The Mission Of tlioso oorpusclut) In your blond Oint hnvo boon cnllocl "Llttlo Uol.llorn," In to fight for you ngnlnot tho dlsunou (jorum tlint oonntuntly unilrtnr:or your honlth. Thufio oorpuuoloo nro mnrio healthy end Dtron by tho uso of Hooii'u Unronprtrllla. 'Hili iikmIIoIiih I n roinlilnntlnti nf Morn Hum VOilllforont iriiicillnl iii;intii In iilopnitlnn nnil liy n pmca ktiiinti only to imiiiu'Ivi mul It luin fur tlility your Iiwii rmtnttuillypnlf ttiu itn vsnrth. No milMlitutii, iiuiiii "jiiil-iM-cuvUi" I'rnurri "I'liliV unhl tin uptlmlnt. "of limr rltllUiitlnn liilH ini!lrMrl allien tll li'rrmn nf llii' Itmiiiiu iiri'im." "Y-k," niixwi'tril Klnm ItuUor. "Nuw mlnM ttlirn wc'ri' liHiklmt for tlnllla vtit k) to n llttlf mm ili' itr.niu.1 mul miI( li noml n Intur rlak lita llfu mi itiort tiirna." WimtiliiBlnii Hlitr. Hurt lllix IHri. "A lllll laa nuli. Ml flair. If nu ptc-aae," aalil Id lKHikWHr "Ciilitr'it tlun lait't iimrraaarjr vtlim tliei la Hulk on li int." "Tint otiljr uliowi, Mr. AiM'iiiiip," mniHl llio lytM-wrllir clrl, "Ibil joi've iivrr trail III lilttiirjr of the luwtr ( IU1I." Only una "XltlOMO aUININC" tut i. laxative umiuo uimninii i-a fr th .I.Mlui. ( i: W HIMlVIS. Um.1 Ih. -.uiU n.f lu('gcJ.'l.tlUn.l.r. M. Italrrlilt- tlrrl, Tl til 1 lo tmtrlliiK iimm Imtknl ailmlr Incl nl ko lilt trott-Iln iimm. "lirrl" III mi. "Vwl ll CoflUa ell- (ItlM, iliMl'l )IMT" M.V,M mmrrl ttif til man. "I'm an ffin fur a nrllK farlnrjr. Wliat'a tmir Una? Cimlalm nilrV MNM rtartljr." MM taw lit 1 1 nun. Ml blllM auaM-litli brM." tliu limr rrlrttrfe, Na I aluave know wln-n Jark la al tho fiuiit Jiwr. Ilf (lin Jilat one lit 1 1 rln. I'atl Yra Jtiat Ilka lUal una an join flHr. Nrrilrit It I ill ulnar. "Ilia I (larky IraAlna; man over llirrr oner kllU.1 n Mm It with uttr puiwri." "What la tia-u lujllM r bar Irmlarr Tun Mndi tut Hint, "Yra." mIiI tin tliln Mrly. "I'm c Ins to trniic my lH.rillnK plntf. Tlna llirif tiiinn' itlnnrra Nri' liii much for my dliswtlfit KirrtlHR." "Tlirft-tiiuran illiinrr"' rxrlnlinnl lila rrh'iHl. "l)f wlint ilo they iimalatr M.S;iikl.i. Uv Matrr nidi tiMiliitrka.H ai Hip rt-ply- A Holiday 8u;t;eatlon. The licat Ki't l i't alwayt lite one tint emit I lie inott mnnry. It') tlir iIiIiik lliiil alrikr a iircil. tint' nppro prlale ami appraU lo kooiI latte thai inakrt I lie liiKKf! Im l'or a wonun of ilomcttic tatle lirrc' a liappy IIioiikIiI: A new lifok of rirtplmnal rcrlpei lir Mn. Jaiirl McKenxle Mill, of the Hnttoil cooklnK achnnl, liaa jnt np iieirnl, iimlrr tlir lillr "Thr Cook' llook" It i a nrlecimn uf m of t lie rliolrrtt rrratlnm of lliia rinlnrnt an llinrity Tlic iilm la lo prrarnl in compact form a tmmtier of ilrlirioiu itnlir. cakra ami paairira fit for tlnt apFclal iMrntloiu wlim tlir lioiitrwifr it anxinut lo make licr lirat Iniprr ion Kvcrv rrcipc it a kciu, anl