The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 23, 1908, Image 7

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tvSciintor M. C. Duller.
l)virii Is often caiinl tty c.
larrii nf the tnucli l'crutu relieve
catarrh of the tom.uli ami n there
fore a rcmrily fur il)pciila.
lliiittiitn VnUr,
Miilii mi mikcI ftxHl chUu iiml bnk In
llirro liiyria, Mnkc n Ixilli'il Iclnx nil. I
llntur ullli lemon. I'lmt Iiit, irnnl
wllli Ivliiir. Ilii'ii layer ut rrnnlivrry JHly
nnil niiiitlicr nf IcIiik, Kit'iiml layer,
fprcuil with li'liic Ilii'ii clmiiiMil ilutt
iiml nut iiicnlN niliiil with riimigli Jelly
to apri-nil, then nniitlirr layer of IriiiK
Thlnl ln cr, npniiil with li-lng nml out with hhiiichi'il nml urunmj
Olio of llio moat coiiitiion of lilootl dls-i-iisi-a,
In iiiiicIi nnuriivfttcil ly llio awl dcri
cIlllllKOH Of Hl'lltlllT t tliU tlmo of
year. IIi-rIii trcntiiicnt at oneo with
Utxnl'n Htimnpurlllii, which rhVct rail
Icul nml iHTiiinin-iit curia. Thla groat
tni'illoliio lift r "clviil
40.3G6 Testimonials
In Iwo ypiiM, which jirovo Ita wonderful
I'lllcnry lu i.urlfyliiK Iiml enrlchliiK llio
blood. Jt for nil hlood tllwnr.
til uatial lliulit form or rhnrolaleil tabltts
nun a 8nraatatio. juo doss ll.
Hon M C llutler. U S. .Sen
alor from Smith Carolina for two
term, in a letter from Waililnctoii.
I) C. write to the Pertnu Moll,
cine Co, at fnllnM
"1 can recommend l'eruna for
dyspepsia and atorrtach troub'e. I
have been mini; your medicine for
a abort period and I feel very much
relieved. It la indeed a wonde'ful
medicine, beaidea a Rood tonic."
Catarrh "f the stnuiaili i the cor
revt name fur nmtt mc of ilvtprp
ila Ontv jii intrrml nturh remedy,
such a l'eruna i available
l'eruna Tablet can now be procured.
Ak your driiKiii! fr a Free l'e
runa Almanac for llfliv
reimlllr of llrrnliirea,
llrrciitr bail ulHlunl I lie Krymatitblau
"What ar yni filing la do with lb
Lrtr' tliey a.! liim
"I refuse tn answer," he salil, "on tin
crounil that It mljtil Inrrliulnate me."
I 'or well h knew that any answer
ht ruulil make would be illflrrnil from
lb arciint written by III historians,
and at that iHirtlmi of bla n.rr lie a
aansltlr about beliif aovuird of nature
A lllrli alem'a HelleeMee'.
"Do you wHtit to iiuiLn nny cnntrl
tuition to our rninpiilcu fund)" askril
tlio wIIIIiir worker.
"Yin," nnawcrrd II r. Duatln Htrn,
"I'd Ilka to. Hut I don't ae why I
ahould (iilt myself on rrvtiril In a wujr
that will innke It your patrlntlo duty
to atnili me after the rniiipnUii la out,
WnahlliKtnii Klnr.
The Influential politician Ma Irritated
"You ak lito to liave a friend appoint
ed to a good ptMltlnu," be isilil, "tint I
know tint to nullilnr. alxiut you, l-oi
all I know lo tli eontrary you don't
amount to a nap,"
"Until lint, renixiniled III Poller.
tliriutln Ida Jtw forward, "but wv Job
ili-, I'm a trlilgeleniwr. I HliBe
aenrrrlr Wiiflli Jlrnllonlnu,
"I eipect lo take a few book nltb
me," Mid the aeronaut, "a Ilia trip I
likely tn be n Ion tine"
'They'll be 11 w fill for balla!, too, I
premium," oWrivd the rejuirler.
