The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 23, 1908, Image 8

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J. I. West returned patunlny
i citing from The Dalles, Portland,
t ad other outside points. He re
n rts that Mr. Kills, father of our
ccunty judge, is foiling rotten bci
r after aUiJEf I'rpatuieut n't tl'ltc
Allies' hospital, ani js able to get
About uillcjt rpdre (recjy xaa when
Vic left" iknd. " "Dad" visited his
daughter, Miss Iva, while iu Port
(and and says she is getting along
nicely with her violjp apd pibcr
The ladies' ftbpry Club will
jIvc another pf thpir pleasant en
'rtaintncnU on New yearls cvc.
omc sort of a program will be
..ivcti, the particulars of which
Have not jxt becu fully wprjeed out,
alter which those who wish to may
dance the old year out and the new
year in. The admission will be 25
cents. I.iht refreshments will be
sirvcd during the cyening, and
the affair will be "pulled off" in
I.ara's hall.
At a meeting of the tax payers of
t,ac Bend school district Iielu yes
t trday, it was voted to levy a tax
of nine mills to meet thp school ex
pmsesofthe current year. The
tmrd asked for a 10-niill levy in
order to dean up some indebtedness
against the district, but the tax
payers thought nine mills would be
iuihcicnt. Tuts does not impair
tic efficiency of the schools what
ever, and enough revenue will be
provided to keep them up to their
present high standard.
County Commissioner James Rice
has purchased an Internationa
1 itomobile for the purpose of get
t Jg around over the county more
rcidily while attending to thedutic
p.! his ofEct. The machine is a
tivp-seated, 25 horsepower, high
heel, solid tire rig, just the soil
u. a machine for Crook county
roads. County Judge Ellis has
also ordered one of these machines,
and when it arrives he and Com
missioner Rice will be able to load
in the entire county board and then
some and travel to any part of the
county. Commissioner Rice is
proving an Ai officer, and is at
tending to the duties of his office
with ability.
Jast Sunday "Jack," the faith
ful old bird dog belonging to A. M.
Drake, was sent to his final resting
place, and as Jack has been a good
dog, that must be dog heaven.
The old fellow was about 14 years
old and had been in such poor con
dition of late that it was deemed
best to kill him. Jack had good
blood in his veins, being a pure
bred English pointer, and in his
jounger days had been a great
hunter. Mr. Drake secured him
durjng one of his travels through
Japan, and brought him back to
if-Jaes-asssaEaaEBH-ja .
When You Paint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at the
least expense you
should use
Call for
color cards
JC At aUAI rlfcJlv
A Full Line of Groceries. Dry
IW -Hd Hardware rtvap on
&' 1
America. Jack was one of Bend's
pioneers aud had been here from
the very beginning of jhe town's
growth, Pence to hi hopes
Last Saturday nt Prinevillc the
ots on which stand the Hotel lkud
n the city of Bend were sold nt
sheriff's sale to satisfy a judgment
of something over $5,500 rendered
against Hugh Q'Knne and in favor
of A. h. Goodvyilljc, Trtjstcp. Tjj'e
property was bjd in by partjes in
behalf qf Mr. fScjcdwjlp. ''
Last Friday eyening the, eml
High School Club'tcndcrcd'a pleas
ant reception tp, a number of their
lrcnds at flic school IjujlilinR. A
club paper, cdjfed by Mjsscs Pearl
Hightower and Pprotliy School
craft, was read by tyfjjs Jfighlovvcr.
the "publkatiou" confAinjn many
items ol wit and humor. Then a
comical aud amusing play was put
on, in which Miss Pauline Wiest,
Miss Dorothy Schoolcraft. George
Vandcvert, Max Richardson and
Guy McRcynolds were each and all
stars. After the play everyone re
paired to an adjoining room where
a brilliantly lighted and decorated
Christmas tree ruled over a booth
in one comer, and from that booth
were served hot cocoa, sandwiches
and cake. During the evening the
high school presented Miss Reid
and Miss Gittius each with a fine
Chint cud and saucer ns a Christ
mas remembrance. The evening
was a wry pleasant one for those
Oliver Thorbiornson has filed a
protest against the tjmber and stone
filing of Mrs. Martha A. Hindman.