ihr lionk contain in atlilitimi a fuiul ol valuable lioiurliolil infonnalion. "Tlir Cook't llivok" la rltKanlly Koltrn up iirintnl on flnctt pUlr paprr anil pro liurly illutlratril wit tt lipaittifnt lialf lone ami colornl ruiiravhiut. -If yon wiHtld like "'iTie Cook'i llixik" for yoitrarlf or a frirml, arrttrc n niiiKlc rrrlificale from a aVrrnt ran of K. C liakiltK powilrr Mail II vmII our aililrrai anil tliia artic'r In 1'ipt 4H, Jartptra Mfa; Co. Clnr.iKo, and it will lie cnt frrr You will tie ilrlit;lit nl with K C ItakuiK powilrr ll I Kliaranlnril to plrr you or iimucy rrliiiultil. on win aurrr mat "ilir Cook'i lliHik" would lie cheap at 4 dollar, and rcuirinlirr you rt it free ( of all coat. Take .idv.iiit;iKC of tint apecial offer ut once, while it It kohiI.I even ll you are not out 01 nakinu now dtr. K. C. liakitiK powder will keep. ita lrciii:lli lor atvcral year It nccci aary. Ki'lrnrr, "Did you know tlmi If nil Ilia lt In tlir ih'imii wire jcnllirral Into ona aolld body It j ml Id nuke a cut inraaiirlng oOO wllca radi wnyV' "No. but I dun't doubt ll. Who hai Heiinsl It oiit7" "Nnbuily, I waa Juat loins lo find out bow big a 111- oil would aivnllow," , Ilia llri'iiriti Tommy Wiult You told Dora l!p Hint you had rrfuard mr al Iraat Imlf a dorm ilinra, What a wliopprr! I.otta (hipli It wuan't a wlioppr, Itlitr, Don't you ri'iiienilr that you propnard to uia afat tlinta laat Tliuraday arenlniT Arroau Ilia llnoUfnrit t'ciica, Woman with tin Hun lloniirt If any doily uaka ma wlint I know about you I hall loll 'cm the exact truth. Wo inn 11 with the (Hucham Apron II you do, Mag l'arklna, 11 a aura aa I'm atmulln' hero I'll ana you for alandcrl Chliaio Tribune. Aiilrrailenia, Convict 411 (In Ilia penitentiary for altallng) -I'm from Truro. Whiro an you from? Convict 44 (aervlng a term for par- juryj I'm from ar labia Hour, I DM J ... at .ft. 5? fir-.. ViSBVC A J FiaWa" j a .T ' --ft I1JI ai . . m. ii - J !- J,' -Tt- J $&& WSAAAAMWVWS' .JimmI 1 1 iik Tin A'KIiiihiI Iiok cot In'" Ixi'ii modi tint mid Improtcd to mlnpt It to IhiIIi aitimmT ntid winter iiuidtloiia. The form Iiiih n iH-riiniiiint lloor. n door In ciiili end, 11ml it tmit lint lus ijHtciu, It U foiiMrm-ti.l hy iuiIIIiik loch iMinnlK on alx JiiUI". '.' In. s 4 In., H feet IntiK for tin lloor. Ilciirnth the ioIIh 11 ro nulled tlirco alrltiKcra. 'J In. x il In.. H fid linn:, which Ht-rv. na riiimcra for imivlin: tin home. Next la n pliii- 1' In. x h In., ll ft. I In. Iiiiip. at the cud of the JoUlx. hnvlm; the holKmi of the '.' In x H In. .'ten with the iMtlliHM of Hie Julat which will allow It lo project alone Ihr II wr .1 IocIick. It will hIw el Iwid out 7 Ith'hea at well end. Thla '.' In x H In. forma II plate lo wlili'h lite rttflrrx and roof Ixmntn are iwlleil. The 7 Iim-Ii exteo loll of I lie plnle Hi Hie end (lpMtrtK the