: Aunt Diana i The Sunshine of the Family CIIAI'TKU VII. "Here heciaoeth the Hrst chapter of Alison's failure," whtpcced Alteon, In funny little rein, an aae encountered Hog rr on ber way downstair on Monday morning, anil she laughed merrily a she hook ber key basket exultantly in hi face. Ilocer opened hi eye very widely at UK then be stepped ha-k a few pace and looked at ber .admiringly. "Hew ever did you get poe.lon of that thlncr he exclaimed. "Do you know. Alh. ray dear, that halbjr little1 brown basket ha been a hone qf roaten- on btmo Mb I.righ ami Mtsie for the last raoBth. Mis I.rtgh ding to It a her sole bop, and refuse to give It tin. It ha ended by Mlle neatly ab stracting It at night. She h. June It three or four time." "Ye. I know. I'oppIe told me all about ir "Well," in an amused tone, "1 bare -tly paid Mhrle In her on rule. Thanks to my good lutbiia, I ith dresu-1 befnre she thought of wafclag. Co t stole In, pot bit key basket, and Wml MUale gool morning at the Mm tin. I am afraid she will iww down dreadfully cross." . "A though that wore anything Bnr," retained Itagrr. coalensptiHKtely, a he took ut Ih paper awl retired with It to Ihe wMhv, while Alison bsMied herself with lb coffee pot. Shortly afterward there wa an massnted stand on the stain. "If it war not perfectly bwmMbl. 1 should aajr Out sraa ItaaVTs footstep," Iloger obxrwd. in a doubtful ton. "Oh, ;h,H h Itadri." returned All oa, brightly. "1 woke bin, and mad him promts to get up. Mb Ijeigh ft; ho ha got Into sad was. (load bay," a Itudel entered, teottag rery moth pleas ed at himself, aad b bore without mak Ins a very wry far hi Utr' kbw on hm forehead. I'oppie, who came in a moment afterward with Mbw Ifgh, was ttot quite so reticent. "What b that forr she naked, with a rhild's hmocenry of craronHr, bat in tom-h srVrlsf, as Alfon ki"l br warm ly, aod said, "(!o-l raornlac, 1V?)4, drar." Topple meani that wr ar not aeews tomd to tbe little rlrltlti.' put la Itogrr, as Alison looked rptxfl for a oorarnt, "nobody saya fool morulas to anybody rise at The llolras except MU Ilrb and I ; we always do, don't wet" shaking bands with ber a b spoke. "Father jnrt siren an IuriuIe rooI marn Ins at the door." "I am a.frald yoa arr rery" rourh sboek eil, Alison," obserred JIIm Ivrfi, mourn fully. "JU1--I sets I twirl and l'eppb sacli a bad example in this; no one thinks of sorh a thing except Mr. ICoser, and be Is always so very thoughtful." When Mr. Merle came Into the room a few minutes later he seemed quite surpris ed at the unwonted efceerfnlBei. He nodded to Alison, and then took up tits letters, but she was not satisfied. "You have not kissed roe, papa." she said, as she carried bliu round his cup of coffee. "Ob, I thought only Tussle caret! for ktM," be satd, goud-huniorcdly ; Top ple nerer comes to me for one." Topple reddened, and bent orer her plate In much coafunton. Itogtr, who was next to ber, saw the child's eyes nere full of tears. "I expect Topple Is afraid of bothering you," be obserred. "Voti would like fath er to kls you sometimes, as le does Mfssle." he said, kindly. "Is Itrat true, my little girl?" aked Mr. Merle, who bad Jut caught sight of Topple quivering lip. The poor child, who was ery senItlre, was oil the (mint of burst iHg Into tears, but Alteon ha Hilly Interposed. Taps Is too busy to think iiiik about Mich things. You mukt go round tomor row and ask him for one. as I did to-day: lie won't refuse either of us," and she looked laughingly at him from behind bee urn. The brlghtntM seemed to route Mm ef fectually. He bad looked ale and weary when he entered the room, but good-humor Is infectious. "You look rery nice, dear," he said, ap provingly. "I like to see you there, All