The laud in controversy was origi
nally filed upon by Mr Thorbjorn
son as a homestead. Mrs. Hind
man brought contest and won in
the local land office decision but the
case was appealed. In the mean
time Mr. Thorbjornson relinquished
his first homestead filing, and im
mediately placed another homestead
filing on the same laud, claiming
right to do so under a recent act of
congress. As soon as lie relin
quished, Mrs. Hindman's 30-day
preference right won by the con
testapplied and she placed a tim
ber and stone filing on the 'land.
Mr. Thorbjornson's protest con
sists in alleging that Mrs. Hind
man perjured herself when she
made her timber and stone filing,
aud also on the grounds that he
has a prior right to the land due to
his second homestead filing. Mrs.1
Hindman denies both these alle
gations in toto. The protest will
be beard before Commissioner Ellis
on January 19.
Mrs. McRaney's Experience.
Mrs. M. McRaney, Prcnti, Mis.,
writes: "I was confined to my lI for
three mouths with kidney ami Madder
trouble, ami was treated by two physi
cian, but failed to get relict. No human
tonjtuc can tell how I suffcrctl, and I had
j;lveii up bore of ever Kcttin well until
I becau t.tkinu Foley's Kiduvv Kcmeilt-.
.After taking two bottles I felt like a new
person, ami leel it inv duty to tell sutler
int; women what I'oley'a Kidney Rem
edy did for me." C. W. JIkkkiu.,
Ditch Land for Sale.
Potty acre tract, 20 acres irriga
ble; eight acres under cultivation.
Price, $600 cash. For particulars
write to H. Prucchtenicht, 33a
Glisou St., Portland, Or. 41-42
g HAVIJ started up for
business in the buiiu
Blacksmith Shop, and re
spectfully solicit a share
of your patronage. Satis
faction uuarilritecd in
Horseshoeing and
General Repairing
W.H.HEWES Bud, Ore.
Deschutes Uim No. 103
RttOilar meetings ti wpoiitl ami fourth
vcuuesiays or cacii inoniu. Vlsltlue
msWMMST&, C. C.
Cms. D. Rovih Ji. IL & 8.
(Con tinned from pane J.)
to do so ns nil the Protestant
churches would be represented, ntul
bring pressure to bear through pub
lic opinion on the organiser: of n
church which would not be ns
sarong as the one either ptcccdini;
it or to Ik established. This church
woljld lie advised to go a ith the
stronger body and cause its-elf to be
pRJOU OT HU.Mni.Kt).
i.'ln tunny instances owing to the
circumstances of the church the
;tate coffers of that denomination
pre often called upon to assist in
the .support of the chinch. If there
arc 20 or 30 members to the con
gregation aud another Protestant
church has, say 60 member), the
commission would step in and nd
vise the consolidation ol the two
churches, offering the Inrgei one
the rights of their belief. In this
wnv the smaller church would not
haw to leel that its pride had been
humbled as members of their own
denomination had advised the move
and not feel thai they had deserted
their own doctrines."
A committee of ten has been
chosen from each state organization
of the various denominations. He v.
Mr. Franklin of the Prcsbytctlin
state organisation, and the body
convenor, will cull the committee
together ns soon as he receives the
names of the Presbyterian commit
tee which is left to him. Once
these committees are together the
interdenominational commission will
be easily formed.
Rev. Ceorge R. Merrill of Min
neapolis, superintendent of the
Congregational Home Missionary
Society, has been instrumental in
the movement. Iu speaking of the
plan Pf. Merrill stated:
"There arc two thing? that arc
highly instrumental' iu thp farming
of the commission. Firstly, the
feeling of the amount of 'money
which is wasted in duplicating the
churches in small towns, and sec
ondly, the lack of ministers. There
is a scarcity of ministers and we
cannot afford to place two men iu a
community where otic would be a
In any community the number
of churches should be proportioned
to its religious needs. A feeble
church should be reved rather
than a new one established to be
come its rival. Those denomina
tions haying churches nearest at
hand should, other things being
recognised as equal, be recognized
as 111 the mot advantageous posi
lion to encourage aud aid a new cu
tcrprisc iu their vicinity.
"I do not believe that a com
munity iu which auy denomination
has any legitimate claim, should be
entered by another denomination
through its official agencies with
out conference with those having
claims. Iu a case of this kind the
question would be laid before the
commission and decided. Advice
would be given and would, in all
probability, be followed.
"AH these questions aud other
arguments which would arise, as is
usual between churches would be
brought before the commission.
With public opinion behind the
body, the churches would uaturnlly
accept its advice."
