EVENTSJBFTHE DAY Newsy Items (lathered from All Paris of tlio World. PREPARED FOR TIIE BUSY READER (.on Important but Not Lois Inter sting Happenings from Point Outildo tlio Stata. Tii I mi)N In' n III vlsll tli Pniimim I'Hiiiil annually. A it' Hi riwiillod in Plillndr-lphln from it prlri tlRttt. 1 1 ill In ml In Hilary with (Itirmnnjr fur llii wi'Iimhihi ni'i'iitili'il f, 'astro. Tlio Aintrlriin i-mimil nlopinsl n nm tiny nt Puorto Ctntiw, Huiuliiriin. A (dlgM MUlhqiltiko shock, mm frit tn I'rnnee, hut mil much iluttmgn w tonr. Ilrlllsh impcrt ri'iiiir IIimimwi'II ' outburst or ltiinrutliiii mul nllchlts my lio Id mini. Attornry (IimiithI lliniiKtrti ttilnha Itin govrriiiHfiit nluuiM hrv thn right ttt nppMtl In Hiitl trwt phm A MntilitiM iitflii lm t"ii found guilty nf liItirkitialllHg. Tim ovhlmfo wtin wwMtml through III Iw't mIIIhk Tim CkhiiIIhh gmnriiHirHl rhIiwI n lUhlng fiil ft mm Thiwhmv for vlnlitt lug Hip Ii A II H nf JJ.WW nan Im 4ls, A phImmIImhm nt AlltHn, I 'a., IiuihmI, phuImk m iliimflgH "f JlOO.oofl l tk tlm lkvr Mr ikm rtllilrn In lk IwIMImii;, lt nil wn)MH ('writ IUihI'h family I irUwl In jwwrly. (Jnslro rifns to lipllve thai III pro l Imvn rrlipllwl. OfTlfr- nt Id" Imttlioblp lltrt vvrrr lisnqtirttsl liy tkr givrrir of (Vylnn i& Angnli-s b-litiw mi b&vn ur tfxntint to rrnJIto rnrrtratk gambling U Cullfurnln. Turkey ti pnd Into tk fnrnlly of (t htlfln, tint swlliut rHlng twiilla hi I'M nmlil opulnr rnthttlnm. ltllrfnril rtrr rnglng nlng Ihe. Atlun tl ronat. Ilwtvy iwlll nro rrimrtiil mihI tin' t-Hipcmturo ha dropped. Tlio prlnrlpnl uf n Washington girls' nomtnary nr-i ltMvilt of bring MNgnltar'it, tut tlin prrsldt'iil denim the ibrgr. Itrprr-rntMlvM of Itvullng eeprr In trrrst of ibl country and Huropr." Ill loert In NVwr Ysrk to (truunlfo n wmld oppr trutt. A No rtli Cnroll mi nrgrn about to ln hnnged ri'fMl the nttiuitlon of n win i.lrr, Mtylng ht M-tmlml to g to lnll tut n prlal HirHtn, In Inn rHllmau iNtMtlgMlan nt Ckl cinKti ii unmlffr of nonn'ii Irnllfliil to tlio Intent rnlniifo of upprr trtli. nml Inn Itlllty to irfrWn rttlvnlion frm Ilia jwrtiT Mnlo ho HIT' llnlUnd lit ucil another Vciie iiiclait cntl. Thr Wrilcrn Marlntl railrosij it to lie rtorKinlicil. Oovtrnnient experti declare tint (taper enu he inailc from cortiitalkt. Stret inaKiiate declare the coit ol (hrlr product hat itrcatiy tncreaieii The entire limliicn teclion n( Mina, Kcv, hat been dettruyed by lire lUron lloien. Kitttlin anilnndrr in thr United Statct. hat Itartnl nr lilt oM, after an abtence uf tcveral inontht. A retired uddier at San l'ranio hat vtd II3.UW) from bit pay and will herenfler draw l7 W per inniith for retired pay Kelatinnt between Ilraiil and Ar Kcnitlnc arc ttrained The tmnhle utarted oer the merit of the retpec live navict of the two countrict Hepnrti thow that the French na tiun latt year coniiimed IIOO.OOO.ODO Mirtli of tobacco, upon which the kov rnmrnt made a profit of 73,ooo,ooj lly the exidotlon of powder at New bury, I'a, clKlit pcrtont were lujiirnl, three honict burned and four other Oinnmited to prevent further tprcad of the Ihune. Japan I to top all immiration to the united Male. Sclwc of Venezuelan hip by llol land has caunril a riot at Caracal. Uooteelt lint made formal appllca. lion for n permit to limit game in Africa. Hnima Goldman Is in jail at Hrl liiiKli.uu, Wath , charged with iucitiuu Ircaton, Some of the money taken from the Hat Side bank. Portland, lint turned up in OkiIcii, Utah, Ciovernor-elect Corovc plan on comiiiK home to be inaugurated mid then rcturnliiK south. There i a report that fiernnny it about to acquire the llcrcclonc IshmU, off Portugal, for coaliiiK ttation. A Huatian millionaire before dying dctlroycd all bit wealth, lcin a note to his relative about the cwl of money, AUANDON FAMOUB HOT.EL Dlroclor Will Clotn CIiIcabo Audi torium Boon. (liletKO. Dec tft l'l.uu for nb.iu doultiu the Kreat Auditorium