son. "1 like to see her there, too," ob served Itoger, boldly; "It U her proper plai-e," Mfssle, who had just opened the door, caught both thee remarks; they lid not erldently conduce to her amia bility Klin gave Alison a withering glance as she passed by her, to greet her father, and, taking no notice of her or the others, desired Ituilrl rather rrowdy to glte her iiior'- room, and began ber breakfast rath er sulkily. Hut for once her humors were disre garded. -No ono troubled themwdves about Iter, and the conversation was renewed with scarcely a break. Terliap both Itojer and Alison were doing their beat to carry It on. but their sente of effort was lost In the general good. When breakfast was over, and ItudM luid rushed off to school, and Sir. Merle and Iloger bad gone over to the mill, AII Kiii asked ber sister pleasantly bow she Vroponcd to aiend the morning. 'That Is wy affair," she answered, very rudel). "I n not accustomed to give an account of myself to gratify io)le'a curi osity I may rui well till you, once for all. that I dislike Interference Alison felt Inclined to laugh -there -wa aoinetblng comical In Minnie's modo of showing her temper, but he kuetr nothing I prorokrs people, more than to langh at them, eo she pmdi-ntly refrained from showing tier mirth "I am Jtut going round the 1hmi nlth Ml IUh while Topple prepare her lewoas." she return ed, as coolly as ttMHtgh Mie bad given her a fair aiwnrr. "la aMotber hour I shall I quite, at ymr enarenleore. If you would like to practice with aw." "Tbaak ya," reenroed Mldr, with freejhig ollteiies. "I bare no need to trropass on yiwr vatuable time; Kva will le nere soon. "Oh. very well." returned AHson. still tn perfect goed-hunK; "then I will get my easel ready In the school roeat and paint a tittle. It Ml. Msh will allow we." "t)f coarse yi mutt (Mint In the school rooea." rHaraed ber sister, tartly , "I iiv 1oe you d not Intend to litter up this room with that grmt ugly easel, and lla aad I will be In the draw lag room." "I dare say whea I bat finished you will let me JIb yoa there," replied All oa, in a conciliatory teu. A she was bent sa making MU Ilnlli-V ac quaintance for her own jmrpo he took no notice of sundry remarks la an under tone, that were fully meant to reach her ears, about people sever knowing when they were not wanted. Alison was soon too basy ta remember Mewle's existence Mis I-elga, who was desirous of resigning her hoaseboM duties into Alison's band, keeping herself In the background ami oalr aetiag a able-de-caiHtv. was s.in explaining to the bewil dered girl all her tittle pet tkettrlm wHk regard to kitchen and stare rmHH. When Mhw tich and Topple went back t the srlxml mom, AHmm settled brelf and ber painting apparala in the furthest window, aad tried t forget all her perplex It iM la hard work, bat while Toppie dratted over ber Iski no. AHow' thoaawts woaM stray ta a far duTerewl sortie ta a shady ram fall of sweet aVwer seetits, with a tall Agar staasUnt: befstee aa ea-eL "Ob. Aaat IH. If I were only palatial beside yoa now !" saw thoaght, with a sharp, iaraiaatary paia. "Ob. how beautiful! if I could oaly pa bat like that." ""The word were epaekra, with a sVgh, Joet behind ber. Alion started; she bad been dretmiac tadeed; the midday sna dm streamlag inta the room. Tos)4e had pat away her Ismon books, aad had ran osT, aad Ml IdaV place wa empty, aad staadtag Jaat beblad Alison' chair wa a young lady deemed rery simply ia a gray Ibsen drew and a beead-brinuaed hat. At Album's olevbMts start the yauag bidy btashed aad wi'awd confased. "Ok." she stammered, "I am afraid I startled you. Yua were so bay that yatl ilk! But see me come la. I bare been wati-blag )es er bag." "I sH