Commissions similar to the one
proposed in Minnesota arc iu suc
cessful operation in Vermont and
Maine, and Wisconsin is attempt
ing a similar movement.
The idea was brought to Minne
sota about seven years ago at a
meeting in Mr. Merrill's office of
the secretary of the National feder
ation of Churches and representa
tives of the various denominations
in Minnesota. Plans were laid and
adopted by the Congregational and
Presbyterian churches nt that time
but were soon abandoned. Two
years ago it was again taken up by
the Minnesota Congregational
Home Missionary Society, when its
officers were ordered to take action
regarding the plans in Minnesota.
The present movement is the re
sult, and interested persons expect
the organization of the commission
in a short time.
The Methodist church has not,
as yet, taken att action in the mat
ter, but it Is expected to follow in
the steps of the other denominations
Township nlnh for sale at thl.
office, twsij-e'. iij rjnd 0 JucJiw
i agitato ,
Qwstt Oil Her WounjU.
Often It la lucouvfnlcnt to jeet ft doc
tor for ft cut or rtliruslon whew them
ml-rdt ilrtnRvr of blood polsonlnc
tit aUch cao try this rtmplo homt
remedy: , ,
l-l..rh wnllhit lit tllrtrOllchlV Mltlf
td with aomo nutUcptlc notation nml
hm tuiLnn romncA I 111) Cllt Will often
.i. ni.iv If ilnllm wi-t In tweet oil
nrv kept on the plnco until tuo flenh
has perfectly healed.
Ona jouiib woman who last aurumcr
toro her hand badly on ft twrlwit wlr
fonew used nothltiK vise on It but thesa
meet oil clotln. kept tvnoed when
err they Rnnr dry, and bus not evcli
a senr to show for hrr Injury.
6Untirle Shirking.
The woman who does her own. nojk
should lenru Uat to flilrk scientifical
ly, This doe hot menu Ihut nho-hoiiM
Ucglevt work which should by rights
be done or that she should do It In ,
slovenly nay, but theiv uro times whan
every housekeeper must chooso wtvl
shall bo crowded out-her rest, her
chance to read a tittle, to keep In touch
with what U ffolm: on Iu too world or
the laborious and unnecessarily thor
ough uccoinplUhnmit of nil InOjcnKV
cant task. In Hint ciioo sho tdimild
uuhesltatluKbr dceljlo. that thfi Utter; s
of less Importance mid let It go i to
Cough In Plgi.
Tho common cough of pltr that
causes loss of nppottlo nnd constant
ocutv couchlnc with henvlm: of tit
flanks Is due, nccordluK to on Illinois
swine grower, to cuatlreucs. 11a has
kiM: "My remedy for cough In pig
U on In. recti oncu or twice n week
all tho oats they will cat. Tho oats
will loosen tho bowels, aud the cough
will disappear."
Swimp Fsvtr of Horses.
l'or a number of years u form of
iinnemla has bveu vlxerved In hones In
Minnesota, tho Dakota nnd Manitoba
nnd has usually leen referred to ns
strninp feter. It has caused conMd
erablo losscn lu Infected localities. He
rcntly n disease nppenred nmoug horses
lu tho lted river alley nnd apearcd
to 1 Identical with swamp fercr. A
enreful study of this disease inndo by
tho North Dakota station has not yet
(hown Its ciu-p.
Covsr the Hsstsd Horjs.
If the horse U heated he phould net
tr be loft standing uncovered, no mat
Ur what the a-callir piny '.
Iloarrc coughs and stifffy colds thai
itiitv dcielji into niieumonla ocr night
are Quickly cuted ny 1'olcv's Honey aud
T,. tl &.IIim Itilln.t.OTil i,w.ti1irtt,-
heals the lung, and expel thecnld from
me ysicm. . . .mkhhilu I'niRiti
Harness and Saddlery
Trunks and Valises
SuccesMtr to A. I.. Hunter.
The Pioneer Telegraph
and Telephone Company
Telegrams I'orwarded to Any Tart
of the World.
Telephone Communication
with I'ortUnd, rriucvlllc and all
Pacific Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
lu Dank lluldiug at Ilcud, at Uid
law ami Powell lluttcs.
