EVENTSTIIE DAY Newsy Items Gnllicreil from All Paris of tlio World. PREPARED rOR TIIE BUSY READER Inn Important hut Not Less Inter nttlng Happenings from Points Outside tlio Slate, Jny Gould linn volunteered nil proba tion olllcer In Nuw York. Tim Jiiiuiiihii government lit cutting ixiiniHcit uvorywhoro Niitllilu. 1 rxllcntlorin tire tlinl IIimmIn In Oregon, WimliliiKtoii mill Idaho lire, over. Another venireman In tint Calhoun c.istt report mi attempted bribery. A water-front flrtt nt Galveston de stroyed JfiUO.OIlO worth of property. An nntbraco truck hotting lilll hmi boon passed by tlin California house. Tim eruption of Lngnnn, In tlio Phil ippine, linn entirely changed tint form 4lf Hill IIHllltltulll. Tim Cnlifoniln Hood nr wnrstt In mime place, liut for tint mofit pnrl tlio water ore subsiding. Cosgrovn lit (hi IiIh way north to In' IfinugurntMl governor of Washington himI will tlmn ruturii south. Ilnrrlmnn declare lit' will ml wage of emphi) In Wyoming if tliu legUlu ruturu tHM) n 2-c'iit rnttt law. r Oiw hundred nnd'Vnty-flviijMron nr known to Imvo lost tlit'lr live through hfitvy (UmmU In tint Trnntiviinl country. Tim mUiw of Iti'iir Admiral Coghlnn In In destitute clrniiimtnnre nnd will Imvo to look for work utileim tlio gov ernment grnnta her n peiwlon. Senntor Flint, of Cnlifoniln, nnyii ho does not hollo v anti-Japanese hllU will ho pniud In hi (Into, hut say Immigrant nro ntlll ourlng In. Hnn Pedro harbor la to Ik exlrnnlvo ly fortified. Tint Nntionnl Child Labor conference U In session In Chicago. Marshall Field' daughter lmi ued for tho Inroinu of thu estate. Tint Canadian Pacific plaint to huilil nnotiirr llnu ncron tho country. Tho throntened arrest of -JO I'lltit. burg councilman linn cnused n punlc. An nntl-bottlng Inw in rum to ho panned hy tho Cnlifoniln legislature. New rhnrgo f nttumptied Jury 'bribing In tho Cnlhoun case Imvo been made, i Tint llllnnln senatorial deadlock coif tlnuo nml nil leglslntlvu business in held up. Mnyor McClolliiu, of New York, op-p-sos munleipnl operation of puhllc Utilities. Governor Glllott rays thorn Mil ho no nntl-Jnpnneso luwn panned In Cnli foniln for tho, present, it I lenst. Floodn nro doing grunt damage, o--pccinlly to tn 1 1 roin I prtM'rty, in Ittnho, Washington, Oregon nml Cnlifoniln. Tho M'lintit of TennoHseit him pnnsetl n hill prohibiting tho ninnufncturo of Intoxicating llquuin mid tho house In itlito like to tnktt nlmlliir nctlon. Should it do ho, tlio governor will uo hi veto. Humor ngnln tuiyn Ahruzzi will wed M Klklni. M, N. Johnson wn re-elected senntor from North Dnkotn. Tho MUnouri loglslnturo linn ro elected Senntor Stono. Tho Utnh legislature has ro-olcctod Reed Smoot to tho somite. Thomnn I. Ooro hnn been roturnwl 'to.tho Htnitto from Oklnhotnn. . J n i no s 1'. Clnrko will nurcceil him nvlf iih Bountor from ArkuitHnn. Frnnk II. UrnmlcEwi hnn heon ro oloctoil aunntor from Connecticut. Hommoiiwny will ho nucct'odwl m Sunntor from Indiunn hy Shivoly. Itoonovolt miyn Jiipuneno nro UmvltiK Unltod Stntcn without li'KlHlutlon. Chnrlcn J. HuKhcn linn hcon olectod vvnntor from Colorado to miccood Tul lor. Tho North Cnrollnn U'Rlnlnturo oloct il Leu II. Ovormnn Unltt'd Stntofl on ntor. ThoNo w HnniHphlro IcRlnlnturo ro olcctcil Jncoh II. GullliiKur United 14 JjtntoM Ronntor, Sonntor l'onroao wnn Vo-oloctcd non ntor for thu third tlmo by tho l'onpsly vnnlu lulKtiluturo. Coo I. Crawford wna tho choice of tho South Dakota IvulHlnturo for Unit d HtutoB Bupator. Another hllr.rnrd la rnRlnir In tho KiihI nml nil ruilrondn nro tied up in thu Dukotna, I OPIUM CAUSES 8UIOIDE. Poppy DruR fleiponilhlo for 000,000 Uaioi Yonrly. Clovolmidl(, ()., Jnn, H)."0lum cmim'it hnlf n million