UNLESS IT'S A GOOD STORi T WILL NOT PAY to ADVERTISE IT! w UNLKSS you know n person unless tbnt pcroii comes iuto your life in some way you nrc not greatly con cerned ubout whether he is good or bad, desirable or objectionable. It's so with n store. The people who never visit it care nottiiu about it one way or the other. It doesn't exist for" them.' But when they ore persuaded to patron fee it llicn VJicy come to turn the spo.-light of their at tctitiou on! it when it comes to hove a part in their lives, tis so'ine stores must have in all lives tjteu it's different; then it DOES matter whether it strives to win confidence; it docs matter whether or not its price concessions are genu ine, dependable. If it meets all tests that a good store must stand when it is advertised when it thus invites the critical attention of people then advertising "rnakcs" the store, If it fails in most of the vital things if it proves, under the light of publicity, not to be much of a store, TI1EN ADVERTIS ING WILL NOT AY for it will craphasue short comings as well as merits. "' ii i For these same reasons it is generally assumed that the store which does not advertise is seeking to avoid close In spection and comparison, and that the store which docs Is courting them,. ?ftORT ITEMS OF INTEREST. Work on an oil-prospecting well ar Vak; yiH soou be commenced. Bishop Paddock of the Episcopal .urch has been holding services in v .rious parts of Southern Oregon. The Prineville fire department is ..iking preparations for a two-dot-Lr-a-plate banquet to be given on Jauuary 12. Drilling on the oil well at Grizzly has been suspended until after the holidays. Everything is going nlong nicely at the well. Eugene has made a tax levy of io mills for expenses of the current year. It has a six-teutbs af a mill jevy for library purposes. "Valley Farm," the home-talent comedy drama put on at Prineville tinder the ausDices of the I-nrifos' Annex, netted that organization aoout 575. Stock owners in the Malheur re gions are in formed by the state veterinarian that uutil they kill off aDout 500 wtlu pontes of the scrub breed that transmit the disease to valuable horses, it will be impos sible to eradicate the glanders in Malheur and Owyhee. These wild horses are of no value, aud they convey the infection. Nothiug could be better for the f il! sown wheat than the generous v juimg of suow which has laid over the county the past two weeks. The expectation is for the best Crop of winter wheat that has ever been harvested in the Iuiaud Em pire, and it adds to the pleasure to kuow that the area sown is greater than e-cr before. Moro Observer. The Review reports the result of the city election at Prineville in the following manner: "Prineville's administrative affairs are in the hands of the reform element for the coming fiscal year beginning January 1, the entire Methodist ticket, as it was termed by the op position, having carried the day by majorities of from 1 to 17 Monday last." A bill has been introduced in the lower house of congress allowing me aucrman county heirs of Thos. O, Miller the insignificant sum ol Sjoo on accouut of the destruction of a ferry boat which. Miller was operating across the Columbia river near the mouth of the Deschutes. The destruction occurred during the Bannock Indian war. Moro Observer. ilorc people are taking Jo!e Kid ney Remedy every year. It is consid ered to be the most effective remedy for kidney aud bladder troubles that' medi cal scfeace can devise. 