ftjimi V'Wl A ? r (m - - - -- - - - & ! mi . ' r Mini SAfvltA CLAUS fl A A. HEAD.QUARTERS December lotli,' 10 08 LARA, -n-.v U3M3aMU X Hcml. s DEAR SIR:--I Wish td Ih'lWi yotl that It will be Impossible for me to send you another shipment of toys. The demand lias been so heavy that my st6ck in exhausted. Those who delay in making their selections will be obliged to take what is left. Respectfully Yours, SANTA CLAUS; THE above letter tells tiie whoie story Male your selections early whil& the line is com plete. I will hold the goods for youri-but they must be called for before December 23rd or ' MMHMMaMWV MMWWMW aMHMMaaMMaMaa they will be placed on said again. THE BIG STORE ON THE CORNER Open Evenings until Christmas r it! L J Ix N UEND, OREGON ... mmiLmtr LOCAL BITS. 0. Springer bf Culver was a biihiucn visiter in Bend on Sntur cluy last. 15. K. liallcrinanaud wife were in from (heir Powell Uuttoa ranch Ja Mdliday mid Tuesday. " Uasmus Petersen has nfrived nl Redmond to locate, his former home ling ut Oak Point, Wash. ' Mts. IS. J. IlcrrliiR has moved in from her homestead mid hasopetied n hnkcry in the Steel building. Hoscou llownnl rcturtlcdtb Bend Monday after a. bUsincis trip of about two wecka in I'orilaml. Clint. 1). Drawn ami Tom ami Carlylc Triplctt were callws nt Sis tar's last Thursday on business. Mrs. IS. J. Herring made final commutation proof yeMerday oh her liomestciid before Commissioner lSIHs. lfaseiuii((iig I'irojjra phy-i$o page illllstrnicd catalogue No. 3 free. Woodard; Clarke & Co., Porlfnnd (rcgo'if. "Otf. Ut, nt'itl Mrs. J. IS. Kvon have jijovcd from the ranch ut The Tides to Prlncvillc, where tlluV il spend th.e. winter. lkB KWi WOOD 4 i I FOR, SALE I'rom nbw until Pebntarv i, all who get fU'C lontl&of wood from m'c Avdl give One Load Free If you will pivf fin liqul ing. Salne oM price $ & ti 50 per cord, li.bitewe. it. t n A U IVT? TJ. '".' ". T , i" mmmmmmimmmmmmmmm Mrs. Iv. I). Wilson and daiighter, Cornelia, have moved into the (Jiicill cottage recently vacated by Mrs. I 'a ul Krucmcr. Ndw is the tittle to lay in your winter's supply of apples. Wc have them four varieties at $2.75 a box. Kui.l.itV & AuiKitJcnt. 3-ttT ijMrs. It. Spencer ahd baby ISloisc era Atrctidiug a couple of weeks v'isifitig her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.. II. McCauu, on the homestead. ' The i.)-uiouths-old baby of Cash icr Killers of the Hcdmoiid bank is dangerously ill with pucunipnia. Dr. Cue was called to attend it last Tuesday. Wanted two young marcs from three to six yerrs old, weight 1:00 lbs. or up. Must be gentle. Cash for reasonable price. J. 11. Brttutt garlner, Qtyey, Cicgon. 3;-4o .Straycd-roiu' toad south of Bend, an old g'rdy mare, weight about i$pa lbs. t large joint on left hind leg; frj.otf reward for return ing to Anne bohi, Hend. 40-4 1 I am now-agent for the DsLaval cream separator,- and have one of these machine! In Mock. Step in and cxamltlc it. 'lltly arc a great rmiviMiitMiee rind liioiifcA' saver for the dairyitlafi. U,A, SUtiiiIk. aitf The Hiding room has recently roceiyed jit) volumes o( "The World's, Famous Orations1' as a premium -with the Literary Digest, and njso'elght volumes of "Master pieces of the World's licst Litera ture," the latter act being a premi um given with Clirrcilt Literature. 1'oley's Orlliu l.asatlvu eiireB chronic cdiibtlKittlou uud sttmiilaU Hit; liver. Orlnori'KUluU'iiiuy towel they will net ' naturally (nl yu do not have 'to tnko iurgauvc). mtuiuoi'ily. 0. . MUKHU.i., I'ruyijst J. T. Newberry, a recent lomcr to thsse parts, was in town Mon day from his ranch cast of Uend. lie ays he has been very busy getting his house and barn built, and has not yet had much time to clear laud, hut will be able to get at that work Miou if the winter remains open. He Is well pleased with his hew home- Uob McCanu rattled oF ,a pony last week, the drawiug'occuriug on Sunday last. One hundred numbers were sold, rauciug from one cent to one dollar. J. Iv. lioyd was the lucky matt, ami got the pony on number 35, thus costing iiitn only 35 ocit3. The rony is a three j ear-oldi gentle, and broke to cither ride or drive. TI19 VWhatoevfrs" opened their b:izaur lust Monday in the building adjoining the Millard Triplctt fur nlture niore bit the north. They had a, prosperous day's business for their opening. The room will be ox.