timer eoriHTH of the nnif. which iilherwlaat would Ih eatally ipllt off. Theae 'JiVa, liealdm lrelillieilllik' the ImtiM. rnle (lie niflem mimI riMif Umrda tmlltil In Hum nt lenat It Inchea (T the itoor ninl thereby nmlirlnlly Imremw the tliHir aKict mul tip cnpaclty of the liouae. If Hie lnillf la til be In extremely mid wi-utlii-r n inoviible d.Mir la u.iifRitry. The llliilriitloii almwa a diHir 'J fill wide and 'J ft. II In. hluh. made to allde lip alal ibovii and held III phnv hy cicala. It la niU'lM'iiiliil by a row' which wi' ihroiiKh n pulley at the top. and la faateucil to 11 (lent nt the aldo near the roof. Another Imporiaiit feature of thla Imilae la the veiitllnlor, which la n mull cap entering n hole nt the top and the center of Hie ro;)f. The hole la made by aanliic off oinijiii enda nf two roof Umrda ninl covcrlus It tvllh a cup. Itlitat ( lite I'lilrnuii Mae Nltiek HIiiki Prime Mil NVI.. "klm; of Here ford," iiwunl by Warren T. McCrny. of Keulhithl. I111I.. former prealdcut of the Nntlolml (Iniln lenlen' Ahum HltlM lu ll t tile lion, nllrneted much ntleiilloii liiteriiiillonnl lite at.H'k allow. Prime Wt 93mi I.11.I Wl I illintly ilenceiidisl I coin two Krau.l chiiuiploii. hi Hire being Prime I .ml, grand clmiiiploii 11 1 the World' I'nlr In IIKKt, nml Ida dam being the world fittmil Loruu Dooue. The "king" la three yearn old n.n.1 haa 'nude clean awecpa In compeHtloua. I'rolrellitii o( llltcr llattka. The Hlntcmeut I roimtiiutly unit that forcati nro very ellloacloiiH In tho" pro tection of river bunk from undermin ing mid Ui'p alopcN from alldlug. 'i'hu I'xnct rnverao I tho cime, wiyH tho l.'n-gluiH-r, Ah every river engineer Uiiowb, uiilhlng Ih inoro dlmiHlroiiK to a river hunk on mi nlliivliil Htrcam tliiiti lu-tivy live. Thla la duo partly to tho grout weight, hut In Inrgo part to tho nuuy lug effect of tho wind r.iul tho cnor 111011H loverngo of tho long trunk, which pry up tho ground urnl fitiilltato tho twulcucy to undorinlutiig. Quo of tho ZTJlY4Lrr 1 t.VT.T-Jtr Cv rf- .. n..p.vp )iii.-.icT.i.jr n.. ;! v' , -jirbt. ,rt-. - iJfH' nwilnr indlclca of rlur tmilrol l ) tiWiWrnjifff4.. ul ,,nv" ""'"' irvv tor " ,ll",n XYfl&fafyJffiWz ImcU from tin- ii1k of tlm Imtik wl WwXfttJfejris&rT ' nmipll(iilliui Willi prlvntc uwi 73sipri:m'tt 7 Milp .In not pr.n.'iit. Kiinua 11 ml ill j,ivlir,riv: W W'"" jwoimI In tho cIiiiiiiicIh I1.H11 nlwn) h fiKH. " ic y - ty X.rr;.irrfr a ii. i mr. JEaXSSMHHMLaaD &&&!& tChrrr , Miirluntliiii on utrcnnm HowIiik iM-ttvceu f.ireaHiitcrnl InilikH. Mkctvlae where rnllwny or hlk'liwiiy Krndlnit cuta Hut kill of iniatnble iiioiuitiitli hlopci. the priw.