The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 06, 1909, Image 2

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Victims of Earthquake Estimated
at One Hundred Thousand.
Earthquake. Victims of Italy Mny Num
ber Over 160,000.
Almost Entlro Population of Reggto
Exterminated Sicilian Hotels
Filled With Tourists.
Rome, Dee. 30. One hundred thou
sand (lend: Messina, on the Island of
Sicily, and Rcggio and a score of
towns in southern Italy, overwhelmed;
the entire Calabrian region laid waste
that is the earthquake s record so far
as at present known. Reports are
coming slowly into Rome on account
of the most complete destruction of
lines of communication to the stricken
The death total in Messina ranges
from 12,000 to 50.000; that of Reggio.
which, with its adjacent villages num
bered 43,000 people, includes almost
the entire population; at Pall, J 000 are
reported dead; at Cassano, 1000; at
Cosenza, 300, and half the population
of Bagnara, about 4000. The Monte
leone region has been devastated and
Riposa. bcmin.ira, San Giovanni, Scilla,
Lazzaro and Cannitcllo and all other
communes and villages on the straits
arc in ruins.
The king and queen of Italy are now
on their way to Messina, having sailed
last night from Naples aboard the bat
tleship Vittono Emm'anuele. The pope
has shown the greatest distress at the
calamity, and he himself was the first
to contribute a sum amounting to
$300,000 to the relief of the afflicted.
Hritish, French and Russian warships
are steaming toward the south, and
already several of the ships of Great
Ilntain and Russia have performed he
roic service in the work of rescue.
It is feared that many foreigners
have been killed, as a number of ho
tels at Messina and doubtless
Results of Earthquake.
Killed, 100,000 to 200,000.
Injured, 300,000 to 600,000.
Homeless, cstimntcd at 1,000,000.
Cities over 10,000 population de
stroyed, 15.
Smaller towns destroyed, estimat
ed, GO.
Warships sunk, (torpedo boats) 12.
Ships sunk by tidnl wave, COO.
Many American tourists among
tho dead.
Formation of Straits of Mrsstna
t changed.
Historic Scylla and Chary bdis de-
htna and Stromboli, volcanoes, in
Second and third shocks felt In
Cablo to Aeolian isles cut; disas
ter feared.
Rome, Jan. 2, The immensity of
tho disaster in Southern Italy and Si
cily can bo measured only by tho fact
that it is now estimated that 110,000
persons perished in Messina and Reg
gio alone. A score of other towns
have been devastated and thousands of
victims in these places must be added
to tho roll. In the face of these awful
totals oil Italy stands appalled. Nor
has the full death list yet been report
ed. Shiploads of fugetives have nrrvived
at Naples and other ports and the vast
majority or these are sorely injured.
Other thousands remain near the ruins
of their homes or wander half starved,
half naked over the land. The forces
that on Monday overwhelmed the cities
also destroyed the means of sustenance.
Telegraphic communication has been
established ,with Messina, the appara
tus having been set up in a railway
station. Messages that have come over
the line, though they have been meagre
in detail, show that hope Is gone.
Nothing remains of the city but a mass
of ruins that have been swept by fire.
40,000 Acres In Eastern Oregon to
Do Placed on Market.
Vnlo Settlement of tho Willow
Creek valley, lying north of this city,
la to commence, tho Willow River
Land & Irrigation company having an
nounced that a block of 4,000 ncres,
divided Into tracts of 20 and 40 acres,
will bo placed on the market before
March 1. The company's" double reser
voir system at tho head of Willow
crvek is practically completed; that is,
the lower dam is finished and full of
water nnd the upper dam will be com
pleted in GO days.
The company announces that It has
secured options on all of the land
which it proposes to irrlgntu and will
open it to settlers hs fust as ditches
can be constructed and put in opera
tion. Tho land will bo sold to practi
cal horticulturalists at a reasonable
rate, on condition that the work of set
ting out fruit trees is commenced-next
I). M. Ilrogan, president of the com
pany, has left for tho coast, well satis-
lied with the progress made by his
men on the reservoirs. Llefore leaving
Mr. Ilrogan announced the practical
completion of the company's plans.
