The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 13, 1909, Image 3

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A One Dollar Magazine
During" Our First Annual
HouseCleaning Sale
The Pictorial Review Magazine, otic of the moil popular nml rcllnlitc Pashinn niul
Home Magazines Tor women toiluv, set It everywhere nt 15c ,11 copy, and 11 ycar'n Milncrip
tion for $1 00 Beginning today we wilhgive 11 ycar'i nubscripliou to this magazine fite
with every l'lvc Dollars cash -pent nt "THE DIG 61CRE CN THE CCRNLR,"
jiriur tujniiuury jo, 1009.
We linmllc the Pictorial Review patterns the only pattern with which Cutting
and Constitution Guides ate given, In order to put this magazine into my patronn'
homci ami nhow the quality of Pictorial Kcvicw Mylex nml patterns I nm willing to
enter ami pay for one subscription to be sent ai the direction of any one purchasing for
cash f5 00 wuith of merchandise ut my More before January 30, 1909. One subscription
will he entered free for each f 5,00 ient in cash.
This in un excellent opportunity to make gifts of thin magazine to your friends
and to yourself Begin today to save your duplicate cash slip and when they amount
to 55 00 bring them to my More and cuter your nutiic for a year's subscription it costs
you nothing.
Special "House-Cleaning;" Bargains '
Notice to Bulletin Readers.
Up to early Wcdncnday morning
there had been no trains into Shan
Iko for three days. This delayed
the shipment of our paper from
Portland no late that it is necessary
for The Bulletin to appear only
half size this week. We hope there
will not lc many such occuranccs.
Outing Plauucl
Regular IOC
Ladies' Rib Underwear
Regular $1.15
Alen's Heavy Fleeced Underw'r
Regular 60c
Men's Knit Jackets
Regular $..00
Good j inch wagon wanted will
pay cash fur same. Inquire at
Hulletin ofiicc. . i-U
Let The Hulletin do your job
printing. Neat ami up-to-thc-itilu-
lite in every detail.
In order to clean nut our stock
of winter apples, we will retail them
hereafter nt f 2. 35 a box. Several
varieties. Kcllcy & Aldridgc. .ijtf
Prank West and wife have been
spending the week ju town with
relatives, They were on their way
to Priucvilte for a visit with Mrs,
Poiudcxter, but were caught in
Ilend by the heavy snow and
thought they would wait over here
until the roads were well broken
Ralph Patterson reports that
there nrj thousands ol ducks on
the river in the vicinity of the
Prank Wcht ranch. This is ac
counted for by the hct that the
lakes unil the river above that
point huvc frozen over to such an
extent that the ducks can not feed
mi the moss, which is their natural
food ut this lime of year, and they
From now until February
1, all who get five loads of
wood Iroin tuc I will give
One Load Free
If you will pay for haul
lug. Same old price f- &
?3 5 per cord. Phone me.
F. M. CART F. R.
have come dowu where there is
more open water.
Winter apples arc now going nt
$: 35 n box at Kcllcy & Aldridgcs.
They will last only u short time at
that price. Iktter lay in u sup
ply. ytf
I am now agent for the Del.aval
cream separator, and have one of
these machines in stock. Step in
and examine it. They ate u great
convenience and money saver for
the dairyman, K.A. Kathkk. aitf
Hugh O'Kaue and' Jonas & Tur
ner took advantage or tuc cold
wcuthcr to put up ice. They got
an excellent quality of ice from the
Swatley ditcl. pond, the same being
about 12 inches thick, undoubtedly
1 S jpr
Piclllc tlorie Liniment It prrpirrd
tirressly for the nredi ol hori crura and
ranchmen. It li a powrrlul and pene
trating liniment, a remedy for emergen
del A toolhlni embrocation for the
relief ol pain, and Hie best liniment for
tpratns and lorenets. Unequaled lor
curing the wnundi nnd liilurles ol
IIAKnOD WIKG and hr heallnf cuts,
abrailons, tores and bruises. Pacific
Horse Liniment Is fully guaranteed.
