I Aunt Diana : J The Sunshine J 5 of the Family J CIIATTOlt V. (Continued.) "Tap, dear, jou will not go Into the ttudy to-night." observed Mabel, In a coaxing tone, a Mr. Merle looked At the door, a though he Intended to follow Topple's example; "please pome with us Into the drawing room. And Ijvlll make you so comfortable." "Very well," was hi good-humored An swer, as lu cot up a little wearily from hl chAlr. Alison waited a moment before she. fol lowed them, "Are you not coming, too?" she asked, a Boger threw himself down on An easy chair linger shook Id head smilingly. "Itudel haii got to do. his lessons. Mi tie nerer admit him Into the draw Ins room of An evening. She snyslL 1 not Mie room for lioys. 1 generaiTv keop Itudel company or go out and Amine my elf" "But not to-night, dear." she returned, gently. And he got up At one?. Itudel looked up nther wistfully. "I iiave Almost A mind to come, too." he muttered, but an Boger iull, hastily, "Better not, Bne, we don't wnnt any row to-ntght, Allon Is tired." he remained. Al on threw a ctUIca! glance Around the room as she entered It. No changes had been effected since she bad last en tered It. Mis Leigh Mt bolt upright by the big round table, with her work-baket and a pile of the hoj' sock. Mr. Merle had a little table And A reading .lamp to him self and Mlle sat on a stool at bis feet with a novel on her lap. Altson guessed at once that this was their ordinary po sition "Oh. Is that you, Boger? Vou don't often honor us with your company of an erening." observed Mlstie, with a tos of her pretty heAd. "This Is a compliment to you, Alison, I suppose' "We ought to put our books away to night," said Mr. Merle, rousing himself reluctantly, and making Alison feel as If he were treating her like a visitor "Mabel, my dear, suppose you glre us one of your little songs?" "No, indeed, pipi" returned Allon, eagerly, "I hope you will go on Just the aame as though 1 were not here. Of court I should like to hear Mabel sing, but not If It disturbs you." "db, I always sing to papa of an eren ing," replied Mlaale, walking to the piano with much dignity. "Itoger, I think you might offer to light those candles for me. but you boys hare no idea of waiting upon ladle. You will And them dread fully rough, Alison." "On the contrary,. I am rather fond of waiting upon ladle,'1 was Itoger' non chalant answer, laying a peculiar stress on the last word that brought an angry flush to Minnie's fart. "I alnays wait on ou, do I not. Miss Leigh" "Yes, indeed. Mr. Itoger, I always say you are so kind and thoughtful." MIIe struck a chord sharply. "If you will be good enough to leave off talking I will commence my song." she said, crow ly, ami as Itoger nude a low bow and retired she began the prelude of a Her man song Alison listened with much pleasure. Among her other natural gifts, MIssle certainly (assessed a very good voice, and It bad been evidently well trained. Her notes were clear and sweet, and If she could only bare got rid of a certain af fectation In her style, Alim could hare praised her still more warmly. As It was, her admiration was so sin cere that MIssle began to thaw for the first time "I suppose jou sing?" she said, a little bluntly. "Not much. I certainly can not com pare my voice to yours," was the modest reply, "hut I am fond of Instrumental music, and play a gogd deal.' "Thru )ou will l able to play my ac companiments," returned Mattel, bright ening still more. "Will ou take my place, Alison? I'apa will like to hear jou I nm sure." "Not to-night,' returned Alison, feeling As though she were not capable of any further effort. "I am rattier tired, and if papa would excuse me I think I should like to go to bed." "By all means, my lote," observed Mr. Merle, looking up from his book. 