"The company aims to settle the
valley with practical horticulturists."
ho said, "and the land wil not be sold
in larger tracts than 40 acres to -any
one purchaser. Tho purchaser must
sign an agreement to commence work
on his land immediately. We do not
want the land to bo held up by specu
lators. "A corps of engineers from the coast
under C. F. Ashford is now in the field
platting out the land and laying out
the townslte of Ilrogan at the head of
the valley. In the near future n rail
road will bo constructed from Vale,
nnd tho settlers will have transporta
tlon facilities at their doors. A iiower
A mere handful of survivors is being
' MPAil ttW Ml tins Miitiilnra am. !. I
dill . .. "I ... .
other places were crowded with tour- , their distress is great ami it has been P'ani '" "-' erected at the upper dam
ists. Little is known of the fate of . increased by the recent icy wind that r ngni nnu power purposes
the diplomatic representatives of the , followed the deluge of rain. Destitu
Two Hundred Thousand Fruit Troos
Will Do Planted This Year.
Roschurg. - Upward of 900,0(10
tries will be planted in Douglas coun
ty Ibis year. Among the heaviest
tinnier are the Sutherllti Land V
Water company, ad.mHi; W C Hard
ing l.ainl company, aa.noo, othvr local
reilty firm combined, about JO.OIHI;
ndividuil fruitgrower in all section
nf the county, from one to tun acre
C O. White, of Myrtle Creek, will
nl.iiit Kin acre to apples oil a (met of
fine river bottom laiul near tlut place
The two large compaiiir alme men
tioned are liH'alrd on the main line
of the Southern Pacific. Vi mile north
of Koschurg Mont of the I11V are
Suitzcuhrrg and New low 11 1'ippiii ap
pie, and Ilarlrtl pear There are
ali quite a number of walnuts, a
well .is prune ami peaches.
One of the large! prune orchard
n iiiithcrn Oregon i located in
1 nokiug (ilass valley, right mile
southeast of Uorhurg It i one mile
uiiare. and the row are all in perfect
alignment, makiuu a pretty sight in
the Miring when the tree are
bloom '1 hi orchard i owurd by
(.icnrgc Marsh. There i also a tract
of fruit trees comprising over ion
acres in Chruoweth park orchard, near
Voncalla The Winston fruit section
coiupne over 200. acre of apple,
pear and prime
It i from one of thee orchard that
the record crop of the ear was Iwr
voted, bringing the owner t'il(H) per
acre This section also produce some
of the fiuet pears in the world. Doug
la county j firt in the market al
mot every year with trawlHrrrir.
While this section i. known to b the
best protected from frot ami drouths,
there are season when there are not
extremely full crop in all ttart
but a total failure is mil
Maximum Term or 14 Years Olvon
Deposed Doss,
San Francisco. Dec. .11 .-Fourteen
year In the penitentiary, tin inaxl
muni, i the sentence meted out to
Abraham Unef. who fur four years di
reeled the political drilinles of Sail
Francisco as adviser of the ndinluia
tratlon of liugciie K- Schmlts. mayor
of the city.
Judgment was pronounced at the
elme of a day devoted to battle,
wherein the defense sought to mlro
luce many reason for a new trial
When judge William I' l.awlor had
denied lids and other motions involv
ing delay, the defendant arose at the
court's command and stood unmoved
through the recital of Judgment
There wa no demonstration on the
part of the spectator during the pro
ceedings in the court room, tmr later,
when Uucf. having entered the prison
van In the custody of a deputy sherilf
started in the dink on hi long ride to
the county jail.
Ilcfnrc the adjournment of roiirl no
lice of appeal had hern filed on behalf
of the defendant and the court had
signed a writ of probable cause, whiih
will act as a May of execution
In a trial that wa prolonged
through a period of nearly four
month Iturf wa convicted. Decern
iu'brr in. of bribing John J. Furey, an
ex-supervisor, 10 imor mr awani 01
an trolley franchise to the
United Uailroad Tin wa one of
114 indictments returned against Itttef
by the Oliver grand Jury, which heard
in stiiierviors confess the acceptance
of bribes In several matlrrs involving
public service corporations.
One of the many Inctdrnlt that
tended to make the trial of Kurf re
markable was the shooting of Ait
ant District Attorney F J Henry by
Morn Haa. ail ex convict, witote
past record wa exposed by the prose
cutor after the would-be iler had
Itren accented at a tirmlr ( I hi
re Hot jury Haas subsequently committed
of the suicide in the county Jail
Work In I:iirlliiii(iho District Is
Kcriucoil to System,
Latest Kitl'iiato of Dead Eacnnd 200,
OGO-Sllftht .Shocks Contlmio
In Earthquake. Zona,
or tli
stationed at these posts, al- J tlon is appalling. There is little food
umugn the Italian government is
uing every effort to relieve the anx
iety felt on this account.