have been painting In my sleep," returned AHmm. with n frank laugh, bat as she pat ashle her Mlette and rose, she east a serutfnUIng glance en the ywung girl beside her. She was a slight, ale girl. e Ideally a little younger than herself; somewbat plain In feature, bat nlth a pleasing, gentle expression, though a painful hesi tation la her speech, almost amounting te-a stammer, marred the effect ef a sin gularly sweet voice. Kven la that first moment Album, who bad a true artlstle taste la all matters pertaining to drewt, wondered at tb laid judgment that roabt select dull, neutral tints fur a complexion so cosorbi: the Urge bat evershailowed ber features, and bbl the soft hair that was her only beauty. "Yoa are Mbw llardwk-k. I spjeef" observed Aliwti, with a shrewd gaess that this wa ltr joung sister of a bom MU lelsh spoke. "Not Miss llardwkrk." eorrecteil the girt; "I am only Anus. Kia and Mabel sent me here caa they wanted to talk In eaeh other, ami they atwais find me In the way. Will it trouble ou If I stop here a little awl watch you (tainting r "Ob, no: not at all. We ska II be nice company for each other," returned All Mil, iu a friendly tolre. "I have only this IKlb bit of batkgrftund to finUh. and then I shall Is- free to talk to you." Alison painted for a few minutes si lently; she was thinking. Then she laid a lle her brash. "If you will excuse me a moment I want to speak lo your sister ami Mabel." she sabl, rasher quickly, "ami then. If yon like, we will go aad sit In the garden un til luncheon U ready." CIIATTI'll VIII. Mlsle hiked up with a frown at ber slter entered the room, but Alison took no notice of her. She walked up straight to Mis Ilardwltk, anil held out her hand with one of her pleasant smile. "I tare just made acquaintance with jour sister." she said, with quiet tact; "we are going In the garden, as the bout feel so How thl lovely day. I shall be so glad, ami I am sure Mated will be, too, If you wilt both stay with us to luncheon." "I thought you knew better, Alison," Mfale Interrupted, pettishly, before her friend could sjieak. "Itaar apa Is so nertoiM and worried about busiiie and Roger' wretched management that he Is not able to bear lunelieMi visitors, l'va uudsrstonds this, don't you, dear?" "Oli, ye, darling," returned Miss Hard wlek, wild effusion; "but perhaps jour sister, let-Ins a stranger and not quite used to all the ways at The Holms, has moils a mistake. That Is very uatural." "Oh, no," returned Alison, trying to keep cool, "I am making no mistake. Tnpa will not be In to luncheon, or my brother, either, as they have business a little way out of town. Ho I thought, as we should be. quite alone, that It would be a good opjiortiinlty, Mabel, for you to have your frtend," Mlssle's pink cheek became crimson with vexation; It aggravated her to see Alison taking upon herself so quietly the duties of the mistress of the house; and she was still more Injured that her fath er' movements bad not been first notled iiiMMssyisyssisiiOMnJBMiit KmmVHf " ' " a.ii-mbjuswisi to trifclf She took no notice of her st. tcr's renmrks, and added tm wonl, as Mln llardwkk accepted the invitation with great atarrlt). When Allen left them. j after a few more word, she lUtrned re- lartaatly tn Iva criticism. "I had no Idea jour sister was such a stylish person." she said, when the door j dosed en Alinm, "she has Hue ejes ami a gtl UgHtT. ami she knows bow to suit her on style In dree. She h not as pretty I a J on. darling, of course, but she has some claims to gtxxi loots. Alison ilkl mil rettirii these moderate compliments; she was not at all attract ed by Mt llanlalek. She was a large, heavy looking girl, rather hamlMmr, bat brr face bad no pl7 ef