The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 13, 1909, Image 4

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Redmond Man Haul Wood for Neigh
bor During Keccnt Storm.
Rkdmond, Or., Jan. 6, 1909.
Editor The Bulletin, Haul, Or
Dear Sit: I have been quite inter
cstcd in the church topic discus
sion in your paper between Mr.Trip
lett and The Bulletin. It has really
been valuable to most of your read
ers inasmuch as it has brought out
facts lying deeper than the casual
observer usually rocs. While 1
have always clung to Methodism, 1
am not so uncharitable as to think
it the only right church. In fact I
don't think it is any better than
most any of the other creeds onl
in the matter of charity. In tlii
the Methodist church is par excel
lence since a human being can never
fall so deep in the gutter that the
Methodist church wont lend u help
ing hand and try to get hitn out.
And yet after all, I believe The
Ilullctin is right in its views of a
unity of all churchts. It'scoming,
too, as surely and swiftly as time
can bear it along. The day is near
at hand when Methodists, Presby
terians, Baptists and all other de
nominational names will be as a
story once told and remembered
only for the fact that they mean
members of the great church of the
Most High.
Now by way of illustration let
me tell you a little incident occur
ing in our neighborhood during the
last snow storm that prevailed all
over the West and Central states
Not every settler on these irrigated
lands, as you know, have teams
and wagons and the sudden swoop
of the .ttorm, coming as it did in
the night, found many with deplet
ed wood piles. In his little house
ou his claim Neighbor , a
man without a family but with a
great big warm heart and a team
and wagon sat and looked out at
the raging storm and wondered it
one of bis neighbors might not be
suort of fuel. To think was to act
with him and hitching up his team
he started ou the rounds to find out
success greeted him at the very
first place be Mopped, aud after
hauling a load he pulled out for
another place, where he knew the
man of the house to be absent, to
see that the family had fuel on
hand. Then once more to another
neighbor's where he spent nearly a
hall day wading through the deep
snow to replenish a depleted wood
pile. I do not think he is a mem
ber of any particular church, only
the great church of God and char
ity to humanity. It seems to me
this ought to be enough, for it
means the fulfillment of one of the
greatest of all the commandments.
When church members have learned
the great lesson of charity and to
obey the great commandment,
'Love thy neighbor as thy self,"
then one church will hold every
member of every denomination in
Bend and Redmond too, for as yet
neither one is very large.
This is the religion we advocate
and the religion we hope to see
soon taking a firm bold on all the
people and when it has come to
pass strife and dissension among
the churches will cease for we will
all then realize the full meaning of
the message of peace on e3rth and
good will to all, given in that far
off time when the grand diapason
ascended to heaven and the morn
ing stars sang together.
otherwise, held at the time by the
national government so far as such
interests affect the uses for irriga
tion nnd other purposes thus enu
merated. All lands settled upon and to
which title has been acquired sub
sequent to the act of congress of
March 3, 1877, were accepted with
full knowledge and with the im
plied understanding that the first to
divert and nnp'y the water of
streams or other somces of water
supply thereon, for the purposes
specified in the act, shall have the
superior right thereto to the extent
intended and actually applied-
The references in the code to ri
parian rights constitute n recog
nition of whatever riparian rights
the landed proprietor may have;
but does not attempt to define nor
in nnv manner to establish any rule
respecting such interests
A Religious Author's Statement.
For several ) ear I was afflicted with
kidney trouble and last winter t was
suddenly stricken with ecrc pain in
my kidney and was confined to bed
eight days unable to get up without as
sistance. My urine contained a thick
white sediment and I passed same fre
quently day and night. I commenced
taking Foley. Kidney Remedy, and the
rain liradualty abated and finally ceased
and my urine liecame normal. I cheer
fully recommend Foley'. Kidney Rem
edy. t w. .Merrill, druggist.
mwaaav rnra
Frslk, Rilltbls.rurt
up.rfctr merits oMhir a.