1'oley'a Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities, builds 1 p worn out tirnnei and restores lost vl r v. Il Uill miike ton ftvl V. ell hi d ntu.--C. , ilHUMUUt ViwaUu -HS- ADVICE TO WOMEN. Hw On May Crow Old Atlrsetlvsty and Gracefully. Growing old Is not a condition to be dreaded. Youth Is delightful and fuQ of zest, but that U no reason why Its loss should bo bemoaned. A woman wbo wishes tnny gain attrnctlvcncus with each year iho lives and at thirty be far prettier, more deUcbttul and en. tertululns than at twenty. ThU Is Ui working of the eternal law of arcrucetf that never falls If one t 111 only put It Into operation. Only one must under stand the situation and the law and abide by It accordingly, remembering that there Is no gain without loss mid that to achieve one must work. To grow old gracefully la an art, and to step luto middle ago successfully Is a triumph. It Is women who do this of whom ouc bear others say she Is ''bet ter looking than when she was a girl" or Is "ever so much ulcer than when sho was young." Kvery woman may bo this by developing attractions which a girl can never bare. The orlglnat mistake that many wo men make as they feel their youth go ing Is to fall to bring out the nest set of attractions. Mere youth Is pleasing, and because of It much U overlooked, condoned or Ignored. "She U a pretty girl," some ouo rays and forgives the evidences of bad temper. nut they will admire more a woman of uitddlo age who lias learned to con trol her temper and to show sweetness and self control when youth would ily lato n rage. A middle ni-U woman who has learn ed fiom life as sho has gone on is In finitely moro attractive than a girl. The former has gained sweetness mid strength In trial. She Is more enter taining, has more tact, more knowl edge of how to please. When n girl pleases It Is simply In tho fact that she Is a girl. Hut with this saino iowcr In an older woman there Is knowledge before which a girl fades luto oblivion, Tho adventuress In a play Is never a girl. Hlie Is always n woninn past thirty years of uge. Hlie must have age to be clever, but tho mental abili ty which a woman of that typo turns to bad purposes may In one who Is honest aud welt bred bo used for the best ends. I'or one thing, sho makss herself helpful and partUnlar. A certain care lessness lu dressing that in a girl may (to plcturesqucness lu a middle aged woman Is Mlovenllness, und ouo who w Ishc to look a ild lo her lest w 111 not gha way to It. It Is a iiilxake to think (hut because oue'x hair U turn ing gray how It Is done up doesn't mat ter. It matters a great deul, and es pecial pains must ho taken to arrange It well and Ucoulngly. To try to wear the same stylo frock as youth docs Is ridiculous and unbecoming, downs suited to. the middle aged fig ure will not iniiko ono look older. They ulmply lmrnjonlxo und M not by ex treino contrast call attention to the fact that a woman Is not a girl. I.lttle airs and graces of manner that were pretty In the girt are tU'pbantlaa In the woman. Instead of tncea, there thonld be a nweet dignity of manner that will charm all, 'Jheiv Is itbi-olutcly no