eipreki, and her manner was decided!) artinvlal. Alison spent a pleasant hour with her new friend under the lime trees, She soon grew Interested In Anna's artlc talk. She was evidently very young for ner age; taetigh she wus sevrnteen, sh was still childish la manners. TrobaUly she had been reprewMMl and kept In th tMrkcrwiiHl by her skier. "It Is so good ef yes lo let me talk to jou." Ann sahl. "Mamma ami lit s.ty I am such a chaltertsix, when I begin to ask them questions. I think I am fonder ef talking than most people. An thony says that makes me mi trouble- "Who I Antbonyr queried Alison, a little euriety. "Ob, be Is our row"! ; he Is stiylng with It Mr. Ilea s It Is so likv. be-caw-e we have no brother, ami be can take a absmt. Kva and be are great friends she alwajs call him Tony. He I sterh a head i sate fellow, with a big black mustache like a cavalry onscer. Il I in the army, yoa know. I am dread fatly frightened of bias, because he langhs at ate, bat It I only hi way, be swan to be good aaMrsst." AlWan pcndeatly refrain) tram alt coessaeat. bat said, lightly. ".Vow we have talked all thta time, and I wonder what ha bsisane of yoar sister ami Ma belt I prapn thai w hare sftern.. i test under thee tree, and that you and I. with Sarah's help. sbnaM prepare a little ssvrprW for them. Will not Toique be delighted " Anna might have been a child fmm Ih way she dapped her hand, she had never enjoyed br-lf o much in all ber life a during the neat half boar, as sSe and All-oa drscard chair arm I lie taws, and arranged the little lea table with the nice basket of hot cake thvt old Nanny bad prep red. some fresh' strawberries, and a little rase of rose In lb center. Keen Mbede looked pleased when, an returning from their hot walk she caught 4ght of the snowy cloth under I the tree. I "That Is realty a good hiea," she ob served, la n gmdging lone, however, but Kva very nearly made her rru again by saying : "How ddkioHs of yoar tter: I really woahl bag her for thl. What a pity " nerer thought of the (efiire, dear, and then Tony mlxbt bate joined u 1" When linger relumed from hi work, n hour earlier than be expected, he stood quite traasaied on the gravd walk : for certainly each a pleasant Utile picture bad nerer been seen before in the garden ef The Holm. "Yoh may have my chair by Ml le-igb." exdalmed Topple, eagerly. "Oh, the rake arr so nice. Iloger, ami there are two left." "I mt make yoa om frh le. you jr tired ibiy laborer." observed Altwn, a linger threw hlmlf Into the wicker chair and removed his It I. "Oh. let me do It !" exdalmed Anna eagerly. "I know the way to the kitchen quite wdl." "Ye, ami I will go. too." added Top ple. "There are some more straabwrrie, I know." "Itrlug me a big plateful." railed out Iloger. as Topple frUkrd away; Imt be looked after them Imth rather curiously. Ills little friend looked different, some how, be thought. Was it Alison, he won dered, who had jmH those coquettish look ing rose Into the little gray gown' Anna's fare looked dimpled and smiling. Her Mae eyes quite shone when she ram iet Kb. .ml AlUiiii and Itoiter hid a long talk, while Mis Mgh listeneil snd knitted lmIii.trlo"ly. Mlde and I!ra hail wamlereil away again most likely to avoid linger. II had addressed Mis llardwkk with studied politeness, mil hMa ns.riitloll. Hlio frequently ttrtell laid tow-MlIesr bead and hardly answered j() )() (l1(. I)r),1H,rlJ. )lf MH,. , him. She wotild make no terms wl ibn. enemy who bad wm.mle.1 her vanity ao Um .,' rk, ,,,, ,, STletottst). plilo ii itmgreKntloii uhlili I aufTer- "We will take one more turn, darling,! " ...ah.. and then we must really go." she h.