The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 16, 1908, Image 7

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Cnturrh Twenty-iivr. Ycnrs--
liiiil a Had CuiikIi
Mian Kopliln K tttli'Hon, Ilvntmton,
III,, writes:
"I hrtv been troubled witli catnrrh
for Hourly twenty-flvt' ycnm nnd Imvn
tried tunny ture fur It, liul obtained
very II ttl lirlp.
"Then my brother advisnl me to try
IVrunn, nwl I illil.
"My health was vrry oor nt tho
time I lii'nun tnklriK IVruim. My
thrunt wns very sore and I had a bad
"i'rrunn hat (urrd mc. The chronic
(start h 1 gonr and my hrullh U vrry
mutli luipiotrd "
I recommend IVrunn to nil my
friends Mint ii rn troubled ns I wns."
I'tltUNA J Attll IS) Some ikm.iiIo pre
fur tnblets, rather than meilleifitt In n I
fluid form. Such n'oplo can olitnln IV i
rutin tnblets, which represent the I
rmilirinnl liiKredlent of IVrunn. Knch
tablet nuinls one nvcrnno doso of ro
rutin. Mun-n-lin the Ideal Liuutivc.
Ak Your DruggM tor a free Pcruna
AkitandC for 100 'I.
Tbs Hi. I'tlriauurc rurraapumUnt of
th IxjnJnn Mall ; (bat rar drum
luailt of ttiln Isatre of tlltr ar balni
iimh) In lbs Ituaalan military hoapliaU for
itlttatM of Lh far, to raplars dfllt
Mrthm win Dnd Mrs. WlnnoWt a,ihlsc
Spuptha txtl famrOr IoumIui lbtr cU.'Wno
duiluf in Wstliluf irloj.
Triumph "I IIhmiih Malar.
Tliem N-iriilreii tnothrra In ltit tII
laee timttirra' rluti sfn-rd to decide by
ballot which had the hnndsuuirst baby,"
-Well, who won Itr
"Kach kid pit our rote" Jixlt.
C1T HI VllaV lwaa ''Himln M""
rll3Ur Mia r lr fc.laa'alliaal Nana lla.
Mwti Hm4Ihi rati UN lilll.lll llll
Ut. It. II. Kllaa, U , mink III , -klla.lalU. IV
Jutvnll llrir.4 lie
"Kilty,' ill hr mmbrr. rrtiukliiil',
"jnu mint all Hill wlwn nu t,rr al ilia
"I rnn'l, mamnvn." nrntcafM the llttlt
(Irl, "I'm a fldictsrbin"
You Can fit I Alltn't ro.r ftitr.
Will Alton H. Ulmiiol.M llrtjr.N. Y., Lira
lr' lampta ut Altru'a Vimt Ijaw. Il tiiih
flliiK. Iml mulUn, arhllif fsvt. It Mukvt
nawur luhl li )f. A Mflaln ruii lur
mm. lt;iowlii( iiHihI bunloua. Allillug'
lUlttallll, itv. Imii'I ant H)r hUIIiuK
ls' fir from till" odium world, May,
And o to tli land of frttlile U,
lliillilhlraa ttallrr and oilllllr ilf
llglila, whfrc )imr plpr iIiimii'I to
out etrry frw inlnntr. and )m
ilou't bavf to Irninp trn mllra lo
(rt n rhrtk raihrd.
TU Itrcord.
Lamo Oack Prttcrlpllon,
Tho - Incroaanl ubo of whlakcy for
latnu Lnck rhcuinntlam la enualnif con
idrabln dlscuaalon nmonic the medical
fraternity, It I nn utmost Infulllble
euro wliun mixed with rvrtaln other In
Knilirnti and taken properly. The fol
lowing formulii Ii ettoctlvo: "To one
,hnlf pint of Kxl whlnkey mid ona
ounro of Torla Comound and one ( unco
.Syrup Snmnparllln Compound. Ihko
In tnbleaxonful donea lioforu each meal
and before retlrintr."
