iWhy Does It Curo Not hocmino It In Bnrnnpnrltln, but hoonuoo It In n moillclno of pooullnr inorlt, comported of moro thnn twenty different rnmollnl nuontn offoctlnu phonomonnl euros of trouhloo of tho blood, atomrtcM, (Ivor niul bowola. Thus Hood's 8ntnpurillii ctircsricroN ulit, ecxi'inn, nnoinln, cntnrrli, nervous lie, tlint tired feeling, iI)'kiikIii, loss tifnppotllo, and builds up Him system. lint II Wolar In lli uinal 11'tnM form ur In ImcolalaO liUfl (mm celled HartalaU, An n 4rrinlrlilr, rVal Merltiiiil -Ah. wall. va mimlii'l enmnlitlii of imi weather. Il kill ml- crolire, )nu know, Cintnuier flunking mil a rhrck) n, 1 wilier I tint In )imr rt II linn killed tit poverty mlrrol". Only On "I1IIOMO QUININE" TI.l U I.AXATIVi. 11110110 UIIININi:. Ik fr Ih ala-nalm of K W (IIIOVII tl.-tth. wu II vr in Cut (Ml In ()n Day, I. Kneeling U lli lnt brain clearer known. Minx fon conclude an nt lack of falntnraa, ur fainting, with a vio lent tnrri Our aiirrtiur ttmk ami It from a bllf In lli rltlme of iivotlig. Hut Intximt m taken It In part alitirbd Into li liliMhl and hurl ilia ayatem, ltllire wilt find lr. WlnelV .lhla pu. ili lt riurlr lutnolui llielr iU:Ufu (wring lit iiMug pariod, Ilulltilfill Trallmiililal, rimlfi-r I low tin you III your nrw prri-lcr? iMr.lir Ilrt ruin. II' o agrees tl : never lull rtllgtatt to juu at all, 7011 know, riTT HI Vila." Ilea ea. f,. IM'M ! I I 1.1 ..all, ,e,,4 1., K I .la. .(II.-.I N.Oe lla. elotar HullxillllllM lllelllllael tlaatl . U. IL II. Mlaa. Ut , 11 l.a til.. Ulla4.lUe. I Ilrr Varatllirr, Thy hired girl l dual, A (Hi Imlh irM ami moled! f& Ittok all ti ililil In llil Ami ll mi lit i!ut clrl ilu. lid. Gttlergtt Nv. Shako Into Your Shoes AtVn'atWIU.a.aaa'W'Wr-rthefret. II 111 re lelnlut. tmalWn, enwtlntf. irill ((. MaVn, new eM a r. IM t all llcnf.! ! Hiim. I Mo 1 aeeetit any ajtltul. Hawi'l HtlilL AiMtoM A. M. UUMtxI. U IWr. N. V. Illtrrlliitf AHrnlliiii. "Ho you favor lint suit of that fur elgtieri" "Ye," nttawernl Mr. Ciimrnx. "I think I should rather like lit have a man In tlin family wlwao Kitgllati mot Iter niHl tint Kir! can rrltliUr lit trail of iiiIhi'." Wnalilnctuu Hlar. Urcak Cold Prompllf Tim fol low I nj: formula I novel falllnu' rcimtly for rnlila: Onu ounrnof ConixiutHlSyruiof Snr npnrilln, (inn ounro Toria Citnxunil anil onu half pint of koxI whiaky, mix anil atmkii tlioruUK'lily rnrh 1 1 1110 nmi uae In loia of n tnblrapoonful nvcry four hour. Thla if followed up will curo mi ncuto colli In 21 hour. Tho InKmllvnU can bo Kotton nt nny ilruj: itoro. HtlNilrnUt Il(narh lb moon proialr Aaj llKtuiiPt a falrxlani! Ilrr ray Tltrow o'rr lli orlJ a (amy acrttn, !lrlln( htautlf In a tern WttoM fauiU hut (IrlUh anna llray, 1 m rftTT1! rtr1 1WiWi Mtf t Nf t) r 1- 1 riftiwuM)iv firhtff Imi Ik -It Itn uit nuv t uluf ht-4 r kr 1 1 f r fuMit-kt, HUI -iruii 1 tatt I