Heed to dread fidTIWiMstm U Milr.rfsM JflU ad- T MEM A DrfrMrul l.louUt f Pnawfur. Impnrlt a rar flntt, bmantv nml ((( it I, a frttet tiltf to Oruuiy, retraining (no ntvagv of tun. wind and tin: Mllnilnntw tin, a-unourn. frtckUt, Jnrioioni rtnrt lmprfe, ton of (A tkln. Voitrtur a duinly tllHjtlnf odor .vctuilvrfy , . urn, fnltfttOCTt f l0UT Fate VOAU4olll MOVTCHIM.CALCO.. tOnUAND,ORk rnhw wllli thorn In drws. Iial.lt mul customs. Olio'- fileuds are cettlnKi nlotiR hIso, nml all keep oil together, Hut ever one, amt especially a worn u, should grow old attractively ami not cnrelessly. To ho too particular about tlio nentiiesft ami iletalt of one'? clothes. Hint they thiill lie peifectly put together hliil ticciuuhiir. I Impost. tile. Too imUiy women nro cnrolohs J alKut ttiK aiul It makes them look horrid. On the other linml, there U uothlng prvttler In tlio world Hunt a Hwoet mul dnliity old Iml.v, nml If her character and mind nrc swivt as uu she has more friends and iIocikt ndinl ration than ever fall to the lot of a gttl To Cltsn Flt Halt. FeU tintrt of light color may bo clean ctl w'ftn black miigueslii. fuller'n fcarth or huinllry starch. Alwayn remember to rilli and brush with the imp. Dust or Anger mnrkit may Ihj remov ed from light colored woolen goods by rubbing with tlio uap with bread. If the marks are obstinate, sprlukte a little salt on them, then rub with the bread. Laces may bo dyed to match mate rial of any color by using a reliable dye and following carefully tho direc tions supplied with It. l'c.ithcn) may bo freshened by sink Ing'them ocr the tire, on which n lit tle rait has been thrown. This fluffs them out nml makes tho ends curl un der. If more curl U desired, the Ola- incuts ultould be drawn over n dull knife blade. Feather may also lo washe.I or dyeil by the exercise of n little care and patience. Velvet that Is wrinkled or crushed may Ikj restored by steaming or may In? made Into "mirrored" elvet by Ironing with a moderately worm Iron on the right side and In tho direction of the pile or nap. Silks and ribbons should lie steamed and stretched between the bauds. Th Popular HoiWss. Make jou feel lmllvldua,1ly that you are tho favored guest. Makes you feel perfectly at home. She sees everything ami yet possesses the art of seeing nothing. She ncer looks bored. She, kuowa how to get congenial peo ple together. flhe knona how to keep conversation slw ays go,tur. Hha ucver lets auy ono lc slighted or overlooked. 8be knows when to nk tho amateur runslclau to dlplay Ills or her best tal ents. Bhu Is perfectly unielOsb about ber own gowns. A Curtain Elfsct. A pretty way to nrrangu ledroom window curtains Is this; Tho upper mull Is hung with a dainty flowered muslin and tho lower with a filmy madras. Doth are simple Nash cur tains and thus will Nt easily laundered. Tho color! curtain Is protected from tho light by tho shade, which ts usual. ly drawn to tho middle of tho window, for this reason tho colored curtain wilt not bo liable to fade. The colored curtain Is much prettier If milled with white. This irhcuio gives n charming touch of color at tho windows, but admits of tho use tf tha lash curtain ns n screen for the hirer art of tho window. Vaccination of Hogs, Hecrelury Wilson Mutes lu his an nual report that blood hcrum from hogs which liavo leeu proved