hotel hive been decided upon by the board of director of the CotiKrci Hotel company, oprrailiiw the Auditorium anil the Annex All the himlncjts of the two IiIk hotel on Mlchiuan bimle vard I to he conccnlmtcd In the An nex, which recently wnt enlatKcd to double it former capacity, Preildrnt SoutliKalc atertcd that the Auditorium hotel had been lotinir money fur ytr lie nerted that It did not piy I per cent on the money Invctteil, and that It wat poor prop erty compared with the new Annex which, he attcrted. win navinu it stockholder tSiUOuu a year I roin the earuiiiKt account for the year thown at the CIiIciko Auditor ium nitociation ttockhohlvr' mectiiiK, it it teen that thr hotel paid latt year ii rental im,7in I lie tiieatrr paiit inr.iiod gnd olfirc btiildini; rit,7H0, while interest and dividend brouuht In ftHila more, makiuu a total of IH'J5.077 17 The cost of thr biilldinu amouiilrd to inc.'.', 101, lnvln a net Income for the year ol 133 07-1, from which ia dedurlrd fl7,tfiH a depre ciation mi equipment. WOH8T ACCIDENT ON CANAL Thought Older (iodic May Still Uo (Juried Under Dcbrlt, Colon. Dec 14 The explosion ye- tcnlay at Its Obitpo wa tho limit tcrlitu accident in connection with lltr buildniK of the Panama canal tincr the I nilvd Stair took control A thnriiuuli lnrtt ili"ii hat been or drred, rftid already ullii ult are taking rvlilrnce and eHilenvor.nK in ascertain the came of Hit premature iiucliarne. Thirteen ImmIc hnr been recov ered, but it it !trliccd that a score or mure are still under the mattes of rock and earth that were thrown up The drath lit would hive been appall ItiK had a train com e inn 600 laborert latnt a few minutes later Thi train had jutt rd ibroiiKli the cut, and wat barely out of view when the ex plotiuti occurred lor a tpaic of Mo feet in IciiKth and 400 feet in width thr Hat Ohitiio cut present! KfapMc picture of the terrible cllcctt ot the evplotlon J lie whole hilUide hat been devastated, the duamitc rendinx thr earth and tomliiK bnuldrrt in alt direction!. A UMon ttram hoel lie a wreck. crushed under the wellit of fallniK rock I'.very one ol the crew wat kilted All the tracks in thin teclion were lorn to piecet and arc now cov ered with loin of debris Innu tunc will be uecrttary to take away the crcat heapt of earth REOPEN SAND ISLAND CASE. Wntlilnpton LrRltUtor Will Confer With Oovernor Mrd. Tacoma Vah. Dec 11 State Senator Strwart of Cnvvlit county, and Senator McC'.oan. of Pacific routity, and llcprcvciitativc llurkc. of Wahkiakum county, pancil uiroucn Tacoma today on their way to Olyni pla to interview Governor Mead and Atlorney Gueral Atkiiimn relative to a reoucniiik' of thr WaililiiKton Oreuoii bountlarv line case recently decided by the I'nitcd Statct tuprrmc c01"1 . .... It it contended that the decision tilirt auav (mm thr State of Wash iiiKton Sand inland and Puuct ithud. territory that always belonged to this ttate Kevenue to the state hsvc been trrioutlv rrducrd, it is maintained, and the fisbliiK Intrreslt of the ttate have been Krcatly allected It is believed by thine interested that if Governor Mead and Attorney General Atkinson will intervene ol nf thr tlatr the tmireiue court of the United States may be induced to k"c this state a rrlieariUK upon new evidence that will be submitted Dead Man Tests lllcRnt. Albvny N Y . Dec 15 -Prison of ficials in tint ttate will not leudthcm- trlvr to any experiment seekiiiK to revive a man execuicu ttt nic eircinc chair, such as lias been iiitciutcn in New Jersey Suoerlntcudcnt C V Collins said today that he would cou tlder such an experiment illcKal, and nermissioii would have to be secured from the IrKislaturc before he would consent to revive a man after he had been electrocuted In order to prove the theory that the electric current doe not kill, and that it is the physi chit's autopsy knife that really ciuscs death Popo Hopetul ot France. Rome, Dec 13 There was an Im nrctilvc ceremony nt the Vatican to- lay upon the occasion of the readin if the beatification decrees conferred ,.. .lit Krrnrll niUtiotliric llO met "i - - : .