Tori coiiiH)und In a product of the
laboratories of tho Globe Pharmaceuti
cal Co., Chicago, but It well us the
other ingredients can bo hud from any
Kood drUKgUt.
lllualmtlnat II,
"Jsilah," aaktd Mra. Cl.ujwatfr, look.
Inj up from tha nawap4r abt wii rtaJ-
ln. "what la a 'homnlrftch'J"
A "TliU," anawtrrd Mr. Ohmwater, Iran-
1 lii( lark In hla raiy clialr, alowly fitruj-
inr. hla arma at right anglta with hit
My, and arcouipanylnf tba irrcU with
a dlml yawn. "You're arm roe do It u
""'t tlmni" Chlnno Tribune,
curBViiere! Xu 'uSz
m uti cwiti
1 Ull
k Nviuti. lailll
niilll PT UIUIKI.I.
III linn. Hold by lm;'
aB A
Is Provlnr Oood ForaRo Crop for Iho
Milk Cow.
Itr Jainm DrxdMi, Oiviiiin Auilrullunl Cllir.
Theru Ih ii Kreiit ilenl of milk In tho
Krotiiid Hint wna not aplllrd rind cried
over, but it Is theru niivrrthidi'sa. At
certain firnnoim of tho year tho TIiouh
niiiMli'iiili'd knle pulls tlin milk out of
mother eiirth mill the cow pull II out
of the knln unil putt It in tho bucket,
Theru Is n period, however, duriiiK tho
summer when the rows o liuiiKry nmJ
the milk liitiKUInhe III tint ground be
rittimt there In no Kreen tit iik to pull It
out unil coax the cow to fall thu milk
Western Ori'Kon I n uf ! best
dairy sections of the union. With mild
open winters in which kate flourishes
utid furnlnhes Kreen succulent food, the
ilnlry busliiess thrives nil the year
nround with tho exception of u short
jxtIihI duriiiK thu summer. During
this perlixl tlin Innd Is out of commis
sion, thu rows barely subsist on tho
pnsturn fields mid theru is no profit (o
the farmer. Forty-cent butter and n
scarcity of i fresh milk is the evi
dence of ii lack of KH'en food.
Whnt Is needed In tho volley Is n for
nue crop that will utilize the soil and
furnish (treen food and pasture during
the dry season. Will alfnlfa fill the
bill? If al'alfa could bo mined ex ten-,
slvely and successfully It would clintiKo
tho face of naturn and add Immensely
to thu value of tho farms In tho WII-
Inmotto vnlluy. It would Increase thu
dairy products and tho poultry pro
ducts; it would choiten the pnxluction
of ork nnd beef and mutton.
Alfalfa has been Kfwn for two
thouinnds years In thu Meliterrnnean
region, It has been kcowii successful
ly In arid parts of America for half n
century. A Kentlemnn traveling over
whnt was then regarded us a land unlit
f jr settlement In Western Nebrnsku by
reason of its aridity discovered a thrif
ty green nlfnlfn plant growing where
no other green thing could be found for
miles around. Ihutwnsn demonstra
tion thnt sntisfled the gentleman ami
hu purchased u Inrge truct of Innd for
n trllle. On the same land ho lias since
fill fifty thousand sluep In one season
on nlfnlfn. Alfalfa goes down Into the
depths of the soil for moisture and
through wireless communication with
tliu atmosphere brings down from above
food which feed the plant and enriches
the soil,
.Since 1801 theucrenguof alfalfa in
Kansas has Increased from .'U.HHR to
fi 16,000 in 1U0G. A recent bulletin
from that statu say of alfalfa: "The
steer feeders nnd mutton feeders of
Kansas, Colorado and Nebraska would
Ik; lost without It."
At tho Kansas station it Is stated;
"A gnln of H00 pounds of pork was
mnde from a ton of a.fnlfa, nnd a little
jess than that amount of gain wns
made from an aero of alfalfa pasture."
Again, "We found that 100 iounds of
alfalfa hay saved 00 pounds of corn."
Figuring on the basis of these experi
ments It is stated thnt "with green al
falfa producing ten tons per acre (20,
(100 K)unds) it would produce 2,000
pounds of pork, which, nt 4 cent per
jxiund would bu worth IHO jmt ncre."