itulcldoH n yunr," ilcclurt'd ltov. A. H, (irontr. of tho In tvrnntlounl Itoform hurvnu today, with ruferenco to thu opium conforoiico call ed by I'rtMtldunl Itooiovolt, which ho Klnn Itn Hoimlun nt Khi!iihul IVhrunry 1, I'hit ntiilouii'iit In IiiihoiI on luttvr mid ri'M)rtn from Dr. II. V. TIiwIiie, Mii'clnl norrotury of tho reform bureau who Inn boon ni'iit to HluiiiKhnl hy thu buroiiu to ntti'tid tint opium conference. Dr. TIiwIiik will nnk tho confvrvnco to tnkn nctlon Hint will hnnteu tho do ittructlon of tint opium trnlllc throjuh- out thu world. Dr. TIiwIiij: itnyn ho hnn ohtnlnod ntntlntlcn from four Clilnono provlncoH with a ixMiuhtltoii of fiBO, - 0U0 In which Int anvii tliii nroiKirtlon of thu iMipulntloii UHinjr opium in from 20 to HO hit cent, ard tho nmount of mon - y eKint for tho drug In $200,000,000 h venr. 1'renldent Hooimvi'lt cnlled thu opl- In a hopelenn minority. Tho only al um confirmed nt tint nUKKntlon of terntlon mndo wnn thu ntrlklnjc out of Illnhop Jlreiit, of Mnnllln, itmldeleKnten provlnlonn rentorbiK mnrlnen to nnvnl Imvo been npNilnUtl by Chlnn, Jnpan, ! venneln. Thu OKKn-Knto amount nppro HUin, IVrnln, Itumln, O'crmnny, Grent, printed In 1135,000,000. Ilritnlu, Franco, Italy, Ilollmid nml tho United UluU'i AFFAIUS SET MIQHT. Oomni to Ua liuufirxted Proildont of Cubit January 2(1. Havana, Jnn. ID. -On January 28 at noun tint Cuban ix'opl will coma Into thuir own fur tint kocihmI tlmo at tho linntln of tint American Kovernmeut. ii wui on .tiny xo, mux, inni inn Amor lent. Ilntr. lHi.tUfter the unr with T" I Niwlii. wnn Iwulwl down In favor of thu i.i... ...i. ..-.i ..I....I.. ., i ....!.. .. ii ir 1 nil ii. iiil-iii'iihi i rii iiim il-iiijii. ...!.. ' ' " Then, In Heptembvr, lOOfl, n com pany of marine Inmlotl nt tho palace from thu United Htntvacrulaor Denver, and halted a victorioua ntvolutioniiry army on tint outnklrtn of Havana, nml American Inturvonllon, which flrnt cniiiu iiL'nlimt n forolk'n power, wnn oticn more u reality, thin tlmn to not thliiK rlnlit ainonn thu Cuban thorn nelve. Tho mcinbern of tho Cuban contrre had becomn Indllferent and for month prior to the revolution It had beun Im- Hnmllii to Kocuro thu attemlancu of a ipjorum. Thin necenaltntitl govern ment by pnldent nl decree, nml It wn iiiiickly followed by the cry Hint l'ri-sl-dent l'nluin wn iiMUinlnK tint rule of dictator. Tho American provinional Kovornor, Charlen K. .Mrkkiu, hnn donu all that It wna omiilila for him to do to prevent n recurrence of thin tatu of nlTnirn by decreeing that conKremun who do not attend tint elonn hull not receive my, Thonc rulen, how over, hnve nlrehdy been doclnriHl dicta torial by thu coiiKreinmcn, nml an at tempt undoubtedly noon will ho mndo to repeal or nmuml them. NEW P.ECOIID SET. Number of Mine Accident! Increased ( urlnft Patt Year. I'lttuhurtr, Jnn. ID. Thu yenr 1008 wnn mnrked hy morn mine horror nml by moro Ion of llfu underground than any other yenr In history. And tho yenr 1000 apparently In going nftor lUOH'fl recortl. Only lnt Tuondny 100 liven wore lout In nn exploit Ion In a model mint! nenr Illuefleld. W. Vn.. nml on thu Sunday boforo denth oxnet- i ...A.i.... i....,.. ...ii i ii... ,,,.. ed nnother heavy toll II IIIU KVItVI mine nt Zoiglor, III, "Science," unlit a mining engineer today, "lias not yut aolved tho problem of preventing tho formation of gn. Wo recognize three kind of initio gns en thu lire dump, nftor damp nml white dump. "Fire dump lit tho only ono of tho trio Hint I explosive. It I u gas giv en olT by coal under thu Influence of tho hent of thu enrth. When Davy Invent-1 vil tho initio-' anfuty lamp It wna thought that all danger of mlno uxplo flionn wna over. The lamp