-ncit of In rasa irii-n linmtillntely nlHit.i tellda powerfully to looacll Hie Kroitiid mid ciiiiho It o Bible; ninl In lleli niaea It la nccwHiry to cut down the tlmlier. Ilrel anuar. One of Hie moat Important of IN" In itllalrli'N develoMi In rui'llt yenra Ih the pr.xliietlon of augur from imgnr Iwela, More or Ichm detnitlory work wiin dune 011 augur ImtU na far Imrk na INI7. Ill IMl'J only alx fnctorlea were In oM-riithu In thla timtilry, the eonihliml output of which waa n little over .,T.'(.",Kt poumla of augar. Aiinnllui: to the National Mncflxliio. there nre now 110 lea II11111 alxty-fi.ur fitctorliia In oierntlou. tvllh n (iimhlmil output of approximately rxi.laiO abort totm of from licet, with n factory tnlue of tin.OOO.dOO. One newt lniMirtnlit factor haa Imcii the prialurtlon of 11 high-grade augar heel mil. for many jmra Ainerleriti grow.ra hate been deHudcnt nltuiwl fXCliialvely on fori Ign nmnlrlm for our augnr lai'l Mill, hut for tliree or four )iara Hiat III" Department of Agricul ture ha Iki'H riiroiirnglm; the ii.i-iihi-f lit growlh of augnr Ixil feci I In thla (iilllltry. It haa ahnwii that the accd mil Im grcHtly Impniteil by lirtnllng. teatt of tx-cta from AmerieHii-grown Mial running a high na 17, 18 "ninl MHiictliiiitt -"o per cent augar. The 'riM lor.uHe Nfalrnt. Aa every lllforined Jteraoll know a, tin chief trouble, nt the iHittom of nlinoM all the other trouble, 1 that many of the ralaera of oil toll nre III debt. II In a remarkable fact Hint umiiy cot ton rnlaera tutilluue In ilrbl (about a year Ixlilnd Hie world) 11 a long na they live. Of cotirac tho luautllclcnt price of ntlloti haa hail in mil to do with thla; but not all. The pillcy of adher ing to cotton whether It he low or high In price nlno haa to do with ll. Whnletcr Hip cthim-, the fart la fully ngrttil 111111. It la further ooncediit that If the ralaem of iiitton tvrro na nearly upon a cnali Imul aa turn In other 1 1 "ca tiHimlly are they could then nuMTt Home authority In fixing the prhf of iiiltou, iN-cnUae they could hold It til il II tho term nulled them. 4Iul vmtoll .Newa. 'Mir e'tilitra of I!kk. A. II. HorwiMal, of Hie l-clceater (l!uglinxl) .MuM'tim, remark that the color of bird' egga can, In 11 large luuuhcr of chuw. I hi tmctil to the ne cvaalty of "protcvtlte reM'tnldiinn'." White egga nre tiMiiilly liild by bird ii.Htlng In hole In tree, or In dark fit untlouN, like owl, wiHtdiKH-ker mul Mime plgenn. M.wt bird iiwllng on or near the ground lay egga of 1111 nlltr-gri-eii or brown ground nlor. The tme of groiiM, ptHnulitHii, mid o forth. ie iteiultle Hie luxither itinoug which I hey lire lulil. Thnie of the rlllgeil plover. Utile tern ami ojitcr-enteher nMiulile the aaiul awl Hhlngle of the hetieh. Clip lapwing' ivig chwcly Klmulate I Iniie oll or drlnl Ix'iil. The youiiK i hick xlmw Hlnilliir "pnit.vtlve" mlor. . .VWW-V.V.-.V.-... ..-.V.V. ..V.V...- ...-....