'Tus sle, dear, I hope everything is comfort able for your sister. Never ralud singing to me to-night, If there is anything you can do to help Alison." "I will come with you and see," return ed MIssle. a little ungraciously, and though Alison would rather have dlspen ed with her company, she thought It bet ter policy to accept this faint offer of help. On the landing MIssle stopited, and said, rather awkkardly, "I hcp jou don't mind about the change of rooms, Alison, but as jou do not live at home, I thought I could please myself." "I suppose I have come home to live now," returned her sister, wearily j "but If jou do not want to give It up, Mabel, I will try to be content with my present one; I only want things to be comforta ble, ond to do my best for you all." "Oil, as to that, we have got along very well," returned Mabel, hastily; "jou need not put yourself out on our account A pajw ay. I i grown up now near ly seventeen and able to take care of my self and other people, too, I hope you ore not going I" b we Topple j I think It is a pity waking up the child, and she Is so excitable." "I shall not wake her, but I promised to g and see her," returned Alison, with gentle firmness, a the hade Mtssle gtiod night Mlle need not have troubled her self about her little eutcr'a wnketulncs. Topple w sitting bolt upright 111 the darkness, watting for Alison. "Now for good citiMIe and a talk," she nlil, stretching nut lior arm to All ooit. "jou are a nice old thing to keep jour promise." And as Alison iil down on the little bed she forgot tier wrarlnc., imi Topple titltt her warm eheek against hers, auJ called her dear, nice Alllc. oiiatti.u vi. Alison was too tired to lie awake a moment After her head touched the pillow, and she woke so late the next morning that breakfast was already over, and Miss Loigh sent up a message by Topple, beg ging her to lie still and rest herself, as her father and Itoger had already pine to the mill, and she would send her up some breakfast. "Aunt Diana would call this a bad be ginning," thought Alison. Nevertheless, as her head still ached, she yielded to the temptation. The sun was shining Into her room, making her fed hot And rest less. And she lagged Topple to lower the blind, so that the. huge crane might not fret her ejes by Its hideous unalghtllncvs. If she couM only have shut out, too, Its incessant whir and grind I But that was impossible. As she drank her tea she looked round the shaMiy room with a strange sinking of heart and spirits. "I must wake up every morning to this," she thought, "unlets I mike An enemy of MIssle from the beginning by forcing her to resign my room. Will It not bo bet ter to endure any amount of discomfort than to do that? I will ask Auut Diana what I shall do about It. No, no," re calling herself, "I must act now on my own reiponthilIlj. Aunt Diana will think me a poor, helpless sort of a thing If I always want her as n moral crutch to supjKirt me" And with this wise resolution. Alison drccd herself quickly and finished her unpacking, after which she ensconced her self In the deserted dining room and wrote her first letter to Moss-side. A sweet. brnve little letter It was. All son touched very little on her own feel Inrs, she did not even speak of her changed room. Somehow, she had a no tion that it would vex Aunt Diana. She talked of Itoger's warm welcome and Miss I-elgh's kindness, and tried to make Aunt Dl Interested In Budel's and Toppie's droll wajs. MIssle she barely mentioned, except to say how pretty she had grown and how nicely she sung, and then went on to speak of her father's changed looks. A great many loving message, a few longing expressions for Aunt Dl herself, completed the letter. The earfy luncheon hour brought all the family together, but Alison's sense of or derliness and propriety was shocked by Itudel' rough appearance. He came In straight from school with unbrushed hair and unwashed hands, and sat down at the table, until Missle's loudly uttered in junctions, and at last bis father's curt command to make himself presentable be fore he ate hi