"Nut lu the letiM." rejollieil the aero
naut. "I atifcll take iiiilliins but light
Itnrti Yen, I alna rewrite my poem
before I arml Ibeiii In a puhllaher,
Naju You mean, I preniime, befort
you aend them to I lie neit itiblilier,
'1'lie clmrltnlile people ot 1,01111011 liava
foruinl a union tn act) that llio money
l-en by Ihent la properly apent.
The oldent rliurrb bulMlns now atamb
Ina In New York City I St. I'nul'a
thaprl, the corner (tone of which wa laid
In I7UI.
Half n cnlton of trnln oil an hour will
en I in Ilia innat boWorom iea arouud a
Nlrnliirit Slrul lllllla,
I'lrat bull 111111 titicup "f rh'i' f
Hhfli niM mid to mid otieduilf tiuiiuili
of llnuiburi; Mtiik, urouinl tine, a llttlr
nit mid 111H. Add iuu i'kk, boll our
aiiiull hiird liiiul of I'libbnuu wholn 1111
til thi IrihiVi fun Imi tnki'ii o(T w'llhoul
briiiklliu; to null hit f put oni) liiblo
pmmhi of inhliirii mid fimli'ii them wllb
toolllpUka; dtinill lltltll until I iimVeJ
MiruiiKh, ai'rtii with rri-uiu miuov
Clmrlolln llnaa I'llllna:.
n.H,i ti... ,. lid.. ..r ... .,.' iiiiill itrr
J I,,),. II, U .1(1, IV IP, MI.V . ,M M.rf.
' ailil oiioliiilf cup i-onih-rrd aiiiiir Kruil
I iinlly. II111I oni1 i-up of (luublo crvuiu
add one lenkpoouful cxtrutt urmiKu or
vmillhi or two tnlilmiMMiufuU clnri-1
nml ImiiI until It atlrka to the button:
of llm 1IUI1, then fold lu thu ck'K uud
ailgnr (.'hill iH'fnru uallis for u llllluK.
'Ihl nvlHi cUi-a plenty lo till n tlinv
pint IIHllll.
Illiillnl fmUr,
Olio cup miiiHr, oni' cup wnlcr, oni'
half cup butler, Imlf n Ktrlnu of
fHtliil rnlalna, oiu tHfnMMiuful ciu'li
of ilniw, iluiMliHiii mid iNbi. Cut nil
nil tilt atmo nlHl li't iiilliu to n ImiII.
UiMiHito fniin thu rlr thu minute It Ih
Kliia lo boll nml m't Hiilili' to cuol, then
atlr lu Juat ciiiiukIi Hour to umkn n thin
duller mid luk( lu n bmf lu 11 alow
nt en oiii hour.
Apple lleaerl.
Ilnl.11 two ln cm of cuku of two ee4"
oin-ijuarlcr cup of butter, oliidiulf cup
aucar, oin-uiirtcr cup milk, omi ten
apouu Imklnir iMiwdcr, alfliil with
riiini;li flour to innke n I tat ta butt'T, tin
vor with tnlitlln. I'ul aoiun atewid
apple ln'twii'11 the btyera and mimn on
top. cincnil with wlilpKsl criMini, car
11UI1 Willi Mewed iirmica; Id atnud for
wo hniirH licfiire kertluic.
Nearly H per cent of Hi atuilrnti In
(Urnmii uiiUoralllea art foralgnera
Keep It on Hand!
CtMitti ih) rcJtU mjr h-Ii y
mmUf c tU itnuW toy lim.
ht-ay laaul c4l lii Uq veilx)
faj much vdntH ru iw-ftilng
tllaftn Mfi tf lilt fIOO)H UM
( IWi Cuif, 0.tiin-u,l(i9
lUr (a no lioti'Jtui luaf
IrowU HI ft WtU not mLv,
FlaMa 1fiAk ItrJlUl lit tiaitttiliil I.
(itJickU. I w oi clJJfta,
t H UiunUU", 25 cU.
tlabril tmiiHluea.
iSidivl frvah tiituiitiM-N, miiIiI tlii'iu
nml rcimne till' akllia. Ilutter n pud
illliB dlah mid alhv thu tnmntooK Into
II. Hprlnkto aonio Mpptr mid anlt over
tlirtn mid a layer of Km tit I chew
Over that put ini lluu brindrruiub
mid HOTcrnl amnll ileia of butler Ibiku
from twenty to twcuty-llwi iiilimtcn lu
lln oven, but do not overcook thin
I'mIiIikhx Mlmt.