Mcsscngcr service to any part of
Crook County touth of Crooked
A.riuilum olrtclor or etch City,
XJhii anil Villas in Oregon and
HBttch at ftcli olacs. Iocitilon.
iviiiiiiiiicton. icivin? a ueacrioiiva
nii,iinsr raciuiiH ibq visui
uiia rrortition.
cu 11 r.uiary di iich iiuiidih
ji. 1. i-u 1. k to., jae.
wlllt Wtu
v VyttiiwMr: tmm
Tho Central Oregon Banking
& Trust Company
sllKml, lii Iht HUIriroisim, at tlie loe f
liulii, Mnciunr ,ui, i.
Loan slut illteounlt ..
Oiciilltlla. nuiiilsmliinwdiltit ,...
IkiniU, Ktruilllc. tie.. .
lUtiVliiit liuux ami lull uu wMcli
IimIMIiik U .lUoUtl,...
I'urnllut nt (Uluit
Ihir fiinn inuinl itfnr IwnVs
Chtcki sin! mhtr rnli llnm
Cmit-tlr.!!!.. m..m..
CstH on liaml ,.... mi.i
Tolsl ,. , '
Cai'lUl Muck ilil lii... ,
I n.m Muni itrptwll ml'lnt In chit I. ..
Iitiiti.lrvillnrnlfii(ilill . ,. .
U 14
, M)i
. Mil
.. . IS
.4lJ CM
M.HM l
lmwilllloiltiitirlritaU. . J.J'MOJ
UlilHllu PlIitT thai) OiiKXsUiit tltil l,' n
llj 41
ToUt . .t.M,:'; W
lllftlr irtUrriill.eplllllV lif CfPok.Ml
I. II It. Allin, Csililtr f Hit Ulinm.l
iMiiV.iUiiHitniKirxitar imoi inc hii iir
iiKHt It Hut In Ikt U ulmir Vli.wlntiraiul
lllrl. II. It Al.l.UM. C.dilu.
Sut(tUil Slid oln lo Ufuit Hit Hit If III
ilrori)ltmKr.lyo!. ' 'C.H UltNHON. .
Nvlsry rnlilic.
OKHItCT Alttli
r e. cAk
h A. Sum
Httliiitnl oflht,
tr H. Unit Office si Tlit lltt, On son,
Hot. t. lyuS,
Nollct I1 litttliy ilitu tint
tartm O. Hint
irilinl, Oirsnn, oli. "i Augu.l nth. lyij,! I nllv Nu. Ilfcx. Ivt UHi Iwf
lloiil. T-ili, iSSniilh. Hst II It. XV, M, hi
Slril nnltcvut liiUiillmi l mW Snl v yl
iwii(. toilI.IMi 1UI111 lu Iht Unit ljir itr-
illl.lrur II (J. mil. I'nllnl HUtM Com hi "ITJit si Ittml, CimU CvMinly,
llltsuil.uil nit natTiii jaiiiiaijr. iy.
.i ... .i. .. ., i.
IMIIItaill uaniraiu miurt. jainr II. ..,
Ii-lnx 1. KttO, Allhut (1. It1r,lm Haifa, all
ufllciiil, iisii.
Il .t C W MOOKI. KrsUUf.
Applications for Oraxlng Permits.
NOTICIt U litrtbr tlim thai sll sbiJIoilloni
Ijr tciiiilla lu ciatrralllr, liurata ami ahtti,
4llhlnllicl)liSCIIUriS .VATIDMAt. t'OHItvr
.luflusthr HlMno! liv, mm! Iw Otrl In mr
It-Ktat I'tllKllllr, lift . on TO bafotf l'llillll)f
". lyv I'l'll lurmalou In usaitl lo Hit tai
iii( f.alol- ihaicnl anil ulatil frtfnu lo l
iivil In maUnx: rltllun "III lit fumUhnl
jion rtiitai. a. 1. iHi;iAiirt
(14, Mlrlair.
Vkt-Pir-Ultnt -
rtrtry of Mtt. ..
rkcttlatyofTrtaaiir) .
iWcttlaty of Inltilof .
Arvntaijruf War.. .
rWrrtlaijr of Natjr ...
Stntlarr uf Commrirt
roalmaXtr (Stuti !-.-..
ltornf Ctntral...
Stetttaty of A(iiullur
TlifOlfllt HoiMrrtll
Chulta V. I'alilonka
Illlhit Hr(
.(Itufir II, Coittljou
. .. . iuH. llaiRttil
.. . -I.uVt It. Wll,M
C. J. pnnaiatllt
..... . OMarStraiua
....Otof it Von I Sltjtf
WUIUm H. loly
. -Jainca Wllaon
llOTttnor ....
tcrtUry of Stale
, Otorjt It. ChamUtlaln
... I'. V lltiiann
O A. Slrtl
. ..A.M Crawford
llotnty Otutrat ..