-..- - i ,.. ... i Hie ileatn oi mariyrs in v.nm.i mm upon Joan of Arc The rcntluiR of the decree took place in the presence of the pope and many UIkIi prelatc I he pope expreied tlio deep conviction" France, throunh divine Interces sion, would return to the bosom of the church. aylitK the intercession of the new saints lreiiKthcned him in this belief. Japan Start Naw Lino. Tokio, Dec 15 At a dinner Riven today to the new Japiuese minister to Chile, it wan announced that the loy Yln Steamship compiny will itnrt a new line of Meamer between Janan and South America. commencinB Jn- unry 1, with three steamers on a reg ular scneuuic. NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Friday, Ducwriuur III U'lmliliiL'liin, Di'P IH Hlmrtlv nftcr tlio liolldnvn tlio ncrintn will doehln wlii'rn II will plner iniirlilo hunt of two of Itn vlen iirmldrntN, Ilooxi- vrlt mill I'nlrhniik Mr Itnimi'vcll 'it rnrocr In tlio niiintn wnx cxirompiy brlrf, nml nltliniiKli It rndiil rihiiut aovi'fi yntn no, up to till llmo no taut or I I ii linn Ik en iniulr. Wimlilnutnn, Doe. IH. Tlio iininn of (IrorKo W. VlekorlinMi, of Now York, linn lii'i'ii iiliilcr roiinlili'mtlini nvirnl dnvn for tin' pout of attorney em-riil. AiniiiiL' oiiirm ronmiltiil ny .iir. inn roiirrriiliiK Mr. Wli'kumliiitii' iunllll rutlmiH Mim Hi'imtur Knox, ox nttornoy Kfllicnil of tliii I'liltnl Htnti'i', tlio rlioirc of Mr. Tuft for tlio it of neerotnry of ktiitr Wntliiiik'toii, Dor IH Tlio prMidtnt U fiinnlilcrliiK' tho mlvliinbillty of hnv i tiif n tlioriiiiuli I'xaininntlou mid roiMirt iiindo on tin I'lmrncter of the fortnittlorm Hint itinlrrllo tlio loekn nml dninn nlonj; tlio line of tlio Pnnniiui rnnnl. It In ro Uiirdnl in iiiijiortAiit to di'trriiilnn nt INN mil" tin' rmci innuiiltmlu or the tnk of providing ttnldo fouiiiliitlonn for thr-f i(n-k mill ilnnm. UmliliiiMnit, Dor. IH Tlio tirfniitpiit Mill ihwii m'ihI to tlio roMinto tho noml nntloH of Hlirritmn Miiroliind, of HI mlrn, N. Y,, to l( nwiieintr " jut tlrr of the nnprriHo court of tho I'lifilp inno kihhiIii -ihr VHenney hid rrratoil li tint ir4nHtlii of ,lud;o .In mil (I. rmrv. .tinjiff Trnrv vt III roturn to hi MirtV In Aflmnj, N. V,, to fi-iuino tlio pinefirr of low. ThurtUay, December 17. liln;toi. Dcv. 1 Tlio Htnl Mivlnit lnk bill mm licforr tho nonato IimImv for Nirn than nn hour, llurk ott, uf Ntdirntkn, nwiklni; n romprvhen niv nrgiiHirHt In favor of Itn imwonc. TIh iM'HHtr Httonrd nlim to n iuikiko from tho prenldrut roeomtorndlni; n rkniiRO In the p,verninrnt of the Dlt trlrt of ('oluitilila by hlcli n kIiirIo ct rmtlve IhhuI would tnke the plneo of tlio board of tlirro eoiiimlttlnnrrn, who nw Jointly art nn n governing lrmrd I ho M-nnte mljAurneil till Knturdny A groat ninny of tlio nenntorn left WathiHuton tivlay to par tlio holldnvt nt their hoinr, it runuren will ml Journ from Knturdny mxt until Jnnu nrv I. Die iK-nflto todny Kifl n bill rhnn Inif the nnme of the Wlllnmotte eimtotna t'lntrirl to Portlniid runtonm ilUtrlet. Wmliliielon, Dr. 17 .lly iiunnlmnut volo the hiMin today tnlopicl n rrolu tloii presented li tlio nplnl rommlt lee of five rullini; on the pri nldent for ironf of h'n eliare that iiioiiiUt wore fearful of nn Itni'itlirntioii by tlio teeret nervier iiiientN The committee mib mlHixl It report nod rreomineml'itinn iHiuieitintely after the limine rouenil. Wvdnetday, December 10. WatltitiKion, Hec 10 Without ill ruttinn the irnatc today adopted Sen ator Poralicr' resolution introduced in the enitr ettcrday callliiR on the rerctary nf war for vanout informa tion conccriiiiiB the cmplo)mcnt of dctectivro for use in the ilrowntville affair Senator Clapp, of Minnetota, chair- of thr Indian affair committee, has prepared a bill to