Cut Imlf or 11 while- cnbb.iKu lu nty
thin Ntrlpa mid fprlnkli wllli anil, l'ut
Iri'tuiH'ii two pliilcN mid let Niiind niic
hour. Dnilu iifT llio wntur mid uprlnlUo
iiiIiInikk wllli n pn"l wihid drcKMlui;.
I'lhi II llclitl)' III 11 ibuiii almpcil iiuim
Cut cold Ihm'In lu thin alliix. kcNiruti'
Into rliiKH mid iirniiiKi' the Hiikm in un
oicrhipplui: border nrouiid thu Imihu.
llHrUrrl linprnrrmrnl,
"My washerwoman," Mra. filln(
wa aylur, "ueil lo lo ever o many
of my aheeta anil pillow raaen, but tli
doMii'l now, 1 murk thtin all with la
telllelblt Ink,"
Mother wilt And Ml. Wlnrto-f Bonthlntf
ynilhl'' nmrli i,Miitllilrcl'lur"n
Juilug ill UaUilutf poiJ,
Sit liiiliiermeni.
Kilty Come over lu our bout ano
play with my Trdily hear.
Dicky Huh I I've rot a bull pup to
play wllli that's real meal,
CITC Ml. Vllal" llnr. Wiom ln. rmv
rilJa.allf 1.1.4 l.i llr. 1 L. IIm-I Nr ll
lofr. K.i.1 rnr rati II M tn.llMlU kA lf.ll .
Vt. IL II. KlUa, Ld , CI lick III., t'hll4l.ktl, l'a.
'1'br CminTor of Auairla la naiil to have
the finest collntlon of 0 roll Ids la tin
world sl hi palace at Kchoeubrunn,
Tbr -re INfiO plant.
.For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
lluule.s I'lMiLIra,
Unu cup of wnlcr, imo Miiti of
kCH, two-llllrda of 11 Clip ut slnirlclllliK,
unu tup of cold wilier, inn1 tunNpooiiful
of bnklliK aml.i, iIIchoIuiI III 11 lltllu hot
wnlcr; ono tistnponiiful isicli of cliinn
iiioii, cluvcH mid iillaplcu uud two ten
rKHinfiilii of KlUKiT. Mix well, ndd
Hour cnoniih to roll out, roll out tery
lilii mid biikc.
Hlniniril I'lilnlne.
W'nsli, hvI uud U'liiovu tho cycn from
Hill pollltOCHi drop tllClll lllto IMlll W'll"
Icr until Ihcy nru rwidy; put thoui
Into thu atcmiicr nml cMk until Ihcy
am lender', (hoy will requlro thirty to
forty minute. When ihnic, net lu a
wnriii pi nee with llio lid Imlf removed;
dlniKc iMTiiHlonnlly an iih to iiiuku them
I'lebleil Uitliina.
Tiilm amnll onions, wlilto one nro
tho beat, pour liiilllin; water 011 them,
let aland till cold, then you can pool
WltllOItt lllll'lllIK 'r I'JTHJ thiui iiiuko
n brlno of holllui; wnlcr mid lutlt ho
nu ecit will hwIiii lu It; rover your
onion, and let ainud for twculy-four
hoitm and drain.
Ilenlnn lllaonlt,
One quart of Hour, u wunll lonaimon.
fill of Malt nml 11 piece, of bulter nml
hint, mixed, about thu tdzu of an ectr.
