The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 23, 1908, Image 4

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I "Fop every man a tuarc deal, no
less and no more.'
Vne jTflrMMM..M.MMM. .........
'Ik monttii...u....-....n.... ...... .......
Three month,.,.-... ......... ..... -i..
'InrttUbly In mlrnncr.)
fl w
v i iinil mii
dy to
WKDNKSDAY, ItfiC. 23, 190S.
at .Wont. lk ..
A Final
,- i-i ;. .V(
A few yveckat oro The Bulletin
t tinted ntl editorial touching on
vhat it considered the foolishness
' f attempting to maintain three xp
.rate Protestant church orntuuza
Hops in Dcnd Mr. Millard Ttip
Joti oo.k exception to the editorial
mid ir&itcrcd n letter in reply, n
letter whicii.The Bulletin was very
willing to publish, as it set forth
concisely the views of those w ho
differ from it, i. c., from the B.ip
tist standpoint. We had decided to
make no further comment on this
subject, believing it was not ot
tnough general interest to warrant
a continuance of the discussion
However, we have learned of lalt
that our editorial and Mr. TripletlV
reply aroused considerable interest
In order that our position mav be
more fully understood, wc present
herewith a few final remarks, with
which wc will close the discussion
Mr Tripled' argument against a tctn
jorarr church consolidation hi Html
oocslstcd, in the main, of tno point:
tint, the difference In doctrines: and the
Kcoml point was summed up in the
rucstion what would such a church
i-ion-dcnominstioual) stand for, and
hat would the preacher preach about'
The Bulletin contends that the differ
ent) in doctrines are non-essential to
Christian living. N'o living man can
ell what is TUB true doctrine in the
tense tint theologians use tliat word.
Protestants take the Iiibte as the uuidc
to their faith and the source of their
doctrines. We do not know Uie exact
number, but there arc clo.c to a hundred
liferent Protestant sects and dettomlna.
ons. Their doctrines differ in certain
aspects, and each and everj one of them
1 a-m to fcet their doctrines from the
bible Who tlien ba THE true doc-
liin- ','j-e alPtllltn it and get their iu
formation from the tJmt Source ami
-et teach different doctrines? The sim
ple truth is that no mau knows exactly
m hat is the trnc doctrine. Those doc
nesover which most Protestant dc
tmiuattons differ are piffling nonsten
i'b rnd none of them are nccestary to
uc Christian living. Hence, no jiuii
lould lay so much ties on their belief
ruon belief. ""'
the sins of the world, etc., ele. That
I ought to lc enough doctrine to fill any
ptvnciier mount tor many year; rro
tided lie 0t1Ul devote Mine of Ids Ser
ial j)i practical Christianity lie could
pnach on those doctrines and olfctid tto
, There Is altogether too tulieh "doc
trine" preaching, at ilic present lime,
and too little condemnation of inedtiticsa
in Men listen Sunday after Sun-
to tieautifiil doctrinal sermons' rind
keep rifclU on in their dcvilishiicss How
would it to for A preacher in such a
uhhrch ns The llullctiu advocate to
preach about and comlcuiu the matt who
qohl orphans and widorrs. who amaises
his wealth by cheating ,h fellow men
and who in general lst a moral pnasitc
an.! vampire, hjtt ,who Is often n wry
"intlitcntiMI" man in the community
where ltc lite? How would it be to
cnuilcmtt occasionally the double stan
dard of sex morality? How would It be
to condemn from the pulpit the petuic
iou and too prevalent slit of gossiping,
when so many of the dear sisters Are
afflicted with it? How would it be to eon
dciun all the hypocrisies and iticannrsM-a
of iiKMlern life, instead ot continually
harping on how Johua commanded the
uu to stand still, how ulumon built the
temple, abottt David committing murder
a to j;el another tnau's wife, and how
Jacob cheated his brother out of his
bitth-rignt, deceived Ills old blind fath
er, and attempted to defraud his father
in-law out of hW cattle? Such condem
nation would touch the ugly, iicyativc
ide of mail's character. The preacher
would stilt have the positive, aud more
ennobling traits to discuss. m picture,
such as manly strength aud,uptighlncss,
love, unselfishness, service, kindness
symvithy. hatred of wronc. and holiest
dealing between man aud man. Aud yet
it is asked what would a preacher pleach
about if he couldn't touch on doctrine?