-l ' '"' .. "rwiii fro.nl Im l,t said to Mlsslc; and In a few more minute ''" ' ''' lt'"'', Mi'"evrr she hear they heard her calling for Anna. f hii nlMlclttl olgilll. nhe Inkea the mat- "Come, Anna, don't dawdle. We must ter In tininl. Slut Invcfitlpite In n really go now." fUlut. syHtciniitle wny tint reanurcea nf 'flood by. 1 lve Ud sneti a happy ,e roiigrcwilloti. nnd when alio Hilda afternoon, thank )oti so murb." wlilsiered jlat K,H)I ,mHiii lustruiueiit rntnll Anna, with a timid kl that Alison ,M mMy. n ,i(.mnl,, ,0 Intluelice .Mr. warmly returned. "One day ou will ,,., , , imt(.r f Hiipiilyllis Imv- me again, will jou notf i , ,,,..,... ... iwlK. i.. .ir. 'Tome whenever you like, Hear, l am sure we shall ! good friends,", returned Alison, forgetting tbe n Inie tier voice. Ity of lower- Miss HarilwM-K lailglieu nueciriiiy as rrslilrnls Annum -muse vvno iiiiihihi she heard the sscll. I Oie llelou of Tjiriiiulor. "You are a lucky girl to have got in tlm legion whero tnrnmloc nre friend so quUkly. Is she not, Mr. Iloger? ,.ominoii, wlikh la n pretty liirj,'" terrl Oh! I forgot; oti are her friend, to." try( wiry overy fuinlly ha otio mem with a little spice of venom In her toue. w( m( k ,,m.0,Mi, fHr "I shall I "f,rIj!??: ? ".m sue. f Htor.n, nny it wtnlcrii itowmmiMT ?mTto"f&LftZ. writer Whet, uurn, wenlher ,,, In h s dowHgl.t uumner. "Hood by, clou iut In tl.elr aMHttraucu tho Mis Anna.' (To be continued.) n In t snl.t to linl.l the nrli for lllltcrnc. Two-thlnta of the jiopu.. !..!.. . neither rend nor write. I latlott can neither read t.or write. A clout bltio crab of Japan measurei 12 feet acrou the nlppcra. mffl I il Ir -w CKIOO'S LOVAHM HOSTESS. airs, Andrew rnrnlttle anpervlse' Users- ItetHll ot Iter 1 1 nine, One of -tlio iMpplest women nml most Idonl Iih In tlio world I Mrs. Amlrow t'nrnoglr. If ono ttiny IicIIpm Ui friend In tli's country nnd In Scot In tut who Miy hoHmgo to tier mill)' lovable- ini.illtlc. Slu I iiwiitlnlly n wntimnly wonmii, but for nil Hint slu follow n n rcgltticit n rigid n nny ml tiler's In her homo lift nt KklUi, ns In Now York aim! Ttttslmrg. TIhtv nn mnny servant nt Skltm nth! In tho PI ftli nuntiio timiislon, but every iletitll of tho liemo imii under the tl'revt mnnllon of tin tnlstroos. She lis tiour n rigidly kept n n fashloiM.Mii practitioner' when she re ceives the tiutler, "tho Iwuso mother." n awivt IIIkIiIhihI ity of titlMug of the nle otlbv or timisekiH-r, nnd ntlirr heads of itntstle iletmrtlneiit, the groHH nml the gariletier hihI the steward. Mr. Oriicgle 1 fond of mitiliMir life flint IntetuHy tntensteil III all lltat iimmh Ndter ImmIiIi for rich anil r Hut slie Im never gve In for ntliletb- nor niiytliliu: wlibti inlglit N culled fiul. She Is ilevoteit to intlsl mill, like her tillststlHt. she prufitra orpltl tnilslv In nny other variety. It Im ImihiiImhtiiI IIihI rwently h lurge sir- tlmi nf Mr. ('Hniegle' lieMiifiictliilw are taking the sIimm of Hue ils orgHiw for isMir churches. Mr, ('iirnoulo wu , - - - , - ...... ..... -..-. ON THE LOOKOUT. cary ono Ih-kImh the prejinriitlon of u wifu rettent, probably In tlm cellnr tin tier tho Iioiiko; or If lie happens to bo n !l llcu.rM llieillber of Hilt Allllllglllimt 'l Onler of rrnldciitH Ho Iiiih ii euve "'"-''l ltll rt-el.fi.mil roiicrvla CO.. Intruded Homowlicro In tl.u buck ynrd, fn t.l tiivo or ivllnr retrent tho cttv nrtl puta a bel, ami If ho has It bail he la aut to lay In a atock of provlslo.m ifinxanTssflr jji&ifiirapUK23'art?lsT "v SK'leraH'luvVi HwC! ' ' '"n "SS? wlv fi. SfS5.vJws2I Sir " W Wl JLe fSHfSPptrSjfTfi 'T vifevfaJMelfcW nml n Imirrl ef ..ler lUirltin i T the other uitMiilnM of II." fitinlly linvn ii .Mt ilinl of fun rtiHllltiK the niw in ill but he W't edit Ht l.lKl.l )' illIUlbll.K their sleep. Aii.ntut other iHVttllHrltle of tlm ey- clone ww nrtl U tin optlml Illusion whirl. Hosi him nlHiut the Hum the 1st hottlii to bite I'roui then until Imrvest time ew-ry cloud he s.h Mime ii funnel Mm' nnd he is sure we are going to lime it twister And lie t.eter u.lseiH n iloml When he m- one he gel up. gather up III clothe to try iu herd the fundi) to wifrly. If Ihewwanl Imppoti to ts' the umn of Hie liotise lie mH.ietlii.M siuvetl III . i- i..