Mix wllli cold water Into Very Miff
dniiKli. Ileal on 11 hlwcult bliH'U will) 11
nx until thu ilouch Ih hiiiooIIi and
bllNlerH. Mold by liiuid nml bnko lu a
quick oven. I
Dean tha
Blgtutraro o
Knleker Where is lilt resldrnee?
ll(HAer I'or itlns. In New York; for
divorce In IMkot. and fnr food, in !u
rope. New York Hun
HOWAIID U, IIL'lltO.I -Amrrr a-1 llieml.l.
l4aJlU,l't4ra4k hw,iHn Wll (u!4,
Mli.r, i. m 11 1 oM, Hlr.r.1 rf llU, I 1 7.1m ar
4fcHr,ll. 1 laHl.10 tia. l,ilaeak4t and
lall iUII aai uai kf4WtlMu i.uaimi ami I'm
alia wutkaHltclltU. lUIlwi,cl i utoaala ISt,
Impoflr.1 Ilk, auparlor qualllr Omt In
bulk ar t lu. ! If your dWr doa.n'1
kap ll an4 ua hla riama ami addriwa.
Wa 1U1 haivlU aU ct&uaa at IXanHtl Kli
at h)WMl Ultra.
Tha anlr Klca Mill and lartrat Iaa!ra on
llaa I'M atana oil, tarnUhnl Knlvea, Totka
andtiH.nalhtlttk b4T WiuU you Ilk lo
haw Ihrm p'ainl with pur alltar ao they olll
luuk and aiar Ilka aolld altf a rT
and slv ua a IUt of hl you hava that tienl
laflni.hlm and will arnd yvu liy return
mall full lnfimatlon and particulars how to
haira ll dona al llllla roat
It Doesn't Cost You a Cent to Learn It
Klmplr cn4 u your nam ami 4vlJrA, ku
Uiv, rui wulduta mmtrr;
OREGON PLATING VOKM, Jlhrr Drpirtmtnt '
Kth and Alder Strtttt. Portland. Orr.on
and most comfortable
Al the same lime
cheiipest In the
end because It
ricors longest
1M1 FvsrviLnera
Every garment,
waterproof Catalog Ire
. ' JW.A I J
1 1 nu r 1
Al A TV m!jK
1 c
V 7
AV. TM Ilntielaa lna.1caa mil aalla mor. f
nen'a aM.oOnnit va.BO slines tliau nuy
other iiinnufnrtiirtir In tha world. b
rauao they holil tticilr shape, (It heller,
uud er lpiicurtliKii any oilier umke.
SSeil it All Pilcii. for trirvalimbif al tha
ramlfy.Man.eoyioman. UliiatAChllilrsn
WX.Dilu Ml 11.11 OUI lata Mmi Mtaal
a. Hall.4 at say Jitlca. W L. DaalM 11.11 aa
a v , 9m v... m . w.ftw
r'l'aaa Nu Nub.llluia, w, u lKjuiiln
riama aiiu
n.ri at Ihl
W.UDOUQUS, lit Saark St., Dracll.a. Mill.
riaitia and prlca U ilainpad on bbtionu cwU
.! ii.ia. anoaa iueiimi rmin lartatvi
laiioMha world.. IVlaloauarrea.
Urcgon Aerlc til Jrnl College Dive In
formatlcn in Thlt Subjact.
11 C. K. Jlrallay, rriwn Aarlcullural ColUc
On June 7, 1IO0, coiiktcu palled u
l.iw removing the internal revenue tax
of X'itil per hi Ion on yraln alcoliol
which had been properly deuatuTcd or
rendered unfit lor drinking purpoiea
by I he addition of certain materials,
inch as wood klcohol, benzine or py
ridine It wai, hoped that by the re
moval of tlii tar. alcohol could be ob
tained cheaply cnnuuli to compete
with petroleum for lixlit and fuel The
demand for audi alcohol can he read'
ily teen when we note that approxi
mately n.uoi.osn nallom of k.hoIiuc
are columned daily in the country and
that the incrcaied demand for it, due
In the development of the modern ex
plosion motor, doubled ita price
lu the tail ten year. Indiana and
Ohio oils contain only about S per '
cent of Kaaoline and the per cent ol
the liKhtcr distillate in California and
Texas crude oil ii very low The
iiipnly of uanoliiic therefore icema to
be limited, but the demand iucrcaiinK
Alcohol, it lu been demonstrated,
can inccl till demand. Furthermore,
the annual consumption of keroicne
in the United States approximates 1
ooo.owi.noo H.ilhms. thrgc-fourtlu o'
which are probably uicd by the far
mer. Since one Kathui of alcohol i'
c(Uialcut to two Kallous of keroscnt
fnr liL-htitn? nurnoirs. 375.000 000 Kll
Ions of alcohol could be uicd on tin
farms of IhU country each year. Thii
would rcftiire for its production HO,.