-.V.Y.MK'.. AQRICUUTUKAU NliWS. j ftv.wwwvwv.tMaaawwvm' Never pormlt mold to mvuiiiuiute In tho dump, dark corner of the cow inirn. Nut'one cow In llfty Hint I conittivd in Hid dairy Imru gel ua much water 11 hbe need. A Ktrnugii dog iiiiiiilug through a henl In 11 Held will leicu the milk llnw ror tlio next milking from :t to Id ur cent. j Cow bitrna Hhoitld ho whlteWiiMheil liialdo at leant Hint) time a year, and thla Job Bhoiihl Include! every foot of tho kIiiIIh mid iimngcrti. A milking foum ahould never bo lo catctl under tho hay loft, becnuso iiuiro or less dut I nltviiya Hlftlng down mid will fall Into tho milk. lvcii with jM'rftvt ventllntlon It I hnr.l to keep ilUngrccahlo tHlora out of tho cow Imru. Without ventilation It 1 entirely out of tho iptextlon. A hooking cow la alwnya tlaugorouM. A cow will Hcldom at tuck a tmvu, hut they huvo been known to kill women. Uvery cnlf liitcu.lnl for tho dairy should huvo Ita horua eliminated by tho itc of cnuatlo when n week old. ton U I ii u 'lime 'I'Nltle. Time for baking .lluViciit klmla or food : Iteiilia, eight lo leu houm. Illwiill, I'd minute. Ilriiid, 10 to IX) nilmitea, KHiuge rnke. I." In W tuluiltca. '1'hlii enke. 'JO to .1') minute. CilMnril. 'Ji) to -in inllitlle. Thick liah, 1.1 to V inlimlc. hum 1 1 whole flail. 'J to SO ml mi lea. (lenia, 'JO lo .to minute. Miillln. 'JO lo inluulca. I '11 1 He. 1.1 lo 'if, inlliille. I'lc. .10 to 10 inlimlc. r.itnt.H-a, .10 to rt) mliml.n I'lHl.llllg, 'M to 1.1 IlllllUlea rV-nlloiml .IIhIich. 1.1 to .10 vdliulca f'liop torr. Cut Into miiiill piece two chicken clxxard. two chicken liver, one ounce of green root ginger, three atalk of celery and two iwutida of young rlc rut an into a rrying pan tviiu n nunc-, IKHinfiil of olive oil. Make n inlxturn of four tnhlcajHNiiiful of aalad oil, ono ' tttbteafioouful of tlllegar, one of Wor-1 cetcrhlrc anuce, n half-nip of (Milling water, 11 pinch or jxjwilereij clove, nnu nml Hiier to taatc. Slew until the meat la done, nnd Juat before taking from Hie lire add two ininful of luttali loom; IniII for three or four mliiutea and acrte. atrntiiril llliiKrrlirraid, Sift one miiiihI of Hour Into a ttnaln. add ono leaHinful uf linking .la, two teaaHKiuful cinnamon, two tea IMHinftila ginger, two tcHi-iMxinful car away ecil, one cttiful nirronl. n pliM'h of aalt and a tittle grated nut met;. Melt tojtfther In a aauccpnti four tnblefjKMinftilii of augar, fmir table aiMMUifill of tauter, alx ounce of 1110 InMe; tiur them atiHitiK the tlour, add two well-lieHten ege ami enough hut termllk to molalen. l'our Into 11 Imt teretl mold, cuter wllh buttered pnjcr. Steam for two nml a Jinlf hour. I'nlaln aialail. Six IhiIIhI totat.ii, two aumll onion, two egz, pinch of an It. Chop oulotiH tlrat tery Hue, then chop the itatoe and egg, but nut ao tine. Ilreaalng Tlint'-fiiiirtlin cupful of vine gar, butter rdxe of egg. one Inrge tattle lMinful of umatanl, three tabliTiMHin fula of i-ugar, ilnah of ciijciine. two iM-nten egg. Melt butler and atlr In the inutnnl after making It nm.Mith In a little vinegar, then Ix-nt the eggn thor oughly and add Hie augnr. then all tho other Ingredient, ami iiKik until It thicken. Htlrrlng all the Hint.'