-n . ctietl afternoon from 2 to j, (ludlarge number of pretty and lueful aflicle.s suitable for Christ' inns gills will be on sale. ' it. A voting man by the name of I'ox was In Uend Sunday on hid way to Shatiiko after a load of freight, lie and his father have started a store in the Port Rock neighborhood, and he says it keepd him bty hauling in goods that thvv cell them as fiiwt as lib ecu ireifeht them in. According to M.' I'ox there is a large number of til tiers moving onto laud in the vicin ity of the Hock, and still more arc Hchcduled to arrive in the spring M. Lara of Seattle, Wash., father of Hcnd's popular merchant, A. M. Lura, spent several days in Bend during the past week. Mr. Inrat Sr , is one of the large array cf those living at outside points who liuvc great faith in the future of this section, and who believe that llend is destined to become one of the, leading cities of the state. After itUinj; a few days with Mr. and Mr;. Lara in Heud, he left fur Cal ifornia where he will soeud the winter. The Sandusky (Ohio) StarJour nal of December 7. conains'hn ac count of memorial services held by the Hlk's lodge of that place in memory of the honored dead of that lodge. A former' bend citizen, Hon. W. Ji- Oucritf, Jr., delivered an address at the 'services which wls printed in full in the Star Journal, and of which that paper said: "Urothcr W. 1!. Gucrin de livered the eulogy, 'Our Departed llrothcrs.' The eulogy, although brief, was a masterly effort and elo quently delivered. The lives of the departed, he said, ivcre yet fresh in our minds and to them he paid an eloquent tribute." hi C. Youug and John Swiger are two more ranchers to move onto land in this vicinity during the past week. They arrived in town Monday and are now busy building houses and barns on their laud. Mr. Youug has 160 acres of ditch laud five or six miles northeast of town, and Mr. Swiger also has a tract of ditch land in the same neighborhood. Iloth men plau to have part of their laud under culti vation, uext year. Mr. Swiger's familyNwill move here iu the spring from Stratford, Wat.h.,' the former houic, of both Mf. Youug, and Mr. Swigvr. The land cast of town is settling tip rapidly, kxad it is a pleasing sight to ee the sagebrush and junipers giving way to dwell ing houses and barns, fences and cleared fields. The Bulletin ex tends n welcome to Messrs. Young aud Swiger. BEND DISTRICT WINS. mm Jt Dtllamut Lliiitd Fan Powdtr. MilfnlnirVjM, rayigti ff tun, mini ana UmyfcMUmlnalf ikn, unburn, ttfitilui, tallawntM an ' Impirftct IHtns mr TtrwHin Vummmmmmm a rf ut flinging ( d MfM mMctuilumt it m ..MM- met so cr C loonier feet at onuooitTf maintaining a district high school which Is the equivalent in efficienry of the county high school. After visiting the local schools the. dc "a. . . t . I cision ot tne uounuary tx)ard was favorable and was convened to' Clerk Wcist in the following letter WO 0 0 FOlfc SALE ,. .Vllflli 1. , imK WOO ,0R LIMB W(4 fott len-gth, pe cord' -f 6-inch wood, per cor.d, -Juniper wood, rcr cord - 1 No, I - mi.i .....iVt uk, fyce 11,1 Kodrd of Director, Dlntrkt Crook Ciunty, Oregon. Centleinrn No. u, known ds the Hcml dlj -To h My. nreeon. Gentlemen: In the nutter of tile application of District recognition at ilitlrlct hfali ichool for The Iwundary Ijosnl, nf;r careful In veitlcatloti and pcrtonal Inff cctlou, luti (Welded that District No. 12 Is now tuaintalnfiiK district hich school equiva lent In efficiency to the county lilh school, and is therefore entitled to recognition. T,he application of District No. I J Is therefore