THE BEND BULLETIN. 1 7 VOL. VI IIKND, ORF.GON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1908 NO. 41 a 5 IEW fplPD BV busy wmm flcms of General (iitvix't lpn Western Crook Corny v. SUIVI:VORS LRAVli RliD.tyqNQ Have Slopped Work, wllh Sio-yes Sijupi'iiiled for llic Winter New flfntcis from I'lvo Different Ncnrby Nrlnlib iihrniil. RitiiMONi), Dec. so The mil road Mtrvcyors are gone The cam menu 0110 iicnr.s on the event tire inuiiy ami various One m.iti nay tlnit next year the M tikes will lc wi-iithcr laten and will linvc to lie reset. Another ,vi)H llmt next year the atirvcyor.s will be back, cross-sectioning. Hut the Colonel MVh he Itin n letter from It, II. Itarriinau saying tliut the tout will be built ut Once, that Redmond will lc tltc terminus for tiuvwiiy two or three years, that depot ground have Ixcii .selected a No round house lte, Y m Itches, general re pair lBi nml what not Wc lvc (he couunciit) for what they arc wprt,h. Wc met the surveyors VeltiCMlny going towutd culver so that much wc know. W. J. Iiucklcy took uuother load of them out on Friday Iliby Hitter was quite nick the middle of the wtck, but Is now Im proved. Christmas tree exercises by the .Sunday ichool will lc held on Thtiisdny night. Among the treats for the little folks this year will lc home mode candy, Mm. Davie being the artist whose nuc ccm in manipulating the sugar is well known. H. C. P.kk. Pleasant RUro Items. I'MMSAnt Hlrmtt. Dec. . Hcrv Ixxly I hottllng fur water. The farmer arc nil luiy putting up ire nowa-dais. The Ire now U of a tcry fine quality. Among lhoe mIki Imuc ticcn on the sick liat lor the pt few day are the f iiitlllot of CSrrciiltnljtli. IImII, Snider nml Hiorwood, wit all nrv convalescent at this willing. I.lttle Helen, the to)inr olil ilauah trrofC. II. Lock j tar, lint the mitfor tune of hating her nrm broken lal week. Mr. liaton of California, fathemf Mr. . J. Chase, arrhtd lal week with the I ileiillnii of slsylng the coming winter wllh III tlatiliirr nml son In-law. liRtt Saturday evening, occurred, nt the Snlilrr home, nl mi lumr whcnpcace fill slumber It moat hcnrtlly cnjojcil, a ptrty of a few youngsters, wliow yniivt llilcs were not jol In harmony with thoic of the iaccfiil slumlH-rcrs, hut of n ttioic sclfUli kind, rl the utilllilf was realty enjoyed ty nil. Until tcfrcth iiu-nU were icrsed nn.l the rly ills lrinl ut nil i-Aily hour wlthing them many happy nitwit. (. W. llalt'M have now moved onto their homestead, three iiai(crs of n mile farther eait. Clintl Irvin now has Ids houc nearly s'llnwlcd and ready for occupancy. Win. Johnston hat onc to I'riucvlllu to asslu the comity clerk, Warren Drawn, for a few wrekf with the nili at plcicnl, ns the lav return will now com lilriicc and IhisIiicm at the court house will he nulling, MUs l'crn Hull has retuiucd home from her school duties at Hear Creek, fur the holhlny vacation. !. A. lVirker of Hear Creek drove over with Mls llnll n id unfortunately next nioriiiim he found one of lilt horn-' In a rry critical condition, and it mioii tlliil, leaving Mr, I'aikcrrjo mile from home with only one horse nml a rig to get home with. Sherwood llros, luivu leased their home up at lK-nd to a Mr. llsrbcr of Washington. IuUIIiirs at (list. (Tcm tote fur ll witk ) The Clovcrdalo Card Club nave Mr. aid Mrs, (Slat quite n surprise Tuesday eu-nlng, H was H p, 111, when the- crowd arrived at CM. Mr, ONI opened the door to see what the racket was 011 the outililc, and Just then someone nave 11 war whoop. It was all up then, ns Mr, (iltt knew what was up. They played ends until 11 o'clock, when Mrs. (iiil opened the dining room door and in xitrd the I'uetts to nipper. Thone pres ent were; Messrs and Mtidamc Chun. Carton, Arthur Tciiipltton, Will UuciluK, Jerome Kkelton, Master Vcru Skclton and Mlts llel Teinplcloii, Mr, and Mrs and Vera ONtf Walter trnlinni and wife