There is the gravest danger that .1
pestilence will follow the destruction
of the towns. On account of the vast
havoc wrought, bodies will lie un
buried for days and weeks, Those
who escaped death, many of whom are
badly injured,' are making their way
by the thousands to the nearest place
of refuge. Their sufferings even now
must be intense, as they are without
food or clothing.
Stunned at the magnitude, of the ca
lamity which has overtaken fellow
countrymen, all Italy mourns tonight
for the stricken province of Calabria
and the Island of Sicily. Accus
tomed for centuries to earthquakes,
Italy stands ever in dread, iiut none
was prepared for the disaster which in
and less water.
Of Messina's 90,000 population, it is
believed that fully -70,000 perished.
Forty thousand people died in Reggio.
Catania, the largest city nearest the
scene of tho disaster, is crowded with
refugees, and the continuous stream of
fugitives coming in, the sight of the
wounded and the repetition of real or
imaginary earthquakes have so alarm
ed the population that they are becom
ing uncontrollable. There Is no longer
any place where tho refugees may find
The government is finding difficulty
in ascertaining the fate of many for
eigners who were in the carttoiuako
zone at uic time 01 the catastrophe, in
qulries concerning whom are coming
irom an parts or the globe. Tho com
The people of Vale nre deeply inter
ested In the development of the com
pany's plans, which mean a large in
crease in tho productiveness of the
country tributary to this city. Accord
ing to government estimates the com
pany's reservoir system can bo develop
ed to water 90,000 acres, which in
cludes practically all of the available
agricultural and horticultural land in
the valley.
the fraction of a minute yesterday de- Inlander of the Russian battleship, Ad
vastated cities and towns and caused rniral MakharofT, which arrived with
the death of thousands. fnntivoi nt Kunt fii- ,.,fl..m. !,,.
report of tho death of the American
consul at Messina, Arthur S. Chenoy,
and his wife, who were buried in the
ruins of the consulate.
Lato dispatches state that the city
San Francisco Remembers 1000.
San Francisco, Dec. 30. Mayor'
layior issueu a proclamation yesicr-
uay atternoon stating that the re
generous in this city, and requesting " mnnv ,I"JIurcd', Tw?Tth'rds,?,f thu
that all contributions be sent to Allen , V" was ,aid, wato. A" the village
Knight, treasurer of the California adjacent are destroyed,
branch of the American National Red T"0 King has telegraphed Premier
Cross, 502 California street, San Fran- Giolltti informing him that Rcggio Is
Cisco Contributions will also be re- In the samo awful condition as Mcwina
ceived by Benjamin Ide Wheeler. , and announcing that a Russian steamer
j.rcsiuciu 01 me laiuornia orancn 01 , with COO niured Wl 1 arrive nt Nnnl
1. :.. .. . . ..-"
the Red Cross, at Berkeley.
Tidal Wava Destructive.
Rome, Dec SO. Many hundreds of
living persons are still beneath the
ruins in Calabrian towns, but it is
omte impossible to relieve them. At
Kiposto the
At (irst the sea receded for a great
distance frotrr the shore and then it
swept forward with tremendous vio
lence The water, advancing in a huge
wave, swept before it every house and
building for a thousand feet from the
shore line. The waters rushed through
the streets of Riposto to a depth of
from 10 to 20 feet.
tomorrow. His Majesty asks that all
preparations bo mado for their recep
tion at tho hospitals.
Dispatches from Catania describe
' Messina as appearing like a huge in-
nnrlatMnr iiivnn Tt. it-,. .l
;m. At l. ..-"'.."""' . "a "'" !'""
tidal wave was terrific. P lno """lings that had not yet fallen,
completing me worK 01 destruction.
Tho strait of Messina is now choked
with corpses of men and t n'mal.
I General Marazf, commandant at Ca
, tanzaro, has telegraphed to tho gov
ernment thafhe has tried vainly for
days to reach Reggio by land and sea.
The roads aro impassable and the shore
has been so torn and twisted, as far as
he traveled in Calabria, that it was im
possible to approach by water.
Roosevelt Sends Message.
Washington, Dec. 30, President
Roosevelt sent a cable message of
condolence to King Victor Emmanuel
yesterday expressing the sympathy of
the American people in the misfor
tune that has befallen Italy The
president said the American National
Consul's Family All Daad.