in lriirtlc7l gtow- rrpiiiAiiini ma 1 i imi iaiifaiiiiBfiiw MUrriit utt'i r1? ! ! ! tnir I'M wpti Aiuiil inn o. m. rrrHV co., Dalroll, Mkh, w INCHESTER RIFLES AT TACTORY riUCEO aHlnaUHIml. M..I.I l!) WtHnnloHI...!, (M..I.IIKH) ...... nllr.rlr, (M..I.I !ll) ....,,,... SJIIrixwIrc. (Mi.lflllMII ti. .i. 3K-ta tt-tn. (Mll 1WJI ti.no B.00 O.fVO 10.80 la. in 74-Si. aun. MUitun Urral, (MnUI'ltl) 16.53 NO CIIAIKli: KOIt CASINO OUCAUTAOK Soml for our prlco Hut, Snvo ox iircuM chnrKvti on oiuitom cntutouo lioiiio prlcoit, HUDSON ARMS CO. WKV.r C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor Thl womltf ut man hu tnula a llftatuilyof ih If 1- I It-.L. I iiviiw ami itaiHP. iu l nllnir lha worltl tlia Uinlllof iila urvlec. 4 No Mcrcurv. Poliona W.JorDrug.U.cd. No Opcralloni or Culling (luaranlvnt tt car Catnrtli, Ailhina, I.unir, HUunacli ami KUIniy truutliw, aiulull l'rlvat DUtaintof Mun anil Wunifii. A SURE CANCER CURE Juatrwrlvulfrotn I'tkln, Ctiliiataf. aur ami rvllabla. Unfailing In Ita wutk. If ywi cannot call, writ for ymptom blank anj circular, lnclix 4 cvitta In latni. CONSULTATION tlltC The C. Ccc Wo Medicine Co. .A3U rir! CI.. ia UnrrUnn. Pnrttmn.i. ft. -., .... -.1, -., ...-..-.. f , -. ,. WV W. ayrOftk. v V "v. W nYn?inKlJZi mmzti bmJ24)Mi& 80METHIN0 FOIl EVEItYHODY Tin IiimI lUuri'H iitiliillinlili' hIiow Unit I In per ciipllii uciillli of Hilt (iniiitiy In fi.:iio.u. U'lii' luillilliii; Iriulii Iiiih llio Kri'iittftt liiiiuliiir of atrllM'N, Tint iiitl mid ntkn ImliiNiry (iniifM ni'jt. New Vnrl Clly IiiiIi'Ih urn imw entiT tnlnliiK IH per (fill iiinro iMixtiiiiu'rH tliiui tin1 Men' niic yi'iir iik". Tim nlriiiina of Hit lllimiliiyn iiioiiu- IllllIM Mill Moon mi tMIKllKi'll III till' pHH wile work of tiirnliii; iiIh-hIh, St'w Vork Iiiin Hmi Kriiilittt niiiiilior of wiicii't'iiriH'rN of nny Hind1 In lint I'lllnli. In iim I vinil it In niiiiiiiI, Tltt' pulilli' IiiihIn viiiiiiiI niul NiiltJiTt tn ai'lllriiii'iit In Ihn irnlliil HI it I tit on tho lat of liiat July llllHMllili'il tit "Tie JWn,(KRl iirrt-N. Wllllll'll UN Hll'lllrXrilplllTN llllVI' Ih'I'II KriMilly liuritiioil In iiiiiiiImt In Ni-tv Vork Clly ttiirlni; tho litat jnir niul Hutu itro iintv iiIhmiI 11,"(ni of llicni A ft-rry IhhiI In uxti In tho hnrlxir tf IIImukoiv In Nllppllttl "Mil n ilrrk Willi II i mi In' rnlftsl niul Inncriil acinilivii fit't. In furl. It Ih ii HoiiIIuk cli'vntor. Thla fittliin- In umvnanry Im-cmiihh of the lIlrTlTI'IKI' of till' ll'WlH of tho two lllllll IliK atHk't'N liutili' liao of by tho (.Titfl. .Ml tin woiiifii prlkoncrN nt tin' Clerk niMi'll n-nnIoiin riti'iilly nppttireil In the ilot-k Mifirlna their hut". 