hnn thu llnmo surrounded with n metallic screen which doea not permit thu panaago of tho llnmo. Hut thu screens burn out nftor long usngo nml tho minora grow cnroleea." Frlck to Sail Fine Home, I'lttntiurir, Jnn. 10. Kenl eatnto men of Pittahurg Imvo n quiet tip that "Clayton," thu Pittsburg pnlnco of II. f l?wnf tn 1Tntfitvunnil nvntiiiit In Air ...i,. Tiw. .i..,.i bin,, iu .i.irAn. nf quitting I'lttahurg foruvor. According W ", but .,f u, 8 iwf" to thorn closely In aocloty. Mr. Prick Kcncle8 throughout tho country, the Is bitterly angry nt tho Inck of Inter-. b.n1' w.,,'caJ"''e" J total nWlrli cat hown in tlio coming-out of hla' Ioof $100,869,000, yraa pnsseit vlr ilauRhtor, Helen, hero aonio tlmo aince. I n"y 9 reported by tho eommitteo on Only nbout in young men, aenrcoly I''0"8- enough to perform tho figurea of thu I Ilu "W-'nt dofleloney bill, which .innr.... wn. in niminiii. nm, !.! ' cnrrlua appropriations amounting to party at "Clayton," troquolt Claim Settled, Chicago, Jnn. 10. It wnn mndo pub lic todny that lifter live years of litiga tion aottlomonts had been mndo In tho enfloa of SO of tho deaths caused by tho Iroquois thontor flro, It is stated that $7G0 a caao ia to bu paid. r -ni PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS IN BRIEF i IFrldny, Jnnunry 22. WmihltiKton, Jnn, 'I'l. February VI vnn tixlay ileclnrcd to ho n upeclul holi day, mid n nurvey mid plmin for n IiIkIiwiiv from WmtliliiKton to Gottyii- liiirtf. to hu known iin "Tho Lincoln , Wny," mi n mifnorlnl U Abrnhntn Iilncolu, went provided for by n Joint resolution pnited hy tli't nonnto after nn oxtetidisl debntv. Tint roiolutlon did not commit eoiiKrrwt to thu con ittructlon of tho highway when ur- . veyed. I Somo tlmo wan nlno devote to cotmid erntlon of tint Jnpiitieno (Uention. WanhliiKton, Jan. 22. -I'xnctly nn ' rrtwl hy th commllte.., thu nnvnl lirournin for tho flficnl yenr lUlO wnn twliiy ndoptod hy tho houc nml thu ' vl appropriation hill wan panned. 1 Tlio o.poiient of tho nnvy Increnne fiaturu of tho bill found thvmnelvtn Tliuradajr, January 21. WnnhlnKton, Jan. 21.- Debnto on thu propriety of lncronnlno; nnlnrlen of IVdoral, Circuit and District Judaea coimuinwl nonrly tint entlnt time of the nunnto Ulay, with tho ronult that the coiiiMnntiun of thu 20 Circuit Judge wan IncrenMtd from $7,000 to $0,000. nml Hint if th" 81 DUtrlct Juilon from $0,000 to $8,000. .SVnitur Itnynor tlnUKht thu oxK.'nea of llM' Kouncvflt .'Xlltln to Africa '",""? . ..' .. "!""' """ . '. .7'" ..""" .1 I.I I .I I - ,,i. ...HI .... l".u . .. "m !rnw ?'"' ""m,T' WB': w" i mo iinnufi, luiniHirariiy. in lMt. . - Wnahlngton, Jnn. 21. Stricture upwi tho efllelency of olllcer of the nnvy in tho en re of machinery of wnr voMola were uttered In thu huunu to day during thu consideration of thu nnvnl appropriation bill, with tho ro nulo that nn nmomlmont wn ndopUd reuiring the necrctnry of tho navy nn nunlly to report to congre tho in ntnncen wheru moro tlmn $2,000 I ex (wndetl for repair. Wtdneidav, January 20. Wnahlngton, Jnn. 20. Tho Drown ville nlTray wnn taken up by tho sonalo totlny, Frailer, of Tennesee, apeaking In i ppoaltlon to tho pnmtago of nny meauro for tho re-enlmttnent of tho tliachnrged noldiern of the Twenty-fifth rugiment. He innliitl that the guilt of Mini' men of tho regiment had been ontnbllihcd beyond doubt, although the liKliVitluntn who had couitiuttitl the criuio hud not been determined. Forn kor nn noun cod that hu would move next Momluy to take up ha bill tu reinstate thu njldiern unloM nn ngrccment on u time to vote for tho nioiuuro wn mndo oonor. The legislative, executive and Judicinl appropriation bill vtaa under coiMlJoration today. Wiuhington, Jnn. 