to be Iinmiiuno to hog iholont hns been used In vaceiuatlng oilier hogs, which are thus prelected from cholera for ntxmt three weeks, nn shown by experiments. If blood from diseased bogs, however, U Injected with the tortiut tho jirotec lion Is extended to about three nud n half mouths. for Pigs on Pasture. At tho Iowa txpciiracul station a ration of corn Mono on timothy pas ture produced tho cheapest sains Jn weight of uny of (bo rations fed to pigs ou pasture, but tho mlvcd rations produced the groatcxt total net profits. Podifsr for Wsther Lambs. There la no doubt as to the prefer ence of tho hep In tho cholco of fod ders. Clover hay (iccrns to lw the fod der they relish most, then pea htrnw, corn fodder mid timothy liny. The condition of the fodder will inutcrlully Influence tbo gain, for If It Is musty, burned or dusty or has licen allowed to grow too coarse tbey will neglect It. Two or thrco pounds of auy of the fodders: mentioned will be about the ipuintlty Hint- wrtller html pine or ten moiitlm o'd wli it dally thronsT. s i t&p f HUvfllAt; ptrltKL-c'ralj;. CATTLE INTERESTS. ow Bssf Finishers Art Furlno Dual Purpoit Stock. II)- riWHUIl M'l.AtK. Tlmo discredited the iroiltetn ntul nlil tlio specter of a muiIdIiIiik cntllo Industry. A few I tit I itnj In tlio wiui luc of tlio corn rlKMiliiK senson lifted Iho depressed Imlnneo of the corn crop ntul mlilc-d million- of uusuul to ttio jleld. NoverthclcM tlio ninotint of tlio com hliortnfio lins rondo Itself felt. To msny fenders tlio corn belt cuih linn lookvd better la Wow of the ftiiiinctul Uurrjr, couihlntd with tho hluli coat of "",, tMuu-mtu ivmi me mmi i 01 "" 'ua" """ ""' ."' ""' '. held It or turned to sheep or other Hue of business In which more protlt seemed to npear. This hus sent Kivnt nuniocrs of catxcti ami other stock to I will slaughter houses. Those, liowexor, vtho stood hy the Kood heitsts ami Illicit their feeil lots im iiNiitil seoin, on tho whole, to luno fair prufpect of winning out when the "ensiling In" fever reaches tlio etui of Its course, the Ictigth of that con me do. I tioiiillui! on sv iniiiiev nml tlio turn of l-rlcvs In the corn irmle .which no mall I limy lurcciwi. 1111 tuiiiiiimieii leeu lots the smaller number of cattle that I will lie brought to n llnlsh on the short I com crop should menu n good fighting I clmuco for future satisfactory profits. 'luo cattle Mutation Is by 110 means uulipic. Mutton iHitshcr are loudly complaliittig of uupreatalila oporatlous. Hut, theu, this Is one of the usual mut ton ccnts of the holiday m-iisou. The great International Iho stock show at Chicago has demonstrated again that American beef llulshers mnj' challenge tho world with their prod ucts. Hut lu rvsH-ct to prices obtained for fat cnltlu It proved a sora dlsap. polntmeut to tho producers. While tho demand at the show auction mile was keen, buyers Indulged lu no fancy run of prices. The fact that tho cham pion car lot of the show went to tho scales nt 13 per hundredweight as J,Ruln8t S7 last j ear Is evidence of the sucevss with which killers kept prices on n basis that they claim to tm Justi fied by present business condition. L'ustlutcd praUu for the quality Of the catt'o hardly atoned for unprecedent ed ly small values. Kit dollars and forty-eight cents was tho average price per hundredweight real I ml on car lots. Fsidlng Bttf and Milk Stock. Now that tho beef and milk combina tion promises to bv lu greater fator lu this country It Is of Interest to farm era to kuow Mimethlng of tha methods of the past masters In Iho art of pro ducing dual purjxwo cattle. 