The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 20, 1909, Image 8

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    MwnwMMwtai " "
Indian Shoots Medicine Man
Who Failed to Make Good.
finch, the Condemned Portland Mur
derer, Once Attempted to Shoot
Una Prlnesllle Saloon-Other
Items of General Interest.
Dr. Joe, an Indian, was killed by
Charley Preston, another Indian,
near Alturas lat week. Preston
and bis niece, a small cbitd, were
both ill nnd Preston had paid the
"Doctor" 250 but both grew
worse. Joe mi id he knew what was
the matter with the child and pro
ceeded to "suck a needle out ol
bcr breast." Preston caught him
with the needle in bis mouth in the
beginning. Preston denounced
him, and the doctor replied, "Well
what are you going to do about it?"
Preston's answer was three shot"
fired from a pistol, one of which
killed the doctor.
The voung fellow is now in jiil
in Alturas. The Lnkevicw pa pets
avc an account of the shooting
and slated that it seems that the
shooting was the result of an old
tribal law, wherein should a doctor
fail to "make good medicine," he
should straightway be killed by the
nearest kin to the deceased. This
is the second Indian doctor who
has gone to the happy hunting
grounds the past six mouths for
failure to cure.
Just Naturally a Fool.
Jim Finch, sentenced to hang
February K for the brutal murder of
Ralph Fisher, had an experience
in Prineville a few years ago dur
ing the timber rush. He acquired
a whisky bill and when Isom Cleek
asked him for a settlement drew
bis "gun" and started to shoot up
the proprietor. John Dell took the
gun away from Finch before he
iired a shot, and held it until be
was seated in an outgoing stage
Dell then gave Finch his gun,
minus the cartridges. Princvllie
Grazing Fees Upheld.
Judge Lewis, of the United States
district court, at Denver, has de
cided that the national forests are
constitutional, and that the govern
ment has the right to charge and
collect the grazing fees provided
by the Department.
The decision was rendered in u
test case brought by the govern
ment against several members of
the Cattlemen's Association of Colo
rado, who, in order to get an ad
judication of the matter, hud re
fused to pay the fees. It is under
stood that the case will be appealed
to the United States supreme court.
Six Tons of Advertising Matter.
Six tons of advertising matter,
and the highest possible grade ol
advertising matter at that, was for
warded to the Bast by the Port
land Commercial Club last week
This remarkable addition to the
enormous advertising Oregon is al
ready receiving, tells of alt the re
sources of the state in picture and
text, and comprises 5,040,000 full
newspaper columns, certainly a
great accomplishment, and one
which five years ago would have
bjen considered impossible.
Nearly Frozo to Death.
Avery G. Scoggin came near
freezing to death on the hill east of
Prineville while on the way from
Paulina during the cold snap. He
is "subbing" that liue, and becom
ing worn out from hard work, fell
asleep on his seat. Passengers,
noting his danger, wrapped him in
heavy blankets and placed him
among the foot warmers in the
boot, whi'e Alex Mackintosh
brought the stage to town. Re
view. Lighted Lantern Keeps Coyotes Away
After "repealed experiments on a
farm near the lake shore at Kays
ville, I am thoroughly convinced
that nothing is quite so efficacious
in keeping the coyotes nway from
the chicken roost at night as a
lantern hung on a pole in a con- i
spicuous place. A pack of a dozen
or luore, accustomed to howl nnd
plunder about a certain place, will
not even npptonch when there is u
light, C. T. Runes in Dcscret
Diphtheria Scare at Lakcvlcw.
The authorities have forbidden
any public gatherings, nnd have
closed the schools for n few duyson
account of the diphtheria scare.
Die reading room will also be
closed for n short time. The dunces
have been forbidden and the skat
ing rink closed. Herald.
Short Items of Interest.
Burns has organized n commer
cial club.
A great amount of cattle and
horse stealing bus been going on
.irouud Bonanza and Klamath Falls.
The county court has ofTered a $350
reward for evidence as to the guilty
Settlors living on Klamath irri
gated lauds arc going to send a
man to Washington who will en
deavor to secure a reduction of the
price of laud under that project.
The Klamath project is a govern
ment undertaking.
The last trip of stage coaches and
freight teams to Klamath Falls
has been made. The railroad has
been completed to Holland, and
from there freight and passengers
are transported to the Fall J by
boat. The railroad will be built in
to Klamath Falls by next spring.
