The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 16, 1908, Image 4

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i tifU
fSMll li -I"
, "For every man n square deal, no
less anJ no more."
-V T
t : j w n uowr . . iMUTor
srnsortir new ua n.&
Outjrvar - ..........-...... $l.j
TUtn iaoa'.!U.4J-.-.-...-...-.. .......... 4
'tmerlaMr I" adrsncO
WEDNKSDAY, PKC. 16, igo3.
, "lirri. 'fT,
Sep In the RlRtit Dlntlqn,,
, ,i.rp ;?, d tfie ptmtit ,M
jartctJ tcr.jH?fKj;l.tiirtui;lioiitl thi-
section to iuiprovu the quality ot
stock by importing purebred sire
This is being done both by cattle
ncrfind horsemen, ntid, the result
s ccrtpjn to be beneficial to tin
toc'I Industry of Central, On Ron
s noted elsewhere 'si thjs issue,
armcrs in the vicinity of Laidlaw
Silver Luke and Kouanza have pur
chased imported stullions and J. II
Pray & Sous of Post have bought
r handsome young Hereford bull,
the tooS champion of the Pacific
This mean that the quality of
stock raised iu Central Oregon
bound to be improved, and i;radu
lly "bred up" to a high degrct-
f perfection. And that is as it
hould be. Central Orecon will al
ways be a great stock raising sec
on. The climate, the mild win
:rs and the range iu the national
orcsts are all factors tending to
ake stockraiing profitable here
..bouts. As irrigation brings iu an
tra of more intensified farming, lin
stock abd dairy industries arc ccr
tua to develop to a great extent in
the Bend country. The farmers
who are moving onto the irrigated
tracts hereabouts arc gradual
seeding fields to clover and alfalfa,
&ud the products of these fields will
n time be converted into butter
end milk, fatLccf and pork. One
of the most profitable industries in
sa irrigated country is the produc
t.on of dairy products and the rais-
eg of fat stock, and the farmer in
the Pescbutcs valley will sec his
opportunity in this line and grasp
And his opportunity will be a
areat one. The soil of the Bend
country will grow clover and al
falfxiu great abundance, .and no
covatrj can exceed this in the pro
uctiou of root crops. A Ucdmond
larmtr cays-he can produce better
pork, here by fecdiug alfalfa and
carrots than he could ia Ipwa by
..ceding corn. The dairy cow does
t-xccllcntly well on alfalfa supple
ncntcd with root crops, and the
attcning steer can likewise Lc
brought to a -high degree of per-
ectjon ou a diet of alfalfa supple
seated with a little grain. All of
these the Bend country cau pio
mce, and, as stated above, the
dairy and stock interests will be
very profitable ones indeed when
transportation is afforded the Bend
Hence, it is pleasing to iee that a
proper foundation for these indus
He already being laid in the
I"-rcl:aseof purt bred sires: The
aismg of pure bred horses is au
mportaut branch of the Block, in-
c ustry. What we need ,nxt is
nore and ber dairy cattle and
The "Game of Business."
So ingrained is the love of sport
ifplaing the game that most
-.jsinwss men who really amount to
jc'i ntorj-orate. itt their manage
rrnt of tLingt, certain elements of
contest and struggle.
To ' beat last year's record" is
tie hope of every hustling business
man to accomplish more to build
up to v. in to push the enterprise
rurtliy along toward the goal than
ever belure arc the motives that
jrnpel raeu to struggle, to scheme,
tp u up reserves of energy, c'jjuie, 6Uch quantities of milk os thp
coney of ideas.
Otlnng thejear to come soinej
husiuess houses in this city, ore go
ing to establisb1ycw record,, new
hih-watcr marks, ,ih volume, of
husiuess done, am), (n net, ,profts.