'Hie ruin of "no liHlplim" wmn utrli-tly I'lifnmil, hut llielr tttwiici' In no ny trotitileit the ttoineii. lutlft'd, one iNihinrttl it lint moro limn aU feet III elrniinfereiieo without Hit alliihtt-Nt trnre of mutely. IIimv alie illil It only n wouinii itiuhl tHI. IhiiIoii Chronicle. Auction nnli'H of tlmroiiflilireil cuttle niul auliio nro nut iiimiuitiMin In thu Went, hilt nil nilellou Mle of "Ihnroilnll hnil" tiirn, wlient niul imla lll Im n imvelty In ninny of tint tl.lltirn nt tho imtlitiMtl otrii i'Mlllon nt Onmlin. Af ter thi ahotv la over prln corn niul other Krnlii nml ent) nsiIn will In of fered for ntlit to tho lilKheat hlililiT. The print for i-orn. It In oxtectttl, Mill ranco from ft mi ear up to fl.V) to Whi for len etr iwwnplcN. ItiM-iitly electrhfilly vtctiKtl clinln Iiiin ltMi innile coinuierrlnlly hy niltit iiiittlcnlly iMittliij; the hlnnki fntui n hnr imi na to form it nockd In one end niul n nirrittNiuttliti; luer nu the other eiHl of the link lilitlik. Thin In then Ih'UI nml Jttlliett on one utile Hint the Joint uohtcd. Till ohvlnte tho uatml fiiiuimitMif iiHmt In audi (ft. Tho In pi. or nrixt of ntntui't, nro much lure it limit lit the mpiitrely nit emit, niul n liliinpNflrliu hiiiI kihhI welil In nmile. Tim mittiorlrttl enpllnl of Jitpnnece electric imilertitkliiRN In llKt. tl.ll-H.-(.., roiKt to i 11,72 1.UW III ll7. Thu eleelrlenl workn iinilertitken ihletly re reitentetl ItKhtlnt: nml rnlhvnyn. Tho iiumlHT of lluhtN Hiippllnl In IINt.1, .tin,. IK, Inerenaeil In Iti7 to KVl.ll.'l. Toklo niul Omku rtsjulri' ettili U.nn) IIkIiIk. Kliflrlc mllwiiJM ahotv tipiul develo. liteiit. Ill lixi't the iiilltttKo wna thirty elKht. which ri"Mt to 111) In Iti7, nml ttlll Ih' lurttely nthletl to hy ivimtriicUoii iltirlnc the prettt'iit )er. AconrilliiK to it I it hi" puIiIIhIiiiI In thu current iiiiiiMmt of tho l-'iilenitlnii Itt lev, (l.'.Hi'i ImiiikrHiit Jomh entereil thu port of New York III Septemlter, HUM. Of tllcHi'. '.',1X1 "ere wiillifli. L'.IOl men nml 1,701 i-tilhlreii. HiihsIii ituilrllf tiled -l.i'id": AiiKtrln-lluniniry, l.i'H; llouiumilii, '.'ill ! KiikIhiiiI, M ', Oeriimuy, 1H; Turkey, IP; Ntuilcii hiiiI ShiIii, '. khi'Ii, nml IIoIIniiiI, It Tim record iiIno aluiwa Hint I.JVKI of tho ImuiliirnutN went to lioiiiett oiiIhIiIo of tho metromi Hn. In tho eorreapouillni; month lift yitr tho titimlier of Jvwlali liuuilcniiitti wiin IMiKI cronlcr. '11 1 e rovolullonnry Mrty In IVntln In rlrttihttlni; on poNtcnrili nml In lnri;er form n plcttiru tleitcrlptlve of "IVrHlmi JiiNtlce," which nliowa threo ImiiiiIIIh ImpKlni; hy their feet frotn tho city kMc, of TiturlH. Tho men, iiliniMt iinktil, nro ahow n KiiitM'Utlctl from mi oikmiIui; In tho wnll, tho rojM'H hlmlliiK their feet Mmr fiiNtemtl to n pi I In r, next to which a mtlltnry iniiinl HtniidH nt "tit lent Ion." 