Hupl luUle In.triKllon
Hutt I'rtulcr
J II AcKcrmaH
W H nunalnay
(alty aul 1'oo.t ConitulMluiitr.
J W. rullty
Conimlaalonrr of talr StalltUca
.O f. Hon
ilho K Crn.lll
Ctrtl II. AlKlilaon
HiaM U'tal
Uamt an J r-'oicury WaiJn.....K. O, Bltrtnaon
Hlalt I'nslnrtr. ..
.....Johti II. IrTOlt
I C W. I'ullon
"" "' 1 1 Houmt.Jr
v. c. ni
V. H.imia
t" ,Snlors
Suprrmr )t(tt ......
...Jf A
(K. H
Judft ....-........... ... V I, lira.liha
II01 ntjf. ... .frtd W. VIIqu
)' --.....-m.... 11 e. inn.
ttrk ........ ,.,..n.Varrrti tiioain
Hicrtir................. I'ranW I Uln.
rrtaauitr ---...... . V. )'. Kln(
Aaaraaor .... I) Ml'i.lUtlc
School HuiwrhitcnJf nt.....,. . H. A. I'oiil
u(r-)fOr...... ...... t'11,1 A, Kl
Coramlealontra.. .. I " " "'
1 jsi ntsT
Cikcvit Covsr I'lral MomUy In JljjtMrJ
MoiHlay In IMIuWr.
roAta Ciiear-1 Irit Monday In tacli month.
Commission-.!,' Ciusr - I'lral Wcdntxlaj
In January, Hatch, May, July, StpltmUi
aud NoirmUr.
Ukmii School District No, 11,
1 Joint Rl
... tr c c
cc. w.
oliii Rtrldl
.. . L, II. Wltal
f Mlaa Kutli Ucl.l
j HIm Marsirtl illuiua
, HIm Slaiult Vamlctrrt
" Mi. Sl.lKni M,I
JIlM.Nona HIclianlMii
l.MlaCot t'criii-uu
Mayor ,
..Chtttt D, Kowt
.It. C. Itllla
11. J. Ortituil
C. H. Iknaou
Anton Aunt
J. M. Hunter
C. St. Ktitflrld
llco, llrualcrhoiia
lit. A. hallitr
Bursa Boldsi Pravant lnkumerda
Registered Stock
H Poland H
0 Chinas 0
G Duroc G
S Jerseys S
liUck Ungshan Chickens.
Ld'AKt, Bedmosd, Orel
IWiviilintiit of the Intfilnr,
I" H, Mud Office t 1 lie lu, Oitsuii,
"iKtiiVi t v !
Nollet la htltliy nlvrll tlltl
Iruncaii Ijinauit McKay
uf IMillflMil, Oirsnn. wlin on Stpiinlwr tli
IU.HI, mailf TtmUl ami Slnnt Api'lkullon Nn,
niMl.lm Itl.SltV, HWIfHHM' Sluf Nltl
NHU'?' HTli, MrWiilli, H.1I Jta.l, Wlilsiir,
tilt Mtiidlan, Itfia lilnl millet uf Inlrlilluii In
nlaVr SiialllmUr and alont piuof, In t'talilLti
claim In Hit land alairt dtHiil-rd, dtfuit II I'l
I'lIK I'. H Ciiiiiliilaalontr, M lilaotnit at ll-lnl,
(litsvn, on Hit IMIi ilay uf J.MiliHy, lony. I, N, llnntrr,
W, It Slaata, J II McKay, XV l'i VauJlMd, all
of llrnd, Oltsuili 'I
nrt t C.U' MtXIHIt. HtsUIrr,
IWiniid uf Hit Inlrilur
I' S. I.asj Utr at Tlit llollta, Olffotl,
IHvttnvtr J, Iy4.
Nutlet It hml'y (btn that
I'tatiV O, Minor,
of Htli.1, (Itrct'it, wli, nn (Moltr ll't. lut.
mailt Huiiitaliail linlty Nn. ,('t NKU MV
'(.N'lSKM anil Slt)( SI'.U rttv. If. 1 p. It S
H II II, W M Imlilr.l wit let uf (nttnllmi In
inaVt I Inal Coniiuiitaltoii 1'niof, In talaUl'li
claim In Hit laml atmrt tlractltvd, ln'mt II V
CHI. t'nllnlsialtt i'liminlMluiitr, at 1.1 ult
I licnd, Orttvn.on Hit Mtli ilayutjsnuary iV.