Ranted. It. A. 1'obd, Secy, of Hoard. This means that tic money here tofore paid by the Bend district to support the county high school can now be expended in behalf of the Uend school, or the tax levy for school pjarpa? may be reduced with life consentient s'avinc" to the .taxpayer. However, l(. is prob iibletbat the money will be ex- jpejfded to support nod increase the i-iiii'icucy u iuc ixsu, jjiooi. in 1900 ucnu paiu inio uie county hiilh school fund the sum of ,$000 Land in (907, $500. which shows ?Uat there will be quite a saving to tlic uena aistrict. r- 1 . Guilty of Counterfeiting. I'astlng counterfeit money Is no tvorec than substituting some unknown worth less remedy for I'oley'a Honey and Tar, the great cough and cold remedy that cures the most obstinate coaclts and heals the Junes. C. M. Mkurill. Dnic- gJ't. Head The Ililllelin and be happy. t 4-oiT 5.00 These prices ' Incltitle dciilSry. Leave orders at Pilot Butte Inn, L. A. BrUNDENBliH.GH. When You Paint buildings, Inside or out side, if you desire the R very best results at, tp$ least;otfpcnsc you should use ffW'Tup :la: i She'rwin- Williams Phut - r S- Call for "colfr cards la! a: sather , Full Line of Groceries, Dry Qoods and Hardware always en Hand. Let The Bulletin do your job printing. Neat and up-to-the-minute in every detail. L SantaClaus Will Gome to Yof Hh ''ftrffH tZZf 1 I-Voit Btly- GHRiSTMAS GOODS " ' ' ' ' nn THtf Merrill tfrug Ctiuparrt In Postofflce BIdr;. . ' v. , Candies, Toys, Clocks, jewelry. Silverware, Cut Qx&, Books all kinds of- Holiday ccods ,.VTonjtbjrvg)fqxj Everyone ' Cdifae arid sec'- then you'll Jauy DRUGS', VALLPAPER, NOTIONS C.W.MERRILL . BEND, ORUQQN , IECOlD Pacific Horse Ltnlncnt Is prepared expressly for the needs ol horsemen and ranchmen. It U a powerful sod pene tralln liniment, a remedy for emergen, cleft. A soothing embrocation for the relief ol pain, unJ the best liniment for sprains and soreness. Unequaled for curing the wounds and InlarleS ol DARUCU WIKU and iv ficaUnjr cilts, abrasions, sores and brujse. (,1'aclilc llfirse Liniment Is fully tgftjuiUcd. No other Is so cnod or help(uTl'n so'riisny ways, li it fills to satisfy, c suthorlte all desert to refusd the purtlitse price, cit ta tonus rim ccm HRfcW''6 Co., J&Mfatu., .Al.V; ' jBBiJaKa ...rh Bvyiuu u -lHt i.iiit, Declared Uqulvalent In Gfflcloncy to tlio County lllfilt School. The Bend school district will hcrcnuer oc exempt irom paying auyta.ntu support of the county I high '.chool. This is assured by the (kclbtou of tc county boundary beard tiiat Bend "(a now maintain ing a district high school equiva lent in efficiency to the couuty high school,'' and under the Oregon school law ttat Will exempt the Bend district from paying the coun ty high schcol tax. As uoted iu Inst wcek,y. Bulletin, the county botindaty board, con sisting of County Judge Kills, County Commissioners Bayley and Rice, ntul County Pitperintcmleut Iord, visited the Hentl s'chools last Wednesday for the purpose of de termining as to their' efficiency. This was done In respond to a pe tition from the directors of the Bend schools asking fot exemption fronr tlic county litgu school tax oti the grounds thnt the Betidi district is -mmMmmmmmtmmlilmmiimxt " ' , 11 11 '" ' ' -...-. . , Our line excels, i carry everything you may wantiu the hardware line, including pa tits and oils, doors and windows, 'step ladders, lime and cement. Nowhere in Bend can you find so complete an assdrtment, and then you know? our prices arc fair. v , , , iy i . ifM, Children's Coasting Sleds and Express Wagons for Christniafi I al0 carry a lull line dftaple alnl I'aflqy v f. GKOdEfcJEST4 ' . ' Just what'yotrecd.fbr fhe dhriitrAai diunef. C. S.. Caldwell Head, Oregon ,'Thi C.ototPti Oi'Aa'rMC ....... Bankinm Triist Goiiipny fi -V' Bend, Oregon, , a 1 QAPITAL $25,000 FULLYjPAJft LiLL 3 and 4(pef dent. Interest paicl on Six Mon'tlfe wiji, Orte Year Time Deposits. X 6mJL fiANkiNd 'uusiNjj ?. , i'iVWVSi