'Tor hour." rtuiH tho leceutl under tho picture, "theno wrutohett, thu roMicr Ako nml IiIn compiiiilouH, liuiii;, In their hmlly wiiutnled ntuilltlon, ho. foro ilenth rollovctl llielr nKony. Tlimi HiiiulH of ptstplo of nil iikch mid rlntwcii liNikttl mournfully upon thcuo victims of lVnlnu JiiHtlct'."' Two vetvrnn JoiirnnllNlH of Chlcttiro tllnnl tORt'tlior Irtnt Tlmnkalvlni,', ih Ihey Imvo dono for 11 number of TliiinkHKlvliiKH. nml recnlliHl their nil. torlnl oxporlencoH Imck In thu ntxtlcH. Thin your tho romilon wim of npvcliil IntercHt becmiHo occurrliiK 1ku tho wv enty-llftli nnulvorHnry of thu Initial Ih hiiu of tho flrHt nowHimiH-r In wlmt wnn then known iin tho "Northwettt." "TIiIn," wiyn tho IliMtou TrmiHcrlpt, "wiih tho CIiIciiko Democrnt, Htnrted on Nov. -tl, lolUI, nml hoth lunl served In niniioc Hon with It In Kh Intor liUtory. It wiih nt unit time owned nml conducted l.y Jnlui Wentworth, hut In lKill wiih murriil with tho CIiIciiko Tribune. No (opleti nro now mippoNed to oxUt, iib nil tbu lllcs wvro ik'utroyeil In thu Ue tiro." CATARRH IN HEAD Pc-ru-nn Ptt-ru-nu. fiZ5i MH. WM. A, rittSSCH. Mr. William A. Pnasor, 1722 Third nve., Mollne, III,, write: "I linve been iUireritiK from cntnrrh in tho lierttl for the prtit two tnonl' nil tried Innuincrnbto ao-callcil remc lllcs without nvnll. Ko one known bow I Imvo euircriy!, not only from thu dm eitnu Itfclf, but from inortlflcutlon whet In company of friend or Mrnnucni, "I Imvo until two bottlen of your mrillclno for a abort time only, nnd it t'lTected n compUlr mrtllcul curr, nnd wlmt la butter yet, tbu ill ton no baa not return rd. "I can mt cmphntlrntly recommend I'erunn to nil auflerera from tlil ill eaae." (trod Thlt rprr!rncc. Mr. A. Thompion, Ilox GG, It. R. 1, Martel, Ohio, writes: "When I began your treatment my eye wero inflamed, note a klopfinl up half of tho time, nnd wna aore nnd acabby. I could not rvnt nt nlKht on account of continual blinking und pilllnK. "I bad tried icvernl rcmcdlrn and wna nltout to tvo up, but thought I would try I'erunn. "After I hud taken about onc-thlnl of n bottlv I notlcctl n diirerrnco. I am now complrlrlv turrd, nftenulTurini; with cntnrrh fur eighteen years. "I think If tboao who nro nllllckil with catarrh would try I'erunn they would never regret it." I'eruim la manufactured by thu I'eru nn Drug Mfg. Co.. Columbus, Ohio. Ask your druggist for n frea I'eruna nlmannc for 11)09. MiillTr I'niirr, "Y, IndttMl; I't IhiiI many n jrwvl Hut laklue my iMtc bojt out for an all tby n.tiitK lrlt." "Atwut Imjw uniflt UulJ do you um la a tltyV "Aw, tittn't auk a wan tb.it! I loir do yoo uppo 1 know O, yuu nt'an how M'Kh (JijIIlv7 About four ci lions or ic." - PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PA7.0 OINTMIT U marmnlml la curt an r of llchlar. IlllnJ. Illmtlna or IYotruJlnr riIaln(UlltlrirBwny nfuixlnl. Wt I'nrlo Allvn Ilrmnr. "It ha alwaya rcmJ to me," M Cnclr Allen Hpark. "Itiat ll'a unjuit lo rail 'cm 'Ananiaa club.' It lan't quilt fair lo Ananl. II didn't actuallr ullrr anj lira; ltt only llnl by Implluntlon. lit