Washington. Jan. 1. Tho Drltlsh
, consul at Messina is reported injured
and his wife and children dead. Tho
nmliaBialAB It- !- ... 1 il .1
n. rrn.. .:. ..M ... ... ," j it in rciiuncu mat
peal for contributUs, and U. '' j! A5 ff1:?,? '??. " r'
municate with the Italian Red Cross. "",,,. ""'", """ " "
uuuiiy ueairoytu. 11 IS Known, flOW
New York Plans Aid.
New York, Dec. 30. Benefit
ever, that some of the guests escancd.
The foreign office reported that several
formances for the earthquake victims foreign nations aro hurrying warships
and survivors were planned today for to the scene to ofTer assistance. The
early dates by the Metropolitan opera ambassador has dispatched consular
company, many of whose members officers in quest of information con
are from the devastated regions. Sig- cerning subjects.
nor Caruso reiterated his intention of
douating'liis week's salary of $3300 to
the fund. Other operatic stars sub
scribed generously.
France Qoes to Rescue.
Red Cross Devotes 550,000.
Washington, Jan. 1. The executive
commltteo of tho National Red Cross
society at a meeting today decided to
30,-France yesterday ' ln r"0"' "Wj-
Caso Against Former Secretary Re
versed and Dismissed.
Salem On the urouiid that the de-
fcudaiit i lint accountable to the tatr
for fee collected unlawfully, but to
tic neron alone from whom unau
thorized collections were made the
suiiremc court has reversed the can
being prosecuted against !' I Dun
bar, former secretary of stale by At
tornry I. II MacMahoii of tin city
on behalf of the slate for the recovery
f over $100,000 alleged to have Iwen
exacted unlawfully during hi it-rtti of
The exact sum which it wa alleged
Dunbar hail collected in fees without
authority was (lu.i.uzrt These collec
lions were made by the secretary dur
ing hi term of office as secretary of
Mate, between the years ol IM and
11W7 They wtre received for the fil-
imr or tariotts Mpcrs, issuing eom-ini-ioii
and llctHses, recording doc 11
tueiiis and entiviiig public records;
and it was further alleged that he had
appropriated these sums lo hit own
ur when they had been collected for
the nc and liencfit of the state
The foundation for the plaintiff
ritfht 10 recover was leased on the pro
visions of th constitution in article
1:1. which is as follows:
"The secretary of state shall receive
-ti annual Hilary of $ alio and shall
receive 110 fees ami perquisites what
ever for the performance of any du
Oregon Midland to Cross Slate.
Portland Articles of incorporation
for the Oregon Midland railway have
been filed by Miller Murdoch, as at
torney for the road. The stated cap
italization Is $100,000, and the line is
nroposed to be built from Weiner.
Idaho, across Oreuou to Tillamook.
The incorporator are C M Courv. a
timber cruiser; Miller Murdoch, R A
Canle and John P McOrsdel. The
railroad is planned to cut east and
west across Oregon, beginning at
Wcidler. the southern terminus of the
P I. N , and its promoUrs are said
to have nu understanding with otic of
the Kocky mountain roads, once said
in he the Denver, Northwestern &
Pacific, although 110 official informa
tion has been given out concerning
Mirh a connection. The Ilarriinan
line have plans for a cross-Oregon
road and have surcynrs in the field nt
nrescut. but -this line is entirely out
side of anything that Harrimnu is do
ing in the east and west route.
Report Road to Cxtsnd,
Salem -The lc of Mo acre of
agricultural land south of this rtty a
few day ago to 1 prominent Portland
business man has created the impres
ion that the extension ( the Oregon
l-.lcvtric southward it priclirally, err
tain The sale wa made lo A It Itir
re!l. and. though the consideration wa
mentioned a only ltd. it i under-
imhi mat die real consideration was
"Oanral" and "Moors," Can't Keep
Peace In Far East.
Tokio, Dee it Although the rr
rrplion given Ihe United Slate Imi
itleshlp fleet by the Japanese wa pro
litoioierd one of the most pleasant and
Interesting incident of the world
,cruie and went far toward easing the
tiratncd relations between the two
in the neighborhood of m.inxi The 1 )""."'"" ""' """k-i mucn kihi
ranch sold was the Sarah K. Kleppin fc' ,M ' f'dhiwed the recent publl
place, on what is known a ihc Slough M io" J ',,c iK'emcnl between .Sec
road. It iv presumed by thoe who .r,!'l?rv,"f S!?,c U,M" ,"'1 Amhasudor
have, dunned the mailer that Mr I ,aka,,ir-;- "'e "weiisus of opinion
llirrell had studied the situation and '"'' Amerleaus In the orient fi Ihst
became convinced thai the Oregon ,",,I" " temporary Kond wit ,.