. PuniiiLtu I'lr. 1'eel a llnu puinpkln and rut Into Hindi pleti-. 1'itt IheMo Into 11 greiiHil Iron iot early In Hie morning, add a cup of coltl w.iler, et ut the hkle nf the niuge ami Mew gently otcr n flow lire until night, itlrrlng often. While hot bint In a ipiarter-KtmtI of butter. Set aldi until cold. When leady to make plea add emmgh rich milk lo tiring Hie mixture to the con- Hlteney of thick cream, whip In two woll-hcHteu eww for inch pie. adilmigur and gluKvr to tntc ami bako In niiii cnial. I'm 1 1 HhUiI. I'cel mid eparnle Into o!m four orange." cutting each lolic Into thrco piece; lilnucli. dry and break Into bit enough Kngllah tvnlnut moats to inako ti leiicupful; Mill ami hulte a cup of Malaga grilpc. Mix tlue liigredltnt loucther nnd et In the lev until cold l.lno 11 ImiwI with crlap lettuiv Iohvc. III! with tho fruit, prluklo lightly with .ilt mid pour over till a good tunyon linlco dressing. IrtTril latrra nr lllcr Simp. Heat n quart of oyatera In their lit) uor until Hie edge In-glu to curl. Hnvo ready In another vewe a quart of milk, Into which n bit of baking mkIh haa been Htlrred. Melt In this a generous tiilileMlHHinful of butter, tlr In the hot oyatem nnd liquor. cnou with salt nnd IH'piH'r, and orvo at omv with oyt r cracker. Strninril Inillitit I'mlilliiar. Put two cups Indian meal Into n litudu, alft In 0110 cup of Hour, ono tea vpiHiuful baking hihIu, n pinch of milt, ono cup of Minium riilalu. Heat up 0110 egg, mid two tnblespoouful of molitKca and ono pint of buttermilk; pour them among tho dry Ingredients. Mix well mul Hciim for Hireo hours. ' llttak. Mix tocetlier two cups of jiiIfwI iloiiKh loft from )w liivnil, ono cup cf Biisnr, n lmlf-cup of Imttor, two well lit'iiti'ti vkkh mul Hour ciioucli to innko n ' Htlff tloueli. Sot to rlt, nml wlioii lletit mold Into IiIku liUcult mul hot to rlso UK'aln. 81ft n inlxturo of nuKur aud cltuminou over tlio top nml buko. VUi A 'i MAKING TliRIUIILE COUGH LorKtli (mpendiAg ContUnl cuil. j iintuei and inllamei the liuija, tnrilin i lh tat tmnt atlacli t( cleni y tltewi. Puo'i due tool!na and hI lli Inflamed ludaoet, cteai iht tloyjed air pa'? and ilnpi 1)14 couih. Tht furt dote wilt Liids luiMiititg cIkI. I'uo'a f ufe hat lld llio tofid-ne ol iojl eff ywher I r h ill a fenf uf '. N B atlct how Kftout and olniinaie llui nature ol your cold, or how rainy retae dei liava laiW, you can Lo convinced by a fair t.Ul tint lb ideal re medy foe luch condiitoot it "11 iiaua fSaT-fflsasas - '".Mi UXi - iByraggya Jtti1 trl SI Bh A tl.Klon Tnurlt, I Once u)ii n lime !eVolf IIopter met 11 lloiloii ron In Hint