watn'l rvnlly cPjIMc hlitwoif to member aiilp lit an Ananiaa eluh." Thn.n I.utIhu Krlrnila. Nan I taw poor dear Ml nnrllni: horn' young, nuin Hi othr day. lla look at if Uie hail picked klm up at a bargain contilrr. Kan Yea, ami alt cot only a remnant, at tltat. Ilrr Klrlr. "I don't iiitud Uniflne n crny hnlr or two In my own hair," alchrd tho bache lor clrl, who ibonii tvuiin few aUna of the mtro and yellow lenf, "but when I pay J.'t for a nice btiucti of tovrly trown curl nml hnve to pick them out of those, too, It Uu't fair. Do you think It lr Why, Terll Tit nutomcr had liamlcil ovtr a check In iwj-mcnt of hla loun overdu milk bill. "la It a ccrtlllcd chtckl" asked the cob lector. "No, and It tloen't need to be; I'm per fectly good. That'a an Impudent qur tlon to ik." "I n" you'd boiler (el It certlflnl." anltl tho collector. "You Insist ou harlm frll(led mll Nnlilraaa Obllire, Tito youthful (Irorg Waahlncton haj Jttat tltfclareil that ha couldn't tell a lie. "How would It look," lie said, "for a future President of the United State t bo eligible fur memlmralilp In an Ananlai club!" Thereupon he trimmed the cherry tret he had cut down, and proceeded to ntaki a big atlck out of It, Chicago Trlbuur. pjm AN UNSURPASSED REMEDY ! PUo Cut U ft vnturMMcJ is nrJjr 1 couU, cuU, Irtootliiiw. ftiUvnM. hosafwacu h lkt txl lung tafltxtiaai. It tx iiiixt lo lh tvcAl ol K trtiU 4rJ iMitiiJtjr rlorKtlth)f camttwfl, to4rttl tun. ftV tKJ ChilJiTO iWi Cu vnih wiffct ctiAii Jrnc tn iucuutif Ituwrti -J fxlni from tHti, moi In t.ftll cfMury. At H druiaUU'. 28 eta. msw'mab eU'REJ ctblh n"' mbmoiwax. Tnilenl Nliilnr l!rrrlril lit llii- firrnl nmiilrr lliillitrr, 'I'liero wiin rift'iitly plnrrd In toaltlon In Houtli Afrlni n moniinieiit to Cecil Itlioilcx, Hie itrent eni)lre Ijullilir, who ciiicelvetl the ChIio to Ortlro rnllnmil, mid whtwtt niiililll'iu whn to jmliit nil of Koulli Afrleri n Itiitlab rd. Mori thnn nny olln-r iiiiiii of IiIh ilnic he fortfHW the imiknIIiIIIHi-n of Koulli Afrh-ti, mid bnil he llvetl the fetlerHll'iu which In now helm: ,dlcint(d wouhl proltnhly Inlitf hko linve lfli nil nentuiiillalietl fftft ItbixloN wiin n until of nlmitat rtvklpa ilnrliiif nml of Imlomltnlile eiieruy, nml the tnoiiiiineiit ertrtdl to him In truly tjplenl. In the Ntntuc of rhler nml liorao lla rirtlid, (I. 1 U'ntta, diiilcta phyMcnl elieruy the lendllli; I &rvf-fr&a!r3pR'i "7 tBhp ! MI.MOHIAI. TO III II. ItllOllIN, clmrMcierlatlc of tin jjrtHt ntijiiinl I 1 eliiir. The atatllo In erected nt (.rout Schtllir (Rrettt Imrn), wbb-h wbn Mr. IHhhIii favorite ruMldoitiv nt the Citw. and In which Im lived when he was premier of Cbk Colony. The bulldlm: wii buniid, but was rottlnritl. nil of i oris Inal tletnllN Ih-Iiik prenert ttl. It It not nt (In ot Seliuur, bnueter. Hint llhodc In burltil. but far nwHy nutoiiK the MittoiiiMt hill, of