Kleciric will be extended 1 mediately strengthened little of pollll-
.. cai vaiue win result.
' Puier Caso Dismissed. w,,jlc diplomatic crisis is ex-
Sale, -The three stale land fraud 'j" " ', '", A"1"'! J'"" ',,f, ,w,
eases-pending against S A D Puter ?hrc,SjM
have been dismissed on motion of Dis. h' c "'"H VW?nJZ.?U"'
imki Allnrii.v XIi.V-.rv 'I'll tslm.l 7 " 'w """ """"; s
' - ----- .-- - , j . ,. , . .- , ii r r a mi -aiisrsissiav iiiiisiiaan.
......... A. ..-.I . I. . .. .
. . .- .. .- . . .i'issi.s,i Miiiitiiu ii I rr iitjiib nrr imi.
provides thai appiicaiion lor Hie pur- ',i.- ........... .r. ".:... 71i".
rl.asc f stair an.l mutt I. .won. to '".."'?. V" ".'""Jr "' '? welcome
before a notary public
lo ihe fleet and Ihr sympathetic tone
III- II f-.llllltV
n ... , .,,. ,,.,. ..rt.I.. .......I.. -1... .
elrrk The aniilicaliiiii which Puler i "" """"' racniiiigrn
cierK i lie appiicaiion wnicn i Hier ,etween the two powers may deceive
made and which were alleged to he ,i.p I)cni. ,,i ,1, ' tf.,., "1 ,,,". f.,,
fraudulent were sworn lo before the "1, "T"S ili .. ,Y it! m ,'"
clerk of the slate land board M r. Me-1 ffi ' ,lflp,'"l,t 'n 'taiX. ! . Vi V'
Nary said that after '. a v fa. ire al lid. Vlli .i'T.Ml
..ucMioii thoroughtv he is convinced ", ,,H"' 5 ' M. '' ! "' I";1'!
ilui ilo aflWlavti ilnrt 11.. 1 ronsiiiiiir '"! '' position ol America on the Pa
tlut this anidavll doe nol roust it u I r f(. ,hp slralem! drelarr ui'l
neriurv. and uierriore lie wouia uis
miss the cases.
uomc, unii, .. Alllliiugn
stnrli'H nn coining Into Itomo
horrors In Southern Italy and
thi'so urn but re)rtlthiiM of Individual
trHgnlles ntrtndy n-rordml. What
childly concrnia tho government nm
the pstiplo Is the progreas that Is biting
lliado towunl the relief of llmsii win.
havn sulTen-il by the driud visitation.
Considerable advance In thin rrH-et
has been made at Mcaslnn, wln-rr, ne
rording to ulllcinl rvforta rt'Celvitl In re.
tlio supply service Is Ixglnnlng to work
satisfactorily. Tim dllrrrr-iil regie na
of tho Coast have Im-vii lillottrsl to vari
ous warshls and other slilps as renters,
from which tor-do boats ami Inunelifn
mny dlslrlbutn rations and water to tin.
ililK-rt rit villages.
flight shocks were fell In the rarth
quake zone tmlny, completing tho rum
of the crumbling buildings. The.
shocks keep up the alarm of the (..ij.ii
litlon. One ijUltn severe shuck was
felt at 3 o'clock In th morning and
another at U o'clock. Fins am still
burning, allliuugh much rain haa fallen.
The latest investigations on buih
sides of I lie. straits make It certain that
many more than Iwlf tho KiKiUt on of
tho cuast towns ami villngo have hern
klllid. Prufesssir Rices), dlrrftor of
the lservalry at Mmint Aetna, esti
mates that th victims of tho eanh
quake exceed XOO.IXM).
llumlr.U of I'nngrrmi rritnlhaU
have U'on nrrostnl by tlm triMifM and
arre under clwo guard.