PKCiL arrcit
will mil iKMlimlil our
' Ttaatatsi ft ?
1 ft if rvtM nua
I MNrt
1 kit. riif yrut tiu-
aw it itiMUtrwtM rw.
pMlUvf M . tkothm "VtaxM OhtlwtMM '
illlir wno mmr " it-niTT Mtnt u a .
iiu:at noutiu:hm ai;i.h .
lr Hose HI. ItncMrnil. IlllnnU
leattmcnt f t ' Interior.
l S. Land Office at The lallea. Oregon,
December It, iyi4.
Notice is hereby riven (hat
Lmhuip II McCpnn,
of tleml. Oregon, who on A full -lh v. made
homestead eintUcatlwi. No, iijii. Klti Kee
I Tp. 19 It . K II H . W M . has filnl nnlict? ol
Intention to make Final Hve Year I'nwf, to r
tahlUh claim to the land above cUacttbetl, tfM
II. C Kill. I'nllnl Stain Commiwloner. at his
olAcr at Item!. Crook Ctmutjr, ureiou, ou the
4th day of February, ivuo.
Claimant name at witnesses Ittla M Ar
nold. William Arnold, Albert C Lucas, Clinton
C WhllteU and Ktuesl A C.rtllm, all or Iteud.
djo-fj C W MOOHK. KrgLter
Department of the Interior,
V 8. Land Ottce at The Dalles, Oregon,
October i 14.
Notice Is hereby given that
Duncan Lawn McKay
of Portland, Oregon, who co September jeth.
lyoi, mar iintr ant nionc Application ro.
oim. lor HMSHJf. VIkKW See I aud NK
NKV See. 11. Top. so South. R. it Kat. Willam
ette Meridian, has filed nolle of intention to
make final timber and stone Droof. to establish
claim to the land above described, before II C.
Ullls. U 8. Commissioner, at his office at ind.
Oregon, on the tSlh day of January, iyv
Ctalmanl jamesae witue.see J N Hunter,
W. II. Staats. J C McKay, W P. Vaadevert, all
of Bend, Oregon.
niHit C. W MOOR It Retlster.
Dcparmot of the Interior
V. 8. Land Oltce at The Dalles, Oregon,
December j. 190!.
Notice is hereby giieo that
Frank O, Minor,
of neod, Oregon, who, on October list, 190;
maue noracMtaa r.niry no 137.H.10T MiK w
H. ."H SKK and Mi 811V nx. 17. Tp. II 8..
R. II K-. U. M.. has bled notice of intention to
make Final Commutation proof, to establish
claim to the land aborc described, before 11 C
Kltls. United Mates Commissioner, at his office
at Oeud, Oregon, on the 141b day of January IV9.
Claimant names as witnesses. George Bate.
George Gates, George A. Jones and Cora A.
Jooes, all of Bend, Oregon.
ufrllj C W. MOOHK, Register.
Department of lh Interior,
U. 8. Laud Otficc at The Dalles, Oregon,
Dircrubcr 17th, lyuS.
Notice Is hereby giren that
Cora Jones,
of Pllntrille. Oregon, ho. on Noeember 4lh,
190a, made Timber and Hone Application, 8f lal
No. ;, for H NKM and Wl, hltl Kee. V
Tp. 17 8 . R. II It, W. M., has fil.d nuike of In
tenlitMi to make Final Timber and btene I'coof,
to eslaMish claim to the land adore described.
nelore II t Mils, unucu hlitrs Cominlsaiener
at htaurfice. at Bent, Oregon, on the 3rd day o!
March, Ifh
Ctalmant names as witnesses Joseph N
llunlrrxml Wllllsm II 8taala of Bend, inreon
loel A. hllttaudMary8. lilllolt of ftluceille.
