-.-.-. iJ1l-igi.' "" ..a.. ' o mm -. FECIAL PREMIUM OFFER J If you will sent) $i5Q for a year's subscription to THE BEND BULLETIN cash with onjejr, we wi) give you, absolutely 1 ' ' p ' ' ' "free, a full pnfd-up yelp's subscription to u PARM AND FIRESIDE and THE TWO SUPERB, PICTURES BELOW Description of the Facts About 'Z3EL 3CC (our s wAi yWrt"" "w" ""'" , FREE"" sNo I y it n it Pictures These two beautiful plc tve which arc offered with Fsnn ami Flrcslilc ami The Bc,u Bulletin if vonr sub ecrjpon is received prompt J, aft the masterpieces of owe of, America's foremost arti'sts. They an: really art proofs and each would re tail irf art Store at from 50c to fl.Ss$ Kath "picture in reproduced in all th beauti ful eoloxs of the original piintipR. on fine supcrcalcn fiarcd stock, all ready to put up in jour home. The Pretty Girl picture ia,, x 11, V inches; the center pic ture 14 x iq inches ad the Lincoln picture 9 x ij inches. . . !-. . Ill llirsc iwu yiyuica win be furnished with Farm and Fireside and The Bulletin only if you subscribe before January 15, 190$.- They are sent postpaid. It U not enough that Farm not cnoucu mat it nas Darren an nu accepts; Farm and Fireside has got accepts; Farm and Fireside lias got to do more than mat. and it is going to do a In to the farmer and his family the very best Of practical and helpful material trial 111c more'important than a post driver, it's going to be told by a man who can make a any one ouicr ining. we are going he fanner's wife needs labor-saying any one oilier thing. Ave are going Remember $1.50 YOU GET THE BEND Ijlrs,. tylcRaneys Experience. Mrs, M. McRanev, Prentiss, Miss., writes: "I was confined to my bed for three months v;lth kidney and bladder trouble, and was. treated by two physi cians but failed tq get relief. No human tongue can tell how I suffered, and I ha J given up hope of eer getting well until I began faking Foley's Kidney Remedy. AHef faking two bq(tles I felt like a new pefsoft, and feel it my duty to tell suffer ing women what Foley's' Kidney Rem edy did for me." C. W. MKitftaL, llrvJRght; Redmond Items. JrpMOXD, Dec. 13, 'oS. Tlje meet- Sngs being held here by the Presbyter ns closet lajt WcdncHljiy evening with the admiuion of new member, the ordination of F.Idcr Cliap,mm and the pmtAunion service. The' npiy metnbcrj re Mr. and Mrs. Norwood, Mpfcfy im( Buckley, with Mrs. Brown, Burling hTtof. Park, Smith and MflLallju. baptismal seryice for cldldreri was. alsp icll at 5:30 o'clock. Mr. Harper Ifavcs (hU week for other Gelds with the best wishes of every one with whom he has come in contact daring his short stay J.crc. The butterfly sodal held at the hotel ',!iur. day night was one of those good times that teem beforehand to be hard to report on account of the scarcity of pey expressions in which to dress up old Ideas. It was an event that will be lorijj remembered. It was delicious litiiikwheat pancakes that made the but ter fly for otcr a hundred who partook of them. V. J, Young had charge of the stove work with Finis Woods as chief assistant. Mrs. Park mixed the cakes and a dozen or more girls served them. Before the serving began the company was entertained with songs and preprandial speeches. A. Bel cher spoke to the subject The Ladies (in general;) U. A. M. Lilly handled the Ladies' Aid, H. F. Joues made an nouncesenU and K. C. Park spoke on the paticst and long-suffering husbands. Wc feel safe in saying if anyone did not have n good time bis money will be re funded. Carl Khrct's Jiouse is coming along nicely with several men worklug up tl.e lumber as fast as it comes in, He ex pects to occupy It by Chrittmas time More people are taking Foley's Kid ney Remedy every year. It. consid ered to be the most effective remedy for kidney and bladder troubles that medi cal science can devise. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects frruwilarities, builds up worn iit,ljufi nqil reMoriimt ubu It yill make y.m ivehwen mil, Essea What and Fireside has stood in the front rank of - siiotiauieauvcriucnienis irom us columns to do more than that, and it is koine to do to carry this, utility idea through the whole farm and into tho kitchen door, ulicre 10 carry inn pui elps and prscfl' ri.fciiwi suggestions just as Pay fqr a Full Year?s Subscription Pictures TWO PAPERS AND TWO BULLETIN, and it wll be quite an addition on the north side. Rev. Loyytlicr expects to begin pro; traded meetings here the first of Janu ary. Ho wiH be assisted by the Adsins sisters. Mr. ones has been making several im provements on the place lately ouned by Chris Kbret. The McClellan are new arrivals from the Grand Romje valley onii are camped south of town, Mr. Muuia ia (illipg his jo barrel cement walled cijtf fit toay. Mrs. Eby is at last ell enough to be out to church again after an absence lasting for several mouths. , Mr. Burlingliam lias bought lots in town and is building on them for tem porary opcupaucy. Cashier Fillers expresses himself as surprised au1 pleased at the volume of business being done by the bank. Lamb's feed store Is also enjoying a good run of business. V.. C Park. A Personal Appeal. If we could talk to you personally about the great merit of Foley's Honey and Tar. for couchs. colds and luiiu trouble, you never could Ik: induced to experiment with unknown preparations that may contain some harmful drugs, Foley's Honey and Tar costs you no mom anil nas a record 01 40 years 01 cures. C. W. Merhh.1., Druggist. The Piotleer Telegraph afld Telephone Corapany Telegrams Forwarded to Any Tart of the World. Direct Telephone Communication with Portland, Prinevllte and alt Pacific Coast cities. Public Pay Stations in Bank Bulding at Bend, at Laid law and Powell Bttttes. Messenger service to any part of Crook County south of Crooked River. Deschiltes Lodge No. 113' Knights of Pythias Regular meetings the second nnd fourth Wednesday of each mouth. Visiting knights aUnys uelooillc, CrtAS. 1). line .v. . C, C0U3. D, UbVM Jw JU & 3. ALU SUBSCRIPTIONS receive! pe tween Janyary IS and Mnrch l, will be cn'tltfed only tp ppe plp ture, the Lincoln picture. So pow Is Uie time to subscribe. The pictures arc sent postpaid. is Farm farm papers for the la.t thirty year; it it ami tniarniiiuc every nuirriiwnirisi 11 a lot mprc tli-tn tn; it is uolnu to ulve nuey can uuy. ji 11 ttaiioiii ikhiiiiiu; 1 poit ilrinr l;ttr than he n do much as the meil folks. Above if You Subscribe Before January 15th PICTURES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE PAPER ALONE! SEND ALL ORDERS TO "rrirz Bend, Oregon CONTEST NOTICE. nrpsrtmrnt of the Interior, I' p, .fin.l DIKcc, The la!lt, nirgon, .S'OTcrotr 7, !, A tytlcttnt contr.tsr&larlt bin( lwn Alnl InthUiyacc by llrorar A. Jontt, cunlrftanl, KMntt liomt.irAil (SrUl No 01404) rntrjr Nu. tjilj. midr NotrmlK-r I. ioS for W',HKU, JXnw.h jo.nwjj-nki. sc.iv,Tp. ir A, K. u II. W M.. y AllKtt W. l-opr, ilnrawil. oinlnlrr, In whkn (1 ! ntlf r td I hit I Mill All-r1 W. I'up. on or stout fpttniUtr 11, lt. ilinl at l'r1nrlIIr,Olnoii. Uadiistirit 01 Lliiaml lint. A. W l0c. whIuw of ilrnl rulr)msn, ail drclf unVuOKii. ami William I'oix, miliar ton r of the lloy and rilrU Aid iv.tjr . uicaon. 