000.000 buihcls o corn, or 5,000,000
acres, an increase of 5 per cent over
that now crown. If made from pota
toes, this 375 000,000 Kalians of alcohol
would require 450,000 000 bushels, or
5,000,000 acres, an Increase of CO per
cent over that now produced The
present consumption of alcohol
amounts to but 16,000,000 gallons per
Iithyl or k'rain alcohol Is a natural
product, formed by the fermentation
of various kind of sugar through the
agency of yeast organisms Sine
starch i readily convertible into su
gar by cither natural or artiiki 1
means, material which contain n ta
ble quantities of cither or &u
gar may be utilised for making atcu
hoi The more important d
alcohol are the cereals, tiot.itocs mi
lasses and fruit. In I-'ruur iln.h. I
i chiefly made from the beet 111
Germany from the pot j to. and in
America from corn. A buthel of corn
will yield approximately 3l gallons ot
05 per cent alcohel; a bushel of pot a
tnea thrrc-fourthi of a gallon and a
bushel of apples oic-third of a gallon
In the large distilleries it costt
about 17 cents t manufacture and
place on Ihe matktt one gillon of al
cohnl. and the cost of the raw uutc.-ia'
used bring this a dniarily to aptirox
imatcly 30 ci'iiti. Allowing for the
ncccxary iirofit, limliol will reach the
ronsumcr at aliout to cents per gallon
Hut alcohol at lu etnt can comprtc
with kertnruc at !i fent for liicbtiug
purposes, since alcohol has twice the
illuminating value of keroicne. and in
competition kerosene can never de
mand more than one-half the market
price of alcoliol
I'or making cheap alcohol a chop
concentrated raw product and a wrll
equipped plant are necessary. The
plant should bae a capacity of at
least 1(H) gallons per day. the ccst oi
such a pliant being in the ueig ibor
hood of $10,000 No such plan: can
operate successfully on waste pro
ducts alone, especially if such re t'
be obtained for only a brief p.irt ol
the year, as, for example, waste fruit
There must be some more staph pro
duct a a hist, with the wast. ma
tcrials handled as .1 side issue. For a
Manic in the Northwest we inutt look
tn potatoes or sugar beets aih! dim
aged grain vhrn it can he eruied. on
which materials, together with varioiu
waste product, a plant could be op
crated throughout the yiar.
Itecaurc of the persistent irquiric
relative to the merits and diimrita ot
Ihe wheat known locally as "Alaska,'
the Idaho experiment st iliim ha
enen the wheat a milling t-st and
subjected the llour so obtained !r
chemical examination and baking
tests The results of these tests, to
gether with such other information
concerning the wheat as could be
gathered from reliable sources, hae
just been publikhcd in bulletin form.
The wheat is apparently of the same
variety that is known in southern I'u
rope as Poulard, or Egyptian. It is
used there for making macaroni and
other pastes, and the Hour made from
It is said to he in demand by certain
1 rciu-li markets.
I 1'iulir field conditions the wheat
has no! made any phenomena! yield.
acr.ig ug this year perhaps no better
thin 01 dinar." winter wheat. The ker
ne's arc large and plump and comiure
f von'ily in appearance with much c(
the whtat that is raised in norther
Idaho, because of their size and shape
Ihcy are easily broken, however, and
care must be exercised in threshing to
prevent this.
The results of the milling testa
1 how that 110 particular dilliculty is
met with in grinding the wheat. The
llour secured is described as sharp
.imi granular, and Is capable of mak
ing nu excellent tpinlitv of biscuits,
mufliu cake, etc. When made into
light bread, color, flavor, texture and
sire of lo.if were noted. In color the
hrciil was darker than that baked
(nun Turkey red, but decidedly
lighter than that baked from little
club Hour Flavor and textur wcro
nriinounced good In siie the loaves
w inferior to those baked front
Vairkev red, but compared very favor -Mi'v
in tins resnect with those baked
'run little club flour The bulletin
n i b senrrd by iildressli'g the Ex
periment Station, Moscow.