If you will send $1.50 for a year's subscription
cash with order, we will give you, absolutely
subscription to--
free, a full paid-up year's
C W MOORIt ReiLtcr.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
October ;. l'yo.
Notice Is hereby giren that
Martha A. Illndman
of Sisters, Oregon, who, on September nth, rpofl,
msde Timber and 8lone Apulicslioo No ais,
"or bllUSKtf bee. l.anD'.HNKV, NWWNK
See. it. Twp. ilbuuth, R 10 Kt, Willamette
Meridian, baa filed notice of Intention to make
final timber and stone proof, to establish claim
to Ih- Uml aboecdcsciibcd, before 11. C. l'JIIs.
V S. Commtsslon.r. at hla offict. at fiend. Ore.
gou. on the lylh day of January, 197.
Claimant names as witnesses Leuan Telarskr,
John L Keeer, both of Bend, Oregon, Jee
Wilt, Charles J. Illodmau, both of Sisters, Oregon.
null C W MTORR ReeMe
Department of the Interior
U. 8. Laud Office at Lakeiee, Otegoo,
December It, lo4.
Notice is hereby giren that
Joseph V Tageart
of Roslamt, Oregon, who on December IJ. Iaj,
maue nomevieau noiry no. iw iirisi rto
OMJ) for NU'K Mction i.Tuwnshlpn 8. Rsngc
9 K-. Will. Meridian, has filetl notice of Intention
to make Final FUe Year lloof, to establish
dalm tolhelandaNm desciibeil. before II C
Kills, V 8. Commissioner, at his office at Bend,
Oregon, ou the ijth day of February, ifn?
Claimant names as witnesses Ralph It
Lewis, of Bend. Oregon, Job H. Ikgue, William
II. Ilolllugsaead, William H- Cogue, all of Ros
tand, Oregon.
J-fio J. N. WATUON, KcgWtcr
Applications for (Jrazlng Permits.
NOTICK is hereby given that all applications
for pctntt to grxecattle, horses and sheep
within the DKMJllUrl'J. NATIONAL FORK.HT
during the aeaaon ol ), must be filed In my
office at rrlnerille. lire, on or before February
(, i) Full Information In regard 10 the cur
ing Ices to N charged and blank forms to be
usd In nuking application will be furnished
upon request. A. 8. 1KIXANI).
41-44 nupcrvUor.
Department of the Intcrta
U-8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
November utb, Ijpc4.
Notice is hereby giren that
of Bend. Oregon, who. on October t(th, 190,
rnauc timoeraou nione Application 0. oiuo.
for Lot 4. HK!f HWii hee. It aud Lot I and NiiK
NW.hec. 19. Tp. 178, R. 11 B.. W. M., has
filed notice of Intanllon to ruske Final limb, r
and stone I'roof, to eslablish claim to the land
above Jescribed. brf-M-c II C. Kills, United 8tates
Coumluioner. at his office, at Uend, Oregon, on
the lird day of January, 107),
Claimant namesaswiinesaes: Joseph N. Hunt
er, William II. hfats, Ivan L. Scoctl.l, Cbailea
U. Brown aud llltucr Klswongcr, all of Uend,
nia-jw CW.MOOKK, Register.
(Contluuetl from first pape.)
part of the public domain subse
quent to the date of the act of con
gress of March 3, 1877, accepted it
with title thereto with full knowl
edge of the law in force nt the time
and subject to the full import
Rights Dedicated to Public.
The legal effect of the language
111 tue act 01 congress of March 3,
1877, namely: "there shall be and
remain and be held free for the ap
propriation aud use of the public
for irrigation," etc., is to constitute
reservation aud dedication to the
Department of the Interior.
V. 8. Land Office at Lakcvicw, Oregon, .
Nsvembcr 31, 1908.