1'ngllsh breeders of dual purnose animals tery rarely allow th,c,t,r young utock to suckle. Hull calves nro, fei on whole milk or on a gruel of whole milk or rklm milk with flaxseed meal, cornmeal or oat Weal. As they grow pjder barley meal, cotton cake, roots aud liny nrc niWi-il to tbo ration and the milk decreased. A rather fleshy condition Is usually sought for. Dual purpose heifer calves nro fed on skim milk and grain rations, aud largo amounts of proprietary calf foods an used. Hklm milk rations are usually prepared by boiling tho grain In wnler and adding to the milk while The Pioneer Telefcra)li aod Telephone Company Telegrams I'orwanlcd to Any Part of the World. Direct Telephone Communication with Portland, Prineville ami all Pacific Coast cities. Public Pay Stations In Hank HuMlng at fiend, at Laid law and Powell Iluttcs. Messenger service to any part of Crook County louth of Crooked Itlver. sDOYOUWANTA, HOMESTEAD WALKER VALLEY REALTY CO. HOSLAND ORHOON CORReSI'ONDUNCII SOLICimD POLK'S GAZETTEER i A I III III II SSI I Wf. I I.IU r.t HHali (lllu Town ntl yillatu (n qt-egtvn mid VtihliiKton, Kivlnir a DMrlMiv Hhli'iinir racllltlet And CJamU J4 Dlreciory at caJi JJuiliufn nuu i-ruivvpinn. II. I. I-OI.K CO., lac. .f . !-:-, - s.w. Deschiites Lodgi? No. 103 Knights pt, Pythias KeKiilar meetings the iiccouil nml fourth Wcilursilays if inch i)outli. Vltltlim l .tt..1.l J ,il, ,tm,u .. nl.... niniii. iinuin I1WIIUIIIV. I (.has. II llnnus. (V (V ClXJU.V.XCOWJ,K.fctr J NOTICK V0 rUW-lOATION. ltMiliiitiiUriliclillMlr, t , H, Ltniil OHIct st The l.ll', Urrpiii, tKH.tinttf l!, IV-Ji Notice I lirfctiy sttvru tli4t l.ulliieill .Mccninti pIIUt ill limit. t-HMk Coiiuly. )lSHi 0 " llh iln)-ill I'clilMHiy, I'M- Ctnlmmil iim Uui Hit M At 11.1I.I, Wllll.m Arnold. .Utxtl C l.iir, ''i"" C U hllUil mul 1'nif.l A. 1I1IIM1, ll t'l IN"'. (IKIIDII .IjHfj C W MOUIUMIriMfl NOTICU FOR 1'UI1I.ICTI0N. UMiliHtnl i.flht liilnliw. V r. Mint UlH l Tli IMtM, Oiritii. IhirmUl i-lli, i Notice U linrtiy slvrn lll Cuts Jaur. of rilutvltlc llf"il. wiui. nil NmrinMr illli. ItllCNlhiii, WlUl iiiS. niA.lr TlmUr miilHIunr Al'l'llmlt. a nin. fm rlt. Mltf mi.I U'H HKli, N. .1". nu.lr Tliiim r xiiii riunr n Ti. iji.k iiit.w i , in. m.ii nutKt r i l.iilUm In iii.We I liinl Tlmlwr sinl hlmir l-if, lu r.Ul.lKli il.li" t Hi Willi lKHrltllil, Utiiivll C lltlii. I'lilli.l HUlr tSmnnlxlMiirr. l 1,1. ultuT.nl IUiil,OiriMi,uiillit iiU lr ul Murvh, li). Ctaliimiil iinnifi nlliir. IwkiiIi N lluulrt ml WltlUm II Mssltnr Ikml, lllfCM. lurl A IlllfoU mul Mary ti I'lllull uf I'llitolllr, il )tsii ilfl r. W .lnmtt Mrllrr, NOTICU FOIt 1'UDMCATION. Iuiltnf Ml of III lutrllor. V. S. Unit Oftkt l The Italic, Otrsmi, " No. ij ly Nutlet I. Iirttliy iii Hut -l,rnil I). Mr ft ufllrnil, Olrjtoii. win, ml .uu.l lli. ivM. mtilr llinnclniil llnliy no lii,li.r .