dinner, obliged him to leave the room grumbling, nnd hi rrturn a few minutes later led to a most undig nified scene of recrimination lietween him and MIssle, carried on Mow their breaths with the utmost bitterness, with Topple listening with both her ears, In rplte of Misa Leigh's gentle reminders to go on with her dinner. But this was not the only source of discomfort to Alison; her father was evi dently In one of his gloomiest humors, something had evidently gone wrong at the mills, and, as usual, Itoger was bear ing the brunt of the annoyance. Alison's heart was full of pity as she beard the angry word that were launehed at bis unlucky bead; In her own mind she was secretly marveling at Boger'a patience. Alison who was on the verge of tears with suppressed pity, and longing to speak n won) In hi defense was moved almost to anger by the uncomern nn Missle's face, Bvldrntly she was too used to hear Itoger found fault with on every occa sion to lake any notice of It. She had finished her contest with Budel, and now sat with her usual self-satisfied look, playing with her rings and bumming a little Trench nlr to herself. Tapa. dear," she said, at last, placid ly, "do let thoe stupid sawmill alone; jou ore only exciting jourself and mak ing jourself ill. Come out into the gar den with me and Topple; It Is so cool and shady there." And as .Mr. Merle did not at once answer this appeal, she came round to him anil touched his arm. "Come, papa," she repeated still more placidly; "jou have scolded Itoger enough, and it only puts jou out. Come with me; I want you." And actually Mr Merle suffered himself to lx coaxed out of the room; and In another minute All son saw them sitting together under the lime trees, with Topple playing ou the lawn, Alison turned round to seek Boger, but be had left the room, and Itudel had followed him; only Miss I,elgh was lock ing up the tellarcttc, and Jingling her kej basket. "What doc this mean?" faltered All son. "Why does papa stieak to Itoger In this way? It Is nut right, I It?" "Come with me Into the school room," was Miss iA-igh's sensible answer to this, "as Karah will lie In directly to clear the luncheon, and we can not talk before her, I must peak to you, Alison; I must In deed." And leading tho way fo th old room Alison remembered so well, shojtlos ed the door In her tjultk, nertoUMjiuhlon, and begged Alison to take the ohIyasy chair that the room boasted. "NoJ'Indeed' returned Alison, quickly; "Topple' lit tle stool will do for me. What docs It matter where I sit, or whether one Is comfortable or not?" she continued, Im patiently, as Miss Leigh stood hesitating, "Tlease rest jourself In that big chair, for you look quite fagged and tired, and I have liad a nice rest," "I think I am nearly always tired," returned Miss Leigh, plaintively. "I It not dreadful, Alison about poor Mr, Itoger, 1 menu? If It were not for my poor blind mother, whom 1 pretty nearly support out of inj savings, I do not think I could endure this much longer. My dear," with the tears starting to her gen tle ecs. "when one gets tu niv nee one jalue pemv and kind word nm, ever,. thing, nnd that Is Just wlmt one can not get At The Holm," "Do jou mean that litis sort of thing goes ou dally?" cxilnlmcd Alison, turning her Mushed face to the gorernens. "Do jou mean," bringing out her words with dllllculty, "thnt iapa often ghrs Bger all this to hear?" "Well, my dear, one must not exag gerate. Thing are not alwnj going ...... . ' . - wrong at me mm, oi course; nun some- communion io inc noise .nuiii times we cnii cut our meals In peace; New J made by that Kctillcm.in, ho is but jour poor dear father me hardly a rancher near N.imn.v likes to bluiiie him to hi own child I "1 be editor of the Capital New li.iv Is ery often hard ou Mr, Itoger. It IttR kiiully cnciHiMKcd me to write a seem. to me as though nothing Mr. Boger little more on the subject of sheep on can do plcac jour