The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 06, 1909, Image 8

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Remember the dance at I,ara hall
next Saturday evening.
Mrs. V. K. Smith has been on the
sick list during the past week.
Rev. Mitchell will preach next
Sunday morning and evening. All
nre cordially invited.
The Whatsocvcrs will meet with
Mrs. A. C. I.ucas next Friday nf
ternoon at a o'clock, for important
work and bu.Mtiess.
The Indies' Library Club will
give another of its popular dance
next Saturday evening in Lara
hall Admission 50 cents. No ic
frcshments. Millard Triplctt recently finished
a very neat library table for
Mrs. H. K. Allen. It is made in
the mission style and is a very cred
itable piece of work.
$35.00 for lots in manufacturing
coast city of $2,500 people and
$100,000 monthly pay roll, near
beautiful bathing beach. The Or
egon Co., 305 Wells Fargo DIdp.,
Portland, Or. 43"44
Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Tweet have
returned to Bend after several
months at White Salmon, Wash.,
and at Portland. Mr. Tweet went
out in the hope of benefitting his
health, and comes home feeling
much better than when he left.
C. D. and L. D. Wise of Port
land are in !nd looking after the
timber interests of a large lumber
firm of Minneapolis, Minn At
present they are out in the timber,
accompanied by Mike Morrison
It is understood that the Wises arc
in the market for timber.
Chas. D. Brown met with a pain-,
ful accident Sunday, while on the
way to Prineville. About a mile
this side of the Powell Buttes sta
tion, a newspaper blew under the
horses. One of them shied and a
tug came down, kiting the single
tree fly back into the wheel, the
noise from which finally frightened
the team so that they became tin
managable and ran away, throw
ing Mr. Brown out ard
dislocating the bones of his instep.
The team left the buggy on a bridge
nearby, ran through two or three
wire fences and were quite badly
cut, ending up at the station.
People at the station went out and
fonnd Mr. Brown. Dr. Coe was
called from Bend, and went out '
and attended to the. injured foot.
Later Mr. Broxvn was brought to
his home in liend. He will be laid
up for about two months.
Redmond Items.
Redmond, Jan. 3 See what adxer
tiling does. Mrs. Alex Ilrnwn tott a
gold Women of Woodcraft bangle pin,
and reported the loss to josr reporter
with the requeit to adxcrlitc that a suit'
able reward would t paid for its return.
Within 15 minutes after that the pin was
returned to her.
Ben McCaffery has bought the H. C
Itauer house and is fittinf it ud for a !
Quite a large company held a watch
meeting at the school house on Thurs-1
day night and welcomed the new year in
W. B. Dome is oxer from Sisters for a
few days.
A baby at O. II. Long's. We did not
learn particulars. (
Mr. and Mrs. Dennle McCadery are
both nursing at Wilooxtou's on the C ,
M. Red field farm.
The Indies' Aid meets with Mrs.
Muraa this week.
C. L. Lowther is now a Redmond rest
BOCtKrs mem sixcudi
. WIM yw iLtUw. AtrUlnUP
urn yvtt oar trronnl rtutorat tv
Prhr Collection "K'wJM
!.! SB,,- ihmih , l tltfeltl !
Ul ( Ttnti la all,
111M iimm i TripTrinaM 1 . ! nt
A MAI 4 P. mr LltAt
Write tody Mention this Paper.
VW 1
toTrw4 rli tMrrfi tkW vttfcU 1
twiMtwi ipi nw" wii tat i
4M UI MaMt IM ltPHMI f MMSf rtUU. . i
H.W.tocU, '""HHMSttU.i
I t EiXi2r&L K J I
dent in acccnlancc with the note of lml
1' A. Kcnnard xas a llemt liilor till
produce this week. bringing buck a load
ol Mxxdut for V H. U.kc, who will
mt up ice if more tec weather happen.
A Religious Author's Statement.
For sexcml xears I xxas slllictol with
kidney trouble and lt winter I was
tudJculv Mrickrn with sexerc pain in
tilv kldnc)s and was confined to leil
eight das unable tO;et up without as
ltance. My urine contained a thick
white sediment ami I pasmmI miiic fre
quently ilay ami night. I commenced
taking I'olej's Kldnev Remedy, ami the
rnin gradually sluted ami finally ccaseil
ami my urine liecnme nurtual I cheer
fully recommend I'oley's Kidney Kem
edy. C. V. Merrill, druggist.