-iiv, rwc llollS, 1 w. iSHuulli, rH(r II II W M. h.. rilnl iiiillccul liilriilliiu li in.Vr flii.l nr )! rmmf. Iiir.tnl.li.il cUlm lu Ihe I'ml l-J-f ilc Kiltml, Utotvll. C. I'.llli. t'lillnl Mtr. Cum- mlnluncr. l lil. unicr l ikihI. crwiK -.uuuiy, Oirtiiii.un thf lliil.' i.f J.niHiiy, li"(. Claimant iiaint. Mltnr.M. Juiur It Klt.1, Irvliis J. Kt.l. Aillmrll Itly. tltvric luto, slf oriltiiif, r(n. ltd O W MDORIt, Mfll Applications for (Iraxlng Permits. NOTICIIUIirutysl'tnth.t all ft4lrtlen lur ticfiHlU In sri.r cattlr, hMKi nih! .n.fp Mllhlnlhr IIKxOIUriW NATIONAL MIHlWr tliirliif lh mmii ut ivv. ihu.i lw filnl m my omtf at I'rliicilllr, (Hr.. on cr l(n Hrtrfu.ty i. ly-l i mi ntiurntaiHio in iff ai.i in inr afnt In let:, to t- tli.riril ami ll.nV tornt. I l iimiI In maVln( 'lklHn oltl lw fnlnl.hnl UH)ii rniif.t. A. H. IKKI.ANII, 41 Surilr. OFFICIAL DIKKCTOKY. UNITltD 8TATIUI lit JJrnt .. .... . Th.terr RarU VWc-rrcUlrnl Chillf. W. I'slitwnV. Nrtrttaryofhl.tr- . . IHIliu Hoot Bxorlaryr.f Trra.ury ....(ltorsr II Cestrlynn hrtrtLryoflntfiUx .... . tnr. K ttarSiM Rotryo(War I.mIc It Wilalit rtrtrttaryof Nary ,...... C J. JWnaitc Hrtrrlary of CoraniriCT. ...(Mar Mrsu.. l-DMma.lrr Crnrral.....tlrorit Von I, Jtcjtr Attutuf y llrnrral .William II. Moly Ikvittaty of Airlrnltiirf ...-. ..-..J. tnr. VVitwu TATIt Uorctuor . C.rorjt It. CharnUilalii HmtUry of Stair V. W. Itcnwn Trra.urrr (...Klt Attorney C.nrr.t A. M.Crawluril Knpl. IMUIe lu.tiu(tloa J. II. Adtrnian Mate I1! Inter W. H. Dunnlw Dairy ami fowl Conimlnloiir... I, W tultry Commluloncr uf Lahor RUtlUka... . O. I. HvR (Tlina. K Camplll KallriMit Commlwloner .. (Cltlr II. Alldilwii O.wahl Wr Cam suit forestry Warden. K. 0. Sliriuaon Hlatr l!H(lnetr ... V, H. Senator., Cenarraamrn Hupieiue Judf,e .... - Jehn It UU t C. W. Fulton ' " I J. honine. Jr I W. C llawley "'I W. K. lUlla -I N.H.tkaii V "A. tlavrr K. lUVIu BltVltNTII JUDICIAL DIHTKICT Jmlse..........r W, I lit-ail.haw Altorney.-....:....M...'rta w, Wllaun CKOOK CUUNTV Juitge... ....m.m..........., . c. Itllli Cl.rk ............... Wiii.ii iiiumii HtierllT.. ............. ,. Treaiurrr .... Ator . .. . Kclioo! Huxrlulcnileiit., Kurrryor , Coniinlxlnnrri .... I'l.nW llWIn. .....V. V. KIiik M. Ul'bllellr ...... M. A. I'onl --....Vrnl A. Kic I U. II. Ilatlry Tin: courts, Ciacvir Coikt - llial Motulay In May, lliliil ipituay in tjfietier . rsosATM CoiiT-r1r.l Monday In rath month COMUIMIiiNI sa' CiHJM I'll.t Wnlurailay in January, ann, iay, July, hcilcinhr ami Norrtiiurr. II1.MII rWlirxil. Duraicr 1(0. II, I)liect6fi.. I lohiihlel.lt It' CCr (C. V. Mtrr nlll Clerk 1.. I). Wltat (MImKiiIIiI,. Krhl 1 m Slariarrl (lltllut l Mawlc V.nUcieil MiaaMallon WleM IU. Nous NIUiaMwu 111m Cora I'timiMin Tracheri. CITV HI' llllNII , Major ...... Krcotitr.... Trra.urcr.. "V Chilli,. Ii. lunrr .11 C I'lll. ii. j. ointuir (C. H. Alilu J. .V. . 'I llriiioii lilun Auuc AUtr iucii . Hunter Uritn.t.l ICto, lirn.ttrlioii I It. A. riAthtr Blacksmithing 1 IIAVI! started up for business iu the lliiitii Illac)smltli ISIioii, ami ru. MKCtftilly solicit ii share of yotirKiroiioi!e. Kutls faction etiiirHiitecil In I'.VI'.KV 1'AKTlCl'I.AIl. Horseshoclntr au Juphcral Repairing J " . . aMhaBa. WiH.HEWES BcDdiOrc. uf lie n.l, Otr M, sVh. -Ih Al'tll III. 11 . in h,....r.!r.. SM'I,M, N. ? KM. lair tl'..i "l!i HCr TH i Mi Vr.r IW, I. f s I.MUh clstin 10 llir Ulit li ! " i'-V'' 11 i. .mi. n..ii..iMi.ii. t'liiiiiiiiMlBhtr. til lu. NOTIOK FOIt PUJHilOATION, ''' ,lenliiilitiirUiIaHilur, H Mrtitl um si The tUllr. Urrion, .... loUr s. Iut