- ir- j e...i.tru tlmmlng the sleeping wife nml ohldrm. to the i-ellnr while ho look out tho ihmr until it gentle summer shower I' glim to fnll. Hut If the eittiinl Is the wife she never Im mtteli eitiitwH tdlh the id.I limn In'yoinl gottlng him gngry. am, ..tej-of .,rdu,) ... the ch.Mren she lake them to the 'frald hole, .than- ilettlntt the ItiPdintHl lo hi fate ami sh-ett ' i lone wwnnl ntitUes it gi-.l t-t. mal thin til inline i tinm-H-riii wnu me siirvhot lt.lt It r.mls hill. 11 lot or hI sli-eji llnril lo llelleve. More Hum half the si.rfilro of tho Kbit I hidden li'iimth witter two lilltea ileeji; ".(XHl.tUX) rupture Utile lie at h ilejdli of ls.(s)t) feet or more. Miiuy phtee lime Ixi-n fiiiimt tlvt mlh nnd wore In ileplli. The grnulesi depth )ct soumleil Im .tl.tK) feci, miir Ihe Island of (ilia in. If .Ml. I.'ureet. tlm world' hlghrnt tuoiiutnln, were plmheil from lis mxtt timi itropinil Into thl spot the wnvc would still roll 'JM feel uhowt lis crest. Into thl terrible uh)M tho witter pree down wlfli u funi' of more tliim lO.OtKi isii.ud to iho Npiure Inch. The ritmiueheNt hlilp oer built would ho iTiunhleil under thl uwfiil prewiiro like nti i-UK shell ttmler n steam toller A plno lss.ni 15 fwt Iniig, wlilrli Indd oM'i. iho i.iouth of u imwl useii u milking u eiiHt i.t u depth of more than IH.'AJO feet, wn erusheil Hal, i.n If It hud Irtxin pi.HHeil botweeii rollera, Tho lly of tho man who should i.ttempt to M'lituni to mtcli depths would Im eompretou'tl until tho Mcnli wim foned Into tl.n Intemtltt ofH.o bone nml hi trunk wi.n no Inrger tlmi. n rolllng-pln. Htlll, tlm b,Ny would reach tho bottom, for nnythlnx that will ulnk In n tub of witter will sink to tho uttcrmoHt ileptlm of (he ocean. When tho ineinbcrB of n Hlanillng coniu.ltlco meet thoy itsiinlly alt down. A mutt la only deceiving himself when ho think ho la deceiving. hU wlfu 0EaT FOIlAnE PLANT, Waililnejton Htatn liKperlment Htatloi Mkei listemlvo lnveitl,nlloii. h outer to discover a 'mage plain Ajc, j KMIVV attl yed prolin,e cro(J ( , 0.tfaie, ",jry sen.,,,,, )f ,,,, ,uu lH4t Mit ( )r J(Ui Cole)?e fxilrcHt Station has est ff ((( ,xcl,s, UVrllKe.l.M.a a. (mn ,)e ,Ki MN( tu, S,MU ,fH( t,e t)ait year Scnrrt ( fnriRr plint. Mv lirru 'ilanted anil tested, and at the ptctent sliinC of this rtpetnnrnu ' nm g)lnrf CW rof Mrr unJ the I, tnUplfil pUnls lor "4,f ''"'"'" . , ,, ., , ., T he wirK I llir tub station ,i Can- f fcM wf orf( Um .(fl ,h,r, ,,, H.r , r,f ,i( Crinltio the lel methiol n( boidliHg ai.iiui.ar fallow. Inelttdlntf a study j the tlfrrt f certain tools, tc.nnd, lhre lit Iwen 4 ttudr o( the a law.. r - -",-r, Jjj .nS,i' ,.l,A n,K. .he ... ,,f KrMiH a cttlt.valcd crop, in place lot th nM.Hllter lllw, upon Hie het I .l .i... i... i .. . ....... : ,)f w,.kl,own ,ry H(, ,,, ,,(li r(IIIIIM, Althmtgh the t't inn lia if(fl an exceptionally lty one, and the re sult cmttil not lee rXHCCtad lo show foraN erupt In fvfWc a liMht the avctOMte srasott would, )rt eveft olsntl showed up Vtry pruinisiMtf Aiiioiik these wet JMleni vsira. Hi ittair Kaltlr corn, artiilmkrt n 1 utilirr anc totil Another prom i-i'itf line was i small, early to'iurtag ii. tv ) dent eofii j tiller olinl Ir.rd urcre riw nets, Ii iik. i link pea, common millet. I ' n. .r nillel. llNnsjaruu mi'let, . Mm