authorize the secretary of the interior to build two lirulKot and a roailwav on the Warm Springs reservation in Orctron, tolls to tie collected It necessary Senator Aldrich, of Rhode Island, today lutriHluced. and the senate adopted n resolution looking toward the rciiMirliiK o rreslilcut Kooscvelt for hit action in connection with the i'iuph)UH'dt of the sccrtl service offi cers WashuiKiou, Dec to lixcept for a few moments spent in the transaction of routine business and the pataKv of two limine bills, the house of rep resentative today devoted Its entire lime to the further consideration of the bill to revise the penal laws of the United States The Garrett amend incut, which came over from last niKlit and which prohibited sending through the mails information heir itiK on transactions in futures, was de feated by a decided vote Without opposition, no amemhucut by Mr Houston (Turn ) was adopted. makiiiK it an offense to deposit in or ship through the mails intoxicating honors There was still pending when the bill was laid aside an amendment by Mr Humphreys (Mus) providing fur tho idcntillcntion of Intoxication lii uors transported by intcrstaic carriers I Ins proposition caused extended do bate today lenroeutativc t law ley. ol urciton today introduced a bill to appropriate $10 000 for rcnairiui: dvkes at Tilla mook bay and $3,000 annually for the maintenance of work at lillamnok hay, directing (he secretary of war to order a survey for an estimate of the cost of channels, respectively 15 and SO feet dceti at mean low time at the tnr of Tillamook bay, corresponding depth to bo maintained in the bay and in the slouglj to Tillamook City Tuesday, December 16, Washington, Dec 1& Senator Car ter today spoke in support of the nostal sivitiKS bink bill After I referring to the vauous indorsements by nolitlcal conventions and other or Ksniration of the principle involved, Carter said that, while there are only HI'.! savings bank there are more than 01,001 postofficcs, 40,000 of which arc money order office He declared that postal savings binks are in opcr atiou in practically all civilized coun trict of the world except the United State Senator llorab, of Idaho, introduced a bill requiring federal court, unlcis a good cause to the contrary is shown, to dismis indictments against per sou who through no fault of their own arc tumble to obtain a trial dur ing the term of court following that in which the indictment wa returned against them. I he senate has confirmed the fol lowing Oregon postmaster John K i.oggnu, iiurns; I. is Kutncrlord, Kainlrr. Hen Weathers, Enterprise, alto John It Willis, of Oregon, as col lector of customs in Alaska Washington, Dec 15 Kflorts arc being put forth by Representative Mondell of Wyoming to smooth the way for the passage at this session of congress ot nit lull increismg the iiuantity of laud that may he taken up lor a Homestead irom hhi to aso acres The liotite passed a bill placing an annual lax of $100 on all dealers in cigarctlrs or cigarette paprrs The measure was oiiered liy Krprescut live Mann, of lllmoi. as an amend ment to a bill imposing a tax of $12 on all dealer handling manufactured IoImcco product. Monday, December 14, Washington. Dec 14 The Ilrowns- ville riot case again became a live is sue in I he feud between President Kooscvelt ami Senator Porakcr today the senator reopened the controversy by reading letter from some of the discharged soldiers, telling of at-' tempt ot detective to extort con fessions Then be offered an amend ment to hit bill for the reinstatement of the ex-soldiers, providing that evi dence as to their guilt or innocence be taken by a commission ol three re tired army officers as a prerequisite to their re enlistment, thus taking this power from the president This assault was met by a counter blast from the president A special mrtsagc was read, accompanied by the report nf detectives, who have