Dental Parlors Opened.
I have opened dental parlors in
the room adjoining tue Triplctt
barbershop, and for the present
Dr. P It Dencer, a graduate ol
the Haskell College of Dentist! y
of Chicago, will be in charge.
Ijk I I. &C.OI IKI.1)
of any case of Kidney or
Bladder disease that is not
beyond the reach of medi
cine. Take it at once. Do
not risk having Bright's Dis
ease or Diabetes. There is
nothing gained by delay.
50c. and $1.00 Bottles.
Recent! Enlarged
25,000 New Words
New Garettoer of the World
null mora l uan SWO titles, luxd on tbo
latest tuuuj icturiu.
NowBioeraphlcal Dictionary
contalnluir I u iiomc-j c f otr lacm Dotal
lnbbS, clalo of Mnli.dt(J, etc.
. raitedi rw.T.HAnms.11! n,i.L.n,
2380 Quarto Pagoa
Xr ITilM. UU UotfHitM. kick DUihfE.
Needed fnEv&ry Home
Alj i(bttcr'riCUglate Ulctlonory
r'jl'.t.i. uu iuuiiiuom.
neeu'irllnl7il3i:)ilru. SUJU.t
IXL- eCdlttfat',t'V)M rrhUJIraa.
i t KittU 'i-op.r S lc3tJft.l kulai.
I'HI.i-.'-Pkuo XVrjll.-Wui,ulfi.(U
Publishers, Qprlnsfleld. Has.
I aSfi '
rB9 T svMei&Ss.
jl f j fJ7 jffl ,V il it J J f 'A
The Little Fireproof Dishes a Joy to the
The cnrservlc cc-nxort l. xxnree tann
the automobile enthusiast Alter one
Iiiih fully teamed the Joy m hlcti rwk
Inc In those llttlo llrcprtHif dishes
bring, thorv Is no returning to the old
mid unco esteemed Kituccpiui and nkll
let Casseroles tmi tho iirtx'nntngx!
it being cheap to buy nml if mix lug
lime and xxork once they nre In use.
If the dlh Is large enough, ono enn
cook almost uu entire meal ut onetime,
vegetables going In with tho tnoitt
nml receiving thereby a delicious tin
xor quite npnrt from that of tho usual
tuotluHl of cooking The plain dishes
without metnl or fancy trimmings are
by fnr the uioit satisfactory. They
cimie In ex cry alio nml shape. o that
ono nm cook In them excrythlng from
u pot roast to nu egg, Tho ronst U put
hi tho iINIi xtHIi Just eunuch water to
keep It from ".ticking when It logins
to cook, I ho cox it phicrtl on nmt the
xx hole sot Inside the oxen. A the
meat cooks the Juice flown out nml
should I'p used to tiaste tho roast from
time to time, thereby keeping It tender
nml Juicy also. Onions, carrots, pota
toes, beans, parsnips and turnips enn
ho put In to cook with the meal for
half an hour beforv tnklni; out of
the ox-en They can lo cut In pieces or
left whole, as preferreil
One enn use almost nny leftover
hits of meat, fowl or fish with a cas
serole at hand
Some of these dishes come In n
quaint, rich olive green, xxlth covers to
match. They usually hnxe n slender
handle on one aide or two hsmll-
one on each side. Again they come In
a ml brown earthenware, which Is
fireproof, and again In a light yellow
also fireproof, in the foreign house
holds of this country they am of
a brownish red pottery, elated on
the Inside and rough and "scratchy"
outside They hare n long, round ban
die ami eurxetl edges nod can be
bought with or without eoters These
are xery cheap. The casserole can le
brought to the table straight from the
oven and Is not unsightly It there
fore saves the labor of so much wash
tng of extra dishes nml cooking uten
alls It Is a rule only In foreign cook
books Trench and Itallan-that one
finds recipes for casserole dishes.
The Embroider Is Reviving Tapestry
Work This Winter.
Women who embroider have gone
back to working In wool again. The
newest thing Is the gotwlln tapeatry
work The pillow shown In the acconv
allying Illustration was Imported from
Paris, where gobelin tapestry work
la being revived and aulted to nopu
la ruse.
