The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 06, 1909, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 4
St. Louis Manufacturers Want
Samples of the Ucnd Find.
Makers of (Waiter and Cement Ar
Interested In ib Discovery at
Bear Creek llultea Other Hc-
aourcca of Central Oregon.
It has been truly said tlint no
one knows what vast mineral and
chemical deposits will yet be un
covered in Central Oregon. This
was illustrated a few weeks ago
when Tom Roger of Ucnd dls
covered n large deposit of pure
gypsum a few miles east of Ucnd at
Dear II reck butted.
This deposit bait already attract
cd the uttcntlon of outside capital,
A firm of plaster and cement man
ttfacturers at St. Louis, Mo,, has
written to a Heud person ask inn
for samples of the gypsumi, how
far it is situated from the nearest
railroad town, and how near to it
the railroad would probably be
when built. This indicate that
capital will be ready and willing to
develop the gypsum find jiut as
soon as the Ucnd country is given
railroad transportation.
A few days after Mr. Rogers dis
covered the gypsum a man passed
through Bcrnl whose home is in
California. lie Mid that there
wera extensive gypsum mines in
that state, and he knew of ouc mine
that employs 5,000 men. He also
said that tons upon tons of land
fdaster which is manufactured
rom gypsum arc used annually
In the orchards of California as a
soil fertiliser nud that the use of it
was now being adopted in the "Wil
lamctte valley. He predicted that
eventually vast quantities of land
pUotrr VVOHld be tcd in the or
chards of the bend country! and of
course it would all be manufactured
at the Hear Creek mines. Besides
land-plaster, a hard finish wall plas
ter, cement, plaster of paris and
many other products arc manu
factured from gypsum.
This illustrates In 11 small way
the magnitude of the industry that
will some day be developed in
limit's territory, resulting from the
discovery of tills deposit of pure
Witt Develop Borax Deposits.
Still another enterprise that will
develop a resource of Central Ore
gon is now being started. A Port
land corporation will soon have a
plant installed at Alkali lake to de
yclop the deposit of borax at that
place. Alkali lake lies in northern
Lake county, a few miles kotith of
Crook county.
The Installation of the plant by
the Portland corporation is one of
tic first moves In the development
of Central Oregon resources, and
many other plants will be installed
as the country develops and as the
various mineral und chemical de
posits arc discovered. Speaking of
this enterprise the Lake County
Hxaminer said:
"There is an enterprise now be
ing carried forward in the northern
tiart of the county that means much
in tht! way of rapid development,
being the opening of the borax de
posits ut Alkali lake,
"A Portland corporation lies se
cured these deposits, embracing
6,000 acres of laud Immediately
tturroundiug Alkali lake, and al
ready lias started operations. They
expect to have things in shape
to make regular shipments of borax
by the 1st of June. The cement
for laying foundations for the ncc-
ccniary Mtructutc is already on the
ground, und the machinery is now
on the way from San I'riiueisco via
Reno, and will Ik: hauled through
"The waters of Alkali l.nke arc
very strongly impregnated with
borax, and the shore line mid
ground about the lake arc incrustcd
with a thick layer of the mineral
It is the intention to extract the
I orn x from deposit1 first, und
later, attention will be paid to the
water of the lake,"
There is also an enormous de
posit of borax nt Summer Lake
which was ull staked off into claims
and filed on ncvuiul years ai;o. And
in addition tothc borax audgyirttitn
deposits, The Bulletin might men
tion another prospective industry
for this section, that of salt mining
Though it may not le generally
known, there is a generous
deposit of this useful article in
northern Lake county, not far from
Alknl) nkc, from which stockmen
who knew of the ijejwsit have sup
plied their stock.
A. At. Drake Is Negotiating tvllh a
Large Power Corporation to In
tH Plant on Deschutes.
Mr. John Stcidl nnnounced to
The Bulletin this week that when
A. M. Drake was here recently he
made a filing on the waters of (Im
Deschutes with the view of build
ing a tower plant at Ucnd. The
filing was made to cover a location
at the narrow place in the rlvci just
north of the site of the old bunk
house. Present plans contemplate
the building of a dam at tliut oint,
and the Installation of u large elec
tric (tower plant.
Mr. Stcidl was not in possession
of full particulars of the sire of the
plant contemplated, but he said
that he expects engineers to arrive
at Heud this month to make the
ucccssary'survcys. Mr, Diakc Is
In negotiation with capitalists who
are Interested in power projects,
and he expects to have them as
sociated with him in this enterprise.