He could preach about a vital, livinc,
present-day topic, a topic that would fill
his church with interested men aud
women, and one that would change their
lives and make this world a belter ami a
fairer place in which to lie. Are there
today no wrongs to be righted?
niN. for guidance til plallulng p't!r
chases. More ami more tire people coming
(o ttndcr.stnnd that only ItiIk
I'KlstNb merchants advertise tide
mtalely nud iuformiugly, and
more,, nhll hiorc the people ate
coming to realise that only enter
prising merchants deserve nud
should receive support; that patron
dge otherwise bestowed is likely to
encourage NON'i'KOGKitssiVitNliSS
In merchants.
More nud more the people are
coming to discriminate against
stores that do not advertise UNTHK
t'KistNr.i.v, persistently i aggressive
ly; lor they teuli tluitiMtch Motes
are not up-to-date, ate not the sort
that will keep the city in the van
of live places, of awake commun
ities. More this coming year than ever
before will your advertising be the
test by which all gls will stand or
fall so plan it uSkuallV, plan it
on winning lines.
-. -,., -,
ovoR-cnyiteiiiN(r to de
for the 3 or 5 lb. cans.
handles Are usefu,. when omptjr
,Mir'f--rr,-r-1- - '
They have the scrow tops with metal
Commission Organised to Promote
Co-opeJtaJlun Uctweett Different
Church Denominations;
AnV .
can bake delicious, healthful food. The essential requirement lor pure
ts a (natter o! fact, doctrines change
"it' th: passage of time. Theological
relief progresses juit the tame as any
ther forward moitmcnt in civilisation.
"o prove thia statement, one lias only to
call the fact that when I.uther palled
way from the Catlwlic church, he was
till'itlibued to n certain extent ami the
arl, PrftBhMit church with htm with
Uie doefine of "transubstautiatkin," or
the bel... that the bread and wine of the
-ord . supper are the real, genuine flesh
.ml blool of Christ; none of the Protea-
ant deuoiuiuatious believe that doctrine
today. Within the menioiy of most
"itn and women now thing, it was frely
taught from the pulpit that hell was a
rdace ofvflre'rfd,ur,nntonc; it U doubt
'd'H tV-eP- :rle ciugle schofarly preacher
' lu. t m., .hat- iloctrinc today, and
te Catholic chUrcli claims that it has
ever taught said doctrine. How loug
go was It that our noble forefather
tbrturvd suppoied witches because thty
Were Wicved fyo te "Iu league nilh the
''evil.' You 1nfl so 'belie ers tii"witcli
raft today. And who now'h:IIeves in
nfant damnation? And do irt- no'.f burh
heretics at tlie'Mtrke a,au act pleasing
.'a God? Thcs: are tinly a fsw of the
scores of doctrmes ' th'at hve been le
Meved at one time and Ire now discard
ed. Men have "preached into" the
pureness and simplicity of Christianity a
lot of piffling, hair-splitting uon-essf
tials that will gradually be gotten rid of
us mau develops in intelligence.
If Jesns Christ came to the world to
morrow, what would he preach about?