as certained what mirnort 10 be the facts about the riot, with the names of the ringleaders The president recom mended that those ex-soldiers who could thow their innocence be rein stated Senator Fulton today introduced a resolution authorizing the secretary of war to prepare a project for the im provement of .the mouth of the Sius law river at a cost not exceeding $300,000, the government to bear half thr expense and the remainder to be paid by slate or local community Senator Dick, of Ohio, today intro duced a resolution in the senate urg ing that February 13. lt0!i, the hun dredth anniversary of Abraham I. in coin s birthday, be fittingly celebrated by thr nation He suggested a joint session of congress, with addresses by prominent men and meeting in all the cities throughout the country and in all educational institution. The motion met with no opposition Washington. Dec 14 While con- tillering bills dealing with affair in the District of CoM'nbia. the bouse today pissed a measure providing for e5-cent gas in Washington The bill now cor to the senate, as well as an other bill abolishing bucket-shops in the District A bill providing for free lectures in the public schools was voted down. An attempt by Henry, of Texas, to obtain a change in the reference of a bill prohibiting the making of future contracts on agricultural products brought forth the promise from Chairman hcott. ot the agricultural committee, that bis committee would soon grant hearings to tanners unions and others on this subject. lie house voted to adjourn batur day. December 19, to Mondiy, Janu ary 4 Transport Shorlaje a Danger. Washington, Dec. 1 I-ack of nec essary vessels for the purpose of transporting troops and supplies in case of war is one of the most serious problem facing the country, accord ing to the report of General AIe slurc, quartermaster general of the arm), made public today The report proposes some form of subsidy to en courage the building of thips, as a so lution Paclfld Flebt at Salvador Washington, Dec 18 The navy itrii.nrlinenl is informed that tho Pa- cihc licet, under command of Admiral Swinburne, lias arrived at aaivanor The first division is at La Union and the second division at Amapala. After a snort visit tnc squaurou win pro ceed to Panama and down tho South American coast to Chili mi the winter cruise, Bleached Flour Under Pan. Washington Dec 18 Secretary of Agriculture Wilson todiy declared tint flour bleached by nitrogen perox. idc is an adulterated food and that it cannot be sold in the District of Co lumbia or in any of the territories, or transported by means ot interstate carriers. SHIPPERS TO FIGHT. May Enjoin Rnilrond If New Rates Are Enforced. Chicago, Dec 14. The Tribune ye terday printed the following new ar tide on the transcontinental freight rate qucitiont a regard the Pacific coaat: 'J he advance in freight rates in eluded in the new transcontinental tariff, which were filed with the in tcrttatc commerce commission about two weeks ago, and which take effect under the required 30 days' notice on January 1, is likely to provoke a siorm among uic mppcr. im may rctult in an attempt to prevent the road from charging the new rates by ujuuetion proceedings. During the course of the agitation aga.nit the proposed increase of the eastern roads in official classification territory, little attention bat been paid to the Pacific coast rates Now hat the eastern roads have agreed to make no general advance for two months, and many believe that they may have decided to back down, ship per are conferring to see what may be done with the transcontinental rate question. lite traffic committee ol the Illinois Manufacturers' association, which took the lead in the fight on the eastern rales, hat decided to (end a circular letter to member asking them how much the increases will affect their business, and wMat is to be done about it. ' It has been