The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 23, 1908, Image 5

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    f " "' ' " "" HW-, , PHVNw ' "'' "HI 11 4 ii . , w . i i ,. y ! y .;.. i i ii i i i ! pmh ii wi I ; i i . i i , i ' 'rCf- "
.-- ' ,' . ' " ' '' ' '"V'li- i i ', ,.. . .VS ,, ..i. . . , ,,.,,, , '-,-- -'uriiTMii-rinniiiB n-r-r-n "n
& ' im . Jy feoff"-- - r- mP 'Jimi i
'. r .
locaL dits
. Rcmcnllcr the dance in I.ara
li.ilt Christmas night.
I'rcd Sherwood was transacting
V b.tsiuess in llciid Tuesday.
See J. ii. Ilcan for nursery goods
Aucut for The Dalles Nurscr y Co
' j. 11. llcybttrit Was down from
the hoiiier-tead mid speut Hun
day in town. i
Jolili Sleidl icturiicd home Mou
day from n three weeks' business
trip to Portland.
' A. M. Lara was n bllslucit vMt
tr at the county seat the luttcr
part of last week. i
I;ct The Hiilletlu dd your job
l.a....I.. T-k4 aa.l ..aa . . ta.a..a....
f jj! titc in every detail.
Joe lliitkholf, left yesterday
tuoriililj; fdr Worcester, Ohio, for n
Visit with home folks.
' J. K. Suwhill Is spending several
du)H iu town from his homestead
on the upper Ueschlltcs.
II. J. Overtttrfleftlttst week for
the old home iu Nelirnskn to spend
lhc holidays with friends and tela
lives. l:asciuatiug l'yrography--3o
pigc illtistrntctl catalogue No. 2 free
Woodard, Clarke & Co., rortlnnd
brcgon. fltflf.
', Tito boyjt or the town have been
enjoying quite good skutliig for the
past week or tell days on tlic Swot
Icy ditch pond.
A. 0. Walker Was transacting
business in Ileud Saturday, having
come iu froth lilS tiutu iu the old
river ld sectidii.
l'roni now until lfcbtt.arv
1 , till who get live loads of
wood frolic I will give
One Load Free
If you will pay for haul
inn. Sadie old price 4 &
?3 5 I'cr cord. I'hone me.
V. M. CART I? R.
JwV- "', m-
Monday the new road between
Ilcnd and I.nidlaw wps opened to
travel, and tbc Dcnd-Laidlaw stage
was the lig to pass oVcr it.
Now is the limb ta lay in your
winter's supply of opplcJ. Wc have
tlicm four varicticsT-at'.sr.ys n
box. Ki.u.i.v & ALUKirou. vntf
Sylvester Slants came it: from
Salem the first of the well: to spend
Christmas at home. Sylvester is
studying law at Willamette Uni
versity. ' '
J. 1). Davidson lias Accepted a
position for the winter vihjl tlic
Witiuck Drug Company n Ilndl
Ville. lie will returu to Bend
about March 1. 1 '
1 Mist ISaldwiu, who liar. 'ikl
llic past .si.K or eight months on 'li'dr
ditch land iu this section previous
to iimhinn final proof, left 1 ucsday
itloinlitg for Portland.
Strayed lfrom road south of
Ileud, ah old gray marc, weight
about ijoolbs., large joint on k-fl
hind leg. f 5 00 reward for return1
iug toAuiic barn, lknd. P'-f1
Tlicrc will be a dance iu I.arii
hall on Christinas night, next lfrN
day. Those who have it in charge
promise good music, a good time,
and everything else good.
1 ' Afro. Alleil, who has been visit
Ihg in ilehd fot several weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. J. I), llcyburn,
and her son, 11. 15. Allen, left on
Monday Cicytiing's stage for her
home Su'Spok-luc.
liond men to the number of about
fifteen haC orgauied n band.
t 1 Smith, iVho has had much
experience a n band instructor,
has agreed It instruct them. Here's
wMiIng'.lhem success.
Tile K. I lode will have work
in, liic, third degree , tonight, at
the clqsJ of whlgll q ,todest ban
quet will be served, lo which the
wives of the knights nud other
guests lujyc Vccje uivilil.
Mr.i. C. Wi Hull and daughter
were iu Saturday front their farm
at Pleasant Ridge. Mr. and Mrs.
llrtll have kcedtly thoVcd into n
line new house which they have
had built oil the home place.
is the
to everybody
z rn-frr-
. J. am now a Cent for the DcXaval
cream .separator, and have one of
these machines iu stock. Step in
and it. They arc d great
convenience and money Savci lor
the dairy mati. lvA. SAfililK. shf
The Review has it from authen
tic sources, that wllel. Qcargc
MycrJ df'tbc hippman iftiuiiturc
IIousc,retun$, tliirc will lw one
other aside from hisiser Who will
accompaiiy him back to old Ore
Hon. Review. '
' Jollu Ii. Ryan has returned from
ulian.fcov where hc-'ueliverctt .oo
head drbecf cjatltli1 at the 'liotabty
high price if 4 cents a pouncl f. o. b.
cars Slianilto. These bccve3 Were
fdd at TroAt brcek btfore selling.