Others nre roJuk to lull belitn I the
emttl"F 19c S
t No uiitiliutit N yintiR to do more
business ttt HKXi thnti he did iu
1908 unless he docs pore aiid bet
ter advertising. That's nbt' Rucss
work; its tibt honseusc. ,,tt's mere
ly one of "thcriilea, of the game"
f of business attd you can't win nt
nay Ramc unless you play accord
ing to the rule. "
- --. t
IJairying on Business Basis
fThe'rUillctln rmriu'ls the follow inc
article frofn tlic Twin Fll (Ida.) Nens
for the raou tht therr u much gooti
rcadinc in it anil aNo because tilt Male
incuts made therein fi trul apnli
cqII; to lK Rend cnuhrf a to noUthcrit
Idaho. Iritmiu); is urstintil to become
a Ktcat industry in tins section, anil
tiencc the following article eolltaitis
much of interest.
The rapid rise iu land values and
the consequent reduction in the
farming unit, make it imperative
that a radical change take place iu
the present method of farming
The large areas where hay and
Krnln arc being raised must neces
sarily be cut down to smaller areas
and devoted to different systems of
tillage. It is entirely possible to
produce several times the value per
acre that our farms are now pro
ducing, thus providing homes for
many more people, eivuiir us a
greater population and wraith.
To do this we must study and
adapt ourselves to the changed con
dition of more intensive cultivation
of the soil. Southern Idaho is par
ticularly adapted to this because of
the wonderful productiveness of the
soil. This is especially true if the
growing of alfalta and dairying arc
made the prominent features.
Alfalfa has a wonderful power of
enriching the soil and is unsur
passed as a food for the dairy cow
on account of its high percentage of
piotein. Protein or nitrogenous
compound is the most costly ele
ment of foodstuff in the Eastern
and Middle' states, but wherever
alfalfa is grown, protein is the
cheapest and yet the most necessary
food constituent.
In order to give a clear concep
tion of the value of the alfalfa
plant, I submit the followim: anal
yais: too poui'ds of alfalfa hav
contains 11 pounds of protein, 39 (
carbo-hydrate, 1.2 fat. The best
authorities on feeding dairy ant
mats give, llie following ratio for a
balanced' ration: One pound protein
to fivCpoutidi of carbo-hydrate aud
four .pounds fit. ' A little figuring
will show frora the"- above analysis
that alfalfa contains an exqess of
protein. Experience hits proven
that the addition of sufficient oat
straw, wheat straw, .sugar beet
pulp, beet tops or roots, which are
so cheaply grown, or arc by-products
iu Idaho, will keep a dairy
animal in fine fleyh and a full flow
of milk.
Ureed of Dairy Cattle.
Of courre, under this head, the
dairvmen are divided iu opinion as
to the kind or breed of cattle that
are most profitable. Some prefer a
general or dual purpose cW, such
as the dairy strain or .Short Horn,
or the Ked Ppll and Brown Swiss,
while others prefer the special dairy
purpose animal such as the Jersey,
Guernsey, Holsteiu or Aryslure or
their grades.
The Dual Purpose Animal.
The dual purpose animal is kept
for the purpose of furnishing both
dairy products and beef, and often
times where special conditions exist
they are ery profitable. These
conditions art Adjacent to free
range ou the Lorder of some irri
gated tract, or where large areas or
buttes may arise iu the center of
some tract, where these cattle could
be grazed from the time grass be
gins in April until the 1st of July,
and then after the hay crop is har
vested, the animals cau w turned
into the meadow until the 1st of
January and sometimes Inter. This
would practically give a free range
for cattle a large portion of the
year, reducing the feeding or pas
turing to a minimum. The dual
purpose animal docs wt give, as a
dairy tp?, yet under the above
conditions with the production pf
'ui wm !. Attumm '
1 rati our irBmnt cuitomtr.
M Tllt
, r --ritlt I b ft. .
Write todyt Mtathn thhi Paper.
vvaaAHinnH " -
limit rM Hi"s4 fHisi UU?JVU I
. H. W. InUn, ,7W U'VXIMS!SL 1
milk and beef combined, they cau
be inadc very profitable.