stated that the brunt of the fight against the new rates would probably be undertaken by the Cali fornia shippers, who are affected by (he increases both castbound and westbound, because most of the job bers 'receiving freight from Chicago hive been in the habit of paying the freight themselves A formal protest to the interstate commerce commission is now in preparation by the California Traffic association, and this body may decide to ask for an injunction. In such event the shippers in the cast may rest on the same case or file interven ing petitions a they did in the Texas rate case. CASTRO IS FURIOUS. Venezuelan President's Dignity Hurt by French Treatment. Paris, Dec 14 President Castro, of Venezuela, who arrived in this city last evening from Ilordeaux. has made no advances to the French govern ment He is reported as furiously an gry at the manner in which the gov ernment has received him in France Since bis arrival in Paris he has re mained shut up in his apirtments in the hotel as closely as though he were a prisoner, and, barring a few mem bers of the Venezuelan colony, he has teen nobody. The officials of the foreign office have been given orders not to explain the position of the government towards Castro. Said one official yes terday: "The conditions upon which the government is willing to open nego tiations with Castro have been com municated to him. "What these -condition arc, beyond prohibiting President Castro from making any political declaration, are not known, but it is believed that they involve a formal apology," A reporter called to see the Presi dent yesterday The only member of Castro's entourage visible said that nothing had been decided, but the party possibly would leave for Ger many tomorrow A black maid in the service oi .tioic uasiro was siding in a hall outside her mistress door, try ing to get her foot into a newly pur chased pair of pointed shoes. RUEF GETS ANOTHER WEEK. Convicted Briber Will Be Sentenced Next Saturday. San Francisco, Dec 14 Abraham Ruef. convicted last Thursday of of fering a bribe, was Saturday granted a delay of one week before receiving sentence The continuance of the case until next Saturday, December 19, wa with the assent of the district at torney's office, represented by Assist ant John O'Gara Thomas U Dozier, of the defense, based his motion for a week's respite on Ihe ground that suf ficient time bad not been given the defense to prepare the motions and arguments in arrest of Judgment and for a new trial The inability of Henry Ach, Rucf's chief counsel, to appear in court was assigned as a tur titer reason. While it was generally known tha.t judgment would not be pronounced Saturday, there was the usual crowd in attendance at the session, and there was no diminution of the police guard Ruef was brought from the county jail in the prison van and was hurried to a seat between Attorney Dozier and A Altmann, his brother-m-law. Mr Dozier made the motion for a continuance immediately after the pro ceedings we.; inaugurated, but Judge Law lor declined to permit the entry to be recorded, and ordered Ruef to stand up for arraignment. To Construct Reservoir, riutte, Mont, Dec. 14 Word was received last night tint the govern ment had withdrawn from settlement a large amount of land covering the watershed of the Little Hitter Root mountains, for the purpose of con structing an immense reservoir to ir- rigate the Flathead Indian reserva lion to DC tnrovvn open next year. EQUAL TO BRITISH Admiral Evans Answers Critics of American Navy. LATER TYPE BEAT DREADNAUGHT Old Vessel Do Not Come Up to New Ship of Other Navley-Armor Belt'! Well Placed. New York, Dec. 15. The latest bat llethipt built by this country are vastly superior to England's Dread naught is emphatically stated by Rear-Admiral Roblcy D Evans in a magazine article written by turn. wherein be strongly defends the American navy, and rcpli to criti cisms of it. I do not for a moment claim that the Indiana and her sister ship arc equal to the Dreadnaught of the Eng lish navy," ays Admiral Lvans, "only that the is the equal of the English ship designed at the same time. Hut I do claim that our latest shios arc vastlv snnerinr to Ihe Drrniln.