1111 mm iraci n not i-n Dtiii or cultivated br lakl traou4 or rilhrrof Ihctn, or by any iKfauti l.f imiiii wnomaocrrr. incr tnc urain 01 inr ruirvinau. Hut said tract ! nuw tn! haa Ixcli l"T niorr than lx nioAtsi Holly dtwindofaril. iMt aaid at- cent sj(ctice yra uut uuc o riiipiurnirui 111 1 army, uary or marine coip of llic t'nll hlal he hlates ii iinjc ui war, SaM panic ore hereby nollOnl lj spiirar, re poixl and offer rrldcmr loochlii:nldallccatloii at ap clock a. ra on IMrrmuer it. I2". Iirtor II. C. l'.IIU. a t , ri roinnilMloncr, at ills office in HcihI, Oregon, and thai final hrarlne will I held al 10 o clock a. ru. on (ecrmUr ;, 15103, beforrthe Keri.ter and Kccelier at the United hutet Ijand Oftcc In The Dalles, Oregon. The said conlcflant haetng, li proper nICda. lt fileit .Soreinler , , 100H, aet lor III fncta which how that after due illllEenrr pcrtoual aerekeof till, notice can not be made. It ta hereby ordered and directed that auch notice lie (Wen by itue and proper publication, nljdit i. W MOOWI', Kegliter JOHN LEQAT IIKM.I.KIN Hnrncss and Snddltify Trunks and Valises Repaired Successor to A. L. Hunter. J)OYOUWANTA, HOMESTEAD walker: valley REALTY CO. ROSLAND ORUdON ctfrufcsptail.NciJ Soi.icirnU JaHaaalKflab'afT ItaliiiiiiiVll' and Fireside? Around this practical wotklug proposition, carried out on a totally now plsne, mc shall funic material of Ititcrctl and entertainment, which farm micik hrretufote h.ita put Into the "can't afford" class. Farm and I'ltesldc has incite to filtreii ilriwirtuiciits covering erry plisv of farm and home life. Among tliriu arc Livestock and Dairy, Gardening. Poultry, Fruit Gnmiug, Cookliig.tl'sihlotis, Yomt; 'riile, rlr. It ptiilts in to 3 pages each Issue. We can afford tilt best, simply Ikcaiiv mc hclictc the farmer Hill ty for the best, tioiv that vie have demonstrated our ability to give It Jo liliu. Vou will futil Farm and Fireside better than it hat ever been thought possible to make a farm and bitiill) paper. to Both Papers and CONTKST NOTICE. Drpartinentriflhe Interior, C H Land Office al The Ixlln.Oreion, Noremlr l, l'nl. A aufoclent eontet a(Hdalt baring leil flint lulhlaomc by Illnter Nlawongrr. contevtani r Nlawonicr. contetaiil, lial .So oijwl entry No. I, l, for liShl S ! Mauge II It W ll. by ml, runteatce In which it agaiiui nonmiean ienai .ig 01 luit, luaue lH-.xiiiir 1, 1 tfonM-Twn l-IWiilh. M Kntllv Icdinauu. drcraieil la alleaed that aald entriworaau dint imi or about April 17. lyo; that prior to her death ahe wlu,!ly alunduunl aald trad IhSt Uie uerer culliffitcd or lmw oel ukl trad Or cSdWj Hie sinir tr 1 done, that Iherear nokiibwn flelra of 14M rn trywoinan that II there ateauy helra ofuiden Irywomau they arc unknown 10 alilanl that alucc her rirsth no helra oe tieraoual repieartita lite hair ever Ixeu heard front nor haa anyone tme lo claim her