Dairy Cattle.
The special purpose dairy cow for
nn irrigated farm tttulcr intensive
cultivation appeals to the nvcrngt'
small farmer because of the ease
with which she is mntingcd. and
the profit derived from htr. When
properly handled the profit often
exceeds the value of n cood steer in
butter fut alone every year, and be
tides this the additional income In tile
value of the cnif and the tklni or ncrur-
ateil milk which is iimm! for feeding hoys
ttiat arc ncccM.irii incident iu n nairy
I am fulls natisfieil from riinal cs
Pcricurcand outer aliou that ttle -ixrcml
jurpoe or tmo dairy etiw. is tlie licsl for
the intemhc farmer in the arid dittricts
of Idalto.
An acre of pasture comnoscd of inlxtd
entises will rasilv tvitnc two cows Mt
or tcxen tnoiiths of the, and hay
from one acre of uotul nlfalu. toj-etlirr
with some other cliffan farage would feed
the two cows for tire Ualauie of the cnr
Tims one caw eonld easily lie
to eacli Jcrc ol laiul devote I to unity
UulMInc Up the Dairy Herd.
Very few farmers are financially al !c
to purchase (Hire brtil dairy cattle at the
beginning, but it is admitted by all who
are familiar with the dairv Iiuxiicm that
the pure bred sire of the dairy type I at
wa)desiratjle. The best way t breed
up a dairv herd i first to actjuire tome
gooil urade cow as near the t)pc de
sireil ns possible, and n pure bred tire.
Tlrcu licein breeding tin the her I, Ltcp
ini; all the females for future use Soon
a high grade herd will be built up. and
it proper MTlcctluii ami care is cxcrcHcil
they will in a few j ears almost equal the
pure un.ii in iuiik protiuciion
Community Drecdlnj.
It is often the case that a farmer of
limited meant is not prepared to pur
A Christmas
While you arc tuaUug Christ
mas gifts, why not indlu oae
or two that will be of testing
worth and benefit? It only costs a
little now aud then to buy -a few
pieces of neat, hnudsoiye end use
ful furniture, and how muoh better
and how much mora' coinfortable
the home will be. And this in just
the time of the year to do it. Make
the wife a
of so'me useful piece of furniture
say, one of our handsome new din
ing tables', a rocking chair, a new
bed for the,, "cpafe room," or a
beautiful the for the parlor.
I have a lot of new furniture ou
baud, and have still more ou the
road on the way (n.
Millardf Triplett
The Furniture Mn
fiend, - Oregon
L" S
l.-'niM. n jtv.. iiMntafll-TiWri TTT 1 ,y. -
I ... ,
Ask your grocer for the
On every home table tiicrc may be served every day a plate ol pure,
healthful, delicious hot-biscuits by following the "CLEVELAND" Cook.
There is no economy in saving n few cents by using Alum Baking
Powders. TJic cheap, jlijm baking powders work urc injury to the hcrilth.
Enjoy the purest of home cooking by using
Made from
cIium: anil care t jr a pure l.reil dairy sire
This will leml into community brrrilinj;
which ha man) advantages, frmliltne
the community can agree on the special
breed that will suit them hest One of
Ihckc is that when n dairy
sircluu wv.l hisiivcftiliieM in one rom'
munlt he tail IwcxchaiiKril for one ill
another, without additional ctt,
thus cncouragiii)' the Imitdiui; up of the
dairy herd with the particular breed
agricd upon. Scruh sires, of eetl those
of pure hlixxl of other lirced, ahould le
dlMttruj;ed at all times
The llaheof k test and scales should lie
used frwjuciitls i that the dairv farmer
can luow tit all times uhethef each in
diiidunl i'oiv is profllahle or not. A con
that will hot produce somewhere near
KnJjMiUnilsof butter year )es!r, is not a
profllahle as she should he, mid if site
goes below I Jo twund tlie is not protit
able at all.
I-.icr dairyman should fct the stan
dard of butter production at at lwl y
poiiudi l-r Kar and work tu that end.