Would it be alnut infant damnation, and
whether oue must be "poured," sprin
kled, or immersed, or would he dialatc
on the importance of crossing one's
fingers and saying "Tag" when one
kneels at the altar? Would not his ser
mons be fall of living, vital, present-
day needs? Would he sit supinely by
and talk doctrine while Wall Street robs
Its thousands every year, aud while the
Staudard Oil den of thieves strangles
the life out of Its competitors iy plain
acts of piracy? And wouldn't hi occa
sionally coudemu, iu scathing language
the dUlronest mau, the moral leper, a-d
llje gossiping woman of your vcrv own
town anil nclgtibo,Kxd, That's what
he did when on earth that, and bidd
ing up the broken hearted nud bilngtng
aid aud relief fiom suffering Mo the
afflicted. jetts'Christ talked to" little
doctrine when on earth that-' hit minis
ters have been busy ever sinee trying to
fill in the omission. '
,Thc Bulletin is in receipt of a
marked copy of the St. Paul
(Minn ) Piouecr Press forwarded to
this office by a subscriber at Kcd
mom!. That number of the Press
contains an article under tbp head
ing, "Overchurching To c Abol
ished," and as this article describes
a wide-spread movement djrectly iu
line with what The Bulletin recent
ly advocated in regard to church
matters in Bend, wc believe, it will
be of local interest nud reprint it
herewith. The article reads:
A movement to abolish the
"over-churching" of small towns iu
Minnesota aud render those insti
tutions which arc choen to remain,
independent of assistance from their
respective denominational state cof-
,J..-.. ,' r,n.vs iVnm n( Tnrlnr linL-mo nnwrlnr.
wurss..;r ,a ,JU.v s.u... v. --..-. -; or .-... 1. ,,
i . I he absolute puniy ana wnoiesomencss 01 tuc ingicuicms
of CLEVELAND'S insure the hcnlthfulhcss and superior
? quality of your food. You enn be sure of
Mode from a Superior grade of Pure Cream of Tnrtar.
Bend- Oregon
fcrs, is being rapidly pushed for-1 Haptist church to the commission,
ward aud within a short time the, is very enthusiastic.
organization of the Minnesota Inter
Is ex-
That's what The Iltillctiii believes
about the question of doctrinal differ
ences, and what a church and a preacher
should stand for. "God's book is specific"
in only one thing. It tells a man how
to I.IVH, how to treat his ncihlxjr,
what thoughts to think, aud how to be
ot real service to the world. It guides
oue pretty plainly in the questions of
actual, practical life. Hut it has left to
nan to speculate on how many angels
can stand on the point of e needle and
where a good but uubaptiicd man goes
to after death.
Plan It Liberally.
' More and more people are com
ng to regulate their shopping by
the store ads.
More and more people are gelling
out of the habit of going to "the
nearesL"place,1 or to thepjack they
have usually visited fcr certain
More and more do people under
stand and' believe that 'when tor
IIAV3A lAKtiAIX ToWfair'vbfr
war. auvkutish it ADBQt;A'ria.v
and itiat when you do not adver
tise at all it Is because you hare
not, at that time, anything to ad
vertise. More and more are peopfy' com
ing to decide things from reading
the ads-and to depend tipou the
news and the faids contained in the
i CtCfiSaiKjVtSCSsvM' jP
denominational commistion
pected to be perfected.
llehiiid the movement to form
this commission, which would tend
to stop the building of more church
es than is necessary for a com
munity, no matter of what dcuomi-
"OverchUvSliliig of small towns
Is an evil, in tilV estimation," he
said. ''Take, for instance, a new
town being foimcd. Much denomi
nation wants, to establish Itself and
Hi result usually is that three or
riir, or snmclliuVs five or six
churches arc cstabllihcd in a vil-
nation, arc men prominent in tlic,mge wncre one cnttrcit woum ntie
work of the Presbyterian, Conrc-qualely cdro for the religious needs
Rational, Baptist, Free Haptist nndof the cotlimunlty.
the Disciple churches of Minnesota.
The Idea of the plau is tb prevent
forinalfctf.or congregations in small
towns 'wl-.ere there ire already
euodvlV churches or wheic churches
have not large enough confircga
lions to support themselves iu an
ndcrjuatc tuauncr.