property that aald alirgnt aiMeucr ia hih uwe ij pcttict in me aiiuy. ii'iy. or marine rorx ol the I'lilled atate In time of war Mill parties are htreby notified lo apprar re apond, aud offtr evktence loach I ng mM alle Eutlon at 10 o'clock A. M. on January j, iw rforell C. Kllla.at' 8. Commlaaloner at hi. ofnee? in Hcnd, oretun, and that fiual hearing wlle heklal 10 o'clock a. m. on January 11, lojj, before the KcgUtcr and Merefier at the United Mates band ulftcr lu The IMtlea, Uregon The aakl cnnlra'ant having In proper ant davit filed November U, . act futth facta which ahow that after due diligence personal aervice of IhU notice can not lie made. It la here by ordered aud directed Ihat auchnotltr begiren by due and proiwr publication. dj-.lv. C. W. IIOOKH HcKlaKr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uepartineut of the luletlor t , 8, Land OfUce st The liallra.Orrgon. Noeember l'4h, iv Notice- la hereby given that Jamca It. fall, of The ttallca, Oregon, who, on NovemUr nth luS, mule Timber H hlone Apiillcalion No. 01647, for HUKNiW.ltUhiitf.rtWK Kl'.l, Her. it, Tp. IS K. IJ I',, W. SI., haa filed notice of iileuiion lo make final timber and atour nrnnf. Iurvlalill.il Claim to the land ahmc ilcerilbrd. Iiefure the Kegl.ttr and Kreelrcr of the t'lillni Htalea IjtmX tllhce. at The Uallea, Oregon, iiuthe Stli day of February, ). Claimant names a wlliieava Michael O'Connrr, William O Maaun, llerliert Cnnnlng ham and Nclx Mclutoah,allofThc Dalles, ore sou ll fj C W. MOOKK, Uegt-Ur. NOTICE FOR TUDLICATION. Department of the luletlor, I . H. Land Office at Tlie Dalles, Oirgnu, Nor. i, l$rt. Notice It lieieby given that Ijvcrn O. Kcci! oflKnd. Orrcon. who. on Auiiivl xilli. 1001. made llomealrad I'Jilry No. I)V', fur NH! hro lloiiS.Twp, iShouth, Haugeii It. W, t haa Aled notice of lulcutloii to male final live-year proof, to eataMI.li claim to Hit laud above dc crlbed, before 11. C. I'.llla, United Ktalea Com. iiiiaaioner, at ma Miner at iicun, crook county, Oregon, oil the fill day of January, 1909. Claimant names aa wltncaaesi .James I!, Heril, Irving J. Heed, Arthur O. lily, ticorce utc, all of lleud, Oicgou, d'l-djo C. V, JIOOKK, Xfgl.tcr Token Up. Came to my pasture about July 15 last, yearling1 Meer with both ears clipped and split; also brand on right hip but cannot tell what it is. Owner can have Maine by pay. tig for this notice and damages. 35.40 RlClIAKl) Kino. We want your subscription, 1 ATH Sf)M9 Gives You the Two Superb Color NOTICE FOR PUUUCATION Department of tht Interior f A. Land Office at The Italic, Oitgon,. November lllli, v. Notice la hereby given that d)(in II Slack. of rvetid, Oregon, who, on Auguvl ijnt. 1, ma.tr llnmralVad lintryliUrlal No. isi. No. !! for MS NKtf . NWW yi(j(. NKH Nltft iw i, rp .,K. II l V M .baa nlr.1 notice lit iHUntlun toiuake I'lnat CnHimrilStlon Proof. In r.lakll.lt claim to the landauive ilttilt. Ifli- II. C I Uta, Untied Matr Couimla.luner, at hll omcr at liend, orrgon, oil the liud day of DiwuiUr, lwl. Claimant name s wllnraaia Andrew T Moore. i:rnal (larrell, WlllUm I. ltltvray and John ri J'arinlnter. all of lleuif, tliegon nis-dit C. W MOOHK, Krghler NOTICE FOR PUBlilCATiON. Depa;)miut of the InlerU, U S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, NovemUr Itlh, f. Notice la hereby given that l.liie K Hcoflckl, of newl. Oregon, who, on