in.llri, common Oris) te 4.. kt'e rv poncotn ml flltit ito t'tt miepiber lo the Milo mne ' w I H-elf iii be the hot dttM.th r t r This plant grow very timi ' r ' nt, except that II sillrr i it l. i mora, ami Is mure Irafv I i -i em corn and Kaffir mm are ' 'i very sltMntr In appear m. , it turn, belnn alx.ui midway i.i -it loniHiten rum and Milo maue i I 'n.teta Their ed. however, a to i la r sir and (airly roiun.ui r bum it on I he end nl the ialk y vir'd iuilr heavily in nt't p'i.r ,, )ns:Mtsi from tin year r&ii'fx-i r. toiennl mature a lair iitsan '. el seed si Cusinett, whirh make ,y si'.inl Iced for (toultry ami r tt.c II" ititfetcocr In the snowing ..f I fu-tltnt j. id Kaffir corn and Milo it i e wu quite noticeable Whir ' e . net nt the two former pUnn i'-1 p -t dry up lh inner plant ( the t U verr ah'Htl Owe I bird smaller in Ii in the plants on ibr outer edge I ' is showed that thrir growth but i' i n maternity cheeked by the hot! ttje ..I immune The trial Iriw ' i the impression that Jermilem i ti f sdapt . id it ton rJ petfe. I 1 ' I Katiir rntti are Imt fMMirly sdapt I to central Washington rnnd Dent rcern made almost a ttjtul but bc Bfwth wa scanty, and i'tilv a small qsum.ty of nubbins pi lured 'the present season' growth could Hirt lie nrtlsldrred a proved rtop. bo' i. nt if the same attain kcown on land adoiinliia; the rapcrimrnt station last rear was a fair crop, anil may be taken as .1 fairly giM demonstration what could ler dour will, dent corn nu any Kisml. dry laud fa tit. 1 be M-cd, however. wtHiU IraVe to ler jdvoteil to the locality The it. hi corn and the popcorn nadr a good itand. anil matured wr't .tat their Ktowlh wat in small that .hey could not lie kivch co.iiidcrali"ii n cmiipirlsot. with dent corn The irilchokc made an excellent stand, mil showed remarkable ability to con iIhiic their Ktowtli tllfMlliottt the rn ttc dry tcasort ' Whether it would pay to utilirr rain land for the Krowili nf tbe not is an open qursiiun Tltr other 'ant that were Used made so litfht growth 1(4 srawtH that further will be necessary before tbry can he -onsiderrd at rvru promising Of the nou-cultivalcil forage plini. the moat promising wa the alfilln Thl made a (airly kkhI stand ami ntiiiurd to grow slowly tliroiKut 'lie entire season On September in it sIcs-mI about eliilitern Inches or ! (ect lnh As the first iratou U nrnlrd to establish alfalfa, this U cotiidrti an rxcrllcni allowing. The alfalfa wa ce,ei with a Hraln drill, ulmh al lowed the seed to he conducted down ii.lii the lime of I lie drill. that " was depotitcd iu lnoim mil. It ntiesininahle whether a omul taml could he ircurci by hroadcatt crd K Mini llJIIIIlMim in. Hairy vetch iiiatie it pour sta.nl. hut a nroinisitiK urnwili. Tic trtucitv wilh whirh llicy clu.it tn the anil when once estahlishril u.nket it rather "i" t.ou.ihle whether It would pay to seen ""I Kfui.) laud to vrlch. un -ncri.inueut pailurc i desired. ut in c manes, the uiosl prntn.'o.n' wn I lie slender uheat uraas. suf " ' '' liromCKrn. Neither of lhee urne. 'uivvcvcr, showc.l up a well a ihe alf.ilf.i Annthor lonnon' urowlh l needed to determine nnythlu,' ilrlimte rcKirdlnir tliuir nrnductinu Other Urjssi'S tried were loe.iiliitv fescue, or dupl i;ra, tall oat iirnan. None of yii thce oraism mnile n altnvv worthy (Vyk nicnlinti Since the nat cnsnu h'N I hern cxcculinnally tlry, they will he itivni another trial. 1 lie only tuKKcxtin.i the Maim.. Ill to nuke In f.tenieei eecrardlUK iher; forage crop nre that alfalfa. limine ura. ncclituatctl ilcnt corn, llio n.alstc, Jerusalem corn nntl rxntti: com are worthy of trial In a small e-ay i lie larmer had liclter icam w to handle then, luiwcvcr. before trying them on a large icalc.