The Lone Pine Trading Com
pany has been taken over by a new
lirm and is now known as O'Neil,
Larson & Company, the principal
partners in which are George O'Neil
and Geo. J. Larson, both of whom
arc well and favorably known here.
The new firm starts out with a
gcneious business and is sure to
succeed. Prineville Review.
A rather unusual sight was wit
nessed here the first of the week
when a Urge flock of geese were
seen flying over Burns. The mi
gratory birds are common here dur
ing the spring, and summer, as
well as their fall flights, but to visit
us in midwinter is quite unusual.
We will have to consult Capt.
Louey, the Piute oracle, to learn
the significance of this untimely
flight. Burns Times-Herald.
If at any time whatever you
visit the store that has the best ads.
you will be pretty sure to visit the
best store.
P. II. Benson arrived recently
in Bend from Seattle, having
come West last fall from New York
City. He owns ditch land cast of
Bend and plans to put it under cul
tivation next spring.
F. Crrington and wife are
late comers to Bend, having come from Idaho, but formerly liv
ing in Texas. Mr. Hrrington is
looking over the country with a
view of settling here. At present
be and his wife are stopping with
"Uncle John" Sisemore.
Mayor J. D. Davidson and T. V.
Triplett have purchased the drug
store of Dr. C. W. Merrill, posses
sion to be givrn February 1. The
postnffice will be moved into the
new building now in process of con
struction, and the new firm will oc
cupy all of the present room. They
will incorporate under the name of
the Bend Drug Corypany.
If you will take Foley's Orino Laxa
tive until the bowel become regular you
will not have to take purgatives con
stantly, as Foley's Orino Laxative posi
tively cures chronic constipation and
alugglsh liter Pleasant to take. C. V.
Merrill, druggitt.
The Bend Bulletin has installed
a new cylinder power press. The
Bulletin is one of the wide awake
papers of Central Oregon and de
serves the support of the people of
Crook county bllver Lake Leader
Department of the Iuterlor
U. S. land Office at The Dallra.Orr.on,
November I'ytb, &.
Notice It hereby given that
lame K. I'alt,
of The Dalles, Oregon, who, on November nth
I'JJ. made Timber H Stone Application No.
01647. for hVM HVM. I'M HI!?. BWtf SKtf, bee.
31, 1'p 19 .. K U I! . W SI .Jiaa filed notice of
intention to make final timber and atone proof,
to establish claim to the laud above described,
before the Keglstrr and Receiver of the United
Mates Unci cTUice, at The Dalle, Oregon, on the
8II1 day of February, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses: Michael
O'Conner, William G Mason, Herbert Cunning
bam and Nile Mcintosh, all of The Dalles, Ore
gon dl-f C, W. MOOKK, Ktglsttr.
Derailment of the Ititeilo
U, H. Laud ORlcv at The Dalle, Ore tvti,
Nuvember Ijth, lS.
Notice Is hereby itl'm that
Mule I' IkuricM,
of llend, Oregon, "ho. oil Iklulwr Itllh. lv"S,
made Tlmter and Monr Application No. ol.U,
for Lot 4. HUM 1WI( See H and U-l I and Nl i
NWV.hev W,Tp. I'H.K II I! W M, It-a
Alnl notice of Inlaiilioi) In make 1'tnsl Umber
sn.l slnur li,Mif. In establish llsllit to theUlld
above- Jescrlbed, before II C Kills, I'nllnlMatr
Commissioner, at bis officr, at Iteml, oii-gun, on
thr t ml day 01 January, ly.
t'lalmant natiteaaaisitiirssss losenhN Hunt
er, William II M-ala, ln I. SeufitM. Chattrs
I) lliown and lilmer Nla-onger, alt uf llend,
ma-JM C W. MOOKK, HegUKr
Depaitnienl uf the Interior,
V H. Laud Office al l.akcvlc Oregon,
Navemt-f r JJ. !".
Nctlce Is hereby given that
I'l.ns. II "si Ion,
m i,RKHSw.uiT;uni hut 4. p, ,
Timber nnd Won Application, No, o?:, for H
NW( a 11. 1 NH rtWtf lee l, Tp 11 1 . K 11 K ,
V M . has 6tl notice 11 1 lulrnt'on to make
Pinal Timber ami stone itool in eataniitn claim
llhr Lml atr ilrsrflbnt. tirfdlr It C Kills.