-iiitrlil. and I believe that every fighting man who nas given the subject intelligent consideration will agree with me'' lhe admiral urges the superiority of the 13-inch gun over the 12-inch gun and asserts that the change to the let ser caliber to conform to hnclands type was a most serious blunder This is chargeable, he says, to the seago ing oiiicers ot the navy and not to any stall corps. Regarding the watcrline armor belt, he says: "I am sure, after many weeks of close observation, that the lower edge of the armor belt is too high rather than too low" It had been strenu ously contended by critics that the low location of the belt was a vital point of weakness. "As the upper edge of the belt is always even with or above the level of the protective belt," continues Admiral Evans, "Ihe danger to be apprehended from a projectile penetrating above the belt, beyond the wrecking effect of such projectile, is that due to the amount of water that may enter the hole It is Ihe damage that may be done by such projectiles entering below that may cause the ship to sink by exploding; magazines or boilers, but this is im probable It will require many 12 mch shells on the watcrline or on any other to disable or sink such a ship, if the officers and men know their business and want to fight." CASTRO IN RAGE. Declares Act of Holland Outrage on Civilization. Berlin, Dec 15 "The seizure of the coast guardship Alix by the Dutch cruiser Gelderland is no less than naval brigandage It is an outrage on civilization By that act Holland has put herself outside the pale of de cency I do not know what Vene zuela will do about it." In this caustic language President Castro of Venezuela commented to day on the warlike move made by Hollajid Saturday, the news of which was not conveyed to him until he reached this city this afternoon Castro declares that his visit to this city is to consult Dr Israel. He as scrts that whoever says lie is not sick is telling a lie. The Venezuelan president has en gaged the first floor, containing thirty rooms at the Hotel Esplanade, and his bill will be a trifle over $250 day. He has engaged for the use of himself and his party ten motor cars, at a cost of $500 daily. He is sur rounded by a small army of detectives and followed by a retinue of gaily at tired flunkeys. Representatives of the foreign office greeted Castro today. They have been ordered to show him every courtesy. Examiner on Double Duty. Chicago, Dec. 15 Cassius C Jones, chief state bank examiner assigned to Cook county, has sudden'y resigned his place rather than face the scandal which his superiors say will be stirred up if letters written to him by city bank officials are made public The charge made against Jones is that he was nrivatelv emoloved by these banks as an examiner while he was doing the same duty for the state. The banking act says no employe of a bank shall be appointed as a bank ex aminer to inspect the institution by which he is employed Ceylon Entertains Fleet. Colombo. Ceylon. Dec 15 The United States and Ceylon paid their respects to each other today through official visits between Rear Admiral Sperry, of the battleship fleet, and Sir Henry Edwards McCallum gov crnor of Ceylon The American war ships arc coaling tor tneir journey through the Indian ocean to the Sues canal. Grafters Denied New Trial. Harrisburg, Pa, Dec 12 Judge Kunkel yesterday overruled a motion, for a new trial for Snyder, Sanderson, Mathues and Shumaker. the officials and contractors who were convicted on the charge of conspiring to de- - 1 fraud the state in the matter of th state capttoi contract.