father, and a If llie farm, I will try to nic a few Ii Mabel can do no wrong In hi ejes. You "f" on w hat I mc done in a mimIi can see for yourself, Alison, the lullu-,)' T'ec ar,,c,T are """ ence she has over him" for cntcrtaiijiiicut. but arc triclly for "Ye. I see; but I au not understand bulnci Mjrlin ye lamlmiN nw. It. When I wa last at home MUslo l,ac "'V ''.'".'VL ff, ' X was only a child, nnd jet. though she I JiH,MoS N or K not seventeen, and ought to In the W fiV? ? J "Uh IL Zl school room And under jour care, she ' rXne 'ami i like to have' the seem completely mistress. .. I latiiti come early, so I can Kisc llicm "She Is neer In the school room now, i , ,. aiCnij0 returned Mb llgh. leaning back wear- T)c 0c ,ime ,,n, )0 , ook lly In the armchair. "Nm.etlmes I"'af,cr ,1CC,, , in lambliiK If weather comes In to Interfere with Topple and find i, col() ,,cy uy c, , ,!(!,. atei. fault with some of my arrangement. But I, ionay a ,tl,cr will not own her she ha coaxed joilr father Into giving . i,mi, ,mi j ea,e f t(n. Votl mint her Trench and singing lesson with her friend, the Hardwlcks, and for month she ha rrfucd to oik-ii een a history ; And jet Jou hate no Idea how Ignorant she Is. Nothing but mischief lias result ed from her Intimacy with I'ta Hard wick. 1 hae sken In jour father over nnd over again about It, hut he listens to Mabel's version of her friend's character, and only the other day he told me 1 must be mistaken, for l,va was a bright, high- spirited girl, and it wa all nonsense what Mr. Boger nnd I said nhoiit her." "Boger dislikes her. then?" "Oh, yes; he neer speak to her If he can help It. Site I a fine-looking girl, older than Mabel, but ntu and empty headed, thinking of nothing but balls and flirtations, and you know- how dangerous a friend nf tint sort Is to a girl of Ma bel's nge. To do Mabel Justice, she wns not half so aln and fond of irrwi and finery until she went so much to tli llanlwltks. Ther have completely lurn - id her head. and. worst of all. Bra baa a-L .lli!- ... fi t - " - -r she was never so aggravating as she la now. Vou see, my dear. If a girl doe not bold her own home a sacred. It slit chooses n giddy young companion for her confidante, and retail lo her all that passes In her own househohl, finding fault ..r .. ,u .toger .Hvni.-e ne re- , JO -e, ,m, w,, ,,eK , MM,e o,,n. riening "" ,""" .-" " '" fuses to y her any attention and laugh ' , .1. i.,v ...,... ,.., - f.lllr ...... or close by. and all there is lo .Ht Is at all their nonsense, and that sets Ma- , I ,!, 1 j. well as their ,K't " ' M1 "t" " " mof" bel against her bfotiter. Mabel always ohen They "re Ml started and ' lAen this is w;l Hece.iarv if yon had a temper of her own." went on Ml care for themselves when prim; work ,,avc a cojole - tlnht fence, but we Iigh. feeling a sort of relief In pouring J, on. when most farmers are worked I '!' Il,.,r. .'Vi' " Z'ln.'t nut her feellncs Into Alison's ear. "but . ,l.,.1. Tl. r-,,,. ,. il,t and most of Iheni like to RO into their with her own people, and listening lo her tircly different businesses! The ramje friend's estimate of them, she insy end man. from a motley point of view, just as Mabel does, In thinking her brothers 'lets his orphans die, loses stray sheep rough and unmannerly, and Topple a dls-jm the brush without bothering about agreeable little girl." lit, and the sick must Ktt well llie.it- "IKi you mean MIssle Is so dlshonora- I selves or die But such methods ou ble as to repeat to Miss I lard wick all ' the ranch would be .1 disKrare Wc that passes al The Holms?" asked All, will expect to keep a better Krade or sou. Indignantly, even pure lireds, and so cannot afford "They do not think It dishonorable," sneh losses Here is where I suffered returned Miss Ulgh. with a oulet good When I started in on sheep only one seutf. which Alison had never credited man that I knew of vyas liandlitiB them her. Y..ii .. m.i-i 11- Mr. ,.e on the ranch, nml I lis.l no one to ask wwn,n r.u.i ..... ....... ... i...