The work Is done for the most part
on art burlaps, and the material used
la four ply zephyr, a hearyxvclghl
zephyr which fills In rapidly. The tap.
eatry stltcti Is simple, very much like
tho loug and short stitch. In fact, the
leaves and fruit on tbo conventional
lied tree pattern of the pillow shown
here aro shaded, and the effect pro
duced Is much like that of tapestry.
An outllon stitch In Mack Is um-d to
bring out tbo pattern with excellent
effect ,
The bright warm colors of tbo soft
wools make this delightfully attrac
tive work for xx Inter evenings.
When It Is Economy,
It Is economy for the housewife to
refute to order her market supplies by
The wise matron will rise early and
get the choicest things from market.
beautifully fresh.
It Is not economy to purchase fruits
or vegetables out of season, since nny
thing of forced growth cannot giro the
sustenance we require.
It Is economy to arise a little earlier
some morning In order to tell tha baker
you xx 111 not need so many loaves of
bread for a couple of xxeeka because
part of your family has gono away
It Is economy not to leave tbo soap
In a basin of water after washing,
also to put little scraps In a bag to be
used for the Imth or dUibwathlng. ac
cording to tbo quality of the soap.
It It economy when caught In s
rainstorm, especially If In your best
clothes, to spend CO cents or even II
for carriage hire rather than run the
risk of baxlng the clothes spoiled.
To admit all the sunshine and fresh
air possible Is economy, for tbey will
bring health and saxo many doctors'
bills, ex en If the sun fades the rugs.
To rest by the u a side and stay here
on earth with your dear ones awhile
longer rather Ulna strjvlns to do cv
erythlng and falling under tho joke
la economy
To Treihen Fur.
To freshen fur him got rubed
and crushed from Mug packed axxay
brush xxlth a fairly stiff elolheshrush
which has boon dipped In cold xxnter
and shake dry llrush tho fur tho
wrong way and then Imng In tho air
and leat uoxv and then xxlth a stick
Combing carefully done, so as nut t"
pull out tiw much of the hair, vi 111 also
store softness and Ivauty.
Tabic Center In Cream Color on
Congress Canvas.
The Cdglng Is Done In Ordinary But
tonholing, With Which Every Woman
la Familiar The Little Dorder Is
Merely a 8ln Stitch.
The Illustration shows a table center
In the popular hardnnger embroidery
The design Is a pretty one, nml the
fact that It comes direct from Norway.
Ilio home of this Inrellktt xxork, adds
much to Its attraction
This tatde center waa worked In
eream color on fine congress ranrns,
but any shndra the worker fancies
may lx suitably employed,
Kmbroldery thread (site A) tatisod for
the outlining stitches, while tho weave
stitches and laee fillings am .xxorkeil
with crochet cotton No. I ft,
A pair of xery sharp embroidery
scissors Is necessary for eutrJng the
lUHDAxuut won SAMi-Lan.
(rig I satin stitch FU t weave stitch.
H S. plrota. Pis t. lace niltns J
canvas, and the tt needle for thl
work Is a blunt polnteit canvas one of
rather small size.
The sampler, shoxxlng the xartoui
stitches on n greatly enlarged srale.
together Ith tho following description
af each of them, should enable am
one to accomplish a similar piece of
xxork without any difficulty
I'lg. I shows how the satin stitch
which Is used for outlining the ills
monds, etc. Is worked. It Is dono
iter four threads, and flv slltchei
form a group. These groups are work,
tl first along and then down, so as to
form a slgxag slanting line This
itltch should be worked from right to
I'lg 2,-Method of cutting and draw
ing the threads and working the slm
pie weave or darning stitch
The needle Is passed over two
threads and then under the same, and
It is brought up In the middle ready to
begin the same stitch orer the txxn
threads of canvas on tbe npposlto side
Fig. 3 Illustrates the method of
working the little ornamental plcnta.
The liar Is worked halfway xxlth ordl
nary weave stitch, then the needle Is
paused under the working thread and
tbe last darning stitch and taken
through tbe loop thus formed. When
pulleit op fairly tight, a neat ptcot la
the result
Fig s -Tbe lace filling or point
d'esprlt stitch It xrorked In this man
tablh ccsteh in iiAnnAkasn.
uer Three sides of the square an
completed In xxeave stitch, and xvhcii
halfway through with the fourth sldi
the needle Is passed through tbe mid
die of each of the finished bars In
turn and then under the last xvorklu
thread of the fourth side, xxhlch li
then completed like the others In
ix eave stitch.