Such a plant would be hailed
with delight by Ucnd people as it
would afford electric lighting facili
ties, and electric power when that
commodity is needed. If this plant
Is Installed it will be the pioneer
one In the Ucnd country, and will
be a forerunner of a vast industry
that will some day be developed
when the thousands of horse-power
along the Deschutes now going to
waste arc put to bcticficial use.
Tumalo Items.
Tiui,o, ii, j. The warm rain of
the past if houri lus incited the mow all
ofT in till vicinity,
Chat. Spaugh made a trip to Prlne
vllle Uit week on business,
Mr, Marcott ol llend was In Tumalo
Uit Tuesday 011 business,
I, I'., Winter made a trip to Squaw
Creek last week alter a load ol oats.
ltd. White ol GUt was a pleasant caller
In Tumalo .Saturday and stayed over
night at C. W. Winter's.
Hubert, Paul and Mi" Myrtle Rene
plus passed through here todav going to
tlciid where Miss Myrtle and Paul at
tend school.
Prank Hdwarda ami sister. Miss Grace,
passed through here one day last week
returning from fiend,
Joe Howard ol Lower Hrltlge stopped
in Tumalo Piiday returning from lleml.
It. II, Ilayley and Mr. Ilaidvriii were In
Tumalo Prlilay and Saturday getting ice
from the Winter pond.
Geo Simmons and Pred Wallace went
to the C. S, I. Co. headgate toda) to
turn In water (or the tettleis to fill their
water tanks and reservoir,
0, W. Wlmerand wife received the
Mil uewa last Wednesday that their
daiighter-lu-law; Mrs. Adam Wluter, of
Grants Puts, was very low and not ex
pected to live, having been poisoned
from eating packing house ham, Prl-
day they received word from their
daughter, Mrs. Wm, rtaker, who is with
her, that there was no change yet, but
there were little hopes of her recovery.
County Court Somewhat Puzzled
over That Question.
Shall the Court House Indebtedness
He Paid In Pull This Vear, and
Shall More Money lie I'ut Into
Making Heller Roads.
The county court is in session
this week, and ouc of the most im
portant matters before it will Im to
determine the umouiit of the lux
levy for the ensuing year. The
sum of f ,ii,oo( is still title 011 the
contract price of the new court
house. In j 007 a levy of only tun
mills woh allowed to the road fund.
Many bclcvc this Is altogether too
smell, and nro advocating that the
county go In debt to the extent of
paying off only n portion ol the
court house indebtedness this year,
allowing, on the other huud, a
larger levy for the improvement of
njr county roads), '('hat js tjic
question that Is puzzling the coun
ty court 'What shall be done; pay
off the cutlre court house indebted
ness and let (lie toads gel along
with a small levy, or carry over
Into next year a portion ol the court
house debt and allow more money
for the roads?
In order to learn the opinion
of the tax payers. 0 u the
question, thp court has umilcd a
number of Icttcts as follow?.;
''Inastnuih at von arc directly or In
directly a Urge Us payer In IliU county,
the county court would appreciate nil
ssptcMlon of your general ideas 011 ta.
atlon for the tinning year.
"The total attested valuation on the
THIt nilLLIiTIN takes utueh pleasure In announcing to its readers this
week that It has just purchased and installed a new cylinder press on
which to print the subsequent issues of the paper, of which- the abow
cut is an illustration, This issue It the first one printed on the new ma
chine, and It Is a (air sample of the improved press work that will be char
acterise of The Ilulletiu hereafter. It means a cleaner and belter pacr,
and we bcliee our readers will appreciate our efforts to give them good
The Tlutlctlii takes pleasure lit making this announcement became
the purchase of the new pre shows that it is the intention of this paper to
develop as the country develops. We will keep in step with the forwaid
march of this section in fact, our aim i to keep just a little ahead of the
country. The llulletiu has always stood for Heud and the llettd country,
and it always will, so stand. It has unbounded faith in the future of this
section, and It finds pleasure in telling to the world the wonderful re
sources that lie here awaiting development and the opportunities that
present themselves to the energetic man. Whenever The llulletiu can do
so it will "boost" for the lleml country, and will enjoy doing it. As the
country develops, as new people more in, and as limine undertakings
multiply and expand, The Ilulletin will always be found in the front Due,
giving to this section a newspaper that Is fully abreast of the country's de
velopment. Just as rapidly as business conditions warrant, it, The llulletiu
will Invest money In new presses and new equipment ill order a produce a
better paper.
