. There
was n good attendance, it heiug princi
pally a social and business se&sioiy.
General settlers' boclul next Wednes
day night and chlcken-ple supper, free,
but everyone is expected to bring some
thing in the way of edibles. Something
will also be doing on Wellington's
We still continue to get The Bulletin
on Sunday night, the tame at before the
change in day of printing.
Mr. P. T. Redmond conducted the
8th grade examination held at thl place
Mr. It. A. Myers is under the weather,
threatened with appendicitis.
II. C Park.
Passed Away.
I'OWFLL IleTTKS, Peh. 3. Mr. Jame
Turner died Wednesday, the 3;th, after
a two week illness. Mrs. Turner and
her husband, Jame Turner, came to the
I'owcll Ilutte neighborhood in the fall
of t$. Roth worked hard to build up
a home in this new country, and were
just txgitiuing to realite the fruits of
their labor when she was called away.
Mr. Turner was much loved by her
neighbor and wa always ready to give
a helping hand when the could.
Tim funeral services were held at the
Shepherd school house nud all Powell
Duties turned out to pay their last re
spect to one they loved and one whom
they will mis much. Seventy-seven
people were present and 18 teams follow,
ed the remains to the cemetery. The
deceased wa 33 year old. She leaves a
husband, two tons, two sisters and other
relatives in these parts to mourn their
OTIIKR row-lilt. 110TTK3 ITKMS.
Vou need not tie afraid of Itreathing
disease germs these ilaya. The wind
blow them by so fast you couldn't catch
one if you wanted to.
Dr. Kdwards was 'phoned to. to come
out to James Turner' as Mr. Turner
was much worse, and knowing that she
was already a very sick woman he pro
cured an automobile and made the trip
In 45 minutes, the distance being 18
miles. That' the kind of doctor we
need those who will leave nothing un
done in an effort to gel toiheir patient
when an urgent call is made.
George Hobbt hit his house moved
over to the north tide of hit ranch.
It. A. Russctt has the mniu part of his
house moved down on his ditch land,
George llobbs doing the moving.
Tom McDaniet has 'been on the tick
list, but Is up again.
The slush ice filled the canal to full one
day recently that the water ran over the
banks, but as the hank were frozen lit'
tie damage to the ditch wa done. Rut
it flooded the old rher bed and washed
out some of the furrow laterals, ami
washed mud into tome ol the slslrrus.
Tumato Items.
TOMALO, Jan. 31. Several day of
spriuk-like weather the past week.
P. P. Smith, of the Ilightower-Smlth
mill near Gist, passed through here l'ri
dny night going to Rend after men to
work at the mill.
John Couch It hauling lumber from
the Hlghtower-Smith mill to llcnd.
Two four-horse teams are hauling lum
ber from Gist to Iicud for Weumnly't
new barn.
Rev. Mitchell of fiend assed through
here vesterday going to the Gist school
house to hold church today. Tonight
he will preach In the new school house
In the Rayley district,
Team started to Shanlko yesterday
alter the uew wwinlU to be jut up ut
Tuuialo by P. H. Dayton of Laldlaw and
Mr. Spoo of the Valley. They expect to
have It running toon,
D. V. Couch started to Shanlko Prl
day after freight for Horner at Laidlaw.
A. II. Itslcbenet and another gentle
man from Shanlko passed through here
one day last week,
A meeting of the Partners' Telephone
Line No. 1 will be held at Laidlaw next
Saturday, and some important tmsinet
will be dfrcutsed, among which will be
the proposition of extending the line to
other jKjints.
Someone must have wheel in their
head when they reported the article to
the Southern Oregonian at Mcdford
tome time back about the cold weather
in Crook county during the recent
storm. The article read:
Prineville, Or., Jan. 21. Roreat im
printed hit mark on Crook county and
all Interior Oregon during the 10 days
ending with Thursday, stronger and
more bitter than eter before. I'.ven the
pioneer of 30 and 40 year ago remem
ber no such meteorological combination
as the elements formed in their assault
on this pari of the country between Jan
uary 5 and January 14.
Throughout these 10 days aero weather
prevailed, the mercury going above the
cipher once only The minimum in this
city was 39 degree below zero, and it
wat 43 below at itadras.
Stock hat not suffered much, ample
provision being generally made for feed
ing both sheep and cattle.
True we had some cold weather, but
In this vicinity it never got as cold as
the above article reports, and there was
only one day that the thermometer stood
below the cipher all day. The coldest
reported in this part of the Deschutes
valley was 34 below oue night. Other
nights between January 5 and 14 regist
ered from 4 to 18 below.
Enjoy a IMeasent livening as Guests of
Misses Vandevcrt and Richardson.
Miss Maude Vandevertand Miss Nona
Richardson entertained the Anarchist
Club at the latter' home, three mile
east of town, on 1'rlday evening.