I' ( Commissioner t his olttce al bend Oiegon,
ou the jih nay or l ebtiury, nv-
Claimant in mm as nilurstrs Militant II
Maals. losttih N Hunter and Chsiles II I110-11
of llend, Uteguu.and John UtossortMstrta.Otrguii
ill It J N WATSON, krgiiler
IVpartiuent cf the Interior
U H. Laud Office at The Dalles, Oiegon,
December ll. !.
Notice Is hereby given that
Lolhroplt McCann,
of llend. Oregon, who, on Apill t;th. 1901. made
hnmrtlrad attlttlrmtloil. No inn, fur hl'U tiee
I.Tp toft.. K llti.W M has file,! uotiee of
tuieution to maie rinai rive war now i, n
tahlish claim to the land above described. I'fore
11. C Hill. United Mites tonitmlonet at his
office- at llend. Ctouk County, Oiegon, an live
4th day of February, I9.
Claimant names as witnesses Hits St Ar
noM, Mlllam Arnold, Albeit C Lucas, Clinton
C W hilled and hruest A Ullffiu, all of lleud.
fljo-ft C W MOOKK, Heglster
Department of the Interior,
V rt. Land Office at The Datlea, Oregon,
December Ith, 190.
Notice Is hereby given that
Cora Jones,
of Prineville. Oiegou, who. on November 1Kb.
iao, made Timber and Stone Application, txilal
No, oiTM.forSMNKU and U SUj twe
Tp. 17 H , M 1 1 It W M , has filed notice of in
tenlkin to make Pinal Timber and Moue Pi oof,
to establish claim to the land above described,
before II C. IUIis. L' 11 lied Mates Commissioner,
at his office, al Hen I, Oregon, ou the jrd day of
March, 19119.
Clalmaul names as witnesses Josph N
Hunter and William II Maats of llend, Oiegon,
loci A. KUMt and Mary b, lilllotl of frlnevllle,
djo-fJ4 P W MOOKK Kralstrr.
Department of the Interior
V H. Laud Office at Lakrvle, Oregon,
DecemUr aS, lyuS,
Notice Is hereby given thai
Joseph V Tageart
of Koslsnd, Oregon, who on December IS. I9U.
made Homestead Kntry No, iiv (Milsl No.
0941) for NWtf Kectlou 1 Township 11 A, Range
9 K., Will Meridian, has filed notice of Intention
to make Pinal Flac Year l"roof, to rstabllsh
claim to the lancfabtive desalbed, before II C
Hills, U S. Commissioner, at his office at llend,
Oregon, on the ijth day of February, i'f.
Claimant names aa wlturasca Ralph It.
Lewis, of (lend. Oregon, Job H llogue. William
II. Hoillngshead, William l- Uogue, all of Ros
tand, Oregon.
j4-fio J. N. WATbON, Register
r-rcsident . . .... Theoilore Roosevelt
1ce-Presldent ..... -Chatles W Fairbanks
Secretary of Mate. . . . J'.tltiu Root
Secretary of Treasury George II Corlelyou
Secretary of Interior -smes R.Garfield
hecretary of War . .. Luke H. Wrlghl
betretary of Navy ........ ....... Tiuruan Newberry
IwxteUry ofCommeree .Oscar blrauss
Postmaster Generat...George Von L. Meyer
Attorney Ocneral.... C. J. Douaparte
Secretary of Agriculture -Jaraea Wilson
Governor ..... George I'. Charabettalu
Secretary of State
Attorney General
Supt. Public Instruction.
State I'rintcr . ...
I', W llenson
G A. Steel
A. M Claw lord
J. II, Ackcrraan
W. H Dunniway
Dairy and Food Commissioner
J W llalley
Commissioner of Labor Statistics O I' Hofl
(Thos K Campbell
Railroad Commissioner. . ... J Clyde It Aiichlson
Oswald West
Game and Forestry Warden,
State Engineer
U. 8, Senators .
Congressmen .
R O. Stevenson
John II Lewis
IC W Fultou
"I J lioutne, Jr
I W. C llawlcy
W R Kills
1R. 8 liean
F A. Moore
R. lUkln
Judge............................. W. L. Hradshaw
Attorney... .....,... I'red W Wilson
... II. C Kills
Warren Drown
Frank I Iklns
Treasurer .