Ilc'will fih'c i,ood more ready by
spring. Journal.
"I,' 0. 1'illery, wild was so seri
ously injured liy being kicked iu
Ihe forehead last wcci is ill n Ixry
critical condition, and there is
practically no hope for his recovery.
Iufkmliiatidu has developed in the
wound and he has been delirious
Jbr tWo 'or three days. He has
lxcu movdd to Ibwu luto rooms in
hi Ptinnmnii li-ttld tnr
" "" . ....,
trt.bidxMVNi slcos of thlcvU
(KhHo secret by myriads toKSsa
i!lRcr(U9 sapplnjr the lite bluo-1
gt'io.lialr. Micro klls the para.
ttU'toothes Jhe Itching scalp,
&lv& hittre t6 the hair m4 stops
It falling out. A slnfcle abpllcatloa
rives relief aaJ proves It.) jvolb.
Save your hair before too lite.
Micro prevents baMneis. It Is a
dellxhtlnl dressing tor the hair,
free Iron. Urease and- sticky oils.
Ask yourdfuuUt (oriree booklet
faORTkaNn, CFrnj
wish of
feiend, Ofegdii
Uncle Sam has been .doing a
prosperous business through his
lknd postofiicc during the past few
days, due to the large number of
Christmas packages that arc being
sent through the mail. .Monday's
business was so brisk that Post
master Merrill stated he festal he
would run oubof mail sacks.
Ilcnd feot' it- first touch of real
winter weather tllu1 latter1 'purl of
last week, when- l!c 'temperature
was rather wl'nlry-lilic for three or
four div, tUc thermometer drop
ping to ( or J degrees below tero
one night. However, the cold
wave his now passed and the
weather is quite balmy again.
Glenn II. Slack, who has a home
stead adjoining the Philip Francis
place southeast of towtn will spend
the winter at the home of his par
ents near Spirit l,a!;e, Iowa. Mr.
6Iack has secured a school 10 teach
there, and will employ I:tf tiaie
while nbscnt in instructing Ih'e
young and growing Americans. He
plans to return to Bead next Sum
mer. K ' '
A shotgun and a ' i; cdlibcrre
pcatVng rifle were rallied olVdt Kel
ley & Aldridge's place last Suuday,
the guns being the property of
Win. Stephens. HettVy WhitSctt
Was the lucky man to gfet the shot
gun with number 2j. and H. Ii.
Davies got the 'rifle wfth number
16. The shotgun 'was' arUoilble
uarrei is gauge uamrucrcss ia
I'cvrc aud the rifle a LTarlin.
Practically all the farmers in the
Vicinity of Redmond are pitttirtg U
ice this winter. They first pile up
the ice, then lay n wall of laVa
rock atoliud Jl ;0i sawdust packed
between tijp4 WfjII pud the Ice, ,fiud
with a board rocf over nil. The
ice keeps iu 1'irst-clas.s .condition.
Mid is a great convenience during
the siumher in keeping biltlcft egg.s
anU uiilk in proper. condition.
I Jlplre iconlo nre tukljig a'ole'y'tl Kl.
ncV Rclnpxly every year. It is coitsitli
errtl t Wc tub i'pt effecthe remedy for
I kidney And Usilder troubles that medl
cal hcieiW can uctlsc l'oley'n Kidney
Remedy corrects irrcvularltic-i, builds
up worn out tissues ami tvstorcs lost vi
tality, It will make you feel welt aud
look vicII.m-Ci V. Mkiui.i, Druggist.
SantaCIaus Will Come to Yoti
Xi r 3
Our line excels. T carry everything you may want in the
hardware line, jucludit1g,pa'nanrt Oils, doors and windows,
step ladders, lime and ctement, ypwliere in Bend can you find
sb complete an assortment 3j3d'U:en yott knew, our prices
are fair, ,
thlltren's Coasting Sleds and
Express Wago&$ far Christmas
'V "' 11 9
l also carry a full line oT Staple! -aim Fahcy
Just what y&ifced, for the Christmas dinner.
uend, o. a ua1awe.11
. Ihe.Gfehtriai Oregon,
ankmg (.Tk'list Coiftpny
r.T7Bentf( OregOH. ytiz
- f - ' HW -"-
$ Arid 4 pel- cenh .Iriferdslnpaitjlf on Six
MoiitflS Und One m tinia 'Dep'osits.
"k &tNtMt- BANkic BOsfrrttss:
U -Wj 'Buy " l rr
i-' H f
VG 0 0 D
The Merrill Drug Company
In'PostoffJca Btdj.
Caridics, Toys,, Clocks, Jewelry.
itr lor iivervonc
Come thd tfctJ tb'ctfyotfll buy "
all Tcirids bf lip) (day Goods,