Great relief was fop here when th
anniiuncometit was mado thnt On
l.lwrl Islands, which were ri'Mrtml to
have dlsappearnl with their PopulatUm
of SM.OOO, sulftrnl little or 110 damagn
from the earthquakn,
Barley Feed, T per tonj brewing
Wheat ltlusstein. UTc; club. 'XVfl
01c: fife. 01c: red Itussiau, nSc; in.
fold, yse; valley, Ole.
Oats No. I while. t3it 00 per Inn.
Hay Timothy. Willamette valley,
l I tin per ton; rasteru Oregon, tin so
61 17; clover. $18; alfalfa, JIJsBla;
grain hay, 513-Vi 1.1
Fmlis Apples, T)r(ii$3 7.1 per Iwx;
uears, llUil.Ti per box; quinces, $16C
1 1 per Ihix; rranlterrirs, miosis
per barrel; iirimm nt, SKii'l VS
i'otatos DOfnooc per
ultimately result in national disaster
I bat a compelled peace is the only
certain peace which will come to the
east, despite the protestations of
friendship by Japan, is ihe tinivrrsil
belief of those men who are rsueri
eneed in oriental polities and who. in
ease of trouble, will be entrusted with
Ihe drfeuse of the national interests
Four Men Dead and 2G tnlombed In
Prcabonias District.
Hlurfirld. W Va. Dee 31 -.l'
men are known to be dead and prob
lably S more wrrr tiituiiilil 1I1.
CWt.l SWeet mull nt 9,i v..l. ..;.... ..,1.1.1. 1
........ iftii ..., .-......! --"-" s.i-"i..ii iiiiii in.-iirrrm
,,........ WM4 ,.s, i""-"i ,111 me i.irK iiraucii eo ery, owned by
OnloHa-llMiasiwr too poIMs. ,,c Pocahontas Coal co. .psny, the
VeiclsMr. -rnrnips. ! per sack; ,ri,, rnil ,,, ,m.ccni In south-
carrot. $1: pirsnios. Sfii: beet. ! we.irrn V!,lni. 1. 1. ... 1...' :...;"
tl SO; liorseradish M, Oc per pound; 'adly how many men were in the mine
Artichoke. I6i. aft per dozen; bean, at Ihe lime
0c per pound; cabbage. liAjHte perl The mm .-,v- ii. .t... .1 1...
pound; cauliflower. $1 US per doni: is known i n. ,.ii..ii,i
celery, $1 no per crate; cucumbers, I Ml) of Ihr 92 at work were not In the mine
8.10 per box; egg plant, lie per pound; when Ihe explosion occurred. Figli
lettuce. 75cff?'ll per box; parsley. 30c teen of the entombed men have been
per dozen; peas 15c pound; peppers, taken out of the colliery alive
I.V.131JC per pound; pumpkins. llc The rescuing pnrtio have been impel-
pound; radishes 30c per dozen; able to get into the shaft because of
"i"'"" 11, v i'i iMMiiiu, sm'mii, nn; uic nre ami smoKe,
per pound; squasn, iCftlic per pound;
tomatoes, $1 30(C:2.
Butter City creamery, extras. 30(2)
37c; fancy outside creamery, 32i:i5c
per pound: store, lHtfiy.'Oc.
Fggs (Jrcgou ranch, 40c; easterns,
30i?T3Sc per dozen.
Poultry liens, 12c per noinid;
spring, large. IHftiU'c; small,
Has Much Food Which Oaltlsshlps
Wdl Not Nsad.
Washington, Jan. 2. A more carr
ful scrutiny of the data showing the
storrs aboard tho naval sujiply ship
Culgoa, now at Suez, disclose quanti
ties of staple articles, much of whcli
it Is thought will not be required by
the battleships. This cannot be ilr
Irrrnlnrd finally, however, until tho
vessels reach Suez. Tho data have
been tald before tSecrctarv Nowhcrrv.
who la krepng the State deportment
advised rrgsrdlng the Iccatlon of tb
ahlxi and avallablo fcod resources. Aa
In tho case of tint bntllnshlps, om
tlm,. inuit ntiiiii,M lt..r... 11... r..i..A. ....
I...... ... .. .i...,.vv ... ,.. lliu VUI)(UII lull
reach the earthquake rrglon.
iwioy tho Navy diwrtment was In
communication with Aiim ral Slurry,
who said that be would want 2,0h
tons of coal for hit ships at Port Satd,
whrrn the program of tho Navy de
partment cnntcmpllntnl their cral'iig.
Contribution for thn eorthquako
sufferer continue to arrive at tlm
American iUd Crona hvadqunrtor.