- ... eireis from her. If Bta come, this af- lernoon. all that pas.e,l at ihe h.noheon .able .H-lween jour father and Mr. Boger ..--. ,,,.,,. ,, aim iriuwa IV ,v Ml, nil n . millrr n miru. against .Mr. Boger, nnd running would please her more than to hear of this hu- mlliatlon. I have reason lo know. All- ' son, that It Is by I,va s advhv that Mabel Intends to keep your room. I hate heard her say mjselrthat, of course, as your uome is won jiim uarringrou, jou navo resigned jour prlvlhge here ns the eldest ' daughter, ami that there Is no need for Maliel lo knock, under completely. Those . were her very wonk" , .., ... M . Alison looked grave. "Is JIU Hard- wick oflrn here?" she asked at last. "They are together ctery dnj, either here or at Brondlands the Hardwlcks house. But ns jour father objects to strangers, or, Inde ... ... . . ifcii, 10 visitors or any i kind, Bva very rarely siend thu evenings here. They wire practicing In the draw ing room this morning, nnd nflerward they went out together. There Is anoth er sister, Anna, a nice little thing, rnther Iile and delicate looking, but Ihey both snub her, I suppose that mattes Mr. Bog er kind to her when she comes, for her sister certainly slights her, and Air, Boger alwajs stands up for etrf one but him self." "It seems odd, my saying all this to jou, Alison," observed Miss Leigh, after a pause; "fur jou are juuug yourself; but jou were never flighty and easily led, as Mabel Is. I believe she has her good points; she Is really v.ry much at tached to jour father, nnd will leave Bvn sometimes, If he wants her; and In her own way she Is fond of Topple, (hough she tyrannizes over her. Tlirrol Topple is crying as usual ; that Is generally the end when she It long with Mabel, I sup pose, by thnt. jour fntlnr lint gone hack to the mill. I had Utter go to her, All son, If you will ezttisu me." Alison had plenty of food for medlta tlon when she wns left alone; a very dlfilcult problem was before her to solve, tf... ..... ..in I,. ..( nn ...II. ,.. nu.. How was she to gain an Influence over her faulty joung sister? (To be continued.) Tho deepening nml lengthening tho Amilwjunm Bher Imvo made aa Island out oi Capo cod. nt i, u f,r,0"' h"' w, u of ""'" stock, and of farm work except what last year instead of 13 With plenty qui. lit- nature, and who completely , a( ,,, ,.. , ,. 0 m. meh ,)f e ( ,,, ,j tlomnntei. her. would soon worm Ihe here dKht years aKo I scarcely knew , be here every month, Uktn all Ihe whole thing from her. She ha. a grudge . ,,, w,,e , MW ,. , . i. v,rv )an,. .,... ',- ,. ' , ,,,,. lttV SHEEP-RAISING ON IRRIGATED LANDS DA(0 RNCULR VLRY SUCCESSFUL , D. O. Mullen, of Nampa, fells How Ha Startad-llluttrntai Many InteroitinR Point. lite toiiowitiK article, uy w. w. .mui- leu. nf Minima. Idaho. I Olio of three The follow hiR article, by D. C Mttl- . ; --,-.---,- ,..- ,-.. ...... i ! ,cc ,,Cy keep toKelher at first We ,ac little pen to put them in, where there arc twill or mother arc in clined to leave them However, they are neutrally the best of mother, ami Kricc tner their dead lamli in a way to make your heart ache un the Much there are none of the dreadful cries of M.miiiK orphan that oit hear one the range My first sheep was one of tliee orphan We made one iit to the lambing Ktoutid, and that was all 1 ever wanted I can tun was an . ever wauiet. i can hear t)..,e rrle. let .1.1. 1 ll.n lime will come when such tliItiR. will not be tolerated There will be law lo cov over this, just as there i for feedinic ml watertiiK stock in l.iiiiui These a KatiKctuen tell me it II toll (ttss it is better to have lambs some later, so 1 l "". " .'"" 1'" ""1. ?" " "" " ,,." . ' T' ,.? W. ........ ill t. l ill. to cai. ami ! t.ivj l !. . . " . -r ssi tuv ininvniv ".n. t.mi J H hen ihey arc Umbintt that is all they have to do, while a farmer has many other thines to attend to. Condition! Differ. I find in nearly every way that sheep on the ranch and rauttc are en advice of when in trouble except the "", "". a" a. ,c, K,ew w. lo ,c'" ,lle . ,.eru,1,,i,,1.,ha. Wi'"M" 1. J,". . ?'' "''f.3 0i ( , . i..m.., -.. . v..... ...,u ... ,..,,.v. . .... cvMcnt If I could make it pay at all ,lal ally farmer nlcd to Ihe business oukIU to make a Inu thliiK of il. Dis cussions on sheep in the papers have )eCn a jircat help to me, ami may we hone these lines on 111 v mistake mav . . . .--0 help some oilier l.irmcr from roiiik i the same roii(li road I.rt us consult I together and profit by others' mis- takes. Sheep Vary. Before I give my finurcs I would like to sav that niv sheen are th eorilt-l nary scrub, ratine sheep, that I have picked up anywhere from one to half a dozen They arc all sles. and coarse ... -. ... .- .... " ""v -5 '" ""V .v.. " " and fine woo of all Krades. The one trouble n KcttiiiK started on the ranch Is that range men don't want to sell a am hundred or two, so you have to pick them up wherever you can. So mine otphan losses in .1 financial way arc ' V.?, i..T7 TCLX 1 . "77 7' ""-" ;! " "" al'o favorable t ranch sheep Weal- '"U '" 'hIj!,t7 i..,. thftn h"r1,H W,,W " '""' "M-wftil wajshaveafewforsomeuliavoidable p ,(J ,'" ,,hLJ "'"' V, ff " w l"f " l"' '-l. " l- reason but we raise tbem 011 cow's rUI ' '"VA V.'.Ji"1.... .?' V-mMI well t.f elhiwimm. clHwr al nil ,.Mi,,iK "-'V ,, ,,,.i.f,.F, . ,..nv ,, .. ...., U...M .. I... ,. Iw., - .... - ....J..... ...... ...! .... .. i.... milk like a calf I IIim aulas ! a ss.l tttttit mui. lit. I jstifilliels In siliits fa f 1. 1 .. ... ....!. arc in no way a selected lot. This ,0 ,""v,r '"fl I'owder. Is tho nbovo oji simply emphasizes what I said above 1I"'ra,, a Mn i"oiiKmeutf about my making any profit Turel ". vo( mom or loss nitroglycerin e bred sheep or good grades, like any J"'""" """' eartrldges whsi. they nro other slock, will pay better than '"'"ted and this drain Into tho kiii Ih. scrubs, and I can say right here I "enth. if, us may easily happen, tba don't intend to always have scrubs; I wter hulls nwnv, Un nitroglyeorln in but they proved both cheap and profit. ( I'10 lttom of tho pan Is subjected to able, and are especially good to prac-1 tho full heat of thn enmlln Ilnmu nml tice 011, for a beginner is bound to '"ay nslly cxjihhle. Thl typo nf lose more or less, and, in fact, any one tlu.wer was the camm of nn explosion in stock must expect some losses. I In tho Cneur d'Aluno district lust 1 win oniy give my last tltrcc year' ccipls. recc 11)05 Average fleece. 10 noutids. at ISic, S1S5 11)00 Average fleece, 7 pounds, at .'DC, 1 IU. . . . . 1 iviii wcragc iicccc, uj pounui, at I0?r.V"' 1 . . 1 I his is a bid showing, as every year ny average was lower, nut let me ex- plain. In 1005 my .sheep were all good ewes, only one old range sheen In the lot, and that sheared ii pounds They averaged just a trifle less than 10 ,,n,..(.. 'PI.. .IN.I ...1. I .,,. (a m ....I i.wi.i.ua. . 1. 1. HbAi j, . ii.auc ti ii.iii inn ill .ill. ii.M.i,.... n. ..... . ... breik buying some old range peltera. yet rrcognlrcd It na a trnns.nl.slhla """' " KW,W ""'"'"''' mm " I figured that the wool and lamb dlsrnsu. It Is not snfn to huv nn anl t . 'H'Hl m,or ,("ll""d boiillloiia vnn Initi'. would pay the bill and would not mnl unless It bus beet, tested by n re.m. iMumm thnt Imtn U-otmo lliir.l from of co tint the old sl.ecn anything. Hut It ,8 veterinarian nnd found i7 1? 7,1 ' lo.itr standi. ... I... .n,i ,.s..bl.. bv i ... -.. . .-.w ... ,... ,..n,,.v ..i. mu iiuvn .in. il. . . ........ . . .,. . i mil t nan out incy oniy snearcd 4i r,.m t..i..