Mntalietelfltttl. In n region which ho rencued to elvllliallon. TUItKISII AIIMY OFFICEItS. I'liey Are rllhrr l.iarl Nur Ur trrlril Uy Tltrlr 3lrn. Very M'lihmi If he enn help It does tho Ttirklah nnny ollb-rr npjionr on horselKick, ami when not on duty ho look iikiii bin horx' merely n it mcth od of locomotleu. Ho hn no nffectlon or uuiterittnudliig for the borne. Tbo Miterlor olllcera linve no burin of their own, nml, being gonernlly IhiiI riders nnd without military qoalltlc which would ruliM' them In the etttlimttloii of their inen, they nre neither lovnl ior. t-,Muuw.til lii tliMii Mnrrlisl nlllf,rit ' keep entirely to theiiitive, such il.lMm. lM-litlmi i. ,in, iu,lli.,rVI " "" " " k , .,..- .... ,,.. ,.. IIOIIM'H IK'IIIK IIIIKIIOtVII, IIIMI lilU 111' ocoisloiis tiH)ii which ofllcers inect to p-thor nt nil nro on the drum of .mii- Ml,i4J-l-"3 lily, When tlioy nro Ctlllnt together for aaar., Ntur aa ar rimllu aariirata. tbo Kiil.nn'a birthday or ncve-slon c"'&;rt'Mj2Jfa"' brntldltS. I .hr far i:rrr Slrmt.rr ..rthr Vi.Mllr. n-l .. l.n l... -n.,1- I. .. , ll-jr., Ho.,,ll... MMrni, am- i".j ,' ,"t ,". " " .,...11 .... .i.a. ... t... u.. ....!. .,. i.iiIa.ipu la nil. in iik lima .... imu ,iih-iiii wiutvin ,n lllgh. TIlO yotlllg CltVltlry OlllCVr WhO iimkea n goml linprviwtoii on hU entry) Into tlio wrvlro watn full to phvett through wiiut of occupation either of mind or body. Tho gretiter i-nrt of tho morning unit evening ho sits over IiIn coffee nnd ctirdt or duuiliioett, Thero nro hut few iicwHiMipcnt. and those Hint do oUt nro no fovercly n'liimrtil by tho gxivernment that they tiuitiiln Utile hut wiiitlicr KtntlHtlcs, giuettt'N nml nimoiiiin'ineiitH of tho lo- htowtil of iloconttlons. What the 'inirklsb oillcer renlly tho oughly eujitya Is n gramophone. In HtrumciitH playing the wultzca nod re prmlucliig the music hull songs of nil tho cities of KuroH nre In the greatest possible request, ohlclly becnuso they imike music without ntiy iKTbonnl trou ble. Chicago News, Above, Oxer atitd Ou, Tho three wortls, nttove, over nnd ou nre uenrly HynonymoiiH, but there la n clear distinction between them when they are usnl literally, Tbo Stunt nro abovo us, but they nro not nlwnya over us, na n cloud la over tho sen; nor nro they on us, ns a man's hat Is on Ills bend, Tho lint nnd tho cloud nro nhovo, but tho stnra nro not over, nor nro tho cloud ou us. A I'nrmlos, "Slnco Footllght luherltnl n fortune ho la n pnriidox," "Whnt'H tbo nnswerr "Ho la Itotli tho richest nml poorest nctor on tho stage. Kvcry time n woinnu gets u new gown slio goes n round with u chip on bur ahoulder, When n uiiui'b Iiduso burns down, seven men out of ten belluvu ho set It ou tiro. 