Nullre It limliy slrtit Hint lliliirstt t.w"li MelUy U lflllHU... "M.wiii ...... .... tr,... ...., yri IdiiS, iit IliiiUr a nit hlniir Aplliitluii M. niil.lrllHltW, hW'KH( H. t uml Mil MlV(nC ll.TuJi M'iitli.M. Kjla.l, Will,,, of IWIIainl, l)l0ll, Mini nil hitrmtr vl rile Vlrilillan. Iiaa fltt t lliltue l.f Intention i, rlinian, naa liliu iiuinv in imrlithMl liiiilllmlirr ahit.lulif .iif, (M i.tal. ulhr lainl al.ne ilravilti.il, I.. Sue It iiiMkr liii.il lliiili.r niMi alimr i.uif, m i.ul.il.' ilaliiilullirlalnlal.iieilravllti.il, I.. pile II i Kill., P H Culiinilaaliiiirr, al till nthkr hi Hn ' IMKn, hii the I Hit itay i.f J.Mimiy, lyn Clalinanl.iamr.a. wllnr.n-s j N. II utilr, V ll Maat.. J tl. MlKay, W. I'. VamWil,1 Ut llrinl. ttir(ull, HI Hit C, W. alDilKII. IU,l.,r. NOTICK KOlt lMJMIilCVnON. IHn'iiH-nl uf the InttrWr I' H l.an.l tlir-ieat The 11.11.., (Iirmii, ltmtt ). H Nlks I. htittiy slirn thai tianktl miliar, uf Keinl. Dirjiin, Mini, mi (Mumi t, inaitr lli.iiir.lrait Knlry Nn !, lr Nll( Xw i.'. ,Ni. UKU au.lMltW hill, lliv I). In ilk M II ft . W M , In. Hint inMUe of tiltriill.m i inakr I'lnSl CiMUIiiutallun IihmI, In 4aMi ilalm tn the taint atttneileHf Uil, Ix'we II lllll., PnllnlStatr Oliiiliiliiluurr, at M. u at IKuil, Unpin, on li llliitajriifJiiiMiy i Claimant nl'i.s UneM. ltigr ll.u tlewrin-ilatra. U.oii;. A Jnnta ami Cm. Jim... alt vf IHrml, liicn 0iu O'W MCKlKIt, Mrs.Mri -..a.... notici-: i-x)ii I'umij.yno.N. I iVitmrtit of Hi Jutirlur, V- K. tml Officr l The iMllr. Oirswi. (HluUr n f Nwller I. Iiriihy (lien thai Alailha A llln.tnian of Slaters. Orrinn, who, mi )Wlruilr Illli iy m.ilr Tluit'r ainl hlin.e iiltllon ,N.i uy l.ir Hlliltt Nrr I. an I iHi.S'lllf . Mi,N! , See II. rwi UrUiutli. N la Itau. UIIUhmii lll.ll.n, h. Meil nollff t Inltnlli.n la Hul Anal tlmUl an.l .tune Wi(. lu i..aMI.M rial, tulh-l.iHt atdtvlllil. litlalr l C Illli. rj uininll.ton.r. al lila unVt at ImikI, ih. Iii,uii Hie ihil.y uf Jauuary, rA Claimant mWri W!m. .o Ivlar.l lhn I,. Knrl, ImiIIi f lKli.1. (Iifiwi; Jr. IH, VIUIK. J IIIHilUUR, lin VI PfMH. M. tn. mi pi. C W IfMlhlt Mr.Wo, NOTICK I'OIt 1'UIlIiICATION. lriHirHtuf the lNt.it. V UtvlOflkt stTht mttUa.OiisMi NortmWci i U. t-r .vik I. hen hf ilitn IUI Mute KrWvfirW. i.flwn.1 i)(ru, .!, nn rvtuWr Mk i--mm4t Tlmtwran.1 Mvur A'ttlalKn Na oik be 11 1. MIS nV( Nnr Kau-I IX I anal S) , NWif.nrt. i. Tt irn . K. ii ii. w. l , Im. ftktl imIhit ul liil.uliwi la male I'la.t UnW i ami .luur I'liwf, to e.taMl.b el.lm Ih iImUm.1 twe Jeaerttwl. Uf-Me II. C Hill., I uHr MU CunimiMiwiir. a lit. utnr. al lxu.1, Uirpi . Ihe liil ilay w January, ly- VUlHiaul UAwe.a.mtMtMt u.iti N. IIhmi r William II Mat. Iran I, aWuSiM, Ckall.- II liiswnaul hlwrr ,M.M(ir. alt f Hi t)re(un uivjn C W. IOOMII.Mr(4.ler NOTICK I-X)It FUHLICATION. lierailruenl of the lntnkir, I' H ftfl OOVr Tkt lillr, llrrrwn. NortuiUr iUi ly .Vulkr Ii lurt hy siren thai Cora A. r.f(iirin, rifllenil (Her on. oh., on lane 4tt lH. Ha. I. llome.ra. llHlry (Herl.t No aii.1), S iiw.i lur WHSIlL.Hftif 'K He Sj. MIlM Nl',' ! M, TK i H , M lIL. l lia.ftloliiolkr uf Intention la m.le Hnat CiMninulallon I'lw.t. lur.uUl.h ll.lin In the I. ml slmr itewllW.I. Ufurc II C Illli.. I ulliil Malra Cumml..UnM at hi. onVe, al Ikud, Oiifoit, on lh h Ua) ul IkniiiUr, Iv. Italutanl namcaai MllneMra Arthur ft. I'l. WlllUm J. Jlrtllltuay, WIIIUui Arnold and IMM ' I'rriiuon, all ut Ku., Orrinn. Mll C W.MOOHIt, Mrifl.tcl NOTICK KOJt PUIHilCATIpN.