20. After adopt ing with ui opjionltion a revolution by which Governor George F. Lilley, of Connecticut, cense to be n member of congre, tho house today proceeded with tho nnvnl appropriation bill. Fo'ir amendment wero olToretl to the iniHiBiire. Fon, chnlrniun of tho nnvnl alfalrn committee, hud charge of the bill on the Door nml Tnwney, Fitzgor aid, Gniue, Macon nnd other oko. Mann occupied tho chair during the constdurntlon of tho bill, which prob- J'1'' "' f''0 'houno out ridny. tho attention of thu Tuotday, January 10. Washington, Jan. 10. Tho salaries of tho president, vico president and speaker of thu house wero ngnin under ilincuiulon In tho aennto today, when tho legislative, executive and Judicial appropriation bill wnn taken up. Amendment weru adopted increasing thu president' anlury to $100,000, that of tho chief justice of tho Supremo court to $16,000, and those of nsaocinto justice to $14,500. An amendment wna also ndopted providing for nn un der tecretnry of atuto tit n salary of $10,000 a year. Washington, Jnn. 10. Disposing of tho ipcvch of Wlllctt, of New York, yeaturdny, nttncklng thu president, by referring it to n apccinl eommitteo to reort what disposition should ho made of It, thu house proceeded todny to tnku up thu various appropriation bills. Hutlcr, of Pennsylvania, occupied thu chnlr during tho debnto on tho PoiinIod upproprintloii bill, which ubol $1,002, lOi.', wua passed after n roll cnll and several votca had been cnlled for on nn amend men t ottered by Ilellln, of Alnhninn, providing for un appropria tion of $1100,00 fur further distribution of aueda by tho uVpnrtmcnt of agricul ture. Monday, January 10. Washington, Jnn. 18. Tho provi sion for nn Increase of thu salary of the president to $100,000 and of tho alnrlen of tho vico president nnd eakiT of tho houso of representative to $20,000 itnch, contained in n ennnto ntnodnmi nt to thu legislative, execu tive nnd Judicial appropriation bill, weru taken up in thu ncnatij Uxlny and tho point of order mndo against them by Iforah wan further considered, re sulting in thu ndoptlon, by a vote of 31 to 32, of another amendment, fixing tho spenker'n salary nt $15,000, Senntor Fulton hnn ottered an amend ed rate bill, which provides that when tho Interstate Commerce commission suspend n proposed higher rnto tho rate then in force shall continue in forco until tho complained of rates havu hem scttleil by a hearing; also, Hint several rood may enter into ngreementn an to rates. Senator Fulton'a bill to create Sad dle Mountain National park wnn favor ably reported today. Tho land Includ ed Hu In townships C and 0 north, range 8 west. Senntor Fulton ha Introduced a bill to fncludu In tho Itluu Mountain Na tional forest, section 17 to 24. town- whip 1!) south, range 2G east of the Willamette meridian. Washington, Jnn. 18. When Hcprc nenUtivo William Wlllctt, Jr., of Far Itocknvvny, N. V., reprenvntlng thu Fourteenth New York district, was In thu midst of a hitter attack on the president today, the house of repre sentatives by a vote of 126 to 78 re fused to allow him to proceed on the ground that ho wan "vllllfylng tho president." The question wna raised on a point of order. Although Itoosuvelt'a name was not mentioned by thu ipeaker, innuendo left no pon-alblo doubt as to thu itcrson designated. President Itoosevelt today sent to congress a special message requesting that Lincoln's birthday, February 12, bu mndo n national holiday. Among thu measures passed by the house todny was that extending tho provisions of tho Carey act to tho Territories of Arizona and New Mex ico. Saturday, January 10. Washington, Jan. 1C. Tho entire session of thu senate today was