-..,in.i. m..i.i" ...... .' ".".".:. - " .U ll naiinil. sn,l snm. .II..I ..,.. A LV." -""" USUIOUIOD UtOtO COVOrllltf tllOllt W Bll bO llg Witter fOf . .. .. , -., ...... , uouego, rutiman, .. .,.,7, . hid nn 'ttnli mid wli.il Limb there weV did ii"l ninniint to niiythiiw 'llu-c old iK.tm oi.Kiilly mc wt in tlu 'mis. and t mik- mc swcir like sixty whin I tlmk of tbem It was n bid tUtl, nnd no l.irmcr should buy one (it liny rive An old, worn out rauwe sheep Is the ncirest llmiK to liotliliin tit nil there l on enrtli Result on Lambs. 'I here were l number of lambs about a year old or le This broil hi inv nxrruKe down to seven pound ,. . .. .... il,. Hitim itltlv lo more joumi lamb My ,V,,,..r lion of very youn and very old vv.is away above the average, so It .Bopped to rt'J pound 'I Ids is lust the aver mum tliei-u (leeer in til e I'nimi o..... Idaho Ko.nu . trifle brtler I can any right here that if"id f-.lr. coarse-wool imilton sheep will shear close to 10 pound' . . In villi and twi? my wikiI was sob to a hl.le buyer, who made several rent a pound on it without iliuthl In tuiirt I was Mild direct to a wool buyer . ' 1he lamb for these three jcars re as follows IIHI1-I.uib 18 SO. wool t 44, MtJ llillrt -Ij.U.1. T4, wm $1 III, J I 14 ItttiT Land. 3thl, wool $1 at, $1 81 'I he lamb were ld to local butch crs In Nampa and llol, and weighed from 74 to loo pound The airrage Income for three jcars wa 1114, or ca'l it J I even up Tin is cttu.tl.titc lamb at 1W per cent inereate. il will erac e'oe In that with eare Till de not count loes of ewet. of which there will be at. occasional one Now, we find we can pasture U sheep on an acre, and one acre of at falla, coiiiitlnt; four tout of hy to acre, will wittier ! si.erp, ami tntt hAy'land will also furnish pasture in ttte sprlHK WM.Ie regular pssmre I Kelti.iK ,1 start, and also In the fall These two acre, one of bay and on of palure, will keep an erae of or ctsrtit in each acre, ami an Income mi, .11 ., in. v.t. .... ... t , -.- -. .i,.,M mi, n luenHie f " ,C'' ,h'H m,k ,3 IHCOtttC . I,cr. "'-, ... ,. 4.MB t,ltvll ' ."',": ' !, ',.,, their own crop on three rmt of every Now, every farmer Knows IlHIIFKr IIK'H ! til" )"'"' I " . "V""' V '" !"" t". ' I Mil "11 ftW IU f.I tllttv f!sr ,11M. ' M.i ,1 ,l- -, n.L.k. ' rutiiiintc and corral them at IllKht house In winter a farmer lias only to feed them hay, when they have lo be fed, and only when lambinu has he really lo cite them much work, but still they arc always under his eye to see that everything it koihk right Revenue From Wool. People say sheep and wont have been away up and you can't nuke such returns very h'lig Well, let u sec I sold my last wool for lt cents This tame farm wind in Ohio brouht SO cents We st.oull net the same, lets freight, or ittl or H cents, instead of IU, and we will net it when enough farmers raise sheen so it will Iw worth while for wool bujers lo imk il up As long, we have only few hundred or thou , a ""'. ' ,H",,, f1i,V",, a", ov" IN "!'.'. "a lwr.vs"1 h" l" bri,1ro",," ! " ,'1", . ' ',,?.M.iMT ....... ........ .,.. .,, ,..,...,.,, above local, or the farmers could pool and ship themselves nnd Rtt full re- turns The more that j;o into it ihe belter, so you sec I am vvorkinir for my own interests as well as neigh bors' in ibis iliseusslixi If u. .-,.. .... .. ... ...,, "Hip east, prices can drop so per cent and still we can make hihhI money or we can even cut the prices I nut right in half and still make more money tbnn selling hay at II in stack I sell "Of "V " my own sheep at in per ton '"-' kii io.ee units 01 inc crop. Q. I taw n dynntniln thawer the nth. da v eossl.tlni if 11 raek mum i.i. . TTXri 1 '', "'..ynain.it. wcrti plated, ami '"'"'ernenth the raek was a imi. of water ,,n,!,,, '' "l",, "''! ' "team given i"7.' ,,.':, w","r. l',m boiling served nrisuiu.s time -I'. H. Tlinmton, Wash Ingtou Htntii College, I'ullii.nn, n a .....! .. ....1..1.1 . intd toblif,; lud, T-VX" I uiiderttntid has been tr,,!.i.i .,i. ... - --- " nun ihiik r.ivur. it 11 itKely that tho progeny "f this bull would bu similarly t,o.f Hhoithl wo hnvo tho bull tunmlued rnht. tlvo to his health before buvlnut UN. uy...gi A. I dn not Hit.,!, m,i 1. ,. .. A. I do not think thnt becnuso the dnm of tho hull you oxnect to buv I. .,1 tho milk f.ivcr that his calves nro In. II. . ,, f 1. ""' ''! " J H'l.... . Ui.... .LU. ....