Director Ilurkett, of tho Kansas sta
tion, sui; "Ily promoting the suc
cessful production of nlfnlfn tho sta
tion bus not only extended tho domin
ion of nn lmxrin! forngu crop, but In
so doing hns discharged Its own entiro
ex'iise, nnd in addition bus added mil
lions of dollars to thu wenlth of the
At tho Ontario ngrl:ulturnl colleen
in ten years 30 cuttings, yielding over
fi tops nn ncre, were mnde. An exner-)
iment showed this great soil enrich
ing inmlitiod. Wheat grown nfter nj-1
fnlfn yielded 01,5 bushels per ncru nnd
nfter timothy sod Vi. 1 bushels. In the '
two succeeding yenri tho nlfnlfn sod
produced HO.:! bushels of barley nnd Ul
bushels of corn, while tho timothy sod
produced 10.7 bushel barley and 17 0
bushels corn. Tho three crop on tho
nlfnlfn sod were worth about $90 while
those on tho timothy sod were worth
about $M.
At tho Oregon Agricultural collrgv
nlfnlfn hns been growing successfully
for several years, and testa are being
made by the agronomists with different
varieties to determine which will suit
the conditions best in this state. Tho
station men are glud ut nil timet to
answer question In regard to It culti
vation. A lew miles from Corvulll Mr. W.
II. Humlln cut this year 200 ton of al
fulfnhuy. It yielded about 2i tons
to the acre In two cuttings. Hoforo
seeding to nlfnlfn tho Innd had been
"cropped out." In fourteen years
fourteen grain crop hud been taken
from the land, and Mr, Hamlin ex
plain that on richer land the yield is
much heavier. He further explulnB
that tho oldest stand yield the best,
howlng thut It take several yearn on
certain classes of poll for tho alfalfa to
muko a good growth.
It look as though an alfalfa cam
paign would bo worth million to this
Q. Whnt Is mcniit by "CO per rent,"
'Mil per cent," nml so on, ilynainltot
A, The perrentngo given refers to th
nimiunt of nitroglycerin In tho powder.
For Instance, u -10 percent dynamite II
Hiiimoscil to cpntuln -10 per cent of nitro
glycerin nnd 00 per cent of ''dope.' 7
US, Thomson, Wnihlngtou Stuto Cob
leuo, Pullman
is n Constitutional Disease
It orlginntes In Impure, blood nnd
requires coiihtlttitlunnl treatment, nctiug
through and putl()lng thu blood, for its
riidicnl nnd permiiuunt euro. Tim
grualcst constitutional remedy is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
1 11 imiinl liquid form or In chocolated tnl
lets known nsBorantnbo. KWdoseStl.
Nnmil onl other local forms of cntnrrh
nro promptly relieved by Antlsep els or
C'ntnrrlels, Mc., drugglM or mall.
O. I. llood Co., Lowell, Mm.
Stomal lo n Cliiirti DIM.
1 tin aurry you rnn'l br my brlilr, Mny,
Hut my father won't (Ire hla,
And If be, In a rase, cut me off, Ma),
Why 1 ntvrr could pay for our rent.
Hut why nboiilil we llr any more? May,
In death wf hoiild not he kpnrt.
I aiitfrr alou, and nm n-ir,l, Msy,
With a grtrf that la aiarlng uiy hrart.
Ho let's ftr from th cllon world. May,
W'Utr Ihrrr'a nothlnc but trouble and
Ah, won't II b irand, nbtn wr (no, band
In band,
Ar cliinbln tli" rnldrn alslra?
'Hi Hub.
Oatend Pn, what do they menn whrn
they any "Money Is )" III Wnll
I'n They menu Hint It la easy", my
ami. l-eeiiuie lliey hnve Juat icotten It
from eny (xiiple,
Oateinl Then why can't we Rft It?
I'm Heestise thoo that hate a hold
on It aro not rosy.
An AtlnnlH.
"Hut your country I so Incklng In
places of historic Interest," said tho Eu-roM-nn,
"I'hnt's one of It's great ndrnntnKe."
nimnered Mr. fumrox. "In this coun
try n innn eiiu trnrel for hours without
being nbllKed to listen to a lecture."