October ilth. IV", made Timlr and tttone Appllcallnn No tiU'i, fur lt 4, HKU nU'V he ikaixlLoti aud Nlt'i NWK.ner. is.Tp. f7H,M. It K. XV l . haa tiled notice of Intention to make final lirnbrr and atone I "roof, to eataldtth claim In the land above JctCTibcit, bef-sre ll. C Kill.. t'MI'il Male CommlMioncr, at hlaffice, at lleud, Uiifc'Mi, on the int day ol January, wy. Claimant name, aa wllnesae oMph N. Hunt er, William II. KlnaU, Iran I.. HcoSeVl. Clurlr ll. Iirowu and Itlrucr Nlanungcri sll of liend, Oregon, niJw C W MOOUli, Mejl.ter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, V It, Mod Office al Tht Dalles, Orerou, November 1MI1, I'A. Notice la hereby given Ihat Cora A. I'rrguaou, of liend. Oregon, who, 011 lime Mil 10,1s, made llonieatead iTulry (Serial So 01611), Nu, HVnl, for VH HWM. MW NV4 rtrc s, Hlllf NIJM nee, . Tp. Ik rl., H. II l Vv , M baa l.lr.l nullce of Intention In make I'lnat Cpli'imilall'lll I'roof, to e.tabll.h claim to the lanil alv diMrll"l. Ifitpv II IV IMII.. I'ullril LI.I.. l'....,...l.. ...... at hi. olfice, al llcnd, (Hrjou, an the jtth 1ay 01 llalmanl nameaaswllneaaeai Arthur O lily William J, McOlllvriy. William AluoM aud John Ferguson, all of Deinf, Oregoii, llJJiljJ C, W. MOOUI! HeglMer. NOTICE FOR PUUUCATION. Dcpsrlmenl oflhe Interior, I' H. Laud Office al Ijiktvlcw Oregon, ....... . Nsieitiucr.a, ioj, Notice Is timby given Ihst I'rnnk II, Hat Ion, ofLaldlaw.Orcgou, who, 011 No. , lor, made Tltnber and Hlone Appllcatloii, No, 0777, fur H) '!l snd Nl itWJ, rlec. I, Tp, Ji 8., H. II IW. W. M.iba. Aid uollcc of iiitcnliiin In make I'lnat Timber ami Hlone fruof, loenal.ll.h claim 10 tht laud anotcdracrlbcil, before 11 C HIM., U M. Coininla.loiierat hit office al Uciid.Urrguii, 011 the illi day of Kiliruory, I'j'j. Claimant uamra ns wllut.w., William II, Hlaate, Joacph N, lluultrnnd Charlra D. Iirowu of Uvml, Oregon, and John lilouufrtitrt,Orrgoii 'lfj J N WATHON, kegUtcr, POLK'S IAZETTEEX fllloaltliiMSl 1l(rllnSU llf AMa.lt i"l Town anil iiMln Ortjiyii 01 Waahlnutun. uUlstk n lJMr-tit.fi SMbaaSAK aaah aTlaiM. ...ii.. """ vi -mill mivir auvvaiivn. tHhluplntf raclllllt nnd h CUatl. Ilfd Iiirdotory ot cacu UiuIntM nu iMSfajtimn, H. I. IOI.K I CO., Int. A v. M iui I Um Laal I The Bend Iiulletin It gle tm mure fur ymir money Own nuy other L'nwA nninty (uiper. It lin vterUy uru letter from Urilitimiil, riruut UMge, I'ouell lluttri, T11111 iitn, f,t ami Itirtldtnl. It glu-n Al,l the trwt of Western CtiKik itmutv llrsidc the lix'al mill runit ty nen it Ims (emit week) a pd;fcV)f state nets, a poge til ilalfutinl news, ciiiititinlitg n full naiiiint uf I1.1t s go ligiiilhtValiliiKtiHi, PC, N dl'lMititiriit ilexntcd to ' l'itms niiil I'atinrn," and no fiilctetilng aerial story. In addition to tilt- yriicmt iVuttd news, hlcli t gtcii in ii rouileilied fotm Nit ittJier comity jAjtr clirulat In); litoiir scVUiiii toiiuliii hsl tfie.c lhioitmit Irn lilies. The Iiulletin glte ml eight gcs ( reading matter, ulicte t liu othrrs only give you four. -r CONTEST NOTICE. DfARTMUNT III' TIIK INTCMlOU L K Mod Office The Dalle i.Otcgmi N, eniUr a, iy AunVlfiitronletafri.Uiit having been file.) Im Itala nNna l.a fit ai.u - a . . . ........ wiM.v si m'j 1, pt,vriiris;. rvnirtaiui AaialHSl Kr.aiiaJa,a.l ISv.al.1 V ...a. - . IH4I made Jl.icll ll. luH. far HWUNIII, HI U NW NvtitHII,.Nr!UhWt,.rwe , Ti. H " ".'