MIh Mulinl T. Ilimnltnan. n member
of thu exeriitlvii commltlie. wns tit
hoodquartor today suwrvlsliig tho
work there.
ordered the battleships Justice and . ma amoum w io surplus on
tr..:. ,n.ti,.. uftth (hr. Arnimvrr hand irom tho contributions to the fund
VCIIIW 4.v..v, ............ ,..... ..., ... ... . . - .. 1111.1
to proceed to Messina under Jorced jor inoreiiei 01 aan francisco follow-an arc,i fact that it will he, since
draught to aid in the work of rescue, ing tho earthquake of 1000. jtlcre j, no opposition.
Appointment Is Approved.
The Dalles Asa G. Stoirsdill. the
retiring assessor of Wasco county.
has been appointed assistant postmas
ter of The Dalles office nnd will as
sume his duties January 1. While the
appointment of Kd Hosteller as post
master has not been confirmed, it is
Die; mixed, 1 tic; ducks, 1017c;
geese, lie; turkeys, ISffi'.'Oc; dressed
turkeys, aoSSc.
Veal Fxtra. OfrfOlc ner nound: or.
dinary. 7ffl8c; heavy, flc.
rork 1'ancy, 7Ja3c per pound;
large, 0j(Jj7c."
M ill ton 0(2J7c per pound,' lambs,
Hops 1008. choice, 7(J57k per
pound; good prime, Oiilc; fair prime,
sjftfip; medium, fifflsjc; 1007, aflSjc;
1000, mxic.
Wool Pastern Oregon, nverage
best. 0STiUc ner nound. nccoiMlmr in
shrinkage; valley, 13(?i!10lc I
Monair (jnoice, I8ei)l0c per pound,.
Anti-Semites Rage In Finland.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 31. Basipg
thr r anion on ancient nnd obsolete
anti-Semitic statutes, the Russian
authorities in Finland have Inaimu
rated a wholesale nersreuilnn nt Ilr.
1 1 J'rovvs and are driving them from their
Standard OH Seeks Rellaf From Mis
souri Rulings
Jiilfitrson (Clty, Mo., Jan. 2. In it
motion for 11 rehearing In the Missouri
ouster suit against It, filed In I ho Su
prcme court hero todnv. ibu Klnndnid
Oil compnuy of Indiana asknl to bo al
lowed to remain in Missouri as long nn
It conforms to rule's nnd regulation!
that may bo laid down by tho court.
An appeal was also filed wdi tho
court for n remlttnnco of thu fine of
$6,000 lmKed on the Republic Oil
company, on tho ground that this com
iany has gone out of business.
Tho action for n rehearing mid tho
appeal nro signed by Alfred I). Kddy,
of Chicago, ami Fnink llngurmon, of
Knnsos City, attorneys for thu com
pany. Mr. Hagernmn will lenva for
Now York tomorrow ti consult with
tho chief officers of the company.
While thu company has filed a motlrn
for n rehenrlnjr, it Is suld that tlm
Hfiiiljl f 11 ..11 .
" """ "u nnonrneys win seek 11
homes into the fields to starve and
freeze Rennrts of trrribln anlToriiiiF.
and nppalllng loss of life conic from (modification of tho recent decision of
all parts of the dependency The tho Supremo court. Attorney (k-nerul
weather is extremely severe nnd the ' Hndloy .will not consent to n modlllcu.
hunted Hebrews, stripped of their, Hon of thu decision unless tho Supremo.
lml..lir!l immla ni.l n.,.1.1. .. ....... . ... '-""
................ ..... .1., , nvtiiic couri ortiors it.
i"" mi iiixriiicr on uic biiuw coy-1
ered fields nnd die.
No Nows From Consul.
New Haven, Conn., Dec.
Friend here have received 110
from Dr. Arthur Cheney, of
Eirth's Oruit Sinking,
Ilnloiiiorc, Dec. 3l.-l)r. Harry
i-iciuiiiK iveis, proicssor 01 ucninuiril
no-- physics nt Johns Hopkins University
word and one of the lending authorities in
Ynle. Ihe Uiilli-.l sifilo. ,m ..I....I. .11. ....i.
class of 1880 American consul at Mes. nnces, nllribitlcs' the earthquake in
sina It is feared that he may have southern Italy to a irrneml ,irnt,!,.
been killed.
or sinking of the earth in that locality,