tmvu wu.iui ne nan noi aec.i lor a ioiu pvriuii of durnllon. "Hello! How are you? Where laire yon been?" aald Hopjier In Ida hearty tvny, govlng the New York pronuncia tion to the word "Ixt'ii." "I'leaae don't aay 'hlri,' but 'ln.,M pleaded the Itoatuti fierwin. plalutlrely "Horry, ktit I can't." pleaded the big fellow. "I never hnd a bean In my mouth In my life, not ercn In Hoston." The llohemlau. )!othra will flail Mra. TVInlr Poothlnt Prruptblxa' icmrir ft tito lot lliclr cU'Vlr-u luflut; lb K!tiln( ytijrX. Arrtiunllttat for lit Alar. "Do you remember that Imt you aobJ mo ycaterday nflcmoon?"' nald the mau tuterlng the hat atore. "Very well, air," replied the clerk. "Well, when I got home I found ll too hinall for mo." "I upjMiM you didn't get home until morning." Yonker Stateatnnn. CIYC Ml. Vltaa laa r t m (-r-rilJiUr tartl kr Ir !' (Ira! Nana ll inrrr. H-l It Tttt It M liMllitUa4 IrMlaw Vl. U. It. KlUw. U , Kl aratt bt., ItIUkl.kl. l'a. Tha t'naillalitalilr. The fl.'rr Mfctor waa predHIng tbnt Ihr Utnk gunrantjr aHtaaae would tain yet. In (dtp of everything. "Hut can ymi guarnnlvr that the atot machine will drllter tlir a tick ef dtrtvlag gum!" deinnndnl hi ttarrr. Complrlrly nonphiaail, he chanced tho ubjrrt Clib-ato Tribune. MAPLEI HOWAItn U. lll'ItTOX -Atjrt a. CliMil'"' Ib4vi11, Colorula hptonita Ptl hi t.j.0, Mlrrr, I. J, II I OolO. KltTar.T-c OoSO, J , 7.I.-.C Ol tttMvr-tl- CraaUJa ttla. MAiilOf enloao4 rull.rlvlUt aalvaarUlralloit. Control and t nv Krw.ilcaUll.t lUlarancal t arboaaia loallUaK. VISITING CARDS WEDDING INVITATIONS MONOGRAM STATIONERY Thrrv'a nothlna' ao gvntrvl aa marrarrtt arotk that la attutkaUr dona. W do Ik flnavt work on lha ratine Ciaut. at moat rraaonabla triera. Wa will malt rou I--rimna of Utrat Itrrln and wonllnj of loflUlkxu, tc . upon request. Send ua xvur nam on a pualat card, KILHAM STATIONERY AND PRINTING CO. PORTLAND OUT OF DOOR WORKERS Hen who connol slop , for a roinv dav.- will ,t I..J Ik. -..A-I.V.I 1 nnu iiic yiuicsi comlorl and freedon of bodily mwcmenl WAlC.KfKUUr7W OILED CLOTHING; SUCKERS'JOOjijiTjtj Every oormenl beorlna ,t lheioriollhelih .f guorqrueed waltfprool Catalog freo a j t. a t P N U No. 1-09 W TIIKlf wrlllna; tu mlvrrtlaara ploaaa tua-iiiion iitta piaiiar. V I Kv3ifel r(TcTi m" w , J 1 1 1 2?H I 1 Jf I w UvL 1 fRESCENT 4 EaaHSg A FULL rtSSftES TiuT unr nPw3aJaBJ rooaiu Jatltll.lflJllllJii v DOAM) 'BjpP)i)orftCTra awflE SBHIH HP fmi Hkamm Kl3aWHH JTSS K4 Limr. IM ry .-21 '& .im KAA IM U Jolin Wotililii'l II Tlirre. "I raiiim' leatf yc thii. Nancy," a good old Hcot'iiiiMti wnllcil. "Yc'rc too nul.7 to work an' yc couldiin' live In the almahoiH. Oln I dip, yc maun marry nnllher 111111I. tvhn'll keep yc III comfort In yer nuld agp." "Nay, iHiyAiMl," anairere.l thr gooil tlKHix-, "I cfttilil tin' wed nnltlier man, for what wad I do wl' two huibnn.M In liPaTenV" Andy pondered long orer thla; but amldruly Ida face brightened. "I hap It. Nancy!" he cried. "Ye ken aulil John Clemna? Me' a kind man, hut he la na a member o the kirk. He liken yc. Nancy, an' gin yell marry him. 