WualiluKtou Star
Ha f'tiulil Mill lrll M l.le.
lii'iulrliic Uuly How much mflk
iloeK jrtur i-w j:le n day?
Truthful Hoy Hout tnolvo qunr
Iniiilr1nc l.ndy And how much of
thnt do you sell?
Truthful Hoy 'limit twelve quarts,
ladr.- Iluinnn Life
Tliere an- hum nr 'J.V),(S)0 worda In
Ihf Kntliib Imiuil' arknnwlnlfed by lbs
Uit aulhorltlr. or about 70,000 mora
than In Ibr Orman, Krrncb, Rpanlih and
A7l t'ftxKT.
?v5&Vi. v vVi
Ii V. v .
w w
Kvj r
i Ujtfl li
never worn
loleamths bodily
comfort it qiveiii
the wcCeit weather
hAno atimcK.
catuos rite
Tl.ts sterling lioutchold remedy la most
successfully iirccnlKrd for a "world of
troubles " l'or deniugemcnts of the di
gestive organs it is a natural corrective,
operating directly Ux)n tho liver and ali
mentary cmittl, gently but jrsUtcutly
atimulatiiig 11 healthful activity. Its
beneficial influence extends, however, to
every portion of the system, aiding in the
iroccsses of digrctiou and assimilation of
ixxl, promoting a wholesome, natural
appetite, correcting sour stomnch, bad
breath, (rrcgulsnties of the bowels, con
stipation and the long lUt of troubles
directly traceable to those unwholesome
conditions. Kasparilla diipcls drowsi
ness, headache, backache and despond
ency due to insctivily of the liver,
kidney and digestive tract. It is a
strengthening tonic of the highest value.
If It falls to satisfy we authorize all
dealer to refund the purchase price.
IIoyt CuuuiCAL Co, l'ortUnd, Oregon
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
TkltirMt rklptM s.
M la ll "
llinMtkoal Ik Notlb.
Ml tCUH o( Sic HOI,
dtfiul aad arilou
tvn. aail. It .! tir
M br M hi M lpl
nk..ttMlMt Ol hlf
n,l, II U ur
ftllillMMUw with powrr.
t.,1 ClilnBAA rnrtla. Lt
f4 Ulki IhM ! uninu 10 lukM
rlliiPotthlirauiilrr. Wllh lh Kim.
m nrnxIlM h futauf la car rUrtb,
MthR, luna Iruull-i, ttui.'ll.m. hiimhw,
lomick. Ili-r anil HJn.j iroulil-. alae (!
dlmiM ol ua kkil uwk.
l'lU outtld. ut rllr "ill lor l)lak ul
llreuUra. lacloM l (Uuir.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
10211 rirst St., Ntar Morrlton
Portland, Or.
No. 60-OS
XTTBKH -wrlVlna- to kdTsrtlasrs plena
IT ""
imnllon thla papar.
plena I
tmfr " x vn
Ijindlnd- Vou will either Imve to
jmy whnt you owe or lenve, Hlowpay
Thiinks, Thu Inst pluie I wns ut
they iniidii iih' do both. Hlniy Ktor
les Mrs. Onllniner Isn't Mr. (Irnbbeii
stmker n liidles' tailor? Mrs, I'lum
iiieriiui Not exclusively. Mrs. Itiiu
dam Is olio of III eustomitrs Hrookl)ii
1'iit I Iniir jit wolfe Is sleU Molke?
Mlko Kho In Hint. I'M Is It duller
ohm she Ih7 Mlki Illtll n bit. Khi-'H
loo wenk to be dimgeroUH nuy more'
New York Kim.
Mr. Ilowurd Isn't It wonderful
wluit font' Mfignm hns? .Mrs Talk
luiieh Mnrvelousl Do you know,
when I llrst snvv It for n full moment
I couldn't nHiik. Hrooklyii Life.