The evening was pleasantly spent in
various form of amusement. A the
guests entered th parlor, each was pro
vided with the name of a prominent per
son which waj pinned upon his tuck,
and an interesting time wai spent in
guessing the name, after which each
person entertained the crowd by imper
sonating the person he represented. In
which entertainment, Mr. Coe, Miss
Reid and Mr. Staats deserve honorable
mention. Later in the evening prize
were won by Mis Reid and Mr. Staats.
At 11:3c s'clock ice cream and cake were
served. The rest of the evening was
spent in the singine of popular songs,
with Miss Wiest at the piano.
At a late hour the guests departed,
pronouncing the hostesses the best of
entertainer. The guests were: The
Misses Gittens, Reid, Weist, Johnston
and Wilson; Messrs. Coe, Will and Clin
ton Vandevert, Jones, Stasis, Stanbur
rough. May, Mr. and Mrs. Alleu and
Dr. Coe.
Surveys Are Finished.
William Coulter, who has been work
ing with one of the Oregon Trunk Line
parties of engineers on the Deschutes,
returned to his home on Aceticy Plains
last Saturday. He was with Mr. Crane'a
party, which finished up the survey at
the mouth of the Deschutes. The Ore
gon Trunk Line surveyed a connection
with the state pottage road, and the sur
viving parties were then disbanded.
It it generally Ulleved that actual con
struction work will begin in the spring.
Madras Pioneer.
A Paper ol the Rlzht Sort.
I.ONGUKANCH, Wash., Jan. I7,'o9
lidltor Bulletin, llcnd, Or. Dear
Sir: I have received yours of Jan
4 and uho the sample copies of the
llulletin with which I am greatlv
pleased. You seem to have a e'ean
and enterprising paper 01 tne rignt
sort. I enclose 80 cents for which
please enter my Mibscriptiou for
six months. Yours very truly,
E. M. Kick.
Pneumonia Follows La Grippe.
Pneumoula oftcu follows la grippe but
neer follows the use of Poley's Ilouey
and Tar, for lagrippe coughs and deep
seated colds. Refuse any but the genu
ine in the yellow package. Ilend Drug
Township plats for sale tit this
office, two sizes, zY ad 6 inches
I square.
Recalls Memories of the Famous
Indian Outlaw.
Was Captured from Captata Jack's
Indiana and Presented ta Capiat
KeHey by United States Sol
diersOther News Note.
An interesting and exciting bit of
history is called to mind by men
tion, in the Burns News, of the
death of a pony that was the favor
ite of "Captain Jack," the Indian
outlaw who was such an able fight
er and who kept the United States
soldiers so busy trying to run him
and bis band down in the early
days. Speaking of the death of the
pony, the News said:
"The old Indian pony, the prop
erty of Capt. Harrison Kclley, de
ceased, which was formerly the
property of 'Captain Jack' of lava
bed fame, died on Tuesday night
of this week without a struggle, at
the great age of nearly 43 years.
The pony, which has been a famil
iar figure in Burns for several years,
was captured from Captain Jack's
Indians by a squad ot Captain Kcl
ley 's soldiers and was presented to
Captain Kclley in 1873. The pony
was the favorite riding autmal of
Captain Jack and was noted for en
durance and graceful motion, show
ing the best of stock. He has been
tenderly cared for bv Mrs. Kclley
since the death of her husband."
Deep WeH for Christmas Lake VaHey
Wc understand that A. V. Cyrus
of Astoria, who has a desert claim
in the Christmas Lake country, has
purchased a well drilling outfit and
has the same now at Shaniko. It
will be brought In by Mr. Powers
as soon as the weather will permit.
He has an engine and all necessary
appliances to go down 2,000 feet.
This is something that has long
been wished for. and as soon ns
the machine gets to work, the prob
lem whether artesian water can be
had in that section will soon be
solved. Silver Lake Leader.
Telephone Lines Are Incres4g.
C. W. F.lkint delivered to the Pilot
Dutte Telephone Company this week, a
fine new 30-line switchboard. This will
be used in the central in the rear ot
Winnek'a drug store, connecting the
new lines recently built by the fanner'
companies, known as the Riverside, Uiv
erdale, Eagle Rock, Maury and Paulina,
Pauliua Rarb Wire, Dear Creek, McKay
Creek & Ryegrass companies, In alt
about 140 'phones. Prineville Review.
Shorter Items or Interest.
A weather station ha been established
at Madra and Don P. Rea i acting a
voluntary observer.
Hums has a wide awake commercial
club that is doing much good for the
' A couple ot gentlemen who came from
Klamath Palls by the way of Rly and
Sictu, say the snow in the mountains is
from tour to six feet deep and packed
tolld, traveliug over the top of it with
out breaking through. Silver Lake
It is reported that oil has been struck
over on the John Day near Partou'
Lakeview is agitating the tet sugar
factory question, with fair chance that
such an industry may locate there but
not until after the railroad come.
J. N. H. Gerking has told his fice
wheat ranch in Umatilla county for
f 14,000, and will now devote hi entire
effort to developing hi irrigated land
near Laidlaw. Hit son Deanaud family,
who have been occupying the Umatilla
ranch, will probably remove to this sec
Hon and assist hi father and brother on
one of the
ranches here, Laidlaw