and Imhy had a ery narrow cmk: from Miik hnrl Katurduy eveiilni; at they were drMni! jrom OUt, 1,0 iiliilcra, It wat ury dark VMA Vf V'Pvl",,,r'v,"K "' a fairly KHd Kalt, lieiallof a sudden the wnjjon CAitic (11 011(,1 wllh a stump, throwing V' Urft''IWi n.'"' ,,,c '"''y oul' Waller u n jiiod i! rip on the lluei and held to c horsrs, bl not until he struck the (round, Kscipt fur a uood hnkln up, they Cvsinc oul without a scratch. aff'ls "r,e;nn will liirnNIi' the c or the entertainment at the school limi.c at (ll Christmas eve, Mr nd Mrs. Kohcrt Smith of Sisters were pleasant filers at Out I'h.U eve, fyen l'l)c,otu,'t Krv. I.amh, from near Hrdmou, pfttched here last Sunday, Johnny I'duard started for WashliiK Inn Saturday on a huslness trip. Win, Hart returned home recently after Iwlu nway Mrvcral mouths work lux for the Illsek Unite conip.iny. Mr. and Mrs. C Iv (list (Nik dinner at the Will I'ryrear home Kumluy. The people In and around Cist arc In hoM-s that they can secure a rural dcliv cry cr Ice. There will Ik; a petition cir culated In a few dayi. luninlo Hems. Tvhxw, Dec. w. Some cro weather I he )t few ulKhts. Mr, Couch scd through here )cv terdny with lunihcr for I'. 1'. .Smith at lleiid, C. I). Ilrown of Ilciid piwcd through here with another uculleumu, There N a prtltloii out now for a rural (itedrllverv toutr from I.aidlaw ia Tuualo tu llt, and return hy the ".l! sn and Onkli iiciehlKirhmxl, and to make tttvee trips cr week at preeut. Chas. Wlincr went to Ilciid IimIoj- with a heef for Ilinil jvople, who like no"'' Utf HeiMirt reached licit vostcrday that I'. I. Daytiiu and his uitnrr, Mr. Sjxio, hsr their mill inachliicry 011 the rosd and It wilt prohshly teach heic this week, and that work would uiiilmciiie at once setting It up and kcIUiii: it ready to U;l'i saw lug lumtier. We arc glad to hoar that the new road to Ilciid hus Ik-cii coniilcll. (',. W. Wlincr Sous hatelett Alliuf their ice home with mine fine ioa llip kiM two ihys, IuvIiir frosn tile Ice ithout five inches thick by riliinitln watl-r oil top of the Ice on the pond. I. It. Wlmer and Chas. Spaugli were In Tniiiilii tinlay and cut two loads of Ice from . W. Wlmer & Son' loc pond. ('reparations are proxrcssluK nicely for the Christmas tree at the next school home east of here, Kcv. Lilly and Hcv. Harper preached to a uood crowd at the school house last I'rlday iiIrIiI. James llrau of Hcnd passed through licic 1'iiday :oIiik to the Matolrs. St PIUIKINS IS HACK AGAIN. Powell lluttcs Notis. lViwi:i.i. IlwfTits, Icc i Levi I'.rnst hit hullt a small lkoiic and Uirn 011 hl laud and will now Ih-kIii to clear roiuul. Looks like wc would all Imyo to haul water soon If the cold weather continues. There will be tree at the Shepherd school home Christmas eve by the Sunday tchool. Hauling water Is the older of the day now, since tho weather Is so cold that water ran not he run in the camd. U' a woim: Job than ever U-forc, when we were not expecting to get it from the dllclici. 11.1 I111 C.ricn Is huullue lumber from the 11 itowcr-hmllli mill. Adam Kotiniatl is hsulliU! straw from the Unites to his ranch near Hcnd. We understand that stock will have to Ihj kept out of llic IrilKstlui; canals here after. Won't that lie.iiue for us fellows at the lower end of the canal, I'rcllyculd nialhtrtheilA)i, C. ll,t'olrrtMl a xatiwbte Iipiw ll ctl. Ilewaioiillieruait from llic Illslilann-Siiillli mill when hit houe tcowl ltil. Mr, i'trr-r Iaiiis U t l-il-iouU rcsvUlnir UK Jlcul nil). Tlie oiBcer ul kIi.1 illirlrt Sn. : arc Im- Ihr.r U)tuilliiBonllif Mlxl hiHoe iroo lllon. Mr. May li imwcil over from UOnmiul lu lil fi.rm wM.