CUImaul namtasa wllntawa llrtl(t Haifa,
ttttirte llatra, Omrtt A. Jxita anil toia A.
Jimra, all of Ikml, On gull
Uflij C.W. MOOKIt, MrsUIrr
IHrtailmtulufllit liilttlur,
l', S, Lsint Onict si 1 lit Halite, Of r on,
. . . OvtoUe , lo.
Nollct la hctiliy slitu Dial
Mattlia A. Illndinan
of Slalrrt, (Ktgon, tm. on StHnnUi Mill, l.v ,
maitrTlMilwr ami Stunt Aw.llo.Uoii (in, ia,
lor Hl!nl(i( rttr i.anl lt',Nltf,NW NI(W
KrC II, T"i. laiMHllh, K lu Kail. WlllaMirllt
Milllan,l,aa Stril nultrt uf lultnllon In matt
Sual llinhti ami Hunt liruf, IA taUUIih tlllii
lulh-lan.l alit ilr-vtlt-ol, l-Mt II. V I'llla,
I' s, ConimiwUinar, si hit vnlc al )irtd, Ott
tun, mi Iht lyli ilay uf January, tf'h
Claimant liaiuta aa aillntawt l,fun I'rlaf alt
John I- Kttrtr, ImiIN of Itoud, lltrsun jewt
will, Cliailet J. Illiiiliiiaii, Uilh uf N-uit, Ota
mi lie. c M' MXiMlt Hlt.r
lrtaltnitHl oflht Utulf
V S, Ul OlDtt si The Ultra. Otff mi
NirftnfVtr lilh, t,
Notkt le hllly slifn Dial
I.I 1 1 It I', ScuAell,
uflWn.l, Otrini, mi, on Itlh. ).
milt Tlnilxr ami htuiia Afulkalloil Nn nu.
lit IM 4. MH. "i( iwe Itaml IM I ami NKV,
NWU.Stf l.Ti lH,M. II II U' M . ha.
AIM milk, of inlaiilum lu niakt f Inal lltntxl
ami alont I'lntf. tu tlhll. claim la Ihclaml
atMit Jeacfllxil. Uf'irt II C Itllla, I'nllttl Malta
(.'minil-aloncr, at hteoffltr, st Html, l)tt(ii nn
Iht IJfl ilay ol January, !..
llalinaulnamtaaawllnttMa ori.hf Haul
tr UltlUinll Maala, Itan I. HruScht, Chailia
II llio-io and Itlmrr Nlanut r, all of tttml
MI--J-1 C W. MOtlKIt, Ued-ltr
tv-Mitrutnl oflht Intttlof,
V S I.anl omctatThtimtrt.Ot, ton,
Nvituilitr iyb. i-..
Nollct It lieitby slttn that
Cots A. I'rrinaon,
of tlcml, Ottsoti, wha, nn Junt Mil lyia,
llointattail KiilrrllKrlal No olSiil, No, IiW.i
for WS HW4. '(( NWtf rVc. ej. nilK NlfV
Str 4. Tli i H,, H. II M.. U . M ha, BU.I nolkt
if Itiltnllmi la i,tlt final Cimtinulallon Citif
In c.latJI.h tlalm In Hit lan.l aMur iltacrll-nt,
txfntr II t liltla, l nllnl Malta Cimiinluninrr
al hli ulurt, al llln.l, Ol,guii,ou Iht Mil iLy l, I
iKTtiuUr, tvi.
tlalnianl nainraaallntawa Attliur II Itly
William J. llllll,t., William AtmiU and John
I'rtsuum, all of IHrnl, Oirron,
iiiMlyi c w moos I- atiiiitr
DtfMilintutoflht tlllii,
t S, ..and OtTWc si IjVtl Itw. Utrinn.
....... . as -"
Naetce la littfby (Iran that
I'lMiL II M.ilon,
of Laktlaw, Oirsoii, who, on Nut I. I'a, inaJt
Tlmlr ami Mon Aiii.lkallon, Nu a-n, for ttt,
NWU ami MM Att U Sr . Tp i K . M II II
w M . hat Slut nullcr of luliul'on In inakt
llnal Tlnil-rl and Slunt Ifouf. lotalabllth claim
lalhclattlahurtiltK(lltil, htlurr II C I till.