devot ed to a memorial service for the Into Senator William I'inckney Whyte, of Mnrylnnd. After tho ndoptlon of reso lution of respect the senate at 2:38 p. m. adjourned. Washington, Jan. 15. An elaborate analysis of thu Sherman anti-trust law, by Jenkins, of Wisconsin, wa the feature of today's session of thu house. Tho jicnslon appropriation bill technl cnliy was under consideration, but the Wine was given over to general debate. Other speakers were Nye, who enter tained the house with an address on law nnd lawmaker; Douglas, of Ohio, who advocated autononmy for tho Por to It leans, and llurton, of Delaware, who mado a plea for postal savings banks. In reporting tho naval appropriation bill to tho house today tho committee on naval attains fixed tho amount need ed for tho maintenance of the nnval service during tho fiscul year 1910 nt $130,002,888, a compared with $122,-C02,-lb5, tho present appropriation. The bill contains recommendations for nn increnso of tho navy by two 20,000- ton linttluslilps, Jlvo torpedo bont de stroyers, four submarine boats nnd tour licet collier. Houses for Sufferers. Washington, Jnn. 19. An innova tion in international relief measures so far as Europe is concerned will bo un dertaken by tho government in expend ing the $500,000 appropriated hy con- gresa for the Italian earthquake sutter era. Ilealizing that a grent need nmong tho sutterers will bo shelter, President Itoosevelt has decided to send to Italy mntvrial for the construction of 2.C00 or 3,000 substantial but mod est frame houses. Lver since tho ap propriation was made, serious consid eration has been given by the presi dent nnd tho Statu department to tho beat uso that could bo mndo of It in tho wny of relief. Nowberry Cuts All Red Tape. Washington, Jan. 19. Secretary Nowberry wns nt hia desk todny com pleting as fast ua posaiblo the general administration program for sending to Italy building material for tho con struction of a largo number of small houses to shelter earthquake suiTerea. All red tnpo hna been waived so that vessels may bo sent oif nt tho earliest posaiblo moment with their loads of material. B g Fine Declared Legal, Washington, Jnn.21. Tho Supremo court of tho United Sthtea todny affirm ed tho decree of thu Btnto courts of Texas imposing a lino of $1,023,000 on tho Wutora-riurco Oil company, or it, Louis, ousting it from tho sfhto on tho chnrgo of violating tho Texas anti trust law. WOOL POOL FAIL8. Buyers Offer High Prices and Break Proposed Combine. I'ocaUdlo, Idaho, Jan. 18. Chief Forester PInchot turned down two Invi tations to attend thu convention of tho ' National Woolgruwers' auoclation, ' which adjourned In this city Saturday. Mr. Pinchot's refusals were based on what he termed the selfish and narrow J policy of tho association toward tho government forestry service. On a final showdown on tho Chicago wool storago proposition it wan found that tho signatures to tho Chicago con tract were 4,l00,000 pounds short of the required 25,000,000 pounds neces sary to Insure the Chicago market. At a meeting of thoso already signed up it was found to bo Impossible to secure pledge of the required amount among delegates present at tho Pocatello con vention, and a campaign will bo inaug urated on tho outside. Wool buyers from Chicago and St. Louis have been active during the con vention in buying the 1909 clip at from 18 to 21 cents. Many woolgrow ers, heretofore considered as staunch supporters of the Chicago plan, have contracted their clips to private buy er, allured by the remarkable prices. Ogdcn was selected as tho next place of meeting. Fd W. Gooding, of Shoshone, Idaho, was rc-eiccted president; George S. Walker, of Cheyenne, Wyo., I