- . til ISA i wvwvwwwvwv lUUeil llHI.HHH, The skill nwttllll cnlishlentblrt pec . Il" .... I" - to ....... so ,y .Iciii llm frnll nnd only strip nlT mm. third of the skin of ihi.-Ii luitutim, ami I with lt smnui loosen Hip remainder i fr,m , rnl Arraiigo flvn i.r six In it hoklitg irnti, tin' strip)! hIiIo up. Hriuost On iHicli Iny ni.o-luilf of l.iisponiifiil of butler In hits, tprlnkht Willi otto lrnMioifill of l.'lliou Jlllre, Bake for twenty minute In n hI otcu. Herw with it (hovolnln nuico or any desired hersa t'onilll, Till Into it diHiblo iH.ller a table, spoonful nf biilter. n cupful of milk, n sen lit t'lipfill of fresh, soft bmul crumb nnd two cilpfuls nf rlieeso, grnt.il CotiT nml cook until nil litter .Ileitis nr hl.'it.lnl nnd errHiiiy Add two tggs, wlilppeil light, nod stir until the mixture llthkens, rtll in it pliM-li of cnj.'liue nl.d n iMsHMuf.il of s-.lt nml tertc un t.N.st or rrorkent. IJrnliMtH MreNil, He( n sxiige its for while bnsid lt It stnml In n wnrm place nil night, ami ' the tuoriihig work Into It eiHHtgl. kisiHiiu mmr nmur n pi iiuiigii i.mi ndd In It thnv m-hiiI litlilm-Hifnls nf HHnM,-Ht Kneud tliHrooihly mxl hmV h, Umu ,,, Ma tt lmwt ,, , . . . . . .. . . . st.st.ly out.. SlolNe .'little, line larie- eup of Imitwr Nml lanl oilttsl, ottf ej. of st.gttr. twst Ihlnl of ' , rt . . . .... W ... .,,.,. 11-.-. m i-t ..ui,: s - " -...!-.- ....- .-.,- I'.r- A ll.ln.r l.rvMkri.! Illh, Toast jtHir brcMil light brown, butter and sail I l.st t Ilex whlt.t of egg Mlft nnd Idle .hi the loitsl. setpli.g .Hit it little round renter. Into this drop (Iw whole jntk He! In the t.veu nisi brown ngnlu. Tut bits of butler nod sail ami pepier ou the egg and n oil Individ ual plnli-o. rsss.it TnHtn.ne., ,t. tliills,., Teel rlw toinnti-s nnd (Kit In Hem, Jars. Tour bollliiit hoi wnier In Jar, put tn on, set In boiling water so Ihey ant nil tioenil nnd let stand until cold Hee that 1.1)1 nri' nil 011 lightly 1.111I that ruhts-ra nrn gn.M K1111 In dark plrtcc. lie sure to ue sound lie inntoea. lllnr. iliinef. Tour Inrgo .nilurti). grt.ttit; ihren M.ltld of glUM.tb.teit silgHr, one i4ftt of water, alum I ho sli of n m; (Hit the water, sugar nisi nluu. In a kotlltf. Udl slid skim, Htt In Ike .pilMK nml l.ill for leu iiilnui.'s, then turn Into Jars and seal. Hlrall ..., ' One round steak, out Into plisi- 01 Ihe desired slie, llici fried In drip plugs. When well browned sprlnkht with salt, civcr wllli hoi witter nnd simmer gently for one and mioliiilf hours. Thicken the grnvy nnd servn. I'rrnelt Nnlail llrelHit, Thru' tnblespisins of oil v i till, 01m tnlil.-Hiti vllicgur. Mix soil, red cp per, n little imislnrd nml n trim of sugar, stir siiiikiII. will, oil To ll.esu ItiKriillciits n.h thu oil nnd tlnegxr. lly suit Im.IInii I'MiirMlie, Ono pint milk, out' l.mttHMiu mmIi, two t-gs, n little mii; mix linn diioiu.i ,,' n "I"-" " l""lw lnl . ., ... .....i.., ,,,.. w".h ,ulf rJ"' '"" Uait ,,,,,u" uml two egg", n little suit; mix llrm etiotuli luohlSMcH I.) sweeten. Siium .Mrs. Hulls, Tut rookctl soup iiitsit, cold Inillea jsittiloeit mui imi. urn In the food i-lioit-per, mid pepper mid salt lo tusle, form Into balls, press Hut mid fry brown. Short NiHMlloi., To rover tl.it wtn In which llsh It cooked will iiuiku llm Il.-sh Kofi. Honey should bo kept In the ditrk If 1'iimscd lo Hul.t It will iptlildy griimi '.if.'. if tho VMHideii ihiiiilng bowl Is sI.hhI 'T ? ""r'V"'1 'li T HI .bu 110 ihlliger of lis spllttllig. Wooden lobs urn much used for washing gliihs mid delimit! tliltm, n thvri) Ih fur less risk of bmiknuo. A it1itc.lt of liorux Htlrrt'd Into n .pmrt "f ",,lu " "'i'l " w'l. If ) " jcci io tiiu ttiHtu or it ttfivr Dolling. IIiiIko noiiio okrtt In jour Kiirdcn. 9 a