I'. H tomuilMloiirr hUolfkt at Utnd.UliKou,
on Iht Jill iU) uf rtlirnaiy. ;h
CUImaul nainta na vllnrtwa tVllllani II
Slaata, Jo-tfiliN llmilcr and Chailta II, llttmu
of ln.l, Onion, an.t John llhMaofMMtia.Ortcou
d 'J J. N XVATMIN Kffl.lrr
Itcpaitiiifui oflht Inlcilor
I . H. (.and OAlct st Tlit tiallta.Oitrau,
Nottiut-rr iyh,l t
Nollct U fctreby siren that
lanita If Vail.
of Tlit llallta, flrtfon, who, nn NoitmUr nlh
Jity. fotSltlj Mt, M M'Vi S
II, Tf iv S. 1( IjH.W M. hat A td nidlrt of
ll.ll,.i. I .t . f....l II l. I .. . .
....Kiwi, iw in... nn.i iinimr ini piuiir ithii,
to talahlUli claim lo Hit la ml slant lit
btfortlht kftl.ltr ami Mtctlirtr of Iht t'nlud
Stairs ..ami OITict, at The Italic a, Ort'soii, on He
till ilay of I'tortury, IV).
Claimant nainta la nllntaata Mlcliatl
O'Cuimtr. U'llluiiiKI Maaun, HriUit CiiiiiiIiie
hainamlNcliMiluluati,allofTlic Uallca, Hit
dlfj C W. MffiKII. MtiLtir
trtmtiit oflht Inlcrlcti
U. S. Land Ofrttc st Tht Dallta, Oil pin,
Nottmiitr i t
A rviiill Mfti.!.. I, I.. t !.. Iu.. Ml...
...,,.,.. ,.f .,., .,,,;. , u,i,r.,i,iii
asalnat (ctll No oitv.1 tntiy Nn,
I i 19, Dr.tmlirr I. v,, for l',Hl'if -kc1
,.,,,.M.T1, If South, kant il li W M, h)
Kmlty luhu-on, ilna.r,l, roulclrr. In tihlcli It
it nllr t il that aahl tntry wtimau Ultd ott ur
t tlflt t ll,, IU.I il,.a I.. I...l..ll. .1. .. I .li..
III IhU nflur l.o llttrr lltl.w.....u...i
V ".' T "" "", im c fiTPiii nr wfiuy
ilMiidutirtlMtttlniit ttul )it MT uiiml
r mprirtcil mM imrt or rantnl the Mine lo i-r
llitssa . laa I 1 lar ala nn I. . ft. . I. .. ..a- t a
tr Mdiiiitut thai II thrrr ir mty firlrn of wll tu-
I f tisaailit it Itiau untiu.u,,. a.. . a i
","'.""" " "L ."inf- in limit! 1MAI
dure hrr itcUi no Mm ptrtuual rcwrtH nin
ll.ra liBvr- rlrr lri. '.am. ... i..I
tint lo claim her uri'K,l)i that tuld allcsnl
ttiatuetiaiMilitrliistfikc III Hit ntlliy. n.iiy
or lusrliitcoTi-aolllit Culled ststtt In lime of
Hald iiaillcs art iietcl.y notlfltd tu siiptfir. tt
MMiJ, ami offir nrt touchluir ul.l all.
fiallon at to "'.loci. A. M. on Jaimary , lou,
htjotf II.C Itllla, uf. B, Coiinnla.loner at Ida
offlct III llcml, UrCKtiii. aud that Sual li'ailm.
hclitldal lo o'clock a. in. on January n.
I'n, Ufurr Hie Htulitr ana rHcclitr at n
nlltil Slalca I.anil OOlct In Hit Dalles, OrcKim
Tt. al.l i,.I.bIh,i( ! I..M I.. ...... ..r
tlatll Mid NotClllhtr II. If. Stt fnlth fart.
which ahonr Hint alter line illdtrncc iittaunal
atr lcc of IhU iiollcc can not l.t made, (lie litre
il aralaar-il asiaal itlt. nla.l 1 1. . a .n.l. . a I s i
.., .,........,.. uu... ..iii.i anvil nonce Itl ihii
by due and to;cr iHihllcatloit,
did V C W. MOOMI , KtuUlcr.
St4M Um mHHtm tMUl bwl IWty