The new press Is a Diamond cvltmler. and was purchased from the
Portland branch of the American Type founders Company,
IV7 Ins rolls was if, nud Hit
levy wh 1 1 t mills,
"The tot! a Messed valuation fur iwiH
"Then- liii I xc 11 IkiIiI nut ol llie loi-r
let) on m-ttxtut of voulract price of new
court Iioiim- I id.o , leaving a balance of
MlHItll JI,(I Still III l Ii thereon.
"The levy In 177 for road purixM-
una but two mill, which in ridlculotitly
null. Some advocate a larger levy for
rMcl intK)e lint to keep lltr grin lax
for l'jH lite Mine as lat year even
though the county jjo somewhat Into
debt until lite next war's taxes. Oilier
mv Make (hit year' levy wiy every
thing, thus keeping the county out ol
iklit. Till would ilottbllcM mean nt
lentt h total levy of 15 mill, keeping the
ttMil lax nt two null.
"A cuudid expiettiou of your opinion
by early mall would be appreciated."
The county court is of the opin
ion that more money should be ex
(tended on the roadw than a two
mill levy will provide. Good roads
urc of prime importance to any
country and especially to a section
devoid of railroads. The present
court desires to continue the im
provement of the county's roads,
yet they can not do so to any ex
tent on 11 two mill levy. On the
otlit-T hand if they increase the
road levy and carry over the court
house indebtedness, there will be
inntiv who will blame the court for
running the county in debt. lie
that as it may, it would seem that
as good roads are of so much im
parlance, it would be the part of
wisdom to jKstK)tic the payment
of a putt of the court house in
debtedness and allow a larger levy
for toad building.
Heavy palloLSsnow.
The liollotn dropped out of the
heavens Monday night and as a
result Heud now has about to in
ches of snow, Tuesday morning
it was reported that there were 14
Inches in the territory south of Lava
buttc. Tuesday night the tempera
ture dropped quite low, giving us
one of the coldest nights of the
Hlniplo llemsdf for La Orlppa.
Hacking la Krlpte coughs that nuyde-
Yolnp into pneumonia over night are
quickly curcl bv I'oley a Honey ami Tar
The sore and Inflamed lung are healed
and stiengthened, and a dangerous con
dition I milcklv averted. Take only
I'oley's Honey and Tar in the vellow
pscknge C W. Merrill, druggist.
lll rllE YVnnii
va sm 1 1 jyivsij
Many Doings for the Amuse
ntcnt of Ucnd People.
Two Pleasant Afternoons Spent With
Mrs Roscoe Howard Miss Maude
Vandevert (lives Dinner In
Honor of the Teachers.
Last Saturday afternoon Mrs.
Roscoe Howard very pleasantly en
tertained n number of her lady
friends at progressive five hundred.
After an interesting period of hotly
contested games, the scores were
counted and it was found that Miss
Ruth Reid qiid Miss Helen John
ston had "tied" for the grand prize.
Lots were prepared and drawn and
the prize, a very pretty candlestick,
went to Miss Johnston. The con
solation prize was won by Miss
Cornelia Wilson, the same being a
Very fine jwck of playing cards.
Later dainty refreshments were
served. The afternoon was a very
successful ouc from a social stand
point, and the ladies thoroughly
enjoyed themselves.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Howard
again entertained a-few of the
ladies of Ucnd, progressive five
hundred likewise being, the pastime
of the afternoon. MrsT E. D. Wil
son carried off the honors, winning
as a prize a very pretty Bohemian
glass dish, while Mrs. C. A. Jones
captured the consolation prize a
fine deck of cards. Refreshments
were served, and a pleasant after
noon enjoyed.
Auother pleasant social event of
the dying year was a 6 o'clock din
ner party given by Miss Maude
vandevert last Thursday in houor
ol the Ucnd teachers and Miss
Hajcl Caldwell and Miss Hartley,
teachers at Pntiei ille who spent the
holiday vacation at Miss Caldwell's
home in Bend. Besides those men
tioned other guests present were
Svlvestcr and Prince Slants. After
dinner had been served, the evening
was very pleasantly spent with
games and in social converse, and
when it came time to depart, the
guests declared tho last dinner of
the year 100S would be long and
pleasaully remembered by them.
The "watch night" dance at
Lara hall last Thursday evening
A-as also one of the pleasant events
of the past week. A goodly crowd
gathered to trip the light fantastic
and to dunce the old year out and
the new year in The time was
pleasantly spent in dauctng, and
promptly at 12 o'clock the lights
Acre turned down somewhat and
the dancers were supplied with the
little sparklers that are proving such
a popular fad in Bend. As usual,
the luntasttc effect given by these
little sparkling spit-fires was very
pretty and the new year was ush
ered in in a unique way by the
Bend dancers.