'I'lio Kind Vim llnvtt Alivnyx ItoiiKlit lia liorno tlic lim liiro of Clins. II. I'lt'tclicr, nml Iris Ixi-n itimlti iimlcr lilt perfoiinl riupcrvIMoii for over .'JO jfiirn. Allow no out) to (Iffi'lvo you in tlilH. Coiiiitcrfcltfi, ImllntlotiH Hint ".TiiNt-iiH-Kot" ro but I2xu'rliii nit, iukI fiitlniifxcr tho health of Children Lxprrlcneo ii(;iiliiKt KxperlnienU What is CASTORIA Cnrttorla Ih h ImnnlfHH xiib.itltnto for Cattor OH, 1'nro Rttrle, JJropM nml Hnothliijr Hyrup. It Ih I'leiwint. IC coiitnliiH neither Opium, Morplilun nor otlicr Jinrcotlo HiiliHtiinti!. It ngn Ih Hh iinritutt'o. It tlewtroyH AVorinn niul itllnjH I'everittliiii'iM. It cures Dlarrliiiu nml "W'latl Colic. Il rcllfWH 'ltlilnir Trouhlr-H, eureH Coimtlpittlou nml I'latuleiicy. It iiKHliullitttH tint I-'ottil, rcKtilntcH tho Htoiiuith nml Jloirr-I, Kivlnr henlthy nml natural sleep Tlio Clilldrcu'M I'niiiiccu Tho lutlii r'n i'rlcinl. Tie Kind You Ha? e Always Bought TJoara tho In Use For C!zZV&&4 MAPLEIIE IFYOUVB NEVER WORN -TJT, V I-l . t,MU vSUCKER youVeyet to learn the bodify comfort it crvn in IhetwCejtwathtr MABtron rujo atfviee AMD CUARANTCXO XATtBPROOr "322 ATAUC0OT1TMU CATAUarKX i in, iuiuq i atia ana mu bqt, utn 153 w It. S3 .10 Shoes Than Anr Othr Mannf aeturrr " nw taa wnr u aM.it at l ! .kM iiatUu ataaalaalM tnla.4 .tt.iu ut aali4 ai.a.a.fa la ta. tmmmtr Taa miu ! taa Uattwra far i rati af IV lm. aaa Hat actul af U. auLlai la ...rr apartarat. la " .., wt ... aa.OTH..v. la la. .aa. laaaaur rnealahraliritMlaraeT.frflir, rtStiTlrtlt I Xoim) arena 'i iiIhmii W I. . n.rla 1 hollwiM. unJHjn J Uw a,Kt i.tre alaa.rad on raaCalartraUtaCaSalaatrlr C.U1. auUW (na. w.LWiou.!SiiS.,Bmua.JUii. - xirm Jvft va. n .' aV Vl . mm V TrWaK Ml. aj I mlj yoi(V"MQnl jOT I (RESCENT EBS-Phosphate IMLL DO 1U TutTaVT 11X31 rXXXD roiu nux . D0A.M) Do.rwTrre 0 A FULL Improve Your K U Baking Powder wiU do It! Get a can. Try It for your favorite cake. If It doesn't raise better, If it Isn't daintier, we return your money. Everybody agrees K C has no equal. Mr L,ovmcE5k ..G- m Pure, Wholesome, Economical, Signatur of Over 30 Years. A Flarorinif. It make syrup better than Maple. J- J" Sold by tfrocerjL SEESSBflRLEY6.Ji': I I'er Saber's cauloi pa l I I Larieal (rowers of seed batter, call, wheat, I i' i. Cjfn. rotator, craaaea. clurer aodl kI barter, oata. ' , crataea. clurer aod larm ae.Ja lo t oiid, t,( eatalox f f r t or. en J I0O In Itatr and rtcelr aaaplaa oil turley ritMIas 173 bu. per aer. Uil.ioaB . I ar Grata, oait, bpallf. ate-, oie. raatl 1 v r,h SIQ.OO la rl a alait with. Or. aand 1 l4o aivd aJI a aatnpta fatta aed XaotrtltI in trr tn br too Uitore. SAUCR SCED CO.. Bet PC. U CroMt. VTIi. I fjiaa-x?iTi m The 2 "FLYERS" arc the O. R. & N. fast throuijh trains between PORTLAND and SPOKANE WM. McMURRAY, G. P. A. Portland PNU No.4-09 TTIIKM irrltlnc lo KilTertlaera pleas 1 I luviiiii.u ama parr. BAfflCPOWDER POUND 25c Got it from your Grocor Baking more evenly, higher, more delicate In flavor, BAKING POWDER