-li he reiilly purcliaKd. Unit hat tolil his isncli to a .Mr. Mltoll n In, will wo-ic oula the UikI. K. N. Holy list urchsiKtt a team aiktunEOii. Guilty of Counterfeiting, rutshiK counterfeit money Is no worse than sulistlttitliiK rwme unknown worth. less remedy for l'olcy'a Honey and iar, tho great cough and cold remedy that cures the most obstinate roughs nod heal the huiuA-C, M, ,M(i:iUl.t., DntK THE MAN OF THE HOUR.. 1 IT waasMaasskM. I n abv n 5 pi.raa mm U wW u Three Cheers for Dear Old, Queer OJd ; ? Santa Clnus! RAILROAD NEWS OF THE WEEK Two Lines Located from Madras to Rcdfriond. WORKING ON NATRON LINE Arc Clearing Rluht of Way West Prom Natron Harrlman's llrldgo over Crooked Riser Will lie Approx linately BOO Pcct Lone;. The crew of Ilarritnati surveyors under Iiucinccr Mills, which has bet 11 camped at Redmond, has run hcvcral lines north from Redmond towards Crooked river, and it h understood liey have located a crossing one-fourth of a mile below Trail Crossing bridge. It is said that a bridge Soo feet long will be necessary to crdss the river at that point. This is several hundred feet wider than the crossing found by the Central Oregon road, which crosses Crooked river about a mile nud a quarter licloiv Trail Crossing Urldgc. The wider cronsiuc Is said to have been selected by the Ilarri man engineers because of what they considered the more desirable ap proaches to the bridge. The Cen tral Oregon survey provides for n bridge 350 feet long and over soo feet high. Mr. Mills party made a locution from Madras south by wrty of La- nionta and O'Neil to Rtdmoud, and the surveyors under Engineer Rob erts have located a line south Irom Madras via Opal l'ruine tci Trail Crossing. This gives the Harti man interests two locations froih Madras to Redmond. Assistant Chief Ktigluccr has been at both Madras and Redmond inspect itig these surveys. The surveyors under .Mills nave left the field. Natron extension an Assured Fact. It looks more than ever as if con struction 011 the Natron extension would begin In the enrly spring, if not before, In fact, the work of clearing the right of way has ah ready commenced. Alt Walker, who is taking Major HOward's place on the right of way, came up yesterday from the Middle Fork, niul says there nre seven or eight crews of men nt work grub bing out tlie orcuarus ami clearing the rirfht bf way which the com pany has already secured by actual purchase between Natron and Haz eltlell. These men will be kept busy at work until it is all cleared up. If this does ho meatj that ac- trial construction on llic road bed will commence at once, wc do not know what It- means. The new route over the Cascades via the Middle Fork and Salt Creek is 110 longer a contingency, but Is ati as sured fact. Kugcnc Register. The Natron extension is the line whose survey crosses the Cascades in the vicinity of Diamond Teak and runs south on the cast side of the Cascades to Klamath Falls. Prlnevllle's City Ulectlon. The Property Owners' ticket won out In the city election held nt Priucvillc Monday, the result be ing as follows: For Mayor David Stewart, 180. For Aldermen John B. Shlpp 95, Jesse Yancey 98, Ward well Cram 189. For Recorder Chas. I., Shat tuck 103. For Treasurer J. W. Hoouc 101. For Marshal Wade Huston 91. There was another ticket in the field, the Citizens'. Stewart, for mayor, and Cram, for councilman, were also on that ticket. Aside from these two, the result ou the Citizens' ticket was ns follows: For Aldermen J. II. Rosenberg 94, Med Vaudcrpool 92, D 0, Vandcvert 86, For Marshal Wm. Draper 89. For Treasurer J. !. McCulloch 87. " FREE WINTER COURSES. Oregon Agricultural Collect) Will dive Short Courses In Acrlctilture. Winter short courses of study will beglu at the agriculture college, Corvatlis, Oregon, on January 5. Men and wolticn, young and old, interested in the farm, the shop, ot the home, are cordially invited to attend. By writing at once to the agriculture college a circular will be sent telling in detail what is pro posed to be accomplished by these courses. A week of lectures on General ner- ricultural topics