Shortly before ta o'clock coffee
and sandwiches were served. The
event was under the auspices of
the Ladies' Library Club, netting
the library for. 80
It Is not often that Bend people
ate afforded the opportunity for
sleigh riding, nud when tout op
portunity does come it is generally
seized upon with pleasure. Last
Friday afternoon, Sylvester ,aud
Prince Staats and the Vandevert
boys hitched a four-horse team to a
large bob-sled and took a crowd of
15 young people on an afternoon's
sleigh ride. They drove south to
the Dutch John place, and had a
very enjoyable afternoon's ride.
Tuesday evening about 20 of
Beud's youug people took a tdeijiu.j
ride to Laldlaw. and had a late
supper at the Tullar restaurant.
IThev rrlnrnrd atmut 1 n'rlnck. hnv-
g had a most enjoyable ride
through the deep snow und
Are Running In Hands In the Clover
dale District A Painful Accident.
OrsT, Jan. 4. The coyotes are run
ning In bands in the Ctoverdate country,
to ay I'rank Arnold. He lost it lieu
in one day by the 111. He says they are
getting o be a great pest there.
Mr Hardy Allen of Sitters had a very
painful accident the other day. She
slipped on the ice and fell on her arm
At first the thought nothing of it, but
they teem to think now the bone might
be fractured, as she has been suffering
great pain. At last reports she was rest
ing raiier.
Mr. ndwards has sold half of his fine
ranch near Gilt to a Mr. McKennek Jit
Wathinglon, The price, 10 we are In
formed, was 7,exo. Mr. Hdwards hasa
fine ranch left.
Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and family
of Rear Creek are sititing friends and
relative at Sitters this week.
- A petition was circulated last week for
the county court to appoint Chat. Car
son road supervisor of this district
The barn dance at Mr. Carson's was a
graml succesa, there being about 40
couples. When supper was called, (I)
my! you should have been there The
Gist brothers and Mr. Arnold and son
furnithed the music.
MUs Nellie Scoggins visited at tie
Gist home Sunday.
Pleasant Rldje Notes.
Tlrasant RlDGE, Jan. 4.- At the re
organization of the rieasaut Ridge Sun
day school latt Sunday, there was much
enthusiasm manifested, and all seemed
to feel their personat responsibility
towards making the school more pros
perous the coming year. There were
suggestions of adopting a grading sjt
tern. We sincerely hope it may be car
ried out. Prof. J. A. Thompson was un
animoutly chosen teacher of the Bible
clats, and everything now seems to be in
a more flourishing couditiou than ever
tie fore.
Dan Greenhalgh, Sr.t Is not improv
ing as rapidly at we would like to hear
Mr, Garlinghouse has moved with his
family onto hit forty near the batiks of
the Deschutes west of the Greenhalgh
farm. He is nuking preparations for
crop in the spring.
Chad Irvln has his house enclosed and
it comfortably situated. He and his
mother seem quite happy iu their new
farm home.
Mitt Ctara Woodrentertained a party
of youngsters at her home Tuesday even
lug last. All reported a good time, and
dispersed during the wee sma' hours of
the morning.
J. A. Thompson and A. A. Green are
building citterns on their farms. The
citterns are made of lumber and will be
coated on the intide with atphalt This
makes a permanent ana well done ever
lasting job.
Jetie Vosberg has proved up on his
forty iu this vicinity and will now en
deavor to fulfill the requirements of law
u pa i the one owned by his wife over
near Cline Palls. We dislike to think c f
Mr. and Mrs. Vosberg leaving us, aid
hope they will ever feel their much need
ed assistance in the Sunday schoclwoik.
Mr. and Mrs. R. It. Sherwood invited
in Kome friends at their home in lienor
of the first day of the new year All
seemed to have a good time ami the day
was happily spent.
The Holidays were well observed in
our vicinity. We did not have a Christ
mas tree in the neighborhood, but there
were sumptuous dinners piepared ami
served at the homes of Mrs. U. W. Hall
and Mrs, J A. Chase, who Invited in their
friends and sat them dow u to tables load
ed with all the cood eatables that only
women know how to prepare. The
guests all quite forgot they were living
in a desert country, but, judging from
the fine repast spread before them, were
as ever at their old homes iu Iowa, Wis
consin and Illinois enjoying the luxuries
of Christmas dy. When the hour for
departing arrived, they all reluctantly
separated for their homes, wishing to
the hostess the return of another happy
Christmas day.
Township plats for sale nt this
office, two sizes, 3$ and 6 inches