.V "byjaui.al iirap.au. runleatee In which If l.sltrint that aakl Jam.. P lHal',i baa uerer ealaldl.hed or maintained a Iwua fide rc.MeiKfou aald trait ol lamt Ihat he h wholly aUndunnl aM Hart if land f.r loi Ihau all moulhala.t lu.lalHld.M-aiHH now tr aulethctvoo that hU all.ii.l abxnce-a.lMH due lu bia eniplnvnirut lu 1 he army natr m iiiatme tor ol fir t mild Stale lu lime or war IUM trtlr are hrteby nMlfied to apiwar re apoudandiiSTir cudenee louchlm Mkl allrsa Man at IU o cluck a hi. on Dntmbrr 17. b Uloirll C Hill., a f. H. t'nniHiLiwiier, l hi. office In Iknd, Orrguu. ami that final hi. Hue will lie held at tau'ilocka in on IxctinUr i !? 'ffc't'lit "tglaler and Mrrrivrr at Iht I ulbWhlatra Un.t (inu-e al The li.llr., Oi.gon. Thf Ulll AlHl.lt.U, lilalu. I . ...... . M(I- .. ,...w,.-.,M,, II-II. I Wl,. BUT. I . vll filr.1 NuvtmUr t. (V, ar f.rtlli (.it. which ahow thai after dile dillgruee prlaoiial ervle ll Ihla notice tan not I made. It a hereby ordernl and illirclid ihat auch notice be gtrru by itnr ami pror pul.llcailoii. ' midl6 c. W MOOHIt, Mrgl.lrr NOTICE FOR PUHIilCATlON. Defiartmenl of the Interior, I H. Land Olfice al The Kail.., Oivgon, ...,,.. . October ay, iv Notice It hereby glren that I hi n tan Laiv.on ti Kay of rotltand.Oreguii, who oil HeiKrmber th 1901. made Tlmlr and Hlunr Application No, oil4l,lorr(ilOi;, HHUMKU hec I and NUU ,t.,lc5..,,T, o.ih. at. irllaal, Wlllaki rite Mrrkllan, haa filed notice of Intention u lull, fl-.l lliul... ...I .I..... ... ? . ...,.. .. :r.' ,l."., 7"" '.'" I"", 1 r.iaiui.n claim lo thf Umliitaive ileilid. Ufore II. C I'lll.. I' W f'.itllMlla.l,. mm mt 1.1. ..Ml . ...M.l .....,..,., v..........w.(1(, , ,,,, ,,,r a IWIIII, Oregon, on the 1Mb day of January, IV". ciauiiaiii .lameaaa wltncwa, J N, llnnler W. II. Hlaala. I. It. M.k.v u- i ....l.l... .11 of liend, Otegou. niWll C. W.MOOIilt, MesLlcr. NOTICE FOR PUMLICATION. Depat'mrnl uf Hie Interior I H, Land Offltr at The Dalles, (ireaou, December J. !. N'ullit ia liersby gliru that I'ranko, Minor, of llenil, Oregon, who, 011 (Mober iltl, 101,7 made llonieatead l!ulry No, U7JV, for Nlllf hV " ! 'W.M., ha. lileit notice of (nteiilloii lu make I'lnat Conimulallon Irw.f, In ealahllah aJfti"1 i? i!,ra,iM'1. ' tle-cs-lraeal. before II , C lillla, United Hlslet Coiiiiiil.alonrr, al hi. ortUe at (lend, Oregon, on the salts day ofjanuoty im iMn 111 Sk Itl ntlilat aj .11... a . ...... .. licofitr cUlr. Otvficr A. Jmu. mitl Corn A III! I fat. All lif tls-IB.l aTlta....a 'I3 C XV MOOKK, llc.l.lrr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U, H. Land Office lit The Dnllrt, Oregon, ...... , October v, loot. Notice la hereby Blrm that .oMiiiiw a, iiiuuinau of hitler. OrrKOii. who, on Heplrtuber sills, li'l. made rimlier nnd Hliulr Apiillcalion Nu. cv. lor HIIUHIlif Hrc l.and I'' Nl!f. NWINKH c '.'.' T-l. IJiitiiilli, U 10 H,s, Wlll.mctttf Irflllialll- llSSSl III fa I ..lllru. ,.f I...-..I 1 H ---"-'"-v"t .i i iiiiviiiiuii iu 111 or filial limber and aluue proof, to eaubllal claim ;rV ...." "rll,."T"i"eior 11. c. 11111. I H, lommla.loncr, at hi olfics at lleud, Hit gou,iui the ivthday f Jtiuisry, i)o;, IM.ItllUIlt IHHIM..hIiih...i . ...I I . t ......., .l),..n,ll,IM,l ,,vvn eiar.ar, u "I-; lltr, hot 1 of lleud, Oregon, Ji.e ...., w.i. 1. v tuiiuiiinu, uon 01 Piaitra, pie t .1 A I Wm