'twill 1 nil the unit lu heaven'H tin Chrlallan." PJLES CURED Hi 0 TO 14 DAYS I'AZO OINTXKNT b Kuaranlml to cur anf tua of ItaMar. IMjl. Il!-.linr or I'nlrwHnt PKaa In C to 1 1 ! or inntwy ref undrd. toe In Hit Art nallrry. Old l.mb Haven't ' you got any more llgurea In marble? Attendant No. madam; theae ara all. la there mime particular one you arc looking, for? Old Ijtdy Ye. I want the atatua of IlinllHtliHi I've heard my husband talk no luiiih nlxint. (Irlllou nark. Mlatrea I 0tw jwu'll br trantlof arvrral at rrnr wrrk. Nora h 7 I New Olrt Oaly wan. raaara. I doa't lielong to half k tlotrn lodcr Ih' Kaj )rr huaban' ttuea, ma'an. Chicaso Trib- uor. A Havonnif. It makea a yrup better than Maple, jt jt Sola by grocer. "MAKE OLD SILVER NEW IHav you fton oU, tArnhartl Knives. Fork artdHpoont thtt look bif WouVl jrou likcto them p-JM with pur .lvr a th will kwk &nd wrar lik avoiid s'Jvrr? 'SEND US YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ami tiv u a (lit of what you hav that nd rrfln hlna arwi w wi! n4 rtxi by mtora malt full InformatKm and partkuUn how to hv ll done at litttt ceat. It Doesn't Cost You a Cent to Learn K Slmplr ml ua rottr narro a aJJrou. at obov. and w will do aa w atrrrr. OEEGO.H PUT1NG KOUKS, Silver Oepinmenl lith and Mitt Streets. PonliBi. Ortji HAVE YOU EVER USED "IMPERIAL" RICE? Imported 1Uti auprrior quality Comoa In Utlk or J-lb. Urn. If your dlr dooin't krrti It rrf im hU nam and addrau. WralmlfuidlaallcUaaaaof IXxnattlc Rlra al lvrt ptlrM. The or' Hire MiU and Urarrat dfa-Vraoo tharoaat PORTLAND RICE MILLING COMPANY PORTLAND, OREGON rmiiarb.-tW.-ai:ifT-rTMr Ihr r. LA. . r j Mi ft nr ubit f - t Iratril ami pi.t on. finoruanr rooriTkrrlrrn-iiinaiila(o.ka. Watai Ihar4i ta: t .nr-itlMtraiilta. Itnvrfth notririard rvw rrala Atn-u.. lttatooBra.lTanUtfvta Hiuir ;in. tiv wui. r or aai vvrrf- .we., uur i fi auoiui ir Hrttato D. M. rCRtTV A CO, ualroll, Mien. j-Phosphate ? eaB7itJ 7Larrav BAKING POWDER POUND 25c. Get It from your Grocer OUT OF TOWN PEOPLE houll l-emwntr that our forta la aoonranlisd that WK CAN DO TIIKIll KNTIKK CROWN. llltllKlE AND VUiTB WORK IN A DAY, If nvceaaary. TOSITIVKUY PA1NLIS3 KXTRACTINO KltKK when plate or brldirea ara ordeted WB HKMOVK TUB MOST SENSITIVE TEETH AND HOOTS WITHOUT THE LEAST PAIN. NO STUDENTS: no unct-rtalnty but SPECIALISTS, who do tha moat aclan- Irlc and caiuful work. WISE DENTAL COMPANY, INC. Dr W A Wtae, Vlur, !t jrrara In TortUnd. Second o Falltns building-. Third and Waahlacton atreala. Offlia hoirras S A. M, to 8 P. M. Sundaya V to 1 P. U, Paialeaa ax trading lOci platta IS up.