again was chosen secretary, and Lewis Penwoll, of Helena, Mont, once more selected as treasurer. A. II. Knollin, of Chicago, succeeded Joseph E. Wing, of Mcchanicsburg, O., as Eastern vice president, and A. J. Delflter, of Lara mie, Wyo., succeeded Dr. J. M. Wil son, of Wyoming, an Western vico president. In thu resolutions adoptedany reduc tion in the present tariff on wool and hides was opposed, and the proposed establishment of a central wool market in Chicago approved. NO CHANGE IN POLICY. Dismissal of Yuan Shi Kal Will Not Affect China. Pckin, Jan. 18. Prince Ching, pres ident of Hie board of foreign affairs, has assured the American and British ministers that tho dismissal of Yuan Shi Kai means no change in Chinese policy, but bitterness has arisen be tween the British and Japanese repre sentatives hero on account of Japan's refusal to join Great Britain in her representations to Prince Ching. Tho British position Is that Japan acts in bad faith, while tho Japanese legation explains that it was agreed to concur in the opinion of the majority and that n majority of the ministers favored tho taking of no action in this direction. William M. Rockhill and Sir John Jordan, respectively tho ministers to Chinn from the United States and Great Britain, today expressed them selves as pleased with the reception accorded them by Prince Ching. They say tho princo received them in the spirit in which they came, aa repre sentatives of two friendly powers. He listened to Messrs. Rockhill and Jordan respectfully, who inquired whether tho dismissal of Yuan Shi Kai meant n change in tho policy of China, Princo Ching authorativcly assured his callers that this was not so. This atsurance, it is understood, puts an end to tho bad impression that followed tho dismissal of Yuan Shi Kai. Bodies of Cheneys Found. Washington, Jan. 18. Tho bodies of tho American Consul, Arthur S. Che ney and Mrs. Cheney wero found in tho ruins of tho American consulate at Messina yesterday afternoon by tho sailors of tho American battleship Illi nois, which arrived nt Messina yes terday from Suez. Tho bodies wero prepared for shipment and taken aboard the American supply ship Cul goo, which will carry them to Naples. Arrangements are being mado for tho shipment of tho bodies to tho United States. Tho Illinois has returned to Malta. Nicholas Gets Off Throne. Paris, Jan. 18. Princo Nicholas, of Montenegro, has abdicated in favor of his son, Princo Mirko, according to a dispatch received hero this evening from Vienna. Tho report lacks con firmation, though it is generally cred ited, as Nicholas had not met tho full desires of his subjects in hia attitudo toward Austrin. Ho wna confronted with the samo situation aa now con fronts King Teter, of Servia, whose abdication ia expected at any moment. No River and Harbor BUI. Washington, Jan. 18. The house committee on rivers and harbors has voted against a genera) appropriation bill for river and harbor improvements, Tho committee will roport a bill pro viding for carrying on important work ulrpady begun, for surveys of urgent projects proposed and for any emer gencies which may arise. This bill will probably carry not to exceed $10,-000,000. DEATH IN FIRE TRAP Sixty Men Perish in Tunnel Crib In Lake Michigan. BODIES ARE HORRIBLY MUTILATED Strain Is Too Qreat and Many Who Survived Fire and Exposure Become Insane. Chicago, Jan. 21. Sixty men wero killed and -18 terribly injured In an ex plosion at tho crib, ono mile out in Lake Michigan yesterday. Tho men wero isolated on a narrow ledge, with out boats, and tho survivors ha1 tho choico of remaining and burning to death, leaping into tho lake, which was thickly filled with Ico