Notice U hereby given that
Frank It. Marion,
of Laidtaw, Oregon, who, on Not. 1, 194, made
imDcr ana nioue Application, no. 0777, lor hM
NWV and NW 8WK l!c. U.Tp.llS.. R. 11 KV,
w .. mi mcfi uoiicv 01 luieui'on 10 mikr
Final Timber and btone lloof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before II. C. Kills,
U. 8. Commissioner t his office at Bend, Oregon,
on the Jth day of February, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses: William II,
KUats, Joseph N. Hunter and Charles D. Brown
of Uend, Oregon, and John BlossofSlsters.Oregou
di-fj J. N WATSON, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. 8, Land Office at The Dalles.Oregon,
November l'th, igoj.
Notice la hereby girrn thai
Jamea K, Fall,
of The Dalits, Oregon, who, ou November nth
lyjs, maae nmocr mone Application No
,6W 8
Fresldent . .. . Theodore Rotjsevell
Vice-l-residenl Charles W Fairbanks
Secretary of Slate-. ..Hlllm Root
Secretary of Treasury George II Cortelyou
Secretary of Interior -.amcR Car field
SecreUryofWar....- Luke It Wright
Secretary of Nary . C J. Oouaparte
Secretary of Commerce rar btreuaa
Postmaster Ceneral......Oeor ge Von L. Meyer
Attorney Ceneral William H. Moody
Dccrctaiy of Agriculture Jamea Wilson
Governor George K. Chamberlain
Secretary of State V. W. Densou
Treasurer .... -O. A. Steel
Attorney General A. M. Crawlord
Supt. Public Instruction. ...J. II. Ackcrman
State rrlntcr W. 8. Duunlway
Dairy and Food Commissioner.. .J. W. lultey
Commisaloncr of Labor Statistics.. o P. Hon
(Tbos K.Campbell
Railroad Commissioner.... CIdr II. Alichlson
(Oswald West
Came and Forestry Warden.... R. O, Stevenson
State liaglnctr... ...Johu II. Lewis
U lirn.lnr. I C- W. l'ullon
V, B. rtenaiors....... .. 1 , IL-.- ..
Congrcsamen ....... ..
I W. C liawley
-1 W. K. Kills
Supreme Judges .
R. 8. llean
K A. Moore
R. liaklti
Judge. ..... .... ... W. I,. HraI.haw
Attorney - ..... l'red W. Wls6u
11. C. Kills
Judge... ....m.
Clerk..... ..,.
Assessor ..-.....
School Superintendent.
Surveyor.. ......
of all interests, riparian or
Many little lives have been saved by
Foley's Honey and Tar, for coughs, colds
croup and whooping cou;li, It is the
only safe remedy for infants and child
ren as it contains no opiates or other
narcotic drugs, and children like Foley's
Honey and Tar. Careful mothers keen
a bottle in the house. Refute substi
tutes. C. W. Merrill, druggist.
it. a. ,.- UlI Mill t sllll Ctl'l 1
wivaiiswi ntn ai s7i am n niivii
Jl. Tp. 19 8 k. I) K , W M.bas filed notice cf
8KJ4. Sec.
intention to make final timber and stone proof,
lunuuiiajicuiu 10 inc lano. auovc acscrueu,
tefore the Register and Receiver of the United
hiatea Land Otficc, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the
sth day of February, 1909.
Claimant namea as witnesses: Michael
O'Conner. William (1 Mason, Herbert Cunning,
bam and Ntbe Mcintosh, all of The Dalles, Ore
C W. MOORK, Regl'ter.
Deschutes Lodge No. 103
Knights of Pythias
Regular meetings the second and fourth
Wednesdays ol each mouth. Visiting
knights always welcome,
Chas. D. Uhown, C. C.
ClUS. D, KOWK li. K. & S.
Warren Drown
Frank F.lklns
- W. F. King
J. D. La Folletle
..l'red A. Rue
I R, II. Bayley
""" ... j janua Klce
Cucpir CouT- first Monday lu May) third
Monday lu October.