Auothtr uiUmitare. iu community
btrediiiK of n lnglt lre'ed is that If cor
all recess or sitrplds number of cows e
cur (Male In any ilittricl it utlrai'tViuy
crs Lecause they aii gtt n'VurltMul or
more of the pellicular breed iu that sec
tion and luc a large ihiiiiIrt to select
Success 1.1 dairy fanning will also de-
Bend-Shanikb Livery & Stage Company
W, P. Kclley, Agent, Shanlko
New Covered Stages between Bcrid and SnanikO
Livery and VcSli slnblcs al Shahiko, Madras and Ucnd.
Vfi rurvour rigs to please the public.
Sfngcp,Jeave each way every day.
Rigs to all parts of Qpptral Oregon. Careful drivers furnished
Special Attemton Gi.Ven to Express and Baggage.
Table always supplied with tho host that the town affords.
Neat and Comfortable Rooms. HitNi), OuiUiON
Massachusetts BHutiikl
hii& iHsUrance.fcompany
Nearly .TOO SATISFiqD Policyholders In Crool; County, '
30ny P. O. MINOK.'RraVdvnt Agent
3 or 5 lb. cans. Thoy hrtvo
A bandies ,yro usomi wiien ompiy.
VCkW ,
a Superior grade of Pure Cream of Tartar.
SOM) AND lil'AkANlhl.U US
Bend, Oregon
iHinl larelv it, 11 the man If he make.
Un tu'tuessaud sludli it, and folhins
the up-ttHlie ti.fiirmatloii and ptarlices
that can be learned ami put In tiractlre
I by ant itndi ( ordinary Inltlilgetice,
dairying, iu connection tilth u small
' firti;, till lie the most profitable and Mt tui) branch of farm labor In the arid
I district A Mcl'hersoii, iu Ttviti Cutis
1 Ncu.
I Township plati for sale at tint
office, two si7.c, 3's and 6 incite.
t(iiare v
.Tttmam mssii. ssilw.MMSSSJ.twtsssn
fj II VI' started nj for
business iu the Ihimi
lllscksiuilh Hhop, dud re
sjiectfullv solicit a share
of sour (MtrtuUgw SatlM
fm lion guantuleeil in
tlorscsliocIiiR and
General Repairing
W.H.HEWES Bend, Ore.
a hsss. ws wVLMmxa s
inrntn nnanmirmn tt Inmunl
v X.
-'-' 1 u
tho screw tops With motal
01 1'ICK CC IU.NK 111 1 1. () I Nil,
U. C. COE, M..D;
Physician and Surjceori
OVVlCli.OVt.Ti' tlA'KlC
ll iHliibt Celt pbinc Conutctlcn
Hlt.S'H, -. UltlUION
First National Bank
of Princvillu. I u ;
Cnplt.1l, Surplliu nuil Undivided
Profits, 5I(KMKX).()0
II l SlkM '
Will ttuuiuilh
t'fCSI It
,n iIUh1
at.itisui (.sOiki
T l HaMwI-i
l liaMioin
A. li. PI'Tl'KSUN,
Autelupe, Ore.
I'rxK.usau.l Smll'ruiiiit Slumt
Sri and Unfit) of all k in 1s made to
winn iiii ii-i iiri.ii. w uit urn ciasa
nud Kuaiatitictl.
Ias, oi.l.i. v,i, i. ),., Kui,r HiiIUIim
bflllc Ikk.l .4-Mill .llltvlt..!. f s Alll(lM
s (lorse Shooing 1dd
1 Ocncral Btacksniii.iiug;
Plrst Class WorkfJfiarantccd,
I.oeatid in Itm old Sticltlnn alinn. ..
. . . 0
' ( ,
aodp BODY- I
$4.60 Per Cord
I.eavi' ur It rn lit or phnne
to the 1'Ii.qt lltrrit IK.V. ,
,- R. Q. B0WSERr, J