hummocks, or smothering In tho tunnel leading to shore and which was immediately filled with deadly gas. Those who were not too badly stun ned sprang into tho lako and fought with the ico until tugs arrived. Somo were saved but others perished. Many men were thrown out of bed by tho explosion and clung to blocks of ice, their only clothing being thin night shirts. Tho rescuers found them be numbed and insane and some of them fought their rcsruers In their delirium. Some of tho escapes wero marvelous. Thoe who could not swim swung by ropea over the sides of tho crib, but tho (lame ate through the ropes and they dropped to death. Many were mado unconscious by tho force of tho explo sion and burned to death inside tho crib. The horror was increased 15 minutes after the fire broke out by an explosion of dynamite used in blasting tho intake tunnel. The result Vas seen when the bodies were brought in. Many of them were but chunks of charred flesh and bones. One gunnysack contained fivo human head.', while another contained many arms and legs. Identification of these pitiful remnants was utterly out of the question. Of tho injured who wero rescued many will die, as their burns and ex posure were bo severo thot they canno? rally. Tonight fully half of the res cued men suffered amputation of arms or legs. Until the rescuers nro ablo to enter tho water tunnel, It will not bo known how many persons perished below the surface of the lake. Air pressure was kept in thii portion of tho work and, as the air generating plant became dis abled soon after the fire started, thoso in the tunnel must have perished. DELAY ANTI-JAP BILLS. Governor of California Atks Legisla ture to Wait. Sacramento, Cat., Jan. 21. Consid eration of tho bills denying to Japan ese the right to own American land or to be directors of corporations, was de layed for one week by the assembly yesterday at the request of President Hooicvclt and Governor GillctL When these measures camo up on a special order, Preston, of Mendocino county, offered a resolution requesting the president to furnish tho legislature with all documents nn data in posses sion of tho Federal authorities bearing upon thu Jupanese situation. This was declared to bo out of order. Then Drew moved that his bill denying Jap anese tho right to own land bo made a special order for the same day next week. Grove L. Johnson, author of the di rectors' bill, opposed postponement in an impassioned speech, declaring that tho request of the president for delay meant nothing to tho legislature, ai the governor had not seen fit to trans mit it to tho assembly through a spe cial messago and no such request was before tho house. Ho said t at tho Japanese were increasing in numbers, instead of decreasing, as stated by tho president, and there was urgent de mand all over tho state for action at once. He, for one, would not give up tho fight against Washington's inter vention. Three Hundred Houses Go. Smyrna, Jan. 21. Another earth- quako was experienced hero at ten minutes nast 2 o'clock this mornlmr. but no damago was done. Tho Ameri can battleships Louisiana and Virginia nro still in tho harbor. News of the effect of tho shock of yesterday comes in slowly. Over 300 dwellings were destroyed in villages in tho Phocacea .- . "---- district, but only n few persons lost their lives. Prohibition Bill Stands. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 21, Over tho veto of Governor Pattewon this after noon both houses of tho legislature passed tho senate bill which prohibits tho salo of intoxicating liquor within four miles of a school house In Tonnes seo, and is in effect a statewide pro hibltlon act. It la effective July 1, 1909.