No other Is so good or helpful In so many
) a. II It falls to satlsly, s e aulhorhe
all dealers to refund the purchase price.
iit ttnot mii nut cihii
the thickest ice ever housed in
The Hulletin missed one of the
social events of last week, namely
birthday party for Muster Ronald
Sellers on Monday of Inst week, the
event being in honor of Ronald's
fifth birthday. There were nine
little men present and Ronald had
personally invited little Marion
Sather so there were ten present
besides the host. There was a
great big birthday cake with the
five caudles, and of course the little
folks had a most delightful afternoon.
There will be n masquerade ball
on the night oNFebrtiary u, the
proceds of which will go for the
benefit of the library. There will
be prizes given for the best sus
tained cbaructer by lady or gentle
man, for the best sustained charac
ter by boy or girl, and also lor the
most comical character. Gentle
men will be required to pay $rbo,'
which will include a ticket for one
lady. Lady spectators and those
unaccompanied by on escort will be
required to pay 35 cents.
Mr. Spoo, the gentleman from
the Vulley who is to start 11 saw
mill west of I.aidluw, reports that
the Corvullis & Eastern is shipping
great quantities of ties nml storing
them ut Detroit, the' eastern termi
nus of thut road, Just before leav-
iug Lebanon, his old home, he saw
several carloads of ties destined for
Detroit, lie believes this is a sure
indication that the C. & K. will be
extended through this section, for
why would the roilroad ship such
quantities of ties there jf they were
not to be used in extendlncr the
J. McCoy of Redmond was a
Heud visitor Monday mid Tuesday.
Hereafter the reading room will
k ocn Wednesday afternoons in
stead of Tuesday.
U. A Wynu. right of way man
for the Central Oregon railroad, lias
returned to Madras and uguiii be
gun negotiating for right of way.
The Hulletin is now pleasantly
located in its new quarters in the
O'Kunc building first door west of
the Hotel Bend. We arc ready for
business not ot the old stand but at
the new stand. Bring in your job
printing and get better work than
J. D. Davidson is over from
Princvillc this week. At the coun
cil meeting Tuesday night he quali
fied as Bend's chief executive, and
now it is Mayor Davidson. T. W.
Triplett, J. II Kcllcy and S. C.
lamwcll were also "sworn in as
The magnificent fur rug that has
btcn on exhibition at "The Hig
Store on the Corner" for the past
two weeks is to be raffled off. The
rug is seven feet six inches by eight
feet two inches and is lined through
out. The tickets are from 1 cent
to 125 cents. Some one is going to
get this rug for very little money.
Arc you the lucky one?
Frank West reports a peculiar
find while digging a cellar at his
homestead some time ago. When
down about three feel he found a
lot of cherred embers, a fire evi
dently having been there nt some
time. Among these embers he
found three sulphur matches that
hud been burned but a very short
distance from the fire cud, the
matches being in a good state of
preservation. From the appear
ance of the surface ground over the
cellar there was nothing to indicate
in the slightest any excavating or
digging hy which the remains of a
ure migtir nave oceu covered up.
The question is how did the burned
ember and the three matches cet
buried beneath three feet of curth?
You tell.
Hill Howell received quite a
serious wound by being kicked in
the head by a horse last Thursduy
night. During the day he had
been riding after cattle and about
6 o'clock rode up to the stage sta
tion stable at Powell Huttes, intend
ing to put up his horse and spend
the night at the station. There
was no oue at the stable and the
barn was very dark. Hill's shops
wcie somewhat frozen and as he
stooped over to pull them over his
heel, something struck him in the
forehead and he knew no more. It
was so dark that Howell did not
know he was anywhere near 11
horse, but it turned out that he was
Hind the animal hud kicked him.
About 8 o'clock K- A. Busset hap
pened to pass the barn and hearing
a noise that led him tojhelicve per
haps a horse was down, he went
into the stable to investigate. He
found Hill lying t-enseless between
I nm Improving my stock of furniture in every
shipment, and now have in stock some of the finest
pieces of furniture ever shown in Bend. I would call
your nttcntion to the following goods and prices:
Upholstered couch velour upholstering 510 to 525
Reception room set four quarter-sawed
oak chairs, from - - - 19 to 25
Dining tables quarter sawed oak, maple
and ash, from - - - - 12 to 25
Center tables qiiurter-suwcd oak, . - - -f.50 and up
Dressers golden 0.1k, from - - - - 17 to 20
Baby carriages and go-carts, from - - - - 2J to 28
Rocking chairs nt various price". Sectional book, cases.