The edging of the work Is done In
ordinary buttonhole stitch familiar tu
mery one
I H I and Oltiir at rt.- IMIr lK''
lhlllUl is
Notice l hrlft'T "''
l.othlcp II MltSHII.
m,,,,,. ,.,. .,.,,-r7 .-- "-. fal H.HIW f
!tV.'hrh'?!:!lJ2L!3Sf. Z.
. HIMIIII HI HIT Willi " " ;-. IT L
llllX, SI IICWl, l-IW'S l"HHir ll'l-".
th Uy ut 1'iMnsijr. iv ium (! Hits l JV
uuM. XX Ilium -XIMW. All.ll I 'J'tJ'jr
C XXhltlntaHillliiiol A l"l" ' " ,TH"
IKrllwullrfllK' IsIMM
V 8 UMilOilUe si Tllll.
i.HiWf i?m
Nulltr u hrnliy tluiillol
..ibi .111 i.wu.. !.., um Nnwlirff Mlk
ivA iu..1r TlrnU 1 AllH,M, "M
.. .... s. . i J v. It I.ibbM.J aarftaftP M III
t.nllmilJm.krl'lH.ITlH.Wl ki H M,
lu rtUUl.ll tMlitt l IM MMwmwniii.
Iwfme II X. !. '" rii iBn-n-"-.
.11.1. aitwn .1 IteM I. IHrtIM Ml IW jN Sr
Xlsith. tft,
CUIin.ul mr .IHr Jol H
IIumUisikI WHIUimM IHMf Ital. "
IikIA ldlMlsil xt.iys llllMl " iiat,
iillmfa lllw ItiUfku
IT H,UniUdSriaUkna IH.
llnHilfl l.
Nelkr I. Iifielijr lf lkl
Jw4i V l..ll
efSc-Uml OitiM li a iUl l, .
inolr llumr.ul IttiHV N l"l
.mi r taU 11 kitlMH 1. TenMMtlH It
li. xx ill MmW1.ii twt M MrfH i imeklleei
toiu.Xr I In. I I lie rml ItW I nMklleb
.Ulmlelhrknristmt ilwd Ml
Mill.. I H loitiml.leiwl.
niro Bflllif ijinrl 1 " 1 mifli nils
I..I1 tf IWIhI IH.ftMM loll ft
M.l II
Mr Willie
11 llBlliuiiihM.1 XiniMMi) . .11 af He
I. n1 lli(m 1 XXXrWK
Applications fur (Irarlng Permits.
NOTICIt i hmtir i" lai ri Mpliraii
Ia. MfM.ll' l .f.MtlfellW ffMW 4 Ml
.IlklnlH. IHIMIII III MXTIllNAI. t-link
Urin, IN. .-MI4 ua. tlMH W i,M IS
jlfti l -Ilstill IH "I
si.) 1 all isluiHMlMM In regwd la Ifc lies
i.l,ti,l th.Krd 4 fcUek. Mais I
ukiI in m.lisi MVHMtm will k Sw
u a ifiju M A ISHB.AWU
I sen l si'
"k of Ml
VctrUI)r nf TlMwiy of InlnHH
fcmrUty f XX n
HrctrUijr of Nsr
Mntliijr o(Cetnsi'l
lu.lmi.l.t OfH.l.l
Atleinrt Rrnrisl
VntUiy uf A(ilruHiti(
ClMlkM W lMtW
aeetr H i'etwtrew
f.HHX K (VhSwM
tV H. XXr(M
. C J MSKfrt
HM . I
fleMcT Vim 1." MeyM
. .xxiNMw II Mer
SmeUiynlMsIr .
(tir H CkwwerWM
a a st
A M CnM4
AUemr; llrsrut
aaft fuUlc ln.llu(U J II AclreswMi
4Ulr 1'ilntrr . ' W S HemiK.
Ikiiiy 1 fool Cwinmlntemi ) XX (toilet
Cemmluluari ef UUi MilMin 11 I' He
JTIiee K CeaiNHtl
Clf AHcktMNI
fOwaM sm
Rime a rt VBlMlir XX'i4a
stele linglntir
K u SHinai
jaka H Uu
IC XX feliaa
i J Hewaa )
IW C HewkT)
i xx x mu.