Jnsper Whenever n grent man dies,
Iinchiilr writes 11 iioem alxint him.
ltiiHjM-r Well, I must commend his
consideration In not writing It before
the griilt mini dies. lloxtou (IIoIh.
Howell- Howell thinks he Is the
whole tiling. Powell Vm, If lie lesllis
nirnlnft 11 xmt for 11 few minutes he
hns the Iden that Hie post couldn't
slniid without lilm. I.lpplncott's Mu.'
nzlne. "Where do you work, my km1 mnn"
"In n Miwier fnetmy." "Merey
Whnt n hanirdous oociiKitlon." Oh,
no. mum. I seldom inert any nuto
iiiohlleH on my wwy to or from work "
"I sny. do you think Hint Wleclus
Is n man to In trusted?" "Trusted?
Yes; rather. Why, I'd trust him with
my life!" "Yes; but with iin.vthlnc of
mine. I menu!" I'hlliidelphln lit
"And do you have to be enlled li
the morning?" nuked the Indy who wns
nlMiut tn enuHge 11 new clrl. "I don't
hnve In In', mum," relleil the appli
cant, "unlt'HM you liHipeus to wnut
Ilie!" Hostoli (ilols.
Mnynn I hull' these ntTeetloimie
Klrls. i.ucle Why. I nlwnjs thought
you were one of them. Mny me- -Well,
ntiywny, I don't wnut June Jones to
kiss me nfler she's been eating onions.
Clcvclnud I'lnlii Denier.
Ijidy (nfler tendering a shilling for
fnre) And here nre two buns you
mny hnve, my mnn. Cubby Thank
you kindly, ludy, I kuiihm you don't
'iipcu to 'nve n wisp of 'ny for 111'.'
orse? Cnsiell's Saturday Jountnl.
The Angry Mother You've got nn
nwful nerve to nsk me to give you bark
your bnll when you nearly killed one
of my children with It. The Hoy
Well, mn'nm, you've got ten children
nnd we've got only one Uill. Chicago
Her Dnuchter'H lien 11 I er t
wnnt to nsk you, sir, for your er er
daughter' bund. sir. Her Father
I'm not disposing of her Iji sections,
but I'm willing to listen to any pnHv
sltloii Involving nil of her, sir. Clevc
'iilid Newn.
SlIsiresH I don't wnnt you to hnve
mi much company. You have more
Millers In u dny than I hnve In n week,
Domestic Well, mum. perhaps If
you'd try to Ik n little more acntiib'.e,
you'd hnve hh ninny friends as I hnve.
Iliiktou Traveler.
"A public ntllelnl must be unflinch
ing nhout liiyiug down the law"
c," unswenil Senator Surghuiu,
"one of the grout dlltlcultleK Is Hint nn
olllelnl iKiiiHlounlly gets coufusiil. In
stenit of laying down tho law he starts
In throwing down tho law." Wash
lugton Htar.
"Siiy. Hill," suld the burglar to hi
pal, "this paper hjijh wo overlmiked n
pack a go of bill nmouutlng to $1,000."
"Ain't tho depravity of the rich some
thing nwful?" replied Hill. "Tryln
to deceive Hint way. I neen them IiIIIh.
They wasn't over receipted." Phila
delphia Uslger.
"Ah." said tho candidate, "this la
Farmer WhIllletrve'H place, I Mleve.
And you hnve Just celebrated your Bidd
en wedding, I understand?" "Golden
wedding nuthln'," was tho rospoum?.
"I've Just bwn sul for $10,000 wuth
of bmtrli of promise. You've got your
enrd Index mixed." Washington Her
ald. "I've, walked many miles to see you,
sir," becnuso iieoplo told mo yon was
very kind to poor chaps llko mo." "In
deed?" sntd tho genial, white-haired
old man. "Aro you going back tho
snmo way?" "Ye, sir." "Ah. Well,
Just contradict thnt rumor as you go.
will you? Good morning." Milwau
kee, New.
"I tell you," went on tho old lady nt
a hotel, getting quite angry, "I won't
hnvo thl room. I nln't going to pay
11 r money for n pigsty, and, n far n
sleeping tn 0110 of them folding bods,
I simply won't do It." Tho boy could
stand It no longer, "Go on In, mum,"
nivld he, with n vvenry expression on
hla fuco. "This nln't your room; It'
tho tlevator." i'hlludulphln Inquirer.