begins Jan. 5. A special course for creamery opera tors and managers runs from Jan. 5 to 15; n course in dairying from Jan. id to March ?;; a course in horticulture Jan. it to leb. 20: a course in mechanic arts from Jan. it to rcb. to; a course in road con struction from Jan. 1 1 to Feb. 6; a course in household science and art from Jan. 1 1 to Feb. jo. Spec ial lectures 011 business methods on the farth will be given. A Personal Appoal. If wo could talk to you personally about the kteat merit of Voleys Honey and Tar, for toughs, colds am long trouble, yon never could lc induced to e.ieriuicut with unknown preparations mar, may couiniu sonic narmiui uruK. l'oley'a llouey and Tor costs you no more ami lias a record 01 40 years 01 cures, C. W. Mi'.Krir.!., UruKKfet, Notice to tho Public. Hereafter the price of all meals at the Pilot Butte Inn will bo 35 cents, to both local and transient trade. 4t C. B, Tvrnkk, Prop. CROOK COUNTY (iROW If) WEALTH AWHon; Dollar Increase per Year For Pas Five Years. z. VALUATION IS NOW $7,070,25 Hve Years Ago the Total Valuation of Taxable Property In the County Was Only $2,300,000 Other Items of Interest. ' ' F.iye years ago the total valuation of property in Crook county amounted to a scant 2.300,000; today it, stands at $7,070.25. That tells, btlvr tba,u anytDing else the growth Crook county is making, and the settlement and development that is taking place an incicasc of nearly 1,000,000 a year for the last five years. The total valuation of taxable property in the county now is shown to bo, $7,070,254, as com pared with $6,226,000 last year riic Princvillc Journal says this large increase in this respect is due principally to new lands entered under the timber and stone act, homestead and desert claims, some state lands and segregated lands filed on under the Carey Act. The assessor received 3S closely type writtcu pages from The Dalles land office last January showing the names and location of claimants who had proved up on government lands. The number of acres under culti vation is 59,135, valued at $367. 559, and the number of acres of un cultivated land is 1,203,665, mostly timber or homestead lands unen tered, valued at $4,467,185 The value of improvements on deeded or patented land is $178,724, of all city or town lots $118,725, of im provements ou town or city lots $188,730, and of improvements on lands not dccd:d or patented $65,919. A valuation of $369,000 is placed by the assessor upon the canals and ditches of reclamation companies lu the county, though under the recent supreme court decision hold ing these improvements unassess able as held by the companies it is unlikely the county will benefit thereby. There arc 54 miles of telephone lines, with more building, and the value of the completed lines is placed at $3,045. Sawmills and farm engines total $38,160. mer chandise and stocks in trade $130, 190, farm machinery, implements and wagons $63,173, money, uoles and accounts $245,023, 750 shares of stock valued at $83,955, house hold furniture, watches, jewelry, etc, $47.5'9- ThtM M inllc are all that appear on th Mwunr'tliooka. Throuch ome rtror the line or the rioucer Telegraph uJ Ttltphoue Com pany were not men Lai to he IbVmi m uOeaiD ice orb) ciin j-u the tax roll au.l will twUkrneacforby a "benfl'' aue- exact ruttea tiirnt. ' xn The nniicttn fuaeavorca to iti me ace oT the rfouerrr company at the local o."Ikt. but no oue MmeVto liac the iufor. iiuxtlon dMlrrd. The llounr i lines lu Crook county will ci Cecil loo tulle. Davenport's Harney County Ranch. It is possible that Homer Daveu port, the great caricaturist and now a world-renowned breeder of Ara bian horses at Morris Plains, N. J. and Hingman, Mass., may lu the near future become interested in Harney comity to the extent of bringing some of his Arabian horsis here and startiug a cavalry horse brcediug