V, H. Sf n.laii . .
Coef truiara. . .
Hupicmc Jlt ... .........
IK kwaa
V A la
n. Kakla
,x a
JiMr ' ......,, W I, MfaaMa
AUocnrjr- ... -. ..-....... Ire4 W. Hltasa
Ju-llT. ......
Clrik ... ...
. -. . II, C HUts
... . XX'.lrm Hraaa
,... Itaak I Iktot
,... W. I' Kto(
i II liaPaNrtlf
U A. IXanl
. IM'.Uki
Shlllff ...
rirsiuicr ..
Aimmoi, ......
vhwil hMiriliilii.lfel
Humyor .
.11 hsW
Tin: coukts.
Ciscoit Cotter - Hut ln0.r la My,Hte
Mondajr In (KUIc
I'sosAts Count -Hi.UlwaUr la h aajalk.
CoMHiMioss' cesr - I'hn x4neaU
la January. Hand, Msy, Jalr, kHt
aoj Nornilrf
nsNuMHtxii. tiietswr Ha u
tHitdoii .
Clrik . .. ..
r achcu..... .,
C Cas
(C XV. UmiiII
U. II XX'tcal
Ika HMk t. HeM
I a MaiUMfl OHllaM
I il.wtr Vaiatesiil
I Mfe Wiest
I it Maaa ftllliaraX
lHCoa I'eieaaM
CITV tlf llltMII
- Cbailr II Uawt
Mayor. ..
11 ,
fC Iki
.Xiilati A
J J N Hh
H' M Hi
II 1 llreilail
1 AHMe
I Oo IKoal. ika.
1 A kalkri
I IIAVIJ slartrd up f..r
blixliiess In the luinti
HUckituitlt Shop nml ir
pcclliilly solicit a shnre
of our H)trrmir Satia
fnclloii Kiinrnutced 111
HorscsliocliiK 'mil
(iciicral Repairing
W.H.HEWES !lcud,0re.
NOTIl'K FOIl I'l IILK'A 1 Iu.n,
iMKItmriil 11MI11' hit,, ,
t H laiiilllltl.rHl I In lull,, u,
h.ih l li.lrlif tltriMlnl l ''
Iktm'eH I mH X, Kir
.1 l.llllt.1. I ll. M.I.I kt... .... u ..
. , .......... (''- "'-. ...... ..T, -M j f , , ..
IMM hMllttHMH. kXXUSI X, K.V 1$M
MIIU Wr ll.Tnlt niMawlh u .. .'. .1WB
Hl.lWtaH. Iw f.l.t I1..I1.. .. ., ,,.!"'
(4all lu I lie NIH.I lw, lira, 1(1. I 1
KM!., I iUIHHtlMllHI.f l hi. n
urreeii. la itnhiU oj.ii..,
CI.lMt.Hl .f.HMlll HrMI I
HJL, RtfcAl llMtk. MImI 1.m4 . """
w 11 nwn i ii
McHdy. XX I
II ,
utHMl, ItrrnejH
NOTIl'K KOU I'llll.K
ItTrMMfHl (lh. l ,
t' UhU lllfv! The Iwiir.
NolW I kwrtby fi lkl
I 'I. Ilk II XIIH..I
nf hrMtl, re Mk "H
m4r IIuhim4 y ,Nu i , ,
11 h, vi i,. hNm wVr ,
I I0.V,
I 'I S
' "llwi l
sMkt tmi Ci
CowmHUInm I
iWS lulbe ktl
HH ! il.tallU.I
' 11 d
I MMt. Otetmi. an Ike iih il.
CWtlM.M IM. llMn c
flenfs , Um4k -X !
hnje all af SJ, tMs (M
oe-llj C XX XliHiki
.Ok. I. -- ..... .
1 x i
llrllwrt ulhr Hf,
t UiaK.l llvr Imi .
Nairn H kaitby jlm tk.l
xtetllM A lliwimoi
of SSsliK. Itreaaa. k i ' .
awaw Ciatlwf a4 tim Aki'H
lat KffaMH aw 1 Mll.i,. ,
Ik 1.4 J
11 laa iSftaulli N i I
ajmawe mm ixHin ! lai
aal llaiarl mi Hjhm Manf I
lu lb tM4 .fcai mi1m la i .