Vaaaaw V
ttf t(t rMh. 10 toV5 twffp mwt frtfffttjl hip TUFmh! tt1p)tf nlhn V
Mil Atilinm Wrun t tt't 9 LUt, fcisrtfl J.'Krt, hi p tig 1 -ntmr
f-. -" -a a ari-'l r "M, - 1 a Ja, u laa. wrr aiaa warra Kllia viva W P.BI ) a)
t1 i rpt It iriUtt'tt.-t4 f . ft T MrtTiis1 rr I $ l A4Un
lawjsrf K4 Oor Msrnt fr Ir4 fa-'f lVii Wa.Hl ! " V) , I.T
lia444raUlt4itlaaf !. Audltth .Urvfc,) aW(. 121 M AMtaaaK U lu
A Flarorin. It male a
ayrup better than Maple.
O Sold njr tfrocerx
Out t III llrarh.
"At las' '." rxut fd thf pi bi'jHIat a b
soarr-j ah ft In h.a aeioplaiie. "Vxr
fo'iml a public h'xkway no.v wlirre tlir
Is no spr nkllni rart demon to rum
alo3 and turn it Into a asa of mud!"
, Inlritiiiiirnl.
Ill, rsburk taaolrins TJwsn'an)
Wben It mwi t hlsjh lratdy, nu If I
do say It, l'(t cot IM SlanUll aklmipil
to rlfitli. '
Clinrrolnr roihrli Wrll. yo-i '
oughtn't In iry lo nr h' atcln. It ibn-sn't
fit yon. Your pari siie& out. Chli;a
A'fglit Scliool Horror. i
Tenebrr--tilui was iIip it momit-
ous fv-til of ll-p li' ipntiiry? i
Hhugxy llnlr-' !-" Last frntiirT? I
Tlir k.llui' of lliat llilrrr r wab the
ICaiter, I icwm. i
Ttirra's nofi!na; ao vatitfal as mvraTail work
thai I ar.'ika'ljr rt.jna Wa do tha l)nrt
ink mi (hi-1 a lAc Cuait. at moat lauonbU
ir" Virsil mall you timii o( Ulot
U trrlnc ail w-jrt latf af Invllalkina, ai4
l. lelinl l-wl u riurnAmson ajwalll
No. 51-03
7 IH:f wrlltnc lo a.Trtlaara pi
mrnioia iitia Nfr.
TIUI i.11
rottptx nu
SCENT Esc-Phosphate
Get It from
your Grocer
houU irrirniT Ihalour rorraiamorranlinlthstWBCAN
tXritACTIN'; SKKK whan t tr bridn ar ordartal
hoots wniiuirr tub i.kabt pain, no students.
ro cncT.n r hut Hl'lJCIAUSTJ. wh do I ha nwit da
If c and camul wark.
Dr W A W . Mrr. It rnu In PortUnl. Stcond floor
Fa.lina LulbJinr. Third and Wah raloo ilwtt. OBlta
hours fA M loHPM. Sunlajra to 1 1". M. Palnkaaax.
r-ctnc-lr pUtMtiup,
HH TaaosMAna lljj
SCHOOL, SHOES without Hsmr-think of
It itamlcts school jhottl Tbey are
strong and sturdy. hav aramla uppers, touch
sole and douhla Iralhcr toe. IW tar Um moat
durabla aod laatloir shoe obtainable.
. "Special MrHt"Seamleaa School Shoe "uvof
IU Iron." Ttiey wear Just twlca a loon as
ordtntry shoe w Ith aeatos.
Made In all styles and site, (or every day anj
Sundsr wear lor boya and clrls.
i our ueaier win supply you; it not,
write to us. Look, for Um slayer
Trad Mark on the sole.
nt.fyowlUaa4 Ikaaaaaala
nltr ato ila.i a. kafhlla 3pMI l.rtl
Hchool ao. wa will a4 vaa (raa, snm.
V MkIncVM,U DU4. Sut kia PcW
W ttUo HMl taMsUM tsly lt.O.1,
HotMKUH t.oM. f!nt. i ikif tea
Comfort ftW J iru Ctvb.o
F.Mayer Boot CSIioe Co,
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