PkoaATe Couar First Monday u each month,
Commission' Couar First Wednesday
In January, March, May, July, Seplerabcr
and Nuremler. School Duraicr No. u.
( John hleidt
Directors...- V. C. Coe
(C. W. Merrill
Clerk L. D. Wlest
fMlwRulhL. Held
Miss Margaret Clltlns
Teachera . '! 'suiJe Vsndeverl
iescners..... j()m jUf(0 Wlrk,
MlasNuna Rlcbsrdsoii
Miss Cora Ferguson
Mayor - J. I). Davidson
Recorder ... II C Kills
Treasurer... . II. J. Ovtrluif
Anion Aune
M RedAeld
W Triplet!
I 1. II Kellev
lb. (.. Caldntll
THE BULLETIN Is offering these pictures as an inducement to secure
new subscribers. They are fine reproductions of noted paintings, and arc
printed in the original colors.
One of these i a picture, 9x13 iticlici, of the martyred Lincoln; one h a supeib picture of
Washington that has never before been published; one is a new picture of Christ an IJastcr picture
entitled "Follow Me." This picture is a wonderful one. None other of Christ is so appealiui;. You
certainly will want one of these pictures if you ever sec it.
With all cash-iu-advancc subscriptions received from now to Jan. 15, I'OUR handsome pictures.
With all subscriptions received between Jan. 15 and Feb. 15, TUKKK pictures.
With all subscriptions received between Feb. 15 to March 15, TWO pictures.
With all subscriptions received between March 15 and April 15, ONF. picture that of Christ.
And with the four pictures, you get a year's subscription to TUB UBND UUL,t,BTIN and
Farm and Fireside.
What Is Farm and Fireside?
It Is not enough that Farm nnd 1'lreilile lias stood In the front rank of (arm iMirs for the last llilrtv years' It U
not enough that It has barred all r.u-.tlonable advertisements from it. coin.,,... a "iVumnleel every a veMiirnl
accepts; Farm and Flrc.i. le ha. got to do more than that, and It I. going to do a lot inoVe than ?l u i At l odltr to give
to the farmer and Ida family the very lat of practical and helpful material lliat 11111 ley CrtiilTy If It laatw it nothing
more lmtrUnt hau .post ,tver, It's going to 1 told by a man vsho ran timke a ,'st d vc Wt l" 1 ha hn can do
any one other thine. We are coinu to carrv this mihiv i,1.o ti 1, ,1 i.i .?'... " . ... )." .T,l:r,' '" !m ""..".
ii in nun nun 11 e kiiciien door, wucic
.1.. r...... 1. 1.1 ".., t. ,. . i . . ,,,fc "it'iv 1
...c ...,., . r,..c lauor-Mving uci). ami practical suggestions Just us much as (he men folks.
Around this practical worklnn proposition, cairied out on a totally new i.Utie. we shall (oru,lt nf Interrtl
and entertainment which farm paper, heretofore have puf Into the Wl Mold" " ' "' ' ' "
Farm ami Fireside has twelie to fifteen ilrrMiriinni. Mlu,ri.. -..... ..1 .,, ... ... .. ...
arc Livestock and Dalrv. Oanlenlnn. !. Ite lV h rVi";V. . , ' T, ' ' "'" "".'' ,,0"1 " Among mem
na.a M. !.,.. W.l. .ri. V. 7 .1 7-1. Vl ..T." ."" """" ""'K.I'"OIIS. VI
- i-r '-: '"" - i, .imjiiy ucuhiiso c neiieve tile larmi
ave demonitraied our ability to ulve it to him.
Vou vsill find Farm and Fireside better than It ha. ever been thought j.os.lhle to make . (ami and family paper.
touilk feonle. etc. It tiriuls Jo to
uer will pay for the be.t, now that c
Here Is a pointer for you-- Last week The Bulletin
gave Its readers
37 Columns
of reading matter; tha week before. 35 columns. What
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