plant. Mr. Davenport has the correct Idea that this would be a peculiarly favorable place for such a plant. By selecting the best mares of the range stock here and crossing them with the pure Arabian, the product ought to be a horse of the greatest cudurancc and speed, hardy, healthy ami reliable iu every way. Bums News. The News'says that Mr. Daven port is planning to visit Burns friends in a. few weeks, while on; a trip through the West, Shorter Items of Interest. The OJd Fellows of Burns will build a lodjrc hall, the structure to be a two story slqne buildin;' 30x100 feet The I,cadcr says that T. B. For has duf' ,n a well on hi taucb war Fort Uf&k that is iv: feet I k ' ' 1 t -,-' deep, probably the deepest well in Lake county. The Madras school district has levied n i5-milt tax for expenses of the current year. The property valuation in the district is a little, more than $82,000. The Journal says that C. hi. Hlkins has received 26 head of thoroughbred Hampshire sheep from Weiser, Idaho, and will keep, them on his Haystack farm, "Jim," a famous Warm Spring: Indian, in company with several others,was iu I.aidlaw this we.k. He was telling about the Modoc war nud said he kilted four Modoc ou the buttt just west of town, and Hut two of the skulls were there yet. Chronicle. The rabbit drive in the vicinity of Madras was not a ycty great success, only nbout 300, rabbits, bc,- ing Kiueu. inc jt'iouecr says, in? poor results were due to the at tempt to cover too much territory and because there were not enough drivers present. Another attempt will be made on December 28. Several of the sportsmen of Princ villc organized a gun club Tuesday night for the furtherance of the sport of hunting, and the Princvillc club wilt give a prize shooting match about Christmas day to which all the sportsmen of the county ure invited. The gun club is also considering the proposition of importing Chinese pheasants and bob white quail with which to stock the country. Madias Pioneer. A great hullabaloo has been co in g on between Medford and Eu gene boosters because .pmc of the latter enthusiasts got out advertis ing' pamphlets containing cuts of scenes around Medford but credited them to Eugene. Such action should be condemned. It is not long ago that The Bulletin saw a, pamphlet advertising the land open ing scheme at I.akevicw, said pamphlet containing cuts of scenes tu the Bend country with nothing to designate their true location. Stone work on the new court house was finished Tuesday at noon, and the masons are now out of positions. The carpenters havo almost finished structural work, and it is estimated they will be through in about two weeks, when the building will he ready for the painters and finishers. Steam heat has been installed and iu wording condition for some time, so tha; plasteriug will go on right alour in spite' of inclement weather. The building will be an imposing onu aud the pride of the couuty. Re view. CHRISTMAS IN DOND, Christmas Cantata Will Ue divert lu Bend Church. As usual there will be Christmas exercises in the Beild church to morrow evening Christmas eve. There will be a large tree resplend ent iu candles, strings of popcorn and many other decorations to please the little folks. Of coup Santa Claus himself will be theru aud will have a treat for each of the children. Presents will be re ceived aud distributed from the tree in the usual manner. A Christmas cantata entitled, "Santa Claus' Prize and Who Got It," will also "be presented, and it it is the equal of last year's cantaU it certainly will prove a pleaslug; evenlug's entertainment. Every one who can should be preseut, listen once more to the sweet, old time Christmas carols, aud ponder once again the time when angels saug glad tidings to men and the Prince of Peace was born iu Bethle hem. It will do you good to bo there, aud all arc cordially invited.'