. " ' '
for ffr4 f!u 10 t67 nvrf ivmr tnrfrm to l)fnIUr Fnrvsiid JIM tatba to
Mil al liffflf Vkrilm tnt VtimlAK. Mrki Jlfrrt hhlpf-iaflac mn rmlimf
nun i-ii 1 nnrr unu vwivb-.iiu,
VA fHi lf fcer WM. rW4 Uiir tm th? Mt v writ'
I lnir if irj rrlim! All
K llral lttPPtt ftsttrrtJ. tr19. TriM 0M latt. Ho 4 U !. 4 tn Is-pH Hf
rtfllraftr 11 tlHttfV T"' f H 11 T vmt 4Rer t I B ! ! W
!U4MM4rilMMflJ4aUrUM. Ai4rai ilrv ii, m MltMfIU,ilUa.
A Flarorinif. It tnit'J
syrup better than Maple.
J J" Sold by ifrocers.
Araop In "Mill" I In If."
A schwl teacher In the Ifnllnn quar
ter of nn American city told her chil
dren tho story of the fox nnd the
grac. Tony wns especially delighted
with tho story, nnd eagerly sought hi
chum, Joe, who was In another class.
My good luck, the teacher overheard
.Tony'n version.
I In tils excited, broken English he
told the fable much as It wns written,
until he came to tho end. Thl wus hi
rendering of the cllmnx:
I "Do olda fox be tax, 'Da grape nn
good, anyhow; alia sour. I guess I
go geta de banan.'"
On llura) Unfortanal.
Tbc police Justice looked at tbe bat
tered, dlsrrputable specimen of manhood
l,fn dim anil furnMl to the nollrrman.
1 "Officer," he laked, "what is tbt com
plaint?" 1 "Itbeurcatlt, y'r honor." spoke up tbt
prfaontr, tntwering for blmMlf. Chirac
Ma Conldn'l Trll Me.
"Well, good-by, dear!" said Mr Tru
boy to his Udoved sMiue, "I mint go
nrxl dictate thoo letters twenty-six of
thorn so you mustn't expect me home
very enrly."
"All right!" wns the response. "Hut
i'l wish you wouldn't work no hard"
Half an hour Inter, Mr. Trueboy en
tered his club nnd snt down, with three
others, at a card table.
"Just a moment, you fellows, before
tbe first bnnd Is dealt I've got to keep
my word with my wife. One of you
Just take down what I dictate; 'Abe
x y z. There! Tnoso letters are oft
my mind."
rir Rar.
Stranger (on horwbnrk) Uncle, what
I tbe price of oats to-day?
Uncle Jed ('tting on the frnce) W
don't sell our vot in tbwe dljzla's. mis
ter. IU yoa s candidate?
naarBLBTvBlBJ&fo- ' , J' Jmv
,r. -I,
AMfiebbL' IVcrartlonEr.Vj
Slmfalfrr" IftroofanllWiii
ling Ux Siaaacb adl)ruj tf
Promolcs DicsHonknfd
ncss and RntXootas Bdfcr
OpiuniXorphiM narMtKriL
Aptrfecl Retntiy for CVjrsSf
lion , Sour Stoiaxh.Dlirrtoa
Worms jLonvuisionsjOTniir
FacSinaV Sijaitart of
Juarantccd uxwl-r theTSo
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bough!
Bears tho
. of
m iw fl'
f a m
gXX Al
For Over
Thirty Years
rlH tiut 01
9H loairuco)
mfflfwHffl ronoanu
iiiiLlfiJihlial DOASD
Get It from
your Grocer
More Converts
Every Year
Every day in every year that comes, more house
wives ore giving up their exorbitant priced Baking
Powders and turning toKC, the honest and reliable,
which has stood so well tho test of years. They art
finding out that
costs one third the price of powder any-
where near K C quality, and makes
better, purer, more healthful baking.
. r
23 Ounces for 23 Cents