In explaining the move,t::eut,
Rev. Lalllau A. Crandall of the
Trinity Uaptist church of Minne
apolis and a committeeman of the
"This would not necessarily mean
that ony one would have to give tip
hii religion, but if the tendency is
tow.trd a Cougreuntioual sentiment,
would not it be fur belter to have
nil the other tlcuohiinatiuus attend
that church, causing n brotherly
feelltlg, tllnn divide them up in
small congregations which could
not support themselves
"The coifplfrtision would not 'have
nn artual cautrol'oycr these alttirs,
but it would ndv'.sc, it being nblc
(Continued on last uge.)
nn Mt ou tinoft
U. C. COE, m. r.
Physician nut Sti recoil
iill illttbt Cclcpbonc Coitncctlcu
llltNl), ; OkM.n.':
"What would such a church stand for,
end wlut would the preacher' preach
about?" It could stand for ell that's
good, aud true aud noble; all that'n up
1 ftlng, pure and grand. Most I'rotcs
int churchea agree ou eerlaiu fuuda
lcntal doctrines, uaniel)', the omuijx-
ichvt nun ,,..v...v.. w w, ,,. .. act njnjiy an,j you Jo not have to
euipuuu uniiiii 4 s,uiii, umii i iikuum purgatives coiitturously,- L.
Of salTitlou, the atonement of Chi 1st forJMKKKur, Druggist.
1'oley' Orlno laxative cures chronic
coustigUtioii aud stimulates the liver.
Orino regulates the bowel, so they will
A Christmas
While you arc making Christ
mas gifts, why not make one
or two that will be of lasting
worth and benefit? It only costs a
little now and their to b,uy a few
pieces of neat, 'handsome and use
ful furniture; atiJ how much better
aud how much more comfortable
the home will be. t Aud this is just
the time of (he year to do it. Make
the wife a r
of some useful piece of furniture
say, one of our handsome new din
ing tables, a rfJckjrig chair, a new
bed for the "spare room," or d
beautiful rug for the parlor. , ,
J. have a lot of new furniture oh
hand, and have still more on (he
reaction the way iu.
Millard Triplett
Bend, - Oregon
BendSlianiko Livery & Stage Company
th H. vnNArtfJv, I'rop.
j s;y, R Kell.y, A-j-it, Shanlko I J
New Covered Stages between Bend and Sliniiiko
; AUSO st .
Livery niltl Feed Stables at Sliniiiko, iilndras nud Uciid.
We run our rigs to please the public.
Stages leave crtch way every day.
Rigs to all pdrts of Cental Oregon. Careful drlvcri.furrilshcd
Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage.
1 i i iwnirnrrtiriiiiwiwiMtimiiu
First National Bahll
of Princvill6.
Itatalilisliwl laK;, ,
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
Profits, $100,000.00
n i' Aikn
Will ttrti fwrtf.l
T. M lUMolii
II. luMwin
. ... lirMeiit
-VWr rrflt'
UUlut CkIikI
A. !.'. I'lVri'KSON,
Antelope, Ore.
nnb jeweler
I'lciiolu and ,Seuill'reciou Stniii
Set anil lewdly ol all kinds made M
order and lUlrrd. Work flnl cU
ami guarautiKl.
Ua,reiitcUMtiilutih fttictr IIhIUIhi
rmr. IKinI, or Mint ill!.uu tut a I Anu l
Tabla always supplied with tho boat that tho town affurdei
Neat and Comfortable RoofttSi Ult.vl), dlimioN
(-"jj; '- " j ...... ......
j V '.- L ... S '" . ....:
Massachusetts, ifutual
j . .
Liffejnsurance Company
Nrnrtv Jinfi Q'ATiqninn rll.,l.l.l..- 1.. '.....I. 0....1A..
....... ww w. ..... ,Kfc, . "uvviuwig in kiuuii UUUIIIV,
P. O. MtNKrl?C3ldent Agent-
llOrse Shoeing and
(icneral Bincksniiiliing
Flisl Class Vork Cliiamntced.)
Looiilrd lu lit.- uld Wielil.m Miop,
" 1
$4.50 Per Cord
I.cnye urders.ut or phone