Assessor ,.....,.....
School Superlnlcndent.
-W. V King
D, Lal'ollelle
.... K. A. Ford
.Fred A. Klce
I K. II. Ilayley
I James Rice
Ciacoir Couar First Monday In May third
Monday In October.
PuoasiK Cuukt First Monday In each mouth,
CoMMiaaiONkKS' Couar First Wednesday
In January, March, May, July, September
and November.
( John hteldl
Directors U. C Coe
(C. W, Merrill
Clerk L. . Wleat
rnistKuthL. Reld
. Miss Margaret Giltlns
-r...i.. MIm Mamie Vaudevcit
Teacher ... Ml MMrlon wiest
Mlsa Nona Richardson
, Mlsa Cora Ferguson
Mayor J. D, Davidson
Recorder II C Kill
Treasurer.................... ...... H J Ovcrturf
f Anion Aune
J. N. Hunter
C SI Redfield
T W Trlplclt
J II Kelley
6, C, Caldwell
Aldermen ,
If you will send $10 for
cash with order, we will
subscription to--
THE BULLETIN Is offering; these pictures as an inducement to secure
new subscribers. They are fine reproductions of noted paintings, and are
printed in the original colors.
One of these i a picture, 9x13 i-a Indies, of the martyred Lincoln; otic N a sttpcib picture of
Washington that has never before been published; one is a new picture of Christ an Master picture
entitled "Follow Me." This picture is a wonderful otic. None other of Christ Is so nppcaliui;. You
certainly will want one of these pictures if you ever sec it.
With all cash-in-advancc subscriptions received from now to Jan. 15, 1'OUK handsome pictures.
With all subscriptions received between Jan. 15 nnd Feb. 15, TURKU pictures.
With all ubscriptions received between Feb. 15 to March 15, TWO pictures.
With all subscriptions received between March 15 and April 15, ONK picture that of Christ.
And with the four pictures, you rcI a year's subscription to THF, UF.ND IIULLI'.TIN mid
Farm and Fireside.
What Is Farm and Fireside?
It l not ciioukIi that I'ariti ami 1'irenMc lint stood in the front fink of farm uiwr for the last thirty jcara; It It
not eriouyh that It lias Ixirrcil all iii-tioiialile HiUertiscinciit frotti It columns nml iiaranlee every advertisement It
accepts; I'ariti and I'lrciide lias fjot to do mote that, nml II la koIiiu to do a lot mote than that; it l unltm t K'vc
to the farmer and Ida family the very heat of practical and helpful inaterul that money can Lit. II it UaUiilt nothing
more imtioitant than a ttost driver, It'a koIiik to be told by it man vi ho run make a iott driver heller than ha can do
any one other tiling. We are kI"K '" carry till utility idea llitouuli the whole (arm and Into the kitchen door, where
the farmer' wife needt labor-taviiiK liel and practical tuuKeatlont Jt a imicli at the men folks.
Around thU practical workln. proioiltlon, carried out on a totally new plane, we shall foritc material of Interest
and entertainment, which farm paper heretofore lute put into the "can't nlfotd" class.
I'artu and I'lrctide ha tuclve to fifteen iletuMmcnts cuvcrluu every nhase of farm and home lite. Aiitoui! them
are Livestock and Dairy, Gardening.
j page eacti issue, tve can auorii nic
iae deinoiutrated our ability to give it
You will fiuU I'arm ami I'lrctide better than It lui ever been thought oslbtc to make a faun antl family atcr.
Here is a pointer for you Two weeks ago Tho Bulletin
gave its readers
n ycnr'.s subscription to Till: BEND BULLETIN
j-lve you, absolutely free, a full paid-up yearV
lC&JiMvi dHkHi2 r'Ki
I-lrY aiffilHSsnvyllKvll
lJJB---s TffmMt. .Aft-En
Poultry, I'nilt Orowiug, Cooking, l'aslilnii, Vouug People, etc. It print 30 to
oesi, aiiiiiuy occausc wc nctieve lite larilier Hill y lor I lie IjcsI, now IIIAl C
to him.
of reading matter; tha week before, 35 columns. What
other paper in tho county gives ovon half as much?
Send All Orders To-
Bend, Oregon