I' Cwsalnaiii l mm . m. .
gum. Ike Mh f al Jsaati , Htm., ullwwi i
loaa I. Kef Walk at IWn,I
wm. vavMle) llMaiMMa, Wah
" Sllkll
i , u.
" Oil.
i )
" OlM
n lis
C W M .., kf.M.i
V S UMMtlMftMSl U'l"
Nalkre I awtefcr ImI
' Ursa? f S.wa.k.1
o mm iireaaa, aha an iki ..k
awn iiaimr aa aiaiir aaiii M
SM IM 1 MH SXX'S kar ..I I a.4 k
'SWkJ Mts,ril H ,1 I v W Sa.
Sla4 autae af Ulinlaii ia.i ,1 nkUi
. i4ua rnm. la eMMiw)i . '. . HmUm
aj"iiaja, an-we 11 1 r". "I suit,.
uiaaiiaajaaar, i mm anajv l m ( m
a ,jni wi ai f 1 1 ,
1 Miawalasaja.MaiiaM 1 . ,' s llrabl
t WMmmi N M m l,aa I - r Milnl
11 pnsiaisuMi SH.wir . r k4
C XX Mhi SrfMii
kkatmrlaf IMInl'i' '
I S Lt IHB ! Th P.iu m a
Natler m atlrkf (lira iKal
Cat. A IKmi
ti ,
af Hnai. (Haeaa. )' "
llaasnnail KaliT lawMl s. -.
SmHsshv XXff XXXI, iw, .
m ATh ill M ij II X. XI knl
al lal.ftlMM la
aule flaal lu
lar Ia4
u. liaHa4 W.I..
al fcM aflka al Hl. IHseu 1
Ihnwakket. last
Halaisl swesee aa mtwim A. .11 HBi'
WMuai; MafllNoar WUIKat Am iai,aAil
rnjaas an of Ba4. IMaa
ia C XX tiKISI klIMl
notiukTou ruiiwi mionT
lta)rtwit aflka lain
t s l,.a4 OlfMtr al l.ak.'K" 11 1
Varii - i4
Malice H kalaky lwn IKil
ItaaW II MaiitMi
rf lattaw, fMa(aa, ana, mm Nu.
rhetor aa4 NaHr Akt4knUaa N
NXXk aa4KW4XXI aar ll Tf -. -XX
M kaa Mnl aaUta af
11 K.
flaal TlaUa aa4 hlaar llM.r l. .W.I l..k rllla
nlke taa4 sfcarril.xiltwil. Uhi II rHu.
(' a CaaiaaVMlaant hltaaxc al kynl iMuas,
H Ik tlh ilay mt faataair. if
Uafeaaal Mnn aa aHMtm XX Miara II
ataata. JaartiSi H lUul.r aHj I k.'"l I IMtal
afNeat.UfeiaM.sa4Johii iUu .ifi.iH.jaa
40 J -V XXATMIS H.ji.ui.
ltrtirat al Ike ll.l.rt
V. K UaJ UfflH at The liallra ')trra,
NurtaiUl i,i IA.
Nailer rt Kaifay firm thai
J.Mrtl l( I'all
af The lkaltaa,lif sail. aha. a N ..wlr nU
laat, HWaW Tlataaf S Man. Aim H.
Jieaj fat SIIU Klttj, IIH SKU xt i -.1 s arb
H. Ta ie . M 11 W )l ha. ai. I
aleatkai la WMlr final tiialwf al 11 r Hri
laaaUMlaairUlai la I lie laM al- il.aiiM,
kalafe Ikr HruUlfl sim W,..rc . I h- IsllrJ
atett uaial win.
aiett Laaal
wl'iMaur, ioa.
llaiaaeal Maura sa allMavi Wukiil
1'i.uaarl. Willaam II klaaui. II, ii 1 1 uaslir
aaiaacl Nabs Uslmaah, all ul Iti- I I'.'i, Oil'
4( C XV Htf'HI H'lWit
Hefsltiitetilvflhe Inlni 1
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salart kamralaail pirilal Nu 01 , uiliyWe.
iia) Wak lawIMlrr I, !, fat I . I XI S"
ioti i Tap i;kiMlli. Ki 11 I XX Jl t
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slteaetl Ilia I aaM rnliynuman ilir I of all
Itailiy, iy7 that ,lhrt la lirr ilralh """3
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la) C XV MOOKI Krslil"
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