Our hue excels. I carry everything you may want in the
hardware line, including paints and oils, doors and windows,
step Udders, lime and cement Nowhere in Bend can you find
so complete an assortment, and then you know, our prices
are fair.
Children's Coasting Sleds and
Express Wagons
I also carry a full line of Staple and Fancy
Just what you need.
S. C. Caldwell
The Central Oregon
Banking f& Trust Company
Iteml, Oregon.
3 and 4 per cent. Interest paid on Six
Months and One Year Time Deposits.
The Pioneer Telegraph
and Telephone Company
Telegram t'orwimlnl to Any Frt
of the World.
Telephone Communication
ultii r-ortUml, I'rineville ud 1I
Pcific Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
In IUnk nuldmi; at Ilend. at Laid
law and l'owell nutte.
Mwtenger service to any part of
Crook Couutr south of Crooked
me legs 01 a norse, wun ttie ani
mal's legs covered with blood which
had .spurted from the wouud. As
Busset pulled Bill from his danger
ous tuition, he came to, got up
and walked into the house. Peo
ple there asked him if he did not
want a doctor called, but he replied
that he did not and went off" to bed
The next moruiug he remembered
nothing ot the previous night's ex
perience and it seems he had been
dazed during the entire evening.
ur. v.oe was tnen called and the
wound dtessed, it beiug necessary
to take several stitches. Fortu
nately the skull was not injured and
Bill is gcUiug, along all right,
Dtptrtmttit of the lutt-ior.
V Laud Otik. Lakrvien.Ofrgon,
nmbtrjo, I9&
A tulfirtcnt cnnttlt afS Jtvit harinc beta Bird
in ini omcc ny w u kodwiwii, coouimu
Ktlavt cuity No tua (-rrui No
oft)), limit Prt j, t)i, for K I, Si; l(.NV
K,aiv v j. vp JJ s K 19 If .
bv Funk Abbott, contrtlrc. In which It it at
Icgrtl that ull ntrymu h bmUncl ill hi
tignu, uti and lutcroi miner iim tuuy, in
thli. that he haa not tine June 16. or any tlrar
ince Mid dale, complied with Iht homtttead
lawaot tne Unitnl xtatti, will) reference 10
either reaidence, cultivation or liuprotenieuU
ana wnojiy neKimcu 10 rctiue, cuiuraie or im
plore land euieied by Mid entry That nlJ
euleyiuau died on or about the 4th day or June
1&0S, leaving uu known fceit, and that Mid at
leiied abtenc liom Mid land wai not due to hit
employment lu the Aim), Navy or Manne Cirpi
otthe Unltnt Mlteiaia ptlvaW tuMicr, olb.n,
teaman or marine duitng the war with Miatu 01
durins'any other nat in whUlitUe Uuited btatct
Harness and Saddlery
Trunks mid Valises
ina beeuiaaed,
ttu lUtllt
apoud and off.
at 10 o'clock a 111
bid paitit are heicby notiUrd to appear,
iui auu oner cviqcnit 'oucmug mi.i aue
011 I'ebruary li.
imq. befor.
W ti Weal, r s Cotnmtutouer at Silver Lake
Oiegon, nd that Dual hearing will be helu ai
to o'clock a m ou February a. i.a. belbie Ih.
I Kegitter and Receiver at the Uullrd btalea Laud
The Mid vonleilant havtug. t j a proier afflda
it hied October 19. iwS. act forth facia which
thaw that alter due ihligeuce pcr.viiul aervice ot
thi notice ran ;iot be made, it it heicby ordered
and directed that uch notice be glvcu by du
and proper publication
ili 117 J N WATSON. Regiiter.
?35 o for hits in manufacturing
coast city of 2,500 people and
f 100,000 monthly p.w roll, uear
beautiful bathing beach. The Or
egon Co., 305 Wells Fargo Hldtr.,
Pottlaud, Or. 4,3-4,
When You Paint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at the
least expense you
should use
Call for
color cards
A Full Line of Groceries, Dry
Goods and Hardware uhvuys ou