- le-.itniiit of Ihe Inter Ur, I MiidOActal MVerlrw, Oiegati, NaitinUl Naikou herrhy ilrrnlhal , I'ranV II 'ail. of I..ULW, Otrj-oii. Mho, mi Nu . I 'A, imI i.i ij.Hii4n-.iirr TluiUr simI Mu aiiMhmIIsh. 7ia in. M Mu a.HlNUMV.Ii Mr i.Tii. liH, M if I W if , ha. fjfnl uotlr nf li.lauli.ni i . na. uir.1 urfif nr iuiuii.h iy .u. iHale Final TlmUr ami Hluur I'n.if. lur.laUl.h ilaim lolhr lamlaliurdMillml, Ufarr II. C. Ifllw. U H Cuniinl.tJolirff ! hi. nthjm &l Iu.m.1 ?l,.a Oil Ihr Jill day ul I'f uruaiy, iyo. Claimant name, aa nllurawa Wllll.m II HtaaU. lowlih ? Ilunlr. m.I f-l...l Ii iu.u ofllell.l.Olrjou.andJohn ltlmaofHl.tlt,(lirvH "'J N WATMIX, Krsfilil NOTIOK KOlt PUlHiICATldS'. IHtuMliiient of the liitHtsr V. n. Und OflUt at The lallr,r)rki. NotdiilKf Mh, . Notice Ii huihy Blrtn IhM Jaraia It I'all. cfThr Datlta, Oirsuii Mho NuirniUr I'lh 1. inailr Tlmtr Sluur Alilllatlai N.i. ivjt. fur nlllf NHU. I'.i, KltW. HV( hlik, N. Jl. fp. iv n . k IJ It . W l..lia. rieil nllr ul liit.iilliiu lulu.V.e (iiallliuUr aud iluur I'lmrf. laaiak.lHl.lldlkaS..l. a., il. a-.k .a a Til a ,w .(.. ii.ii. ihihi iu inr lauu aianr uewriiH.i, hrforcllirlteiil.lrranil Krcetirr ur Ihr t'ullr.l rtlalia Uml llrnt. at The Italics. Olefin, on Ih. ltd ilay u( I'ehnuiry, lw Claluianl natnta a. iilturi.r. JtUh.nl p.oniier,VillaniCI Maauu, lleihril CaNNln ham ami .Nil Mclntwh, oil of rhc Dalle., drr on, j'tl C W. MOOUK, Hift.tir CONTHST NOTICK. Ieiailiiieiiliifir Interior, V. . Mud onicr al Tin Hatha. Oiuwi, Nutrettiher IS, lyst A ufTuleul euiile.l amdaill havlui Uen file. I III ll.la J. IC.a t... SIS a... " ,i, . ..Mni i7 iiiiiier ni.nuiierk com. ilunl. .i.i'm ..oii...iea.i i-eriai ii erlal Nn ui.Mil ruti) . r I, tv"i, for Ht.hi'if h i, flaiinr ii It W M. hy wd, rutitr.ter, in nhlcti A IJI, luailr Dri-emlier lion 1, TMi I Kotilli iiiuiiy ii.niii liallesnllha ill, ilrcra esril that .aid rnlrvMiimaii ,iir.l m, ... .iu.i April iy, iui;. that prior lu her dralli lie holt StNllulniied aAl.1 Irarl llial .1,. .... ..ln...l urliniiiuvedajld tract or rniitrd the aamr In 11 dour, Ihallhticarr no known hrlia nf mMi-ii irywoiuaii thai II there are sn lull. iif.j rn trvMonian 111., bi. mil lauu ... .i-... .1... I ,.; , - .- -; ........ .n., ,m nt.i.iii, iii.i U nee her death uu lirlrn or ieiaoiil rrprcicntH "-' '. ' . -... i.i iiuiii nur naa hiiiuiiv t.iiielncl.ini her .rnMy thai aald slleffl nhKiiciiiiiotdiir tiiacrvlc In the ariu),iiaiy or iiiaihts turps vl the I'nlinl .tale, hi .fuie i.t Kal'l oilleiarelicrehyiiolini;il Io appear, re inimt, and ntl.rrildence touchlii aMil Slle salluu helurc 11 i? "tioct. A. M. on luuiuirv . iu,... C. I'.llla, a I! M. I'OlllllllMliiiirr di i,f: ?.nf " 't.'"'.' 'Ki.iI lhal Dual hearlmi Mil livhildal m u'cuaI. n in on January i". Wi-11"" 'he Megl.nr nml Meirfier ut liiJ v.uini mmn i.kiiii inner ill inr luiica, uttnuii TliSnlilcniilrtnllisluv, In u proiwr hill ilavll Aid! NoitinUr I), lyuS. art forth fun. Mhlchahuwlhat nr due illlljcncr pcraonal yerelrr uf jhl. iioilcc run not he made. lit. hen hy onlertil slid illicctdUIwi audi uollcc be tin u by due suit pron;r Hihllralioii. ''"lw C. W. MOORK. Itruuttr. FOLET.H(rNBY-TAR J aUaM Ud MtttuOft Mktt UHl taMl